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2 current petitions consideration ofcurrentpetitions 3 convener s report
2 current petitions consideration ofcurrentpetitions 3 convener s report
2 current petitions consideration ofcurrentpetitions 3 conveners report rural
3 current petitions consideration ofcurrentpetitions 4 inadmissible petitions the
consideration of new petitions 2currentpetitions consideration of current petitions
consideration of new petitions 3currentpetitions consideration of current petitions
consideration of new petitions 2currentpetitions consideration of current petitions
consideration of new petitions 2currentpetitions consideration of current petitions
convener the last of thecurrentpetitions is from scottish environment
will further consider the followingcurrentpetitions pe276 nhs allergy clinics
will further consider the followingcurrentpetitions pe425 siting of telecommunications
will further consider the followingcurrentpetitions pe437 creation of a
will further consider the followingcurrentpetitions pe495 suburbanisation of rural
wild mammals scotland bill pe434currentpetitions sleep apnoea pe367 advice
that agreed members indicated agreementcurrentpetitions sleep apnoea pe367 the
of the enterprise bill 2currentpetitions the committee reviewed progress
to consider that response 3currentpetitions the committee reviewed the
unadopted roads and footpaths 2currentpetitions the committee will further
support of this petition 2currentpetitions the committee will further
homes for the elderly 2currentpetitions the committee will further
on children s health 2currentpetitions the committee will further
the 2001 scottish census 2currentpetitions the committee will further
reviewed progress in relation tocurrentpetitions the following issues were
petitions the committee reviewed thecurrentpetitions the following points were
they require one however thecurrentcare homes crisis has seen
a remit to investigate thecurrentcrisis in the manufacturing and
reaches o the himalayas thecurrentcrisis in the middle east
that the parliament acknowledges thecurrentcrisis in the sheep industry
that the parliament acknowledges thecurrentcrisis in the sheep industry
a peaceful solution to thecurrentcrisis supported by elaine smith
task force to tackle thecurrentemployment crisis lodged on 24
task force to tackle thecurrentemployment crisis lodged on 24
and mouth crisis in thecurrentyear we are making 4
and improvement grants in thecurrentand future financial years and
is to each in thecurrentand next financial year s1w
will be made in thecurrentand next financial years to
severe financial constraints believes thatcurrentexpenditure levels are insufficient to
complement drug therapy notes thecurrentfinancial constraints on local authorities
a detailed statement on thecurrentfinancial situation at hampden stadium
with further information on thecurrentfinancial situation in the fe
aware of glasgow zoo scurrentfinancial situation whether it intends
board s funds in thecurrentfinancial year and how much
independent advocacy programmes in thecurrentfinancial year and if so
the health service for thecurrentfinancial year and of projected
each local authority in thecurrentfinancial year and what funding
three financial years and thecurrentfinancial year and what its
further education colleges in thecurrentfinancial year and what the
local authority is in thecurrentfinancial year and what the
airports ltd was in thecurrentfinancial year and whether it
26 1 million in thecurrentfinancial year as a service
qualifications authority for a thecurrentfinancial year b 2002 03
1 457 million in thecurrentfinancial year despite being expected
board will receive in thecurrentfinancial year from local authorities
general service budgets for thecurrentfinancial year in each of
as yet uncommitted in thecurrentfinancial year s1o 312 26
their respective budgets for thecurrentfinancial year s1w 1030 alex
and to date in thecurrentfinancial year s1w 12197 mr
trust in angus in thecurrentfinancial year s1w 1953 michael
before the end of thecurrentfinancial year s1w 23099 fiona
finance initiative schemes in thecurrentfinancial year s1w 24776 tricia
financial years and in thecurrentfinancial year to date s1w
financial years and in thecurrentfinancial year to date s1w
have been approved in thecurrentfinancial year to date s1w
to committee papers update 7currentmajor work update financial procedures
scotland but are not thecurrentmethod of reporting financial information
have been invoked in thecurrentfuel situation s1w 9861 mr
on motion s1m 4012 thecurrentinternational situation and not on
national party debate on thecurrentinternational situation followed by business
national party debate on thecurrentinternational situation for text of
century s1m 3933 robert browncurrentinternational situation that the parliament
4012 mr john swinney thecurrentinternational situation that the parliament
by the executive on thecurrentsituation and agreed to seek
is taking to resolve thecurrentsituation at oban hospital where
on 1 may in thecurrentsituation contingency arrangements have been
language and learning 1975 thecurrentsituation in scotland yet the
6 as noted above 10currentsituation in the middle east
in order to determine thecurrentsituation in the prison service
the scottish executive what thecurrentsituation is regarding the m74
to address and rectify thecurrentsituation supported by michael russell
key interests in the debatecurrentsituation throughout the world there
tourist board as opposed thecurrentsituation where a significant proportion
