
See this word as a collocate cloud

aitken secretary of the jointcounciland formerly director of management
formerly named the western islescouncilchanged its name under the
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
meeting formerly known as thecouncilof ministers and post council
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
agendas in advance of eachcouncilof the eu meeting formerly
record our reassurances to highlandcouncil15 00 michael russell i
western isles enterprise the highlandcouncil2 briefing on gaelic issues
geography history and maths highlandcouncilalso indicated science as requiring
aberdeen city council argyll butecounciland highland council stated there
the convener of the highlandcounciland others it was at
highlands and islands enterprise highlandcounciland others on the planning
highlands and islands enterprise highlandcounciland relevant groups to ensure
implicitly nor explicitly criticising highlandcounciland that we recognise all
in my office however highlandcouncilappears to be arguing that
s1w 01894 for the highlandcouncilarea also see hicks d
areas in contrast aberdeen citycouncilargyll bute council and highland
culture and sport committee highlandcouncilbruce robertson director education culture
chairman gaelic working group highlandcouncilc llr andrew anderson chairman
macleod gaelic development officer highlandcouncilc llr helen law fife
culture and sport service highlandcouncilc llr michael foxley highland
indeed the case and highlandcouncilconcedes that however we should
forward planning and regeneration highlandcouncilcouncillor sandy park chairman of
areas and in particular highlandcouncildoes he agree that this
local government settlements for highlandcouncildumfries and galloway council or
change the report if highlandcouncilfeels hard done by we
am the convener thanked highlandcouncilfor hosting the first meeting
that the parliament commends highlandcouncilfor the recent public consultation
also heard that if highlandcouncilgets its share of the
a full bilingual policy highlandcouncilhas a gaelic development strategy
a pick and mix highlandcouncilhas already tried to change
and frustrated given that highlandcouncilhas tried unsuccessfully to have
a bilingual authority and highlandcouncilhas worked very hard in
nan eilean siar western islescouncilhighland council scottish parliament 4
modern languages goethe institute highlandcouncilhm inspectorate ibm italian consulate
990 mr duncan hamilton highlandcouncilhousing stock transfer that the
it has met the highlandcouncilin connection with a proposal
against tolls campaign and highlandcouncilin their call for the
both received correspondence from highlandcouncilindicating that we may inadvertently
alasdair morgan is what highlandcouncilis telling us correct will
highland council tenants with theircouncillandlord and the desire of
reports from visits to highlandcouncillg 00 1 3 reporter
c llr michael foxley highlandcouncilmorag anna macleod gaelic development
highland council dumfries and gallowaycouncilor aberdeenshire council there are
and europe highland council stirlingcouncilrichard barron access officer donald
baillie s copy of highlandcouncils correspondence i have not
a position to judge highlandcouncils figures if it is
hesitation in supporting the highlandcouncils stance in politics you
her in the face highlandcouncilsaid in its letter to
siar western isles council highlandcouncilscottish parliament 4 secure status
to prepare a glp highlandcouncilstated a glp should be
argyll bute council and highlandcouncilstated there was a duty
planning policy and europe highlandcouncilstirling council richard barron access
requirements of the bill highlandcouncilsuggested appeals could be made
the overwhelming satisfaction of highlandcounciltenants with their council landlord
received a letter from highlandcouncilthat pointed out how many
the injustice felt by highlandcouncilthat solutions to the indebtedness
local economic development inquiry highlandcouncilthe committee heard evidence from
islands enterprise and the highlandcouncilto hear their views on
social work convener at highlandcouncilwas voted down however we
and the leader of highlandcouncilwe will continue those discussions
nan eilean siar and highlandcouncilwhich has been a leader
collection of council tax thatcouncilhas banned poindings and warrant
with inflation yet council aftercouncilhas inflicted massive council tax
of pensions tax on stirlingcouncillodged on 6 march 2001
tax branch perth and kinrosscouncilroddy mcarthur director of finance
july 2000 rural affairs thecounciltax administration and enforcement scotland
july 2000 rural affairs thecounciltax administration and enforcement scotland
until 5 september 2000 thecounciltax administration and enforcement scotland
until 5 september 2000 thecounciltax administration and enforcement scotland
until 5 september 2000 thecounciltax administration and enforcement scotland
therefore agrees to abolish thecounciltax and replace it with
the deeply regressive and unpopularcounciltax and replace it with
the discredited and deeply unfaircounciltax and replace it with
therefore agrees to abolish thecounciltax and replace it with
therefore agrees to abolish thecounciltax and replace it with
the option of abolishing thecounciltax and replacing it with
the option of abolishing thecounciltax and replacing it with
raise more revenue than thecounciltax and that it would
raise more revenue than thecounciltax and that it would
raise more revenue than thecounciltax and that it would
as creditors for rent andcounciltax arrears s1w 24073 tommy
1 peter peacock abolition ofcounciltax as an amendment to
mr kenneth gibson abolition ofcounciltax as an amendment to
1 peter peacock abolition ofcounciltax as an amendment to
and islands lab abolition ofcounciltax as an amendment to
levels or alternatively increases incounciltax as stated by cosla
vulnerable through the link tocounciltax banding and finally recognises
vulnerable through the link tocounciltax banding and finally recognises
to review the number ofcounciltax bands and council tax
percentage of a people receivingcounciltax benefit but not 100
imbalance in housing benefit andcounciltax benefit costs between scotland
people receiving their entitlement tocounciltax benefit despite receiving related
scheme aligned to the currentcounciltax benefit scheme supported by
people not in receipt ofcounciltax benefit were in payment
executive local government expenditure andcounciltax branch perth and kinross
cut services and increased thecounciltax by 10 and condemns
of the rate at whichcounciltax charges may rise in
the scottish executive what thecounciltax collected was as a
s1m 1202 1 tommy sheridancounciltax collection as an amendment
authorities were to improve theircounciltax collection rates so that
2000 fiona mcleod s1m 484counciltax collection summary warrant procedures
s1m 1202 mr kenneth gibsoncounciltax collection that the parliament
real cost of scotland scounciltax debt is aware that
of old community charge andcounciltax debt s1w 12130 mr
rather than unwilling to paycounciltax debt supported by dorothy
54 after section 25e insertcounciltax discount for unoccupied dwellings
transport and the environment thecounciltax discounts scotland consolidation and
175 11 march 2003 thecounciltax discounts scotland consolidation and
2003 ssi 2003 175 thecounciltax discounts scotland consolidation and
transport and the environment thecounciltax discounts scotland consolidation and
and compensation act 1991 thecounciltax discounts scotland consolidation and
was as a percentage ofcounciltax due in each local
march 2002 local government thecounciltax dwellings and part residential
march 2002 local government thecounciltax dwellings and part residential
purchase of the property dcounciltax e factoring charges f
until 16 january 2000 thecounciltax exempt dwellings scotland amendment
