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a panzer tank offensive matchstickingconversationsgroupie girls faces like halloween
like a tank offensive matchstickingconversationsholding the black prick of
the clamour of forty competingconversationsthe rest of the table
her female friends and herconversationswith herself in her unfinished
chairman is reporting accurately hisconversationswith jack greig the chairman
mirklyke returning to her pastconversationskeep a grup on yeirsell
who then had his ownconversationspresumably you remember that did
i have picked up fromconversationswith ministers the minister herself
could well have had thoseconversationsmr monteith given that jack
convener to be fair afterconversationswith ministers over the past
it became clear from casualconversationswith ministers that they were
it does so because goodconversationsare not usually predetermined the
in the course of severalconversationsbefore i returned to scotland
they had a number ofconversationsin the manse during which
273 during the course ofconversationswith the street gangs in
she can now hold reasonableconversationsin it she s having
s what [laugh] m865: interestingconversationseh well i mean linguists
or george wylie and directconversationsto poet freens carol ann
are far too many privateconversationsgoing on in the chamber
members wish to conduct privateconversationsthey should do so outside
the first of the longconversationswhich along with this scribbling
david steel far too manyconversationsare going on that is
it in relation to myconversationswith david miller at some
mail listening to my telephoneconversationsand looking through long lenses
resolve in the meantime ourconversationstook a lighter turn why
minister my view from informalconversationsis that the minister had
i had been distracted byconversationsand fino sherry and although
like really er like goodconversationsi think that he would
said she d miss theseconversationsif i didna she was

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