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f1111: no you keep stirringcauseas you keep stirring darling
not going away home f1111: causehe s out exploring he
things oot f1111: why f1112: causehe s wantin to go
m scared f1111: why f1112: causei am f1111: why are
cause it s chocolate f1112: causei dinna like chocolate f1111:
square now f1112: how f1111: causei don t have a
i watch noddy just nowcausei [inaudible] watch it f1111:
f1111: why s that f1112: causei m scared f1111: why
uh huh f1111: okay f1112: causei ve been out in
cheat f1112: you will f1111: causei ve got to get
leave it f1112: go awaycausei will get it f1111:
to sunbathe f1112: no nocausei won t drown f1111:
melt away oh look wellcauseit f1112: eh f1111: sticks
oh f1111: watch watch watchcauseit ll all fall down
f1111: no i will notcauseit ll rot their teeth
f1112: no f1111: that scauseit s all slidy in
on f1112: [inaudible] f1111: watchcauseit s burning hot milk
f1112: no i didna f1111: causeit s chocolate f1112: cause
back again f1112: how f1111: causeit s nice and cheap
have some perfume f1111: nocauseit s night time you
right off f1111: it willcauseit s round so it
do that one f1111: nocauseit s too big for
[inaudible] f1111: you be carefulcauseit s very slidy and
go in their bed nowcauselook f1111: where did that
ready f1112: no f1111: yescauselook we need to get
f1111: [laugh] f1112: how f1111: causethat belongs to us f1112:
on your shoulder f1111: nocausethat s dangerous in the
with a pram f1111: mmcausethat s when you were
sleep in the garage f1111: causethat s where it goes
uh huh f1111: why f1112: causethe mummy one broke it
f1111: the greeny coloured onecausethe other one s purple
a sun f1112: what f1111: causethe sun s shining outside
her dress f1112: mm f1111: causethe- what colour s the
bibbies f1111: not the bibbiescausethey got washed in the
we better cover them upcausethey might be cold f1111:
the quilt [inaudible] f1111: nocauseuse the same soap see
with them f1111: yes f1112: causewe haven t played them
time f1112: [inhale] oh f1111: causewe re going out in
having that f1112: why f1111: causewe re not f1112: okay
side please f1112: how f1111: causeyou can t get out
s not going away f1111: causeyou haven t cleared it
uh huh f1111: that scauseyou like your joggies on
[inaudible] have it f1111: nocauseyou ll maybe pull it
then f1112: no f1111: yescauseyou re still splashing f1112:
not f1111: you be carefulcauseyou re stretching over there
my little bottlies f1111: yescauseyou ve got little bottles
[?]over there[/?] f1095: what for m1096: causecause i want to play
that will we m1096: ayecausecause it goes f1095: elf
put it back m1096: nocausecause my thing s in
m1096: aye no f1095: ayecause[censored: forename] s not coming hame
the day wait a minutecauseeh m1096: tape recorder f1095:
m1096: that mannie f1095: ayecausefire mannies have to wear
f1095: mmhm m1096: [inaudible] ayecausehe goes like this and
fae him m1096: bzzzz ayecausehe goes like this [inaudible]
he m1096: no he wouldnacausehe s just a [inaudible]
m1096: with dad wi dadcausehe showed me farr a
[censored: forename] the day m1096: nocausehe was fighting f1095: was
m1096: gonna take it offcausei dinna like that f1095:
them in there m1096: nocausei dinna want to go
heid will you m1096: nocausei got a hat f1095:
the same ains then m1096: causei ken brak it up
f1095: no dinna touch thatcausei ll need that m1096:
though [censored: forename] here m1096: waitcausei m i didn t
his hand f1095: mmhm m1096: causei m [inaudible] cause i
m1096: cause i m [inaudible]causei m [inaudible] f1095: mmhm
m1096: [laugh] aye it iscausei m only good on
green m1096: red amber greencausei press the button and
early the night m1096: nocausei ve got a party
f1095: what for m1096: causecausei want to play with
the toddlers m1096: no nocausei'll- fitt s that f1095:
aye aye f1095: right m1096: causeit doesna [inaudible] neck f1095:
m1096: aye f1095: aye m1096: causeit f1095: one mair to
will we m1096: aye causecauseit goes f1095: elf m1096:
along m1096: aye cause n-causeit s stupid f1095: [inaudible]
wear boots f1095: mmhm m1096: causeit s too canna [inaudible]
to it m1096: crashed f1095: causeit says a sharp corner
[censored: forename] m1096: [child noise] eh f1095: causemum s goin oot m1096:
it back m1096: no causecausemy thing s in there
to come along m1096: ayecausen- cause it s stupid
maybe granny ll hae themcauseshe likes them m1096: [sob]
m1096: [censored: forename] winna be therecauseshe ll be feeling sick
m1096: here s one therecausethat can go in there
go m1096: [child noise] f1095: nocausethat s a straight edge
won t he m1096: ayecausethat s his mum there
dinna think so m1096: ayecausethat s the way f1095:
in this way m1096: ayecausethat s the way to
a garage m1096: aye f1095: causethere s a spanner m1096:
they cauld m1096: aye f1095: causethey re just oot the
well if you eat themcausethey re nae cooked m1096:
to move back a bitcauseyou ve nae room m1096:
m1096: [sucks air through teeth] f1095: you divcauseyour teachers tell you you
it m1128: aye why f1127: causeaabody kens it s a
bad people ah ken whycauseah m bad an ah
t f1117: why no f1118: causeall black f1117: all what
a rope m1128: why f1127: causehe can cause he goes
why f1127: cause he cancausehe goes can climb aa
shirt m1128: er why f1127: causehe has colour him in
ah ll tell yi whycausehe s yur real tess
why s he sad m1092: causehim birthday the day no
f807: oh yeah why f806: causei d rather get like
hoose f1117: why no f1118: causei didn t like her
the gas m1108: why f1107: causei dinna want you to
dinnae it fi- why f1130: causei don t know f1129:
don t know why ercausei don t think as
like hens f1121: why f1122: causei m afraid of them
on ye m1108: why f1107: causei m nae wanting a
why f1154: till sunday ermcausei m skint [laugh] erm
thanks f1091: why no m1092: causei me like my bath
me again f1130: why f1129: causei mean if i canna
noo m1090: why not f1089: causei really canna be bothered
got a theory on thiscausei reckon that s why
it i ll do itcausei think that s why
i think that s whycausei think you put mucky
one f1091: why no m1092: cause[inaudible] my one [inaudible] f1091:
the sky m1128: why f1127: causeit does it s like
why is it soft f1107: causeit is it would be
lessons tomorrow m1108: why f1107: causeit is m1108: [inaudible] f1107:
cheddar no f1130: why f1129: causeit ll stop you speaking
got a hole f1107: whycauseit s a ventilated spoon
there okay m1128: why f1127: causeit s dan- just leave
so much is it justcauseit s m819: why cause
why s he sleeping f1103: causeit s sleeping time f1104:
cause it s m819: whycauseit s so m818: hm