until 16 january 2000 thecounciltax exempt dwellings scotland amendment
health and community care thecounciltax exempt dwellings scotland amendment
health and community care thecounciltax exempt dwellings scotland amendment
the stability for three yearcounciltax figures and welcomes the
the stability for three yearcounciltax figures and welcomes the
debate on the abolition ofcounciltax followed by scottish socialist
debate on the abolition ofcounciltax for text of motion
or have not paid theircounciltax how will you obtain
that s part of mycounciltax i pay for that
authorities the power to chargecounciltax in full on second
the continuation of the highestcounciltax in scotland in glasgow
has done anything to reducecounciltax increases to the level
aware of some of thecounciltax inquiries that our elderly
the parliament believes that thecounciltax is a fundamentally unfair
the parliament believes that thecounciltax is a fundamentally unfair
the parliament believes that thecounciltax is a fundamentally unfair
of tommy sheridan abolition ofcounciltax leave out from first
march 2003 local government thecounciltax liability of owners scotland
march 2003 local government thecounciltax liability of owners scotland
march 2003 local government thecounciltax liability of owners scotland
paragraph a daily discount fromcounciltax of twice the appropriate
2002 fiona mcleod s1m 3620counciltax on second homes lodged
wilson s1m 3620 donald gorriecounciltax on second homes that
on the collection rate ofcounciltax or other debts that
found elsewhere either by increasingcounciltax or through cuts in
otherwise that the amount ofcounciltax payable in respect of
local authorities to reduce thecounciltax payable on second homes
and take it from thecounciltax payer council tax payers
to rising costs for thecounciltax payer if she alters
from the council tax payercounciltax payers are only around
for serving summary warrants oncounciltax payers particularly those who
south of the border shouldcounciltax payers pay more the
budget does he believe thatcounciltax payers should meet the
who are late with theircounciltax payments by only a
the member is resident forcounciltax purposes under section 75
of the external project oncounciltax rebanding 5 marriage scotland
but they may also losecounciltax rebate and housing benefit
2000 michael russell s1m 592counciltax reduction for second homes
also limitations to do withcounciltax registers there is no
is investigating the possibility ofcounciltax relief for businesses run
to review its policy oncounciltax relief for second homes
north lanarkshire or reduce anycounciltax rises for the citizens
after council has inflicted massivecounciltax rises in the past
skewed figures will result fromcounciltax rises when the minister
debate on abolition of thecounciltax s1m 3809 tommy sheridan
exempting students from liability forcounciltax sp bill 22 executive
transport and the environment thecounciltax supply of information scotland
transport and the environment thecounciltax supply of information scotland
2003 ssi 2003 146 thecounciltax supply of information scotland
146 10 march 2003 thecounciltax supply of information scotland
account the effects of thecounciltax system on low paid
collecting a higher proportion ofcounciltax than ever before and
collecting a higher proportion ofcounciltax than ever before and
on its improved collection ofcounciltax that council has banned
finance was raised through thecounciltax that is a higher
how much they raise throughcounciltax that is central to
3809 tommy sheridan abolition ofcounciltax that the parliament believes
sheridan glasgow ssp abolition ofcounciltax that the parliament believes
21 tommy sheridan abolition ofcounciltax that the parliament calls
contexts as we see withcounciltax there will be elements
of council tax bands andcounciltax thresholds s1w 13143 mr
the single occupancy discount oncounciltax to 50 per cent
30 am 1 abolition ofcounciltax tommy sheridan moved s1m
when they have inquiries aboutcounciltax utilities housing benefit or
priorities councils have to increasecounciltax well above the rate
reform local government finance replacecounciltax with a local income
now lies with south lanarkshirecouncil9 the world heritage information
local authorities including south lanarkshirecouncilabide by the statutory requirements
proposals by a north lanarkshirecounciland b south lanarkshire council
minerals plan from south lanarkshirecounciland what process it will
the figures from south lanarkshirecouncilare such figures to do
dementia in the south lanarkshirecouncilarea in both 2000 01
citizens of the north lanarkshirecouncilarea s1m 1021 mr jamie
19b notice to north lanarkshirecouncilc retract the 19b notice
evidence placed before north lanarkshirecouncilconcerning cumbernauld schools closures contained
white s1m 2819 north lanarkshirecouncilcosla award lodged on 1
improved performance of north lanarkshirecouncildirect labour organisation dlo which
1022 tommy sheridan north lanarkshirecouncildirect labour organisation that the
extra finance for north lanarkshirecouncileither to improve council services
council and b south lanarkshirecouncilfor schools reorganisation and closures
would appear that south lanarkshirecouncilhas addressed the concerns raised
scottish executive whether south lanarkshirecouncilhas been consulted regarding suitable
to improve services south lanarkshirecouncilhas given a comprehensive response
play brian adam south lanarkshirecouncilhas submitted evidence that suggests
whether it supports north lanarkshirecouncilin their policy of allowing
consultation process by south lanarkshirecouncilis inadequate and calls on
s approach the north lanarkshirecouncilmaterials and nate s the
the disclosures by north lanarkshirecouncilofficials at the weekend that
the executive and south lanarkshirecouncilon the issues raised in
company and b south lanarkshirecouncilon this issue s1w 28484
consultation process by north lanarkshirecouncilover the proposed closure of
materials for the north lanarkshirecouncilproject another look at reading
m stephens the north lanarkshirecouncilreading materials taking another look
of macgregor v south lanarkshirecouncilregarding local authority provision of
should write to south lanarkshirecouncilrequesting details of the background
with regard to south lanarkshirecouncils public private partnership proposal
houses brian adam south lanarkshirecouncils written evidence suggests that
of macgregor v south lanarkshirecouncils1o 2758 4 mr andrew
carried forward by north lanarkshirecouncils1w 34956 andrew wilson to
lanarkshire council either to improvecouncilservices to the citizens of
and requests that north lanarkshirecouncilsuspend school closures until any
and calls upon north lanarkshirecouncilto suspend all further school
area served by south lanarkshirecouncilwe agreed to seek the
authorities such as north lanarkshirecouncilwhere the materials have been
special plea for south lanarkshirecouncilwhich faces both urban and
and strategy committee aberdeen citycouncil4 prostitution tolerance zones scotland
scottish executive and glasgow citycouncilabout a year and a
to discussions with glasgow citycouncilabout the refurbishment of kerelaw
at the city of edinburghcouncilalan mckeown the housing development
languages 39 104 edinburgh citycouncilalso cites an example of
fishing rights such as aberdeenshirecounciland aberdeen city council i
community care the aberdeen citycounciland aberdeenshire council boundaries blackburn
and the city of edinburghcounciland aims to 8 preserve
primary schools by glasgow citycounciland an e commerce project
currently owned by the citycounciland attracts many motorists from
constituency b city of edinburghcounciland c east lothian council
the executive city of edinburghcounciland citizens advice scotland and
i am aware glasgow citycounciland city of edinburgh council
on behalf of dundee citycounciland cosla i confirm that
