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which the prosecution process iscurrentlybeing pursued the inquiry undertaken
of the acute services reviewcurrentlybeing undertaken by tayside health
a piece of work iscurrentlybeing undertaken by the department
there are some research projectscurrentlybeing undertaken notably scotlang based
consideration of the technical reviewcurrentlybeing undertaken to produce cost
consideration of the technical reviewcurrentlybeing undertaken to produce cost
has been undertaken and iscurrentlyin progress considers that there
time constraints that do notcurrentlyexist after all we must
the scottish executive what guidelinescurrentlyexist as to weekly provision
2002 how many unfilled vacanciescurrentlyexist for a auxiliary nurses
scottish executive how many vacanciescurrentlyexist for non executive board
many full time nursery placescurrentlyexist for the children of
many general practitioner gp vacanciescurrentlyexist in each health board
excellent examples of language educationcurrentlyexist in scotland s schools
carriageways where they do notcurrentlyexist s1o 303 27 donald
the scottish executive what safeguardscurrentlyexist to prevent the victimisation
many senior management staff arecurrentlyemployed at the headquarters of
or other external agencies arecurrentlyemployed by it under contract
specialist teachers of deaf childrencurrentlyemployed in each education authority
and b classical studies arecurrentlyemployed in secondary schools s1w
many qualified psychiatric nurses arecurrentlyemployed on the nhs 24
alarm the situation which iscurrentlyfaced by many self employed
executive how many patients arecurrentlyawaiting admission to hospital for
for unregistered patients and iscurrentlydiscussing with the executive the
executive how many patients arecurrentlygiven access to diamorphine as
patients acquiring infections in hospitalcurrentlyone million bed days annually
and prostate cancer patients whocurrentlyparticipate in clinical trials s1w
executive how many patients arecurrentlyregistered with general practitioners according
scottish executive what facilities arecurrentlyavailable for drug rehabilitation in
executive how many places arecurrentlyavailable for prisoners wishing to
executive what financial support iscurrentlyavailable for repairs to and
to the funding that iscurrentlyavailable for tackling deprivation the
scottish executive what training iscurrentlyavailable for teachers in the
scottish executive what services arecurrentlyavailable for those involved with
much more information than iscurrentlyavailable i want to add
information on petitioning which iscurrentlyavailable in english and gaelic
17 information factfiles which arecurrentlyavailable in english and gaelic
these plus somewhere beyond arecurrentlyavailable in paperback from b
with concern that thirteen vaccinescurrentlyavailable in the united kingdom
imprisonment there are 42 placescurrentlyavailable on accredited programmes for
first minister what information iscurrentlyavailable on the level of
much more information than iscurrentlyavailable on the specific needs
the full range of supplementscurrentlyavailable supported by phil gallie
the full range of supplementscurrentlyavailable the meeting was suspended
proposals to increase the powerscurrentlyavailable to local authorities in
scottish executive what powers arecurrentlyavailable to local authorities to
free concessionary travel that iscurrentlyavailable to men of pensionable
how many prison places arecurrentlyavailable to prisoners who wish
the secure tenancy which iscurrentlyavailable to public sector landlords
available to the 18 clientscurrentlybeing offered one to one
available to all tenants whocurrentlydo not have it cathie
scottish executive which health boardscurrentlymake available the anti tumour
how many elderly people arecurrentlya in hospital or b
many category a prisoners arecurrentlyaccommodated at hm prison kilmarnock
executive how many people arecurrentlyaffected by rheumatoid arthritis broken
2000 how many there arecurrentlyand how many of these
years how many there arecurrentlyand what percentage of a
many vacant consultant posts therecurrentlyare in each acute hospital
many dedicated audiology departments therecurrentlyare in each nhs board
many diabetic outpatient clinics therecurrentlyare in each nhs board
ii how many vacancies therecurrentlyare in respect of such
executive how many elderly peoplecurrentlyattend day care centres in
many a roman catholic childrencurrentlyattend non denominational schools and
supposition that many schools wouldcurrentlybe using the material produced
executive how many people arecurrentlybeing prescribed methadone on a
how many clinical geneticists arecurrentlybeing trained s1w 12213 mary
