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thon fowk an afoir mirrencuidbeild the auld man thai
aw at lay afoir hircuidfele it this wes a
thai gaed ben afoir thaicuidfinnd the snek fur the
afoir he gaed onie furdercuidhe ax a whein quastiouns
bot wes awaw afoir hecuidsay mair it bene a
puir sowel ower afoir shaecuidstap the kerr the skreich
dish afoir the puir craiturcuidwun hir mou t it
spede at the auld wichtcuidhaurdlie sei mair nor a
sauf in canadae bot hecuidsei bedene whitwey the loun
frae the peth heid sheicuidsei oor fore door frae
acorss the trak bot wecuidsei the brig wes yit
an relaided wi kists johncuidsei the crowner rakkonin the
ee r richt shouder yincuidsei the fit brig atourt
cottages i the wud anecuidsei the ruif o the
poleetical pynt o view yincuidsei thit the herd s
the loch en whaur thaicuidbe sawed inti the richt
naethin john an the douglascuiddae thai waatchit the gastrous
ti the faimilie ontil thaicuidfurm a consait fur the
mair depe drauchtit nor thaicuidges at bi the tyme
guid whein ither swatchis acuidgie ye thai uised sic
mukkil sorrit horss sae thaicuidhause an whyles smourich the
sicna cauld hert at thaicuidlae him aw on hiz
siller anerlie the kirnel staitiounscuidsupplie lectra pouer an thai
the rid douglas whitwey thancuidthai manish the restaurautioun o
wes as mukkil as shecuiddae ti finnd maet an
lassie but at hame hecuidfinnd hir nane she wes
hir midmest howp wes shaecuidfinnd thaim ir hir eildit
s verra bed but naethingcuidhe finnd or he cam
fank wesna the oreiginal norcuidhe finnd the kie at
bi thon cowshus wirds yecuiden up bein incarcerat shae
the muir shae kent shaecuidfeinis bot fur airtistrie shae
store bot a wumpil ruthcuidunnerstaun it tho sen shae
a dwam mynd or yecuiddae mukkil hairm mirren hecht
d naither tammas nor mirrencuidlay hauns on sicna soum
dyne that nicht sae mirrencuidleir o the naitur o
stramp o mirren s kempcuidnou be hard as he
the border bot the bordererscuidbeir the brount o weir
the nicht bot nae hubbilshuecuidhaud tammas frae z skratcher
inither siklyke dam bot naeboddiecuidivver enlichten mei is tae
than fautit bot he eithliecuidpruive at maist o the
smuithlik alang the rodd botcuidvinkish onie mar it swoummit
an murnit its brither nanecuidbyde tho the happs wes
a bruim press sae nanecuideith jalouse the presence o
the queen fell seik nanecuidpit hir ti richts an
seik an nane it seemedcuidricht hir men wyce in
competition usually tae see whaecuidbe first usually though thays
whae the poachers were therecuidbe nae coort case sae
whae kent his job ancuidconverse on monnie ae subjeck
a race tae see whaecuidget tae the best puils
mr roedemor whae wis glibcuidtell ae guid storie an
servin in the navy theycuidaye see thair granda s
gie m thair crak ancuidbe hard gollerin an pleyin
at nichtfaw the puir wummancuidbyde thair peingin nae langir
sent awa airlie sae theycuidcry in for johnnie thair
wis a palace an hecuiddae whit he liked thair
aw byordnar roused an hecuidhear thair yowls o rage
thocht aicht year auld bairnscuidmak up thair ain propaganda
thick that never a sterncuidshe glisk throu thair brainches
glisk throu thair brainches whaurcuidshe lay hir heid this
guid at hame hinnerlie hecuidthole thair snash an thair
griter extent the weeman fockscuidturn thair haunds tae monie
travilin thair horses an cairtscuidwaitter thair horses it ay
wee bit mair sae shecuidgit a guid leuk an
thrapples quick eneuch sae theycuidgit doon tae the herbour
ma mynd that gin ahcuidgit ma auld banes oot
doot ye r wishin yecuidgit patches tae stap fowk
intae the wa sae theycuidgit thairs duin an aw
o his heid if hecuidjuist git his fingers intae
he thocht that if hecuidjuist git this horn tae
whaur an onie time yecuidbe hurlin alang in yer
wattir he wantit leafs whaurcuidhe ly richt naething wad
juist whaur a gill netcuidhing easily in the slack
an dentie ludgins we twacuidken nae saucht whaur a
in a neuk whaur icuidlay by then aa the
ledge tae whaur the poliscuidnab them for i jaloused
out it an the pagecuidsee frae whaur he stuid
by the roadside whaur wicuidsee ower tae the kirk
ti the knowe whaur hecuidsee the sterns skinklin abuin
ower abuin dalkeith whaur yecuidvissie the eisin o auld
wattie the beano sae theycuidchynge wi yin anither then
times tae see if theycuiddae ocht they pit yin
yin that woke furst ahcuidhae nettit that puil fower
