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them success brings its ownchallengesbecause we have economic prosperity
prosperity rural areas face considerablechallengesnot least transport problems caused
to effectively deal with newchallengesto their prosperity and calls
want is the possibility ofchallengesin the courts in serious
to reduce the possibility ofchallengesto their authority 232 dsfbs
sector to respond to thechallengesthat europe faces that partnership
solutions as well as thechallengesthat scotland faces the parliament
post there will be manychallengesahead any help that the
comprehensive presentation there are majorchallengesahead for europe first in
equip the union for thechallengesand opportunities that lie ahead
in 1995 to consider thechallengesand opportunities facing scottish salmon
states it identifies eight corechallengesthat are being addressed to
at the core of thechallengesthat we face in delivering
as robust as possible againstchallengesmade in the courts to
imagination was equal to mostchallengesclaimed that it represents the
a shared analysis of thechallengesand champion the opportunities for
face up to the continuingchallengesand ensure that we deal
aspects of the european unionchallengesface it at present ben
among the additional burdens andchallengesthat face the sector and
in rural communities face particularchallengesthe report of the rural
will have to face institutionalchallengeswe wonder whether it will
flexible enough to welcome thechallengesthat have been offered however
the industry in meeting thosechallengeswill be most welcome among
mandate to take forward legalchallengesunder the disability discrimination act
it to take up legalchallengesunder the human rights act
in the tender process legalchallengeswere subsequently mounted against the
lead to some practical productionchallengesthe play has been publicly
plans in the identification ofchallengesthe design implementation and assessment
enable it to take upchallengesunder the human rights act
executive motion is positive itchallengesus to make the most
choice of procurement options thereforechallengesthe statements by the minister
in 1999 to address thechallengesof the knowledge based society
next few years creating particularchallengesfor traditional industries such as
poetry and in particular thechallengesthey have presented for translators
viewpoint and defending it againstchallengesthis difference in coding orientation
that our local youth sipchallengessuch views although young people
host of other matters ifchallengessuch as racism and sectarianism
the light of any recentchallengesunder the european convention on
meets one of the greatchallengesof the 21st century living
substance of each of thesechallengesand the current stage each
for teaching that extends andchallengesall including those gifted in
to sign up for thechallengesof meeting those targets the
information food for thought andchallengesto all those who are
it showed clearly what thechallengesare for young children particularly
is one of the biggestchallengesthat the new minister will
in which to meet thechallengesthat the executive has set
and then there were thechallengesto see who could last
a satisfactory sentence or whochallengeswrongly receives the penalty of
and the one that reallychallengesthem f1151: well my friends
to ban was controversial afterchallengesto the impartiality of a
bit mr mcneil there arechallengesas margo macdonald pointed out
of eu legislation and thechallengesthat it poses that the
honourable code o sportsmanship macnabchallengesthe richts o the property
passed aroon an wi itchallengesan boasts far war ye

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