scottish executive how many childrencurrentlybenefit from out of school
how many nhs beds arecurrentlyblocked in scotland s1w 1735
and how many staff itcurrentlyemploys s1w 14587 mary scanlon
scottish executive how many peoplecurrentlyhave a valid and current
scottish executive how many premisescurrentlyhold an off trade liquor
scottish executive how many childrencurrentlyin care are being prescribed
social inclusion partnerships sip arecurrentlyin operation how many people
many sector skills councils arecurrentlyin place and how many
affect many people who arecurrentlyin work but who will
children many children who arecurrentlylooked after in the system
so that many productions arecurrentlymarred by solecisms and mispronunciations
executive how many people arecurrentlyon nhs patient waiting lists
aitken how many people arecurrentlyon the register hugh henry
how many health boards arecurrentlyor are considering consulting with
many thousands of people whocurrentlypay for their care self
many statutory registered health professionalscurrentlypractice homeopathy s1w 32838 mary
extent to which many haikucurrentlypublished in english embody the
how many such students arecurrentlyreceiving the bursary and how
executive how many childminders arecurrentlyregistered and how many childminders
many people in scotland arecurrentlyregistered on methadone programmes for
january 2002 how many familiescurrentlyreside in inappropriate temporary accommodation
executive how many local authoritiescurrentlyrun direct payment schemes s1w
scottish executive how many peoplecurrentlysuffer from multiple sclerosis whether
how many people speak scotscurrentlythe only statistics that are
how many nursing posts arecurrentlyvacant at ninewells hospital in
scottish executive how many staffcurrentlywork in its constitutional policy
with problems that are notcurrentlybeing addressed through hmo licensing
relating to organ retention arecurrentlybeing brought against hospitals by
joint research programmes completed orcurrentlybeing carried out by two
of the fees that arecurrentlybeing charged are unreasonable in
the freight facilities grant applicationscurrentlybeing considered and what amount
of trunk roads which arecurrentlybeing considered and whether it
of way bill which iscurrentlybeing considered at the westminster
of way bill which iscurrentlybeing considered at westminster this
form one larger board iscurrentlybeing considered by scottish ministers
ken livingstone mp this iscurrentlybeing considered by the house
that the proposed legislation iscurrentlybeing considered that there is
counselling and the 18 clientscurrentlybeing counselled over the telephone
is correct the scheme iscurrentlybeing developed but the furniture
innovation and e commerce arecurrentlybeing developed by the enterprise
of the guidelines that arecurrentlybeing developed by the executive
a cultural management plan iscurrentlybeing drawn up heart of
is a comprehensive information servicecurrentlybeing evaluated for sub post
both tackle the major problemscurrentlybeing experienced across the scottish
both tackle the major problemscurrentlybeing experienced across the scottish
both tackle the major problemscurrentlybeing experienced across the scottish
both tackle the major problemscurrentlybeing experienced across the scottish
near arbroath notes the concernscurrentlybeing expressed by the parents
how alcohol misuse services arecurrentlybeing improved s1o 5396 28
service delivery progress report iscurrentlybeing prepared and will be
pieces of legislation which arecurrentlybeing progressed will provide the
and the detail that scurrentlybeing provided and it s
scottish executive what assistance iscurrentlybeing provided to chronic smokers
greig duncan folksong collection iscurrentlybeing published in several volumes
in tourism one particular issuecurrentlybeing raised in the debate
car parking charges which iscurrentlybeing revised ms macdonald i
scottish executive what programmes arecurrentlybeing run in each prison
from 30 month old cattlecurrentlybeing stored in scotland and
scotland s written heritage arecurrentlybeing taken forward or planned
week about action that iscurrentlybeing taken in court i
of the measures that arecurrentlybeing taken such as giving
scottish executive what steps arecurrentlybeing taken to eradicate foot
during the last year arecurrentlycategorised as being in employment
being rolled out in scotlandcurrentlynotes that this will disadvantage
being adopted the fsa arecurrentlyworking on an enforcement framework
time equivalent nhs dentists therecurrentlyare broken down by health
time equivalent nhs dentists therecurrentlyare per head of population
000 qualified nurses who arecurrentlynot working in the nhs
