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had been changed people wereclearlyable to identify particular personalities
achieve this we need toclearlyand accurately identify and communicate
the pewtherers pint and soclearlyidentify it with the usual
together for that target weclearlyidentify the scottish executive as
for example to identify moreclearlythose criminal law issues which
when presented to anybody identifyclearlywhere its holder lives and
author but the activity willclearlyfocus attention on the particular
controlled and that focus moreclearlyon the needs of individual
teachers to help pupils focusclearlyon the strengths and limitations
moment the focus is veryclearlyon the three to fifteen
the relevant factual information fairlyclearlysome further focus on paragraphing
of this poor dog quiteclearlya miscarriage of justice now
not have there is quiteclearlya provision there that would
if you read elsewhere quiteclearlyanother commitment is to avoid
nonchalent expression which states quiteclearlyas the owner warbles off
and i can remember quiteclearlycoming back from the school
for the voice was quiteclearlycoming from behind her she
dead heroes davidson shows quiteclearlyhis dependance on this procedure
fancy i remember it quiteclearlyin fact it s coming
that increase is shown quiteclearlyin table 7 which members
more than 200 people quiteclearlythat is not enough we
fireside ann could see quiteclearlythat john wedderburn understood what
rural affairs department say quiteclearlythat objective measures to define
2 of which states quiteclearlythe scottish ministers may by
other recommendations because it quiteclearlytook the view that the
wright i remember them soclearlyand she said to them
paraffin and i remember itclearlybecause it was a beautiful
i can t remember thisclearlybut we thought it had
remember your childhood teachers veryclearlyf963: oh very strongly actually
even remember the bands thatclearlyit was the camping m811:
seem too appropriate and iclearlyremember making a conscious decision
on devolved matters it isclearlycontradictory to state that sexual
well to state your requirementsclearlyif booking for two 9
in which they state veryclearlythat there is no national
that the scottish executive stateclearlythe criteria on which this
power and state its intentionclearlywe have done that in
important i think you knowclearlyer and remains so erm
address the minutiae that areclearlyimportant but to take a
to be searched it isclearlyimportant in such circumstances that
broader than that it isclearlyimportant that any tenant who
real partnership but it isclearlyimportant that consultation too is
it is important to restateclearlythe simple but overwhelming case
parliament that are being expressedclearlytoday it is also important
work muir russell it wasclearlyurgent and important those who
principle has already been establishedclearlyand convincingly by the sutherland
health service organisation malcolm chisholmclearlyi have already given approval
the animals which were alreadyclearlymarked for identification or walking
of amendment 11 we alreadyclearlyrefer to that we do
island where sport is soclearlysupported and already well developed
influence can be seen mostclearlyin the decision to allow
this can be seen mostclearlyin the decision to redistribute
tasks can be seen mostclearlyin the following tasks writing
modern languages was seen mostclearlyin the tour de france
towards loch ryan can beclearlyseen on aerial photographs at
we would have to beclearlyseen to deliver a well
who should speak slowly loudlyclearlyand expressively leaving spaces between
of the need to speakclearlyand one at a time
if i did not speakclearlyenough for all members of
ensure you speak slowly andclearly[laugh] f809: was it one
do not speak english areclearlyunlikely to contact or know
the situation a little moreclearlyand i concede that there
it more loudly and moreclearlybecause you have not said
from latin for instance englishclearlyhas more than one word
our people are heard moreclearlyin europe the ways in
f1155: oh [laugh] f1154: theyclearlylike irn bru more it
is early days but weclearlymust do more to raise
the bill s objectives moreclearlysection 7 must also be
prescribed themes now describe moreclearlythan formerly which topic areas
us a lot eh moreclearlythan they can m1008: mmhm
an attempt to define moreclearlythe contexts within which the
national action plans highlight moreclearlythe high risk of poverty
we could then consider moreclearlythe types of property and
type we could see moreclearlywhat outputs were expected from
that area and develop moreclearlywhat we would want them
the naps inclusion process moreclearlywith existing policy making processes
which indicate their effect moreclearlyworking group 10 area of
health provision another directive wouldclearlybe helpful in many areas
too many although there willclearlybe variances in certain areas
functional use of language inclearlydefined topic areas is highlighted
those four areas er veryclearlyso sort of narrowing it
considerable time however there isclearlyconsiderable interest in the scots
the conservatives however that willclearlyhave to wait for another
there is another labour governmentclearlyhowever that is speculation i