not trying to rectify thecurrentsituation whereby fit and healthy
committee members it outlines thecurrentsituation with regard to national
development notes with concern thecurrentsituation within scotland and in
development notes with concern thecurrentsituation within scotland and in
executive party forces under thecurrentarrangements the position of the
15 the current position thecurrentlaw on the succession is
targets are based on stretchingcurrentmeasurements our general position is
scotland 6 england 8 thecurrentposition 10 iii recent developments
an opportunity to clarify thecurrentposition as he knows the
having said that in mycurrentposition i have to listen
the scottish executive what thecurrentposition is in relation to
24 august 1999 what thecurrentposition is in respect of
scottish parliamentary corporate body scurrentposition is in respect of
the scottish executive what thecurrentposition is on the ayr
the scottish executive what thecurrentposition is on the future
that estimate and what thecurrentposition is s1w 34332 ms
the scottish executive what thecurrentposition is with the award
would probably talk about thecurrentposition of modern languages and
of this discrimination believes thecurrentposition of the scottish executive
as a whole on thecurrentposition of the voluntary sector
report back urgently on thecurrentposition regarding the new parliament
report back urgently on thecurrentposition regarding the new parliament
think that the executive scurrentposition rules out the involvement
any plans to review thecurrentposition s1w 27503 alex neil
with scotland 1706 15 thecurrentposition the current law on
sound management is funding thecurrentinvestment in public spending after
spending in 1990 91 incurrentprices and if its assessment
proportion between capital spending andcurrentspending is x y or
they were substantially higher thancurrentspending local authorities are the
money that is channelled intocurrentspending may tend simply to
will have to work withincurrentspending plans unless growth in
will be considered during thecurrentspending review and we will
would be if in thecurrentthree year spending cycle tolls
communities and what the acurrentand b anticipated levels of
will be at least atcurrentlevels in real terms s1o
the uk for example undercurrentlevels of funding for 2000
the existing budget are thecurrentlevels of payment under the
the parliament recognises that thecurrentlevels of social security benefits
made on the audit ofcurrentlevels of swimming provision and
will be adequately remunerated thecurrentpay levels are far too
marks on passports declares thatcurrentprotection levels for children are
a matter of urgency thecurrentqualifying income levels which ultimately
them i think on ourcurrentagenda and the consideration of
account as part of itscurrentconsideration of the housing stock
on 18 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 18 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 18 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 18 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 02 november 1999 notcurrentas of 18 january 2000
on 02 november 1999 notcurrentas of 18 january 2000
on 02 november 1999 notcurrentas of 18 january 2000
on 03 november 1999 notcurrentas of 18 january 2000
on 10 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 09 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 05 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 12 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 08 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 12 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 12 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 12 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
on 05 april 2002 notcurrentas of 18 june 2002
300m 18 to obtain acurrentestimate of the value of
the minister thinks that thecurrentarrangements are appropriate there must
this note outlines briefly thecurrentarrangements for funding gaelic medium
make extensive changes to thecurrentarrangements for information on the
will cost more than thecurrentarrangements we should say so
does well out of thecurrentfunding arrangements and there are
comments on how robust thecurrentmonitoring audit and enforcement arrangements
any conditions relating to thecurrentor future operational arrangements which
is necessary it deems thecurrentsupply arrangements to be satisfactory
on 30 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
on 27 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
on 27 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
on 30 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
on 30 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
on 30 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
on 30 april 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
highly prescriptive nature of thecurrentbuilding control system by recognising
a tiered system within thecurrentdirective framework following this meeting
suffering penalties incurred from thecurrenteu subsidy system and whether
should be funnelled into thecurrentnhs system brian fitzpatrick that
waste general practitioners under thecurrentordering system may be left
executive s response detailed thecurrentplanning system and the measures
scottish parliament to review thecurrentplanning system with the view
the positive aspects of thecurrentqualifications system but significant improvements
judicial system fears that thecurrentrefusal by her majesty s
