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the court would look withconsiderablesympathy on any such applications
the court must look withconsiderablesympathy on such requests however
and mr wallace and haveconsiderablesympathy with the sentiments that
use other forms of controlconsiderableefforts are being made to
world trend is doon taeconsiderableefforts by sindry organisations an
world trend is due toconsiderableefforts by various organisations and
said morning i acknowledge theconsiderableefforts of christine grahame who
who have contributed through theirconsiderablefundraising efforts to making the
but i m getting aconsiderableamount down on paper if
he had also done aconsiderableamount of documentary research on
succinct report based on theconsiderableamount of material that we
watson the executive made aconsiderableamount of money about 11
impromptu multinational meal with aconsiderableamount of multinational drink whisky
scotland our committee spent aconsiderableamount of time on the
is also aware that aconsiderableamount of work has been
teachers and young people aconsiderableamount of work is going
department who have done aconsiderableamount of work not least
status there will not beconsiderabledifferences between the amount of
among all the teaching unionsconsiderableanxiety was caused by the
that the parliament agrees thatconsiderableconfusion has been caused by
a course would have causedconsiderabledifficulty in my school colleagues
plan which has already hadconsiderablesuccess in its first year
plan which has already hadconsiderablesuccess in its first year
wildlife officers he has hadconsiderablesuccess in reducing the use
debates have been a veryconsiderablesuccess they have promoted a
but there is also aconsiderabledegree of conscious awareness of
standard would necessarily imply aconsiderabledegree of flexibility the scottish
on the subject that aconsiderabledegree of ritual and social
candidly that i have aconsiderableconstituency interest in this matter
response which we await withconsiderableinterest and impatience i welcome
the committee members have shownconsiderableinterest in and knowledge of
living language there is nowconsiderableinterest in scots as a
time however there is clearlyconsiderableinterest in the scots language
the borders there has beenconsiderableinterest in this issue for
this parliament i read withconsiderableinterest the paper published this
unremarkable such metaphors are ofconsiderablelinguistic interest many of them
is strong and efficient bringingconsiderablebenefits to all customers recognises
is strong and efficient bringingconsiderablebenefits to all customers recognises
to offshore suppliers recognises theconsiderableskills dedication commitment and expertise
to offshore suppliers recognises theconsiderableskills dedication commitment and expertise
pleased that she recognises thatconsiderablework has been done to
that there will be aconsiderableincrease in spending on school
possibility of my spending aconsiderablenumber of years overseas yesterday
spending review we are makingconsiderableprogress in implementing other recommendations
a remarkable translation but aconsiderableaccomplishment and a notable contribution
newspapers which presently make aconsiderablecontribution to scottish life r
regular accreditation and regulation inconsiderabledetail and that the issue
that is set out inconsiderabledetail in hector currie s
to examine the matter inconsiderabledetail we want to move
kerr s contribution which wasconsiderablein a formal way andy
the european union has deliveredconsiderablebenefits for scotland and we
presented materials there is aconsiderabletemptation to lift those materials
discussed carrying capacity and gaveconsiderableattention to sea lice i
reported and discussed suggested thatconsiderabledivisions are still not being
been approved there will beconsiderablediscussion about the matter and
has been the subject ofconsiderablediscussion lydia wilkie one of
1970s and 1980s there wasconsiderablediscussion of the methodology of
had and continue to haveconsiderableconcerns about the limitations on
i represent there are someconsiderableconcerns that needs assessments often
bigger concerns that might haveconsiderableimplications for traditional operators in
that it would go aconsiderableway to meeting concerns about
reporting restrictions that have drawnconsiderableconcern from a number of
kilbride where there has beenconsiderabledemand and a large number
of osteoporosis which affects aconsiderablenumber of citizens in scotland
s researches have uncovered aconsiderablenumber of gaelic place names
not in scotland but aconsiderablenumber of the employees live
efficiently and effectively for aconsiderablenumber of years more than
that period there was aconsiderableimprovement whereas 206 applications were
century and probably for aconsiderableperiod prior to this the
had been there for aconsiderableperiod told me that when
cause voluntary organisations to divertconsiderablestaff resources and time to
that many councils already undertakeconsiderablework in connection with the
be done i think thatconsiderableparliamentary scrutiny would be necessary
toxic algal blooms colin moffatconsiderableresearch is being done into
done on that for aconsiderabletime but the context was
it is a matter ofconsiderableregret to us that in
side my view is thatconsiderableprogress has been made in
that the parliament approves theconsiderableprogress made in increasing the
european social fund has aconsiderablerole to play in tackling
been lying around for aconsiderabletime it is the role
pronunciation an grammar hus aconsiderablebody o literature has a
up carrying so it hasconsiderablecapacity to be loaded up
forum and has given meconsiderablecomfort over the past year
scotland and there has beenconsiderabledebate since on 15 september
