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convention has made an invaluablecontributionin setting the standards for
pay tribute to the invaluablecontributionof every member of that
the parliament recognises the invaluablecontributionthat scotland s towns make
and insight and their invaluablecontributionto patient care and it
the third sector s invaluablecontributionto scottish life without it
our population makes an invaluablecontributionto the cultural economic and
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2000 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2000 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2000 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2001 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2002 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2002 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
housing revenue account general fundcontributionlimits scotland order 2003 ssi
and employment costs including pensioncontributionto limits set in sub
i have acknowledged the valuablecontributionof the burns federation over
the valuable economic and culturalcontributionthe film sector makes to
the valuable economic and culturalcontributionthe film sector makes to
continue to make a valuablecontributionto agriculture and the economy
continue to make a valuablecontributionto agriculture and the economy
him to make a valuablecontributionto our work i look
as practicable recognises the valuablecontributionwhich day care centres throughout
pays tribute to the vitalcontributionmade by all members of
pays tribute to the vitalcontributionmade by all members of
pays tribute to the hugecontributionto family life made by
tribute to the ladies whasecontributionto the weel daeing o
counters service and the vitalcontributionour members make by providing
well aware of that vitalcontributionto the fabric of local
the parliament notes the vitalcontributionto the fragile local economy
investment programme and the vitalcontributionwhich public private partnerships have
investment programme and the vitalcontributionwhich public private partnerships have
investment programme and the vitalcontributionwhich public private partnerships have
investment programme and the vitalcontributionwhich public private partnerships have
the economic social and environmentalcontributionagriculture makes to rural development
in scottish society through thecontributionit increasingly makes to promoting
in scottish society through thecontributionit increasingly makes to promoting
the social economy know whatcontributionit makes and have a
home we all know thecontributionthat that makes to closing
industry to the economy thecontributionthat the industry makes to
industry to the economy thecontributionthat the industry makes to
million robert brown catalogued thecontributionthat the voluntary sector makes
opportunity to recognise the massivecontributionthat the voluntary sector makes
it has made of thecontributionthat volunteering makes to the
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionthe equine industry makes to
an estimate of the financialcontributionthe west highland way makes
scheme which makes a keycontributionto providing access for older
that it makes a significantcontributionto scotland in terms of
that it makes a significantcontributionto scotland in terms of
social economy makes a directcontributionto the alleviation of poverty
the association makes an enormouscontributionto the quality of life
it also makes a majorcontributionto the scottish economy in
of the mluri study thecontributionwhich rough shooting makes to
rural economy but the economiccontributionmade by the use of
division further notes the importantcontributionmade to the economy of
to evaluate the impact andcontributionof social economy organisations what
review will look at thecontributionof the social economy to
we are examining the currentcontributionof the social economy to
hare coursing in scotland thecontributionto the local economy of
ceaseless commitment and their massivecontributionto the scottish economy and
health visitors for the enormouscontributionthat they make to patient
continue to make an enormouscontributionto scotland after debate amendment
living storytellers for his enormouscontributionto the rediscovery and restoration
to vary the rate ofcontributionof proprietors to account for
objectives as to assess thecontributionof scottish agriculture and public
difficult to estimate the economiccontributionmade by the sale of
new research into the economiccontributionof fox hunting in scotland
carried out on the economiccontributionof fox hunting these tend
the cultural economic and socialcontributionof gaelic to scotland supports
forward to 2000 the economiccontributionof salmon fishing in scotland
400 fte jobs the economiccontributionof seatrout fishing has not
that the economic and socialcontributionwhich older people make to
that the parliament recognises thecontributionhamish henderson has made not
throughout the world recognises thecontributionmade by all oxfam groups
sporting life recognises the importantcontributionmade by local football clubs
the parliament recognises the outstandingcontributionmade by the late dr
week and recognises the importantcontributionmade by voluntary groups who
their 15th anniversaries recognises thecontributionof these companies and in
on its expansion recognises thecontributionthat signum circuits is making
the parliament recognises the immeasurablecontributionwhich the life and works
follow tom mccabe s positivecontributionhowever it is a pleasure
made a great and positivecontributionin improving older people s
are making a significant positivecontributionto people throughout scotland does
continues to make a positivecontributionto the debate we will
