
See this word as a collocate cloud

want to ask anything elsechristinechristine grahame no i will
on holiday on that daychristinegrahame a people s day
executive amendment gordon jackson doeschristinegrahame accept that we found
mr jamie stone s1m 1116christinegrahame age discrimination in the
ullrich richard lochhead bruce crawfordchristinegrahame alasdair morgan irene mcgugan
lodged on 13 march 2000christinegrahame alasdair morgan mike watson
27 march 2000 andrew wilsonchristinegrahame alasdair morgan s1m 697
by donald gorrie s1m 982christinegrahame alcohol misuse that the
russell andrew wilson alex neilchristinegrahame alex fergusson mr lloyd
maureen macmillan dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame alex neil donald gorrie
this terrible illness supported bychristinegrahame alex neil mr duncan
ms sandra white tricia marwickchristinegrahame alex neil mr kenneth
an outstanding success supported bychristinegrahame alex neil tommy sheridan
being followed or watched willchristinegrahame also address the point
lodged by michael matheson andchristinegrahame amendment 3 agreed to
additional resources to them aschristinegrahame and bill aitken said
that point on many occasionschristinegrahame and margo macdonald have
raised by christine grahame bothchristinegrahame and michael matheson touched
bureaux along with john mcallionchristinegrahame and other msps i
not give an answer thatchristinegrahame and others would accept
by donald gorrie linda fabianichristinegrahame andrew wilson brian adam
lodged on 1 june 2000christinegrahame andrew wilson brian adam
ferguson johann lamont trish godmanchristinegrahame andrew wilson kenneth gibson
ferguson johann lamont trish godmanchristinegrahame andrew wilson kenneth gibson
mr lloyd quinan nicola sturgeonchristinegrahame andrew wilson mr duncan
mr kenneth gibson irene mcguganchristinegrahame andrew wilson mr lloyd
shona robison dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame andrew wilson ms sandra
mr kenneth gibson shona robisonchristinegrahame andrew wilson robin harper
lodged on 21 february 2000christinegrahame andrew wilson s1m 571
already helen eadie they havechristinegrahame are you sure helen
of local economic development activitieschristinegrahame as the minister is
matter up with the executivechristinegrahame at the same time
monteith mary scanlon s1m 1179christinegrahame barlinnie and overcrowding that
8 in the name ofchristinegrahame be agreed to are
lodged on 8 march 2002christinegrahame bill butler linda fabiani
the subject of s1m 2098christinegrahame borders children with special
for the shareholders s1m 201christinegrahame borders rail link that
the subject of s1m 237christinegrahame borders rail link thursday
neil tricia marwick s1m 1110christinegrahame borders railway funding that
home in greece s1m 960christinegrahame borders textile industry that
mr kenny macaskill s1m 960christinegrahame borders textile industry that
point that was raised bychristinegrahame both christine grahame and
elder bruce crawford irene mcguganchristinegrahame brian adam andrew wilson
irene mcgugan mrs margaret ewingchristinegrahame brian adam andrew wilson
mr adam ingram tricia marwickchristinegrahame brian adam colin campbell
sandra white mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame brian adam colin campbell
smith marilyn livingstone ian jenkinschristinegrahame brian adam dorothy grace
michael mcmahon mr duncan hamiltonchristinegrahame brian adam fiona mcleod
june 2002 mr brian monteithchristinegrahame brian adam lord james
mr lloyd quinan robin harperchristinegrahame brian adam nora radcliffe
lodged on 26 june 2002christinegrahame brian adam s1m 3257
for it brian fitzpatrick thingummychristinegrahame brian fitzpatrick can call
submit petitions by e mailchristinegrahame bt had a dummy
mrs margaret ewing s1m 1315christinegrahame burton s biscuits that
lodged on 26 january 2000christinegrahame business bulletin 37 2000
23 may 2000 supported bychristinegrahame business bulletin 89 2000
peattie john mcallion donald gorriechristinegrahame business bulletin no 183
petitions must be in englishchristinegrahame but people do not
hyslop tommy sheridan s1m 1025christinegrahame cashmere in crisis that
employees supported by donald gorriechristinegrahame cathie craigie mr john
lodged on 2 june 2000christinegrahame cathie craigie s1m 945
white tommy sheridan s1m 3941christinegrahame children of iraq collateral
mr jamie stone s1m 3828christinegrahame cockenzie house that the
shona robison dr winnie ewingchristinegrahame colin campbell andrew wilson
industries supported by tommy sheridanchristinegrahame colin campbell dr winnie
elder michael matheson alex neilchristinegrahame colin campbell roseanna cunningham
lodged on 31 may 2000christinegrahame colin campbell s1m 928
radcliffe cathy jamieson s1m 360christinegrahame concessionary fares for pensioners
we should refer the petitionchristinegrahame could we first confirm
robison bill aitken michael russellchristinegrahame david mcletchie alex fergusson
lodged on 2 june 2000christinegrahame david mcletchie alex fergusson
mr kenneth gibson alex neilchristinegrahame david mcletchie colin campbell
lodged on 6 march 2002christinegrahame david mundell dorothy grace
white tommy sheridan fiona mcleodchristinegrahame david mundell michael russell
russell elaine smith s1m 1233christinegrahame day care centres that
carry out such activities whichchristinegrahame described should fall within
scotland snp the situation thatchristinegrahame describes is not confined
not know i cannot rememberchristinegrahame do we have a
ian jenkins i think thatchristinegrahame does that well already
available supported by phil galliechristinegrahame donald gorrie alex neil
michael russell dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame donald gorrie andrew wilson
mrs margaret ewing ian jenkinschristinegrahame donald gorrie fergus ewing
was supported by tommy sheridanchristinegrahame donald gorrie mr jamie
