
See this word as a collocate cloud

units inno care in thecommunitya community that cud scarce
the best way to fundcommunityand care projects supported by
establishments where care in thecommunityand out patient treatment are
to paediatric care in thecommunityand recognises that any decision
the nhs local authorities andcommunityand social care has reduced
and d care in thecommunityand what were the actual
finance 31 october health andcommunitycare 1 november justice and
finance 16 january health andcommunitycare 10 january justice i
finance 12 june health andcommunitycare 10 june justice 1
finance 17 december health andcommunitycare 11 december justice 1
see section a health andcommunitycare 12 december justice 1
finance 19 december health andcommunitycare 12 december justice and
finance 18 january health andcommunitycare 12 january justice and
finance 18 january health andcommunitycare 12 january justice and
finance 26 october health andcommunitycare 14 october justice and
finance 14 january health andcommunitycare 15 january justice 1
finance 22 may health andcommunitycare 16 may justice 1
finance 16 april health andcommunitycare 17 april justice 1
finance 25 february health andcommunitycare 18 february justice 1
no date established health andcommunitycare 18 march justice 1
finance 18 september health andcommunitycare 18 september justice 1
finance 26 march health andcommunitycare 20 march justice 1
finance 19 september health andcommunitycare 20 september justice and
finance 29 january health andcommunitycare 23 january justice 1
finance 24 april health andcommunitycare 25 april justice 1
finance 25 february health andcommunitycare 25 february justice 1
finance 25 april health andcommunitycare 26 april justice and
finance 26 june health andcommunitycare 26 june justice 1
finance 25 september health andcommunitycare 26 september justice 1
finance 26 february health andcommunitycare 27 february justice 1
see section a health andcommunitycare 27 june justice 1
finance 3 december health andcommunitycare 27 november justice 1
finance 30 may health andcommunitycare 31 may justice and
finance 6 november health andcommunitycare 31 october justice 1
finance 3 april health andcommunitycare 4 april justice 1
finance 11 february health andcommunitycare 4 february justice 1
no date established health andcommunitycare 4 march justice 1
no date established health andcommunitycare 4 march justice 1
msp minister for health andcommunitycare 4 mental health bill
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare 4 petitions the committee
finance 10 september health andcommunitycare 4 september justice 1
finance 10 september health andcommunitycare 4 september justice 1
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare 4 subordinate legislation the
finance 11 september health andcommunitycare 5 september justice 1
finance 5 november health andcommunitycare 6 november justice 1
finance 26 october health andcommunitycare 6 october justice and
finance 5 september health andcommunitycare 6 september justice and
the minister for health andcommunitycare 6 subordinate legislation the
finance 6 november health andcommunitycare 7 november justice 1
finance 8 january health andcommunitycare 8 january justice 1
finance 7 march health andcommunitycare 8 march justice and
see section a health andcommunitycare 8 march justice and
finance 14 november health andcommunitycare 8 november justice and
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare act of sederunt fees
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare act of sederunt fees
the minister for health andcommunitycare acted as soon as
health and community care thecommunitycare additional payments scotland regulations
health and community care thecommunitycare additional payments scotland regulations
health and community care thecommunitycare additional payments scotland regulations
health and community care thecommunitycare additional payments scotland regulations
not make progress on thecommunitycare agenda we want to
committee has put into discussingcommunitycare and after the sutherland
supply of mobile phones forcommunitycare and district nurses in
the minister for health andcommunitycare and gerry marr director
that agreed members indicated agreementcommunitycare and health scotland act
until 24 june 2002 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
12 4 c of thecommunitycare and health scotland act
regulations 2003 ssi 2003 53communitycare and health scotland act
by 17 march 2003 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
2003 ssi 2003 53 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
to section 10 of thecommunitycare and health scotland act
by 17 march 2003 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
care delivers and works thecommunitycare and health scotland act
provided to carers through thecommunitycare and health scotland act
of section 1 of thecommunitycare and health scotland act
may be cited as thecommunitycare and health scotland act
by 17 march 2003 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
until 24 june 2002 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
by 17 march 2003 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
by 17 march 2003 thecommunitycare and health scotland act
introduced retain the original numberingcommunitycare and health scotland bill
item 4 in private 2communitycare and health scotland bill
of the parliament 23 januarycommunitycare and health scotland bill
to the stage 2 committeecommunitycare and health scotland bill
draft stage 1 report 5communitycare and health scotland bill
bill 34b session 1 2002communitycare and health scotland bill
chief executive nhs scotland 2communitycare and health scotland bill
addition yesterday we published thecommunitycare and health scotland bill
lodged on 10 december 2001communitycare and health scotland bill
paragraph 52 b is repealedcommunitycare and health scotland bill
of the parliament 14 februarycommunitycare and health scotland bill
ssis to 15 minutes 3communitycare and health scotland bill
to the stage 2 committeecommunitycare and health scotland bill
stage 3 debate on thecommunitycare and health scotland bill
campbell financial policy officer 3communitycare and health scotland bill
provisions in the following billcommunitycare and health scotland bill
to the stage 2 committeecommunitycare and health scotland bill
2001 ssi 2001 451 4communitycare and health scotland bill
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare and other ministers from
reporters to the health andcommunitycare and social inclusion housing
the minister for health andcommunitycare and the executive have
the minister for health andcommunitycare and their officials for
the minister for health andcommunitycare announced that there will
ensure that funds allocated forcommunitycare are actually spent on
exist across the board forcommunitycare as well as new
instruments be approved the draftcommunitycare assessment of needs scotland
instruments be approved the draftcommunitycare assessment of needs scotland
2002 local government the draftcommunitycare assessment of needs scotland
2002 local government the draftcommunitycare assessment of needs scotland
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare at least when he
and its effect on thecommunitycare budget until we know
nhs to the local authoritycommunitycare budget will the minister
are already huge pressures oncommunitycare budgets given those pressures
the minister for health andcommunitycare business bulletin 111 2001
the minister for health andcommunitycare business bulletin no 40
7 july 2000 health andcommunitycare [censored: table inserted here in original giving contact information] business bulletin 120
for connected purposes part 1communitycare charging and not charging
as passed contents part 1communitycare charging and not charging
