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ye tickets for the debatinchaumeran committee meetins ye will
for ordinar in the debatinchaumerdevolution the transfer o pooer
msps forgaithers in the debatinchaumerin edinburgh tae debate an
at wark in the debatinchaumeror in committee meetins by
stig chiel ane til thechaumerloun an ane til the
chiel an anither til thechaumerloun but wes nou as
nanse cum in ringan thechaumerloun enters ringan to nanse
guid queen marget ringan thechaumerloun maister rintoul the mediciner
sun juist poors inti machaumerah d lyke ti owerset
hir inti the bryde schaumeran as suin as ever
an keikit inti the forbiddenchaumeran thare she gat a
winnok an sklim inti thechaumerasyde hir thay war fair
hir she gaed inti aechaumereftir anither an ilkane brawer
castel an gang inti aechaumereftir anither leivin nane athout
the bairn inti yeir ainchaumerfor aw ah care as
she haed been inti thechaumerhe haed telt hir no
better shaw him inti thischaumerricht awa but ah l
thay gaed inti beatrrix schaumerthare wes the mangilt deid
profunditas follaed him inti thechaumerthe elder says ti him
come ye awa inti machaumerthen an we ll tak
cairrit it inti moula schaumerwhan ye war soond sleepin
forenicht he gaed inti thechaumerwhaur she wes liggin as
slippit quaetlie doun inti thechaumerwhaur the ettin wes sleepin
tak the creddil inti thechaumerwi me juist ti mak
tak the bairn inti thechaumerwi ye malcolm and shona
scene 1 the queen schaumera week later in the
scene 1 the queen schaumera week later in the
scene 1 the queen schaumerthe queen s pailace abernethie
scene 1 the queen schaumerthe queen s palace alba
scene 2 the queen schaumerthe same evening princess morag
scene 2 the queen schaumerthe same forenicht act i
ii scene 1 malcolm schaumerthree months later malcolm is
ii scene 1 malcolm schaumerthrie month eftir scene 2
eftir scene 2 malcolm schaumertwa day eftir act i
ii scene 2 malcolm schaumertwo days later malcolm is
he gaed frae chaumer tichaumeran fand that for aw
frae the kitchen intil anitherchaumeran in thare she fand
an whan he apent thechaumerdoor he fand there wis
fand himsell in a mukkilchaumerlit bi hunders o tottie
mair whan he gaed fraechaumerti chaumer an fand that
he gied aathing ti achaumerchiel ti tak awa prince
n city chairiot n chariotchaumern chamber chiel n fellow
you wi me ti thechaumerthe ferr end o the
whaur she wad binna thechaumerthe ferr end o the
littil kittlin gaed ti thechaumerthe ferr end o the
ither deid quynes in thechaumerthe ferr end o the
at mossheid there was achaumerm1000: there was a chaumer
chaumer m1000: there was achaumerthat s right that s
aane o thaim fittit achaumeraff the kitchen ah gaed
thair lyfes awa throu ilkachaumergaed fergal fou o wunner
the springtime sae out hischaumerhe gaed an shankit it
wind sae back ti hischaumerhe gaed for some siller
and gaed straucht ti hischaumerhe tuik nae denner but
ahint they gaed to thechaumerwhaur the elder bade the
pockstang an gaed ti thechaumerwhaur the haafowk hed kennlt
gaed tae bide in thechaumerwi the feed man m999:
saucht an quaeit sains ilkachaumerah im content ti byde
an ingil bleizin in ilkachaumeran an unco graund disjune
thairm in ilka haa anchaumerring the haill lythe warld
feed man m999: in thechaumeraye aye wi the feed
a door byde in thechaumerthare they leave well that
thir dirks awa frae thechaumerthey maun byde thare cairrie
watch i the queen schaumeran watch thay did at
frae the fluir o thechaumerthat the prince haed telt
forenent the dure ti thechaumerthat the prince haed wairnt
lat oniebodie gae intil hischaumerah dout vershinin s guidwyfe
the door led intil achaumerfou o men s claes
brocht calllum intil a mukkilchaumerin the graundest o aw
snaw haed driftit intil machaumerlyke haeps o saut at
he cam til the ferrestchaumerin the pailace an thare
the dure the r achaumerwhaur a mukkil ettin is
the suid be juist aechaumerwhaur ah maunna gang whit
til the dure o thechaumerwhaur gowd tree wes dernit
maister cam afore the guestenchaumerwhaur he heard inbye the
his mither ti the guestenchaumerwhaur they wir ti lie
us gang swythe til oorchaumera wee drap wattir redds
macduff gae ben til thechaumeran blinnd yeir ee wi