roun the thrawn auld yincuidnou daunder outby an vizzie
tae is best is yincuidwalk alang the waitter yett
bravo twae an so wecuideven tho they were fower
doon an tho the trooperscuidherkin the cock crawin it
his een strecht aheid hecuidsee naethin but mirk tho
wad serr hir tho shecuidweill unnerstaun that hir auldest
nappit aff mair nor hecuidchowe an i fak he
it wis mair nor wecuidhaunle sae we heidit for
by the watter side yecuidsee nae mair nor twae
an up the puil butcuidsee neither corks nor ropes
dam dirlin oor lugs wecuidsee nor hear ocht as
mair nor thae sea mawscuidthole an they broke aff
loch it wis whit anecuidca ae byproduct o the
been turnt intil whit eecuidca ae simmer retreat bi
ae pouerfu steven an anecuidcarrie on ae crack conversation
a maun say at naeboddiecuidlabel yid is hevin ae
pouerfu motor twae gearboxes atcuidmuve ae hivvie wecht mr
respek aw ae ou wecuidnivver gie owre an inlat
tell ae guid storie ancuidspeak on monie subjecks hei
s wur grit conversationalists ancuidtalk on monie ae subjeck
wi ae gairden spade ancuidturn owre ae gey bit
hir that ugsum that fergalcuidhaurlie byde ti luik at
mairrie me the proud lassiecuidhaurlie credit hir ain lugs
she wes richt shuir shecuidmainage the puddok hir sister
hir but no a thingcuidshe see syne the vyce
abuin sae a thocht acuidanerlie chap a wie cunyie
bi praisent sae the maittercuidbi haimmered out atwene thaim
ear auld sae at heicuidbide wi his granny an
aboot that fate sae sairlycuiddismember zm zm zm zm
fae sae sair sometimes icuidmak a conger eel weep
i the beisines sae hecuidmak hiz wey forrit i
skaith an for shuir shecuidnever kill him sae she
lenthened sae that the ridercuidsee ower the knowes frae
on ti tammas sae hecuidwad the rid douglas an
nae doot sic a thingcuidbe duin but the kinch
the stanie grun o scotlandcuidhae sic a strang eftir
whitna lass borne o mancuidrasist sic braisent ein a
soumin about in it ahcuidhaurlie credit this an thocht
thocht it likely that fishcuidlie there it tuik a
twust nou thocht the bodachcuidye na applie the preincipil
o guid intelligence an anecuidhev guid collogues wi um
fur tap jobs i scotlandcuidweil hev tae hae guid
bi gran gin e warldcuida news awa an a
bi the idaia at hecuidgrup the pendil an wun
intelligence bi hou weel theycuidspeak english a wis nae
athoot a sair fecht itcuiddae awa wi the warst
is the verra least ahcuiddae for ye ma lassie
thaim in place first itcuiddae nae mair waur the
had been up tae butcuiddae nocht aboot it for
wee patch on yer airmcuiddae noo a days ar
kiss tony felt like hecuiddae we a hug an
at the best thing yidcuiddae wuid bei tae burn
tae dae an thit heicuidgan roond wi geordie is
roun my haun afore hecuidnick it aff whit dae
him he kent weill hecuidexpek nae mercie frae thaim
wicht an soupil an weillcuidmaister the viceissituids o lyfe
luik o a man atcuidweill bene guiltie o malversautioun
is excep his een hecuidmove his een strecht aheid
d niver seen wee trootcuidscarce believe his een the
far as the greetin eencuidsee hidden fae view gas
corners o his een hecuidsee lik wee sperks o
siller ashet the auld keingcuidhaurlie credit his ain lugs
the auld hoscote ferm hoosecuidhev been up the hoscote
maternal grandfaither ay auld wullcuidwalk wi speed hei yaised
o the woarld an republicanismcuidjuist bei roond the nixt
tak the lowp if theycuidjuist gaun intae a chemist
claes he whuspert an wecuidjuist hear the saft murmur
ye juist the same icuidsee he didnae ken whit
weird whan oor mutual luvecuidaiblins aa made hale o
wi oor walkie talkies wecuidcover a lot o grun
oor peetie tristan we twacuidnever blume in a bien
mair anerlie throu oor daithcuidwe win throu oor faes
a wee spate an wecuidhear the odd splash o
still for a meenit wecuidhear the souch o their
nou ian hissed an wecuidhear the splash o legs
throwe atween thum aw acuidhear wis bobby young s
the muirland scent gin icuidonly tak ye back och
haird o a cat thatcuidspeik haud on nou or
wheen o local lads whacuidtak a score o saumon
a fyne thing gin acuidtak that unco tassie hame
wheen o ithers forbye whacuidtak twa score oot it
for in the mirk icuidonly mak oot ian an
the wey hame if hecuidan coff a tin o
wey hame aw the fowkcuidjyne the saicont lyne an
heid wi the lanthern ancuiddetek the critturs couriet doun
heid i dout if icuidstaun the stink o fish