hughes is making a positivecontributionto the discussion i want
recognise the bard s uniquecontributionnot only to our cultural
grampian television s regional culturalcontributionthe committee will take evidence
grampian television s regional culturalcontributionthe committee will take evidence
and format as a majorcontributionto the cultural life of
addressed the neglect of thecontributionby women to the developing
will assist in developing thecontributionof charities to their communities
will be assessed against thecontributionthey make to developing those
institution is making a particularcontributionto supporting the developing skills
and it will be thecontributionyou make to developing successful
officers can make a significantcontributioni am working hard to
she can make a significantcontributionone of the great points
burns are making a significantcontributionto our understanding of this
they make the most significantcontributionto the voluntary sector which
bemused by murray tosh scontributiondoes he not recognise that
sector we recognise the outstandingcontributionthat is made by many
partners recognise the potential financialcontributionthat they will have to
will have to make ourcontributionand learn from other places
also need to make acontributionbecause some school pe facilities
if we can make somecontributioni believe that the parliament
i will make a briefcontributionit should be stressed that
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionit will make to social
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionit will make to the
they should make some financialcontributionsnh also propose that grant
work lies in recognising thecontributionthat elderly people make through
its full potential in thecontributionthat it can make to
should not forget the importantcontributionthat many older people make
older people and on thecontributionthat older people make in
many ways they symbolise thecontributionthat older people make to
highlands and islands con thecontributionthat our nurses make to
time staff that is thecontributionthat people in scotland make
being allowed to make theircontributionthat should be expressed by
the committee for stressing thecontributionthat the census can make
and physical activity and thecontributionthat they can make we
area i know about thecontributionthat volunteers make there is
for the paper industry thecontributionthat we can make is
could also make a localcontributionthe executive s experience of
should where possible make acontributionto living costs but it
sector we have a majorcontributionto make and although i
measures will make an importantcontributionto our ability to track
petitioner comes to make acontributionto our response to the
which presently make a considerablecontributionto scottish life r supported
today and make a shortcontributionto the debate i thank
day volunteers make a tremendouscontributionto the lives of many
make more of a personalcontributionto the sense of the
privilege to make a smallcontributionto the work of many
health service units make acontributionto their personal living expenses
committee can make a strongcontributionwe must work together to
services for making a localcontributionalan fraser i hope that
under which budget heading anycontributionit is making to the
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionit is making to the
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionit is making to the
scottish parliament is making itscontributionto that aim not only
first minister was making acontributionto the european debate today
they are making a directcontributionto the european energy review
systems further notes the hugecontributionmade to recycling in edinburgh
our gratitude for the hugecontributionthat henry mcleish made to
executive has acknowledged the hugecontributionthat scotland s older people
proposed deal made a majorcontributionto its demise and re
new arrangements represent a majorcontributiontowards that end supported by
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionis being made by first
media in holyrood whether anycontributionis being made by media
in appreciation o the finecontributionjohn c mearns made tae
and future viewpoint and thecontributionmade by both countries to
on coalfield communities acknowledges thecontributionmade by coal mining and
council in recognition of thecontributionmade to the forging of
it has made of thecontributionof awards for freight facilities
experience in scotland and thecontributionthat coastal communities have made
it were not for thecontributionthat is made by many
it murdo fraser underlined thecontributionthat is made by the
and others referred to thecontributionthat is made by the
is impossible to doubt thecontributionthat it has made to
is important to acknowledge thecontributionthat she has made not
9 may 1950 welcomes thecontributionthat the eu has made
future of europe welcomes thecontributionthat the executive has made
future of europe welcomes thecontributionthat the executive has made
advantaged communities i commend thecontributionthat the gnp has made
by debt and by thecontributionto debt problems made by
union have made a massivecontributionto peace on the continent
and has made a massivecontributionto scotland the united kingdom
robertson smith made no directcontributionto that key element of
the executive has made nocontributionto that that is dealt
organisations they have made acontributionto the debate on improving
the regions has made acontributionto the debate on the
the detail of its financialcontributionto the redevelopment of waverley
the detail of its financialcontributionto the redevelopment of waverley
the detail of its financialcontributionto the redevelopment of waverley
by returning to the extracontributionof the voluntary sector i