war personnel in scotland arecurrentlyreceiving treatment through the nhs
scottish executive what criteria arecurrentlyset in the nhs for
experienced nurses who are notcurrentlyworking in the nhs i
with concern that there arecurrently10 000 people carrying hepatitis
5 on the standard scalecurrently5 000 in addition a
personal development through volunteering wecurrentlyfund about 2 000 places
established in 1841 mackwood scurrentlymanages 27 000 acres of
for the 2 000 pensionerscurrentlyon waiting lists following lord
to the parent language scotscurrentlyonly 112 000 per year
to 7 000 stores thatcurrentlysell tobacco products could lose
july 1999 by brian dohertycurrentlyresiding at carstairs state hospital
july 1999 by karl tonnercurrentlyresiding at carstairs state hospital
a lower tonnage than thatcurrentlyin the proposed directive or
collecting the graduate endowment ascurrentlyproposed by it if the
of the graduate endowment ascurrentlyproposed by it in each
what cuts and closures arecurrentlyproposed by tayside university hospitals
proposed extension of the schemecurrentlyunder consideration for the investment
proposed extension of the schemecurrentlyunder consideration for the investment
is on the ec regulationscurrentlyunder consideration by the european
although the majority of schemescurrentlyunder consideration or construction in
request for parties views arecurrentlyunder consideration phil gallie i
70 some research projects iscurrentlybein cairried oot notably scotlang
funding for research into osteoporosiscurrentlyit is funding one research
and research institutes are allcurrentlymeeting the highest standards of
cancer research against the amountcurrentlyraised through charitable donations s1w
executive central research unit statedcurrentlythere is no reliable data
have on the service providedcurrentlyand due to be provided
on broadband because it iscurrentlynot provided there it is
with mental health problems arecurrentlyin receipt of direct payments
qaa 1 universities there arecurrently13 universities in scotland these
area tourist boards there arecurrently14 area tourist boards atbs
dwellings is measured there arecurrently2 ways in which the
are then shot there arecurrently28 fox destruction clubs operating
down by staff category arecurrentlyabsent through illness in each
for our development programme arecurrentlyallocated on the basis of
25 w m2k builders arecurrentlyallowed to use inferior insulation
b private sector houses therecurrentlyare in each local authority
scottish executive s main prioritiescurrentlyare s1f 799 the first
ask the first minister whatcurrentlyare the scottish executive s
categorised as delayed discharges arecurrentlyawaiting transfer to a local
advertising bans have been introducedcurrentlycheap cigarettes are arriving in
department however as we arecurrentlycollecting collating and analysing information
sustain tenancies local authorities arecurrentlydeveloping supporting people programme strategies
3 w m2k there arecurrentlydifferent insulation requirements for different
are alternatives for industries thatcurrentlydo a lot of business
about not what they arecurrentlydoing but the new demands
of orkney and shetland arecurrentlyexcluded by order of an
there are 46 fe collegescurrentlyfunded by the scottish further
the issues that ministers arecurrentlyhaving to assess in the
the primary teachers who arecurrentlyhaving to deliver a modern
the bse cattle cull arecurrentlyheld in storage and how
poisoning or gassing which arecurrentlyillegal we have worked hard
rural stewardship scheme that arecurrentlyin force and what plans
to weight restrictions that arecurrentlyin force on bridges and
of the schemes that arecurrentlyin place is it realistic
at the guidelines that arecurrentlyin place three to five
applied for and b arecurrentlyin receipt of direct payments
with a mental illness arecurrentlyin receipt of specialist treatment
the sea and which arecurrentlyin the planning design or
scottish executive which agencies arecurrentlyinvolved in developing an integrated
scottish executive which prisons arecurrentlyinvolved in the manufacture of
in scotland when they arecurrentlylaid on sarking i presume
and the scottish executive arecurrentlylooking at the potential of
of deprivation are identified aberdeencurrentlyloses out on a lot
grounds and paths which arecurrentlymaintained by private owners where
arts curriculum and yet arecurrentlymarginalized in the scottish educational
in britain 21 there arecurrentlyno resident packs of minkhounds
on signers as there arecurrentlynot enough of them a
for scotland technology assessments arecurrentlyongoing s1w 17578 nicola sturgeon
8 or mounted fox huntscurrentlyoperate in scotland these are
officer what capital contracts arecurrentlyout to tender in relation
