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schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 act of sederunt
paragraph 2 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 and section 84
107 laid under the europeancommunitiesact 1972 committee reports the
schedule 2 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 european documents members
paragraph 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 not subject to
schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 not subject to
schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 not subject to
schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 not subject to
schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 other documents the
2 2 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 other documents the
187 laid under the europeancommunitiesact 1972 other documents the
2 2 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 the ethical standards
schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 the following instrument
2 20 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 the following instrument
schedule 2 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 the following instrument
schedule 2 of the europeancommunitiesact 1972 the national health
schedule 2 to the europeancommunitiesact 1972 the waste incineration
sentencing provision within the europeancommunitiesact 1972 which applies to
some of the most deprivedcommunitiesacross scotland people are grateful
some of the most deprivedcommunitiesand excluded groups through the
narrow the gap between deprivedcommunitiesand the rest these are
are ignored if recognised deprivedcommunitiesare targeted because many people
improved financial services to deprivedcommunitiescurrently left to the mercy
deprived communities there by targetingcommunitieseffectively we ignore the excluded
into drug misuse and deprivedcommunitiesenterprise and lifelong learning committee
needs of people in deprivedcommunitiesfollowing the report by the
live in so called deprivedcommunitiesfor example in my constituency
of volunteering initiatives in deprivedcommunitieshowever this must be accompanied
live in the targeted deprivedcommunitiesi am sorry to say
it is assumed that deprivedcommunitiesmust be targeted by definition
sub post offices to localcommunitiesparticularly in deprived areas welcomes
6 drug misuse and deprivedcommunitiesthe committee noted an update
into drug misuse and deprivedcommunitiesthe committee will consider a
there are no defined deprivedcommunitiesthere by targeting communities effectively
and those living in deprivedcommunitiesthere has been much discussion
improvements in those more deprivedcommunitieswe are achieving that and
poverty in clearly identified deprivedcommunitieswe must not forget that
how we can assist deprivedcommunitieswe should take a genuinely
some of our most disadvantagedcommunitiesand ensures that the voices
in the regeneration of disadvantagedcommunitiesand in tackling problems of
the future to many disadvantagedcommunitiesand people in our country
health of our most disadvantagedcommunitiesbecause we know that that
of stimulating wealth in disadvantagedcommunitiesby encouraging enterprise the four
communities whether they are geographicalcommunitiesdisadvantaged communities or communities of
of life particularly of disadvantagedcommunitiesin both urban and rural
the most disadvantaged people andcommunitiesin scotland and agrees that
some of our most disadvantagedcommunitiesin scotland sips are a
geographical communities disadvantaged communities orcommunitiesof interest the sector tackles
they are geographical communities disadvantagedcommunitiesor communities of interest the
many of the particularly disadvantagedcommunitiesthat we know of throughout
dealing with disadvantaged groups andcommunitiesthe fact that excluded groups
the black and ethnic minoritycommunitiesand groups are saying in
of data on ethnic minoritycommunitiesand that at last defines
different in our ethnic minoritycommunitiesand we should pay attention
by members of ethnic minoritycommunitiesarabic bengali chinese punjabi and
of women from ethnic minoritycommunitiescan have their own particular
from black and minority ethniccommunitiesfor fear that they might
representing black and minority ethniccommunitieshave consistently raised concerns that
members of the minority ethniccommunitiesin parliamentary decision making the
that speakers from ethnic minoritycommunitiesmay use their home language
people in different kind ofcommunitiesreligious m741: mm m605: ethnic
black and other ethnic minoritycommunitiess1w 34851 susan deacon to
black and other ethnic minoritycommunitiess1w 34852 susan deacon to
the black and ethnic minoritycommunitieswhich stressed the need to
m605: ethnic whatever kind ofcommunitiesyou know whereas tom leonard
indigenous regional or minority languagecommunitiescan be identified across the
outcomes and treatment in minoritycommunitiescan he advise the parliament
spoken in fairly large minoritycommunitiesin scotland cost of implementation
new confidence among our minoritycommunitiesin their treatment by the
the regional and minority languagecommunitiesof the european union which
who are active in theircommunitiesand who simply help their
magee head of policy activecommunitiesdevelopment unit norrie murray head
maureen o neill chair activecommunitiesforum claire stevens director scotland
cvs scotland committee member activecommunitiesforum maureen o neill chair