going m1108: why f1107: wellcauseit s swimming lessons tomorrow
onto you f1122: why f1121: causeit s too high f1122:
t i f1130: why f1129: causeit was fun [laugh] and
now f1104: why not f1103: causemummy ll hae to go
yum f1107: you ken whycauseraw eggs are nae good
why f1107: cause they arecausesomebody shu- didna shut the
reason why i wouldn tcausethat just sucks without that
it f1089: no you winnacausethat s a m1090: why
melt it m1108: why f1107: causethat s fitt you dae
why you need milk f1129: causethat s how dad likes
m1094: why what for f1093: causethat s us all done
why is it stupid m1092: causethat s why f1091: cause
don t ye f1104: yeahcausethat s why i love
cause that s why f1091: causethat s why m1092: uh
silly billy f1122: why f1121: causethe golfers are coming they
[rustling noise] no why f1089: wellcausethen [inaudible] does that nae
m1094: why why not f1093: causethen you won t be
there f1122: why why f1121: causethere might be beasties in
on there f1122: why whycausethere s a sign f1121:
your bed f1122: why f1121: causethere s no room right
running out m1108: why f1107: causethey are cause somebody shu-
here f1135: why not f1136: causethey can t f1135: how
them tootie m1094: why f1093: causethey re awful heavy m1094:
nae why no f1104: nocausethey re just erm they
window m1090: but why f1089: causewe just bought it just
the water m1094: why f1093: causewe re all done pour
no f1104: why not f1103: causewe re nae goin oot
us speaking f1130: why f1129: causewe ve got a funny
[?]pooper knicks![/?] f1107: [?]pooper knicks[/?] why m1108: causewe- i m gaun to
it up and convinced maselcausewhy would she hae i
m1108: why i did f1107: causeye did dinna take off
bucket remember m1090: why f1089: causeyou broke it m1090: no
that f1104: why not f1103: causeyou canna f1104: but she
her speaking f1130: why f1129: causeyou dinna she s got
you f1091: why no m1092: causeyou do it all yourself
water today f1122: why f1121: causeyou don t have your
then f1122: why f1121: nocauseyou don t learn anything
not today f1122: why f1121: causeyou havenae got your towel
raw stuff m1108: why f1107: causeyou ll get a sore
o it m1108: why f1107: causeyou ll just be all
hat f1107: that s rightcauseyou nicked it m1108: why
there darling f1122: why f1121: causeyou re not there s
yer bum m1108: why f1107: causeyour breekies ll fall doon
[child noise] [inhale] fitt for f1095: cause[censored: forename] s got to go
s here my tape recordercausef1095: no it s fine
can you open that doorcausei canna f1095: you can
isna f1095: a corner lookcauseit s got two straight
s the way f1095: nocausethat doesnae take you oot
want to watch your [?]jobbies[/?]causethey maybe [?]sting you[/?] f1095: [inaudible]
m nae wantin like crustiescausethey re just horrible f1095:
f1095: right come on thencausewe ve to go to
ain f1095: no you cannacauseyou ve got to wait
s the same m822: causecauseanderson drive used to be
i had a skating skirtcauseb- cause b- girls wore
a skating skirt cause b-causeb- girls wore skating skirts
it s the same m822: causecause anderson drive used to
ye jumped between the ropescausecause f637: aye m608: mm
on the drawer and thencausecause hong kong fooey squashed
erm he just says ahacausecause m804: [laugh] m805: cause
you know about that f943: causecause people in you know
f746: gets a- it scausecause there s so many
times f606: [laugh] m691: [laugh]causecause there was eh the
probably just nae bad [inaudible]causecause we we dinnae m999:
m818: really aye m819: ayecausecause well it s the
[censored: forename] got in trouble forcause[censored: forename] went mental cause he
about it cause she scauseeveryone else has f1154: yeah
else m941: cause we wentcauseeverythin else was dead then
jumped between the ropes causecausef637: aye m608: mm f638:
for cause [censored: forename] went mentalcausehe didn t want to
cause cause m804: [laugh] m805: causehe sawed my big um
the drawer and then causecausehong kong fooey squashed into
of end up in italycausei cause i would [laugh]
yeah cause i like thecausei chose to do languages
seven f637: uh huh f640: causei got f637: cause ye
[laugh] nothing f1148: [laugh] yeahcausei like the cause i
boats cause i m wantincausei m colourin in that
can i dae the boatscausei m wantin cause i
a sa- cause i yeahcausei need to get all
up in italy cause icausei would [laugh] m1163: [inhale]
it was just a sa-causei yeah cause i need
on mammy s bedroom floorcauseit s [?]big and flat[/?] f1104: cause
go f1124: thank you therecausejust cause there s that
he just says aha causecausem804: [laugh] m805: cause he
know he s a superherocausem804: right m805: cause their
know about that f943: causecausepeople in you know the
feels really bad about itcauseshe s cause everyone else
a a green robot frankensteincausethe cause the m- cause
m805: yeah m804: mm m805: causethe cause the superboy is
cause the cause the m-causethe human was dead m804:
green robot frankenstein cause thecausethe m- cause the human
m804: mm m805: cause thecausethe superboy is actually the
superhero cause m804: right m805: causetheir boss is a superhero
one because yeah mm f951: causethere s cause there s
mm f951: cause there scausethere s influences fae all
it cause you ll slidecausethere s nothing on the
gets a- it s causecausethere s so many people
thank you there cause justcausethere s that [?]patch holey there.[/?] f1123:
f606: [laugh] m691: [laugh] causecausethere was eh the story
cause it s [?]big and flat[/?] f1104: causewe canna make it on
just nae bad [inaudible] causecausewe we dinnae m999: [laugh]
aye aye everything else m941: causewe went cause everythin else
really aye m819: aye causecausewell it s the competition
f640: cause i got f637: causeye w- ye went tae
cause you d gone f828: causeyou d an th- th-
ye were afore f606: mmhmcauseyou d gone f828: cause
you won t get itcauseyou ll slide cause there
really only illegal because theycausea perceptual shift because they
yi really wanted ti daecauseah wish yi hud then
him christened ehm you knowcausedan wouldn t really have
as much building done reallycausedey were dat mony f960:
yeah that s right f1122: causedown the lane is really
yeah f961: it really wiscauseer er maybe he didna
didn t complete it wascauseerm i got really sick
never really thought about itcauseerm i was quite happy
week then i starve [laugh]causeerm [laugh] it s really
[laugh] m842: aye f831: reallycauseeven in aiberdeen the words
really bad timing it scausef1150: yeah f1151: right at
geordie accent f1151: really f1150: causeher mother s accent never
was really hard i vecausei d done you know
really m816: mmhm m815: mindcausei did a i did
