
See this word as a collocate cloud

mcgugan brian adam shona robisoncolincampbell alasdair morgan alex neil
gil paterson mr duncan hamiltoncolincampbell alex neil andrew wilson
mr kenneth gibson irene mcgugancolincampbell alex neil donald gorrie
mr kenneth gibson tommy sheridancolincampbell alex neil donald gorrie
mr john swinney irene mcgugancolincampbell alex neil linda fabiani
i was going to speakcolincampbell and john young have
other members including irene oldfathercolincampbell and sarah boyack mentioned
mcgugan richard lochhead shona robisoncolincampbell andrew wilson alasdair morgan
dr winnie ewing christine grahamecolincampbell andrew wilson michael matheson
mr duncan hamilton shona robisoncolincampbell andrew wilson michael matheson
more regular event supported bycolincampbell andrew wilson robin harper
dother o local radio scolincampbell as project manager they
on behalf of the committeecolincampbell as you probably know
people supported by irene mcgugancolincampbell brian adam andrew wilson
citizens supported by kay ullrichcolincampbell brian adam michael russell
ms sandra white fiona mcleodcolincampbell brian adam mr kenneth
supported by mr andrew welshcolincampbell bruce crawford brian adam
whole of scotland supported bycolincampbell bruce crawford fergus ewing
lodged on 30 april 2001colincampbell business bulletin 106 2001
in the way suggested bycolincampbell but if a difference
alasdair morgan dr winnie ewingcolincampbell cathy jamieson donald gorrie
duncan hamilton mr gil patersoncolincampbell cathy peattie mr frank
of scottish jobs s1m 1314colincampbell congratulations to scottish enable
ms sandra white s1m 1244colincampbell democracy in azerbaijan that
crawford fiona mcleod sandra whitecolincampbell dennis canavan george reid
mrs lyndsay mcintosh ben wallacecolincampbell dennis canavan lord james
mr george reid cathy jamiesoncolincampbell dennis canavan mr duncan
mr kenneth gibson fergus ewingcolincampbell dorothy grace elder andrew
and technical considerations supported bycolincampbell dorothy grace elder fergus
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinancolincampbell dorothy grace elder linda
michael matheson mr kenny macaskillcolincampbell dorothy grace elder mr
macdonald michael matheson bruce crawfordcolincampbell dr sylvia jackson mr
brown nicola sturgeon rhoda grantcolincampbell dr winnie ewing mr
by tommy sheridan christine grahamecolincampbell dr winnie ewing mr
the motorola workers supported bycolincampbell fergus ewing mr alex
community supported by linda fabianicolincampbell fiona hyslop andrew wilson
matheson michael russell shona robisoncolincampbell fiona hyslop andrew wilson
sandra white mr gil patersoncolincampbell fiona hyslop mr kenneth
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramcolincampbell fiona hyslop richard lochhead
kenny macaskill mr adam ingramcolincampbell fiona hyslop richard lochhead
marwick christine grahame brian adamcolincampbell fiona mcleod andrew wilson
gibson fergus ewing brian adamcolincampbell fiona mcleod andrew wilson
richard lochhead mr michael mcmahoncolincampbell fiona mcleod mr george
mr kenny macaskill linda fabianicolincampbell fiona mcleod shona robison
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskillcolincampbell fiona mcleod shona robison
macaskill christine grahame linda fabianicolincampbell fiona mcleod shona robison
linda fabiani dorothy grace eldercolincampbell fiona mcleod shona robison
lloyd quinan mr kenneth gibsoncolincampbell fiona mcleod tommy sheridan
the bin however i thankcolincampbell for kindly gifting me
mcconnell for ms patricia fergusoncolincampbell for mr george reid
of the ballot papers mrcolincampbell for mr george reid
mike watson mr kenneth gibsoncolincampbell george lyon s1m 892
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1018colincampbell german closure of nuclear
present jackie baillie bill butlercolincampbell gordon jackson ian jenkins
put forward two specific pointscolincampbell has been lodging questions
real value that that representscolincampbell i could not possibly