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare chris naldrett scottish executive
the minister for health andcommunitycare claims that he was
a draft report health andcommunitycare committee 1 november 2000
25 february 2003 health andcommunitycare committee 10th meeting 2003
pe398 hepatitis c health andcommunitycare committee 10th meeting 2003
sp paper 628 health andcommunitycare committee 11th report 2002
of committee meetings health andcommunitycare committee 12 december 2000
its work programme health andcommunitycare committee 12 december 2001
stage 2 day 1 healthcommunitycare committee 12 december freedom
scottish tourist board health andcommunitycare committee 12 january 2000
system level integration health andcommunitycare committee 13th meeting 2003
timetable of work health andcommunitycare committee 13th meeting the
30 october 2000 health andcommunitycare committee 14th report 2000
2 day 2 health andcommunitycare committee 15 january national
freedom of information health andcommunitycare committee 16 may 2001
2 day 5 health andcommunitycare committee 16 may scottish
stage 1 report health andcommunitycare committee 16th meeting 2000
2 day 9 health andcommunitycare committee 18 february national
at stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 18 september 2002
10 january 2001 health andcommunitycare committee 1st meeting 2001
future group report health andcommunitycare committee 1st meeting 2001
on 8 september health andcommunitycare committee 1st report report
2 day 3 health andcommunitycare committee 2 may scottish
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march subordinate
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march subordinate
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march university
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march university
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march university
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march water
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march water
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march water
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 20 march water
2 day 3 health andcommunitycare committee 21 january stage
of committee meetings health andcommunitycare committee 22 january 2003
2 day 4 health andcommunitycare committee 22 january national
committee 14 september health andcommunitycare committee 22 september justice
of committee meetings health andcommunitycare committee 23 january 2002
2 day 4 health andcommunitycare committee 23 january education
stage 1 evidence health andcommunitycare committee 23 january water
stage 1 evidence health andcommunitycare committee 23 january water
its annual report health andcommunitycare committee 25 february 2003
of committee meetings health andcommunitycare committee 27 june 2001
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 27 november national
report official report health andcommunitycare committee 31 may 2000
a scottish perspective health andcommunitycare committee 31 october 2001
stage 1 evidence health andcommunitycare committee 31 october freedom
unless otherwise indicated health andcommunitycare committee 3rd meeting 2003
sp paper 544 health andcommunitycare committee 3rd report 2002
2 day 2 health andcommunitycare committee 4 april subordinate
2 day 6 health andcommunitycare committee 4 february stage
ssi 2003 88 health andcommunitycare committee 4 march 2003
ssi 2003 88 health andcommunitycare committee 4 march 2003
2 day 7 health andcommunitycare committee 5 february national
2 day 7 health andcommunitycare committee 5 february national
to the minister health andcommunitycare committee 5th meeting 2001
sp paper 796 health andcommunitycare committee 5th report 2003
bill stage 1 health andcommunitycare committee 6 march water
stage 1 evidence health andcommunitycare committee 6 november national
thinks official report health andcommunitycare committee 6 september 2000
sp paper 99 health andcommunitycare committee 6th report 2000
sp paper 827 health andcommunitycare committee 6th report 2003
stage 1 evidence health andcommunitycare committee 7 february salmon
stage 1 report health andcommunitycare committee 7 november 2001
stage 1 evidence health andcommunitycare committee 7 november freedom
daily business list health andcommunitycare committee 7th meeting 2003
at stage l health andcommunitycare committee 8 january 2003
2 day 1 health andcommunitycare committee 8 january national
unless otherwise indicated health andcommunitycare committee 8th meeting the
sp paper 608 health andcommunitycare committee 9th report 2002
on the successor health andcommunitycare committee after 1 may
matter for the health andcommunitycare committee and is something
as consulting the health andcommunitycare committee and other organisations
write to the health andcommunitycare committee and say that
also involves the health andcommunitycare committee and the education
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee and to the
members of the health andcommunitycare committee are present one
on to the health andcommunitycare committee as part of
issues to the health andcommunitycare committee as the petition
submitted to the health andcommunitycare committee backs that up
member of the health andcommunitycare committee brian fitzpatrick strathkelvin
23 january 2003 health andcommunitycare committee business dates indicate
11 march 2002 health andcommunitycare committee business dates indicate
report to the health andcommunitycare committee but before we
matter to the health andcommunitycare committee but it might
reports to the health andcommunitycare committee by 2 february
reports to the health andcommunitycare committee by 23 june
reports to the health andcommunitycare committee by 24 april
reports to the health andcommunitycare committee by 24 april
members of the health andcommunitycare committee by the many
petitions if the health andcommunitycare committee closes down petition
statement followed by health andcommunitycare committee debate on its
statement followed by health andcommunitycare committee debate on its
services as the health andcommunitycare committee did this is
know that the health andcommunitycare committee does not have
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee dorothy grace elder
on to the health andcommunitycare committee dorothy grace elder
committee 22 june health andcommunitycare committee first meeting 29
committee 22 june health andcommunitycare committee first meeting 29
passed to the health andcommunitycare committee for consideration however
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee for further consideration
pe431 to the health andcommunitycare committee for further consideration
clerk to the health andcommunitycare committee for information it
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee for information until
issues to the health andcommunitycare committee for its consideration
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee for its information
the cross party health andcommunitycare committee for sir stewart
report of the health andcommunitycare committee for the parliamentary
annual report the health andcommunitycare committee for the parliamentary
letter to the health andcommunitycare committee from trevor lodge
convener of the health andcommunitycare committee has agreed under
in fact the health andcommunitycare committee has examined many
changes that the health andcommunitycare committee has taken a
write to the health andcommunitycare committee i am suggesting
me than the health andcommunitycare committee i can give
the new look health andcommunitycare committee i congratulate margaret
findings with the health andcommunitycare committee i do not
group and the health andcommunitycare committee i pay tribute