yeah it- it s funnycausei don t really think
you know f1067: yes f606: causei hadn t really thought
oh i didn t reallycausei i didn t know
really it s better herecausei m aye fear i
smattering f1026: it s truecausei mean really to be
really done before as wellcausei mean there was like
say i m pooin myselfcausei really don t know
be the new doctor whocausei really like ah christopher
four for the whole yearcausei turned f1149: really f1148:
city of glasgow m741: yeahcausei ve not really heard
think they really enjoyed itcauseit gave them then a
know the kind of ermcauseit is a stage really
it on silent f943: nocauseit makes this really horrible
your blackboard f1112: uh huhcauseit s chalk really yes
scotia can be really smokycauseit s got such low
want to deal with thatcauseit s really it s
oh that s really nicecauseit seems seems very young
really f833: i know f835: causeit was it showed you
kinna laughed at my accentcauseit was really broadly glas-
couldn t really see itcauseit was really fuzzy f809:
really tragic f806: oh wellcausejust the way you had
see her f1049: really m1048: causelike i think on a
scandinavia [inaudible] f1148: mmhm f1149: causelike stockholm was really really
just don t really getcauselike the five the five
m no really a newcomercausemy grandfather and that was
they were really really nastycausemy p one f812: uh
belgian coast f1149: okay f1148: causemy sister s like really
actually really good for mecausenow i ll know how
not really f807: [laugh] f806: causerain is rain to me
they don t like itcausereally you ve got to
think it s really funnycauseremember when we were at
so it s really weirdcauseshe s living with him
an like play her fiddlecauseshe s really good an
ehm f1148: uh huh f1149: causeshe s really really like
i was actually really scaredcausethe actors were f1049: uh
to get the photograph doctoredcausethe guys are really f643:
was really the year beforecausethe year above us at
of sub darkness you knowcausethen you don t really
in scots are really superficialcausethey re all part of
m no really a christiancausethey thought that if they
going to send to miriamcausethey were really cool but
ll finish doin this aincausethis is a really good
it s really good f606: causethis they re building quite
m805: really listen to itcauseto that s- m804: is
usually am really good thoughcauseusually i ll just be
yeah yeah it s funnycausewe don t really have
f1148: sorry uh huh f1149: causewe never really went away
go through to your bedroomcausewe really have to tidy
yeah na na na f1121: causewe really have to tidy
huh m1174: the the mencausewomen aren t really interested
culture that i really likedcausey- we know that that
oh that s really strangecauseyou d think people would
would be interestin to seecauseyou don t really get
back fae her so f631: causeyou don t really have
it was really good f832: causeyou get a choice of
f640: which was awful reallycauseyou got the smell from
re really angry with youcauseyou know you didn t
ehm it was kinda strangecauseyou never ye didna really
really you re one upcauseyou re calling her a
do something you really enjoycauseyou re going to spend
it s really bad thoughcauseyou re like right the
yes f1091: mm oh dearcauseyou re nae really speaking
be any good f631: yeahcauseyou really like f689: but
[laugh] [laugh] f1103: oh dinnacausehe ll maybe scratch your
wi us f1104: yeah f1103: causei do the straight edges
f1103: i know that scausei m just gonna awa
f1104: on saturday f1103: ayecausei m working the day
charms back on f1103: nocauseit now looks bonny wi
the rose f1103: mmhm f1104: causeit s a bit o
t he f1103: aye f1104: causeit s pop up dragon
to the playschool f1103: nocauseit s saturday f1104: yes
s a swan f1103: ohcauseit s swan lake f1104:
f1103: i just sorted itcauseit was aa a mess
f1103: aye just to seecauselook the sky s full
she f1104: yeah she iscausemaleficent isn t nice f1103:
f1103: if the playschool scausemummy ll be working mummy
f1103: does she f1104: yeahcauseshe s always hungry outside
erm maleficent f1103: well ayecauseshe s bad but that
properly f1103: well that scauseshe s ootsides in just
greeting because she was f1103: causeshe was fitt f1104: she
feet on here f1103: nocausethat s in the road
does it mum f1103: ayecausethat s sunny daze isn
they f1104: yeah f1103: ohcausethat s what home help
girl ain f1103: mmhm f1104: causethe girls say neigh as
going to playschool f1103: nocausethe playschool s shut aa
div we f1103: aye f1104: causethey re nice aren t
ain can we f1103: nocausethis ain s carpet well
in the house f1103: mmhmcausetinkerbell you ve hardly got
f1103: that s its horncauseunicorns have got horns does
bed can he f1103: nocausewe re changing the sheets
f1104: yeah f1103: oh f1104: causewe said oh mm he
bein f1103: i dinna kencauseyou like bonnie don t
f1103: no just move itcauseyou ll break it f1104:
[singing] [singing] f1103: [inaudible] [inaudible]causeyou re j- aye but
wi glasses f1103: eh f1104: causeyou remember phil pushes doon
i take a stoomie f1103: causeyou were wanting a pipie
an it s quite funnycausea- ye know all the
quite it s quite funnycauseerm when er the dsp
my cousin s at f1151: causehe s quite active f1150:
lecture f1037: [laugh] yeah f1038: causehe was quite interested he
[laugh] i was quite luckycausei did politics for my
yeah f1151: quite difficult ermcausei i have to work
s quite sad when ermcausei i i know people
it should be quite easycausei know f1151: yeah f1150:
i ll quite enjoy itcausei ll be outside just
quite like it here m816: causei ll need to drop
it is quite funny thoughcausei mean even denniston denniston
aye i was quite luckycausei played an instrument at
quite honest wi you ehmcausei ve got my own
quite a lot of [?]orange[/?]causei was playing football the
first time quite compos mentiscausei was sedated a lot
ways it s quite goodcauseit s kind of like
all mucky that s okaycauseit s quite a nice
s quite a hard aincauseit s the same colours
f1054: now that s interestincauseloaded to me sounds quite
oh that s good quitecausemost f745: [laugh] f746: people
got quite an unusual onecausemy father was brought up
community which is quite goodcauseobviously i knew them [laugh]
s kind of a shamecauseobviously i quite like languages
f689: she s like thatcauseshe s quite nervous about
mean it was quite nicecauseshe used to tell me
and it was quite funnycauseth- the bbc were there
t think you should darlingcauseth- there s quite a
quite freely m1008: mmhm m1007: causethat s eh she was
well it is quite popularcausethe food isn t that
ireland f1077: yes my f718: causethere s quite a lot