technical practical people such ascolincampbell i do not fall
and cannot be asked forcolincampbell i worry about the
mr michael matheson andrew wilsoncolincampbell iain smith tavish scott
elder fergus ewing nicola sturgeoncolincampbell irene mcgugan donald gorrie
mary scanlon mr john scottcolincampbell irene mcgugan mrs lyndsay
lodged on 6 june 2001colincampbell irene oldfather s1m 1996
hughes johann lamont bill butlercolincampbell karen gillon fiona mcleod
fabiani tommy sheridan alasdair morgancolincampbell kay ullrich andrew wilson
michael matheson mr duncan hamiltoncolincampbell kay ullrich christine grahame
alex neil mr duncan hamiltoncolincampbell kay ullrich roseanna cunningham
supported by mrs margaret ewingcolincampbell linda fabiani christine grahame
gorrie tommy sheridan dennis canavancolincampbell linda fabiani kenny macaskill
2002 supported by michael russellcolincampbell linda fabiani mr andrew
2002 supported by michael russellcolincampbell linda fabiani mr andrew
of the parliament supported bycolincampbell linda fabiani stewart stevenson
mcleod linda fabiani david mcletchiecolincampbell lord james douglas hamilton
worrying what a lovely speechcolincampbell made i will leave
place to restrain wilder excessescolincampbell made the point well
paterson adam ingram duncan hamiltoncolincampbell margo macdonald roseanna cunningham
dr elaine murray alex fergussoncolincampbell mary scanlon alex neil
keith harding mr jamie mcgrigorcolincampbell mary scanlon john young
set out on previous occasionscolincampbell mentioned a chronological interest
mr john swinney nicola sturgeoncolincampbell michael matheson mr kenny
gorrie roseanna cunningham alasdair morgancolincampbell michael matheson patricia ferguson
mr alex salmond fiona mcleodcolincampbell michael matheson s1m 1831
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinancolincampbell michael russell dorothy grace
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinancolincampbell michael russell linda fabiani
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinancolincampbell michael russell mr andrew
ms sandra white roseanna cunninghamcolincampbell michael russell mr kenneth
duncan hamilton mrs margaret ewingcolincampbell michael russell mr lloyd
mr lloyd quinan fiona hyslopcolincampbell michael russell robert brown
andrew wilson mr lloyd quinancolincampbell michael russell tommy sheridan
would not know about thatcolincampbell mine s bigger than
alasdair morgan mrs margaret ewingcolincampbell mr adam ingram irene
lodged on 19 june 2001colincampbell mr adam ingram mr
gibson alex neil trish godmancolincampbell mr adam ingram mr
barrie robert brown bill butlercolincampbell mr alex fergusson mr
supported by mr kenny macaskillcolincampbell mr andrew welsh christine
urgency supported by fergus ewingcolincampbell mr andrew welsh linda
nicola sturgeon mr gil patersoncolincampbell mr brian monteith miss
supported by mrs margaret ewingcolincampbell mr duncan hamilton fergus
supported by mrs margaret ewingcolincampbell mr duncan hamilton fergus
fabiani michael russell david mundellcolincampbell mr duncan hamilton fiona
mr kenneth gibson michael russellcolincampbell mr duncan hamilton shona
ms sandra white fergus ewingcolincampbell mr john swinney dorothy
gibson christine grahame brian adamcolincampbell mr john swinney dorothy
mr kenneth gibson brian adamcolincampbell mr john swinney fiona
industry supported by michael russellcolincampbell mr john swinney s1m
industry supported by michael russellcolincampbell mr john swinney shona
monday 26 june 2000 presentcolincampbell mr kenneth gibson trish
supported by mr kenneth gibsoncolincampbell mr kenny macaskill bruce
supported by mr kenneth gibsoncolincampbell mr kenny macaskill bruce
keith harding mr lloyd quinancolincampbell mr kenny macaskill michael
ewing nick johnston tommy sheridancolincampbell mr kenny macaskill robert
lodged on 15 june 2001colincampbell mr kenny macaskill shona
lodged on 11 june 2001colincampbell mr kenny macaskill shona
andrew welsh ms sandra whitecolincampbell mr lloyd quinan bruce