services provided recognises that thecurrentsystem for charging domestic customers
services provided recognises that thecurrentsystem for charging domestic customers
policy memorandum states that thecurrentsystem for setting standards for
consider that alex easton thecurrentsystem has been very successful
reduce class sizes abolish thecurrentsystem of 5 14 national
any plans to change thecurrentsystem of escorting prisoners s1w
who would operate alongside thecurrentsystem of local authority verifiers
of that capital comparing thecurrentsystem of resource accounting with
correct as a result thecurrentsystem prevents the development of
changes are made to thecurrentsystem s1m 1626 dorothy grace
carrying capacity professor richards thecurrentsystem tends to encourage sites
endorses the replacement of thecurrentunfair water rate system for
the current language group thecurrentlanguage group might continue as
to obviously widen out thecurrentlanguage group the current language
current scottish executive policy thecurrentpolicy for gaelic medium education
business and administration of justicecurrentscottish executive policy the current
on 21 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 21 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 17 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 21 february 2000 notcurrentas of 06 june 2000
on 01 may 2001 notcurrentas of 26 june 2001
do we move forward thecurrentexaminations diet started in june
that the parliament recognises thatcurrentbenefit agency modernisation proposals will
that the parliament notes thecurrentdebate surrounding proposals to increase
the parliament agrees that thecurrentexpensive implementation proposals for the
the parliament agrees that thecurrentexpensive implementation proposals for the
language 7 secure status 8currentlegislative framework 8 legislative proposals
announce a decision on thecurrentproposals by a north lanarkshire
that the scottish executive scurrentproposals for the a75 will
impact on communities of thecurrentproposals i assure the member
vulnerable group there are nocurrentproposals to change the legislation
provide on the basis ofcurrentpublic investment proposals we cannot
however when faced with thecurrentset of proposals for the
request for a review ofcurrentbankruptcy statute pe508 implementation of
there is a review ofcurrentcivil service practice michael russell
any plans to review thecurrentlegislation regarding young people with
scottish executive to review thecurrentlegislation relating to repossession of
out a strategic review ofcurrentmeasures to tackle the problems
it has to review thecurrentmmr vaccine programme s1o 4666
supports a review of thecurrentoperation of the warm deal
commission a review of thecurrentprovision of chronic pain services
that as part of thecurrentreview of housing standards the
in the light of thecurrentreview of parliamentary boundaries s1o
decisions themselves relating to thecurrentreview of sheriff court provision
package a through review ofcurrenttesting and monitoring procedures and
the project will review thecurrenttraining provision in scotland identify
society notes with concern thecurrentlack of plans to carry
plans it has to amendcurrentlegislation to ensure that an
any plans to change thecurrentmethod of target setting in
any plans to change thecurrentmethod of target setting in
and 300 extra consultants abovecurrentplans tackle bed blocking by
his plans to alleviate thecurrentpressures experienced by the nhs
its plans to enhance thecurrentprogramme s1o 112 3 00
its plans to enhance thecurrentprogramme s1o 112 3 00
whether it plans to changecurrentregulations that apply to such
and specialist skills required forcurrentand future business needs future
executive s health policies andcurrentand future health service funding
owning communities when it draftscurrentand future legislation in respect
of hard earned pension deprivescurrentand future pensioners of the
and accurately identify and communicatecurrentand future skills needs at
transit scheme cert all pastcurrentand projected future expenditure on
skills for their future thecurrentcurriculum is too crowded but
that has led to thecurrentdebate on the future governance
govan shipyard in bidding forcurrentorders and future work supported
for previous proceedings dates forcurrentproceedings provisional dates for future
for previous proceedings dates forcurrentproceedings provisional dates for future
witness protection programme after thecurrentfunding of the programme terminates
and the environment committee scurrentprogramme although we are dealing
work carried out under thecurrentproject 2002 refurbishment programme and
the company 3ed during thecurrentproject 2002 refurbishment programme of
during the course of thecurrentproject 2002 refurbishment programme of
updated on business in itscurrentwork programme 3 report from
updated on business in itscurrentwork programme business bulletin 162
chosen as part of itscurrentwork programme to continue to
how many people in thecurrentacademic year applied for the
transition year effectively replacing thecurrentp1 and raising to six
to some 700 million atcurrentprices next year the level
to the srdf beyond thecurrentthree year period s1w 1715
time others are on thecurrenttwo year probationary period one
a free evening for thecurrentvi year leavers and the
present policy intentions in thecurrentyear and the next two
three years and b thecurrentyear and what the nature
has been resolved for thecurrentyear but it will still
you are suggesting in thecurrentyear george macbride although we
