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designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the act of sederunt
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the act of sederunt
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the act of sederunt
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the civil legal aid
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the civil legal aid
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the combined police area
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the debt arrangement and
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the debt arrangement and
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the dog fouling scotland
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the dog fouling scotland
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft child support
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft civil legal
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft civil legal
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft legal aid
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the draft rehabilitation of
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the extended sentences for
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the police and police
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the public appointments parliamentary
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the public appointments parliamentary
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the regulation of investigatory
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the sheriff court fees
designated as lead committee inconsiderationof the transport scotland bill
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage amendments robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage amendments robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage evidence robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage evidence robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage evidence robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage evidence robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage evidence robin rigg offshore
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage report to be published
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage robin rigg offshore wind
navigation and fishing scotland billconsiderationstage robin rigg offshore wind
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
apply in relation to theconsiderationand final stages of private
item on the agenda isconsiderationof a briefing paper on
convener agenda item 6 concernsconsiderationof a motion for the
in private item 7 isconsiderationof a paper on the
first item of business isconsiderationof a parliamentary bureau motion
for item 4 which isconsiderationof a report on various
we resume the meeting withconsiderationof agenda item 4 which
next item of business isconsiderationof business motion s1m 3675
item 9 relates to theconsiderationof candidates for a post
estates review item 9 isconsiderationof candidates for the post
in private item 7 isconsiderationof future options for the
next item of business isconsiderationof motion s1m 1581 in
next item of business isconsiderationof motion s1m 2238 on
next item of business isconsiderationof motion s1m 3456 on
convener agenda item 2 isconsiderationof paper st 01 11
next item of business isconsiderationof parliamentary bureau motion s1m
item on the agenda isconsiderationof petitions a report containing
convener agenda item 4 isconsiderationof ssi 2002 88 which
next item is stage 2considerationof the abolition of poindings
the convener item 2 isconsiderationof the amended report by
the third agenda item isconsiderationof the appointment of a
convener the first item isconsiderationof the auditor general for
legal profession item 8 isconsiderationof the committee s approach
down agenda item 5 isconsiderationof the draft covenant between
item on the agenda isconsiderationof the scottish parliament information
the committee agreed to deferconsiderationof this item 3 reporters
to the end of ourconsiderationof this item i thank
next item of business isconsiderationof three parliamentary bureau motions
next item of business isconsiderationof two parliamentary bureau motions
the lead committee in theconsiderationof the abolition of feudal
the lead committee in theconsiderationof the adults with incapacity
us in view of ourconsiderationof the bill as lead
to the lead committee sconsiderationof the order do members
the lead committee in theconsiderationof the plant health scotland
the public petitions committee forconsiderationhelen eadie i have a
petitions committee agree that furtherconsiderationis necessary it also requests
new petitions 2 current petitionsconsiderationof current petitions 3 convener
new petitions 2 current petitionsconsiderationof current petitions 3 convener
new petitions 2 current petitionsconsiderationof current petitions 3 conveners
new petitions 3 current petitionsconsiderationof current petitions 4 inadmissible
mound edinburgh 1 new petitionsconsiderationof new petitions 2 current
room 2 1 new petitionsconsiderationof new petitions 2 current