grahame fiona mcleod roseanna cunninghamcolincampbell mrs margaret ewing michael
fergus ewing mr lloyd quinancolincampbell mrs margaret ewing robin
mr john swinney david mcletchiecolincampbell mrs mary mulligan fergus
tommy sheridan dorothy grace eldercolincampbell mrs mary mulligan s1m
ben wallace dr winnie ewingcolincampbell ms margo macdonald kay
fiona mcleod mr lloyd quinancolincampbell ms sandra white mr
canavan nick johnston david davidsoncolincampbell murray tosh bruce crawford
happens if they spend 255colincampbell perhaps they get elected
mr john mcallion linda fabianicolincampbell r andrew wilson robin
wilson alasdair morgan alex neilcolincampbell richard lochhead fiona mcleod
adam nicola sturgeon linda fabianicolincampbell richard lochhead mr kenny
adam nicola sturgeon linda fabianicolincampbell richard lochhead mr kenny
dr winnie ewing alex neilcolincampbell richard lochhead nicola sturgeon
andrew wilson dr richard simpsoncolincampbell robert brown tommy sheridan
matheson alex neil christine grahamecolincampbell roseanna cunningham brian adam
donald gorrie mr kenneth gibsoncolincampbell roseanna cunningham mr duncan
may 2000 mr kenneth gibsoncolincampbell roseanna cunningham s1m 927
mr kenneth gibson s1m 1010colincampbell royal ordnance factory bishopton
throughout scotland i take seriouslycolincampbell s advice about propellants
can reveal in response tocolincampbell s point this might
margaret ewing mrs lyndsay mcintoshcolincampbell s1m 1487 patient care
lodged on 13 march 2001colincampbell s1m 1742 foot and
lodged on 21 march 2001colincampbell s1m 1774 committees meeting
march 2001 ms margo macdonaldcolincampbell s1m 1778 river clyde
ms margo macdonald michael russellcolincampbell s1m 1782 italian telecommunications
lodged on 26 march 2001colincampbell s1m 1792 use of
alex salmond mr mike rumblescolincampbell s1m 1793 disposal of
ms margo macdonald michael russellcolincampbell s1m 1796 hepatitis c
lodged on 28 march 2001colincampbell s1m 1808 chhokar inquiry
russell brian adam alasdair morgancolincampbell s1m 1809 relocation of
macdonald michael russell alasdair morgancolincampbell s1m 1812 us disregard
macdonald michael russell alasdair morgancolincampbell s1m 1815 united states
30 march 2001 michael russellcolincampbell s1m 1816 decline in
3 april 2001 tommy sheridancolincampbell s1m 1821 close paterson
4 april 2001 dennis canavancolincampbell s1m 1826 civil service
lodged on 4 may 2001colincampbell s1m 1888 glasgow rent
lodged on 24 may 2001colincampbell s1m 1964 centenary of
sandra white ms margo macdonaldcolincampbell s1m 251 ms irene
richard lochhead ms sandra whitecolincampbell s1m 279 dr elaine
margaret ewing mr adam ingramcolincampbell s1m 3881 relocation of
31 may 2000 christine grahamecolincampbell s1m 928 macular disease
do it one thing thatcolincampbell said really struck home
school in my constituency ascolincampbell said those are the
canavan mike russell shona robisoncolincampbell sandra white linda fabiani
robertson deputy convener helen eadiecolincampbell sarah boyack ben wallace
neil christine grahame david mcletchiecolincampbell scott barrie mr adam
gibson fiona mcleod fergus ewingcolincampbell shona robison andrew wilson
by alex neil robin harpercolincampbell shona robison brian adam
lodged on 14 june 2001colincampbell shona robison irene oldfather
lodged on 15 june 2001colincampbell shona robison irene oldfather
remains supported by fiona mcleodcolincampbell shona robison mr kenneth
lodged on 8 may 2001colincampbell shona robison s1m 1911
lodged on 29 may 2001colincampbell shona robison s1m 1967
lodged on 29 may 2001colincampbell shona robison s1m 1968
lodged on 18 june 2001colincampbell shona robison s1m 2017
russell rhoda grant s1m 1037colincampbell support for ferguson shipbuilders
s own bob the buildercolincampbell talked about cowboy builders
2818 in the name ofcolincampbell that the parliament recognises
butler the position seems anomalouscolincampbell the executive said that
the feedback from the executivecolincampbell the last sentence in
into genetic modification s1w 1098colincampbell to ask the scottish