that we can celebrate thecontributionof the voluntary sector throughout
the scottish executive values thecontributionacross scotland of the voluntary
liable to pay the graduatecontributions1w 6017 robert brown to
congratulate the executive on itscontributionto changing pay for nursing
required to pay an annualcontributionto the dsfb based on
ehm how important was thecontributionof mcdiarmid and writers like
report provides an important newcontributionto the work of the
social inclusion 2001 11 scottishcontributionto the uk national action
and social exclusion scotland scontributionto the uk plan essentially
an incomparably higher level thecontributionrelating to burns in the
nonetheless i consider that itscontributionto keeping burns alive in
debate and on her excellentcontributionespecially the part in french
keen to press release mycontributionin advance of the debate
single currency in scotland acontributionto the euro debate from
single currency in scotland acontributionto the euro debate from
future on michael matheson scontributioni recall the discussion that
represent a comprehensive and helpfulcontributionto the future of europe
express our recognition of hiscontributionand to offer him best
both our witnesses for theircontributionmuir russell thank you for
considerable accomplishment and a notablecontributionto our literary and linguistic
is dwarfed by our taxcontributionwhich amounts to 20 per
key scottish organisations in itscontributionto the 2003 uk nap
by the scottish executive scottishcontributionto the uk national action
nap inclusion 2001 and thecontributionfrom scotland to the action
uphauden an whit wey theircontributiontae the culture o scotland
leids an bsl an theircontributiontae the definition o scotland
be supported and how theircontributionto scotland s culture can
languages and bsl and theircontributionto the definition of scotland
south of scotland con mycontributionwill be brief because i
the substantial and on goingcontributionby the executive and its
the substantial and on goingcontributionby the executive and its
edinburgh military tattoo and itscontributionto scottish culture and tourism
find expression in words theircontributionas it happens has not
thanking them for their substantialcontributionboth to the establishing of
on the amount of theircontributioncannot be appealed is that
government officials value and theircontributionmy colleagues in fife council
th- all subject areas theircontributionto creating those four erm
as jean mcfadden although theircontributionwas welcome we also sought
reduction is shown in thecontributionof the public to the
ask the scottish executive whatcontributionit anticipates the scottish parliament
the scottish executive whether thecontributionof lifelong learning to achieving
by the executive and thecontributionof nhs staff towards delivering
the scottish executive whether anycontributionto the rescue package on
by considering and investigating thecontributionthat land value taxation could
also remarked on the norsecontributionto north east scots by
him in recognition of hiscontributionto the cinema by the
eradicate child poverty the scottishcontributionprovides an overview of the
and monitoring of the scottishcontributionto ensure there is wide
for his outstanding and uniquecontributionto the promotion of scottish
tonight has been a welcomecontributioni am happy to take
is directly attributable to hercontributiondost archive miss macgregor was
evaluated that for example thecontributionfrom fish farming to the
to fulfil that ambition hercontributionhowever differs from that of
be liable for the graduatecontributionif they go to university
case with regard to thecontributionof eighteenth century women the
abuse health strategies and thecontributionof the bill to achieving
it intends to support thecontributionof the proposed greenbank day
be different what is thecontributionof tobacco products to profit
delightful presence and your wonderfulcontributiononly serve to point up
however did not consider thiscontributionto contain anything of value
harper s1m 2386 wallace clancontributionto new york fire department
in remembering catherine carswell hiscontributionto opening the doors the
gien an award for hiscontributionto science mime thomas walks
to donate photographs as acontributionto the campaign s portrait
to denigrate pagan or hercontributionto the eighteenth century song
thorgensen s 2000 millennium domecontributionto the installation on the
be admitted that the britishcontributionto theoretical linguistics in the
giving my daughter away mycontributionwas to sign the cheque
must take to grow thatcontributionwe are considering new ways
the effectiveness of spi scontributionwith regard to quality in
view your work and yourcontributioni should probably say that
we acknowledge andy kerr scontributionwhich was considerable in a
mind if i keep mycontributionshort perhaps i should speak
undertaking an assessment of thecontributionthat arts and sports can
gratitude for his attendance andcontributionduring the past weeks it
brief i shall frame mycontributionin the form of several
be liable for the graduatecontributionin whole or in part
[tut] i i think thecontributionof mcdiarmid and and writers
in thanking him for hiscontributionover the past four years
fife con angus mackay scontributionsaid more about the labour
he s proud of hiscontributionand sees it as just
that regard george reid scontributionunexpectedly and rightly opened up
cathy jamieson sylvia jackson scontributionwas helpful i know that
are represented and everybody scontributionis valued if they have
bearsden lab jamie mcgrigor scontributionor perhaps what was omitted
homes is a united kingdomcontributiontowards personal care costs on

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