castlehill edinburgh 1 new petitionsconsiderationof new petitions 2 current
relevant interests 2 new petitionsconsiderationof new petitions 3 current
at 10 04 am 1considerationof new petitions members considered
response to matters arising fromconsiderationof petitions 453 498 and
governing the lodging referral andconsiderationof petitions including the role
arrangement would be reviewed 2considerationof petitions members considered and
we could agree to concludeconsiderationof the petitions and write
petition to us for detailedconsiderationthe public petitions committee is
private the committee will resumeconsiderationof a draft report on
in private the committee deferredconsiderationof a draft report the
private the committee will resumeconsiderationof a draft report the
draft committee report in privateconsiderationof draft committee reports on
schools etc bill stage 1considerationof draft report education culture
schools etc bill stage 1considerationof draft report education culture
of draft changes and continuedconsiderationof further changes to a
whether to take any furtherconsiderationof its draft reports on
committee 4 draft written agreementsconsiderationof minister for finance s
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft advice and
that the finance committee inconsiderationof the draft budget scotland
and the environment committee inconsiderationof the draft bus users
the justice 2 committee inconsiderationof the draft child support
the justice 2 committee inconsiderationof the draft child support
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft civil legal
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft civil legal
business today is the continuedconsiderationof the draft code of
the justice 2 committee inconsiderationof the draft general commissioners
the justice 2 committee inconsiderationof the draft general commissioners
the justice 2 committee inconsiderationof the draft general commissioners
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the draft loch lomond
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the draft loch lomond
the local government committee inconsiderationof the draft non domestic
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft rehabilitation of
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the draft rehabilitation of
the local government committee inconsiderationof the draft scottish local
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the draft sfgs farmland
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the draft sfgs farmland
the local government committee inconsiderationof the draft water undertakings
committee will consider its draftconsiderationstage report on the bill
its discussion on the draftconsiderationstage report on the bill
29 1 on proposals forconsiderationat stage 1 of the
32 3 on proposals forconsiderationat stage 1 of the
32 4 on proposals forconsiderationat stage 1 of the
culture and sport committee pendingconsiderationat stage 2 highlighting that
we look forward to detailedconsiderationat stage 2 i move
holdings scotland bill order ofconsiderationat stage 2 that the
parliament can lodge amendments forconsiderationat stage 3 and it
bulletin about lodging amendments forconsiderationat stage 3 i thank
the committee for stage 1considerationbut we expect the parliamentary
the bill s stage 1considerationhowever that might well prove
bill stage 2 order ofconsiderationlodged on 22 december 1999
approach and a timetable forconsiderationof stage 1 of the
bill the committee will discussconsiderationof stage 2 of the
to the convener that endsconsiderationof stage 2 of the
agrees that the time forconsiderationof stage 3 of the
agrees that the time forconsiderationof stage 3 of the
agrees that the time forconsiderationof stage 3 of the
agrees that the time forconsiderationof stage 3 of the
agrees that the time forconsiderationof stage 3 of the
committee will begin stage 2considerationof the above bill on
the committee completed stage 2considerationof the bill 3 outcome
on the tenth day ofconsiderationof the bill at stage
committee will consider proposals forconsiderationof the bill at stage
in its third day ofconsiderationof the bill at stage
committee is required to completeconsiderationof the bill at stage
committee will consider proposals forconsiderationof the bill at stage
on the fifth day ofconsiderationof the bill at stage
committee will consider proposals forconsiderationof the bill at stage
bill the committee will continueconsiderationof the bill at stage
will consider the arrangements forconsiderationof the bill at stage
will consider arrangements for itsconsiderationof the bill at stage
and agreed arrangements for itsconsiderationof the bill at stage
committee will consider proposals forconsiderationof the bill at stage
should the committee complete itsconsiderationof the bill at stage
part of its stage 2considerationof the bill but that
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
committee during the stage 2considerationof the bill on 20
at stage 3 given theconsiderationof the bill that was
witnesses during the stage 1considerationof the bill the bill
to inform its stage 1considerationof the bill the committee