crofters and farmers s1w 4798colincampbell to ask the scottish
will be affected s1w 16757colincampbell to ask the scottish
regional management committees s1w 17703colincampbell to ask the scottish
to that end s1w 17702colincampbell to ask the scottish
years of operation s1w 10872colincampbell to ask the scottish
ambulance control room s1w 11826colincampbell to ask the scottish
of such clusters s1w 17661colincampbell to ask the scottish
in nhs boards s1w 24833colincampbell to ask the scottish
under such programmes s1w 24832colincampbell to ask the scottish
aids and adaptations s1w 24831colincampbell to ask the scottish
taken such action s1w 24834colincampbell to ask the scottish
war related illnesses s1w 4800colincampbell to ask the scottish
prison services ltd s1w 24829colincampbell to ask the scottish
court is held s1w 24790colincampbell to ask the scottish
since its inception s1w 17657colincampbell to ask the scottish
any such convention s1w 24791colincampbell to ask the scottish
courses outside scotland s1w 1742colincampbell to ask the scottish
hire radio bases s1w 26918colincampbell to ask the scottish
such a warning s1w 17654colincampbell to ask the scottish
on the matter s1w 17662colincampbell to ask the scottish
appeals scotland bill s1w 1428colincampbell to ask the scottish
the viasystems case s1w 1097colincampbell to ask the scottish
are ring fenced s1w 24830colincampbell to ask the scottish
on its position s1w 24792colincampbell to ask the scottish
until what date s1w 7099colincampbell to ask the scottish
c other reasons s1w 7103colincampbell to ask the scottish
for family credit s1w 7102colincampbell to ask the scottish
october 1999 question time 1colincampbell to ask the scottish
island areas s1o 308 15colincampbell to ask the scottish
duplicate planning applications s1w 1441colincampbell to ask the scottish
against teaching staff s1w 23048colincampbell to ask the scottish
24 may 2000 s1w 7098colincampbell to ask the scottish
of each other s1w 17660colincampbell to ask the scottish
these illnesses are s1w 4799colincampbell to ask the scottish
from these negotiations s1w 17658colincampbell to ask the scottish
on this matter s1w 17656colincampbell to ask the scottish
high frequency output s1w 17659colincampbell to ask the scottish
to such persons s1w 17700colincampbell to ask the scottish
in the uk s1w 17655colincampbell to ask the scottish
emissions in scotland s1w 17653colincampbell to ask the scottish
available to them s1w 7104colincampbell to ask the scottish
by train s1o 3784 2colincampbell to ask the scottish
establish development trusts s1w 23043colincampbell to ask the scottish
last five years s1w 7101colincampbell to ask the scottish
by their subordinates s1w 23047colincampbell to ask the scottish
these differences are s1w 23046colincampbell to ask the scottish
health service s1o 3844 21colincampbell to ask the scottish
free of charge s1w 14950colincampbell to ask the scottish
decision making power s1w 17701colincampbell to ask the scottish
local authority area s1w 23044colincampbell to ask the scottish
local authority area s1w 23045colincampbell to ask the scottish
from unclaimed toil s1w 7100colincampbell to ask the scottish
kenny macaskill mr gil patersoncolincampbell tommy sheridan alasdair morgan
and criminal arenas supported bycolincampbell tommy sheridan fiona mcleod
dennis canavan ms margo macdonaldcolincampbell tricia marwick michael russell
cunningham fiona mcleod fergus ewingcolincampbell tricia marwick mr andrew
by fergus ewing fiona mcleodcolincampbell tricia marwick shona robison
mr kenneth gibson fergus ewingcolincampbell tricia marwick shona robison
grahame fiona hyslop fiona mcleodcolincampbell tricia marwick tommy sheridan
who these older people arecolincampbell was quite right it
for me the convener yescolincampbell we have been waiting
see any harm in askingcolincampbell we should also ask
any views on this sectioncolincampbell west of scotland snp
east lothian lab committee memberscolincampbell west of scotland snp
we will write dear executivecolincampbell west of scotland snp