campbell andrew wilson robin harperchristinegrahame dorothy grace elder donald
ombudsman supported by michael russellchristinegrahame dorothy grace elder mr
by tommy sheridan alasdair morganchristinegrahame dorothy grace elder mr
mcleod andrew wilson robin harperchristinegrahame dorothy grace elder ms
sandra white mr john swinneychristinegrahame dr winnie ewing alex
genuinely secret ballot s1m 4060christinegrahame edinburgh royal infirmary parking
neil tricia marwick s1m 895christinegrahame expansion of signum circuits
motorists supported by shona robisonchristinegrahame fergus ewing brian adam
colin campbell mr andrew welshchristinegrahame fergus ewing brian adam
by michael matheson andrew wilsonchristinegrahame fergus ewing kay ullrich
watson shona robison helen eadiechristinegrahame fergus ewing mr kenneth
brian adam mr david davidsonchristinegrahame fergus ewing ms sandra
taking up the argument wherechristinegrahame finished i do not
23 may 2000 supported bychristinegrahame fiona hyslop alex neil
gorrie michael russell brian adamchristinegrahame fiona hyslop elaine smith
6 december 2001 irene mcguganchristinegrahame fiona hyslop fiona mcleod
gorrie michael russell brian adamchristinegrahame fiona hyslop robert brown
neil donald gorrie brian adamchristinegrahame fiona hyslop shona robison
paterson tricia marwick brian adamchristinegrahame fiona hyslop shona robison
marwick michael russell brian adamchristinegrahame fiona hyslop shona robison
gorrie brian adam cathie craigiechristinegrahame fiona mcleod alex neil
mr duncan hamilton kay ullrichchristinegrahame fiona mcleod alex neil
adam shona robison robin harperchristinegrahame fiona mcleod dorothy grace
elder brian adam shona robisonchristinegrahame fiona mcleod michael russell
by alex neil shona robisonchristinegrahame fiona mcleod michael russell
quinan tommy sheridan shona robisonchristinegrahame fiona mcleod michael russell
quinan robin harper nick johnstonchristinegrahame fiona mcleod mr david
mr duncan hamilton brian adamchristinegrahame fiona mcleod ms sandra
jamieson phil gallie donald gorriechristinegrahame fiona mcleod nick johnston
mr kenny macaskill tricia marwickchristinegrahame fiona mcleod roseanna cunningham
lottery supported by richard lochheadchristinegrahame fiona mcleod s1m 1135
i am going to votechristinegrahame first i want to
can thank pauline mcneill andchristinegrahame for this morning s
named and perhaps shamed bychristinegrahame for what i said
personal best performances s1m 1287christinegrahame funding for disabled people
margo macdonald dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame gil paterson dennis canavan
roseanna cunningham convener phil galliechristinegrahame gordon jackson kate maclean
of occasions in the chamberchristinegrahame has advocated the case
and prevention of crime althoughchristinegrahame has moved a long
measure is robust gordon jacksonchristinegrahame has quoted my comments
be acceptable to all memberschristinegrahame has received a copy
primary concern touches on whatchristinegrahame has said about the
deal of sympathy with whatchristinegrahame has tried to do
ewing mary scanlon rhoda grantchristinegrahame henry mcleish elaine smith
ordered a team to investigatechristinegrahame how could a constable
lodged on 31 october 2000christinegrahame hugh henry helen eadie
benefits in something like thischristinegrahame i agree with much
grahame does that well alreadychristinegrahame i also intend to
surveillance and if so howchristinegrahame i am grateful for
would find such visits usefulchristinegrahame i am losing track
resources to a later datechristinegrahame i am mindful of
wanted to pursue that issuechristinegrahame i ask that we
jackson glasgow govan lab likechristinegrahame i believe that the
the convener is that agreedchristinegrahame i do not mean
refer it to historic scotlandchristinegrahame i do not see
on her points about amendmentschristinegrahame i do not think
the views of the committeechristinegrahame i gave notice earlier
the review and its remitchristinegrahame i have a question
faith i move amendment 30christinegrahame i have some sympathy
all the treaty will bechristinegrahame i have supplementary questions
and signed by the petitionerchristinegrahame i have two points
static annual exercise 12 30christinegrahame i have two questions
the amendments in the groupchristinegrahame i hope that members
could have tried harder thanchristinegrahame i hope that she
us well in the futurechristinegrahame i knew which way
enhanced incentives for designated areaschristinegrahame i refer the minister
macdonald have two quick questionschristinegrahame i return to my
us see how we dochristinegrahame i see there are
case to which you referchristinegrahame i still think that
they had hoped to achievechristinegrahame i take it gordon
to a point made bychristinegrahame i think that if
to disappoint you on thatchristinegrahame i thought that you
international criminal court scotland billchristinegrahame i want to make
to take evidence from nextchristinegrahame i want to return
do it is that okaychristinegrahame i was going to
not the committee s concernchristinegrahame i was just asking
to that effect but unlikechristinegrahame i was unable to
at 13 49 the convenerchristinegrahame i welcome everybody to
lifelong learning lewis macdonald rosechristinegrahame i will take the
reasons are given 11 30christinegrahame i will try to
person who triggers the processchristinegrahame if euan robson would
way that was mentioned earlierchristinegrahame if the executive had
fergusson donald gorrie s1m 991christinegrahame impact of climate change
to reduce poisoning in taysidechristinegrahame in the definitions section
kate maclean ms sandra whitechristinegrahame irene mcgugan fiona hyslop
decline supported by michael russellchristinegrahame irene mcgugan fiona mcleod
quinan tommy sheridan robin harperchristinegrahame irene mcgugan mr adam
national insurance burden robert brownchristinegrahame is absolutely right the
quite as final as whatchristinegrahame is contemplating although i