of the report supporting activecommunitiesin scotland a draft strategy
of the report supporting activecommunitiesin scotland a draft strategy
executive strongly supports the activecommunitiesinitiative and will continue to
issues unit with the activecommunitiesinitiative giving a clearer focus
are pushing forward our activecommunitiesinitiative last year we made
from the 2 million activecommunitiesinitiative the 1 million funding
the scottish compact the activecommunitiesinitiative the millennium volunteers programme
begin to tackle poverty regeneratecommunitiesor promote active citizenship how
would have on our fishingcommunitiesand associated sectors calls on
damage to scotland s fishingcommunitiesand calls for an alternative
on behalf of the fishingcommunitiesand deliver a result in
the benefit of our fishingcommunitiesand that vessels taken out
quotas on scotland s fishingcommunitiesand the action taken by
of the fishing industry fishingcommunitiesand the rural development committee
scottish fishing industry and fishingcommunitiesand therefore strongly rejects any
that we sustain our fishingcommunitiesas i have said we
well being of our fishingcommunitiesbut rejects any advice to
of save our scottish fishingcommunitiescalling for the scottish parliament
scottish fishing industry and fishingcommunitiescalls on all concerned with
concerns of scotland s fishingcommunitiescan he explain why in
s massive demonstration by fishingcommunitiesfrom throughout scotland and representatives
sea so that our fishingcommunitieshave an industry years and
breedin interbreedin intae the fishingcommunitiesin places like dunbar they
parliament campaigners from the fishingcommunitiesin scotland i assure them
the north sea and sustainablecommunitiesin scotland s fishing areas
additional support for our fishingcommunitiesin their hour of need
s1m 3712 scotland s fishingcommunitieslodged on 16 december 2002
s1m 3735 scotland s fishingcommunitieslodged on 23 december 2002
of our fisheries our fishingcommunitiesmanaged to sustain themselves for
release aid package for fishingcommunitiesse304 2003 28 january 2003
and the representatives of fishingcommunitiessome of whom are here
loss of nephrops fishing oncommunitiessuch as eyemouth in the
fishing industry and the fishingcommunitiesthat depend on it and
tavish scott scotland s fishingcommunitiesthat the parliament notes the
future of scotland s fishingcommunitiesto support these constructive negotiations
attitude of scotland s fishingcommunitiestowards recovery of crews who
support package for affected fishingcommunitieswe will continue to fight
the interests of all fishingcommunitieswe will support a sustainable
ruinous for scotland s fishingcommunitieswelcomes the fact that the
ruinous for scotland s fishingcommunitieswelcomes the fact that the
both the fishing and farmingcommunitieswere generous to me in
of support for peripheral fishingcommunitieswill be allocated and whether
are present in the fishingcommunitieswill he take the first
cardno save our scottish fishingcommunitieswill make a presentation in
ensure that we have fishingcommunitieswith a strong fishing industry
an aid package for fishingcommunitiesworth up to 50 million
individuals in the life ofcommunitiesand is close and sensitive
visits speak to the individualscommunitiesand organisations associated with both
a scotland where individuals andcommunitiesare free from crime and
is integral to healthy responsiblecommunitiesdeveloping self confident individuals scottish
services which individuals and localcommunitiesfind essential to maintaining older
o benefit tae individuals ancommunitiesfor individuals bilingualism provides braider
is beneficial for individuals andcommunitiesfor individuals bilingualism provides wider
congratulates the many individuals andcommunitiesin the dumbarton constituency and
for individuals and families incommunitiesthat are affected by drugs
world of individuals families andcommunitiesthat are damaged by premature
from wendy alexander minister forcommunities5 family homes and homelessness
better homes for scotland scommunitiesa proposal to appoint non
better homes for scotland scommunitiesand the homelessness task force
policies we design homes andcommunitiesin such a way as
illiteracy and fractured homes andcommunitiesno one should be excluded
power over their homes andcommunitiespeople are the key to
better homes for scotland scommunitiesset out the broad criteria
better homes for scotland scommunitiesthe executive s proposals for
better homes for scotland scommunitiesthe response by the convention
outcomes for those people andcommunitiesthrough investing in their homes
to improve their homes andcommunitiesto suit their needs improving
to improve their homes andcommunitiesto suit their needs we
power over their homes andcommunitieswe will help the homeless
back into our constituencies andcommunitiesas a local msp i
wendy alexander msp minister forcommunitieshenry mcleish msp minister for
wendy alexander msp minister forcommunitieshenry mcleish msp minister for
wendy alexander msp minister forcommunitieshenry mcleish msp minister for
baillie msp deputy minister forcommunitiesiain gray msp deputy minister
baillie msp deputy minister forcommunitiesiain gray msp deputy minister
justice in respect of ruralcommunitiesaffected by the application of
s1m 3751 george lyon ruralcommunitiesand renewable energy for text
s1m 3751 george lyon ruralcommunitiesand renewable energy for text
