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the wirds in the halybuikthat he wis sae fond
the pages o the halybuikthis mornin her bedroom windae
the pages o the halybuikwi the tither the lamps
was gie auldfanglt whan thebuiko ruth cam tae be
in our auld testament thebuiko ruth comes efter judges
and in grewe hagiographa thebuiko ruth is ane o
prophets and the writings thebuiko ruth is fun amang
dooming o the scriever thebuiko ruth isna aboot flytin
gregians wha foundit on thebuiko ruth itsel whilk pits
howp this translation o thebuiko ruth sall be acceptit
aiblins the scriever o thebuiko ruth was a saunt
frae hebrew intae grewe thebuiko ruth wasna scrievit in
tae till the warlock sbuikback tae the library neist
frae yon warlock s auldbuikscreived langsyne bi his ain
the warlock frae the haliebuikthis is bone of my
heid s in a schulebuiksook sook swot the pack
i ve bin readin abuikscreived bi the first sgian
readin this author s neistbuikwull she stert tae scrieve
wi wirds meg opened thebuikat genesis chapter three verse
spikk the wirds frae thebuikwi me at the vernal
the library tae borra ilkiebuiki cud sniff oot aboot
wheelcheer like a gweed librarybuiksome wikkeyn jist him an
life i connached a librarybuikwi ma wee nail shears
fite powe the ill vrochtbuikwis back on the library
the javans jaloused in thebuiko the deid they fand
wingit littlins an in abuikthey fand an eemage o
syne fand a muckle auldbuikthey thocht it statit fack
an can answer speirins anbuiktickets tae see the pairlament
speirins on the pairlament anbuikye tickets for the debatin
the central characters lives thebuikdepicts the story o a
narrator introducing us tae thebuiks characters an settins fir
researchin an scrievin this mucklebuiko 835 pages is scrievit
the aire pairt o thebuikas twa wie puds bot
pairt o ma ain weirdbuikat wauffit out inti the
cud read fowk like abuikan play on them like
wunnert whit wid printin abuikdae fir ye afore lang
thir situations is read abuikabout stalkin a deer shootin
aw ages feature in thebuikan thir stories are telt
willie rodger s intae thebuikis a fine norrie lendin
bocht goods intae the creditbuikmargaret ahint scrievin it in
life follaed the lord sbuikminnie luikit intae his face
an psychological maitters intae thebuiks fabric an we re
bishop read frae a mukkilbuikan syne thay gied ilkane
wes wrutten in that mukkilbuikthirlman ah dinna mynd mukkil
the fire an read abuika wee romance tae while
muntin fur the flat abuiko scots poetry read me
hid read langsyne in abuikthat the mirled magpie wisna
issues gan oan throu thebuikthat is the quest for
she hopes as throu thisbuikye thoum tae its reasoned
syne i sat afore yonbuikan winnert fit wye i
the wiser syne we llbuikye intil the transplant ward
wi thon deskreived i thebuikdid ye endyte it aw
a lie nor the guidbuikitsell forby aw thon a
hoosaeiver she pit doon herbuikthrawn like an telt the
wis entered inno the logbuikanither statistic o an ill
florence wad takk doon abuikfrae the dizzens that lined
the antrin leaf frae hisbuiko local lear wis a
a bit keek frae thebuikshe d sterted reading the
glaury glysterie gomeril afore thebuikcam an the buckled skweelbag
kin cam tae sign thebuikunnoticed by tourists puzzled by
mackenzie wis doverin ower herbuikher glaisses slidin doon tae
broos an pit doon hisbuikminnie kent she d gaen
nod inno sleep an openbuikon her lap slidin doon
spells doon in an auldbuikthat they hae in the
it bi endytin a dyetbuikan dernin it awaw whaur
it wis easy kent fitbuikwis maist favoured in da
the humour o a picturbuika chiel upon a camel
a reprint o this finebuika m shair hunners o
o the curse the guidbuikfell open at the fifteenth
dune the batter o thebuikfor me ma guidwife lorna
the canots du maitre thebuikis a wunnerful portrait o
plot the plot o ilkabuikis awmaist identical i john
ms the wonner o thisbuikis that it was translatit
at the core o thisbuikneil an kirsty hae baith
cums it he wrate abuiko five thousan wurds from
it is screevit in thebuiko jeremiah xxxii 8 that
cut aff an sae thebuiko kennin fair presentit wi
stag an in ireland abuiko poems aboot a swan
regions o north america thebuikopens in the year 1812
the owergaein she stappit hisbuikroom wi the cream o
wide rynge o themes thebuiks peoplt by sisters granparents
the hinner end o thebuikwi aw the macnabs in
study [inaudible] fowk gate wordbuikword form you ll get
petticoats bumshayvelt heid tae founbuikbuit an pan the hale
a brown brukken v brokenbuikn book bullik n bullock
neb wis niver ooto abuiklost nae time in tellin
maun add up in hisbuikthere wis nae scowth fur
ticht bra straps in aebuikwis a wee pictur och
that taen up wi mabuikah forget ti gang til
stairs wi the great blaikbuikwi its gowd edged leaves
tae luik at matty sbuikwi the bonnie picturs it
wiss ti coff ma nyowbuikat s bene prentit its
written the introduction tae thebuika dedication to lyn hansen
her hair faain ower thebuikas she booed forrit tae
honest exchange late i thebuikit s pyntit out tae
hae been prentit and thisbuikcan be coft the day
moosies kate murdoch cairriet abuikan a caunle in the
the male character in thebuikdisnae come oot weel an
richt abeen the veesitor sbuiklichts are fused an carpet
a spell an a magicbuikmebbe gavin macinnes ll sikk
glaumerie whyles spierin at hisbuikwhyles noddin an mummil mummlin
by in the faimly scrapbuikhis bairns tuik up the
easter ross this mair raicentbuikthe crimson petal and the
douglas proloug of the firstbuikof eneados besyde latyne our
the buddhist centre noo thebuikskillfully moves aroon in the
ingredients quha the samin nychtbuikthe meill in bannokis and

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