committee embarks on stage 1considerationof the bill we examine
end of our stage 2considerationof the building scotland bill
doing in its stage 2considerationof the criminal justice scotland
the course of stage 1considerationof the ethical standards in
to today s stage 3considerationof the regulation of investigatory
now move to stage 3considerationof the regulation of investigatory
not complete its stage 2considerationon 5 november and if
not complete its stage 2considerationon tuesday 5 november members
committee will take evidence atconsiderationstage from mr michael clarke
will consider the bill atconsiderationstage meeting of the parliament
will consider the bill atconsiderationstage meeting of the parliament
national galleries of scotland billconsiderationstage national galleries of scotland
national galleries of scotland billconsiderationstage national galleries of scotland
national galleries of scotland billconsiderationstage national galleries of scotland
national galleries of scotland billconsiderationstage national galleries of scotland
will take evidence on theconsiderationstage of the bill from
consider its approach to theconsiderationstage report procedures committee 25
1 stage 3 order ofconsiderationthe committee will consider a
perhaps in our stage 2considerationwe will now be able
give the other petition furtherconsiderationi do not think that
we do not finish theconsiderationof a petition between now
group praising the committee sconsiderationof its petition pe407 and
practice we could continue ourconsiderationof petition pe247 and write
will consider proposals for furtherconsiderationof the following petition pe
consider whether to conclude itsconsiderationof the petition 10 subordinate
it intends to approach furtherconsiderationof the petition 5 telecoms
it intends to approach furtherconsiderationof the petition 5 telecoms
informed about the parliament sconsiderationof the petition and that
that petition into english forconsiderationof the petition as translated
for this committee to concludeconsiderationof the petition before the
consider whether to conclude itsconsiderationof the petition equal opportunities
response and agreed to closeconsiderationof the petition in view
committee is invited to concludeconsiderationof the petition once a
to inform its on goingconsiderationof the petition pe 233
whether to formally conclude itsconsiderationof the petition pe 425
whether to formally conclude itsconsiderationof the petition pe 425
it was agreed to deferconsiderationof the petition until it
also consider further options forconsiderationof this petition 5 legacy
environment committee have concluded theirconsiderationof this petition and have
community care committee for furtherconsiderationpe103 petition by mr frank
and sport committee for furtherconsiderationpe115 petition by julia clarke
home affairs committee for furtherconsiderationpe117 petition by mr alexander
and sport committee for furtherconsiderationpe123 petition by the scottish
home affairs committee for furtherconsiderationpe125 petition by unison scottish
lifelong learning committee for furtherconsiderationpe127 petition by edinburgh student
and environment committee for furtherconsiderationpe130 petition by mr paul
home affairs committee for furtherconsiderationpe84 petition by mr frank
apply aspects that are underconsiderationinclude the application process the
days to give it properconsiderationhow do you suggest we
is still to receive properconsiderationin scotland robert brown may
the bill has had properconsiderationnotwithstanding the odd comment about
year to allow for properconsiderationof the technical review currently
year to allow for properconsiderationof the technical review currently
be given proper and seriousconsiderationthan be subject to attack
message about lack of properconsiderationto others the community police
uk government must give properconsiderationto such matters before they
think that it gave properconsiderationto the issues that were
concerns will be given properconsiderationwithout fear or favour i
on the agenda is ourconsiderationof a paper on the
3 on our agenda isconsiderationof lines of questioning for
our current agenda and theconsiderationof subordinate legislation will be
appeal procedure in which detailedconsiderationand reasons will be given
be simplified and rationalised seriousconsiderationbe given to the creation
s1w 1558 recommends that seriousconsiderationbe given to the dispersal
in the housing stock hasconsiderationbeen given to basing exemptions
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationhas been given to any
part of the house whatconsiderationhas been given to the
the police christine grahame whatconsiderationhas been given to the
consequences people are saying thatconsiderationis being given only to
ask the scottish executive whetherconsiderationis being given to banning
on 17 may 2001 whatconsiderationis being given to developing
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationis being given to the
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationis given to gender differences
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationis given to the gendered
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit has given to and