wes ti tak til hirchaumeran mak oot she wes
cawed the keing til hirchaumeran said til him syre
shona dount til yeir wurkinchaumeran speir at hir wha
keepit it in a byusschaumeraw til itsell sae the
til daith it s thechaumero puirtith and skaith whilk
gang back til yeir ainchaumerthe morn s morn morag
she wes taen til anitherchaumerwhar she tentit the seik
wha sleeps i the saicontchaumerl macbeth donalbain macbeth distraught
o thaim i the aechaumermacbeth ane o thaim cawed
whatfor hae ye left thechaumermacbeth haes he been spierin
s claes an in anitherchaumerthe war a fek o
call drive ceitie n citychaumern chamber cheil n fellow
n chariot chapper n knockerchaumern chamber cheil n fellow
the stour doungethers hir tuimchaumeris cauld an lown the
cauld an damp an yourchaumeris juist perfit for a
on the strae in achaumero puirtith and cauld in
sheds an fooshtit trock thechaumerwis cauld ae wee lowe
ir ye daein in thischaumerwi morag puddok ah hae
princess aye sleepit in thechaumero hir ain chuisin nearhaund
ti gie hir a prevatchaumertwa o hir laddies wes
moula haund you shona thechaumerkeys shona ye wul be
grue for in siccan achaumerfergusson deid and waesucks in
caunils at aince the haillchaumerwes pit mirk syne he
wes laid up in hischaumerwi a beilin fuit frae
buird wis set i thechaumero deis in cam the
hertie whan frae an inbyechaumerthere cam the soun o
een cam on a guestenchaumerwis redd out for him
s juist sittin in hischaumerignorin awthing agitated it s
ither ane smeikit oot thechaumerwi whuffin burnin sulfur up
heard ye war in thischaumerthe nicht yeir hieness the
wis kilrogie schule ae langchaumerwi a stove tae gie
l fill his twa youngchaumerlouns wi wyne an whan
herod whan he spak inchaumerwi the wyce men speirt
fur the door o thechaumerclashed tee jist alang frae
fire at aw frae thischaumerit s quaet in here
awa wi me ti thechaumeran lat s see gin
ti quut the duik schaumerbut it s a bare
braw tassie stuid in hischaumerin the castel ti bring
a servitor ti the meditationchaumerin the haa o the
ah want ti git thischaumerredd up this place is
bit it wis tae thechaumerdoor far jock dow bothied
bavarie ye l hae achaumerfur me a hae nae
it entered their ain derkchaumerthere war twa roads noo
hear the spikk o thechaumerin my ain parlour an
scaur in this oor hinmaistchaumero luve an daith tristan
m dernt in ma tuimchaumersae syne ah burn a
the puddok is in thischaumerseeing the puddok sae you
t in ma cot housschaumerma brukken cruisie burns wi
smell theikit wi angelica aychaumero the lotus weill wappit
hame he slept in thechaumerwi somebody that worked but
three alairms aw ower thechaumeran gaun aff at different
haud up ma heid thechaumerbirlt roun an roun insteid
in flouer again abuin machaumerhere bi the lown lochan
ah cognosit for ah inchaumerin sudron privily in latyne
choice out a trig weechaumeran set theirsels doun the
a wee turn roon thechaumerthe inn hid aik panelled
spied in a wee sidechaumerthe operatin theatre computer an
a bourach tae the dissectinchaumeran set the haa in
he wis in some kinnachaumeran the souch o the
scent o his side thechaumerhauds him gled o this
been aye whit aboot ch-chaumeran bothy m1000: mmhm mmhm
elder keepit him in hischaumeran gied him a breakfast
fa bothied aleen in thechaumeran got roarin fu maist
seems the louns in hischaumerdid it thair haunds an
sal lock ye in thechaumerhere an she wul no
world populated by galluss ladschaumerlouns an wurthie beylies the
well we- we d achaumeron the fairm an eh
shed an jock dow schaumeron the wye tae the
on past the stable thechaumerthe neep shed an jock
wae an grue fulled thechaumertill the verra waas trimmlit
an at the verra lestchaumerwhit wul ye see but
yestreen then i found hischaumertoom and his claes and
she wad share olga schaumerfor a bit oniewey she
my father slept in thechaumereven though he worked at
the barn in steenhillock schaumerhe luikit a lang meenit
aye the folk in thechaumerate in the hoose m1002:
in the bothy or thechaumereh which were eh accommodation
workin the fowk in thechaumergot their meals inside the
room bi the wattir thechaumeris redd up the incense
right a both- well achaumerwas generally my designation it

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