referred to the health andcommunitycare committee i presume that
member of the health andcommunitycare committee i recall the
member of the health andcommunitycare committee i was aware
2002 that the health andcommunitycare committee in consideration of
poisoning that the health andcommunitycare committee in consideration of
poisoning that the health andcommunitycare committee in consideration of
poisoning that the health andcommunitycare committee in consideration of
2000 by the health andcommunitycare committee inquiry into the
2000 by the health andcommunitycare committee inquiry into the
2000 by the health andcommunitycare committee inquiry into the
matter for the health andcommunitycare committee is 10 march
member of the health andcommunitycare committee is he intent
given to the health andcommunitycare committee is that tobacco
passed to the health andcommunitycare committee it will be
member of the health andcommunitycare committee malcolm chisholm supported
meetings of the health andcommunitycare committee many of which
is his first health andcommunitycare committee meeting as a
at a recent health andcommunitycare committee meeting dr roberts
to the first health andcommunitycare committee meeting of 2001
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee members indicated agreement
for example the health andcommunitycare committee might need to
behalf of the health andcommunitycare committee moved s1m 1639
you mean the health andcommunitycare committee mrs smith yes
no date established health andcommunitycare committee no date established
2003 scottish parliament health andcommunitycare committee official report meeting
2001 scottish parliament health andcommunitycare committee official report meeting
i left the health andcommunitycare committee on 1 november
raised by the health andcommunitycare committee on 31 may
convener of the health andcommunitycare committee on how to
report to the health andcommunitycare committee on the animal
report of the health andcommunitycare committee on the delivery
report to the health andcommunitycare committee on the food
report to the health andcommunitycare committee on the spreadable
children until the health andcommunitycare committee or the parliament
stage 2 the health andcommunitycare committee reached the end
2000 that the health andcommunitycare committee recommends that the
2000 that the health andcommunitycare committee recommends that the
2000 that the health andcommunitycare committee recommends that the
21st century 3 health andcommunitycare committee report on the
convener of the health andcommunitycare committee rule 9 10
welcome to the health andcommunitycare committee s 11th meeting
forward to the health andcommunitycare committee s debate in
of the current health andcommunitycare committee s life aphasia
debate on the health andcommunitycare committee s report into
response to the health andcommunitycare committee s report is
cut in the health andcommunitycare committee s report of
parliament and the health andcommunitycare committee should examine how
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee so that it
clear to the health andcommunitycare committee some people will
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee specialist care resources
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee that committee is
commission and the health andcommunitycare committee the arguments centre
clerks to the health andcommunitycare committee the committee will
goes to the health andcommunitycare committee the convener absolutely
matter to the health andcommunitycare committee the fourth paragraph
petition to the health andcommunitycare committee the meeting was
time on the health andcommunitycare committee the minister will
partnership with the health andcommunitycare committee the national health
considered by the health andcommunitycare committee the social and
recommended by the health andcommunitycare committee the success of
referred to the health andcommunitycare committee there was substantial
scottish parliament s health andcommunitycare committee there was unanimous
convener of the health andcommunitycare committee three members of
2000 158 the health andcommunitycare committee to consider the
lead committees the health andcommunitycare committee to consider the
appeared before the health andcommunitycare committee to discuss the
members of the health andcommunitycare committee to ensure that
it to the health andcommunitycare committee to ensure that
correspondence to the health andcommunitycare committee to keep it
date for the health andcommunitycare committee to report on
to ask the health andcommunitycare committee to say whether
the point the health andcommunitycare committee took it upon
of care the health andcommunitycare committee took more than
2003 scottish parliament health andcommunitycare committee tuesday 25 february
member of the health andcommunitycare committee ultimately we should
zimmers what the health andcommunitycare committee wants and what
convener of the health andcommunitycare committee we are asked
referred to the health andcommunitycare committee we have been
you at the health andcommunitycare committee we receive a
matter to the health andcommunitycare committee we should also
chamber scottish parliament health andcommunitycare committee wednesday 10 january
for the successor health andcommunitycare committee which can decide
report of the health andcommunitycare committee which recommended full
members of the health andcommunitycare committee who are in
petition submitted the health andcommunitycare committee will consider it
the convener the health andcommunitycare committee will have contacted
know that the health andcommunitycare committee will have its
considered by the health andcommunitycare committee will the executive
the minister for health andcommunitycare confirm that the food
the minister for health andcommunitycare continually drives a wedge
health and community care thecommunitycare deferred payment of accommodation
health and community care thecommunitycare deferred payment of accommodation
health and community care thecommunitycare deferred payment of accommodation
health and community care thecommunitycare deferred payment of accommodation
this will have on futurecommunitycare demands business bulletin 89
deacon minister for health andcommunitycare derek feeley scottish executive
the minister for health andcommunitycare did the same as
justice and home affairs thecommunitycare direct payments scotland amendment
justice and home affairs thecommunitycare direct payments scotland amendment
november 2001 local government thecommunitycare direct payments scotland amendment
justice and home affairs thecommunitycare direct payments scotland amendment
2001 ssi 2001 445 thecommunitycare direct payments scotland amendment
by 14 september 2002 thecommunitycare disregard of resources scotland
by 14 september 2002 thecommunitycare disregard of resources scotland
by 14 september 2002 thecommunitycare disregard of resources scotland
by 14 september 2002 thecommunitycare disregard of resources scotland
officials thea teale head ofcommunitycare division health department gery
the minister for health andcommunitycare does not deliver my
30 november 2000 health andcommunitycare draft undertaking by the
to address the concerns aboutcommunitycare expressed by carers voluntary
the minister for health andcommunitycare first referred the beta
and reform in health andcommunitycare followed by business motion
the minister for health andcommunitycare for example or the
the minister for health andcommunitycare for once it is
sutherland s recommendation that allcommunitycare funds be pooled will
hame in the city slumscommunitycare fur the drap oot
alongside other grants including thecommunitycare grants for furnishing and
the minister for health andcommunitycare has announced the outcome