last three years and thecurrentyear holding reply by henry
90 per cent of thecurrentyear s support george lyon
higher education institutions in thecurrentyear s1w 12271 shona robison
year from 1990 to thecurrentyear s1w 12272 mr murray
independent advocacy programmes in thecurrentyear s1w 24835 fergus ewing
has been spent in thecurrentyear s1w 26362 mr brian
three years and b thecurrentyear s1w 28481 david mundell
three years and ii thecurrentyear s1w 28483 david mundell
attention is that in thecurrentyear the total number of
1998 1999 and in thecurrentyear to date and what
last three years and thecurrentyear to date for each
parliament notes with concern thecurrentand long term problems faced
parliament notes with concern thecurrentand long term problems faced
health budget further notes thecurrentcondition of through care and
parliament notes with concern thecurrentdemise of scottish football at
of the a907 notes thecurrentintention of the scottish executive
of the a907 notes thecurrentintention of the scottish executive
mast notes the inadequacy ofcurrentlegislation in this area and
mast notes the inadequacy ofcurrentlegislation in this area and
central scotland further notes thatcurrentprojections state that the station
and the scottish executive oncurrentand proposed wildlife legislation he
all existing legislation including thecurrentbiosecurity provisions alex fergusson i
the content and application ofcurrentinitiatives and legislation 5 in
the equal opportunities aspects ofcurrentlegislation 5 consultations the committee
the scottish executive whether anycurrentlegislation contributes to any discrimination
face of the earth undercurrentlegislation councils may ignore people
background to the proposed legislationcurrentlegislation for protecting wildlife in
1988 and believes that thecurrentlegislation is sufficient bruce crawford
buy as cathie craigie saidcurrentlegislation provides that landlords must
has become strained due tocurrentlegislation why do you believe
cent after three years thecurrentlevel is about 67 per
risks that arise from thecurrentlevel of medicine use but
inability to deal with thecurrentlevel of prosecutions and asserts
be carried out of thecurrentlevel of provision in this
of a reduction in thecurrentlevel of scottish whitefish landings
ensure the maintenance of thecurrentlevel of subsidy for school
to freeze tolls at theircurrentlevel to other bridges and
to freeze tolls at theircurrentlevel to other bridges and
level but considers that thecurrentregulatory structure is detrimental to
level but considers that thecurrentregulatory structure is detrimental to
level courses at least 60currentresearch degree registrations 30 doctor
the eu policy context thecurrentapproach of the eu to
of sources including redirection ofcurrentcommon agriculture policy expenditure new
paragraph of my briefing sayscurrentgovernment pension policy means that
allow for that but thecurrentpolicy is not to ring
the scottish executive what itscurrentpolicy is on charging business
the scottish executive what thecurrentpolicy is on the use
professionals and believes that thecurrentpolicy of the scottish executive
of gaelic medium teachers andcurrentscottish executive policy a member
s report the complexity ofcurrentfunding and services was made
increase in direct support forcurrentfunding for higher education institutions
possibility of reclassification of thecurrentfunding package to objective 1
aware that scottish theatre scurrentproblem is with the funding
funding is especially needed thecurrentproject funding mania is extraordinarily
which are unsuccessful in thecurrentbidding rounds s1o 5386 22
farming communities in view ofcurrentdifficulties s1o 3185 11 scott
will provide details of anycurrentdiversion from prosecution schemes s1o
in the light of thecurrenttourism strategy for scotland s1o
on 27 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 27 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 27 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 28 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 28 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 24 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 27 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
on 27 january 2003 notcurrentas of 31 march 2003
scotland further recognises that thecurrentepidemic is particularly virulent in
scotland further recognises that thecurrentepidemic is particularly virulent in
will further consider the followingcurrentpetition pe557 scottish prison service
to further agitation of thecurrentpublic concern about gm crops
what will happen in thecurrentsession when we get further
as a consequence of thecurrentshortage of gaelic teachers further
for further research to addresscurrentuncertainties surrounding the general relationship
on behalf of ceres 42currentissues within deaf education in
cross party group on deafnesscurrentissues within deaf education in
power generating stations within theircurrentlife span and that within
illustrates a flaw within thecurrentplanning process i add that
of nonstandard dialects has beencurrentwithin those dialects for many
ready access to intelligence oncurrentand emerging skills issues the
some of the issues thecurrentand most important issue in
school focused publications on suchcurrentissues as using information texts
2003 report on inquiry intocurrentissues facing the scottish fishing
the pairt o ceres 33currentissues inwith deef education in
cross pairty group on deefnesscurrentissues inwith deef education in