it was quite fun actuallycausethere was like erm abseiling
them frumpies in f643: somewhatcausethere was some quite horrified
the the guys come backcausethey quite often now get
quite i think it scausewe don t get it
is which is quite goodcausewe got we got i
o gettin up quite earlycausewe had to get out
seems quite a lot [laugh]causewe only have to do
f1037: that s quite interestingcausewe re selling our house
i find glasgow quite strangecausewhat you ve got is
f1054: but that s interestincauseyou gave me quite a
but it was quite dauntincauseyou sit in this wee
imagine must be quite dampcauseyou would hardly be able
just what you ve saidcauseall girl environments can be
s just like so boringcauseall he all he says
re not having more blackcauseblack just makes a mess
just me you and [censored: forename]cause[censored: forename] s too little isn
rubbed my feet on himcauseeh just ower the language
remember that r- right awaycauseerm i remember it just
f807: [laugh] f806: but nowcause[exhale] you just i just
calfie just but that scausef1001: oh i would definitely
to get an ultrasound justcausef1150: yeah f1151: to he
s just somebody playin aroundcausef631: [laugh] f689: i half
don t use it anymorecausefolk just haven t a
f746: ah is it justcausehe hears you saying it
he s got that m805: causehe just l- wants to
colin dexter the morse authorcausehe just started pinchin their
way he said them h-causehe was just he s
of a fright of coursecausehe was just sitting waiting
it did sound put oncausehe was just so resolutely
exist i just find ridiculouscausehow can you believe anything
flip and cut up justcausei can t f809: just
that paid for everything ayecausei f810: it was just
you like them m805: ermcausei just do m804: that
ve decided not to docausei just don t have
don t like crispies f1121: causei just don t like
know sober enough [laugh] m944: causei just drive them up
i didnae put that dooncausei just thought ye cannae
never live at home probablycausei like just music s
no [censored: forename] it isn tcausei ll just have to
just get my socks offcausei m better with my
train with youse just nowcausei m er trainin wi
this in a wee secondcausei m just delighted to
culture man m818: aye m819: causei mean that s just
cannae even understand it [laugh]causei mean we we just
i just about got killedcausei should have been in
so much that i ju-causei think it s just
now or f1148: mmhm f1149: causei think that was just
remember just not liking itcausei thought it was too
aa and they re finecausei ve just cooked them
a full load of petrolcausei ve just filled up
huh f1054: iit s funnycausei was just in glasgow
[laugh] f832: that s justcausei was sick f835: yeah
take me out and stuffcauseit just got so bad
ve used it ever sincecauseit just i just like
any good f631: mmhm f689: causeit just tastes like chicken
just used barbie s aincauseit s a brush it
we ll just sit herecauseit s cosy aside the
bit [inhale] dodgy you knowcauseit s easy to just
touch it just leave itcauseit s in somebody s
m741: yeah m605: you knowcauseit s just different kinna
that s fine to saycauseit s just ehm language
i eat some f1107: nocauseit s just flour and
in must be very apparentcauseit s just no [inaudible]
years time f826: mm m827: causeit s just not gonna
yeah f810: where everybody iscauseit s just such a
always just said your trousercauseit s only one article
in that flat just nowcauseit s so dirty and
but you re just likecauseit s so it s
mmhm or before f718: justcauseit s sort of out
the noise just suddenly stopscauseit s sound proofed and
that was the close justcauseit was a narrow passage
but it was just nicecauseit was an outing f1049:
using in an english essaycauseit was just a scottish
after second year as wellcauseit was just such a
f814: like you just justcauseit was meant to be
just m816: aye m815: socauseit was something to say
do yourself outside then nocausejust when you were saying
just yeah they just f1150: cause[laugh] f1151: used to send
like getting snow at christmascauselike my gr- we just
the now f631: yeah f689: causelike they re just no
f1049: and she just stoppedcausem1048: you see i wouldn
true it s maybe justcausem903: aye f826: you don
english a lot m741: rightcausema f- m605: just because
switch bags with my friendcausemine was just too heavy
want to know [laugh] f806: causemines just said undetermined f807:
main room m1016: couch justcausemy parents used it as
it just got so badcauseof my english accent f1037:
an issue for her justcauseshe d split up with
maybe it was just straightenedcauseshe f1049: it was maybe
[sniff] well it s justcauseshe had no f1155: yeah
s ootsides in just noocauseshe has to be ootsides
f1150: is repeating second yearcauseshe just hated french so
come up just now darlingcauseshe s got school tomorrow
there i was like justcauseshe s too lazy see
we ll just leave hercauseshe s too noisy isn
was just it was fascinatincausesittin like i m actually
him just look at himcausesome dogs and cats dinna
an sometimes it is justcausesomething s little ken like
time putting that one therecausethat one s just in
f1089: no nae just nowcausethat s aafa noisy m1090:
ll just mak belle noocausethat s here then we
t need your painting aproncausethat s just an old
well we ll leave itcausethat s just [inaudible] right
he just bought at homecausethe hall s broken m1048:
a pack than just onecausethe library sells them but
s alright it s justcausethe rug s thingyin on
are saying is just wrongcausethe teacher that i had
s just never got aroundcausethere s always m608: mmhm
there something on just nowcausethere s like a the
f631: [laugh] [laugh] f689: justcausethey all talk at the
erm not taking the drugscausethey just said are you
a paintbrush just hold oncausethey re not in the
nae touch them just noocausethey re very hot haud
joked oh that s handycausethey ve just opened that
you know that s justcausethey were easier to find
my granny was goin mentalcausethey were just so there
aye just just exactly m999: causethey would aa hae been
but i just ye knowcauseusually we leave the money
articulation just by saying itcausewe all knew [inaudible] all
something f606: yeah [laugh] f828: causewe just got apples an
decided there was nae roomcausewe just had the wan
them there just now okaycausewe ll dae f1122: okay
[?]mappie[/?] f1113: nae just noocausewe re readin okay f1114:
aye that s her pillowscausewe ve we ve just
about er you know justcausewe were talking about right
f641: [inaudible] f639: later oncausewe would always have just
have run out of inspirationcauseyou can just choose to
you away m762: yeah f963: causeyou can just sort of