young west of scotland concolincampbell west of scotland snp
ld bill aitken glasgow concolincampbell west of scotland snp
snp karen gillon clydesdale labcolincampbell west of scotland snp
welcome the bill 10 21colincampbell west of scotland snp
environment and the woodland trustcolincampbell west of scotland snp
are all united 16 19colincampbell west of scotland snp
johnstone north east scotland concolincampbell west of scotland snp
following members took the oathcolincampbell west of scotland snp
in our schools 16 46colincampbell west of scotland snp
the assurance that he seekscolincampbell west of scotland snp
bill butler glasgow anniesland labcolincampbell west of scotland snp
it at that 11 08colincampbell west of scotland snp
mr kenneth macintosh eastwood labcolincampbell west of scotland snp
donald gorrie central scotland ldcolincampbell west of scotland snp
than i did 17 48colincampbell west of scotland snp
to scottish society 11 36colincampbell west of scotland snp
cardenden i am sure thatcolincampbell will join me in
campbell dougal carnegie ronnie cramondcolindonati sheila douglas robert fairnie
edward glasgow ld c campbellcolinmaciver west of scotland snp
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
of scotland con against campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
be a division for campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
of scotland con against campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp canavan
brown robert glasgow ld campbellcolinwest of scotland snp chisholm
cunninghame north lab abstentions campbellcolinwest of scotland snp crawford
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp crawford
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp crawford
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp crawford
north east scotland snp campbellcolinwest of scotland snp crawford
of scotland con abstentions campbellcolinwest of scotland snp crawford
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp cunningham
aitken bill glasgow con campbellcolinwest of scotland snp davidson
s office has replied thatcolinboyd cannot answer questions because
mr jim wallace supported bycolinboyd iain gray explanatory notes
question s1w 747 by mrcolinboyd on 10 august 1999
stage 3 after section 40colinboyd qc 1 after section
the lord advocate and thatcolinboyd qc be appointed as
the lord advocate and thatcolinboyd qc be appointed as
to question s1w 25582 bycolinboyd qc on 16 may
4517 and s1w 4518 bycolinboyd qc on 20 march
consolidation scotland bill s1m 3680colinboyd qc salmon and freshwater
consolidation scotland bill s1m 4004colinboyd qc salmon and freshwater
lord hardie qc lord advocatecolinboyd qc solicitor general for
deputy minister for rural affairscolinboyd qc solicitor general for
lord hardie qc lord advocatecolinboyd qc solicitor general for
answering questions i understand thatcolinboyd s office has replied
martin reid head of policycolinmoffat and geoff moon dr
it might be better ifcolinmoffat answers that question mr
increases in toxic algal bloomscolinmoffat considerable research is being
involved in the comparison testcolinmoffat fisheries research services marine
finnie minister for rural developmentcolinmoffat frs marine laboratory lydia
effects of washing on toxinscolinmoffat in the marine laboratory
isomers is the most toxiccolinmoffat isomer distribution is characterised
to the industry and otherscolinmoffat most of the countries
well as the european bodiescolinmoffat much of the information
toxicity of the different isomerscolinmoffat the different toxicity between
lydia wilkie i will askcolinmoffat to answer as he
research been done on thatcolinmoffat we are examining different
f1054: great m1016: i mcolin[censored: surname] eh lived in dunbar
enjoying it m1016: i mcolin[censored: surname] i m a postman
have any bother over thatcolinin school m1016: no not
accent s gettin more dilutedcolinm1016: eh well there tends
have you got bairns yerselcolinm1016: i ve got two
fae stupid fu f1054: goodcolinm1016: just i ve only