up their dogs for rehomingchristinegrahame is correct to say
justice is just a phrasechristinegrahame is drawing out the
on the question of principlechristinegrahame is familiar with the
to come from the courtschristinegrahame is it your view
business and resource planning processchristinegrahame is the quality and
i support the aims thatchristinegrahame is trying to achieve
are providing the same servicechristinegrahame isea is not a
handled phil gallie all rightchristinegrahame it is open to
november the convener all daychristinegrahame it is usually in
is a job worth doingchristinegrahame it might be useful
codes of practice or elsewherechristinegrahame it seems that there
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1001christinegrahame it staffing for the
matter was raised at westminsterchristinegrahame it was given quite
the minister at this stagechristinegrahame it would be quite
mundell euan robson ian jenkinschristinegrahame johann lamont michael russell
mr duncan mcneil irene mcguganchristinegrahame johann lamont mr keith
4 march 2003 brian fitzpatrickchristinegrahame johann lamont s1m 3974
on 26 may supported bychristinegrahame john swinney roseanna cunningham
quinan robin harper kay ullrichchristinegrahame kate maclean shona robison
harper shona robison michael russellchristinegrahame kay ullrich linda fabiani
macdonald sandra white robin harperchristinegrahame kenneth gibson elaine smith
scottish borders iain gray aschristinegrahame knows well from previous
1134 in the name ofchristinegrahame leave out from to
crawford tricia marwick s1m 1002christinegrahame licence applications from scotland
kenneth gibson dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame linda fabiani andrew wilson
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillchristinegrahame linda fabiani colin campbell
sector supported by brian adamchristinegrahame linda fabiani dorothy grace
nicola sturgeon mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame linda fabiani dr winnie
mr kenneth gibson alex neilchristinegrahame linda fabiani fergus ewing
donald gorrie mr lloyd quinanchristinegrahame linda fabiani mr john
lodged on 8 march 2002christinegrahame linda fabiani s1m 2861
mr adam ingram irene mcguganchristinegrahame linda fabiani shona robison
grace elder mr gil patersonchristinegrahame lodged on 27 april
often means voluntary sector projectschristinegrahame made a valid point
to revisit a point thatchristinegrahame made about plea bargaining
donald gorrie dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame margaret jamieson fergus ewing
gibson alex neil donald gorriechristinegrahame maureen macmillan fiona hyslop
mr lloyd quinan michael russellchristinegrahame maureen macmillan fiona hyslop
neil donald gorrie michael russellchristinegrahame maureen macmillan shona robison
mr lloyd quinan alex neilchristinegrahame maureen macmillan shona robison
more of the delay thatchristinegrahame mentioned three and a
he will know what ichristinegrahame michael matheson and other
lodged on 25 february 2000christinegrahame michael russell andrew wilson
lodged on 25 february 2000christinegrahame michael russell andrew wilson
lodged on 25 february 2000christinegrahame michael russell andrew wilson
mr duncan hamilton fergus ewingchristinegrahame michael russell mrs margaret
lodged on 5 january 2000christinegrahame michael russell s1m 397
white robin harper michael mathesonchristinegrahame michael russell tommy sheridan
this distance what my colleaguechristinegrahame might have said she
maureen macmillan mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame mike watson irene mcgugan
nora radcliffe mr murray toshchristinegrahame mr adam ingram irene
supported by dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame mr adam ingram mr
committee supported by michael russellchristinegrahame mr andrew wilson mr
mr jamie mcgrigor ben wallacechristinegrahame mr david davidson mr
brian monteith mr keith hardingchristinegrahame mr david davidson nora
elder brian adam shona robisonchristinegrahame mr duncan hamilton fiona
mcintosh ian jenkins bill aitkenchristinegrahame mr jamie mcgrigor brian
adam linda fabiani nicola sturgeonchristinegrahame mr jamie stone andrew
ewing fergus ewing irene mcguganchristinegrahame mr jamie stone dorothy
lloyd quinan mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame mr jamie stone robin
phil gallie mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame mr john home robertson
by david mundell shona robisonchristinegrahame mr john mcallion tommy
white robin harper irene mcguganchristinegrahame mr john munro tricia
lodged on 25 june 2002christinegrahame mr keith raffan brian
21 june 2002 margaret smithchristinegrahame mr keith raffan brian
lodged on 1 july 2002christinegrahame mr keith raffan mr
mcleod maureen macmillan rhoda grantchristinegrahame mr keith raffan pauline
lodged on 20 june 2002christinegrahame mr keith raffan s1m
lodged on 2 july 2002christinegrahame mr keith raffan s1m
dorothy grace elder robin harperchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson alasdair
mcgugan alex neil shona robisonchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson brian
grace elder dr winnie ewingchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson elaine
mr john swinney shona robisonchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson fergus
white robin harper shona robisonchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson kay
mr jamie mcgrigor fergus ewingchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson mary
mcgugan tommy sheridan shona robisonchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson michael
lodged on 1 june 2000christinegrahame mr kenneth gibson roseanna
gorrie linda fabiani shona robisonchristinegrahame mr kenneth gibson roseanna
the public sector supported bychristinegrahame mr kenny macaskill donald
ms margo macdonald michael mathesonchristinegrahame mr kenny macaskill mr