we have representatives from aberdeenshirecounciland dundee city council derek
council the city of edinburghcounciland dundee city council some
ethnicity but both glasgow citycounciland dundee city council with
i work with glasgow citycounciland i have been disappointed
administration manager of dundee citycounciland keith jones is head
such as city of dundeecounciland other agencies find it
local government the glasgow citycounciland renfrewshire council boundaries braehead
hyslop s1m 2957 glasgow citycounciland renfrewshire council boundaries braehead
week talking to the citycounciland seeing how we can
local authorities particularly glasgow citycounciland the city of edinburgh
authorities such as glasgow citycounciland the city of edinburgh
local authorities particularly glasgow citycounciland the city of edinburgh
larger authorities particularly glasgow citycounciland the city of edinburgh
discussions between the scottish artscounciland the city of edinburgh
for the city of edinburghcounciland the cramond management group
project agreed between aberdeen citycounciland the local health board
on behalf of glasgow citycounciland the university of glasgow
government the city of edinburghcounciland west lothian council boundaries
for use by dundee citycouncilangus council fife council scottish
some authorities particularly glasgow citycouncilare taking up the enforcement
distributed in the aberdeen citycouncilarea and how it plans
distributed in the glasgow citycouncilarea and how it plans
homes in the glasgow citycouncilarea in the event of
homes in the aberdeen citycouncilarea in the event of
first derek miller dundee citycouncilas well as representing our
how much has aberdeen citycouncilasked the executive for by
the a city of edinburghcouncilb east lothian council and
discussed with city of edinburghcouncilbackpackers hostels for the most
particular problem for glasgow citycouncilbecause it requires planning permission
education department of edinburgh citycouncilbelieves that their support for
and strategic development aberdeen citycouncilbob shannon head of planning
aberdeen city council and aberdeenshirecouncilboundaries blackburn amendment order 2002
glasgow city council and renfrewshirecouncilboundaries braehead amendment order 2002
glasgow city council and renfrewshirecouncilboundaries braehead amendment order 2002
hamilton s1m 2760 dundee citycouncilbudget lodged on 20 february
s comments about glasgow citycouncilbut in february 2002 in
chief executive of aberdeen citycouncilcalling for the scottish parliament
at 10 00 am incouncilchamber dundee city council city
disagree with what glasgow citycouncilcharges but the executive s
the executive city of edinburghcouncilcitizens advice scotland and the
in council chamber dundee citycouncilcity square dundee 1 national
of the bill glasgow citycouncilcommented the potential costs of
the consultation process glasgow citycouncilcommented there is however the
scottish executive whether glasgow citycouncilcould invest over 1 3
len ironside leader aberdeen citycouncilcouncillor alison mcinnes chair infrastructure
policy development officer glasgow citycouncilcouncillor james coleman deputy leader
social work city of edinburghcouncilcouncillor kingsley thomas executive member
resources management committee aberdeen citycouncilcouncillor len ironside convener policy
language 38 102 edinburgh citycouncilcurrently supports community language classes
by the city of edinburghcouncildepartment of education 40 scottish
aberdeenshire council and dundee citycouncilderek miller is the administration
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
special parking area aberdeen citycouncildesignation order 2003 ssi 2003
council and city of edinburghcouncildid not suspend their groups
and the city of edinburghcouncildiscussed with you the difficulties
argument was that glasgow citycouncildoes not charge enough yet
the latest year aberdeen citycouncildoes not collect information in
that the city of edinburghcouncildoes not require planning permission
loss what is glasgow citycouncildoing that is so different
neighbour agreement between dundee citycouncildundee energy recycling limited friends
neighbour agreement between dundee citycouncildundee energy recycling limited friends
and the city of edinburghcounciledinburgh and lothian tourist board
by the city of edinburghcounciledinburgh new town conservation committee
not according to aberdeen citycouncilelaine thomson scotland is blessed
comunn na gaidhlig dundee citycouncileuropean bureau of lesser used
in touch with glasgow citycouncilevery week about one or
from the city of edinburghcouncilewht historic scotland edinburgh and
mapping at glasgow er citycouncilf1037: amazing f1038: so but
by dundee city council anguscouncilfife council scottish borders council
another business was buying excouncilflats in the city centre
into use applauds glasgow citycouncilfor its willingness to listen
petition pe357 by aberdeen citycouncilfrom councillor len ironside leader
a barrier to its accessingcouncilfunding the labour run city
brian kelly of glasgow citycouncilgave evidence to the committee
coleman deputy leader of thecouncilglasgow city council professor peter
between the sip aberdeen citycouncilgrampian nhs board and other
s for example glasgow citycouncilhas 25 sites 19 council
practice the city of edinburghcouncilhas a comprehensive inspection programme
officer the city of edinburghcouncilhas agreed to adhere to
a 1993 survey glasgow citycouncilhas also notes an increasing
from the city of edinburghcouncilhas been the principal officer
the positive role glasgow citycouncilhas played in supporting blindcraft
initiative for gow the citycouncilhave offered to support us
a meeting at aberdeen citycouncilheadquarters last week that council
from the city of edinburghcouncilhighlighted the enormous burden that
authorities the city of edinburghcouncilhighlighted the potential for an
by the city of edinburghcouncilhow many persons have objected
aberdeenshire council and aberdeen citycouncili do not know whether
an officer from glasgow citycouncili think that he was
mark turley city of edinburghcouncili would like to answer
mark turley city of edinburghcouncilian williamson communities scotland peter
permission granted by glasgow citycouncilin respect of 7 and
20 000 to aberdeen citycouncilin support charges furthermore this
kevin stewart and aberdeen citycouncilin their endeavours to try
year basis as glasgow citycouncilis beginning to develop or
available at least aberdeen citycouncilis honest i am happy
illustration the city of edinburghcouncilis in the fortunate position
was a surprise glasgow citycouncilis particularly unhappy about the
the budgetary documentation aberdeen citycouncilis talking about all sorts
a pack from aberdeen citycouncilit is addressed to my
reporter trish godman aberdeen citycouncillg 00 1 5 reporter
182 brian adam aberdeen citycouncillobbyist that the parliament recognises
windfall payment to glasgow citycouncillodged on 26 july 2002
am sure that glasgow citycouncilmight have some justification for
senior surveyor city of edinburghcouncilmr richard griffith director edinburgh
and leisure city of edinburghcouncilms sally dyer senior surveyor
walkway planned by glasgow citycouncilnotes that this walkway is
authorities such as glasgow citycouncilobey the findings of industrial
united kingdom including the commoncouncilof the city of london
regional funding to glasgow citycouncilof up to 500 000
the parliament congratulates glasgow citycouncilon its 950 000 allocation
it will congratulate aberdeen citycouncilon its recent success in
authorities such as glasgow citycouncilor the city of edinburgh
majesty s government glasgow citycouncilor the scottish football association
and calls upon aberdeen citycouncilother agencies and the private
in parliament the aberdeen citycouncilpack to which i referred
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