tend to go to themclearlyhowever we will have control
for us however it isclearlypart of our remit to
date however as our chairmanclearlystated we need to stretch
some citations however wheat isclearlythe meaning alsweill quhyt breid
difficult area as there isclearlya difference in parliamentary terms
making in the stranraer areaclearlyhas a long ancestry romano
ye know f606: mmhm m845: clearlyit was an area of
extension of the flooded areaclearlywould eventually fatally increase the
the point of need isclearlyestablished in the english language
target the ministerial forum hasclearlyfingered those who need to
headings priority need and intentionalityclearlyhave resource implications and local
the commonwealth games we wouldclearlyneed to have a velodrome
are serious but the billclearlysays that the priority need
to reduce the churn rateclearlythe continuing need for support
back to it the convenerclearlywe need a paper and
of yellow stodgy custard asclearlyas if it was set
the judiciary is set outclearlyas in the yugoslav and
care which is set outclearlyat chapter 6 page 68
claim of right set outclearlythe key connection between religious
allowance i will set outclearlythe position on that issue
is why we set outclearlyyesterday that care of the
advice to me there isclearlya public dispute between members
facilitating exchanges between service deliverersclearlythe executive does not deliver
promoting their culture have demonstratedclearlythe link between cultural tourism
between just one remembered meetingclearlythis unusual structure is carefully
taxation systems those nations areclearlythe most prosperous and pensioners
and hear everything much tooclearlyhold out your hand she
m too rushed to thinkclearlyi m feeling a lot
theme tune for bonanza tooclearlymyself but there is a
are supplied to those retailersclearlya gantry is not rocket
it we will start byclearlyestablishing in relation to those
that is happening those linksclearlyextend through to the local
the shape of those regulationsclearlypoint of sale advertising in
and november 1951 which hadclearlyrevealed those defects it is
respect national boundaries there isclearlya cross border flow which
defining the firlot which wasclearlya crucial measure in trade
on passenger services which isclearlya reserved matter that should
which the motion is consideredclearlyany decisions on the budget
s position which was articulatedclearlyby the deputy minister for
range of accents which areclearlycomprehensible to speakers throughout britain
growth of rap music whichclearlycontradicts any notion that young
they also ask snh toclearlyexpress which iucn category the
off incidents which that wasclearlyglasgow has a method and
ye know which it sclearlyit s no eh the
they describe situations which areclearlynot static and in which
quh some of which equallyclearlyrepresent distinctively scots pronunciations ai
from aberdeenshire council which saidclearlythat the best of the
committee s work load whichclearlythe committee must resolve the
to which it constantly returnsclearlythere are hard decisions to
poor work although some areclearlybetter than others it is
it not better to sayclearlyin each objective what government
doing their job officers wereclearlylearning the ropes better maybe
dressed but his clothes wereclearlyof a better quality than
be better to say thatclearlyrather than to use the
premises but must be aclearlydefinable office space party political
of only tackling poverty inclearlyidentified deprived communities we must
lines that he has describedclearlyit is i who must
the pronunciation of the textclearlyshoweth must be pronounced shaweth
of them as i saidclearlyin my opening statement the
advertising within premises malcolm chisholmclearlyit is as i said
hyslop also said it isclearlyludicrous to say that the
fact that the executive hasclearlysaid no to the idea
they heard we have saidclearlythat such discretion would be
meeting both of you saidclearlythat you found the budget
said this study will showclearlythe costs involved in reinstating
community care the committee saidclearlythe decision to make personal
affairs committee expressed its intentclearlywhen it said in its
scots is henryson and dunbarclearlyconsidered scots to be pretty
time she remembered him veryclearlynot in gaelic but scots
and simple and it sclearlyscots various of the lexical
manuscript was composed it isclearlyscots with characteristic spellings quh
10p per person scots isclearlythe worst funded indigenous minority
two informants as bad scotsclearlythere can be nothing inherently
it robert brown there isclearlya big job to do
9 per cent that isclearlya different calculation my example
from the presiding officer isclearlya holding reply so i
that route but that isclearlya matter for the council
to me that there isclearlya political dimension some of
him earlier that there isclearlya power to lay down
a cottar wife she isclearlya prisoner now marriage has
and buchan snp there isclearlya wide welcome in the
i acknowledge that it isclearlyan improvement in that respect
a waiting list there isclearlyan issue surrounding service provision
registration of sex offenders isclearlyan issue that concerns the
of 17 january there isclearlyan opportunity to do that