put them away just nowcauseyou canna get into the
bobble just keep bobble outcauseyou done this just done
chemist especially in castle douglascauseyou just think they re
bit further if you cancauseyou re just probably the
door just turn around nowcauseyou re not welcome anymore
[laugh] f814: [laugh] f812: justcauseyou want to go up
granny just noo and thencauseyou winna see granny [censored: forename]
i m playin wi themcausef1141: you re nae you
cooker f1122: the cooker ayecausei m gonna we re
you re eating f1154: yeahcausei- i ve got like
be some o the timecauseif they re moody moody
re sayin a the timecauseif ye dinna folk look
no no shetland okay m952: causeif you re in here
an cantie wi speakin scotscausein maist cases they re
bit who s influenced itcausein orkney they re very
re getting into tv programmescause[inaudible] f814: no but they
ah ll tell yi whencausekrista you re the auldest
[laugh] m819: erm and ermcauselike in dundee they re
pit on some claes ayecauselook at ye ye re
gave me hell last weekcausem1048: i know they re
night and they re buyingcauseth- there s no like
re weel off ye seecausethe poorer people stayed at
they re aw that guidcausethe r aye a breck
now dinna start chucking itcausethen fitt we re gaun
breakin down f943: but nacausethen you re not allowed
that s the light shiningcausethey re all gaun along
there and nobody will buycausethey re all the dodgy
s in s- m741: recordinscausethey re all the ones
over the budget for thecausethey re apparently allowed sixty
look to get some shoescausethey re cheap f1154: oh
ll see it on seturdaycausethey re coming up here
they re full f745: yeahcausethey re completely full f746:
m842: grades are gonna suffercausethey re concentratin on this
white ones in there seecausethey re different colour on
wearing a pan f1107: [yawn]causethey re divots and they
day for the produce reductionscausethey re f1049: [inhale] tall
where are they goin f1049: causethey re goin you know
the capacities the four capacitiescausethey re going to be
d to see seniors todaycausethey re kinda panickin about
managed to get it offcausethey re like taped on
wouldn t have no waycausethey re m811: like i
be they re actually ermcausethey re not taught it
to recreate links with scotlandcausethey re now looking f606:
should m605: i think m741: causethey re part of like
re flamingos uh huh f1091: causethey re pink sure m1092:
till i see this marsescausethey re ready so i
oh right [laugh] steppin backcausethey re tryin to act
f1113: right gently dinna throwcausethey re wooden f1114: mm
things the way they arecausethey re words i use
the lads are sweirt taecausetrouble he replied they re
is the responsible citizens aspectcauseunder there they re looking
m816: heads we were guttedcausewe ke- ah we re
wash wir hands will wecausewe re aa dirty and
forced to think of somethingcausewe re being recorded otherwise
then we take a leftcausewe re going down south
to go and get [censored: forename]causewe re going on to
find us [inaudible] find uscausewe re in a forest
too hard or too lenientcausewe re it s usually
f961: yeah f960: de heatincausewe re left a bit
the windaes m1110: mammy f1109: causewe re nae oot today
s- friday after school nocausewe re off on school
canna put songs on thoughcausewe re taping anoo for
o victorie wul match oorcausewhat ails ye ye re
they re defrauding the publiccausewhat they used to do
matter [laugh] f833: who carescauseye know they re about
m1042: [laugh] f1041: it scauseye re better aff now
than a right handed personcauseye re goin over what
kiss [kiss] you re specialcauseyou are f1118: special f1117:
sure m1090: no [scratching noise] f1089: causeyou know you re not
are when you start schoolcauseyou like you re four
the same way ever againcauseyou re always thinking f963:
f1112: [laugh] that s okaycauseyou re at the hairdresser
going to stop the microphonecauseyou re being bad f1126:
do the kisses [sob] nocauseyou re doin the kisses
[inaudible] f1117: aye it scauseyou re flattening it doon
big for you to handlecauseyou re going to have
s [inaudible] [inaudible] f1141: carefulcauseyou re gonna hae it
still got the cold thencauseyou re kinda bunged up
me up and down f1049: causeyou re meant to take
and get this tidied upcauseyou re nae daein them
f1142: faa s greetin f1141: causeyou re nae playin wi
material when i m stuckcauseyou re never stuck if
your holidays m1048: [laugh] [laugh]causeyou re not comin on
auntie or a cousin f833: causeyou re not exactly you
we s- when we m942: causeyou re obviously too thick
s cruelty m642: [?]what?[/?] f643: causeyou re on the mike
south as i call itcauseyou re only m608: aye
how is it dodgy m942: causeyou re puttin your bank
primary school then uh huhcauseyou re six when you
in a a funny positioncauseyou re sort of straddling
canna get into the drawercauseyou re standing in front
i can t get outcauseyou re there f1105: aye
bit [cough] [inaudible] is thatcauseyou re thinking about it
s up in the loftcauseyou re too big for
[inaudible] f1091: right nina [?]out the window[/?]causeyou re too noisy pussycat
day off m942: that scauseyou re too scared m939:
daddy s one as wellcausedaddy s got two and
it wasn t completely spontaneouscauseerm i got them to
don t know i thinkcauseerm i ve got the
m1128: nae boys f1127: nocausefitt s you got you
ti dae wi oanythin cammycausehe husnae got a hame
dae this [inaudible] two [inaudible]causehe s got a stinky
not going to get wetcausehe s got an umbrella
f1091: that s a leopardcausehe s got spots see
that s a tiger lookcausehe s got stripes m1092:
back to school this afternooncausehe s got the hospital
ve got to sort themcausehow many jigsaws is in
gaelic students m865: right f951: causei always got lumped in
and jumpin up and dooncausei d got my wage
the poet they ve gotcausei don t know how
i m well hacked offcausei erm i ve got
m944: it makes sense nowcausei got an email for
primary four now yeah yeahcausei got the shock of
do the [inaudible] [inaudible] nocausei haven t got on
mother says ye cannae gocausei huvnae got enough money
i ve still got themcausei m going to write
it has got a namecausei mind him speaking to
officer class m608: mm m636: causei remember he got a
till i dry your bellycausei think it s got
would like to be calledcausei ve got a grandson
it s an irish namecausei ve got a pal
i m taking them offcausei ve got aa stuff
er to analyse er basicallycausei ve got nae strength
it f1089: i can tcausei ve got one here
got to go as wellcausei was a spoilt wee
i had i got upcausei was awake [laugh] bu-
but then there s alwayscausein shetland there s got
she got aw her messagescausein these days ye went