donald gorrie dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame mr kenny macaskill mrs
quinan michael russell brian adamchristinegrahame mr kenny macaskill s1m
alasdair morgan mr keith raffanchristinegrahame mr lloyd quinan linda
alasdair morgan mr keith raffanchristinegrahame mr lloyd quinan mary
lochhead robin harper michael mathesonchristinegrahame mr lloyd quinan michael
michael matheson mr john swinneychristinegrahame mr lloyd quinan mr
hamilton colin campbell kay ullrichchristinegrahame mr lloyd quinan mr
marwick michael russell fergus ewingchristinegrahame mr lloyd quinan mr
alex neil mr michael mcmahonchristinegrahame mrs lyndsay mcintosh michael
lodged on 5 june 2002christinegrahame mrs lyndsay mcintosh s1m
fergus ewing mr lloyd quinanchristinegrahame mrs margaret ewing bruce
canavan tommy sheridan ian jenkinschristinegrahame mrs margaret ewing s1m
johnstone richard lochhead tavish scottchristinegrahame mrs margaret ewing s1m
supported by mr stewart stevensonchristinegrahame ms jackie baillie ian
robison fergus ewing michael russellchristinegrahame ms pauline mcneill mr
convener helen eadie phil galliechristinegrahame ms sandra white apologies
linda fabiani mr lloyd quinanchristinegrahame ms sandra white dennis
lodged on 12 november 1999christinegrahame ms sandra white dennis
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame ms sandra white linda
communities of glasgow supported bychristinegrahame ms sandra white michael
lodged on 21 february 2003christinegrahame ms sandra white mr
linda fabiani mr gil patersonchristinegrahame ms sandra white mr
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame ms sandra white s1m
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame ms sandra white s1m
mr brian monteith michael russellchristinegrahame ms sandra white s1m
hyslop richard lochhead stewart stevensonchristinegrahame ms sandra white tommy
hyslop richard lochhead stewart stevensonchristinegrahame ms sandra white tommy
that would be a problemchristinegrahame my final point concerns
we are now running latechristinegrahame my final point is
staffing situation through the yearchristinegrahame my presumption probably wrong
that we agree with thatchristinegrahame my second point is
on common law in scotlandchristinegrahame neither am i hugh
harding david mcletchie donald gorriechristinegrahame nick johnston mary scanlon
mr brian monteith alasdair morganchristinegrahame nick johnston phil gallie
mr lloyd quinan shona robisonchristinegrahame nicola sturgeon fiona mcleod
robin harper dr winnie ewingchristinegrahame nicola sturgeon irene mcgugan
mr duncan hamilton dennis canavanchristinegrahame nicola sturgeon linda fabiani
elder shona robison brian adamchristinegrahame nicola sturgeon mr duncan
3 september 1999 winnie ewingchristinegrahame nicola sturgeon s1m 74
will the member give waychristinegrahame no i have no
to ask anything else christinechristinegrahame no i will let
outlook is needed supported bychristinegrahame nora radcliffe donald gorrie
robison andrew wilson robin harperchristinegrahame nora radcliffe dorothy grace
marilyn livingstone mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame nora radcliffe pauline mcneill
the limit is nine yearschristinegrahame obviously there will be
had the spectacular introduction fromchristinegrahame of a new form
the substance or the principlechristinegrahame oh god brian fitzpatrick
for mr ratcliffe s informationchristinegrahame okay helen eadie the
to the existing public guidancechristinegrahame okay it is just
sitting entirely outside the organisationchristinegrahame okay ms macdonald it
9571 by iain gray tochristinegrahame on 18 september 2000
report on prison estates reviewchristinegrahame on behalf of the
they want to do sochristinegrahame on that point of
noises from a sedentary positionchristinegrahame only when brian fitzpatrick
lodged on 21 february 2000christinegrahame pauline mcneill andrew wilson
lodged on 22 february 2000christinegrahame pauline mcneill s1m 576
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1134christinegrahame pensioner poverty in scotland
rather than later i thinkchristinegrahame people will be into
across in the best waychristinegrahame perhaps that can be
for the increase in staffchristinegrahame perhaps you cannot answer
aitken alex fergusson irene mcguganchristinegrahame phil gallie mary scanlon
mcgrigor fergus ewing fiona mcleodchristinegrahame phil gallie mary scanlon
mackay made this morning howeverchristinegrahame pointed out that if
european competition rules s1m 3275christinegrahame presbytery of jedburgh that
donald gorrie ms margo macdonaldchristinegrahame proposed alzheimer s and
angus mackay michael matheson andchristinegrahame raised one or two
issues were raised of whichchristinegrahame raised two or three
table for them sandy rosiechristinegrahame raises a number of
of the report to whichchristinegrahame referred borders nhs board
expansion of the definitions thatchristinegrahame referred to comes from
kenny macaskill mr gil patersonchristinegrahame rhoda grant malcolm chisholm
brian fitzpatrick mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame rhoda grant mr keith
mr kenneth gibson donald gorriechristinegrahame rhoda grant mr lloyd
mr kenneth gibson donald gorriechristinegrahame rhoda grant mr lloyd
lodged on 17 february 2000christinegrahame rhoda grant pauline mcneill
scottish life r supported bychristinegrahame richard lochhead alex neil
dorothy grace elder fergus ewingchristinegrahame richard lochhead mr kenny
ullrich michael matheson fiona mcleodchristinegrahame richard lochhead s1m 274
mr adam ingram tommy sheridanchristinegrahame robert brown fiona hyslop
safety net schemes supported bychristinegrahame robin harper mrs margaret
7 january 2000 phil galliechristinegrahame robin harper s1m 401
not one of those expectationschristinegrahame rose the deputy presiding
gorrie linda fabiani shona robisonchristinegrahame roseanna cunningham andrew wilson
lodged on 30 may 2000christinegrahame roseanna cunningham andrew wilson
