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advanced higher levels higher nationalcertificatesand diplomas hnc hnd scottish
scottish vocational qualifications higher nationalcertificateshigher national diplomas as well
for example building warrants completioncertificatesand electrical certificates it is
warrants completion certificates and electricalcertificatesit is important that the
of building warrants and completioncertificatesare similar to the features
to obtain enhanced criminal recordcertificatesbelieves such costs place an
mcbride on enhanced criminal recordcertificatesfrom barnardo s scotland scottish
act 1997 enhanced criminal recordcertificatesprotection of vulnerable adults scotland
act 1997 enhanced criminal recordcertificatesprotection of vulnerable adults scotland
1 the adults with incapacitycertificatesfrom medical practitioners accounts and
1 the adults with incapacitycertificatesfrom medical practitioners accounts and
1 the adults with incapacitycertificatesin relation to powers of
1 the adults with incapacitycertificatesin relation to powers of
adults with incapacity medical treatmentcertificatesscotland regulations 2002 ssi 2002
still awaiting receipt of theircertificatesfrom the scottish qualifications authority
still await receipt of theircertificatess1w 15128 mr adam ingram
to the question whether completioncertificatesexist i wonder whether letters
undertake work and submit completioncertificatesthose amendments will also allow
9 august that all thecertificateshad been issued mr monteith
the fact that 2 000certificateshad not been issued i
under ros that renewable obligationcertificatesrocs may be issued in
good which is why thecertificatesthat we issued were in
on the weekend before thecertificateswere issued even then as
candidates should have received theircertificatesthere are two separate issues
which offer sqa qualifications issuecertificatesto candidates the qualifications they
sqa to produce the corecertificatesalex easton that is one
to produce the unit assessmentcertificatesand for the sqa to
the sqa then awards andcertificatesthese via a system of
who are confronted with examinationcertificatesthat differ from what they
about the range of examinationcertificatesthere is an issue particularly
that answer that criminal recordcertificatesmay be obtained at no
two separate things he discoveredcertificatesthat had not gone out
england pupils do not receivecertificatesas such instead notification is
information that appears on thecertificatesthat youngsters receive reflect the
august the date on whichcertificateswere due to go out
you explained as opposed tocertificatesthat had gone out with
were more than 2 000certificatesmissing but that is a
were taken each january withcertificatesawarded to the best pupils
on the number of outstandingcertificatesbe that of jack greig
find a large number ofcertificatesin a state of unpreparedness
effect that the number ofcertificatesthat might not be complete
you thought the number ofcertificatesthat would be wrong had
value for insurance purposes thecertificatesare not yet forthcoming but
year i found myself presentingcertificatesto volunteers and frying chips
young people understand what thecertificatesmean the variation in the
what he called thousands ofcertificatesstill waiting to go out
they need to get thosecertificatesit might only be when
a trading exchange for greencertificatesin energy and how such
to give out medals andcertificateson sports day i think
and none ever had morecertificatesfor less education 5 rls
her husband 1978 long servicecertificatesand gifts were made to
not to have any formalcertificateswhen they leave school i
of acquisition of legal aidcertificatespe612 effects of disciplined fitness

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