committee will take evidence oncurrentplanning issues from des mcnulty
committee will take evidence oncurrentplanning issues from des mcnulty
80 requirement and whether anycurrentactions by angus education authority
education however looking at thecurrentbudget figures i welcome the
jack mcconnell and from thecurrentminister for education and young
education purposes would negate theircurrentownership s1w 34938 richard lochhead
february 2001 what implications itscurrenttrunk road and motorway tourist
about the minister said thatcurrentcontracts expire in march any
16 march 2000 agreeing thecurrentmembers allowances scheme on the
executive whether they consider thecurrentmeasures taken by scottish natural
consider in more detail thecurrentpattern of british dialects including
committee to consider whether thecurrentregulatory regime with separate offices
the scottish executive whether thecurrentcondition of cumbernauld town centre
whether it has seen thecurrentengineering reports on the bridge
uk ltd in particular whethercurrentestimates of these costs exceed
ask the scottish executive whethercurrentmodal studies on the m8
has been transmitted during thecurrentoutbreak and whether geese have
the scottish executive whether thecurrentstandard grade history syllabus covers
the scottish executive whether thecurrenttake up rate of influenza
the scottish executive whether thecurrenttendering procedure for the west
executive whether it regards thecurrenttendering process for term contracts
used for child vaccinations whichcurrentvaccinations contain thiomersal and whether
were adequate to anticipate thecurrentweather conditions and whether the
rather than in line withcurrentgrant aided expenditure allocations s1w
closure after december when itscurrentlottery grant runs out s1w
at the end of thecurrentscotrail franchise s1w 27369 donald
the scottish executive what thecurrentaverage length of time taken
the scottish executive what thecurrentaverage waiting time is to
the scottish executive what thecurrentaverage waiting times are for
the scottish executive what thecurrentaverage waiting times are for
the scottish executive what thecurrentbacklog for processing applications with
scottish executive to specify thecurrentcourt running costs per case
s government contrary to thecurrentdirection of the scottish executive
the scottish executive what itscurrentestimate is of underspend in
executive what percentage of itscurrenthealth budget is spent on
secure status of gaelic thecurrentlegislative framework the scottish executive
the parliament believes that thecurrentpolicies of the scottish executive
available to the scottish executivecurrentprovision for capital expenditure on
the scottish executive what thecurrentrate of staff turnover is
various logistical difficulties that thecurrentrule poses for the executive
indicate while referring to thecurrentscottish executive consultation that we
the scottish executive what thecurrentstaff turnover is at hmp
the scottish executive what thecurrentstatus is of applications for
the scottish executive what thecurrentstatus is of the investors
the scottish executive what thecurrentwaiting times are for people
be spent and f whatcurrentinformation is available on the
it cost annually based oncurrentinformation to replace the bursary
historical information and information aboutcurrenttrends and anticipated developments it
on those relevant to thecurrentdebate especially from a scottish
of the border and thecurrentdebate on the effect and
evolving debate how does thecurrentdebate protect and promote the
24 september 2002 col 2229currentlegislative framework there are already
12 november 2002 what thecurrentmonetary value is of the
years the convener so givencurrentinvestment projections the bill might
this report seeks to examinecurrentattitudes and approaches taken towards
a draft response to thecurrentconsultation on the oft report
oft report is that thecurrentregulations should be dismantled in
a detailed report confirming thecurrentstatus of the report commissioned
heritage and culture from itscurrent16 67 share to the
subject in the context ofcurrentdebates over its status and
still higher still in itscurrentform has had a fair
to the chamber in itscurrentform the last time i
of the offer in itscurrentform would have resulted in
both reports when conducting itscurrentinquiry into the crown office
its unique services at thecurrentsite for the next 30
its neighbouring council about thecurrentstatus of a hotel licence
of scottish beef from thecurrentban on uk beef imports
wild mammals scotland bill thecurrentbill before the scottish parliament
of girls hockey where thecurrentscottish champions may not even
on price of parliament 27currentestimate of 400 million euros
by the parliament members thecurrentpremier considers that the greatest
24 similarly the parliament scurrentpresiding officer is a member
be of cancelling all acurrentand b projected expenditure on
persuade it to lift thecurrentban on beef exports to
beef in relation to thecurrentban on beef imports by
which will build on thecurrentcode of practice on age
of the house based oncurrentconstruction rates the proposed revisions
ronald guild on impact ofcurrentdevelopments at cramond edinburgh 3
based on ideas that werecurrentduring the italian renaissance he
from are they based oncurrentfigures plus 10 per cent
views on the adequacy ofcurrentguidance and their implementation of
sportscotland s comments on thecurrentguidelines on protecting playing fields
it is taking on thecurrentindustrial dispute at the central