officer what capital contracts arecurrentlyout to tender in relation
similar circumstances whose costs arecurrentlypaid from the public purse
drug or alcohol dependency arecurrentlyparticipating in clinical trials s1w
executive whether any hospitals arecurrentlyplanned to be sold in
the 466 sex offenders arecurrentlyreceiving any treatment to stop
of public agencies that arecurrentlyresponsible for and have the
a care home and arecurrentlyself funding the group recommended
are the four msps whocurrentlyserve on the city of
in each age band arecurrentlyserving in each police force
after school hours the classescurrentlysupported are in chinese urdu
replace tobacco gantries that arecurrentlythe subject of point of
functions in their own rightcurrentlythere are 10 such posts
reporting assessment would happen arecurrentlythose and i m sorry
of back gardens we arecurrentlytrying to have two entries
on low incomes who arecurrentlyunable to meet these charges
those the regulations that arecurrentlyunder consultation des mcnulty presumably
facilities and the ferries arecurrentlyunder discussion and we hope
the fish stocks that arecurrentlyunder the jurisdiction of the
the fish stocks that arecurrentlyunder the jurisdiction of the
hygienists and dental therapists arecurrentlyundergoing training at each centre
culture and sport committee arecurrentlyundertaking an inquiry into whether
owners of listed buildings arecurrentlyunderway with regard to insurance
hounds and horses that arecurrentlyused for fox hunting crc
s views participatory structures arecurrentlyvery popular with adults seeking
sufferers of multiple sclerosis arecurrentlywaiting for an assessment for
suffering from anorexia nervosa arecurrentlywaiting for specialist treatment broken
we are at the momentcurrentlywe are way behind in
free television licences which arecurrentlyworth 112 a year furthermore
teaching staff that do notcurrentlyconform to the european convention
staff 22 while the parliamentcurrentlyemploys 321 staff the increase
of staff than we havecurrentlyi am not sure whether
executive how much revenue iscurrentlygenerated from the recycling of
minister under s47 that iscurrentlyall those listed above except
protect fish stocks this cancurrentlybe carried out under licensed
their rights to purchase whichcurrentlyprevail under the udal law
and lothians new lanark iscurrentlythe only scottish site under
attended the school alongside himcurrentlythe roll stands at under
jungle below the road iscurrentlyunder construction by the chinese
responses particularly from those areascurrentlyunder esa designation and to
which public private partnership projectscurrentlyunder negotiation including those in
of the gaggle of femalescurrentlyunder the impression that the
airdrieonians football club which iscurrentlyunder the threat of liquidation
of the uk delegation iscurrentlyinvolved in negotiations on a
of the uk delegation iscurrentlyinvolved in negotiations on a
scottish executive what expenditure iscurrentlyplanned for each of the
each case whether the personcurrentlyremains an independent assessor and
public private partnership projects itcurrentlysupports what each such project
building control system which iscurrentlybased on an act that
that building industry inflation iscurrentlyestimated to be adding at
that in mind no buildingcurrentlyin use by the public
in building fabric insulation iscurrentlypermitted in return for high
the scottish parliament building ascurrentlyplanned will make to scotland
and international levels i amcurrentlya national executive member of
member of the scottish executivecurrentlyall the junior scottish ministers
executive and the project iscurrentlyappointing a new director it
may and the executive iscurrentlyconsulting widely on the recommendations
at sea the executive iscurrentlydeveloping the fine details of
scottish executive what guidance iscurrentlygiven to farmers on premises
scottish circumstances so what iscurrentlyhappening the scottish executive provides
executive what proportion of haemophiliacscurrentlyhave a treatment acquired illness
the scottish executive which prisonscurrentlyhold prisoners categorised as sex
scottish executive when the itemscurrentlyin store in the part
executive what progress it iscurrentlymaking in the establishment of
scottish executive what funding itcurrentlyprovides for the scottish youth
the scottish executive whether itcurrentlypublishes or holds information on
the scottish executive whether itcurrentlyrecords the number of incidences
scottish executive whether any ministercurrentlyresponsible for any aspect of
executive gaelic the scottish executivecurrentlysupport gaelic in 3 main
technology board for scotland iscurrentlypreparing for publication s1w 17579
