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used and er mucker andbuddyare probably imports from elsewhere
mate uh huh f1024: yourbuddyyour mucker f1025: mm f1024:
buddy they say f1054: okaybuddybuddy s a good one
a wee bit f1144: yourbuddyis that your buddy they
they say f1054: okay buddybuddys a good one f1144:
your buddy is that yourbuddythey say f1054: okay buddy
an they were sayin palbuddychum mate they had loads
f1006: pal m1004: chum chumbuddyf1054: that s quite a
for mate and pal orbuddyaye m1021: pal as well
ilky een intill a differentbuddyabout the turn of the
fin e time cam abuddywid stan ilky een ahin
hear e bizzin bit abuddydisna bide lang amon sic
e black thing again abuddydisna like fit ey dinna
tae bein immortal as abuddycan get bit ye cd
a learnet kinna lad abuddyye cd spik till aathing
eh a skiver is abuddyehm f1001: mmhm m1000: uh
m1000: spoke to a abuddyquite recently an sh- she
t know oppo is onebuddyer i mean a woman
environment for students promote abuddyscheme for final year business
wid be mair n abuddyc d thole ere s
wis enyeuch tae blaik abuddyan i cwidna jist let
gweed aboot baith an abuddymn jist mak e best
the sick jist e kinnobuddyye nott in e days
o the daith o sbuddyo early days george barron
every day ach the peerbuddyll be crying oot for

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