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serious crime internationally is acrucialaspect of our general approach
outlines his thoughts on thatcrucialaspect of successful lexicography in
house type or size acrucialaspect of the new right
obviously language [doorbell rings] is acrucialelement in all four it
is an important element thecrucialthing about the single tenancy
or extra services which arecrucialbut not core services i
considered and core funding iscruciali was heartened by much
a second language is ofcrucialimportance however he sees the
that the parliament recognises thecrucialimportance to scotland s economic
surmised that broadcasting is ofcrucialimportance to the maintenance and
sector forum which plays acrucialrole in improving dialogue and
local authorities will have acrucialrole in national parks and
of their work and theircrucialrole in the management of
carers rights day recognises thecrucialrole of carers of all
the scottish parliament has acrucialrole to play by fulfilling
sheriffs of galloway that thiscrucialrole was played by one
johann lamont said which iscrucialto an understanding of the
of a relatively short passagecrucialto an understanding of the
to change this pattern onecrucialfirst step would be to
questions in the papers thecrucialnew step in 1994 was
scotland bill which is anothercrucialstep forward in providing the
book ligature tight tension gruesomelycrucialexpert knowledge scalpel sharp intuition
knowledge about language is acrucialone but how do we
question serves to highlight howcrucialand effective the working relationship
in enactment and exploration arecrucialto effective learning here but
press on this serious andcrucialissue today we are coming
s point about diet iscrucialit is a sad fact
western canon that was anothercrucialpoint even though i m
the scottish court at acrucialpoint in the nation s
of problems and properties thecrucialpoint is knowing where hmos
scotland interpreted his remarks thecrucialpoint is that at no
therefore coming together at acrucialpoint where if the software
for fortune this point iscrucialto james future happiness for
for good transport lines ascrucialto the social and economic
almost complete you hear thatcrucialword almost not half finished
income streams are generally consideredcrucialto the viability of the
finally voluntary organisations play acrucialpart in the protection and
the voluntary sector as acrucialsocial partner why are there
the voluntary sector it iscrucialthat security is provided to
dynamic welfare state will becrucialboth to europe s place
member state involvement will becrucialon a related theme we
5 billion that will becrucialto the future of scotland
connection that was to becrucialto the future of the
transport service in building acrucialpartnership through the parallel transport
private industry that is notcrucialin normal years but i
terms the textiles industry iscrucialto the scottish borders employing
have been raised those includecrucialissues such as the funding
poverty and fuel inefficiency arecrucialissues that must be tackled
involvement in issues that arecrucialto the success of the
control of entry as acrucialissue bill scott that is
is likely to be acrucialissue for the scottish executive
can help to change themcrucialto everything is ensuring that
both areas that s onecrucialarea for us another one
works such discussion is acrucialpart of the language awareness
her efforts language development iscrucialto the success and achievement
park plan however they highlightcrucialroles for the national park
however that those strategies arecrucialto disease and pest control
last year s cohort thatcrucialquestion is part of the
inclusion in scotland is absolutelycrucialit is important that the
first national parks they werecrucialto the consultation process a
relation to revenue and thecrucialcapital that is tied up
the disaster also is acrucialevent nationally and internationally in
every eu country that iscrucialfor public safety perhaps the
the earlier reports it iscrucialfor rural scotland so we
subject to questions that iscrucialfor the clarity of what
appropriate goals and milestones iscrucialif we are to make
requisite verb tenses will becrucialin determining whether communication is
for doing so what iscrucialis that i remain committed
difference is one of thecrucialmarkers when measuring the erosion
i think this is thecrucialphase that people will have
the flexibility initiative is acrucialstrand of the facing the
lobbyists and members it iscrucialthat members are not signed
of last summer it iscrucialthat the on going work
we seek resources it iscrucialthat the report be available
of legislation first it iscrucialthat there is consistency of
she agree that it iscrucialthat those who leave school
supplies a time scale iscrucialthe sooner the task force
for this i think thecrucialthing is just to get
we start teaching languages iscrucialto improved linguistic development we
salmon and escaped salmon iscrucialto the genetic integrity of
of secondary education that iscrucialwe never moved from that
to look at that firstcrucialinterphase of when they pick
leisure advice centres which arecrucialcare groups and special needs
teachers that reduction will becrucialif we are to attract
constituency where visiting consultants arecrucialif we had the correct
things in the bill arecrucialto that for example it
free up consultant time forcrucialdiagnosis and assessment of new
we believe that that providescrucialsafeguards uk drivers must abide
a hundred years to thecrucialperiod from about 1580 to
firlot which was clearly acrucialmeasure in trade and the
the dost entry for thiscrucialweight based unit on which
tenant participation one of thecrucialpoints that came out of
the team after jimmy scrucialown goal everyone will sit
unanimously and will form acrucialplank of the committee s
next the debate will becrucialto the cause of raising
hair f963: mmhm f965: wascrucialto how you looked in
this he knew was acrucialmoment he observed the appreciation
and this information has beencrucialto resolving some of the
that familial kin links werecrucialin transmitting characteristic north east
then but that was notcrucialwe could allow slippage at
independence of scotland at acrucialtime in its history and
influence was proved to becrucialin transmitting the distinctive phonemes
larger organisations and may becrucialto their operations on page
in what smout called thecrucialdecades of the 1780s and
it overlooks all sorts ofcrucialfactors not least the political
in the volumes of thecrucialmeasures for grain and meal
of days away from thecrucialsummit in copenhagen when there
wouldna jump forard to thecrucialwords too seen so i

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