ll take your tyre offcauseit s all got cold
there f943: but i cancauseit s got a camera
down if you bought itcauseit s got piles o
to go at the cornerscauseit s got two straight
no that s a cornercauseit s got two straight
f1107: erm a little bitcauseit s nae got any
s an easy peasy onecauseit s only got four
[laugh] paula sent the menucauselike you ve got to
aa wir messages for christmascausemam s got to go
got its parlyment ah kencauseme an charlie went will
got it a bit lesscausemy parents like weren t
got erm marked marked downcauseshe didn t say it
our cat s called snootycauseshe s got a funny
night time during the weekcauseshe s got homework and
no this is a babycauseshe s got [inaudible] clothes
her hair ll never brushcauseshe s got what one
have got a professional photographercausethat was a bit annoyin
got lumped in wi themcausethey assumed that if ye
they ve got sore backscausethey ve got all this
got film crews all roundcausethis is crazy i could
f1049: we got into bothercausewe all split up durin
got to to robert scausewe always go to robert
only got about five minutescausewe have to go and
for scottish amnesty students tomorrowcausewe ve got a f810:
um ah sayin listen edcausewe ve got respect fur
no not in your housecausewe ve got to go
get your teeth brushed thencausewe ve got to go
i hae- f1127: nae yetcausewe ve got to turn
couple of jobs to docausewe ve still got we
schemes developed and got biggercausewe were in the first
aye i ve got thingummycauseye- yer thingummybob m1014: mmhm
got chicken soup for youcauseyou are f1118: special f1117:
gonna get the sweeties firstcauseyou got them yesterday and
secc m959: yeah definitely f958: causeyou had almost got tickets
got to wait for itcauseyou know it s coming
ve got thingummy as wellcauseyou started thinkin what was
writer i think you knowcauseyou ve got access to
and dad f1130: no f1129: causeyou ve got enough toys
look at my new teethcauseyou ve got four new
has to be my favouritecauseyou ve got loads o
f1121: how much f1122: thirtycauseyou ve got one two
right where s the boycauseyou ve got the girl
is that f1122: three threecauseyou ve got these money
a chat it s impossiblecauseyou ve got this big
m741: yeah definitely m605: ermcauseyou ve got to find
that we can see outcauseyou ve got windows in
see naebody f1101: that scauseyou ve got your hat
for you that s itcauseyou ve still got that
ll put him in therecausehe s too big to
emptiness in his own lifecausehe s too busy f606:
i was shit hot ayecausei had googly eyes too
when i go out iscausei look too young so
go too far come herecausei need you to speak
not too hot for youcausei ve come in first
too long ago f951: yeahcauseit s frae glasgow i
hae to go in therecauseit s too big fitt
f1099: how f1100: no [inaudible]causeit s too f1099: how
i cannae get this incauseit s too sti- f1093:
understand but it was nicecauseit wasn t too big
they couldn t do mecausemy trousers were too baggy
couldn t get on itcausemy trousers were too [inaudible]
to the tub fast thecauseof his downfall was too
but we ll leave hercauseshe s too noisy now
too young to remember itcausesomebody my folks knew had
on but nae too muchcausesugar s bad for yer
i m gonna sit herecausethat s too uncomfortable rrr
cannae make it this yearcausethe lectures are too early
now dinna take too muchcausethen it spills f1118: i
they had like screens outsidecausethere was too many people
didnae have too much bothercausewe we played at fitba
fish too much she sayscauseye washed the good oot
made too much in advancecauseyou couldn t m964: mmhm
had googly eyes too m942: causeyou had googly eyes [laugh]
t go too fast nowcauseyou ll go too far
o money erm f960: yeahcausea cousin o mine was
yeah mm m762: you knowcausea lot of them are
yeah yeah m762: you knowcausealexander of course in his
t think f1154: yeah f1155: causeat the end of the
de in de hoose becausecausedat was gone f960: yeah
yeah dat s right f961: causedey were dat mony fock
in their heads m816: yeahcauseevery animal has a is
or something and f1154: yeahcauseeveryone f1155: everyone wanted to
a word they say nowcausef1025: aye sofa f1027: yeah
phone when she gets itcausef1049: yeah m1048: she ll
m gonna have to yeahcausef835: i ll probably start
sorry about the course choicescausef835: oh yeah i know
uh huh but m1048: yeahcausege- generally i ve tried
down the bottom m1094: yeahcausehe does f1093: because he
because he does m1094: yeahcausehe does f1093: right and
quickly yeah f606: mm f889: causehe has it aw nice
yeah m605: perceptiveness and m741: causehe he he he notices
aye m691: yeah sandshoe harrycausehe wore a pair o
twenty four hour broadcast yeahcausei d imagine m1174: it
and i was like yeahcausei d said tina and
we f1053: yeah we havecausei didn t that s
mum the day m1094: yeahcausei do f1093: mmhm m1094:
i use all the timecausei have tae f1054: yeah
same m608: yeah m1174: probablycausei i wouldn t know
to the halls of residencecausei ll be f1037: yeah
aye aye m741: which iscausei m like oh yeah
way it is m608: yeahcausei m thinkin ahead my
yeah yeah yeah cool m605: causei mean it s published
f66: yeah which is strangecausei mean plays don t
m865: yeah okay okay m952: causei mean tae me i
f606: [audience laugh] yeah right [laugh]causei noticed in your most
it f606: [laugh] [audience laugh] yeahcausei think a lot of
yourself m741: yeah m605: butcausei think th- in in
yeah for the summer f810: causei think that i m
yeah f889: true though ehcausei would i d it
touch it m608: yeah m194: causeif ye can t- if
m816: yeah i was wonderincauseif you do the ulysses
f606: yeah m903: you kencauseit f826: they s- m903:
f746: yeah it s strangecauseit f978: and this man
it f1093: stuck m1094: yeahcauseit is stuck [inaudible] this
drain m1094: down this yeahcauseit is this mummy f1093:
back through okay f1104: yeahcauseit might get lost mm
at the times m815: yeahcauseit s a single day
think twice before publishing thatcauseit s over m608: yeah
you know m811: yeah f812: causeit s that way when
no because it s f806: causeit sounds it f807: yeah
m1078: yeah mmhm f1077: ercauseit was brought to the
in to f1150: yeah f1151: causeit was erm i had
pictures [laugh] no f1155: yeahcauseit was in it was
can hear it [laugh] [laugh]causeit was like f631: yeah
[inaudible] f1114: yeah [inaudible] f1113: causeit was pourin rain yesterday
the jobs m741: yeah m605: causeit would strengthen the department
that the scottish like likecauselike f833: yeah uh huh
[laugh] so yeah f1148: ahcauselike in our final exams
who she is yeah f1049: causem1048: what did she get
know what i mean theycausem811: yeah like i had