of broadband services in ruralcommunitiesand what the a current
fisheries policy remote and ruralcommunitiesare a key part of
is available to all ruralcommunitiesas defined in appendix 1
faced by scotland s ruralcommunitiesas highlighted by the research
fisheries support employment in ruralcommunitiesboth directly with jobs in
sector to all scotland scommunitiesboth urban and rural each
of our rural and remotecommunitiesby making sure public services
for rural scotland building sustainablecommunitiesenhancing the viability of our
that older people in ruralcommunitiesface particular challenges the report
poverty and deprivation in ruralcommunitieshas been measured and ameliorated
ensure that rural and remotecommunitieshave their distinct needs reflected
for the interests of ruralcommunitiesin public services transport agriculture
there is grave concern amongcommunitiesin rural and perhaps urban
long term unemployment in farmingcommunitiesin rural areas s1f 258
needs and sustainability of ruralcommunitiesin scotland supported by alex
is eagerly awaited by ruralcommunitiesin the highlands where primary
s1m 1630 regeneration of ruralcommunitieslodged on 5 february 2001
services to urban and ruralcommunitiesneither is it about the
particularly in already troubled ruralcommunitiesof the broad range of
two a day depriving wholecommunitiesparticularly in already troubled rural
post offices play in scottishcommunitiesparticularly in rural areas and
a vital service to localcommunitiesparticularly in rural or more
that will benefit all ourcommunitiesrural and urban and those
economic difficulties faced by ruralcommunitiess1o 1766 25 hugh henry
regard to rural and villagecommunitiess1o 397 19 mr kenny
for transport scotland s ruralcommunitiesshould be able to thrive
and devastating effect on ruralcommunitiessuch as those in the
in scotland to enable ruralcommunitiesthat depend on it to
on the periphery of ruralcommunitiesthe executive s warm deal
s rural and more remotecommunitiesthe lack of a designated
or night in many ruralcommunitiesthe shortage of bank nurses
fragile rural economies and thecommunitiesthey support are on the
involve pilot work in ruralcommunitiesto ascertain whether different mechanisms
voluntary sector faces in ruralcommunitieswere raised those included difficulties
people especially those in ruralcommunitieswho doubly suffer from the
people in rural and suburbancommunitieswill now be able to
forces which usually means ruralcommunitieswith sufficient economic resources to
for its away day 6communitiesagainst poverty cap community representation
from lothian anti poverty alliancecommunitiesagainst poverty network 3 timetable
housing an unattractive environment decliningcommunitiespoverty and an atmosphere of
gangs to lure women fromcommunitiessubmerged in desperate poverty calls
funding to local organisations andcommunitiesto tackle child poverty believes
to ensure that the poorestcommunitiesbenefit disproportionately from resources later
and renewable energy where wholecommunitiescan benefit from provision of
for the benefit of ourcommunitiesmr raffan on a practical
scotland as this will benefitcommunitiesvictims and young people and
scotland as this will benefitcommunitiesvictims and young people and
scottish miners and scottish miningcommunitieswill benefit from surpluses drawn
and develop programmes to helpcommunitiesdevelop pride in themselves particularly
the capacity of people andcommunitiesit is also a particularly
a valuable role in localcommunitiesparticularly for the less mobile
of libraries in schools andcommunitiesparticularly in fostering and sustaining
people particularly those in outlyingcommunitieswe are all aware that
and self esteem in ourcommunitiesand bringing music and sport
a future for our fisheriescommunitiesand further calls on the
authorities enforce legislation in ourcommunitiesand it behoves us to
police officers visible in ourcommunitiesand recognises that while much
of older people in ourcommunitiesand society people of all
stop shop approaches in ourcommunitiesand such an approach to
seekers and refugees into ourcommunitiesand to have the power
recruited to work in ourcommunitiesand to make things better
problems or issues in ourcommunitiesas if no one has
who so ruthlessly exploit ourcommunitiesas is graphically demonstrated in
the older people in ourcommunitiesas pharmacies provide a valuable
engage as many of ourcommunitiesas possible the issue does
and all aspects of ourcommunitiesat different levels organisations such
that is happening in ourcommunitiesbecause communities cannot find their
primary care and in ourcommunitiesbrian fitzpatrick recognised the role
tackling drug dealing within ourcommunitiesbut will the minister clarify
happening in our communities becausecommunitiescannot find their voice unless
life blood of many localcommunitiesespecially those in our marginalised
health and care in ourcommunitiesgetting the right number of
and the contribution that coastalcommunitieshave made to our merchant
the older people in ourcommunitiesi also give recognition to
people s experiences in ourcommunitiesi put on record my
who are activists in ourcommunitiesin elderly forums there are
impact it has on ourcommunitiesis to cut demand for
voluntary sector contributes to ourcommunitiesmany groups and organisations commented
for ordinary people in ourcommunitiesmany of which are blighted
solutions to problems in ourcommunitiesmuch of our current social
of life in our localcommunitiesof course fundamentally we need