wearing of uniforms aberdeen citycouncilparking area regulations 2003 ssi
department derek miller dundee citycouncilpaul parr general register office
cleansing department of glasgow citycouncilpe85 submitted by aberdeenshire federation
cleansing department of glasgow citycouncilpe85 submitted by aberdeenshire federation
mr mike rumbles aberdeen citycouncilplanning application for a football
of the council glasgow citycouncilprofessor peter donnelly director of
take evidence from glasgow citycouncilprotective services braendam link social
up day where glasgow citycouncilprovide us with a skip
the settlement to glasgow citycouncilprovided by the order is
in glasgow but glasgow citycouncilraised the issue when it
social work city of edinburghcouncilray de souza principal officer
to request that glasgow citycouncilre open the disabled toilets
am pleased that aberdeen citycouncilrecently received the highest award
special parking area aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 70
special parking area aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 70
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
traffic parking adjudicators aberdeen citycouncilregulations 2003 ssi 2003 71
had recently with dundee citycouncilrelating to urban regeneration s1o
of finance city of edinburghcouncilroddy mcarthur director of finance
you agree with dundee citycouncils argument that remuneration for
also identified in glasgow citycouncils best value review and
a point about glasgow citycouncils evidence most committee members
community relations welcomes glasgow citycouncils introduction of an emergency
community relations welcomes glasgow citycouncils introduction of an emergency
dorothy grace elder glasgow citycouncils planning department scored a
is understandable that glasgow citycouncils planning policy is aimed
centralised nature of glasgow citycouncils proposals the criticisms in
i got from glasgow citycouncils register two of them
may 2000 why glasgow citycouncils share of capital investment
notes with concern aberdeen citycouncils willingness to approve a
schools projects the glasgow citycouncilschools project and the scottish
city council angus council fifecouncilscottish borders council and orkney
edinburgh council and dundee citycouncilsome 4 000 applications have
is virtually unknown glasgow citycouncilstated gcc believes that the
committee the city of edinburghcouncilstated no private verifier could
evidence the city of edinburghcouncilstated no private verifier could
housing services at glasgow citycouncilstated that if the housing
from that date glasgow citycouncilsuggested that there should be
applications robert brown glasgow citycounciltakes the view that it
allow citizens who paid highercounciltaxes in the city to
local authorities including glasgow citycouncilthe city of edinburgh council
already working with aberdeen citycouncilthe member will know the
shocking complacency of glasgow citycouncilthe scottish executive and her
s government city of edinburghcouncilthe strategic rail authority and
and the city of edinburghcouncilthere are one or two
or the city of edinburghcouncilthere was little in hector
years but urges aberdeen citycouncilto avoid using public funds
recent decision by aberdeen citycouncilto become the first council
it last met dundee citycouncilto discuss proposals for investment
and the city of edinburghcouncilto ensure that suitable premises
and hard with glasgow citycouncilto establish a stand alone
and calls upon aberdeen citycouncilto reconsider this rather crude
want to contract aberdeen citycouncilto set them up the
properties held by glasgow citycouncilto the glasgow housing association
of finance at glasgow citycouncilto the parliament s local
the method that glasgow citycouncilused to establish three bands
executive finance division glasgow citycouncilwas persuaded that it wanted
accepts that if glasgow citycouncilwere relieved of its 900
from the city of edinburghcouncilwhich has a particular interest
a matter for aberdeen citycouncilwhich has now agreed remedial
and the city of edinburghcouncilwhich have sent officers on
that the city of edinburghcouncilwhich hector currie mentioned in
local authorities was glasgow citycouncilwhich will not finish its
signed off formally aberdeen citycouncilwill be a lead authority
scottish executive how glasgow citycouncilwill be compensated for services
they will clash glasgow citycouncilwill be in a mess
sure the city of edinburghcouncilwill be on that basis
labour run city of edinburghcouncilwill not fund certain bethany
city council and dundee citycouncilwith high concentrations of ethnic
direct grant support glasgow citycouncilwould receive if it received
and the city of edinburghcouncilyou asked about how we
of strategic development scottish artscouncil2 petition pe427 the committee
comes through the scottish artscouncila problem exists for scots
with a the scottish artscounciland b scottish ballet regarding
companies from the scottish artscounciland from scottish opera and
can see the scottish artscounciland scottish natural heritage give
jointly by the scottish artscounciland scottish tourist board with
funding through the scottish artscounciland the three scottish national
s1m 2715 the scottish artscounciland visitscotland traditional music and
representatives of the scottish artscounciland what issues will be
of a the scottish artscouncilb the scottish children s
of historic properties scottish artscouncildevelopment of cultural tourism scottish
eh at the scottish artscounciler little thanks tae onie
canada on a scottish artscouncilexchange fellowship and in awareness
grant applications to the artscouncilfor capital projects and b
grants made by the artscouncilfor capital projects in each
grant funding by the artscouncilfor capital projects s1w 7142
and sport and the artscouncilfor england and what role
company in 1992 the advisorycouncilfor the arts in scotland
all these things are artscouncilfundit the the the huge
up by the scottish artscouncilhas been convened to advise
the s- the scottish artscouncilhas in promoting scots and
many awards the scottish artscouncilhas made in each of
funded by the scottish artscouncilhas recently announced a new
chairman of the scottish artscouncilhas suggested as a new
chairman of the scottish artscouncilhe has done an about
get rid of the artscouncilmiddlemen and give every artist
in shetland the scottish artscouncilrecently awarded shetland another schools
fir scots events scottish artscouncilrob gibson tae write tae
award from the scottish artscouncils project to support a
review of the scottish artscouncils structure and purpose considering
endless note the scottish artscouncils support of contemporary craft
executive when the scottish artscouncils youth music audit will
function of the scottish artscouncils1o 82 2 fergus ewing
function of the scottish artscouncils1o 82 2 fergus ewing
relocation of the scottish artscouncils1w 33039 jackie baillie to
point to the scottish artscouncilsac which supported both dost
director of the scottish artscouncilsaid as he welcomed the
evidence from the scottish artscouncilscottish ballet and other interested
national literature using scottish artscouncilsupport for visiting writers methods
the universities and scottish artscouncilsupport work on the scots
distributed by the scottish artscouncilthat has gone to the
to instruct the scottish artscouncilto make a condition of
role for the scottish artscouncilto provide funding and advice
allocation from the scottish artscounciltowards a major refurbishment of
supported by the scottish artscouncilwhich we re very grateful
approval from the scottish artscouncilwho awarded the residency project
expects that the scottish artscouncilwill honour its share of
jack mcconnell the scottish artscouncilwill make an appointment from
parking area perth and kinrosscouncildesignation order 2002 ssi 2002
parking area perth and kinrosscouncildesignation order 2002 ssi 2002