sufficiently accurate to convey meaningclearlyand consistently and communication is
character of the writer isclearlydefined the beauty of this
the co operation that isclearlydesired by participants in so
reason why when it isclearlydiscovered that a person has
s expectation of privacy isclearlyfar less if they are
and use the wording isclearlygeared towards that when we
is this the scottish parliamentclearlyhas a role in establishing
of the cross party groupclearlyhe is not listening just
same policy gaelic is aclearlyidentifiable language while i believe
a member of staff isclearlyidentified with the transferred undertaking
are saying this is nonsenseclearlyif you are a landlord
approaches to teaching is expressedclearlyin the following terms by
drugs material that is soclearlyinappropriate and against the wishes
with a demand that willclearlyincrease it is difficult to
has substantial pockets of deprivationclearlyit is a ridiculous situation
orwell for me it sclearlykafka lanark is an unfinished
development rhona brankin that isclearlynot my responsibility as deputy
membership fees as that isclearlynot the committee s aim
here the final stanza isclearlyon the wrong side of
the junior section is nowclearlyrecognised by the committee and
that our intended procedure isclearlyrecorded and available to all
aucht eight the spelling isclearlyscottish the quh in quhylis
access to the internet isclearlysomething that can be highly
the bill section 1 2clearlystates that an offence is
out note the implication isclearlythat for james poetic metre
the stage 2 debate illustratedclearlythat it is difficult to
commission was saying loudly andclearlythat it is wrong to
of premises that is notclearlythe case with one off
the way lilt salt isclearlythe hebridean overture jim christian
charter erm and this isclearlythe way forward for what
despite saying that it wouldclearlythere is an attempt to
condition has a clear impactclearlythere is an exceptional cost
to do with the petitionclearlythere is something badly wrong
is very welcome the convenerclearlywe will want to review
hamlet name mean pen isclearlywelsh or cumbric meaning head
to help members by sayingclearlywhat is acceptable john young
they would like to hearclearlywhat is expected of them
at each stage that isclearlywhat this committee is trying
or race we can seeclearlywhy that is there is
petition has been worth whileclearlyand ideally we would have
in a form that hasclearlybeen subject to amendments in
this method of preparation hasclearlybeen used for a very
young for her she hasclearlyhad it since before the
whole of scotland as itclearlyhas not the uk s
uk wide the scottish parliamentclearlyhas the competence to pass
under the tories she hasclearlynot spoken to the councils
the sip programme itself evaluationsclearlyshow that the gnp has
the process of formulating definitionsclearlythis has an impact on
mr john henderson has explainedclearlywhat that judgment can be
peattie the sqa staff haveclearlybeen under a great deal
t the variable results wereclearlyrecorded under the following headings
under summary warrant amendment 36clearlyrefers to warrant sales under
will provide it amendment 35clearlyrefers to warrant sales under
desired if pathways are notclearlymarked out in work force
suggest that work should ceaseclearlymuch work could be done
work 11 45 hugh henryclearlythere are some difficulties not
and the public as reflectedclearlyin opinion polls on a
and the public as reflectedclearlyin opinion polls on a
and the public as reflectedclearlyin opinion polls on a
the public authorities have indicatedclearlyto sue ryder care that
to phrase such a questionclearlybut it would not be
with the fact that itclearlydid not transfer to an
or outside a private vehicleclearlydoes not in our view
one that people would answerclearlyi will not support including
going well but things wereclearlynot going well in the
the ship listing badly wereclearlynot good the signals transmitted
not understand that george macbrideclearlythe recruitment of markers was
had some freedom but weclearlywould not want courses to
journal or the herald wouldclearlybe caught by the ban
the expectation of privacy wouldclearlybe highest within a person
a single word that wouldclearlycontravene clause 9 nicola sturgeon
travelling overseas in certain circumstancesclearlythe court would have to
will be consulted on thatclearlywe would like to put
are at play here theyclearlyare you obviously accept the
expressions and vocabulary items areclearlycomprehensible to speakers throughout the
that i have given areclearlydesigned for easy and convenient
these objects are for usclearlydistinguished for earlier periods this
of the bill are statedclearlyin the financial memorandum alan
are the ones that areclearlyin the wrong places in
determine the outcomes and areclearlylinked to that my own
development related spending plans areclearlylinked to two of our
people last year s dataclearlyshow that we are succeeding
what they are used toclearlywe want to do as
activity task force it showedclearlywhat the challenges are for
primary english magazine 1997 99clearlyinvolved children in experimenting with
on the census there haveclearlybeen difficulties with procedure it