a huge impact in ourcommunitieson the number of people
make a difference in ourcommunitiesorganised crime continues to flood
alive and kicking in ourcommunitiesour bairns are growing up
new europe can affect ourcommunitiesour business and our people
measures that will sustain ourcommunitiesrather than simply manage their
basis for our fisheries dependentcommunitiess1m 3511 1 mr jamie
crime and to make ourcommunitiessafer at the other end
life opportunities everyone in ourcommunitiesshould have access to opportunities
basis for our fisheries dependentcommunitiessupported by allan wilson s1m
lives as possible in ourcommunitiessupported by susan deacon s1m
and literature and in ourcommunitiesthe length and breadth of
an important role in ourcommunitiesthe sector has evolved and
difficult issues faced by ourcommunitiesthe sector is a key
the voluntary sector in ourcommunitiesthey support the development of
to day lives of ourcommunitiesto business to the creation
and voluntary organisations in localcommunitieswe have increased our funding
of its work in ourcommunitieswe should not patronise those
the problems that face ourcommunitieswe wish to celebrate that
a key partner in ourcommunitieswhether they are geographical communities
scots in our schools andcommunitieswords are passed down from
across scotland for empowering localcommunities12 35 elaine thomson aberdeen
provide affordable housing in localcommunities5 where the power conferred
promote quality food give localcommunitiesa stake in renewable energy
of the coastline give localcommunitiesa stake in the expansion
vital way of helping localcommunitiesadvocate for themselves the kind
meaningful consultation with the localcommunitiesaffected on the siting of
that sips add to localcommunitiesand give them a voice
care provision work for localcommunitiesand individual families in demanding
account the needs of localcommunitiesand involving local residents and
economic prosperity of its localcommunitiesand provide for and enrich
between opencast sites and localcommunitiesand the definition of a
various steps to protect localcommunitiesand the environment from the
consider the needs of localcommunitiesand their expressed views about
in particular to the localcommunitiesand their representatives and if
and economic wellbeing of localcommunitiesand to provide for public
authorities then engage with theircommunitiesand with local voluntary organisations
classes to people in localcommunitiesat no cost one of
the interests of a localcommunitiesb individual residents and c
anti sectarian activities in localcommunitiesbased upon social justice and
or as volunteers in localcommunitiescarry out sterling but often
police social work and localcommunitiescarry out that is not
experience of people in localcommunitieschild care is a key
of feeling in threatened localcommunitiescompels me to suggest that
to be delivered within localcommunitiesdevelop 24 hour mental health
role of sport in localcommunitiesestablish an independent scottish human
of playing fields to localcommunitiesfor public amenity and informal
between schools and their localcommunitieshave also maintained a traditional
going out and contacting localcommunitiesi found that useful and
there would be on localcommunitiesif the report s recommendations
seek consent from the localcommunitiesin the area where the
how it will involve localcommunitiesin the decision making process
which local authorities agencies andcommunitiesin the north east of
local football clubs to thecommunitiesin which they are based
have an adverse effect oncommunitieslocal voluntary activists in my
money made returning to localcommunitiesmake sure the expansion of
account the impact on localcommunitiesof closures of the sort
wildlife open space for localcommunitiespromote allotments to attract plot
process of consultation with localcommunitiesregarding the siting of proposed
port andraitx so exhaust localcommunitiesrunning cafes bars and shops
to the voluntary sector throughcommunitiesscotland nhs boards and local
of life in the localcommunitiesthat surround the site on
plans to give to localcommunitiesthat wish to establish local
of landowners crofters and localcommunitiesthe committee considered responses from
is actually needed in localcommunitiesthe committee recognises that we
clearly play in their localcommunitiesthe most compelling factor in
up of representatives of localcommunitiesthe national park body will
the executive and to localcommunitiesthose are the areas in
to the fabric of localcommunitiesto key organisations and to
of great importance to localcommunitiesurban sub post offices face
little control over their localcommunitieswe seek to improve their
and treat patients in localcommunitieswe will take measures to
be held in the localcommunitieswhere all the crop trials
to the concerns of localcommunitieswhich mr home robertson has
local authorities people who representcommunitieswho might have an interest
of police intelligence because localcommunitieswill feel less inclined to
is on consultation with localcommunitieswill he undertake to come
peace of mind of localcommunitieswithin glasgow pollok constituency across
to eradicate sectarianism in localcommunitieswithin the context of the
live make towns cities andcommunitieswork for people protect local
brussels commission of the europeancommunitiesavailable from http europa eu
brussels commission of the europeancommunitiesavailable from http www europa
brussels commission of the europeancommunitiesavailable from http www europa