s historic fishing rights duringcurrentnegotiations on the common fisheries
can be found because thecurrentphase of work on dost
development partnership on how thecurrentplan for a modern transport
view on the implementation ofcurrentplanning guidelines on the disposal
which are based largely oncurrentpractice in the area for
vital opportunities for reflection oncurrentpractice through sharing that of
update the committee on thecurrentprogress of the inquiry 5
be an improvement on thecurrentproposal we will see what
seek to build on thecurrentprovisions for rsls and the
on error correction because ofcurrentpsycholinguistic research on the nature
on the subject professor richardscurrentquality schemes take on board
is still based on thecurrentrate of basic income tax
for the resignation of thecurrentrector mr ross kemp on
profession in scotland if thecurrentreliance of nhs hospitals on
submission there is not muchcurrentresearch in scotland on attitudes
dlos and believes that thecurrentstatutory determination being imposed on
on 10 august 1999 whatcurrentsteps are being taken to
said about young women ourcurrentstrategy focuses more on indoor
on bonny doon whaur thecurrentswirls by an auld tree
to make a point aboutcurrentusage jim christian writes on
assumptions 1 based on thecurrentvalue of total demersal landings
lab in view of thecurrentworld trade organisation negotiations on
what the timetable is forcurrentand planned relocation reviews as
practices what is scotland scurrentcapacity for salmon production that
changed in the light ofcurrentcircumstances and what discussions it
taxation it is what thecurrentgeneration of older scots had
possible the convener what iscurrentpractice john patterson it would
where we know given thecurrentpractices what is scotland s
nearest rupee what s thecurrentrate of exchange from dollar
work and i what thecurrentstaff complement is and ii
and if so what thecurrentstatus is of the project
in the above what thecurrenttotal staffing complement of the
don t know what thecurrenttrainers are and it used
yep m605: what is thecurrenttrend and ehm cause one
m605: but what is thecurrenttrend m741: yep m605: what
the management plan for thecurrent12 months the ingredients of
gurus behind a crop ofcurrentadverts featuring scots the accent
the structure of news andcurrentaffairs broadcasting in scotland 5
many of our news andcurrentaffairs programmes are broadcast without
workplace we are aware ofcurrentand forthcoming skills shortages across
study will be the mostcurrentand impartial evaluation of the
care nhs trust in thecurrentand in each of the
planned for each of thecurrentand new trunk road projects
original estimate was and iicurrentbest estimate of cost is
secure the affections of hercurrentboyfriend danny he d assured
the second half of thecurrentcentury has been an important
and reciting scots poems hiscurrentclass had studied some of
ordinary workers especially in thecurrentclimate of job losses in
council about the inadequacy ofcurrentconcessionary bus fare schemes which
secondment we are examining thecurrentcontribution of the social economy
we are doing with thecurrentcrop of candidates we must
to forge ahead in thecurrentcut throat climate of the
as the woolliness of thecurrentdefinitions once we get that
to be part areas ofcurrentdeprivation have the highest rates
it would experience if thecurrentdraft text of the new
the adequacy of enforcement ofcurrentenvironmental pollution and planning laws
richards university of stirling thecurrentestimation of carrying capacity is
data are taken according tocurrentfigures the majority of those
snuve easylyke in the festcurrentfrom the chinese of hsin
underpinning the operation of thecurrentgovernment including a partnership for
last few weeks of thecurrenthealth and community care committee
point is demonstrated by thecurrenthigh incidence of smuggling into
of resources and that thecurrentimpasse between cosla and the
provide an authoritative view ofcurrentknowledge by securing contributions from
will be difficult but thecurrentlegalistic form of words is
into the effectiveness of thecurrentless favoured area support scheme
out any investigation into thecurrentmanagement and operation of east
of national parliaments from allcurrentmember states and the accession
corporate body to relieve thecurrentmembers of the group of
the remainder from individuals thecurrentmembership of around 150 is
provide a breakdown of thecurrentmodal forms of access to
6 rather than the cur-currentmodel of four plus two
of any deviation from thecurrentnotion of ideal perfect english
to the environmental regeneration ofcurrentnuclear sites in scotland as
difficult to accurately assess thecurrentnumber of allotments and trends
enough business to sustain thecurrentnumber of post office branches
men half of whom hadcurrentor past commercial connections with
itself which also lists thecurrentorder of succession succession the
that 85 per cent ofcurrentorganically farmed land in scotland
we shall now examine thecurrentpattern of british dialect variation
spcb has also endorsed thecurrentpractice of welcoming written evidence
for crofting counties retain thecurrentpractice of widely dispersing veterinary
of the negative procedure thecurrentprocedural rule is that the
about the compatibility of ourcurrentprocedures with the essential framework
time to prepare behind thecurrentprocess of negotiations is a
maximum operating capacities according tocurrentprojections of the growth of
carried out effectively if thecurrentproviders with decades of experience