know m741: uh huh yeahcausema flatmate he s welsh
yeah f1159: it is actuallycause[?]mary mackies[/?] do the bar for
play a game f1054: yeahcausenorth east folk is ower
changes over time as wellcauseobviously like f978: yeah f746:
f1150: yeah [laugh] f1151: strangecauseon the one hand it
yeah yeah mmhm no m865: causescots grammar is not the
yeah f1154: friends up herecauseshe didn t do anything
know f807: yeah maybe f806: causeshe likes romance [inaudible] f807:
stay wi us yeah goodcauseshe stays m815: mm m816:
wi drug- yeah [laugh] f1049: causesomebody in ma group stole
the skipping season f963: yeahcausethat marbles was a bit
point yeah yeah m762: exactlycausethat s again her ambiance
hence all the orange flagscausethat s m815: yeah m816:
your electricity f1155: i knowcausethat s one thing yeah
it was crap f814: yeahcausethat s what she was
o that yeah [inaudible] m1146: causethat was what the kids
yeah uh huh f1150: andcausethere are so many people
it f631: yeah f689: [laugh]causethere s a lot o
traditionally to gaelic m741: yeahcausethere s been loads of
yeah it was funny f1049: causethere was only like one
them were yeah f963: actuallycausethere was somebody i met
yeah f812: did they f814: causethey like those ones where
yeah that would be hairycausethey still had all the
that an aa f1104: yeahcausethis is for the morn
yeah f1151: yeah yeah ermcausew- i ve been to
stole uh huh [laugh] yeahcausewe stole the drugs m1048:
straight from school f1150: yeahcausewhen you said you were
put scotland down i thinkcausewith f833: yeah f834: they
talk about things like thatcauseyeah [laugh] f810: oh that
a a scots grammar ehcauseyeah m605: with schools in
yeah uh huh f951: [?]about you?[/?]causeyeah we have we have
to get it m1094: yeahcauseyou do f1093: who says
yeah f1149: okay f1148: yeahcauseyou do french and german
pie m941: yeah exactly f940: causeyou get the crab apples
graduate from f1148: we- yeahcauseyou graduated from like the
it m827: yeah and obviouslycauseyou guys want to be
you aw [inaudible] f1148: yeahcauseyou have to go in
bit f1154: [sucks air through teeth] yeah f1155: causeyou know sometimes like if
phrases yeah m605: filler phrasescauseyou need them m741: yeah
do that m741: yeah yeahcauseyou ve gotta get your
mm f889: uh huh yeahcauseyour birthday must have been
m819: that s pretty compassionatecauseer you don t answer
laughing when he does itcausehe doesn t i don
don t know what happenedcausehe essentially won the case
money off everybody especially mecausei don t belong here
do- i don t knowcausei don t drink whisky
i did get an interviewcausei don t have the
your big christmas tree f1154: causei don t know how
anythin else m605: mmhm m741: causei don t know like
s gonna be there thoughcausei don t know whether
you think it is f1122: causei don t like f1121:
t you f1112: i docausei don t like [inaudible]
d better put on slipperscausei don t like this
from this idea of authenticitycausei don t think authenticity
the erm ken stott versioncausei don t want actors
i don t f943: thoughcausei have to sign you
i was interested in thatcausei i don t think
don t know mm f806: causei i know that she
to be be kind ofcausei m you don t
don t think they docausei think there s so
don t look chinese [laugh]causein hawick we talk aboot
sounds pretty special to mecause[inaudible] f965: oh you don
i don t know f1129: causeit s spring f1130: aye
well i don t knowcauselike the guy that my
i mean f943: mmhm m944: causerelationships don t you know
don t get here f829: causethe children also have had
my other subject will becausethe columns don t f832:
i don t need thesecausethese are for the [inaudible]
yes yes f1143: uh huhcausethey don t call themselves
know playin they games f606: causethey don t even play
don t refer to itcausethey don t exist anymore
but they were f826: mmcausethey don t get enough
bumpkins that f832: it scausewe don t get taught
everything out that cupboard darlingcausewe don t need it
what it is it scausewe don t see any
careful f1121: hold onto mummycausewe don t want you
kind of you know educationcauseyou don t get it
f1026: don t think socauseyou don t have baby
get grown people getting upsetcauseyou don t have chocolate
[inaudible] i will fill itcauseyou don t know how
to kind of keep trackcauseyou don t want to
the nursery rhymes book ayecauseyou like nursery rhymes don
some lasagne f1102: aye f1101: causeyou like that don t
doing f1155: so she likecausealso [censored: forename] [censored: forename] wasn t
money back before christmas andcausebasically you know [censored: forename] [censored: forename]
droppin mair pens to watchcause[censored: forename] ll be hame soon
to go in a minutecause[censored: forename] s going to be
time f1135: we haven tcause[censored: forename] s going to be
[censored: forename] wow f1122: [laugh] f1121: cause[censored: forename] s she s only
mess f1121: oh no f1122: cause[censored: forename] was scrappling mum she
mean if i canna remembercause[censored: forename] was sittin on my
stuff m818: aye m819: rightcauseer [censored: forename] when he worked
we call him [censored: forename] strathcausehe goes to strathclyde right
erm [censored: forename] was coming herecausehe had popcorn f1101: mmhm
m1090: mmhm not with [censored: forename]causehe s being serious [laugh]
drink and [censored: forename] came overcausehe was in with someone
but [censored: forename] was dead funnycausehe was like that m942:
an [censored: forename] couldnae make itcauseher wee boy wasn t
different bits of [inaudible] m605: causei know [censored: forename] and sh-
aboot in bins m942: nocausei was tellin [censored: forename] what
s going to see [censored: forename]causeit s her birthday she
no it s a contractcauseit s through [censored: forename] s
ll maybe be [censored: forename] scauselook there s a sign
yin at the hentrap parkcausemy sister m942: [censored: forename] sh
wernae at the scuil f643: causeno m642: [censored: forename] was fo-
night apparently erm from [censored: forename]causeone of his friends was
f1121: leave that box outcausethat s [censored: forename] s you
sort of thing so ermcausethat s not [censored: forename] behaviour
delight nearly there look [censored: forename]causethat s red an aa
idiot f943: aw no seecausethe difference between [censored: forename] s
tell this story aboot [censored: forename]causeye know it means a
gie that books to [censored: forename]causeyou know everything that s
me that m944: [exhale] f943: causeyou know i m [censored: forename]
fingers in it though [censored: forename]causeyou ll be a mucky
nae yet [censored: forename] dinna nowcauseyou ll get it aa
