See this word as a collocate cloud
caravan aye eh f643: two | caravans | he took off the drawbars |
on which many of the | caravans | are sited once supported nissen |
once looked down on desert | caravans | arriving from timbuctu to trade |
they were two square end | caravans | like that f643: two caravans |
f643: aye two caravans two | caravans | m642: he d a good |
caravans like that f643: two | caravans | m642: shoved together m608: aye |
the prefab f643: aye two | caravans | two caravans m642: he d |
line of chalets and static | caravans | in innermessan caravan park marks |
is converted into fire engines | caravans | space rockets swimming pools dry |
bolted his they bolted his | caravans | like that ken they were |
and lived in the actual | caravans | m608: aye m642: so he |
he bought his big long | caravans | f643: aye m642: and he |
way [inaudible] f1122: why f1121: | caravans | f1122: no mum we haven |
down that way see the | caravans | f1122: i i can see |