
See this word as a collocate cloud

the color o ma peiliechowksfaucher nor the yalla o
l pit color in yeirchowksqueen doubtfully ay ah daursay
lyke this color in hirchowksshe s kynd o green
the naitral color o yeirchowkswhan mynes turns whyte wi
ugsum for aw hir rosiechowksan sheinin blek een mysie
mutch wes roun an hirchowkswar rosie an she haed
n fellow chirker n cricketchowksn cheeks chuck stane n
n cricket chitter v shiverchowksn clachan n village claes
bedroom chiels fellows choukie henchowkscheeks chynge change claes clothes
awbodie feart what sojers whytechowksservant the inglish airmie gin
field haes daibilt thair pouthertchowksthe gress on the bens
dream o feathers roon itschowkssyne ere wis e door
em back an fore machowksgot reed an ma een
the tears rinnin doun hischowkslisten til him the ettin
o the sauchs upon machowksthe r naething lyke makkin
at the side o thairchowksthair mither telt thaim tae
wi hir auld duds hirchowkslooks lyke as tho they
erne s beak an hischowkswar sunken aawye roon his
kervit him frae wame tichowkssyne hank t his heid
that seik o rougin machowksma gizz in the gless
better if e didna mychowkswere aye stingin time geed
an fair she wes wichowksas pink as the petals

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