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highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
irene cunninghame south lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
irene cunninghame south lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
irene cunninghame south lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab radcliffe nora
highlands and islands lab peattiecathyfalkirk east lab robson euan
by elaine smith fergus ewingcathyjamieson cathy peattie fiona mcleod
we had in the pastcathyjamieson cathy peattie has been
elaine smith dr sylvia jacksoncathyjamieson cathy peattie mr adam
tricia marwick dr sylvia jacksoncathyjamieson cathy peattie mr adam
ewing scott barrie marilyn livingstonecathyjamieson cathy peattie rhoda grant
gallie mary scanlon rhoda grantcathyjamieson cathy peattie richard lochhead
michael russell ms sandra whitecathyjamieson cathy peattie richard lochhead
godman cathie craigie patricia fergusoncathyjamieson cathy peattie robin harper
simpson cathy peattie s1m 1041cathyjamieson forgotten children campaign that
macmillan karen whitefield scott barriecathyjamieson hugh henry cathy peattie
cathy peattie mrs kay ullrichcathyjamieson irene oldfather cathie craigie
smith robin harper s1m 2401cathypeattie 15th anniversaries of greentrax
the subject of s1m 1478cathypeattie 2001 un year of
ais gu beachdan a nochdcathypeattie a nochd i a
heard at some length fromcathypeattie about the cultural aspects
to employ more disabled peoplecathypeattie absolutely mr paterson how
grace elder dr sylvia jacksoncathypeattie alex neil mrs margaret
barrie cathy jamieson hugh henrycathypeattie allan wilson trish godman
many of the women herecathypeattie and others will i
maclean convener mr michael mcmahoncathypeattie apologies gil paterson tommy
ensure that something gets donecathypeattie as an msp most
the question that i thinkcathypeattie asked is there a
to get it all rightcathypeattie at any time did
sandra white dr richard simpsoncathypeattie ben wallace s1m 978
scotland supported by linda fabianicathypeattie bill aitken alex neil
making a difference throughout scotlandcathypeattie can the first minister
1 may 2003 s1m 3845cathypeattie contracting out of parliament
send scripts to for markingcathypeattie could you not have
trish godman mrs mary mulligancathypeattie dennis canavan mr duncan
irene mcgugan mr brian monteithcathypeattie depute convener 7 michael
irene mcgugan mr brian monteithcathypeattie deputy convener 7 michael
irene mcgugan mr brian monteithcathypeattie deputy convener michael russell
2001 present karen gillon convenercathypeattie deputy convenor ian jenkins
of it those members includecathypeattie des mcnulty robert brown
that excellent piece of workcathypeattie does work have to
dennis canavan dr winnie ewingcathypeattie donald gorrie iain smith
fergus ewing mr kenny macaskillcathypeattie donald gorrie mr lloyd
mcneill elaine smith rhoda grantcathypeattie euan robson mr mike
ms pauline mcneill des mcnultycathypeattie euan robson mr mike
mr andrew welsh angus snpcathypeattie falkirk east lab 11
stevenson banff and buchan snpcathypeattie falkirk east lab alex
great deal more 10 48cathypeattie falkirk east lab as
am happy to do thatcathypeattie falkirk east lab as
gillon clydesdale lab deputy convenercathypeattie falkirk east lab committee
mulligan linlithgow lab deputy convenercathypeattie falkirk east lab committee
gil paterson central scotland snpcathypeattie falkirk east lab elaine
in this parliament 15 46cathypeattie falkirk east lab i
clients will suffer 16 24cathypeattie falkirk east lab i
at the school in questioncathypeattie falkirk east lab i
in a nation 18 07cathypeattie falkirk east lab i
get everyone in 16 21cathypeattie falkirk east lab if
the principles of higher stillcathypeattie falkirk east lab let
mcgugan north east scotland snpcathypeattie falkirk east lab mr
johnstone north east scotland concathypeattie falkirk east lab mr
mid scotland and fife concathypeattie falkirk east lab mr
dr elaine murray dumfries labcathypeattie falkirk east lab mr
will take that on boardcathypeattie falkirk east lab one
opportunity to express their disagreementcathypeattie falkirk east lab richard
a calendar not a timetablecathypeattie falkirk east lab the
ewing highlands and islands snpcathypeattie falkirk east lab the
been withdrawn mccrone agreement 3cathypeattie falkirk east lab to
gil paterson central scotland snpcathypeattie falkirk east lab tommy
nicholson john corbett marina dossenacathypeattie fiona campbell meenits o
mr lloyd quinan fiona mcleodcathypeattie fiona hyslop brian adam