the minister for health andcommunitycare has been consistent throughout
the minister for health andcommunitycare has been made aware
the minister for health andcommunitycare has to run up
the minister for health andcommunitycare have any respect for
to minister for health andcommunitycare he wrote to encourage
the minister for health andcommunitycare how much that would
the minister for health andcommunitycare i am not prepared
the minister for health andcommunitycare i quote from the
the committee s report oncommunitycare i think that the
should pool new resources incommunitycare i was concerned by
2172 the deputy minister forcommunitycare iain gray it is
2192 the deputy minister forcommunitycare iain gray we are
which johann lamont mentioned andcommunitycare if it were not
to working in partnership oncommunitycare in fact the health
the minister for health andcommunitycare in response to correspondence
report on the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland followed by
report on the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland followed by
report on the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland margaret smith
in improving the arrangements forcommunitycare in scotland older people
inquiry into the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland sp paper
inquiry into the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland sp paper
inquiry into the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland sp paper
committee on the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland the committee
to improve the delivery ofcommunitycare in scotland time and
the minister for health andcommunitycare in the food standards
noon and 12 07pm 7communitycare inquiry in private the
in committee room 3 1communitycare inquiry in private the
note on organ donations 2communitycare inquiry the committee will
the minister for health andcommunitycare is failing to do
the minister for health andcommunitycare is to fight against
months of taking evidence oncommunitycare it was that apart
did on our report intocommunitycare its remit was slightly
msp minister for health andcommunitycare john aldridge director of
2002 ssi 2002 531 thecommunitycare joint working etc scotland
december 2002 rural development thecommunitycare joint working etc scotland
december 2002 rural development thecommunitycare joint working etc scotland
december 2002 rural development thecommunitycare joint working etc scotland
december 2002 rural development thecommunitycare joint working etc scotland
the minister for health andcommunitycare last met representatives of
the minister for health andcommunitycare made a statement on
the minister for health andcommunitycare made a statement on
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm i am
the minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm nhs 24
the minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm nicola sturgeon
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm nicola sturgeon
the minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm no guidance
the minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm prescription data
funding streams that come intocommunitycare malcolm chisholm s group
the minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm the delivery
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm tommy sheridan
the minister for health andcommunitycare malcolm chisholm unified nhs
together for scotch whisky 2communitycare mary scanlon moved s1m
appropriate minister for health andcommunitycare meetings 11 miss annabel
meetings minister for health andcommunitycare meetings mobile telephone masts
they not pat bagot thecommunitycare money is a grant
care the deputy minister forcommunitycare moved amendment s1m 1215
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare moved amendment s1m 1453
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare moved amendment s1m 1639
the minister for health andcommunitycare moved amendment s1m 2839
the minister for health andcommunitycare moved s1m 1896 that
the minister for health andcommunitycare moved s1m 2438 that
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr frank mcaveety 5
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr frank mcaveety does
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr frank mcaveety i
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr frank mcaveety i
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr frank mcaveety thank
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr frank mcaveety we
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mr keith raffan mid
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mrs mary mulligan everybody
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mrs mary mulligan parliamentary
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare mrs mary mulligan we
21 november 2002 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
1 september 2000 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
3 march 2003 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
31 july 2002 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
3 march 2003 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
3 august 2000 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
4 december 2001 health andcommunitycare negative instruments subject to
rail network 2 health andcommunitycare nicola sturgeon moved s1m
no date established health andcommunitycare no date established justice
the minister for health andcommunitycare of 26 may 2000
the minister for health andcommunitycare on 24 january 2001
the minister for health andcommunitycare on 7 december 2001
the minister for health andcommunitycare on 7 december 2001
the minister for health andcommunitycare on 7 december 2001
the minister for health andcommunitycare on a number of
the minister for health andcommunitycare outlined with regard to
the agenda in that acommunitycare package had been identified
and community care the draftcommunitycare personal care and nursing
scotland regulations 2002 the draftcommunitycare personal care and nursing
and community care the draftcommunitycare personal care and nursing
scotland regulations 2002 the draftcommunitycare personal care and nursing
to the south lanarkshire jointcommunitycare plan 2001 04 summary
97 in terms of thecommunitycare plans information directions s1w
the minister for health andcommunitycare pointing out that the
we must audit how thecommunitycare pound is spent and
alex johnstone s1m 1306 bailliestoncommunitycare project lodged on 1
tommy sheridan s1m 1306 bailliestoncommunitycare project lodged on 1
article that misrepresented a jointcommunitycare project to provide non
the minister for health andcommunitycare promised me action on
jim jackson and shona barcuscommunitycare providers scotland malcolm chisholm
bill at stage 1 fromcommunitycare providers scotland scottish care
the minister for health andcommunitycare reckons can afford to
name of committee health andcommunitycare remit unchanged maximum number
will be assessed under thecommunitycare requirements cosla is concerned
the minister for health andcommunitycare retains the ultimate decision
gray msp deputy minister forcommunitycare rhona brankin msp deputy
gray msp deputy minister forcommunitycare rhona brankin msp deputy
the minister for health andcommunitycare s domain my question
the minister for health andcommunitycare s response to the
the minister for health andcommunitycare s1w 31824 brian fitzpatrick
is the deputy minister forcommunitycare satisfied with the progress
no date established health andcommunitycare see section a justice
no date established health andcommunitycare see section a justice
finance 13 june health andcommunitycare see section a justice
finance 11 february health andcommunitycare see section a justice