to examine the funding structurescurrentlyin place to enable this
to examine the funding structurescurrentlyin place to enable this
that such planning controls cannotcurrentlybe applied retrospectively notes that
new employees notes that blindcraftcurrentlyhas a workforce of 148
recycling further notes that scotlandcurrentlyhas the worst recycling record
service notes that this servicecurrentlypasses through lockerbie station without
from other sources census informationcurrentlyinforms the planning and delivery
b non roman catholic childrencurrentlyattend roman catholic schools s1w
of children wherever it occurscurrentlythe courts do not have
in braille and on audiotapecurrentlyin english and gaelic and
in the group and thatcurrentlymeans modern european languages gaelic
point i think that wecurrentlyproduce a gaelic translation in
has to address the issuescurrentlyaffecting the scottish sheep farming
primarily to allow resources thatcurrentlygo to scottish homes to
scottish hill packs association shpacurrentlyhas five pack members the
scottish government but is notcurrentlyidentical to the scottish cabinet
details of the computer systemcurrentlyoperated by the scottish qualifications
that the money that iscurrentlypaid by westminster to scottish
into whether the investment programmecurrentlyplanned by scottish water is
warrant sales bill which iscurrentlyprogressing through the scottish parliament
whether any scottish clothing manufacturerscurrentlyprovide uniforms and clothing to
that the scottish processing sectorcurrentlysources 43 of supplies from
by david black is notcurrentlystocked by the scottish parliament
15 20 of the fleetcurrentlytargeting whitefish the scottish fishermen
in section c 7 seecurrentlythe scottish administration offices order
to denote its leading ministerscurrentlythe scottish cabinet comprises all
that scottish enterprise ayrshire iscurrentlyworking with scottish enterprise glasgow
and b local government billscurrentlybefore the uk parliament will
loch lomond park authority iscurrentlyworking with the loch lomond
which scots is or cancurrentlybe taught 1 reliance on
criminal court bill which iscurrentlybefore the westminster parliament will
the competitive disadvantage which iscurrentlyborne by scotland s farmers
upon which the government iscurrentlyengaged such a review should
way the legal system whichcurrentlyfails to protect adequately women
ratified the treaty the treatycurrentlyhas 139 signatories which represent
european resource centre which itcurrentlymatch funds in light of
by marine climate which iscurrentlynot particularly conducive to high
there is a problem withcurrentlyprescriptive technical standards which is
if so which local authoritiescurrentlyreceive any such support and
gulf war syndrome which itcurrentlysponsors s1w 1433 mrs margaret
38 102 edinburgh city councilcurrentlysupports community language classes which
16mm air gaps which iscurrentlyused in other non dwelling
years and whether there iscurrentlya shortage of fully qualified
the health appointments advisory committeecurrentlyhas and whether this differs
november 2002 whether it iscurrentlyreviewing the legislation on combating
scotland bill is passed ascurrentlydrafted s1w 16548 bristow muldoon
scotland s municipal waste iscurrentlyrecycled within scotland s1w 15050
an earlier stage than iscurrentlythe case s1w 1047 robert
count in that constituency iscurrentlythe highest in scotland s1w
care for all the pensionerscurrentlyawaiting a place in a
care committee that committee iscurrentlyconsidering legislation and it might
per cent of people whocurrentlyfund their own residential care
those living at home whocurrentlypay towards their personal care
the care that the residentscurrentlyreceive although alternatives will undoubtedly
as i understand it iscurrentlyarguing for such changes in
of argyll and bute wecurrentlyhave no such bureaux we
party some ministers such ascurrentlythe first minister deputy first
of such a strategy iscurrentlyunderway and it is hoped
such as game management iscurrentlyunknown the bill makes provision
of the procurators fiscal whocurrentlywork in the service table
money for improvement grants iscurrentlychannelled through those capital consent
proposals in detail i amcurrentlyconsidering a report on those
facie valid those conditions applycurrentlyto the granting of common
the expectations of those whocurrentlyuse rented property will the
the ban on scallop fishingcurrentlyin place on scotland s
all the dialogue that iscurrentlytaking place is directed towards
professionals close to but notcurrentlydirectly responsible for adoption services
financial services to deprived communitiescurrentlyleft to the mercy of