lodged on 30 may 2000christinegrahame roseanna cunningham andrew wilson
gorrie linda fabiani shona robisonchristinegrahame roseanna cunningham andrew wilson
risk to any other personchristinegrahame s amendment contains sufficient
i outlined we believe thatchristinegrahame s amendment does not
some confusion on that pointchristinegrahame s amendment even if
the minister does not acceptchristinegrahame s amendment it would
which is why i commendchristinegrahame s amendment the concern
of the provision created bychristinegrahame s amendment they will
i want clarification on howchristinegrahame s amendment would give
clear that the executive opposeschristinegrahame s amendments i also
the debate the amendments inchristinegrahame s name are the
the side of saying thatchristinegrahame s provision is not
questions that lead on fromchristinegrahame s questions do you
finally i was interested inchristinegrahame s reference to professor
i feel deeply chagrined bychristinegrahame s suggestion that i
alasdair morgan mr gil patersonchristinegrahame s1m 128 allan wilson
lodged on 1 november 2000christinegrahame s1m 1300 beating bowel
lodged on 22 october 2001christinegrahame s1m 2336 free personal
4 december 2001 fiona mcleodchristinegrahame s1m 2501 criminal proceedings
december 2001 john farquhar munrochristinegrahame s1m 2505 aggregates tax
3 december 2001 fiona mcleodchristinegrahame s1m 2508 gm cross
lodged on 3 december 2001christinegrahame s1m 2510 annual st
lodged on 3 december 2001christinegrahame s1m 2511 head of
lodged on 3 december 2001christinegrahame s1m 2512 breaking the
2001 tommy sheridan trish godmanchristinegrahame s1m 2525 railtrack and
mcgugan tommy sheridan trish godmanchristinegrahame s1m 2528 young runaways
2001 irene mcgugan tommy sheridanchristinegrahame s1m 2530 railtrack and
7 december 2001 tommy sheridanchristinegrahame s1m 2533 musical instrument
lodged on 4 march 2002christinegrahame s1m 2822 sale and
march 2002 mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame s1m 2872 official visitors
tosh david mundell michael mathesonchristinegrahame s1m 291 mr brian
lodged on 10 june 2002christinegrahame s1m 3185 scotland s
lodged on 11 june 2002christinegrahame s1m 3195 exposure to
lodged on 12 june 2002christinegrahame s1m 3196 links between
lodged on 13 june 2002christinegrahame s1m 3210 causing death
lodged on 26 february 2003christinegrahame s1m 3915 sabhal mor
february 2003 mrs margaret smithchristinegrahame s1m 3960 700th anniversary
lodged on 27 february 2003christinegrahame s1m 3964 no smoking
lodged on 3 march 2003christinegrahame s1m 3972 jack vettriano
matheson irene mcgugan alex neilchristinegrahame s1m 3988 maternity and
5 march 2003 alex neilchristinegrahame s1m 3989 unesco world
matheson irene mcgugan alex neilchristinegrahame s1m 4002 partick bulk
lodged on 11 march 2003christinegrahame s1m 4006 south lanarkshire
lodged on 27 january 2000christinegrahame s1m 464 necessity of
lodged on 4 february 2000christinegrahame s1m 503 drug addiction
lodged on 4 february 2000christinegrahame s1m 504 compensation to
lodged on 15 february 2000christinegrahame s1m 540 arms sales
lodged on 21 february 2000christinegrahame s1m 572 european union
lodged on 22 february 2000christinegrahame s1m 583 iranian elections
6 march 2000 maureen macmillanchristinegrahame s1m 633 lip reading
8 march 2000 maureen macmillanchristinegrahame s1m 641 telecommunication masts
lodged on 8 march 2000christinegrahame s1m 651 rohypnol drug
27 march 2000 andrew wilsonchristinegrahame s1m 694 scottish media
andrew wilson mr kenneth gibsonchristinegrahame s1m 699 coastal erosion
29 march 2000 andrew wilsonchristinegrahame s1m 704 slopping out
2000 andrew wilson alex neilchristinegrahame s1m 718 relocation of
30 march 2000 alex neilchristinegrahame s1m 719 thalidomide 40
hamilton fergus ewing michael russellchristinegrahame s1m 963 dorothy grace
is very much welcomed aschristinegrahame said that facility must
and will be relatively inexpensivechristinegrahame schools the convener schools
to your question is yeschristinegrahame scotland has a separate
wilson alex neil nora radcliffechristinegrahame scott barrie mr adam
consequences on employment s1m 600christinegrahame scottish borders economy that
a hash symbol s1m 2628christinegrahame scottish borders education meltdown
marwick margaret smith s1m 898christinegrahame scottish tomato industry that
kay ullrich mr jamie mcgrigorchristinegrahame shona robison alex neil
bruce crawford mrs margaret ewingchristinegrahame shona robison fergus ewing
hamilton tommy sheridan robert brownchristinegrahame shona robison irene mcgugan
grace elder dr winnie ewingchristinegrahame shona robison linda fabiani
alex neil dorothy grace elderchristinegrahame shona robison linda fabiani
ingram alex neil brian adamchristinegrahame shona robison mr david
hamilton fergus ewing michael russellchristinegrahame shona robison mr kenneth
quinan tricia marwick donald gorriechristinegrahame shona robison ms sandra
december 2001 john farquhar munrochristinegrahame shona robison s1m 2504
2001 irene mcgugan fiona mcleodchristinegrahame shona robison s1m 2509
4 december 2001 tommy sheridanchristinegrahame shona robison s1m 2513
tommy sheridan mr michael mcmahonchristinegrahame shona robison s1m 2514
in the stage 1 debatechristinegrahame should be congratulated on
tried and pauline mcneill triedchristinegrahame should not suggest that
the provisions of the billchristinegrahame so it would not
give a constable that powerchristinegrahame so that may cover
gallie south of scotland conchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
dorothy grace elder glasgow indchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
necessary scottish borders economy 10christinegrahame south of scotland snp
good luck applause 11 42christinegrahame south of scotland snp
west aberdeenshire and kincardine ldchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
the local timber transport groupschristinegrahame south of scotland snp