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit has given to any
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit has given to further
any such responsibilities and whatconsiderationit has given to paragraph
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit has given to the
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit has given to the
that prevents youngsters from reoffendingconsiderationshould be given to increasing
need to state specifically thatconsiderationshould be given to involving
that committee was that seriousconsiderationshould be given to making
regards consultation on new legislationconsiderationshould be given to the
are the result of furtherconsiderationthat the executive has given
to the motion because theconsiderationthat we have given the
commission which asks for particularconsiderationto be given to the
has the executive given anyconsiderationto issuing new guidelines on
executive whether it has givenconsiderationto the introduction of retractable
and having given further carefulconsiderationto the matter i can
local authority should give fullconsiderationto these concerns given that
given a great deal ofconsiderationto whether tenants choice should
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationwas given to any impact
of its integrated transport policiesconsiderationwas given to introducing a
assembly in relation to anyconsiderationby the board that might
as part of its currentconsiderationof the housing stock transfer
7th april the order ofconsiderationagreed by the committee means
will be subject to committeeconsiderationat westminster we will be
health appointments advisory committee forconsiderationbefore each appointment was made
to the scottish executive forconsiderationby the committee 9 legislation
bill or other matter underconsiderationby the committee or sub
the environment committee for itsconsiderationhelen eadie we might want
and community care committee forconsiderationhowever that would be of
as the other committee inconsiderationin the convention rights compliance
local government committee for furtherconsiderationis that agreed members indicated
its successor committee for furtherconsiderationjamie stone declined to take
community care committee for itsconsiderationnora radcliffe i agree that
housing and voluntary sector committeeconsiderationof 3rd report on housing
in committee room 4 1considerationof a proposal for a
the committee will complete itsconsiderationof an issues paper on
inquiry the committee will continueconsiderationof an issues paper on
our licensing committee to includeconsiderationof applications for approval under
as part of our widerconsiderationof committee activities but we
matter as part of ourconsiderationof committee activities however we
tayside ags 2001 3 4considerationof evidence the committee will
tayside ags 2001 3 4considerationof evidence the committee will
3 is the committee sconsiderationof irene mcgugan s amended
rural development scottish executive 6considerationof pe 96 the committee
7 on the committee sconsiderationof potential candidates for the
mcleish msp the committee completedconsiderationof the adviser s report
the committee will resume itsconsiderationof the adviser s report
legislation the committee will resumeconsiderationof the animals and animal
to inform the committee sconsiderationof the annual budget bill
the committee hopes to completeconsiderationof the bill on wednesday
committee for inclusion in itsconsiderationof the bill the formal
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the cairngorms national park
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the cairngorms national park
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the cairngorms national park
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the cairngorms national park
the committee will review itsconsiderationof the executive s housing
and community care committee inconsiderationof the food protection emergency
and community care committee inconsiderationof the food protection emergency
and community care committee inconsiderationof the food protection emergency
and community care committee inconsiderationof the food protection emergency
correspondence and the committee sconsiderationof the health issues to
and voluntary sector committee inconsiderationof the housing support grant
and the environment committee inconsiderationof the nitrate vulnerable zones
executive during that committee sconsiderationof the regulation the subordinate
the rural development committee inconsiderationof the scotland act 1998
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the scotland act 1998
the justice 1 committee inconsiderationof the scotland act 1998
sport committee identified in itsconsiderationof the sqa was a
thank the committee for itsconsiderationof them as the convener
bill the committee will resumeconsiderationof written evidence and consider
community care committee for furtherconsiderationparticularly on the issues that
and environment committee for furtherconsiderationthe committee also agreed to
local government committee for itsconsiderationthe president of the convention
that committee could give detailedconsiderationto the complex and wide