discuss the issue at someconsiderablelength and action has continued
relative concepts nevertheless in aconsiderablepaper aitken 1982 has attacked
is opposed to something hasconsiderablepolitical significance we can see
argument that calmac makes aconsiderableprofit and has the scope
that nothing has changed theconsiderableresources that we have put
legislation and one that hasconsiderablesupport from existing legislation that
on a point of orderconsiderabletime has passed since the
at uk level for aconsiderabletime it has been worked
of the report will haveconsiderabletraining implications has he had
classroom there is still howeverconsiderablecontroversy as to how far
for that however there wasconsiderableinspectorate input in that area
the vital census for aconsiderabletime however there is clearly
a year which brings aconsiderablesum of money into the
sectors we are talking aboutconsiderablesums of money that will
the world yesterday i tookconsiderabletime to listen to a
only at one time aconsiderableplace it is also a
justice general for scotland someconsiderabletime ago and lord hope
been going on for aconsiderabletime it certainly predates the
at the beginning will saveconsiderabletime over the piece we
where she had gone aconsiderabletime passed then a key
passenger accommodation forward for aconsiderabletime this limited the area
all hard work i haveconsiderabletime to socialise and relax
at european level for aconsiderabletime what is proposed here
rural prosperity rural areas faceconsiderablechallenges not least transport problems
recently decidedly rural boasts aconsiderableheritage of gaelic place names
mauchline where he lived aconsiderablepart of his life it
crop marks occur and aconsiderablepart of innermessan lay west
whole of r and aconsiderablepart of s had been
to suffer shooting foxes requiresconsiderableskill on the part of
have been conspicuous over aconsiderablearea from both land and
the prospect of the potentiallyconsiderabledamage that might have been
we would have been inconsiderabledifficulties and i hope that
same year which was aconsiderablefinancial loss the cause of
a crisis further notes theconsiderableunderspend for financial year 1999
old innermessan was the mostconsiderableplace in the rhins and
s opinion ought to carryconsiderableweight it should also be
will be the subject ofconsiderabledebate in the united kingdom
showed that there were quiteconsiderabledifferences in the vocabulary of
larger entries there would beconsiderableloss of quality the joint
that there continues to beconsiderableopposition to our proposals from
data 10 45 there wasconsiderablerepetition of input and correction
you know there was aconsiderablereservoir of scots in the
documents mean that there isconsiderablescope for claims for additional
there is potential to addconsiderablevalue to the existing industry
revealed there is still aconsiderableway to go before the
that would have led toconsiderabledifficulties because higher still is
you do have to haveconsiderablebrain damage of sorts as
need category will have aconsiderableimpact on required additional housing
party groups will have aconsiderableimpact on the broadening democracy
a topic that is ofconsiderableimportance to scotland i have
result in the executive havingconsiderablepowers and being able to
rosyth to zeebrugge ferry serviceconsiderablecontroversy blew up over whether
councillor for middlefield i hadconsiderableinvolvement in setting up the
which was accepted was theconsiderabledown gradient from aird to
that operate premises in whichconsiderablerecyclable waste is generated such
in many cases to undertakeconsiderableexpenditure in order to meet
regard the bill as aconsiderablestep towards sustainable farming would
to the sector would beconsiderablewe could argue about statistics
chill and i d aconsiderablewalk down the hill at
operation the ht now makesconsiderableus of computers about 70
cyprus and turkey that meansconsiderablediversity the conservatives oppose a
the labour market and aconsiderableemphasis on equal opportunities between
in the event of aconsiderableenlargement of the union the
of assessments was to aconsiderableextent under their control but
in dickoya alexander amassed aconsiderablefortune before retiring to deeside
rabbits continue to be aconsiderablepest of agriculture and forestry
at all sopa represents aconsiderableproportion of organic food producers
their accents are at aconsiderablepsychological disadvantage as compared to
georgian wine but drank aconsiderablequantity of chianti and whisky
a theory of culpability ofconsiderablesophistication elucidated on the basis
eight seems to be aconsiderableundershot ian williamson i am
that the parliament notes theconsiderableoutstanding repair bill faced by
radcliffe alluded i listened withconsiderableawe to the experiences of
settlement and the release ofconsiderablenumbers of convicted terrorists supported
dose of anticoagulation medication atconsiderablesaving to the nhs and
university is one that carriesconsiderableresponsibility as well as bestowing
view is one that carriesconsiderableweight because the scottish exams
seemed to our ignorant earsconsiderableskill natasha s flat seemed
but it will be atconsiderableexpense to the environment mushroom
items we all ate withconsiderablerelish and the others even
the first minister with hisconsiderableparliamentary experience accept that an
that tourism in scotland facesconsiderablecompetitive disadvantages in comparison with
system that are based onconsiderableevidence as hmi does that
pupils in deprived areas showconsiderablefacility and accuracy in certain
attainment by improving the systemconsiderableinvestment in education accompanied by
statement could be questioned raisesconsiderablequestions for the chamber i
risk pursuing them separately atconsiderablecost we are pursuing savings

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