younger speakers in the debatechristinegrahame south of scotland snp
gallie south of scotland conchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
cashmere company ltd s1w 9315christinegrahame south of scotland snp
james douglas hamilton lothians conchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
motion go through 11 32christinegrahame south of scotland snp
our country deserves 11 37christinegrahame south of scotland snp
been paid out s1w 9314christinegrahame south of scotland snp
serve their sentence 10 15christinegrahame south of scotland snp
no further action is requiredchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
categories dental services borders 12christinegrahame south of scotland snp
head the unit s1w 10175christinegrahame south of scotland snp
meeting 2002 session 1 convenerchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
scotland s benefit 12 10christinegrahame south of scotland snp
prosecution appeals and fresh trialschristinegrahame south of scotland snp
you for that correction convenerchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
gallie south of scotland conchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
as follows [note: table in original] s1w 8931christinegrahame south of scotland snp
lab rhona brankin midlothian labchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
have suffered the extra burdenchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
consequently been implemented s1w 12470christinegrahame south of scotland snp
mid scotland and fife ldchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
scott barrie dunfermline west labchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
such issues do their jobchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
on the successes already achievedchristinegrahame south of scotland snp
sources i move amendment 1christinegrahame south of scotland snp
are drawn up s1w 8930christinegrahame south of scotland snp
excluded from communities 10 57christinegrahame south of scotland snp
allocated according to geographical areachristinegrahame south of scotland snp
be developed further s1w 9316christinegrahame south of scotland snp
public of the kind thatchristinegrahame suggested i would obviously
ms sandra white s1m 604christinegrahame sutherland report with respect
particular circumstances of the casechristinegrahame talked about the court
quinan malcolm chisholm mike watsonchristinegrahame tavish scott fiona mcleod
on the balance of probabilitieschristinegrahame thank you for explaining
every complaint will be examinedchristinegrahame that does not satisfy
is closed on 30 novemberchristinegrahame that is a pity
national jurisdiction hugh dignon nochristinegrahame that is a shame
party is unwilling or unablechristinegrahame that is a weakness
prove that they should bechristinegrahame that is helpful my
have no problem with thatchristinegrahame that is really why
that scotland is properly representedchristinegrahame that is the point
ratified by about july 2002christinegrahame that is very helpful
be addressed by the ministerchristinegrahame that point is similar
that case but i assurechristinegrahame that the matter will
to ask a short questionchristinegrahame that was it i
and people with other difficultieschristinegrahame that would be appropriate
a response is that agreedchristinegrahame that would be diplomatic
when the petitions were submittedchristinegrahame that would help us
i talk about covert intelligencechristinegrahame the member is making
we will deliver our schemechristinegrahame the minister got there
the parliamentary bureau s permissionchristinegrahame the offer of a
system and disrupt the parliamentchristinegrahame the parliament the convener
there any questions or commentschristinegrahame the petition calls on
to be contravening the lawchristinegrahame there is a difficulty
and voluntary sector committee meetschristinegrahame there is a justice
little from the strict detailchristinegrahame there is a section
discuss those bits and pieceschristinegrahame there is not a
committee will have contacted themchristinegrahame they should know there
in 2008 s1f 1987 6christinegrahame to ask the first
s1f 346 4 withdrawn 5christinegrahame to ask the first
25 june 2001 s1w 16487christinegrahame to ask the scottish
that assessment is s1w 9214christinegrahame to ask the scottish
four financial years s1w 9185christinegrahame to ask the scottish
life threatening illness s1w 3613christinegrahame to ask the scottish
be made public s1w 9215christinegrahame to ask the scottish
health board area s1w 9134christinegrahame to ask the scottish
and immunisation are s1w 8756christinegrahame to ask the scottish
house in fife s1w 27382christinegrahame to ask the scottish
upon this recommendation s1w 9117christinegrahame to ask the scottish
of the contract s1w 31103christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in 1999 2000 s1w 9118christinegrahame to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 17640christinegrahame to ask the scottish
iv 2000 01 s1w 12135christinegrahame to ask the scottish
a sheriff courthouse s1w 27459christinegrahame to ask the scottish
this be available s1w 9139christinegrahame to ask the scottish
an island community s1w 27413christinegrahame to ask the scottish
year 2000 01 s1w 9213christinegrahame to ask the scottish
the scottish ministers s1w 9116christinegrahame to ask the scottish
and galloway s1o 4670 9christinegrahame to ask the scottish
the 60 target s1w 8757christinegrahame to ask the scottish
other eu countries s1w 17634christinegrahame to ask the scottish
telecommunications mast s1o 3837 5christinegrahame to ask the scottish
area of ayr s1w 9837christinegrahame to ask the scottish
children to swim s1w 9838christinegrahame to ask the scottish
700 prisoner places s1w 29259christinegrahame to ask the scottish
are made available s1w 15161christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in this regard s1w 31135christinegrahame to ask the scottish