of uniforms perth and kinrosscouncilparking area regulations 2002 ssi
parking adjudicators perth and kinrosscouncilregulations 2002 ssi 2002 400
parking adjudicators perth and kinrosscouncilregulations 2002 ssi 2002 400
been distributed in the aberdeenshirecouncilarea and how it plans
ensure that children in aberdeenshirecouncilarea have access to swimming
now the responsibility of aberdeenshirecouncilbetween the years 1471 and
we have received from manycouncildirectors especially from aberdeenshire council
chair infrastructure services committee aberdeenshirecounciled gillespie chief executive scottish
aberdeenshire council put it thecouncilfirmly believe that the principles
deplores the fact that aberdeenshirecouncilhas forced the closure of
and administration north for aberdeenshirecouncili am given to understand
in mintlaw in aberdeenshire thecouncilindicated that it was going
of scotland keith jones aberdeenshirecouncilkay mccorquodale scottish executive finance
taken seriously keith jones aberdeenshirecouncilmy written submission pointed out
an integrated manner as aberdeenshirecouncilput it the council firmly
directions it has given aberdeenshirecouncilregarding its share of the
and galloway council or aberdeenshirecouncilthere are large sums of
it will give to aberdeenshirecouncilto assist with the raising
wishes by arranging for aberdeenshirecouncilto replace the granite chips
scottish executive to ask aberdeenshirecouncilto review this decision urgently
the level of inflation aberdeenshirecouncilwhere i live has managed
council directors especially from aberdeenshirecouncilwhich said clearly that the
road is to us aberdeenshirecouncilwill have to pay for
centre had funding from aberdeenshirecouncilwithdrawn a couple of years
east ayrshire council north ayrshirecounciland argyll and bute council
elderly care by south ayrshirecounciland consider what implications this
has had with east ayrshirecounciland enterprise ayrshire on the
of education at east ayrshirecounciland is with many pupils
environment protection agency south ayrshirecounciland other agencies in seeking
1996 and supports east ayrshirecounciland other councils in scotland
commends scottish opera north ayrshirecounciland the schools of north
financial problems of east ayrshirecounciland what plans it has
people in the east ayrshirecouncilarea are being treated for
deaths in the east ayrshirecouncilarea have changed significantly since
people in the east ayrshirecouncilarea have died from cancer
farms in the east ayrshirecouncilarea remain under restrictions imposed
should write to south ayrshirecouncilfor a response to the
the parliament condemns south ayrshirecouncilfor serving summary warrants on
i also thank south ayrshirecouncilfor the work that it
i think that north ayrshirecouncilhas chatelherault the former seat
in south ayrshire council thatcouncilhas sent out summary warrants
was hosted by south ayrshirecouncilin ayr can we expect
the actions of south ayrshirecouncilin setting up the proof
the work of east ayrshirecouncilin supporting the work of
slow michael russell north ayrshirecouncilis also included because of
additional benefits by east ayrshirecouncillodged on 27 june 2000
of communications at north ayrshirecouncillodged on 3 december 2001
innovative partnership involving east ayrshirecouncilnorth ayrshire council and argyll
say to the south ayrshirecouncilofficer who faxed me yesterday
the decision of south ayrshirecouncilon 30 june 1999 for
the parliament congratulates east ayrshirecouncilon obtaining 2 6 million
nhs trust and east ayrshirecouncilon winning the primary care
into line with south ayrshirecouncils requirement for payments to
its officials to north ayrshirecouncils1w 19645 michael russell to
be found in south ayrshirecouncilthat council has sent out
the support of east ayrshirecouncilthat must change if this
the opinion of north ayrshirecouncilthat the noise around largs
additional benefits by east ayrshirecouncilthat the parliament congratulates east
taken to assist south ayrshirecouncilto address any difficulties in
contracts ltd and east ayrshirecouncilto reinstate and open the
to suggest that east ayrshirecouncilwill suddenly want to conduct
minister by dumfries and gallowaycounciland partner organisations on 18
efforts of dumfries and gallowaycounciland the north channel partnership
efforts of dumfries and gallowaycounciland the north channel partnership
in the dumfries and gallowaycouncilarea and how it plans
in the dumfries and gallowaycouncilarea in the event of
convener of dumfries and gallowaycouncilbob christie head of policy
james smith dumfries and gallowaycouncilclerk to the committee eugene
relation to gaelic dumfries gallowaycouncilcommented there is a strong
had with dumfries and gallowaycouncilconcerning trunk roads in that
income for dumfries and gallowaycouncilgood on them the council
smith from dumfries and gallowaycouncilhe is the council s
james smith dumfries and gallowaycouncili have another unusual title
representations from dumfries and gallowaycouncilin relation to the rejection
other issues dumfries and gallowaycouncilis a large local authority
aware that dumfries and gallowaycouncilis about to impose certain
work that dumfries and gallowaycouncilis doing on testing the
say that dumfries and gallowaycouncilis keen that a question
sort that dumfries and gallowaycouncilis planning nicol stephen we
impact on dumfries and gallowaycouncilof having now to maintain
development planning dumfries and gallowaycouncilroyal town planning institute in
galloway dated 1998 clearly thecouncils representatives had not followed
galloway council he is thecouncils secretary and its monitoring
and to dumfries and gallowaycouncilseeking their comments on the
that in dumfries and gallowaycouncilthe matter would go through
application by dumfries and gallowaycouncilto close laurieston primary school
it requires dumfries and gallowaycouncilto provide public toilet facilities
up by dumfries and gallowaycouncilunder its powers common throughout
through by dumfries and gallowaycouncilwithout any consultation with service
in dumfries in a localcouncilby election that demonstrates another
something badly wrong about thecouncils policy down in dumfries
the labour controlled east lothiancouncil306 000 of the 512
edinburgh council b east lothiancounciland c edinburgh east and
proposed closure by west lothiancounciland calls upon the council
council and c east lothiancouncilarea and how much has
edinburgh and ii east lothiancouncilarea are in pre school
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilarea have gone into jobs
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilarea have received i education
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilarea on i police ii
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilarea since 1999 s1w 34815
edinburgh council and west lothiancouncilboundaries west farm broxburn amendment
am sure that east lothiancouncilcan explain its situation for
she aware that east lothiancouncilhas already started to work
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilhas been in each year
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilhas been in each year
on the waiting list forcouncilhouses in east lothian is
i hope that east lothiancouncilis aware of the concerns
will recall that east lothiancouncilis taking enormous strides in
subject at a lothian regionalcouncilperformance review committee i failed
and operation of east lothiancouncils education department s1w 189
make available to east lothiancouncils education department to improve
recent comments by east lothiancouncils planning committee that the
edinburgh and b east lothiancouncilthrough the better neighbourhood services
in partnership with east lothiancouncilto consider and act on
was convener of the jointcounciland his successor professor alexander
operation demonstrated to the jointcounciland the universities that the