they weren t afraid m964: clearlyf963: mm f965: but there
there s no way butclearly[laugh] f1151: with a bottle
reading for instance can beclearlydemonstrated even by its absence
and writing criteria can beclearlyexemplified and explicitly discussed the
the past we can seeclearlywhere it moves when we
attempts to do so wereclearlyexposing the men to the
up with the children wereclearlyfamily but whether they were
for resigning were spelled outclearlyin her letter to me
and in my written submissionclearlyindicated that people were willing
from both land and seaclearlyits residents were happy to
bill s principles came outclearlyin the consultation exercise to
completion date of 1988 wasclearlyout of the question in
of the word fairly fairlyclearlyas well m1007: mmhm m1008:
young and see everything soclearlyhe sulks just as well
rhetorician as well as economistclearlyintended that his students should
henry mcleish her caution wasclearlywell founded if the minister
economic circumstances of his timeclearlyaccount for this drift towards
on some of these featuresclearlyappear in this example of
of this correspondence survives mitchellclearlydestroyed chris s letters once
at 1032 the situation hadclearlydeteriorated for this was an
abide by this morning sclearlyexpressed will of the parliament
provision of this act thatclearlyprovides the catch all the
act of writing this doctrineclearlyran counter to the traditional
will tell scotland loudly andclearlythat across this chamber we
talked to about that matterclearlyif the process fails ministers
we have made that pointclearlyin the second letter if
position with providers if weclearlystated the level that we
coffee but if you [laugh]clearlyyou know but if you
the members whom i representclearlyhave an economic interest in
following bedding that had beenclearlybeen used by rough sleepers
convention of scottish local authoritiesclearlydisagreed and argued that teachers
stocking how s that angelicaclearlyexcited by having a man
these 2 the distinction appearsclearlyfrom three entries in that
implementation of sutherland that refusalclearlyindicates to the parliament that
immensely popular and she hadclearlylearned from burns so that
after that the priest whoclearlynever clapped eyes on my
the key role that theyclearlyplay in their local communities
earnings believes that these figuresclearlyshow that legislation in itself
otherwise of the words beclearlyshown in that case watson
voluntary sector the report statesclearlythat involvement in the voluntary
access to land you feelclearlythat the regulation of investigatory
the group the declaration demonstratesclearlythe maturity and flexibility that
people of scotland and sayclearlyto the scottish government that
say and we will respondclearlyand decisively tommy sheridan glasgow
discretion to the judges weclearlyintend to implement lady cosgrove
your lips moved and soclearlyi could read them you
i could see the driverclearlythrough the windscreen mirror an
to make an urgent statementclearlystating its plans to deal
sort 5 although von berlepschclearlyhad an agenda in writing
the other hand he hadclearlymade overmuch for the eb
dumfries and galloway dated 1998clearlythe council s representatives had
hall building and will beclearlysignposted nominations for the deputy
to be acting properly andclearlythe court will have to
calculation should be transparent andclearlyunderstandable d will consult or
cusco and speaks spanish butclearlyenough even for me to
or cannot ask should beclearlynoted in cases of rumour
his novels and essays soclearlyillustrate it was smith on
almost as fresh and asclearlycarved as the day the
the latter situation she wasclearlythe inferior female supplicant as
forms to be achieved itclearlyidentifies for the teacher the
them into account the testingclearlyshows the isomer distribution dr
for art s sake heclearlyhasn t been looking at
gave evidence to the committeeclearlyappreciated the lengthy pre legislative
in may last year iclearlyindicated to the scottish soft
the oil companies to establishclearlythe likely future workload for
was a deliberate i meanclearlyit was a deliberate policy
the medieval period it wasclearlythe food of the privileged
next election jean mcfadden wasclearlydisappointed at the lack of
on the other hand althoughclearlysinful was the result of
from the voluntary sector theyclearlyimpact one upon the other
the end of the storyclearlyimplementation issues arise from many
maliciam the word vel hereclearlybeing intended conjunctively aps i
ruins behind us the incansclearlydid combine astronomy and architecture
last week the ms societyclearlyidentified a shortage of such
mearns leader in may 1941clearlyillustrates the problems caused by
the plan s interim objectivesclearlysetting appropriate goals and milestones
high pressure liquid chromatographic testclearlyshows the different isomers within
funding council s response showsclearlythe detailed on going monitoring
the consultation includes three optionsclearlythe purpose of the consultation
stuff on your face angelicaclearlyuntrue just a wee bittie
running away again she callsclearlyand i stop my heart
i i couldn t thinkclearlyi couldn t think period

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