subsidised service contracts s1w 8755christinegrahame to ask the scottish
18 april 2001 s1w 15163christinegrahame to ask the scottish
city schools s1o 6467 28christinegrahame to ask the scottish
operate remand prison s1w 29265christinegrahame to ask the scottish
to older people s1w 12235christinegrahame to ask the scottish
18 april 2001 s1w 15159christinegrahame to ask the scottish
of such works s1w 27463christinegrahame to ask the scottish
will be published s1w 17664christinegrahame to ask the scottish
operate remand prison s1w 29264christinegrahame to ask the scottish
for remand prisoners s1w 29258christinegrahame to ask the scottish
for each abattoir s1w 15160christinegrahame to ask the scottish
for remand prisoners s1w 29260christinegrahame to ask the scottish
operated remand prison s1w 29263christinegrahame to ask the scottish
comparable targets are s1w 9216christinegrahame to ask the scottish
of remand prisoners s1w 29261christinegrahame to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 31133christinegrahame to ask the scottish
it is achieving s1w 15162christinegrahame to ask the scottish
scottish crime squad s1w 15158christinegrahame to ask the scottish
of scotland s1o 3282 23christinegrahame to ask the scottish
on this issue s1w 31134christinegrahame to ask the scottish
clarify that answer s1w 10882christinegrahame to ask the scottish
2001 to date s1w 17671christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 1836 17christinegrahame to ask the scottish
this report available s1w 1050christinegrahame to ask the scottish
next 3 years s1w 1049christinegrahame to ask the scottish
place remand prison s1w 29262christinegrahame to ask the scottish
making it happen s1w 33284christinegrahame to ask the scottish
and its grounds s1w 24797christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 248 19christinegrahame to ask the scottish
the public domain s1w 8764christinegrahame to ask the scottish
housing association s1o 4863 18christinegrahame to ask the scottish
aid in peebles s1w 27462christinegrahame to ask the scottish
next three years s1w 8763christinegrahame to ask the scottish
by water authority s1w 12196christinegrahame to ask the scottish
last five years s1w 33014christinegrahame to ask the scottish
around the area s1w 17641christinegrahame to ask the scottish
30 september 1999 s1w 24787christinegrahame to ask the scottish
other marine laboratories s1w 8788christinegrahame to ask the scottish
by under 21s s1w 29257christinegrahame to ask the scottish
glasgow or paisley s1w 12234christinegrahame to ask the scottish
local enterprise company s1w 33285christinegrahame to ask the scottish
be made public s1w 31102christinegrahame to ask the scottish
03 to date s1w 27457christinegrahame to ask the scottish
and higher grade s1w 12195christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in the future s1w 33299christinegrahame to ask the scottish
to school building s1w 17633christinegrahame to ask the scottish
30 pm question time 1christinegrahame to ask the scottish
03 to date s1w 27455christinegrahame to ask the scottish
around the area s1w 17638christinegrahame to ask the scottish
would be funded s1w 27446christinegrahame to ask the scottish
30 december 1999 s1w 24788christinegrahame to ask the scottish
still trading successfully s1w 24075christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in clinical trials s1w 24796christinegrahame to ask the scottish
business in peebles s1w 27461christinegrahame to ask the scottish
taken legal advice s1w 33541christinegrahame to ask the scottish
taken into account s1w 33283christinegrahame to ask the scottish
world health organisation s1w 33281christinegrahame to ask the scottish
making it happen s1w 33282christinegrahame to ask the scottish
of the line s1w 8790christinegrahame to ask the scottish
be re instated s1w 8789christinegrahame to ask the scottish
cement from there s1w 17639christinegrahame to ask the scottish
hm prison kilmarnock s1w 17665christinegrahame to ask the scottish
03 to date s1w 27454christinegrahame to ask the scottish
for legal aid s1w 24786christinegrahame to ask the scottish
for 2000 01 s1w 8762christinegrahame to ask the scottish
these sites are s1w 17673christinegrahame to ask the scottish
ireland and switzerland s1w 8760christinegrahame to ask the scottish
virus this year s1w 8758christinegrahame to ask the scottish
65 age group s1w 8759christinegrahame to ask the scottish
2001 to date s1w 17666christinegrahame to ask the scottish
selection or rejection s1w 4806christinegrahame to ask the scottish
academic sessions s1o 339 5christinegrahame to ask the scottish
in the eu s1w 22129christinegrahame to ask the scottish
recycled liquid fuel s1w 17635christinegrahame to ask the scottish
5 2001 02 s1w 27447christinegrahame to ask the scottish
at the factory s1w 17637christinegrahame to ask the scottish
type of case s1w 27456christinegrahame to ask the scottish
deaths in england s1w 1096christinegrahame to ask the scottish
the internet s1o 3278 30christinegrahame to ask the scottish
addressed r s1o 438 27christinegrahame to ask the scottish
the peebles courthouse s1w 27460christinegrahame to ask the scottish
2001 to date s1w 17668christinegrahame to ask the scottish
such a situation s1w 17663christinegrahame to ask the scottish
second homes s1o 3196 10christinegrahame to ask the scottish
real terms s1o 404 25christinegrahame to ask the scottish
learning disabilities s1o 5406 6christinegrahame to ask the scottish
2001 to date s1w 17670christinegrahame to ask the scottish
2001 to date s1w 17667christinegrahame to ask the scottish
rural areas s1o 5841 27christinegrahame to ask the scottish
purpose built incinerators s1w 17636christinegrahame to ask the scottish
last five years s1w 27458christinegrahame to ask the scottish
for 2000 01 s1w 17672christinegrahame to ask the scottish
is being achieved s1w 4805christinegrahame to ask the scottish
and gm food s1w 27453christinegrahame to ask the scottish
2001 to date s1w 17669christinegrahame to ask the scottish