ingram lord james douglas hamiltoncathypeattie fiona hyslop linda fabiani
smith fergus ewing cathy jamiesoncathypeattie fiona mcleod malcolm chisholm
come out of the debatecathypeattie gave a first class
toirt dha n chànain thogcathypeattie grunn phuingean mu dheidhinn
in the past cathy jamiesoncathypeattie has been closely involved
school facilities are being plannedcathypeattie how do we ensure
connected approach that is keycathypeattie how do you ensure
support of the conveners groupcathypeattie i agree with mike
for the blind in scotlandcathypeattie i am interested in
to foresee that particular problemcathypeattie i am not suggesting
that there are in scotlandcathypeattie i appreciate irene mcgugan
after all they know bestcathypeattie i ask bill aitken
beating them with a stickcathypeattie i do not care
think that i could followcathypeattie i have no cake
mrs mary mulligan elaine smithcathypeattie ian jenkins malcolm chisholm
i have received apologies fromcathypeattie interests the convener i
mr adam ingram linda fabianicathypeattie irene mcgugan fiona mcleod
agreed remits for members reportscathypeattie is to report on
attention rather than its contentcathypeattie it will be a
stone helen eadie irene oldfathercathypeattie johann lamont karen whitefield
sheridan nora radcliffe gil patersoncathypeattie john mcallion donald gorrie
mr brian monteith nick johnstoncathypeattie kate maclean mr john
winnie ewing mr kenneth macintoshcathypeattie kay ullrich fiona hyslop
harper margaret jamieson pauline mcneillcathypeattie kay ullrich tommy sheridan
lamont linda fabiani karen whitefieldcathypeattie keith raffan and murdo
liberal democrat alex johnstone conservativecathypeattie labour eleanor scott scottish
jamieson marilyn livingstone rhoda grantcathypeattie linda fabiani dennis canavan
matheson robert brown margaret jamiesoncathypeattie maureen macmillan mr jamie
simpson david mundell margaret jamiesoncathypeattie maureen macmillan s1m 1117
typically involves overcoming staffing barrierscathypeattie mentioned access barriers if
brian fitzpatrick dr sylvia jacksoncathypeattie michael russell rhoda grant
mcintosh john scott dennis canavancathypeattie mr adam ingram karen
dr sylvia jackson cathy jamiesoncathypeattie mr adam ingram mr
dr sylvia jackson cathy jamiesoncathypeattie mr adam ingram tricia
mr gil paterson colin campbellcathypeattie mr frank mcaveety mike
mr brian monteith margaret jamiesoncathypeattie mr gil paterson alex
mr gil paterson nicola sturgeoncathypeattie mr jamie mcgrigor fiona
fiona mcleod ms pauline mcneillcathypeattie mr jamie stone mr
mcgugan donald gorrie michael russellcathypeattie mr john mcallion linda
mr jamie stone rhoda grantcathypeattie mr john mcallion tommy
mr jamie stone alex neilcathypeattie mr kenneth gibson mr
tommy sheridan dr richard simpsoncathypeattie mr kenneth gibson s1m
tommy sheridan ms margo macdonaldcathypeattie mr kenneth gibson s1m
michael matheson ms fiona mcleodcathypeattie mr lloyd quinan donald
matheson fiona mcleod bruce crawfordcathypeattie mr lloyd quinan mr
lodged on 25 february 2000cathypeattie mr michael mcmahon bristow
simpson robert brown margaret jamiesoncathypeattie mrs kay ullrich cathy
fergusson rhoda grant irene mcgugancathypeattie mrs nora radcliffe mr
hendry liz niven janet paisleycathypeattie msp paul scott gavin
i hope in music bycathypeattie msp there may yet
saiconted bi eleanor scott mspcathypeattie msp wis elected tae
parents go round in circlescathypeattie my background is in
being mirrored throughout the countrycathypeattie my point is on
russell mike watson trish godmancathypeattie nick johnston richard lochhead
for building confidence 11 45cathypeattie one of this year
all his talents is nocathypeattie or sheena wellington mrs
eadie malcolm chisholm john mcallioncathypeattie paul martin allan wilson
brown donald gorrie fergus ewingcathypeattie phil gallie mr adam
ewing alex fergusson euan robsoncathypeattie phil gallie mr adam
mr kenneth gibson robert browncathypeattie phil gallie mr adam
neil margaret jamieson robert browncathypeattie phil gallie mr kenneth
been giving the gaelic languagecathypeattie raised several points michael
barrie marilyn livingstone cathy jamiesoncathypeattie rhoda grant maureen macmillan
rumbles irene mcgugan alex fergussoncathypeattie rhoda grant nora radcliffe
scanlon rhoda grant cathy jamiesoncathypeattie richard lochhead alex neil
elder fiona mcleod michael russellcathypeattie richard lochhead mr adam
ms sandra white cathy jamiesoncathypeattie richard lochhead mr adam
which only aggravates the problemcathypeattie rightly referred to the
craigie patricia ferguson cathy jamiesoncathypeattie robin harper mike watson
