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landit up forkin ontill ecairtere wis a wye o
tae bennachie forkin ontil ecairtor ontil e rucks in
stauns a wee braiss bullockcairtgien tae ma family fin
oor bi elephant or bullockcairthurl nae bother ava efter
as curious as the bullockcairtitsel in her ain wirds
as ye sit in ecairtbit naa naa it s
burgh dykes ti fee acairtan neist he gaed back
burgh dykes ti seek thecairthe d fee d yestreen
anes in hiz shelt ancairti the drames o the
harnessed the shelt tae thecairtpit on the shelvin an
strathbogie college fin the dairycairtcam back wi teem clean
tail eyn o the dairycairtfin she d brocht oot
hersel abeen the dairy ancairtshed at the eyn o
an fit wi biggin ecairtan chasin a rat fin
loaded the pyock ontae thecairtan awa she gaed straicht
dandy the orra loon taecairtcinders oot ontae the road
hyowin there was a timmercairtshed an a widden hen
o e laft abeen ecairtshed an of coorse there
it in anaith wis ecairtshed so that ye could
old man cairriage n carriagecairtn cart caller a fresh
faurer awa ridin the draigoncairtay wi dunnerin wheels ramstam
is happit wi whyte naecairtwheels haes fylt it yit
doot i m pittin ecairtafore e horse again as
ti tak a horse ancairtan gang at aince ti
an war steerin aboot thecairtan the flailin horse like
an leading e horse ancairthame wi willie flappit on
harness e horse intill ecairti plumpit e bag intill
e chance o brakkin acairtor foonerin e horse atween
wi the butter an eggcairtthe horse drawn grocer s
road wi a horse ancairtthey d a job winnin
fairmer at cam wi eezcairttae dee e teemin an
got it on till ecairtalang wi e aal hey
een fell upon an aalcairtin the miller s yaird
midsimmer fan the sizzen scairtturns easy on its wheel
o e inside o acairtwheel syne ye vrocht it
the road sae the milkcairtcud fecht its wye throw
an drawn the butcher scairtrowed him roan tae ilkie
ir born ah stap macairtan luik oot ower the
while twa big gairdian angelscairthis bags an luik aroun
an juist tae free acairtor twae they ll hae
pianie tied onno the milkcairtan pued hame bi princie
made sure that the milkcairtwis loadit wi full cans
an learn tae pu thecairtfin alec tells ye the
been coupit oot o ecairtand all around on the
fae e coast the fishcairtor the fishwife wid come
e snaa eence a gweedcairttrack noo it wis aa
lindsay s cattle float wadcairtus aff tae mony a
fit an doon yon auldcairtroad ahint on the maislee
thar s ane auncient auldcairtroad frae howpasley via the
the early 1900s the fishcairtwid whiles come roon till
twisted roon her neck thecairtwis cowped in a gairden
tae aye bide on hiscairtan a ve seen um
had fower in a springcairta square box wi a
us richt a fund acairtan a wis set for
sticks wi the cuddy ancairtfur a fairm on the
enyeuch tae back in acairtan a second up an
a bsc brush shovel ancairtfur aw tae see when
i heize him up ancairthim ben tae s touslt
a month o setterdays taecairtthem ower the lea ye
cooper frae northies liftit acairtchyne an clattered it doon
be its the bruce scairta wummin was sayin an
atweesh the sides o thecairton his kneis gangin throwe
the dowp o the creakincairtthat duntit ahin great tibby

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