10a would give extend thecurrentrange of powers to make
we should probably double thecurrentrate of pay that would
the ideas attached to thecurrentrecent wave of feminism came
should be included in thecurrentregime of pre school screening
of being sentenced before thecurrentregister was introduced in 1997
be the proportion of thecurrentrent payable for all the
that as part of thecurrentresearch into fees the researchers
is taking to address thecurrentshortage of social workers in
our communities much of ourcurrentsocial justice agenda takes an
the irish language is mostcurrentsociety for the propagation of
of these challenges and thecurrentstage each challenge has reached
aitken s observance of thecurrentstandards of good english implies
required to assess truly thecurrentstate of fish stocks and
standards of literary english thecurrentstate of scots scots in
of resources because of thecurrentstate of statistics in the
the presiding officer explained thecurrentstate of the project and
direct responsibility of ministers undercurrentstructures that is the appropriate
during the course of thiscurrentsurvey undertaken in 1999 amongst
is not already achieved bycurrentsystems of flock identification and
of another element under thecurrenttechnical standards higher efficiencies for
as a consequence of thecurrenttendering process relating to the
as a consequence of thecurrenttendering process relating to the
the centre of the coldcurrentthe sky is grey as
to call it to thecurrentturn of the millennium crop
of buildings as well ascurrentusers potential users of a
as councillor gordon graham thecurrentvice chair of the gnp
sort of extension of hiscurrentwarehouse that he well that
no amount of explaining thatcurrentwestern methodology puts a high
the testing regime given thecurrentwording of the directive 15
will tell you that thecurrentbalance is not right the
and private sectors and thecurrentflawed process does not in
i do not believe thatcurrentgovernment policies have helped to
how do they compare withcurrentperformance i do not want
the site and that thecurrentscientific research does not provide
just as interested in politicscurrentaffairs and literature as any
an immense amount with thecurrentbudget several members such as
burn ye black as acurrentbun egypt far moses wis
as that would remove thecurrentperverse incentive in forth valley
analysis that means that ourcurrentprocedure includes washing furthermore as
partnerships in particular strained thecurrentregulatory framework as there was
that cannot cope with thecurrenttimber traffic rhona brankin as
dominant dialect to be incurrentuse as well as many
finding offenders in relation tocurrentwildlife crimes as a great
september i also thank ourcurrentclerks and those who have
think a bit beyond ourcurrentconfines there is something nonsensical
that at the moment ourcurrentintention is that stock that
flexible in that regard ourcurrentpreference is for all tenants
bill runs contrary to ourcurrentpriorities it carries the potential
expressed concern in relation tocurrentusage and attitudes towards our
into it could block thatcurrentand stop it returning south
request for an investigation intocurrentbankruptcy procedures pe511 request for
collapses into one all thecurrentcards that one can end
be broken down into netcurrentexpenditure per pupil in a
account in the committee scurrentinquiry into the crown office
change has inevitably followed thiscurrentinvestigation into north east scots
and into f963: mm m762: currentsouth asian music and cross
energy efficiency in housing thecurrenthousing stock is 2 3
invest in a new onecurrenta c 12 345 00
and pension contributions between thecurrentscheme and the said new
highlight the difficulties that thecurrent14 day rule causes when
the original six to thecurrent15 and it is set
that research indicates that thecurrent50m exclusion zone around trial
lay oot o the maincurrentan ticht in by the
table i share with thecurrentandy and two other ancients
this briefing the eu scurrentapproach in tackling poverty and
the influences which have shapedcurrentattitudes to grammar in schools
care those sums reflect thecurrentaverage costs for those in
burds at drifts wi thecurrentaye whaur the dew skinkils
secretaries in glasgow and thecurrentballots for industrial action taking
went round the countryside thecurrentbutcher in bervie is a
the previous cabinet and thecurrentcabinet and is being applied
be less desirable than thecurrentcare provisions helen eadie dunfermline
signed the papers for thecurrentcensus in my school and
happy about it in thecurrentcircumstances the audit to which
the games are derived fromcurrentclassroom practice others from publications
have had discussions with thecurrentcontractor with a view to
higher than those in thecurrentcontracts and ran to two
benefit scheme aligned to thecurrentcouncil tax benefit scheme supported
paper making caused by thecurrentcurrency variations and is mindful
the blind spots in thecurrentdata 15 43 alex johnstone
meant really in in thecurrentday rather than in the
is expected to utilise thecurrentdebating chamber in the assembly
he is happy with thecurrentdefinition furthermore it should be
had we been discussing thecurrentdraft the pages that would
meikleburgh s junkie lan hercurrentee candy an squeeze the
throughout mainland britain the bestcurrentestimate suggests that the pre
accountability access and participation thecurrenteu treaties should be simplified
pretty ambitious given recent andcurrentevents i say to the