more for the language regardingcathypeattie s points on what
standard of outdoor education tocathypeattie s remarks on funding
tommy sheridan dr richard simpsoncathypeattie s1m 1039 brian adam
tommy sheridan dr richard simpsoncathypeattie s1m 1041 cathy jamieson
mr kenneth gibson tommy sheridancathypeattie s1m 1074 mr brian
mrs mary mulligan elaine smithcathypeattie s1m 1152 ending eu
robert brown dr winnie ewingcathypeattie s1m 1789 lord abernethy
hugh henry ms margo macdonaldcathypeattie s1m 902 robin harper
trish godman dr richard simpsoncathypeattie s1m 998 dr elaine
i follow on from whatcathypeattie said i agree with
made some important points ascathypeattie said in a strong
highlands and islands snp ascathypeattie said language is a
they speak standard english ascathypeattie said we must ensure
of the land i heardcathypeattie saying that someone at
schools to take another yearcathypeattie so when you took
that issue in more detailcathypeattie talked about groups having
mentioned social inclusion partnerships andcathypeattie talked about the need
needs further investigation 11 00cathypeattie teachers that i have
not clear who takes responsibilitycathypeattie that was my point
work in a certain environmentcathypeattie the madrid declaration recommends
how we can address itcathypeattie the madrid declaration recommends
as we would have likedcathypeattie the sqa staff have
small and medium sized enterprisescathypeattie there has been quite
the service s1f 1932 4cathypeattie to ask the first
arbuthnott formula s1o 6353 15cathypeattie to ask the scottish
the consultation responses s1w 34878cathypeattie to ask the scottish
national cultural strategy s1w 34879cathypeattie to ask the scottish
league football clubs s1w 34880cathypeattie to ask the scottish
members be appointed to committeescathypeattie to replace frank mcaveety
members be appointed to committeescathypeattie to replace frank mcaveety
the standing orders and allowcathypeattie to sing fergus ewing
use the service supported bycathypeattie tommy sheridan trish godman
mr lloyd quinan fiona mcleodcathypeattie tricia marwick s1m 916
mary mulligan mr duncan mcneilcathypeattie trish godman mr kenneth
sheridan rhoda grant scott barriecathypeattie trish godman s1m 1788
to 26 september 2002 7cathypeattie was deputy convener until
the marking issues margaret nicolcathypeattie will know that as
grade appeal data are availablecathypeattie will that strategy help
tae 26 september 2002 7cathypeattie wis depute convener tae
already into a firefighting situationcathypeattie yes but planning and
that perhaps through health departmentscathypeattie you are talking about
matters such as course contentcathypeattie you say rightly in
many markers took that upcathypeattie you talk about the
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
dr sylvia stirling lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
gordon glasgow govan lab jamiesoncathycarrick cumnock and doon valley
and their language 17 30cathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
supporting the motion 17 35cathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
dr sylvia jackson stirling labcathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
ms sandra white glasgow snpcathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
falkirk east lab committee memberscathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
mundell south of scotland concathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
hugh henry paisley south labcathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
the matter to a closecathyjamieson carrick cumnock and doon
carrick cumnock and doon valleycathyjamieson i want to give
social history in our countrycathyjamieson absolutely i agree to
and how recruitment is progressingcathyjamieson again i am happy
it a wee rest doescathyjamieson agree that financial partnership
ewing alex fergusson rhoda grantcathyjamieson alex johnstone convener george
30 march 2000 helen eadiecathyjamieson alex neil maureen macmillan
lodged on 23 march 2000cathyjamieson alex neil maureen macmillan
its situation for itself indeedcathyjamieson and i were very
30864 and s1w 30870 bycathyjamieson and mr andy kerr
33093 and s1w 32973 bycathyjamieson and mr jim wallace
lodged on 25 june 1999cathyjamieson andrew wilson donald gorrie
stone alex neil s1m 304cathyjamieson asylum and immigration act
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson at the bratislava conference
marwick tommy sheridan s1m 1042cathyjamieson breast feeding and returning
and benefit pupils and employerscathyjamieson brian monteith said that