8b and 9 i askchristinegrahame to move amendment 8
have another cut before askingchristinegrahame to respond angus mackay
investigate them i confirm forchristinegrahame to whom i passed
ewing colin campbell linda fabianichristinegrahame tricia marwick alex neil
elder donald gorrie irene mcguganchristinegrahame tricia marwick andrew wilson
neil michael russell brian adamchristinegrahame tricia marwick andrew wilson
shona robison ms sandra whitechristinegrahame tricia marwick andrew wilson
gibson donald gorrie irene mcguganchristinegrahame tricia marwick brian adam
quinan alex neil michael mathesonchristinegrahame tricia marwick tommy sheridan
i do not know whetherchristinegrahame was going to go
changed on an annual basischristinegrahame was it the sps
conscious of the point thatchristinegrahame was making very well
that amendment 8 moved bychristinegrahame was not accepted at
process in general s1m 1495christinegrahame water and sewerage charges
had been set on firechristinegrahame we all received that
first discussed on 21 septemberchristinegrahame we are told that
not seen those conclusions myselfchristinegrahame we are waiting for
for not accepting handwritten petitionschristinegrahame we could say that
how the petitions are progressingchristinegrahame we need to know
be referred to historic scotlandchristinegrahame we should send it
ewing fiona hyslop s1m 980christinegrahame web cast of parliament
to sit where members sitchristinegrahame were they naughty the
come to us for destructionchristinegrahame what about a dog
are met by the policechristinegrahame what consideration has been
facilities nationally to impound dogschristinegrahame what facilities if any
were problems on his landchristinegrahame what if the permission
new homes for the animalschristinegrahame what is the usual
that it does not rainchristinegrahame what is wrong with
is dangerous and i supportchristinegrahame who eloquently and sensibly
acknowledge the considerable efforts ofchristinegrahame who over a long
their responses to the petitionchristinegrahame why cannot we ask
over a short time scalechristinegrahame why is it taking
minister who will be respondingchristinegrahame will have the last
fitzpatrick is speaking brian fitzpatrickchristinegrahame will not rise to
be particular issues of concernchristinegrahame will the minister take
caught up with that factchristinegrahame will want to pay
members indicated agreement 14 15christinegrahame will we get a
petitions must be in englishchristinegrahame yes but that should
so tuesday mornings are outchristinegrahame yes pauline mcneill i
write to both those organisationschristinegrahame yes the convener that
other statutes in my statementchristinegrahame you mentioned the bankruptcy
to take a different viewchristinegrahame you said unwilling or
steps that they have takenchristinegrahame your background knowledge of
trish west renfrewshire lab grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp grant
easterbrook central scotland ld grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp grant
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
west of scotland con grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
west of scotland con grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
west of scotland con grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
west of scotland con grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
west of scotland con grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hamilton
mr kenneth glasgow snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp hyslop
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
cunningham roseanna perth snp grahamechristinesouth of scotland snp matheson
26 may 1999 supported bychristinegraham john swinney roseanna cunningham
26 may 1999 supported bychristinegraham john swinney roseanna cunningham
point on your previous pointchristinewe can ask the executive
be binding but the convenerchristineyou were supposed to ask
paterson kenny hunter clare barclaychristineborland roderick buchanan and alison
attended the following also attendedchristineboch scottish parliament directorate of
some legal advice on thatchristineboch scottish parliament directorate of
see stewart with mrs mcchristineelspeth he is getting worse
to kdy with mrs mcchristinestewart under heavy sedation saturday
many have been built intochristines amendment that a requirement
convener can we move onchristinewe are now running late
by the committee members doeschristinefeel that strong evidence was
done friday 22 get marychristineaway to turnhouse on route
on the record as ischristines viewpoint the fundamental objection
recommended action stephen imrie andchristineboch will be happy to
the minister made reference tochristinefoster s tragic death at
ve got something for yechristinegeorgie to audience weel i
ower late dod ma tellchristineit s rude to turn
we went to bob andchristines because that s always
in evening she comes withchristineto say that stewart can
et cetera but not withchristineborland and douglas gordon now
concluded that it was notchristinemcgladdery writes of the hot
has changed slightly in thatchristineboch can now sit with
making work about football andchristineborland is making work about
from frater s generation andchristinede luca who belongs with
age aye f606: how schristinefeel about it is she
into the tragic death ofchristinefoster at ryan s bar
mcnulty retired police officer andchristinefulton widow of constable lewis
it remains the case aschristinehas highlighted that it is
i appreciate and understand thatchristinehas made a number of
dr nicholas fife and drchristinemulligan put it in their
sugar eat hot with custardchristines christmas cake 12 oz
it s nae the fairchristinethe hedy lamarr o the
is cheerful optimistic and talkativechristineusually known as teenie daughter
the baby one side andchristinewas kneeling down looking at
m no i dy leaguechristinewid at i could express

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