clyde and hebrides ferry servicescurrentlyoperated by caledonian macbrayne further
investigatory powers bill that iscurrentlyproceeding through the house of
married the duke who iscurrently19th in order of succession
out the difficulties who iscurrentlyresponsible for reviewing the guidelines
in specialities where there iscurrentlya shortage of qualified and
0 w m2k there iscurrentlya variation in the requirement
the area that letter iscurrentlybefore the committee and the
ltd port glasgow shipyard iscurrentlybidding for an order to
recycling of household waste iscurrentlycarried out by the community
to poorer smokers there iscurrentlyconsultation on making all nrt
1977 1985 the author iscurrentlyeditor of lallans and has
organic egg production is notcurrentlyeligible for farm business development
the discussions that calmac iscurrentlyhaving on the options on
the one that we recurrentlyin at the moment is
has cuttit titles of poemscurrentlyincubating the aperitif that is
investigate them for what iscurrentlylegal pest control that we
loans fund that payment iscurrentlymet from provision that we
conclude scots in scotland iscurrentlymuch better off linguistically ah
the untidy open ground iscurrentlyowned by the city council
of trunk roads it iscurrentlyplanning in order to increase
wording of the section iscurrentlyrather open so i suggest
hoo mony folk speaks scotscurrentlythe ainly statistics that is
and neither is an mspcurrentlythe lord advocate is in
by looking at what scurrentlythere but saying is that
any further questions brian adamcurrentlythere is an interesting experiment
example the effective dose iscurrentlythought to be 15 microgrammes
scotland act the bill iscurrentlyworded so that this report
much this track record iscurrentlyworth on the open market
telecommunications development on existing buildingscurrentlydeemed to be permitted development
continue point to point qualificationcurrentlydepends of affiliation with a
be our strongest point wecurrentlyhave to trust that the
the case that some peoplecurrentlypay privately for beta interferon
statutory footing the investigative powerscurrentlyused by the police and
the number of spelling optionscurrentlyused by writers probably more
in scots with grampian regioncurrentlyconsultant with the north east
a representative group of writerscurrentlyemploying scots following several years
of the so called scotscurrentlywritten and published may be
written er f718: mmhm m017: currentlyer there there now seems
on the sexual offences billcurrentlybefore the uk parliament from
criminal justice and police billcurrentlybefore the uk parliament recognises
level of overcrowding in scotlandcurrently17 5 the conditions for
dsfbs have not been formedcurrently31 of scotland s 83
fishes m942: so we recurrentlyat midgie raker in the
from the one that hecurrentlyoccupies but in that and
in the farm scale trialcurrentlyunderway at daviot and calls
absolutely accurate i am notcurrentlya practising classroom teacher and
strategy document that i amcurrentlypursuing as fast as i
away from the legislation thatcurrentlydeals with them and would
number of males and femalescurrentlydiagnosed as suffering from depression
cockenzie a private nursing homecurrentlywith 56 residents aged from
of the bureaucratic burden thatcurrentlyfaces the voluntary sector 16
various parts of a dwellingcurrentlyhave assigned u values however
proportion of organic food thatcurrentlyrequires to be imported if
proportion of organic food thatcurrentlyrequires to be imported robin
s eh f809: i mcurrentlywriting the last essay of
their mid twenties neither wascurrentlywith boyfriend the party might
all track record and entitlementcurrentlyallocated to vessels known to
4 on the standard scalecurrently2500 section 10c would apply
register the houses that shouldcurrentlybe registered and to enforce
greatest threat that the industrycurrentlyfaces and calls upon the
the time that the processcurrentlytakes you specifically mentioned the
and you ll see thatcurrentlythey re looking to be
29 102 edinburgh city cooncilcurrentlyuphauds community leid clesses that
the evidence that we havecurrentlywe feel that climatic and
basis including assessing the resourcescurrentlydevoted to tackling alcohol abuse
change over the years socurrentlyi would say probably ehm
edinburgh and end the uncertaintycurrentlysurrounding its possible relocation s1m
achieve most pupils to achievecurrentlythe five stages cause we-
national voluntary organisations 1 theycurrentlyhave around 150 members aged
and highlands and islands enterprisecurrentlygive to community groups seeking
penalty notice can be withdrawncurrentlyonly an authorised officer would
be published 1 wilson mcleodcurrentlyworks as a senior lecturer

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