finance 13 february health andcommunitycare see section a justice
finance 28 january health andcommunitycare see section a justice
secure the provision of acommunitycare service a in subsection
secure the provision of acommunitycare service for the word
argue hard on that issuecommunitycare services 3 elaine thomson
have a power to providecommunitycare services and b another
or secure the provision ofcommunitycare services and b if
face when trying to accesscommunitycare services and calls upon
for 2 in this sectioncommunitycare services and person have
robson question time scottish executivecommunitycare services dental services borders
section 6 in this sectioncommunitycare services disabled person and
gibson s1m 1242 shona robisoncommunitycare services for elderly people
2000 alex johnstone s1m 1242communitycare services for elderly people
condition of through care andcommunitycare services for mental health
assess needs of adults forcommunitycare services for paragraph b
do nothing to develop bettercommunitycare services if anything was
investment in older people scommunitycare services in scotland real
needs of certain persons forcommunitycare services in their application
that the new resources forcommunitycare services including social work
personal care could deliver bettercommunitycare services it was not
recognises that means testing forcommunitycare services penalises both disabled
says the eligibility criteria forcommunitycare services review group have
approach to the delivery ofcommunitycare services s1o 6050 the
assess needs of adults forcommunitycare services subsections 3a to
will deliver the best possiblecommunitycare services the second is
what we are spending oncommunitycare services whether we are
the minister for health andcommunitycare set out important steps
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare shortly before his elevation
27 august 2001 health andcommunitycare special grant report no
the minister for health andcommunitycare standards committee 5 march
the minister for health andcommunitycare states the executive s
26 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
24 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
14 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
31 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
24 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
14 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
23 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
2 september 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
24 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
23 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
26 september 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
31 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
14 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
13 september 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
22 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
8 november 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
23 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
8 november 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
20 march 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
26 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
14 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
26 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
23 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
14 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
16 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
7 march 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
16 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
22 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
31 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
23 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
31 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
14 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
7 march 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
31 january 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
26 february 2003 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment by
10 september 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
16 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
30 april 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
17 march 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
6 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
18 february 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 september 1999 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
18 february 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
6 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
3 april 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
10 january 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
14 september 1999 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
20 december 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
29 september 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 september 1999 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
29 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
10 march 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 july 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 february 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
12 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 january 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 may 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
16 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
27 january 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
23 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
25 march 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
12 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
11 march 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 september 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 february 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
30 march 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 june 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
8 february 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
5 october 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 february 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
27 january 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
8 february 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 may 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 june 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
30 march 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
10 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 november 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
29 september 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
3 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
4 december 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
10 september 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
1 october 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
1 october 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
5 october 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
29 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
14 september 1999 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 september 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
16 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 june 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 july 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
4 december 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
22 november 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
29 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
7 september 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
21 october 1999 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