by the same joint dictionariescounciland there is an obvious
4 pre and post europeancouncilcouncil of the eu joint
4 pre and post europeancouncilcouncil of the eu joint
2 pre and post europeancouncilcouncil of the eu joint
scottish dictionaries subsequently the jointcouncilfor the dictionary of the
the minutes of the jointcouncilfor the scottish dictionaries subsequently
in 1952 of the jointcouncilfor the scottish dictionaries with
dost team and the jointcouncilgave thought to what would
was announced to the jointcouncilin april when an emergency
the proposal for a jointcouncilin terms they thought least
loss of quality the jointcouncilinvited a distinguished panel of
was explored at the jointcouncilmeeting in february 1981 when
fund the project a jointcouncilmemorandum drafted in 1974 included
sic earlier than 1994 jointcouncilminutes dost archive a further
a joint initiative by thecouncilof europe and the european
pre and post european councilcouncilof the eu and joint
pre and post european councilcouncilof the eu joint ministerial
pre and post european councilcouncilof the eu joint ministerial
pre and post european councilcouncilof the eu joint ministerial
autumn step 7 joint commissioncouncilreport adopted formally at the
edinburgh overseen by the jointcouncilrepresenting the four universities and
2 that a new jointcouncilshould be set up representative
as to whether the jointcouncilshould be wound up and
as convener of the jointcounciltook stock of the situation
an abridged dictionary the jointcounciltook the view that exploration
separate agreement with a jointcouncilwhich will represent the four
1020 richard lochhead british irishcounciland aberdeen that the parliament
10 30 am in thecouncilchamber aberdeen town house aberdeen
by total presented by thecouncilfor music in hospitals aberdeen
s1m 3686 brian adam aberdeencouncilhousing debt that the parliament
school setting at an aberdeencouncilhousing scheme statistical findings will
years as opposed to somecouncilhousing schemes in aberdeen which
occurs in the aberdeen towncouncilregister of 1539 where phingar
28 march agriculture and fisheriescouncil17 18 march post council
28 march agriculture and fisheriescouncil17 18 march post council
a council consulting its neighbouringcouncilabout the current status of
against the council is thecouncilacting within its legal powers
in line with inflation yetcouncilafter council has inflicted massive
the fact that west dunbartonshirecounciland clackmannanshire council have already
board kincardine and deeside districtcounciland grampian regional council the
council fife council scottish borderscounciland orkney council i understand
changed the balance between thecounciland parliament the council knows
the country from council tocounciland so on it makes
government the argyll and butecounciland west dunbartonshire council boundaries
council area b west dunbartonshirecouncilarea and c dumbarton parliamentary
the a argyll and butecouncilarea b west dunbartonshire council
bute council and west dunbartonshirecouncilboundaries ardoch sewage works amendment
council 17 18 march postcouncilbriefing education youth and culture
council 17 18 march postcouncilbriefing education youth and culture
is nothing to prevent acouncilconsulting its neighbouring council about
briefing pre and post europeancouncilcouncil of the eu and
to be submitted to thecouncilcouncil of the european union
senior education officer scottish borderscouncilcouncillors councillor tulley council leader
consultation with the council thecouncildebated the issue and refused
of ministers council leaders andcouncilfinance directors to return to
council headquarters last week thatcouncilhas a beautifully furnished room
council good on them thecouncilhas done a very good
west dunbartonshire council and clackmannanshirecouncilhave already banned the use
scottish borders council and orkneycouncili understand that the materials
will vary from council tocouncilin my area registration staff
council to become the firstcouncilin scotland to introduce charges
was his experience with southwarkcouncilin the past the council
work in the council thecouncilinvites the commission to present
mentioned legal action against thecouncilis the council acting within
the council and parliament thecouncilknows that the parliament may
borders council councillors councillor tulleycouncilleader councillor anne younger councillor
on the part of ministerscouncilleaders and council finance directors
be submitted to the councilcouncilof the european union 2000b
it has had with fifecouncilon improving the council s
council has 25 sites 19councilowned with 1 200 plots
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council of ministers and postcouncilreports these and the briefing
council with regard to thecouncils proposals to cut gaelic
fife council on improving thecouncils record on recycling s1o
education scottish higher education fundingcouncilscottish further education funding council
council scottish further education fundingcouncilscottish university for industry 4
council and argyll and butecouncilsome of the pupils and
district council and grampian regionalcouncilthe centre acts as a
which varies from council tocouncilthe clerk has the paper
there was consultation with thecouncilthe council debated the issue
basis of work in thecouncilthe council invites the commission
against the wishes of thecouncilthe council took an all
uniformly throughout the country fromcouncilto council and so on
the rate will vary fromcouncilto council in my area
local authorities which varies fromcouncilto council the clerk has
council and calls upon thecouncilto keep the school open
wishes of the council thecounciltook an all party decision
council in the past thecouncilvalued the flat at 66
representations to perth and kinrosscouncilwith regard to the council
the petition on to fifecounciland historic scotland and ask
undertaken on behalf of fifecounciland scottish enterprise fife by
michael russell s1m 2694 fifecounciland third age group lodged
refer the petition to fifecounciland to historic scotland and
to the minister to fifecounciland to historic scotland we
last met representatives of fifecounciland what issues were discussed
should be passed to fifecouncilasking it to consider the
must provide financial support fifecouncildoes not have a budget
to funds to which fifecouncildoes not have access the
1204 mr keith harding fifecouncileducation overspend that the parliament
c llr helen law fifecouncileducation spokesperson cosla c llr
wholly inappropriate actions by fifecouncilemployees the third age group
terminal at rosyth assist fifecouncilfife enterprise scottish industry and
at a time when fifecouncilhas failed to collect millions
at a time when fifecouncilhas failed to collect millions
a number of occasions fifecouncilhas spent all the resources
contribution my colleagues in fifecouncilhave continued an initiative that
scottish executive instead of fifecouncilhelen eadie it has already
already been considered by fifecouncilhelen eadie yes the convener
of extensive debate in fifecouncili used to be the
and transportation spokesperson on fifecouncili worked with the wemyss
edinburgh further notes that fifecouncilis the only local authority
was a member of fifecouncilit was not unusual to
the petition back to fifecouncilit would just respond that
has become apparent that fifecouncillike many councils has had
scotland water and particularly fifecouncilon their efforts in this
fife con insensitivity of stirlingcouncilover education trip that the
played by employees of fifecouncilrather than by the volunteer
is the responsibility of fifecouncilrather than the executive or
pack only one authority fifecouncilrecommends the drugs material that
the strong opposition from fifecouncilresidents and community councils in
teaching time and that fifecouncils capital programme for the
just be left on fifecouncils doorstep i support phil