your mates say tae thatcolinm1016: no they would probably
aboot to play a gamecolinm1016: take part m1014: i
you call them anything differentcolinm1016: troosers no that s
water smaller than a rivercolinm1016: [tut] f1054: smaller than
turn what would they saycolinm1016: well i don t
you in two minds abootcolinm1016: well i i wasnae
have two sets of grandparentscolinm1016: yeah f1054: what do
aboot words for moody thencolinm1017: [inaudible] m1016: eh i
as kenny said f1054: goodcolinwords for ugly m1016: well
lik tae jyne the groupcolinfox ssp rob gibson snp
wilson andy eagle bob fairniecolindonati irene mcgugan nancy nicholson
apologies sheena wellington catriona mcgillvraycolinwilson andy eagle bob fairnie
gray robert lloyd john maincolinmarshall james moncur senior public
george stylios heriot watt universitycolinclarke capitb michael bentley textiles
[censored: surname] [censored: house number] striven gardens mrcolin[censored: surname] [censored: house number] wilton street mrs
scottish executive education department mrcolinmackenzie convener criminal justice standing
commissioner for scotland tim hootoncolinmclaren and dr donald reid
his suggestions and encouragement drcolinmilton for his comments and
made by the late drcolino riordan to the provision
north east life thanks taecolinan nae doubt i ll
north of scotland water authoritycolinrennie chairman north of scotland
bristow muldoon s1m 2585 thecolino riordan trust lodged on
the scottish gamekeepers association professorcolingalbraith director of scientific and
director of local government financecolinmair director of scottish local
range of people such ascolinurie david falconer bill arundel
blether meal monday 25 carolinecolinhere by bus decide to
2585 by angus mackay thecolino riordan trust for text
it might also help ifcolinexplained the effects of washing
century watson and clement interviewedcolinmacintosh of braemar who told
be the same again 1colinnicholson knucklebones of irony liz
on the foundation of thecolino riordan trust which aims
of social work adsw andcolinquinn 7 prostitution tolerance zones
i fair teen on wicolinan s band an the
22 to blairs for masscolinhas breakfast ready on return
stv s hogmanay stories withcolinjustin i was down on
stranded sperm whale he tuikcolinan gary tae luik at
twas blawin force three whancolinan he rigged me up
30 tom kate mary overcolinarrives in time for tea
was m1182: oh yes m1183: colinbell sir alastair dunnett the
obviously you re next doorcolinbut dae you ken any
baby we ll start wicolincause he s the expert
fiddle club an they tookcolindewar an s band across
as wis the great tunecolindewar wrote for the dance
which was great news forcolindexter the morse author cause
ve got a hamster calledcolinf1103: called colin f1104: yeah
word for friend in generalcolingot one there m1017: [inaudible]
f1054: what were you thinkincolinm1014: what did you put
committee will take evidence fromcolinmackenzie convener and chris hawkes
supplementit bi the generosity ocolinmearns in presenting me wi
then was the driver andcolinmoir later in the 1950s
the recent tragic death ocolino riordan an mang those
as noted above 9 thecolino riordan trust the parliament
me haun ower tae thecolinprior o the hoose esma
authority katharine bryan chief executivecolinrennie chairman and doug sutherland
at aberdeen we see carolinecolins cottage very nice but
tart yeah m1015: yeah butcolins right it says a
is basically the same generationcolins the younger generation an
i m surprised tae hearcolinsayin skive because there again
sailor mak yet sae forcolinthe crew an weel you
evening to inverness next carolinecolinto landmark at carrbridge tuesday
caroline back to aberdeen withcolinwednesday 19 stay in evening
best film and best screenplaycolinwelland was in fine jovial
wi sand the doctor ancolinwere keen for a sail
wasnae for my money f1054: colinwhat aboot what aboot you
mm what aboot babe ehmcolinwhere would you hear that
was dealing with constituency businesscolinyou would not know about

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