brussels commission of the europeancommunitiesavailable from http www europa
brussels commission of the europeancommunitiesavailable from http www europa
of justice of the europeancommunitiesbeing a scottish judge judge
6 june 2000 the europeancommunitieslawyer s practice scotland regulations
b the implementation of europeancommunitieslegislation in practice that means
committee to consider the europeancommunitiesmatrimonial jurisdiction and judgments scotland
may 2001 on the europeancommunitiesservice of judicial and extrajudicial
17 june 2001 the europeancommunitiesservice of judicial and extrajudicial
the following instruments the europeancommunitiesservice of judicial and extrajudicial
the first place the europeancommunitieswere founded to maintain peace
and older people tackling failingcommunitiesand the needs of other
to meet the needs ofcommunitiesi have to say that
the accommodation needs of thecommunitiesthat they represent des mcnulty
match the needs of definedcommunitiesthe oft report recommends scrapping
impact which this has oncommunities3 waste and emissions trading
not on the impact oncommunitiesof the current proposals i
impact which this has oncommunitiesroseanna cunningham moved amendment s1m
impact on the ability ofcommunitiesto exercise their full citizenship
its impact on families andcommunitieswe will take steps to
size and the impact oncommunitieswill be significant there is
people families older people andcommunitiesthe main aim is to
and for its volunteers incommunitiesthroughout the country older people
on older people in theircommunitieswhere they do not feel
and the deputy minister forcommunitiesi understand that maureen macmillan
ask the deputy minister forcommunitiesin her summing up to
snp the deputy minister forcommunitiesjackie baillie decision time british
52 the deputy minister forcommunitiesjackie baillie i am familiar
36 the deputy minister forcommunitiesjackie baillie i echo the
from the deputy minister forcommunitiesjackie baillie regarding the inclusion
ld the deputy minister forcommunitiesjackie baillie scottish parliament wednesday
it increased powers to helpcommunitiesempower the voluntary and independent
contribution of charities to theircommunitiesnotes the voluntary sector s
voluntary sector social welfare servicescommunitieswealth creation and life opportunities
number of people from allcommunitieswho take part in voluntary
recognising the serious concerns ofcommunitiesacross scotland about issues of
in the democratic renewal ofcommunitiesacross scotland s1o 114 26
in the democratic renewal ofcommunitiesacross scotland s1o 114 26
across scotland the minister forcommunitiesmoved s1m 921 that the
new democracy across all thecommunitiesof scotland calls on the
new democracy across all thecommunitiesof scotland calls on the
wi a tynin o smacommunitiesan their specialised kennin an
people can reclaim their owncommunitiesand live properly and safely
with a loss of smallcommunitiesand their specialised knowledge and
care providers and from faithcommunitiesand their volunteers to the
establish the priorities of theircommunitiesand to make addressing them
with the support of theircommunitiesare actively raising funds for
available to people in theircommunitiesas has been said by
know the shortcomings of theircommunitiesbut are determined to grab
will be available to supportcommunitiesbuying their own land under
and that they and theircommunitiesdeserve a re investment to
can spearhead activities in theircommunitiesdo you feel that that
m1174: you know their owncommunitieser wh- which is fine
what is good for theircommunitiesfor example george lyon told
able to walk through theircommunitiesfree from the fear of
allowed to walk through theircommunitiesfree from the fear of
of the adjoining carse wholecommunitieshave lost their gaelic or
do sterling work for theircommunitieshowever their work is handicapped
citizenship of people in theircommunitiesi welcome the report and
policy empowering people within theircommunitiesis central to liberal democrat
feel safe in their owncommunitiesit is not acceptable that
are considering consulting with theircommunitieson the future shape of
the key issues in theircommunitiesor areas of interest in
behalf of interests in theircommunitiesor on behalf of people
decades of neglect and givecommunitiespride in their surroundings similar
are fully integrated into theircommunitiess1f 1943 5 tavish scott
for services to their islandcommunitiess1w 7685 mr kenny macaskill
run housing services in theircommunitiesshould there be a yes
and substantial changes within theircommunitiessolid examples of the work
in the interests of theircommunitiessupported by alex neil mr
from sustainable forests and theircommunitiessupported by fiona hyslop fiona
systems within their own speechcommunitiesthe groups of speakers who
the right locations for theircommunitiesthe uk government has made
the chance to shape theircommunitiesthemselves and to engage with
the backbone of families andcommunitiesthey give of their experience
and direct representation of theircommunitiesthrough their management structures have
helping children from diverse languagecommunitiesto access and maintain their
a saving ethos and empoweringcommunitiesto address their own problems
culture i would like allcommunitiesto celebrate their culture but
the smaller languages and theircommunitiesto gain we must have
folk to contribute to theircommunitiesto have a voice in