8 september 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
27 november 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
29 november 2001 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
30 august 1999 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
8 september 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
9 november 2000 health andcommunitycare subject to annulment until
15 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
5 september 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
17 october 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
25 july 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
11 december 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
28 august 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
11 december 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
15 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
15 may 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
21 november 2002 health andcommunitycare subject to approval by
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon i am
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon i regret
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon i welcome
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon mary scanlon
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon my colleagues
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon the committee
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon the executive
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon the waiting
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon voluntary sector
the minister for health andcommunitycare susan deacon yes sound
older people involved that thecommunitycare that is provided is
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare that there should be
30 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the a9 trunk road
30 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the a9 trunk road
26 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the aberdeen city council
24 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the adults with incapacity
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the adults with incapacity
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the adults with incapacity
24 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the adults with incapacity
24 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the adults with incapacity
27 january 2000 health andcommunitycare the animal feedingstuffs from
27 january 2000 health andcommunitycare the animal feedingstuffs from
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the bovines and bovine
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the bovines and bovine
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the bovines and bovine
25 january 2002 health andcommunitycare the cattle identification notification
6 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the civil legal aid
6 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the civil legal aid
9 may 2000 health andcommunitycare the colours in food
9 may 2000 health andcommunitycare the colours in food
10 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the commissioner for local
10 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the commissioner for local
the minister for health andcommunitycare the committee agreed to
its year long inquiry intocommunitycare the committee said clearly
the minister for health andcommunitycare the committee was offered
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care additional
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care additional
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care additional
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care additional
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care deferred
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care deferred
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care deferred
6 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the community care deferred
30 november 2000 health andcommunitycare the control of pollution
30 november 2000 health andcommunitycare the control of pollution
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the council tax exempt
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the council tax exempt
17 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the crab claws prohibition
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the dairy produce quotas
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the dairy produce quotas
from the minister for healthcommunitycare the deputy minister for
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the designation of nitrate
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the designation of nitrate
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the designation of nitrate
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the designation of nitrate
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the domestic water and
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the domestic water and
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the domestic water and
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the domestic water and
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the domestic water and
20 october 2000 health andcommunitycare the draft budget scotland
4 may 2000 health andcommunitycare the draft budget scotland
4 may 2000 health andcommunitycare the draft budget scotland
22 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the draft bus user
15 may 2002 health andcommunitycare the draft community care
15 may 2002 health andcommunitycare the draft community care
20 june 2001 health andcommunitycare the draft international criminal
5 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the draft police act
24 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the draft sheriff courts
24 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the draft sheriff courts
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare the education disability strategies
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare the education disability strategies
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare the education disability strategies
10 january 2003 health andcommunitycare the education disability strategies
3 september 1999 health andcommunitycare the environmental impact assessment
3 september 1999 health andcommunitycare the environmental impact assessment
5 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the export restrictions foot
5 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the export restrictions foot
18 august 2000 health andcommunitycare the farm woodland premium
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs amendment
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs amendment
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs amendment
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs amendment
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs sampling
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs sampling
22 december 2000 health andcommunitycare the feeding stuffs scotland
5 april 2001 health andcommunitycare the fisheries and aquaculture
23 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food and animal
23 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food and animal
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food control of
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food control of
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food control of
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food control of
13 september 2002 health andcommunitycare the food figs hazelnuts