8 million overspend in fifecouncils education budget and the
some clarification on what fifecouncils view is and on
the chief executive of fifecouncilsaid in his second report
planning purposes recognises that fifecouncilshares boundaries with other major
the parliament believes that fifecouncilshould conduct an urgent review
as those run by fifecouncilto do that in tandem
is able to assist fifecouncilto resolve this problem at
gave unequivocal clearance to fifecounciltricia marwick helen eadie should
bear scotland ltd and fifecouncilwhen it first became aware
authorities particularly those of fifecouncilwhen the parliament passed free
bear scotland ltd and fifecouncilwill have any impact on
november 2002 agriculture and fisheriescouncil16 20 december 2002 3
january 2003 agriculture and fisheriescouncil27 28 january 2003 general
6 february agriculture and fisheriescouncil27 28 january 5 convener
6 february agriculture and fisheriescouncil27 28 january 5 convener
december 2002 agriculture and fisheriescouncil27 29 november 2002 agriculture
briefing education youth and culturecouncil6 february agriculture and fisheries
briefing education youth and culturecouncil6 february agriculture and fisheries
of the european commission fisheriescounciland if so whether it
the event the december fisheriescouncildid not reach final agreement
by the european commission fisheriescouncilfor the fishing of deep
by the european commission fisheriescouncilhad scientific support s1w 26928
of the agriculture and fisheriescouncilheld in brussels on 17
meeting of the eu fisheriescouncilin brussels which demonstrated the
meeting of the eu fisheriescouncilincluding any estimated figures for
union 2002 press notice 2476thcouncilmeeting agriculture and fisheries 1536
until the march agriculture fisheriescouncilmeeting and at the deal
decisions made at the fisheriescouncilmeeting in december 2002 s1w
an outcome from the fisheriescouncilmeeting in december 2002 that
the delegation at the fisheriescouncilmeeting in november and at
at the agriculture and fisheriescouncilmeeting on 14 15 october
the december european community fisheriescouncilmeeting s1w 3449 andrew wilson
at the agriculture and fisheriescouncilof 16 20 december 2002
scheduled before the european fisheriescouncilon 25 october 2001 and
taken at the december fisheriescouncilon the 8th january 2003
briefing the december 2002 fisheriescouncilreached agreement on a new
to the december agriculture fisheriescouncilresearch paper 01 20 gives
meeting of the eu fisheriescouncils1w 12185 richard lochhead to
uk delegation to the fisheriescouncilto challenge that kind of
meeting of the eu fisheriescouncilwhat response it received and
the december 2002 agriculture fisheriescouncilwhere agreement was reached on
by the european commission fisheriescouncilwill work and whether there
at next week s fisheriescouncilwith a view to opposing
meeting of the eu fisheriescouncilwith whom and when s1w
councillor david suckling scottish borderscouncil4 scottish affairs committee the
and urge the scottish borderscounciland historic scotland to rethink
it last contacted scottish borderscounciland what issues were discussed
distributed in the scottish borderscouncilarea and how it plans
homes in the scottish borderscouncilarea in the event of
borders by the scottish borderscouncilbusiness bulletin no 12 2002
scottish borders enterprise and midlothiancouncilcommissioned scott wilson to carry
funding allocation to scottish borderscouncilcomplied with paragraph 5 of
pe402 on the scottish borderscouncileducation budget business bulletin no
the request from scottish borderscouncilfor an additional housing revenue
great concern that scottish borderscouncilhas announced a further 7
enterprise borders and scottish borderscouncilled the development of the
take evidence from scottish borderscouncilrepresentatives mr john campbell acting
will knock on scottish borderscouncils door the bus services
needed the executive scottish borderscouncilscottish borders enterprise and midlothian
100 being transferred scottish borderscounciltells me that it will
be made by scottish borderscouncilwhich would result in a
2003 general and external affairscouncil27 28 january 2003 post
27 28 january 2003 postcouncilbriefing general and external affairs
2001 se 2001 199 scottishcouncilfor post graduate medical and
etc scotland act 1994 scottishcouncilfor post graduate medical and
letter on pre and postcouncilnotification and reporting we need
former post office users nationalcouncilpounc and the country councils
setting as well as postcouncilscrutiny the main challenge that
of the eu 2002 thecouncildeclares that a fishing effort
kingdom delegation to an eucouncilmeeting since 1999 s1w 34192
the meeting the ministers saidcouncilof the eu 2002 the
the employment guidelines within thecouncilof the eu a new
commission and presented to thecouncilof the eu for final
working group 4a of thecouncilof the eu involving experts
states it also enables thecouncilof the eu to adopt
august and reports to thecouncilof the eu via the
employment committee emco of thecouncilof the eu where they
of the eu maritime transportcouncilon 6 december 2002 s1w
employment process the lisbon europeancouncilstated that the eu s
of law assuming that thecouncilhas applied the regulation procedures
stage 1 report on thecouncilof law society of scotland
followed by stage 3 ofcouncilof law society of scotland
followed by stage 3 ofcouncilof law society of scotland
for stage 2 of thecouncilof the law society of
followed by stage 3 ofcouncilof the law society of
stage 3 proceedings on thecouncilof the law society of
behalf of the parliamentary bureaucouncilof the law society of
act 1980 to permit thecouncilof the law society of
stage 2 completed 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
stage 3 proceedings on thecouncilof the law society of
final stage proceedings on thecouncilof the law society of
friday 10 january 2003 announcementscouncilof the law society of
stage 3 proceedings on thecouncilof the law society of
iain smith david mcletchie proposedcouncilof the law society of
of the parliament is suspendedcouncilof the law society of
motion was agreed to 5councilof the law society of
behalf of the parliamentary bureaucouncilof the law society of
stage 1 debate on thecouncilof the law society of
stage 2 completed 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
firearms etc by police forcescouncilof the law society of
the parliament agrees that thecouncilof the law society of
the environment committee 27 novembercouncilof the law society of
stage 2 completed 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
for the purpose by thecouncilof the law society of
stage 1 completed 15 januarycouncilof the law society of
to the stage 2 committeecouncilof the law society of
final stage proceedings on thecouncilof the law society of
of the parliament is suspendedcouncilof the law society of
stage 1 debate on thecouncilof the law society of
a ground sharing arrangement 4councilof the law society of
the parliament agrees that thecouncilof the law society of
of the parliament 15 januarycouncilof the law society of
of the parliament is suspendedcouncilof the law society of
the environment committee 6 novembercouncilof the law society of
of the parliament 15 januarycouncilof the law society of
stage 2 completed 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
final stage proceedings on thecouncilof the law society of
bill s1m 4055 david mcletchiecouncilof the law society of
stage 2 completed 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
of the parliament 26 marchcouncilof the law society of
scotland bill committee 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
scotland bill introduced 4 decembercouncilof the law society of
stage 2 day 1 4councilof the law society of
stage 2 completed 4 februarycouncilof the law society of
of the parliament 26 marchcouncilof the law society of