testing plot trials and thecurrentfield scale trials with no
testing plot trials and thecurrentfield scale trials with no
tae fish for the slowcurrentgied nae cairry tae the
side then deep aneath thecurrenthe ll slide doun whaur
latest wagnerian tiff with thecurrentheart throb secrecy was therefore
be applied equivalent to thecurrenthighest standard the u value
phrase fustian scone is stillcurrentin angus and the east
the investigation determines that thecurrentless favoured area support scheme
may act to extend thecurrentlocal authority contracts would almost
pound was different from thecurrentmerchant or scottis pound although
teachers in school scrap thecurrentnational tests for 5 14
we will say in thecurrentparliamentary buildings those points have
in the buildings in thecurrentparliamentary complex is in english
pe367 the convener the firstcurrentpetition is pe367 from eric
aids and adaptations recognises thecurrentpostcode lottery which elderly people
a wet lifeboat fete thecurrentpresident is the hon jilly
month in the hall thecurrentpresident mrs wilma armatage is
gaelic students er but mycurrentprimary seven will be the
at first sight that thecurrentprocedure seems unduly restrictive i
will be reconsidered if thecurrentprocess fails with a view
given over a longer periodcurrentprovisions restricting access to the
in paragraph 22 that thecurrentprovisions would effectively exempt 97
hae tae promote scots discurrentpublishin serve the needs o
the rail capacity over thecurrentrail bridge for example by
national parks in scotland thecurrentrecommendations for designating national parks
medicines and chemicals is thecurrentregime sufficiently robust in relation
that they are insurmountable thecurrentregulations try to separate species
whom i speak that thecurrentreward structure fails to recognise
authorities to ensure that thecurrentstandards are enforced appropriately the
been designed to the highestcurrentstandards in psychometric testing we
maximising competition and liberalising thecurrentstrict laws that apply to
maximising competition and liberalising thecurrentstrict laws that apply to
flowers presumably to mark thecurrenttalks between her son rajiv
for re letting without thecurrenttenant being notified that his
no stone unturned in thecurrenttendering process and criteria to
working to ensure that thecurrenttension between us is creative
ignorant persons wets is thecurrentterm i believe or write
caught in the fast flowincurrentthe crowd started cheerin and
25 october which shows howcurrentthe issue is if members
drift with the tide orcurrentthe net must be kept
every success in removing thecurrentthreat to their existence supported
social economy employees and thecurrenttotal employment figures in scotland
offer anything to address thecurrenttransport difficulties in aberdeen i
it will detail a thecurrenttransport modal split for employees
to that often happens thecurrenttwo weeks are the period
top ranking folk in thecurrentus government but george w
the proposed redistribution with thecurrentweighting at standard grade and
temperatures it s a hugecurrentwhich comes up from the
charges and asks that thecurrentworking party also considers this
an additional language according tocurrentresearch are put forward here
however it will ensure thatcurrentstandards are maintained and that
ts for your household rubbishcurrentfacilities there are four rather
are women killed by acurrentor ex partner two violent
s memorandum states that theircurrentpriorities are establishing bòrd gàidhlig
that fund but only aftercurrentprojects are allowed to complete
that whilst some changes tocurrentrules are likely to be
5 14 guidelines and outlinescurrenttrends which are likely to
rupees a rough guide tocurrentexchange rate is 200 rupees
directly and 40 companies withcurrentorders worth 21 million is
point that there is nocurrentscientific evidence to show that
amazes me is to reassurecurrentsmokers i am making important
say something more about acurrentcollection burns for bairns in
bill 4 public consultation 5currentprotection for wild mammals 6
15 don t know 14currentprotection for wild mammals protection
formal teaching in community languagescurrentprovision was criticised for being
from there my brother scurrentgirlfriend s pied à terre
or her jurisdiction from theircurrentor recent experience my colleagues
experience and skills learned fromcurrentprivate finance initiative schools projects
multilingual world in line withcurrentpolicies favouring ethnic diversity and
and de contextualised grammatical exercisescurrentmethods and assessment developed in
small dictionary were still incurrentusage at aboyne pupils listed
background brings me to mycurrentand ongoing project it started
investigate and propose changes tocurrentbankruptcy procedures to ensure that
currently have a valid andcurrentcertificate to perform custodial duties
people held a valid andcurrentcertificate to perform custodial duties
a legal record that hascurrentrelevance alterations and revisions may
existing requirement to display acurrentinsurance or fire certificate such
industry advertises only to getcurrentsmokers to switch brands that
their own loss by maybecurrentsouth asian you know radio
that it was true hercurrentftiends were wild were daft
i read more u kcurrentaffairs than i did at
dm 600 million converted atcurrentexchange rates bundestag website www
400 million euros converted atcurrentexchange rates hc deb 15
erm they were m- mainlycurrentpopular books you know populist

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