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the food labelling amendment
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the food labelling amendment
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the food labelling amendment
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the food labelling amendment
25 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the food peanuts from
13 september 2002 health andcommunitycare the food peanuts from
31 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
18 june 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
4 july 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
22 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
3 august 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
3 september 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
21 november 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
15 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
23 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
21 august 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
22 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
5 july 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
22 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
4 july 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
2 august 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
7 august 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
22 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
11 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
11 october 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
4 july 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
13 august 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
25 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
2 august 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
12 october 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
4 july 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
16 october 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
25 august 2000 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
7 august 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
4 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
4 july 2002 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
27 july 2001 health andcommunitycare the food protection emergency
10 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the food standards act
7 september 2001 health andcommunitycare the health boards membership
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the health education board
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the health education board
7 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the housing scotland act
7 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the housing scotland act
16 may 2002 health andcommunitycare the meat hazard analysis
16 may 2002 health andcommunitycare the meat hazard analysis
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the miscellaneous food additives
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the miscellaneous food additives
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the miscellaneous food additives
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the miscellaneous food additives
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the miscellaneous food additives
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national assistance assessment
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national assistance assessment
17 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the national assistance sums
20 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the national health service
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the national health service
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the national health service
9 november 2000 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
9 november 2000 health andcommunitycare the national health service
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the national health service
15 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the national health service
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
9 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
5 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
6 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the national health service
16 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the national health service
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the national health service
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs education for
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs education for
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the nhs health scotland
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the nhs health scotland
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the nhs quality improvement
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the non domestic rates
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the non domestic rates
10 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the non domestic rating
29 june 2001 health andcommunitycare the nurses agencies increase
29 june 2001 health andcommunitycare the nurses agencies increase
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the plant protection products
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the plant protection products
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the plant protection products
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the plant protection products
8 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the police grant scotland
8 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the police grant scotland
16 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the police pensions scotland
16 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the police pensions scotland
16 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the police pensions scotland
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the poultry breeding flocks
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the poultry breeding flocks
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the poultry breeding flocks
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the poultry breeding flocks
6 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the poultry meat farmed
6 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the poultry meat farmed
4 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the public finance and
9 march 2000 health andcommunitycare the public finance and
4 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the public finance and
29 june 2001 health andcommunitycare the public service vehicles
29 june 2001 health andcommunitycare the public service vehicles
14 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the race relations act
14 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the race relations act
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the registration of foreign
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the registration of foreign
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the registration of foreign
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the registration of foreign
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the registration of foreign
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
10 march 2003 health andcommunitycare the regulation of care
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the regulation of investigatory
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the regulation of investigatory
27 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the rehabilitation of offenders
20 december 2001 health andcommunitycare the road traffic nhs
