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but starts him aff oanconstanthowlin devermined mrs bellman chased
being uninvolved and undervalued theconstantpressure of dealing with patients
set on a course ofconstantdisruption in an institution from
the pattern has remained remarkablyconstantacross the years and across
line fishermen has remained relativelyconstantthis suggests that effort has
this number has remained relativelyconstantwithin the last 5 years
on interpreters who are inconstantdemand particularly in rural areas
on interpreters who are inconstantdemand particularly in rural areas
or elderly relatives who needconstantcare and attention the ca
relatives at home live underconstantthreat of persecution and it
patterns before speaking and thenconstantencouragement in spite of error
hiz shade at wes aconstantmidden about the sam tyme
rod and line remaining relativelyconstantit is the decrease in
cairn terrier wee hill dugconstantcompanion an mistress o the
sorry i find the toriesconstantnegative amendments such as the
appreciate that charities face aconstantbattle in their search for
winter it will be aconstantbattle to maintain the level
main road there is theconstantmessy construction of tower blocks
slow in the world ofconstantnight fingers serve instead of
land in the world ofconstantnight fingers serve instead of
not find ourselves in aconstantdutch auction in which our
ma life is juist aconstantroon o meals and bloody
my brow the oil aconstantbalm treat for the brain
be unusual to catch aconstantproportion of a declining population
undivided attention of adult informantsconstantexposure to language used in
use on trains and theconstantinconvenience to non phone using
to june when there wereconstantphone calls and faxes between
obviously keep the situation underconstantreview particularly in the early
call for me it isconstanti am concerned about the
i was concerned by theconstantreliance on new resources so
give crime ridden areas aconstantand visible police presence our
rural areas our focus isconstantit is like a rural
resources to cope with theconstantround of consultations that is
two minutes your mother needsconstantnight and day care far
fitness training centre here theconstantassumption that i must be
centre on a saturday thisconstantbuzz o noise an when
of the love act andconstantchildbearing again and again throwing
love that wattered it saeconstantuntae daith high dam the
aw red an blue wiconstantwipin wi the flu a
spiritual forth road bridge inconstantneed of repair symbolically ferries
when snow falls is prettyconstantbut the number of days
swaps frae onsetters wes aconstantpliskie fur the puir customar
an waik the criein oconstantchynge sae at fauss appiteits
o a modal verb remainsconstantfrae scottish tae english in
clause linkage is and thisconstantuse of and creates a
arundel and i were inconstantdiscussion bill must have arrived
work they got tired ofconstanthard work and poor wages
you drink that [?]gads[/?] f1049: constantbottles o gin m1048: it
literary and linguistic absolute aconstantfor all time what is
no reprieve the moon isconstantit will not deceive the
the minister agree that theconstantextension of the list of
shown that clustering was aconstantfeature of oral style the
be a move away fromconstantinnovation and reinvention of the
doubly oppressed by peggy sconstantmoaning the silence of the
are best interrelated in aconstantprocess of cross referencing and
in the gulf davidson sconstantreturn to the theme of
scottish executive to specify inconstantterms the amount spent on
it was the way theconstantfriction from handling the corn
people operating the lottery throughconstantlocal supervision and welcomes richard
change because there was aconstantunderlying unit whereas the pre
government health warning the onlyconstantseems to be uncertainty which

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