dr elaine murray donald gorriecathyjamieson business bulletin 64 2000
russell rhoda grant alex neilcathyjamieson cathie craigie fiona mcleod
david davidson mr george reidcathyjamieson colin campbell dennis canavan
hugh henry convener david mundellcathyjamieson deputy convener irene oldfather
elder irene oldfather michael russellcathyjamieson donald gorrie andrew wilson
mr adam ingram tommy sheridancathyjamieson donald gorrie fergus ewing
dr winnie ewing colin campbellcathyjamieson donald gorrie mr lloyd
amendment regulations 2000 s1m 742cathyjamieson doon valley heritage centre
mr michael mcmahon karen whitefieldcathyjamieson dorothy grace elder andrew
duncan mcneil dr elaine murraycathyjamieson dorothy grace elder robert
mr mike rumbles brian adamcathyjamieson dr elaine murray richard
mcallion marilyn livingstone johann lamontcathyjamieson dr richard simpson bristow
white fiona mcleod pauline mcneillcathyjamieson dr richard simpson euan
specially adapted minibus s1m 2894cathyjamieson education disability strategies and
neil richard lochhead s1m 366cathyjamieson equality of opportunity for
alasdair morgan dr winnie ewingcathyjamieson fiona hyslop donald gorrie
sheridan trish godman margaret jamiesoncathyjamieson fiona hyslop nora radcliffe
curran scott barrie tommy sheridancathyjamieson fiona mcleod s1m 377
hamilton bruce crawford irene mcgugancathyjamieson fiona mcleod s1m 386
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1040cathyjamieson food safety that the
scott barrie dr elaine murraycathyjamieson helen eadie hugh henry
the subject of s1m 1389cathyjamieson home and community safety
a hash symbol s1m 1444cathyjamieson homelessness and access to
caused to prospective adoptive parentscathyjamieson i am aware from
the needs of the childcathyjamieson i am aware of
in promoting europe in scotlandcathyjamieson i am delighted to
at which teachers cannot copecathyjamieson i am happy to
margaret thatcher 20 years agocathyjamieson i am happy to
a difference in the classroomcathyjamieson i am happy to
for scotland along those linescathyjamieson i am interested to
be taken before may 2003cathyjamieson i am pleased to
us i take issue withcathyjamieson i am sure that
affects children and their familiescathyjamieson i am well aware
cathy jamieson take an interventioncathyjamieson i certainly will i
it is a byzantine systemcathyjamieson i had a note
how much that would costcathyjamieson i refer the member
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson i should have realised
that they can access educationcathyjamieson i take on board
minister f606: [audience laugh] m954: ehmcathyjamieson i think it must
contributing to the ayrshire economycathyjamieson i very much agree
the process of appointing rapporteurscathyjamieson i was beginning to
and safety for the pupilscathyjamieson i will reassure iain
opportunity of a better homecathyjamieson i would certainly like
should not have been waivedcathyjamieson i would like to
mean is not made worsecathyjamieson in responding to those
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson in response to the
what burns was like butcathyjamieson is right immediately i
is a very sensible suggestioncathyjamieson it is far too
supported by dr sylvia jacksoncathyjamieson janis hughes margaret jamieson
robert brown mr kenny macaskillcathyjamieson johann lamont malcolm chisholm
mr michael mcmahon elaine smithcathyjamieson johann lamont maureen macmillan
hamilton elaine smith robin harpercathyjamieson john young irene mcgugan
hamilton elaine smith robin harpercathyjamieson john young irene mcgugan
white michael russell s1m 198cathyjamieson jubilee 2000 campaign that
were received from linda fabianicathyjamieson kenny macaskill nora radcliffe
marwick alex neil michael russellcathyjamieson linda fabiani tommy sheridan
murray brian adam nick johnstoncathyjamieson lodged on 17 february
dr winnie ewing richard lochheadcathyjamieson lord james douglas hamilton
up of benefits supported bycathyjamieson malcolm chisholm scott barrie
by elaine thomson linda fabianicathyjamieson margaret jamieson donald gorrie
mr keith raffan pauline mcneillcathyjamieson margaret jamieson mr jamie
30 march 2000 helen eadiecathyjamieson maureen macmillan mr kenneth
office supported by hugh henrycathyjamieson mike watson elaine thomson
grant hugh henry george lyoncathyjamieson mike watson richard lochhead
lodged on 14 march 2000cathyjamieson mike watson s1m 658
school at an earlier datecathyjamieson mr harding is aware
mr jamie mcgrigor nick johnstoncathyjamieson mr jamie stone dr
gorrie maureen macmillan ben wallacecathyjamieson mr jamie stone elaine