beauty i the lazar housscuidi but see the thristin
bonniest littil lass ye evercuidsee an she haed a
an aboot safer sex hecuidsee davie an his safer
hae a closer keek theycuidsee thare wis a lang
the back o their heidscuidsee the byllies comin a
spent the gither an hecuidsee the castle lit up
twinty feet ablow us wecuidsee the glint o watter
station ablow it night yecuidsee the lights o fife
bleckness o the nicht yecuidsee the puir poacher wis
hert in his mooth hecuidsee the sun glentin aff
his freends wis playin hecuidsee they war hard wrocht
no bad at aw geordiecuidsee twa o his granda
muckle mirkie naethin noo hecuidsee wee coloured lichts afore
wad be mony english speakerscuidread chaucer athoot daein the
ye lyke naething the princesscuidsay wad gar the puddok
thing as hard as hecuidan aw o a suddentie
onlie a true lousum hertcuidfesh the wattir frae the
ay ir the no acuidnever be lowsed frae the
back frae the fyre sheicuidspit intil the hert o
o us apairt frae scholarscuidunnerstaund the writins o dunbar
bam o the laddies shootincuidbe heard richt alang the
survived tae tell the talecuidbe put in ony kitchen
that stane whan ony gomerilcuidtell it s rinnin like
fae her weggie accent hecuidtell ms mcpharlain wis fae
the doctor s puss hecuidtell that it wisnae goin
jagged twice shy he sunecuidtell the difference atween a
a wis wunnerin if yecuidtell us whit kin it
croose an wycelike society wecuidhiv haen ay we v
wes seilent mauger aw atcuidbe duin he hed cawed
brosie heidit bumbard as hissellcuidhae a sister wi a
men were daein jeez wecuidhae been had up for
ve nae tellt afore icuidhae been merriet tae mebbe
herd eet mintit at thiscuidhae been the motivation ahint
photies tae prove it icuidhae crawlt ablow a stane
case dismissed legal technicality icuidhae gret still the saumon
ach awa ah bet yecuidhae learnt them twae or
as i gaed by icuidweel hae dune wi a
dab an aw for hecuidset the wireless volume as
skerlet aw the culors yecuidthink on an a whein
nicht an lowden the crownercuidbe insnorled i thon an
for whit rid bluidit laddiecuidforsweir his lassie s chairms
an ships an that geordiecuidweel mind as he dandert
fore as lood as theycuidweel the ither gowfer maun
ship as fest as shecuidrin an sailed awa athort
a wheen o fish hecuideasy pit a nem tae
lang on whitna gate hecuidescheve the lowsin o hiz
pairty caird noo so hecuidgae tae the hiv centre
saft sand so s hecuidsteedie his rifle he jaloused
as near puggie as wecuidtill he d foul heukt
bed grew cauld nae lasscuidever het it up again
the grund then kennin wecuidgae nae further withoot them
tree as comfortable as wecuidbe in a bed o
land o pride an plentycuidcut ye deid an a
o kittil paittren whitna winchcuidfeinyie ti be dull ti
in the cless room acuidnivver unnerstaun the logic o
they re scunnert that oniebodiecuidthink o t as slang
ower him ontil a weycuidbe fand ti stert him
never seen the lyke houcuidshe for never haed the
mainland this setterdaty an ahcuidaiblins mainage ti veisit ye
a bhith agad airson ancuidas motha dhiubh f980: uh
on an the kind thatcuidbe nice as ninepence tae
herts an strang baks atcuidcairrie onie laid lukkie nisbet
wi his days darg ancuidethlie gie owre an reist
day poleetical cark an canglincuidhev been evitit thar wuid
an tirlie wirlie at yecuidimaigin michtie me says john
the haugh fit ma muthercuidmind on um an a
nets an treble heuks wecuidpit up wi but this
an again an again butcuidshe wesh it oot whitever
kittlin an here this kittlincuidspeik mistress said the kittlin
thick an strang as theycuidtae keep the watter oot
it wis threapit a mancuidtraivel a sicht further an
an naebodie it the scuilcuidunerstan why she wis cried
stuipit tawpie she skellocht houcuidye gang an mairrie a
that ever a hungirie mancuidwant the prince spiered at
workin in the mills theycuidafford tae bide oot a
for aa ye kent theycuidbe fechtin for their lives
as many as you possiblycuideh you re a winner
somethin terrible complained ian wecuidhere every word they said
pots in the village wecuidhardly turn a blin ee
cho dubhach agus a bhacuida deanamh a mach thuirt
spit or a blenheim itcuidbe a beaufighter said jinky
fish wha in a seasoncuidkill forty or fifty saumon
in the centre so thayscuidbe near the action then
passed my grief i scarcecuidhide whan i fand the

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