i mark are taken intoconsiderationin their final assessment which
in private at future meetingsconsiderationof lines of questioning and
the hub castlehill edinburgh 1considerationof questions in private the
the hub castlehill edinburgh 1considerationof questions in private the
what the timetable for suchconsiderationis s1w 31872 robin harper
to give evidence for ourconsiderationrobin harper i too spoke
be prepared for members furtherconsideration3 convener s report the
the crown office requires furtherconsiderationin the light of decisions
demand and sophistication needs furtherconsiderationjohann lamont i want to
end of may however furtherconsiderationof building designs enabled consultants
programme a provision for aconsiderationof performance indicators in further
a good case for furtherconsiderationof the matter we should
being issued may require furtherconsiderationresearch notes are compiled for
dictionary though it merited furtherconsiderationthe latter proposal continued to
that some subjects need furtherconsiderationthe minister has accepted that
be used to inform furtherconsiderationto note the various sources
the executive is giving furtherconsiderationto this proposal while there
subject of extensive debate duringconsiderationof other sections it is
or in practice during theconsiderationof placing requests as being
consultation it undertook during itsconsiderationof this matter s1w 15013
to the scottish office forconsiderationand does not represent proposals
a secondary but nevertheless importantconsiderationis that the bill if
fair scrutiny that concludes theconsiderationof amendments to the bill
westminster is proceeding with itsconsiderationof the bill another matter
in the outcome of theconsiderationof the bill i recognise
able to contribute to theconsiderationof the bill i suggest
of which spilled into ourconsiderationof the bill this morning
in its third day ofconsiderationof the transport scotland bill
with great sensitivity and carefulconsiderationdr reid i can give
and its details require moreconsiderationthan we can give them
he give early and favourableconsiderationto holding a public consultation
that ministers will give seriousconsiderationto making day care centres
scottish executive to give urgentconsiderationto measures to alleviate the
scottish executive to give urgentconsiderationto measures to alleviate the
the scottish parliament to giveconsiderationto the creation of a
all members to give seriousconsiderationto the motion the deputy
the department will give dueconsiderationto the representations that are
should give the fullest possibleconsiderationto the views of small
will at least give someconsiderationto this fourth option of
scottish executive to give seriousconsiderationto this matter and to
harper will we give earlyconsiderationto what evidence we are
which we should give carefulconsiderationwhen taking the scheme forward
to take those comments intoconsiderationas part of the evidence
square 1 telecommunications developments inquiryconsiderationof evidence and areas of
evidence as part of itsconsiderationof the water environment and
timetabling issues which mean thatconsiderationcannot coincide perfectly it is
enough to be a materialconsiderationin planning issues s1w 24117
establish an inclusive forum forconsiderationof issues relating to travelling
those issues will feed intoconsiderationof legislative priorities that said
government to ensure that anyconsiderationof monopoly issues which may
a global one without realconsiderationof the issues i am
employment to ensure that itsconsiderationof the issues is informed
substantive issues we could leaveconsiderationof the order to the
companies when we broaden ourconsiderationwe might widen the issues
consider how to progress itsconsiderationof the budget 2002 3
consider how to progress itsconsiderationof the budget 2002 3
patient first as the paramountconsiderationkeith harding touched on justice
it can take it intoconsiderationas part of its deliberations
proposed eu legislation before itsconsiderationby the european parliament and
forms o communication intil itsconsiderationo the leids o scotland
the next steps in itsconsiderationof arrangements for a possible
things that are examined inconsiderationof its future it should
the elderly and more byconsiderationof its own political survival
and as part of itsconsiderationof pe96 not before 1
into account in its widerconsiderationof the housing stock transfer
forms of communication in itsconsiderationof the languages of scotland
witnesses as part of itsconsiderationof the scottish executive s
request on that matter detailedconsiderationbecause it caused me some
and include them in ourconsiderationof the matter the convener
of a forward diary forconsiderationof this matter i have
or branches close another importantconsiderationrelating especially to rural post
3 and agreed to continueconsiderationof pr 99 7 4
and have a period forconsiderationafter which the report would
contributions are obviously worthy ofconsiderationand report back to the
10 that the parliament inconsiderationof special grant report no
11 that the parliament inconsiderationof special grant report no
people in particular in ourconsiderationof the report as it