for civil society studies scottishcouncilfor voluntary organisations scvo statistics
cultural changes in society thecouncilof europe has developed projects
society is involved even thecouncilwill feel obliged to contribute
finance convener of edinburgh scounciland remember the freedom he
strategic policy perth and kinrosscouncil3 european union funding arrangements
which reports to the europeancouncilall the member states have
european parliament and of thecouncilamending directive 95 2 ec
a new institution alongside thecounciland the european parliament 37
co decision procedure between thecounciland the european parliament to
was established by the europeancouncilat laeken in december 2001
be appointed by the europeancouncilby the european parliament or
vote situation in the europeancouncilcabinet meetings 2 david mcletchie
adopted formally at the europeancouncildecember setting common european indicators
of the european union 2000bcouncildecision of 29 june 2000
consider european document 291 draftcouncildecision on the integration of
december 2000 the nice europeancouncildefined a number of broad
european community s construction productscouncildirective 90 106 eec i
adopting a european parliament andcouncildirective on establishing a general
european parliament and of thecouncilestablishing a programme of community
conclusions of the barcelona europeancouncilfor member states to reduce
figure 1 [note: figure here in original] source scottishcouncilfor voluntary organisations european funding
the european commission the scottishcouncilfor voluntary organisations scvo the
to in the european unioncouncilframework decision 2002 584 jha
result of the european unioncouncilframework decision 2002 584 jha
implementation of the european unioncouncilframework decision 2002 584 jha
consulted on the european unioncouncilframework decision 2002 584 jha
be decided by the europeancouncili think that you can
be presented at the europeancouncilin athens under the greek
submitted to the laeken europeancouncilin december 2001 6 statistical
up by the laeken europeancouncilin december 2001 and discusses
structural funds the laeken europeancouncilin december 2001 called on
agreed at the copenhagen europeancouncilin december 2002 based on
policy goals the lisbon europeancouncilin march 2000 set the
systems at the lisbon europeancouncilin march 2000 the member
out of the lisbon europeancouncilin march 2000 which recognised
its outcome to the europeancouncilin march 2003 however at
countries at a future europeancouncilin the new year will
inclusion step 1 european springcouncilissues a mandate march step
2002 presidency conclusions barcelona europeancouncilmeeting barcelona 15 16 march
for example through the europeancouncilmeeting in public when it
2001 presidency conclusions laeken europeancouncilmeeting laeken 14 15 december
2000a presidency conclusions lisbon europeancouncilmeeting lisbon 23 24 march
2000 presidency conclusions nice europeancouncilmeeting nice 7 8 9
inclusion at the lisbon europeancouncilmember states recognised that the
the secrecy of the europeancouncilmembers of the european parliament
on social inclusion the europeancouncilnow meets every spring as
in scotland 2000 annual reportcouncilof europe 1992 european charter
the european union and thecouncilof europe an enormous range
of languages by both thecouncilof europe and the european
summarises the objectives of thecouncilof europe and the european
of countries as possible thecouncilof europe appointed a european
representations it made to thecouncilof europe over the european
the european union and thecouncilof europe whilst also having
disability following the návplion informalcouncilof european union ministers of
set by the lisbon europeancouncilof making a decisive impact
should be answerable to thecouncilof ministers and the european
european parliament and that thecouncilof ministers should become part
extremely complex and includes thecouncilof ministers the european commission
decided in secret by thecouncilof ministers with the european
76 did 60917 lang 1councilof the european union 2000
governance areas group8 report_en pdfcouncilof the european union 2000a
transformation to the knowledge economycouncilof the european union 2000a
bordeaux 26 28 september 2002councilof the european union 2000b
did 64245 from lang 1councilof the european union 2001
dat 2000 l_172 l_17220000712en00260027 pdfcouncilof the european union 2001
50m payout 28 january 2003councilof the european union 2002
this december was no exceptioncouncilof the european union 2002
ec 68827 pdf picture 0councilof the european union 2002
on employment policies from thecouncilof the european union i
2 340th meeting of thecouncilof the european union transport
for the spring 2002 europeancouncilon health care and care
european parliament and of thecouncilon substances that deplete the
european parliament and of thecouncilon waste electrical and recording
whether it will recognise renfrewshirecouncils case for continued european
of the commission and thecouncilsubmitted to the laeken european
the european parliament and thecouncilthat establishes a general framework
of the recent göteborg europeancouncilthat the committee should prepare
when at each december europeancouncilthe direction and performance of
in advance of the europeancouncilto put forward those arguments
not work at the europeancouncilwe need to win the
is referred upwards to thecouncilof ministers 5 see table
guarantees of representation at thecouncilof ministers apply less to
were a member of thecouncilof ministers as an independent
openness at meetings of thecouncilof ministers as i indicated
get the directives through thecouncilof ministers because the organisation
how many meetings of thecouncilof ministers has the scottish
it is making at thecouncilof ministers in this regard
state s minister in thecouncilof ministers is reduced the
the scottish executive how manycouncilof ministers meetings its ministers
point that was made aboutcouncilof ministers meetings the arguments
make a proposal to thecouncilof ministers on official recognition
scottish executive and the nordiccouncilof ministers should be developed
not represented directly at thecouncilof ministers the minister for
with permanent representation on thecouncilof ministers the right to
the voting strengths on thecouncilof ministers to reflect the
above its weight in thecouncilof ministers under the devolved
it has proposed to thecouncilof ministers ways in which
is not represented on thecouncilof ministers we have no
the scottish further education fundingcouncilallocated to the a reid
the scottish further education fundingcouncilan analysis of the impact
the scottish further education fundingcounciland outline any other measures
the scottish further education fundingcounciland the accompanying summary paper
procedure scottish further education fundingcouncilaudit for the year ended
by the further education fundingcouncilfor the payment to companies
in every case the fundingcouncilhas responded to the specific
that is used to fundcouncilhousing development funding of rsls
the scottish further education fundingcouncilidentifying the proportion of that
various initiatives that the fundingcouncilis engaged in up to
is reported by the fundingcouncilis work in progress the
the scottish further education fundingcouncilon developing a strategic approach
similar exercise with the fundingcouncilover the next few months
outcome of argyll and butecouncils application for revenue funding
the scottish higher education fundingcouncils consultation paper on the
the scottish higher education fundingcouncils consultation paper on the
the scottish higher education fundingcouncils consultation paper on the
the scottish higher education fundingcouncils paper on the future
the scottish further education fundingcouncilthe further education sector generally

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