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the full and empty skybrigo balgownie 1 brig o
lights flash by on waterbrigo balgownie 2 sheela na
the aperitif that is thebrigo balgownie a poem to
sky brig o balgownie 1brigo balgownie stoot s thy
teir on fifteen denier nylonsbrigo balgownie the bridge is
prophecy applied specifically to himselfbrigo balgownie wight is thy
loud voss its ower thebrigti aiberdour he yowtit out
nicht cheptir thrie ower thebrigti aiberdour naither john na
whitwey ti gang ower thebrigti aiberdour sayed the twenes
fowk say its ower thebrigti aiberdour shae spak inti
widden laig its ower thebrigti aiberdour the twenes aince
the gait for the duxbrigweill flesher zheng hed a
gaed straucht ti da duxbrigyon same day an a
butcher mait ablow the duxbrigyonder wast mairch crusher is
the brig stauns siccar thebrigstauns siccar a sang o
the brig stauns siccar thebrigstauns siccar the brig stauns
the bonnie sahnon sweem thebrigstauns siccar the brig stauns
jyne wi culture brig taebrigbraille land in the world
culture maun jyne wi culturebrigtae brig braille land in
yin cuid sei the fitbrigatourt the borthw ick whilk
waitter thair aince wur aebrigowre the borth ick waitter
fornenst thaim authort the fitbrigowre the borth ick waitter
ick waitter an tho thebrigwisna thar whan a wis
tae gan owre mertin sbrigtae jyne the hawick til
i the steidin anenst thebrigat raxes owre tae todshawhauch
yon waitterfa anenst the roadbrigowre the camp burn better
sheep dipper anenst the eilrigbrigwis ae pairtie affair atweesh
mind the stanes oan thebrigberna krista still loose they
berna auntie berna mind thebrigside s stanes ur loose
wheesht lori s bi thebrigberna kep awbody agin each
tess tak lori ower thebriglay ur doon oan the
robby an lori ower thebrigsilence della mibi zeb s
spang o the forth railbrigan mak amaist ane eyland
reglar ower the forth railbrigthe wes a fawmous auld
frae embro ti the forthbrigwhan we raxed dalmenie the
keep baithe feet off thebrighurry hurry robby aw aw
an owre the snoot fitbrigan than alang the road
ee gan owre the maisleebrigfrae the haugh ma airliest
take mak fur mertin sbrigowre the waiter o ti
forrit an owre the elrigbrigtwartis the waiter heid ee
ur a hand ower thebrigsilence krista let the auld
v break bricht a brightbrign bridge brither n brother
v break bricht a brightbrign bridge brocht v brought
the burn win ower thebrigan aw at aince asyde
kent is the booglie burnbrigir the avidence o ae
the scandinavians vikings at thebrigo dee they ll burn
the scandinavians vikings at thebrigo dee they ll burn
train like a wee whitebrigstaunin humfy ower a burn
della aw water under thebrigkrista aye bit ah kin
gaen doun ower the auldbrigan back up the faur
john cam ower the drawbrigan telt the gairds at
speiritit thaim awaw ower thebrigfurby thai tuik aw the
ingly penned ower the auldbrighaddington sit yersel doon tam
i gyang ower the clunybrigi ll dauchle bi the
till we wan ower thebrigo dee an near ran
line sepia angels biggen abrigower cloudy drifts against a
as far awa as ebrigower e ythan james hunter
coals in a fine weebrigower the rikk an the
at up hauddit the roddbrigower the wattir an whummilt
liftit the rails ower thebrigsauled aff wi ivverie boit
the transport cam ower thebrigthan ti bete the stoiff
bekkit thaim ower the norbrigti the tron eftir the
hallans thai birled ower thebrigwi a brattil an a
the wattir doun til thebrigbut up the brae it
wattir nearhaund the shakkin timmerbrigthat s whaur the littil
the face of the bankbrigbridge broad scythe sharpening board
the herbalists at the gowdsylebrigdeacon dong tuik the ae
tae stop them at thebrigit tuik a wee while
hilldown tree mill at thebrigo dee for two years
clarty fin he crossed thebrigo dee sign the covenant
luik at the gryte ernbrigat hed sic pissant owerance
at the en o thebrigjohn hed hecht hiz guidwyfe
the railwey lings at thebrigen wes cawin ajie an
s still alive near speanbrigcaur rummle kemps wi rowtin
i wis near the philorthbrigfin i saa e dirty
at the auld warlock sbrignear haun tae a greek
auld crone drop fi thebrigbreck hur neck thurs room
starting awa at the auldbrigend a stood for a
fine when shi saw thebrigsaw the hills saw the
abuin the harden road endbrigwhan aa o ae suddent
the mornin by the roadbrigjuist abune the tidal puil
reinge aboot nickerin bi thebrigthe war shuirlie a houss
an ah mynd a dreichbriga haed aye ti cross
tweestin pad by the stanebrigthat led ti rattlesnake lodge
socht ti raid acoss thebrigthe naitiouns roun the nor
but nou athort the kinkinbrigti the tea hoose on
wis anlie ane either siclykebrigi the waittergate at a
an whyles we pent thebriga thocht it aw luikit
mirren wes walcummed up thebrigontil the glissin blak buccar
bot we cuid sei thebrigwes yit hale an the
an we met at thebrigi fell doon caal deid
as boys about the oldbrigend we had our sport
hauf a mile frae thebrighoc est enim os de
breech the portals o thebrigblue kingfisher flees faist his
in e middle o ebrigflat on eez back simmery
gey lick ere wis abrigjist in front o s
o the 19th century thebrigwis made in the denburn
namelie dramshop ablow the stewartriebrigat belangs the fella cried
hoose faced strecht on taebrigstreet an at this time
s faither stude like abrigon the park aneth wi
wauk ma lane alang thebrigatween twa warlds the nearer
ivverie ei tammas corssed thebrigcum on ma wie man
we wur approachin the allanderbriga robin reliant roondit the
this is with the adjacentbrigand kirk a worthwhile additional
herbshop in about the gowdsylebrigsae he screivit a letter
s wife was to clatterinbrigthe activities of the group
of course there was naebrigbut they would come across

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