safety and environment of theircommunitieswe will increase the choice
those blackguards in your greatcommunitieswho to line their own
for justice and minister forcommunities7 legal aid and access
statement by the minister forcommunitiesand debate on the mcintosh
petition to the minister forcommunitiesasking her to consider the
alexander who was minister forcommunitiesat the time promised a
all scotland s schoolchildren andcommunitiesfirst minister s question time
the minister accept that thecommunitiesin the black isle are
memorandum from the minister forcommunitieslg 00 1 1 2
as for example first justicecommunitiesminister of the scottish parliament
task force chair minister forcommunitiesministerial committee on drug misuse
questioning for the minister forcommunitieson stage 2 of the
to ask the minister forcommunitiesto intervene on behalf of
1999 the former minister forcommunitieswendy alexander committed the executive
february 2000 as minister forcommunitieswendy alexander stated that social
the security of strong familiescommunitiesand high quality public services
services offer convenient links betweencommunitiesand other types of public
deliver any services to thecommunitiesand the worst is yet
enhance services in socially excludedcommunitieselaine thomson highlighted exactly why
departments that deliver services tocommunitiesneed to be aware of
supply those vital services forcommunitiessimplifying the funding systems would
of modern consumers building sustainablecommunitiesthe network of public services
businesses provide vital services tocommunitieswithout which they would not
deal with criminal behaviour withincommunitiesand considers that the scottish
provide cohesion within and betweencommunitiesand contribute to a more
maintaining urdu within the asiancommunitiesin in glasgow m1174: yeah
provide cohesion inwith an atweencommunitiesan contribute tae a mair
are often essential to islandcommunitiesto provide links with the
to provide support for thecommunitieswho are hit hardest by
what grants are available tocommunitiesfor the renovation or rebuilding
that will be available fromcommunitiesscotland are operating alongside other
are being introduced to supportcommunitiesaffected by cuts in the
machar parents support project bringcommunitiesand agencies together to address
in delivering support to croftingcommunitiesin less favoured areas s1o
tackle youth offending and protectcommunitiessupport the police and other
from the criminals who destroycommunitiesand imprison fearful people in
from the criminals who destroycommunitiesand imprison fearful people in
so that people in thosecommunitiesare empowered through participation and
mining that people in nearbycommunitiesbelieve exist john scott i
work that people from thosecommunitieshave contributed to the gnp
isolation of people from specificcommunitiesin more urban areas many
people in the more remotecommunitiesin scotland we cannot wait
only to make people andcommunitiessafer but to feel safer
aim to empower people andcommunitiesto help themselves to achieve
people are grouped in largecommunitieswhe- we could call economically
to try to give thosecommunitiesa voice so that they
wanted to live in thosecommunitiesand the job enabled them
17 per cent and oncommunitiesby 20 per cent those
fund the oil rig fabricationcommunitiescontingency fund to help those
as obvious and well definedcommunitiesespecially those in the constituencies
know of throughout scotland thosecommunitiesrequire access at the right
special problems especially in remotecommunitiessuch as those which i
therefore the situation of thosecommunitiesthat do not share that
have no doubt that thosecommunitieswill find that visit uplifting
defined as those being incommunitieswith more than 10 000
scotland s jewish and othercommunitiesand asserts that the odious
and insert congratulates the hostcommunitiesand scotland s civic society
delivered into scotland s poorercommunitiesand whether it intends to
be encouraged in scotland scommunitiesbut that should not overshadow
inclusion in lowland scotland glasgowcommunitiesenterprise in strathclyde salamon anheier
wide new opportunities fund andcommunitiesfund in scotland the new
in scotland s less advantagedcommunitiesi commend the contribution that
pm executive debate on bettercommunitiesin scotland closing the gap
pm executive debate on bettercommunitiesin scotland closing the gap
links between the gaelic speakingcommunitiesof scotland and of ireland
scotland s hill and islandcommunitiess1m 1118 childhood sexual abuse
for the social economy edinburghcommunitiesscotland 1 other terms that
of housing associations and withcommunitiesscotland about that specific proposal
much has been invested bycommunitiesscotland and its predecessor in
executive what the priorities ofcommunitiesscotland are in respect of
which will be assessed bycommunitiesscotland as part of the
it not appear in thecommunitiesscotland budget at all professor
midwinter it appears in thecommunitiesscotland budget but it does
gets its share of thecommunitiesscotland budget it will be
midwinter adviser witnesses pat bagotcommunitiesscotland david bookbinder scottish federation
policy and practice manager forcommunitiesscotland david orr the chief
for housing supply through thecommunitiesscotland development programme and through
of annual investment in thecommunitiesscotland development programme there are
delay in providing funding tocommunitiesscotland for the construction of
the pots of cash fromcommunitiesscotland for which the gnp
