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the ministry of defence modconcerningthe disposal of surplus mod
with the ministry of defenceconcerningthe impact of possible relocation
lord hardie whether the informationconcerningthe litigation by the ministry
on changes to standing ordersconcerningelections to the scottish parliamentary
2003 changes to standing ordersconcerningelections to the scottish parliamentary
on changes to standing ordersconcerningelections to the scottish parliamentary
2003 changes to standing ordersconcerningelections to the scottish parliamentary
on changes to standing ordersconcerningelections to the scottish parliamentary
on changes to standing ordersconcerningelections to the scottish parliamentary
with appropriate provisions in placeconcerninghow the orders are applied
on changes to standing ordersconcerninglegislative matters motions and lodging
2003 changes to standing ordersconcerninglegislative matters motions and lodging
on changes to standing ordersconcerninglegislative matters motions and lodging
2003 changes to standing ordersconcerninglegislative matters motions and lodging
on changes to standing ordersconcerninglegislative matters motions and lodging
on changes to standing ordersconcerninglegislative matters motions and lodging
on changes to standing ordersconcerningthe remit of the european
on changes to standing ordersconcerningthe remit of the european
orders of the parliament aconcerningthe remit of the european
on changes to standing ordersconcerningthe remit of the european
orders of the parliament aconcerningthe remit of the european
2002 changes to standing ordersconcerningthe scottish parliamentary standards commissioner
2002 changes to standing ordersconcerningthe scottish parliamentary standards commissioner
committee changes to standing ordersconcerningthe scottish parliamentary standards commissioner
2002 changes to standing ordersconcerningthe scottish parliamentary standards commissioner
orders of the scottish parliamentconcerningthe scottish parliamentary standards commissioner
on changes to standing ordersconcerningthe scottish parliamentary standards commissioner
to the disability rights commissionconcerningits remit and priorities i
with the northern ireland executiveconcerningsectarianism in the workplace and
with the northern ireland executiveconcerningthe education programme operating in
with the northern ireland executiveconcerningthe feasibility of a joint
with the northern ireland executiveconcerningthe implementation of programmes to
with the northern ireland executiveconcerningthe lessons to be learned
been dealt with 1 mattersconcerningthe area 2 disturbances 3
suggestions and comments on mattersconcerningthe area tea was served
from the meeting regarding mattersconcerningthe association or the area
moses to malachi the thingsconcerninghim self and they were
in the truth of godconcerninghim self with the result
him self now we readconcerningthe thessalonians after having received
may indicate worries about issuesconcerningethnicity and personal identity one
for the longer term issuesconcerningfisheries conservation to be dealt
examination of the planning issuesconcerningfuture major investment in children
scone and to whom issuesconcerningits proprietorship should now be
of school to broader issuesconcerninglanguage in society and in
issues as we shall seeconcerningpolitics empowerment and ideology the
to consultation over care issuesconcerningthe patient and acknowledges the
by spgc on those issuesconcerningthe scale and the balance
support service regarding the issuesconcerningthe voucher system for asylum
we have considered two issuesconcerningwhen the 28 day period
transmitted diseases and other issuesconcerningyoung people and calls upon
gives advice on best practiceconcerningconsultation with children and young
exchanges between officials and ministersconcerningpolicy advice observes that other
any advice has been receivedconcerningthe enforceability of the parent
that there were big problemsconcerninghigher english [cough] which i
there are no such problemsconcerningthe definition of gaelic shona
44 to some extent problemsconcerningthe fate of the hounds
there is a major problemconcerningthe private sector most organisations
the national radiological protection boardconcerningreduction of any hazardous effects
the national radiological protection boardconcerningthe hazardous effects of mobile
unesco consideration background the conventionconcerningthe protection of the world
what representations it has receivedconcerningthe reorganisation of the health
held with senior police officersconcerningsectarian crime and how it
or discussions it has heldconcerningthe decision by the church
the forth estuary transport authorityconcerninga range of cross forth
been asked outside the chamberconcerningthe extension of local authority
from civil servants to ministersconcerningthe scottish qualifications authority and
with dumfries and galloway councilconcerningtrunk roads in that area
present most of the informationconcerninganimal welfare legislation that comes
made information available to usconcerningpay and conditions i agree
been awarded whether all informationconcerningthe value of contracts let
the minister for transport planningconcerningscottish transport group pension fund
the consumer believes that legislationconcerningthe supply of water contaminated
other products therefore any legislationconcerningtobacco is important to us
the scottish executive health departmentconcerningscottish national blood transfusion service
respondents also request more detailconcerningthe national park plan and
will dovetail with other workconcerningnurse cadets and the future
albeit although anenst over againstconcerninganerlie only antrin occasional athourt
lanka although he was respectfulconcerningthe large temples of monks
service to competition which areconcerningsome members of the scottish
consider two draft committee reportsconcerningcomplaints against members education culture
will receive and consider representationsconcerningscottish natural heritage s proposed
editorial policy to make recommendationsconcerningstaffing levels and to consider
of care the care commissionconcerningthe creation of new health
should be an urgent investigationconcerninghow post operative patients with
with her majesty s governmentconcerningscotland s surviving thalidomide victims
2002 whether the legal requirementsconcerningsubscription in connection with a
reality what they should beconcerningthemselves with can be distilled
off with a brief questionnaireconcerningyourself f948: uh huh oh
to her majesty s governmentconcerningthe take up of eu
us a very interesting reportconcerningthe life of his fore
question and once the correspondenceconcerningsection 77 has been circulated
been expressed about the powersconcerningthe licensing of premises that
anaith beneath anaw also anentconcerninganeuch enough anither another antrin
drafted as tightly as possibleconcerningboth the point of sale
proper prominence is extremely anxiousconcerningcancer patients around 50 of
answered a lot of questionsconcerningmining and then he came
will issue to the justiciaryconcerningthe correct identification of a
was made to historic scotlandconcerningthe excavation of the fort
further comment on the insinuationsconcerningthe justices of perthshire except
i would like to addressconcerningthe omission of certain parts
schedule 1 details the provisionsconcerningthe status independence terms of
the 19th chapter of lukeconcerningzacchaeus he was a rich
alike we some times sayconcerningtwins they are so like
have given all the detailsconcerningthat morning i still miss
petition by mr james strangconcerningthe criminal legal aid fixed
powers there would be nothingconcerningthe funds that go through
have noticed the newspaper reportsconcerningthe recent violent and vicious
conferences in the previous decadeconcerningthe relationship between the uk
so that concludes my remarksconcerningthe village smiths who had
a little to you tonightconcerningthese 2 men we find
there is a social issueconcerninggetting people who are not
our sister phebe we readconcerningher she was a sister
harns racked my brains anentconcerninglands tenements wynd narrow street

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