[censored: forename] and [censored: forename] f1121: okaycauseyou ll maybe see [censored: forename]
can t possibly [?]rile[/?] youcauseall they want you to
t get my contract renewedcauseehm stv were taking over
was never at his workcausehe couldn t lift his
who wouldn t grow upcausehe didna want to grow
investigation f606: mmhm m954: ermcausehe doesn t like authority
over and over again [cough]causehe doesn t realise that
the whole concept of sociolinguisticscausehe doesn t think that
the tortoise m1110: yes f1109: causehe goes slow doesn t
t had a toilet eithercausehe was brought up like
to mess it up honestlycausehe won t tidy it
m818: aye isn t m819: causehibs m818: but is leith
song is a folk songcausei ain t never heard
t been there for agescausei can t afford it
not do the little onecausei can t do the
where is it at thencausei can t find it
f643: for a free massagecausei can t i can
or are you sayin mamacausei can t m1010: aye
on the tray f1118: nocausei can t reach it
didn t have inside toiletscausei d never seen a
he doesn t do reikicausei d- i think he
that do specifically scottish litcausei didn t know that
m608: [laugh] f641: [laugh] m642: causei didn t realise it
t mess up my sofacausei had my cushions nice
can t dry them yourselfcausei have to help you
there aren t community classescausei know there are for
offensive than being a bastardcausei like wouldn t mind
but m819: isn t itcausei mean that that noodle
t want to lose thatcausei think it s an
and take some smarties outcausei think that won t
t it f1124: fitt f1123: causei think you ve mixed
kind of disappointed in themcausei thought that wasn t
didn t have to paycausei was kinda helping out
i couldn t eat itcausei was like urgh my
d nobody behind me alphabeticallycausei was t for tait
f814: i had sylvanian familiescausei wasn t allowed barbies
at that point you knowcausei wasn t f963: mm
right no it s okaycausei wasn t sure what
you ll edit it ehmcausei wasn t thinkin o
t know whether it scausei went to school with
get the bus to ayrcausei- i wasn t drivin
t we f1130: aye f1129: causeit s all skin isn
know need to be workingcauseit s it isn t
t give away their identitycauseit s supposed to be
i couldn t use whaurcauseit s where where i
didn t get her carcauseit wasn t ready so
use them in the parkcauselike f814: t in the
i wasn t allowed barbiescausemy mum f813: so did
wasn t anythin tae docausenobody in scotland in their
t think that she star-causeremember last time she er
[tut] but ehm so wecausesam sam wasn t baptised
although my mother didn tcauseshe d been in england
it f1049: ninety eight percentcauseshe didn t uh huh
t read it at allcauseshe grew up it was
it wasn t her f810: causeshe grew up on a
at home she doesn tcauseshe knows how annoying i
i won t say spiritualcausethat is s- something a
you won t need itcausethat s an ol- f1124:
the m1008: yes yes m1007: causethat s french isn t
shouldn t be touching themcausethat s in a cupboard
doon m1090: mmhm [blowing] f1089: causethat s [?]mummy's ironing[/?] isn t
big mess m1070: [throat] nocausethat wouldn t be very
wouldn t see my headcausethe camera doesn t like
t wait to be fifteencausethen i ll be able
the wee trolley erm ra-causethen it doesn t like
they won t have anycausethey all thought it was
could only do four higherscausethey couldn t do maths
in m608: right m078: maybecausethey didn t carry passports
t know oh probably notcausethey were always empire f718:
weren t cool enough thencausethey were they were all
can t do this bitcausethis bit s hot put
t v in t m999: causewe did it no no
paraffin heaters in the housecausewe didn t have central
wasn t like a weeklycausewe didn t have the
tell my mum an thatcausewe didn t want my
so that everyone was happycausewe didn t want the
a fuss an s- ehcausewe we didn t want
your hairclips won t itcausewhen we go on holiday
and i can dry themcauseyou can t dry them
make me feel inadequate f943: causeyou didn t believe it
float noo can t yecauseyou get special floats when
felt a little bit claustrophobiccauseyou hadn t been out
didn t wipe my f1121: causeyou have to always wash
and aathing for ye hmmcauseyou like bob divn t
but we looked up flechiecauseyou weren t sure how
so but it s likecauseyou wouldn t you d
intelligence f943: that s truecauseat least you know bastard
be ehm you know highercausehe s so socialist after
day an he amazed mecausehe was never ye know
that this is the thingcausei do actually you know
and you know it f1107: causei do [inaudible] no i
i know scum [laugh] f814: causei had pink hair and
of understand that you knowcausei i i changed words
teachers do get embarrassed thoughcausei know but see when
you have local writers featuredcausei know that there are
might help my situation herecausei know that you can
one f1054: and n- nowcausei know you can get
norway would be lovely f1148: causei never re- you know
was like you know howcausei was workin in the
that you know m1019: [inaudible]causeit s friends and i
m1048: you know that waycauseit was a trip you
bbc bbc voices you knowcauseit was basically f963: mm
like m1016: i know kennycausekenny used tae stay over
f1150: i mean i knowcausemy boyfriend lives in aberdeen
ootside tinkerbell f1104: i knowcausemy sister said that you
by these elaborate family connectionscauseo fishin again ye know
i end up you knowcauseof the questions i ask
with that thing you knowcausesome things that that people
as well if you couldcausethat ll you know how
m762: pretty almost you knowcausethat s their f963: yes
heedjuns ye know tell themcausethe kids had been moanin
so f1151: that s strangecausethe people that i know
er all programmes in englishcausethen we thought you know
f631: mmhm f634: you knowcausethey d say hey stop
decker [laugh] m608: [laugh] m194: causethey hadnae ye know put
know m1015: right what f1054: causewe call for instance a
them or somethin you knowcausewe say ganzie in the
to some extent you knowcausewhat am i saying here
everything s skanky great wordcauseye know ye can connect
you know what i meancauseyou go through they high
of said something like wellcauseyou know he kind of
in the way children spokecauseyou know how australian accents
i seriously mean it [laugh]causeyou know how do they
monstrous f806: is it likecauseyou know how like f807:
maybe there s like ehmcauseyou know how like queens-
[laugh] f814: ring of haircauseyou know how you used
we- wee baby you knowcauseyou know that sonsie sorta
[cough] wait a wee whilecauseyou know well someone that
to that when she scauseyou know what mum s
want a recruit to yourcauseyou know women s lib

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