programmes that are funded bycommunitiesscotland funding will have a
the scottish executive what powerscommunitiesscotland has to investigate alleged
the scottish executive what powerscommunitiesscotland has to investigate the
should perhaps point out thatcommunitiesscotland is of course part
shares that view ian williamsoncommunitiesscotland members will have seen
partnership have been made bycommunitiesscotland or any body which
resources to be allocated throughcommunitiesscotland or the development funds
or by another party possiblycommunitiesscotland or through a mechanism
of investment and performance atcommunitiesscotland pat bagot the policy
of edinburgh council ian williamsoncommunitiesscotland peter wood dtz pieda
be interesting to hear whethercommunitiesscotland shares that view ian
economy a literature review edinburghcommunitiesscotland social economy groups in
it has to discuss withcommunitiesscotland the responsibility for maintenance
in on that pat bagotcommunitiesscotland there are a number
executive whether it has directedcommunitiesscotland to assess the performance
just eight new houses oughtcommunitiesscotland to be advising the
be examined in discussion withcommunitiesscotland which regulates a number
06 of this 6 millioncommunitiesscotland will contribute 3 million
has taken to ensure thatcommunitiesscotland works in partnership with
scotland s hill and islandcommunitiessupported by irene mcgugan mr
first historic four year sessioncommunitiesthroughout scotland have been inspired
approach which it thinks servescommunitiesthroughout scotland well which side
dialogue with scotland s faithcommunitiesto enable them to contribute
gnp areas are involved thatcommunitiesare consulted and listened to
the town was once twocommunitieseach operating from its own
for better pensions and safercommunitiesand generally making life much
agencies we could better empowercommunitiessuch as middlefield alexander hayton
at first hand from thecommunitiesthat feel most threatened 12
most successful projects emerge fromcommunitiesthe danger with that is
programme aims to give suchcommunitiesthe ability to influence strategic
caused by long distances betweencommunitiesand higher fuel prices which
between the union and thecommunitiesbe reviewed 49 should the
that exists between peoples andcommunitiesthrough language music and culture
seekers and refugees and hostcommunitiesand through partnership working enable
the move and the speechcommunitiesthey pass through wright in
maintenance is required to linkcommunitieseffectively and promote social and
environmental and social interests ofcommunitiesthat are close to proposed
set of strong and vibrantcommunitiesdoing many things for themselves
get into my discussion manycommunitiesin my constituency in edinburgh
in the scots and gaeliccommunitiesmany of whom are members
the benefits brought to manycommunitiessuch as airdrie and shotts
the particular issues that gnpcommunitiesface there are projects such
an attitude problem such remotercommunitieshave followed very traditional patterns
working in a number ofcommunitieson issues such as scots
health boards as larger mainlandcommunitiessuch as glasgow or paisley
scottish executive how small islandcommunitiessuch as tiree and islay
a cultural factor in suchcommunitiesthis is a 24 hour
are isolated and excluded fromcommunities10 57 christine grahame south
opportunity to remove weapons fromcommunitieseffective rehabilitation to cut crime
including financial sanctions to protectcommunitiesfrom disorder ms curran i
intrinsically to tackling crime poorercommunitiessuffer disproportionately from crime and
who are drawn from thecommunitiesthat the company serves acknowledges
towards ensuring that councils andcommunitiesare assisted and informed during
towards ensuring that councils andcommunitiesare assisted and informed during
quick to blame and wherecommunitiesare blighted by violence on
wide range of agencies andcommunitiesare formed as a result
fact that excluded groups andcommunitiesare often involved in the
no moral foundation these greatcommunitiesof today are whited sepulchres
assure the member and thecommunitiesthat we are working hard
the christian muslim and jewishcommunitiesall broadly favour the inclusion
to a betrayal of croftingcommunitiesand calls upon the executive
university of aberdeen and ofcommunitiesand children working to encourage
building the capacity of excludedcommunitiesand helping them address the
policy development and in strengtheningcommunitiesand in recognition of the
time detecting crime and protectingcommunitiesand less time on paperwork
be effective and efficient helpcommunitiesand victims making them feel
secure higher quality standards helpcommunitiesand victims the plight of
living in remote or islandcommunitiesand whether it intends to
and widening employment opportunities forcommunitiesbilingualism provides continuity with the
to promote diversity and strengthencommunitiesbuild effective opportunities for individual
situation can be in smallcommunitiesi mentioned the islay and
the access and involvement ofcommunitiesin the decision making process
with dignity and assist hostcommunitiesin using the skills and
gardening in improving health buildingcommunitiesincreasing bio diversity and promoting
gardening in improving health buildingcommunitiesincreasing bio diversity and promoting
of these remote and islandcommunitiesnotes with concern the fears
in the commuter dominated schoolcommunitiesof aberdeen city and kincardine