direct responsibilities for homelessness butconsiderationof the development fund budget
as soon as practicable afterconsiderationof the development group s
following options were offered 1considerationof a plan to complete
to us for comment andconsiderationpage 1 of paper el
the contractor and what financialconsiderationforms part of the lease
covered as part of theconsiderationof the campaign in other
a national theatre o scotlandconsiderationby the scots executive o
a national theatre of scotlandconsiderationby the scottish executive of
the scottish executive soon afterconsiderationis that agreed ms white
rights records are taken intoconsiderationbefore exchanges are arranged s1w
executive has taken that intoconsiderationi see this debate as
economic situation is taken intoconsiderationin my opinion cost savings
s to be taken intoconsiderationit was someone who previously
will that be taken intoconsiderationm608: aye m1163: that a
relevant authorities have taken intoconsiderationthe number of individuals who
in should be taken intoconsiderationwhen looking at this application
factors to be taken intoconsiderationwould be the availability of
we agree to hold overconsiderationof that paper until our
members interests subsequent sections forconsiderationat our next meeting will
a valuable tool in ourconsiderationof next year s budget
new lanark is under unescoconsiderationbackground the convention concerning the
the ec regulations currently underconsiderationby the european parliament on
standards or completion dates underconsiderationby the scottish parliamentary corporate
the only scottish site underconsiderationby unesco as a potential
the topic has been underconsiderationfor some time i hope
of the scheme currently underconsiderationfor the investment it has
of the scheme currently underconsiderationfor the investment it has
rest of the uk underconsiderationi suggest to the minister
such as the motion underconsiderationif eu matters are being
majority of schemes currently underconsiderationor construction in scotland are
parties views are currently underconsiderationphil gallie i am disappointed
one of the simplices underconsiderationsearohƦbbend for instance was listed
per cent may be underconsiderationtwelve countries across the european
will see that our keyconsiderationis access to the european
all the different levels thatconsiderationmust inform our inquiry the
what is important in ourconsiderationof constitutions is that we
the minister knows from ourconsiderationof other legislation we have
which has contributed to ourconsiderationof the executive s budget
8 relates to our initialconsiderationof two complaints because both
have been considered suitable forconsiderationas possible locations for new
to include new material forconsiderationby ministers i am pleased
should be a moratorium onconsiderationof any such new applications
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationthe new independent women s
the relevant government departments forconsiderationthe new zealand youth parliament
contained a reference to parliamentaryconsiderationyou mention the value for
whether the outcome will includeconsiderationof odour control the convener
deliberations and the timetabling ofconsiderationat westminster hugh henry we
burns that she merited hisconsiderationdespite the pleading of her
masts are a material planningconsiderationemissions of radio frequency radiation
option that is worthy ofconsiderationhowever we would still need
there is specific provision forconsiderationof a range of environmental
the commission also recommended thatconsiderationof all applications for relaxation
the process will reflect carefulconsiderationof all the available information
shortlist of twelve 11 throughconsiderationof applications and to five
grub 1843 69 95 anyconsiderationof bere barlie as a
sports at what point doesconsiderationof for example an indoor
such a review to includeconsiderationof giving children s hearings
across local authority boundaries inconsiderationof planning applications for wind
ask members to agree thatconsiderationof questions for witnesses and
recognises that fortune takes noconsiderationof rank if she favours
short moves away from aconsiderationof rhyme and metre to
writing from other classes forconsiderationof say weaknesses in sentence
not answer on today sconsiderationof scotland s budget documents
a formal procedure for theconsiderationof sewel motions once the
concluded amongst other things thatconsiderationof stb s operational results
about the point reached inconsiderationof such a scheme official
upon scottish ballet to delayconsiderationof such a significant change
when it anticipates that sufficientconsiderationof the a65 dalkeith bypass
to assist me in myconsiderationof the admissibility of amendments
that although we have concludedconsiderationof the aspects of the
with service users in theconsiderationof the contract for mail
with trade unions in theconsiderationof the contract for mail
of the devolved institutions includingconsiderationof the geographical nature of
executive to publish a detailedconsiderationof the impacts and benefits
flow from the group sconsiderationof the issue we will