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the road traffic permitted
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the road traffic permitted
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the road traffic permitted
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the road traffic permitted
7 february 2003 health andcommunitycare the road traffic permitted
14 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the scotland act 1998
3 january 2001 health andcommunitycare the scotland act 1998
14 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the scotland act 1998
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the scottish commission for
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the scottish commission for
25 january 2002 health andcommunitycare the scottish commission for
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the scottish council for
8 march 2002 health andcommunitycare the scottish council for
13 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the sea fish prohibited
13 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the sea fish prohibited
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the seeds fees scotland
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the seeds fees scotland
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the seeds fees scotland
2 december 2002 health andcommunitycare the seeds fees scotland
5 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the sheep and goats
5 february 2002 health andcommunitycare the sheep and goats
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the sheriff court fees
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the sheriff court fees
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the sheriff court fees
7 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the sheriff court fees
10 september 1999 health andcommunitycare the smoke control areas
10 september 1999 health andcommunitycare the smoke control areas
9 january 2001 health andcommunitycare the specified risk material
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the specified risk material
29 september 2000 health andcommunitycare the specified risk material
29 september 2000 health andcommunitycare the specified risk material
9 march 2001 health andcommunitycare the specified risk material
27 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the suckler cow premium
27 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the suckler cow premium
27 june 2000 health andcommunitycare the suckler cow premium
16 august 2001 health andcommunitycare the teachers superannuation scotland
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the teachers superannuation scotland
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the teachers superannuation scotland
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the teachers superannuation scotland
10 june 2002 health andcommunitycare the teachers superannuation scotland
the crisis in funding incommunitycare their human rights may
the minister for health andcommunitycare they are accompanied by
the committee s report intocommunitycare this draft report is
the minister for health andcommunitycare to approve the plans
the minister for health andcommunitycare to ask about research
the minister for health andcommunitycare to dash them completely
the minister for health andcommunitycare to ensure that beta
the minister for health andcommunitycare to our questions on
the minister for health andcommunitycare to reconsider his position
the minister for health andcommunitycare to support the greater
the minister for health andcommunitycare told parliament this morning
msp minister for health andcommunitycare tom mccabe msp minister
msp minister for health andcommunitycare tom mccabe msp minister
msp minister for health andcommunitycare tom mccabe msp minister
the minister for health andcommunitycare two years ago but
the minister for health andcommunitycare unwilling to take that
agencies meet their needs incommunitycare we have been making
housing transport social services andcommunitycare we have taken account
the minister for health andcommunitycare we now have a
the same principles to allcommunitycare we should always be
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare who seems to be
the minister for health andcommunitycare will answer my letter
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare will know that he
the minister for health andcommunitycare will next meet representatives
deputy minister for health andcommunitycare will the first minister
the minister for health andcommunitycare would bid for as
spent on other aspects ofcommunitycare yesterday i said that
the minister for health andcommunitycare yesterday on single assessments
the minister for health andcommunitycare yesterday that is putting
investigation into the delivery ofcommunitycare yesterday the executive published
child care services and tocommunityempowerment funding as the minister
for personal care in thecommunityfor those who are in
much for care in thecommunityhe s likely a paedophile
primary health care sector developingcommunityhealth service centres by bringing
and d care in thecommunityis ring fenced s1w 9135
are core responsibilities for anycommunitylocal economy health care education
system for care in thecommunityplacements s1o 3234 8 irene
provision of care in thecommunitys1o 3836 business bulletin no
and expanding local care enhancedcommunityservices in 90 per cent
care in the community acommunitythat cud scarce tak tent
as needing care in thecommunitywill receive the appropriate level
health risks to the localcommunityand calls for an urgent
parliament recognises the value ofcommunitygardening in improving health building
parliament recognises the value ofcommunitygardening in improving health building
general practitioners according to thecommunityhealth index s1w 24866 mary
health boards the business sectorcommunityhealth initiatives and the voluntary
health boards the business sectorcommunityhealth initiatives and the voluntary
health professionals and to establishcommunityhealth service centres transforming the
potential for the development ofcommunityhealth services in scotland following
innovative department of nursing andcommunityhealth which are delivered by
will support the work ofcommunitymental health nursing teams allowing
executive how it ensures thatcommunitymental health staff are fully
robert brown health visitor andcommunitynurse car travel for text
radcliffe tommy sheridan s1m 1787communitynurses and health visitors lodged
mr david davidson s1m 1787communitynurses and health visitors lodged
free parking badge system forcommunitynurses and health visitors when
s1m 1227 health visitors andcommunitynurses lodged on 28 september
dedication of health visitors andcommunitynurses recognises the difficulties they
michael russell health visitors andcommunitynurses that the parliament commends
expenditure on a hospital andcommunityservices b mental health services
tae the problems pointit ootcommunityleids 94 paragraph 17 o
recommendations for scots gaelic thecommunityleids an bsl can be
effect as a smoorin ocommunityleids an micht be a
tae them that works incommunityleids are o unco consequence
forrit in the uphaudin ocommunityleids gien the range o
a wey that scots ancommunityleids hasna wi the innin
no for scots nor forcommunityleids in his submission dr
can access an uphaud theircommunityleids mak shair that folk
an initial teacher education oncommunityleids speir at weys that
encompass gaelic scots an thecommunityleids the uiss in the
the parallel wis drawn wicommunityleids whaur a body s
that mainstreamin the teachin ocommunityleids will upheeze the status
opportunities for fluent speakers ocommunityleids wis offered as examples

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