roman catholic church the jewishcommunitiesof glasgow and the muslim
of glasgow and the muslimcommunitiesof glasgow supported by christine
had been in the farmingcommunitiesof her youth and her
policy and standards sacro safeguardingcommunitiesreducing offending 5 proposed protection
coal mining and landfill oncommunitiess1o 6416 24 irene oldfather
refugees and asylum seekers intocommunitiess1o 6497 16 ms sandra
and effective communication with thecommunitiesserved by the a95 with
we must listen to whatcommunitiestell us and be prepared
i live and on thecommunitiesthat i represent the isdn
in the scots and gaeliccommunitiesthat the committee s first
the police force and thecommunitiesthat we serve as members
badallan farm in lanarkshire affectingcommunitiesthere and in west lothian
and put them back intocommunitiesto ensure that dealers pay
housing for all and sustainablecommunitiesto that end we promote
need for elected representatives andcommunitiesto work together i think
series of different organisations representingcommunitiestrade unions and councils have
access closer to horse owningcommunitieswhen it drafts current and
can be allocated to assistcommunitieswith integration and the delivery
can be allocated to assistcommunitieswith integration and the delivery
singers in traditional non literatecommunitiesdid not learn a fixed
of technical skills in remotercommunitieshow is the training being
a significant voice in disabilitycommunitiesi hope that we will
whether they were working incommunitiesin aberdeen in perth or
designed to involve the 26communitiesin the area in the
subject especially in the coalfieldcommunitiesin the circumstances it is
being considered to assist farmingcommunitiesin view of current difficulties
the winners in its digitalcommunitiesinitiative s1w 24839 fiona mcleod
its definition of successful balancedcommunitiesis as referred to in
to extend the list ofcommunitiesit will visit in its
form as in previously isolatedcommunitieslike deeside which now is
1982 sociolinguistic variation in speechcommunitieslondon arnold trudgill p 1975
in this context applies tocommunitiesof up to 10 000
s significance today in thecommunitieson both sides of the
what progress the working forcommunitiesprogramme is making in the
have been helpful in reassuringcommunitiesroll the system out to
in the new deal forcommunitiess1w 206 fergus ewing to
scots will survive only incommunitiesthat have some degree of
make a difference in thecommunitiesthat we seek to serve
slogans we believe in independentcommunitiesthey believe only in independence
given way to satellite commutercommunitiestransient in nature usually working
gorrie s1m 3499 nuisance tocommunitiescaused by seagulls lodged on
braidenin opportunities for employment forcommunitiesbilingualism gies continuity wi the
3499 david mundell nuisance tocommunitiescaused by seagulls for text
safety reasons to connect isolatedcommunitiesor for environmental reasons when
important no juist for thecommunitiesthat speaks thae leids it
by giving the opportunity forcommunitiesto purchase land for small
important not only for thecommunitieswho speak these languages it
pay site visits to somecommunitiesas the geographical context of
border situation amongst the farmingcommunitiesat the frontier zone of
the best way of empoweringcommunitiesdoes she not agree that
er with the disappearance ofcommunitieser you re no longer
development of the area scommunitiesfergus ewing 1d as an
context of some of thecommunitiesis an important part of
lead to the disappearance ofcommunitiesit s a very f718:
of you know language speakingcommunitiesm608: uh huh do you
the scottish council of jewishcommunitiesmr ephraim borowski scottish council
full member state of thecommunitiesof europe i move amendment
previous post office definition ofcommunitiesof up to 6 300
northern ireland can bring tocommunitieson both sides of the
borowski scottish council of jewishcommunitiesthank you sir david it
it like that of deafcommunitiesthere is not one deaf
ideas of mutualism that allowcommunitiesto move forward without control
laid the foundation of newcommunitieswhich owned the cultivatable lands
constituencies which contain significant islandcommunitiesorkney shetland cunninghame north c
languages plan which reflects thecommunitiesthey serve place bord gaidhlig
the national lottery on coalfieldcommunitiesacknowledges the contribution made by
be full consultation with scottishcommunitiesabout it will he assure
this year that will involvecommunitiesensure that all the different
years robert brown liberal democratcommunitiesspokesperson green action require all
at all today these enormouscommunitiesyou re meaning what is
plans it has to empowercommunitiess1w 10852 mr kenneth gibson
on effects on fisheries dependentcommunitiesto address these problems the
us to contribute to safercommunitieswe know that good health
public mediation service so thatcommunitiescan engage with developers over
was carried out with thecommunitiesneighbouring rosskill on the black
evidence shows that because poorcommunitiesdo not have the infrastructure
show these small widely dispersedcommunitiesthat the scottish parliament takes
the elderly milroy describes thecommunitiesunder study geographically economically linguistically
wuid find i urban industrialcommunitiesa think it wuid bei
helpin bairns fae diverse languagecommunitiestae access an haud ontil

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