explains the time scale forconsiderationof the late payment of
finance and public services inconsiderationof the local community s
2000 that the parliament inconsiderationof the local government finance
what the timescale is forconsiderationof the need for revised
on cause shown and onconsiderationof the owner s personal
the analysis is based onconsiderationof the responses of these
2000 that the parliament inconsiderationof the scotland act 1998
has been closely involved inconsiderationof the sqa through the
will move on to theconsiderationof the subordinate legislation stephen
adequately enough to allow theconsiderationof the types of concerns
to begin the meeting withconsiderationof these items schools infrastructure
mouse there must be rigorousconsiderationof what we will do
the right to participate inconsiderationof whether there should be
end of the 40 dayconsiderationperiod miss goldie as i
has been added to theconsiderationpreparation and processing of cases
be included as a planningconsiderationsupporting the incorporation of affordable
worthy of more long termconsiderationthan we are able to
community has remained a majorconsiderationthe experience of involvement in
feels to be worthy ofconsiderationthose include defects in service
of life was another importantconsiderationwe did not meet anyone
easton it is worthy ofconsiderationwithin a review of other
take those extra costs intoconsiderationand deal with it when
take the environmental impact intoconsiderationand it would be useful
executive might take that intoconsiderationin the consultation is that
taking aspects like this intoconsiderationis to allow a self
is the executive taking intoconsiderationthe fact that over the
t really take it intoconsiderationthe people who actually live
to the presiding officer forconsiderationthe meeting closed at 4
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit is giving to amending
ask the scottish executive whatconsiderationit is giving to the
the executive is giein mairconsiderationtae this proposal while there
to the scottish parliament forconsiderationthe executive recognises the depth
most appropriate mechanism for suchconsiderationbusiness bulletin no 170 2002
will take a bit moreconsiderationand investigation other venues will
schemes will be eligible forconsiderationfor the award s1w 32829
although such questions will requireconsiderationin future they should be
will have made after dueconsiderationmr raffan you have kind
however it will be aconsiderationthe only way to gain
young people as a primaryconsiderationhe or she should have
should be excluded from suchconsiderationi hope that those points
unable to carry out suchconsiderationbecause there was a delay
mr jim wallace the overridingconsiderationin such cases must be
orders are before members forconsiderationand i shall summarise the
we submit the proposal forconsiderationmembers indicated agreement islay creamery
are two negative instruments forconsiderationno members have raised points
libel action apart from thisconsiderationa rep- a reputation for
aimeƩ s body for aconsiderationand using the money extorted
at the earliest opportunity forconsiderationby the parliament the scottish
at the earliest opportunity forconsiderationby the parliament the scottish
lodged by an msp forconsiderationdebate an decision by the
lodged by a member forconsiderationdebate and decision by the
down a hole without anyconsiderationfor how to retrieve the
that is a highly significantconsiderationfor instance in effective police
like men to have someconsiderationfor me when they take
you grew up and showedconsiderationfor other folk get back
other services which qualify forconsiderationfor payment from this allowance
and hae received oor dueconsiderationit is therefore unnecessary for
many candidates were offered forconsiderationto the health appointments advisory
necessary for us to delayconsiderationwe could still write the
go to ministers for theirconsiderationwe have not been sitting
send in their submissions forconsiderationwe have tried to be
for any future scrutiny andconsiderationwe want someone to explain
young people as a primaryconsiderationand have regard to and
site status as a materialconsiderationwhen considering planning applications in
they bear careful reading andconsiderationbecause they deal with the
commit an offence the policyconsiderationbehind the proposal is set
the public is the importantconsiderationi am satisfied that the
servitude must specify i theconsiderationpayable to the owner and
waited until the 40 dayconsiderationperiod was over to discuss
enormously detailed and completely transparentconsiderationthat very transparency in the
access provisions ministers gave carefulconsiderationto those views and the
in place are robust thatconsiderationunderpins the reciprocal agreement on
to the minister that earlyconsiderationwould be welcomed i also
been proposed they merit sympatheticconsiderationrhona brankin similar fifg is
on income however after carefulconsiderationand despite that widespread support
we are talking about initialconsiderationpatricia ferguson i have a
this year that needs carefulconsiderationmr macintosh can you clarify

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