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for ma braithlessness ivan romanychchebutykindinna speir at me ma
army soliony vassily vassilich captainchebutykinivan romanych army doctor fedotik
fliein enter natasha natasha tochebutykinivan romanych speaks to him
me onie mair ivan romanychchebutykintenderly sae ah wul toozenbach
ivan romanych ma dear romanychchebutykinwhit is t ma bairn
bi onie chaunce ivan romaychchebutykinhowt ah m juist an
ti eat sen this morninchebutykinirena serghyeevna irena whit is
whaur ma hat an capechebutykinolga serghyeevna olga whit is
serghyeevna irena whit is tchebutykinplease cum you ower here
thir lourd maimories baron toozenbachchebutykinand soliony appear behind the
baron or even kill himchebutykinaweill ah daursay the baron
for heivin s sake crieschebutykinthe baron haes juist been
masha whit aboot the baronchebutykinweill whit aboot him a
ye graenin aboot auld yinchebutykinah weill soliony hou dae
soliony hou dae ye feelchebutykincrossly lyke a lest year
it goes into the ballroomchebutykinfollows her weill weill soliony
enters the drawing room withchebutykinsoliony nou ah can lift
masha wha s third duelchebutykinsoliony s masha whit aboot
soliony is thare tae tochebutykinyou soud gae til yeir
tell me whit happent tharechebutykinwhit happent naething happent juist
inby goes indoors with irenachebutykinreads his paper and sings
ma freins ah gie upchebutykinreads out of the paper
gang yeir fuitlenth ti moscowchebutykinreads the paper tzitzikar smawpox
suin as we possibly canchebutykinand toozenbach laugh irena ah
ti git back ti moscowchebutykinto toozenbach the deil ye
masha did she luiv youchebutykinafter a pause ah canna
in luiv wi ma mitherchebutykinay a wes that masha
thare she gaes again enterchebutykinmasha the sojers ir on
he here dae ye kenchebutykinno yit masha whan ye
andriusha andriusha s in luivchebutykincomes up behind andrey and
yince cam ti luiv hirchebutykingets up weill ma dear
ower me lyke a shroodchebutykinhaivers natasha speaking through the
the morn andrey for guidchebutykinah dinna ken for guid
areddies shakes hands with andreychebutykingie me a meinit wul
micht try ti stap mechebutykinoh ah andrey ah winna
irena sings softly to herselfchebutykinah maun write this doun
him irena whit is itchebutykinit s tyme we war
by chebutykin they move quietlychebutykinah never fand tyme ti
with bobik sitting in itchebutykinsings quietly to himself tarara
overcoat and hat followed bychebutykinthey move quietly chebutykin ah
him then goes out quietlychebutykintouches toozenbab on the shoulder
an auld dug new trickschebutykinay ye soud hae taen
soud be ashamed o yeirsellchebutykinma dear sweet lassie ah
tyme ye got yeirsell mairritchebutykinyou soud finnd yeirsll a
begins to wash his handschebutykinglumly the deil tak thaim
the room without him noticingchebutykinthe deil tak thaim lest
git sic expensive presents forchebutykintearfully and crossly expensive presents
thenk guidness for that enterchebutykinfollowed by a soldier carrying
that bairn o hirs enterchebutykinhe has been resting on
ma lane i the housschebutykinwhit aboot yeir guidwyfe enter
the neibor o an inganchebutykinah dinna see hou ah
at him koolyghin hou nochebutykinif ah coud juist tell
juist hou auld ir yechebutykinme thertie twa laughter fedotik
is t a pause whitchebutykinnaething a dinna ken hou
vershinin ah kent yeir mitherchebutykinshe wes a guid weill
kis it s sae borinchebutykinthat s aw verra weill
verra comfortable lyke sittin herechebutykinweill whit aboot it is
snash that fair offendit himchebutykinah ken naething aboot it
seem ti ken aboot itchebutykinhowt it wes naething a
ken naething naebodie kens oniethingchebutykinstops at the door whit
gae til yeir bed doctorchebutykinah m aw richt thenks
you an that s thatchebutykindinna you gae ma dear
attend yin as a doctorchebutykinthat s juist the wey
luck wi aw ma hertchebutykinmoved ma dear lass ma
gret mukkil burds kelterin abootchebutykinkissing both her hands tenderly
over his chest and handschebutykinlaughs it s true aneuch
lat s git on quickchebutykinwhit s yeir hurry the
na it canna be truechebutykinay a richt bad business
o lyfe ah m thinkinchebutykinay a think sae tae
in storms the war tranquilitychebutykinay he had not time
vershinin ay ay richt aneuchchebutykinye said the nou that
wes ma mither s clockchebutykinaweill supposin it wes gin
we l gang awa anawchebutykindrops the clock and breaks
aboot it an ye lykechebutykinpicks up a china clock
heard from beyond the gardenchebutykinthat l be skvortsov yin
makkin an awfu lyke dirdumchebutykinthey wul suin looks at
you they didna need tichebutykinthat s true ah forgot
iz alane dinna touch mechebutykinlaughs dinna touch hir leave
dinna staun on ceremonie herechebutykinnature created us for love
be wurkin ilkane o uschebutykinah m no gaun ti
ah m gaun ti wurkchebutykincomes into the drawing room
newspaper out of his pocketchebutykinfor instance ah ken frae
kent it ah kent itchebutykingoes to the back of
vegetable no unlyke an inganchebutykinna na ma friend chehartma
the back of the roomchebutykinenters walking firmly and soberly
his room on the rightchebutykinfollows him the guests say
as strang if no mairchebutykinreading the paper as he
bottom step of the verandachebutykinthey forgot ti say fareweill
accompanied by two officers seeingchebutykinhe turns towards him while
six soldiers march through quicklychebutykineradiating a mood of benevolence

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