rhoda grant mr brian monteithcathyjamieson mr john mcallion maureen
elaine smith dr sylvia jacksoncathyjamieson mr john mcallion pauline
mcneill brian adam marilyn livingstonecathyjamieson mr keith harding cathie
mr adam ingram robin harpercathyjamieson mr kenneth gibson alasdair
mary scanlon mr david davidsoncathyjamieson mr kenneth macintosh alex
lyndsay mcintosh mrs kay ullrichcathyjamieson mr kenny macaskill michael
lyndsey macintosh mrs kay ullrichcathyjamieson mr kenny macaskill michael
mr lloyd quinan fiona mcleodcathyjamieson mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
mundell fiona hyslop margaret jamiesoncathyjamieson mrs mary mulligan dr
to question s1w 32801 bycathyjamieson on 20 december 2002
to question s1w 32801 bycathyjamieson on 20 december 2002
to question s1w 26764 bycathyjamieson on 27 june 2002
to question s1w 25808 bycathyjamieson on 28 june 2002
to question s1w 25808 bycathyjamieson on 28 june 2002
to the important statement bycathyjamieson on the new national
than to be spoken forcathyjamieson once again the snp
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson our discussion focused on
alex fergusson mr brian monteithcathyjamieson phil gallie donald gorrie
hyslop tommy sheridan richard lochheadcathyjamieson phil gallie kay ullrich
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson point of order business
by janis hughes s1m 3369cathyjamieson protection of children scotland
bristow muldoon mr david davidsoncathyjamieson rhoda grant donald gorrie
dr elaine murray brian adamcathyjamieson richard lochhead mr kenneth
lamont trish godman elaine smithcathyjamieson robert brown proposed prevention
powers and functions supported bycathyjamieson roseanna cunningham michael matheson
sheridan donald gorrie nora radcliffecathyjamieson s1m 360 christine grahame
by tommy sheridan donald gorriecathyjamieson s1m 367 fergus ewing
lodged on 24 february 2000cathyjamieson s1m 587 fuel poverty
lodged on 25 february 2000cathyjamieson s1m 593 kinlochleven economic
lodged on 14 march 2000cathyjamieson s1m 657 retention of
margaret jamieson mrs mary mulligancathyjamieson scott barrie marilyn livingstone
qualifications authority bill s1m 2686cathyjamieson scottish qualifications authority bill
of errors that pupils madecathyjamieson sylvia jackson s contribution
kilmarnock and loudoun lab willcathyjamieson take an intervention cathy
canavan alex fergusson george lyoncathyjamieson tavish scott irene mcgugan
canavan alex fergusson george lyoncathyjamieson tavish scott irene mcgugan
is teaching quality in scotlandcathyjamieson teaching quality is very
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson the executive is committed
grades to present candidates forcathyjamieson the flexibility that schools
equality in all our schoolscathyjamieson the member will be
snp new national qualifications statementcathyjamieson the minister for education
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson the sen innovation grants
assure brian monteith that icathyjamieson the whole executive and
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson those responses set out
to raise s1f 1177 3cathyjamieson to ask the first
mineworkers pension scheme s1w 9155cathyjamieson to ask the scottish
and remand prisons s1w 9154cathyjamieson to ask the scottish
in prisons s1o 3823 8cathyjamieson to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 1824 30cathyjamieson to ask the scottish
february 2001 s1o 3303 27cathyjamieson to ask the scottish
lloyd quinan mr adam ingramcathyjamieson tommy sheridan robin harper
the railfreight industry supported bycathyjamieson tricia marwick nick johnston
shona robison ms nicola sturgeoncathyjamieson trish godman johann lamont
for education and young peoplecathyjamieson we are working in
is asking for 15 45cathyjamieson we have asked the
executive get the money fromcathyjamieson when this administration comes
or two kate maclean andcathycraigie are busy practising hard
this issue winnie ewing andcathycraigie are to be congratulated
and commend winnie ewing andcathycraigie for bringing this matter
received any written representations fromcathycraigie msp on the subject
double act of the jamiesonscathyand margaret behind me those
had been pit in bicathybaker sheena blackhall john corbett
is told by the storytellercathylow who learned it in
example the gender issues thatcathyraised job creation and so
are running out of timecathyhas not yet asked a
is granny june or grannycathym1014: aye m1016: that s
services head of information technologycathywatkins business support manager ian

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