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would have to input thedataagain either for whole groups
data production data feed inputdataand so on are supplied
situation in which schools inputdataand they are e mailed
issue but the input ofdataas john kelly said we
my school with input ofdataas the year went on
once they had left schoolsdatabeing input inaccurately and most
moment lice burden data productiondatafeed input data and so
in the morning might inputdatafor a higher still subject
might in the afternoon inputdatafor craft and design where
staff in schools would inputdatain various formats and teachers
to a huge slippage indatainput and pushed the bulk
and pushed the bulk ofdatainput to the end of
of the problems resulted fromdatanot being input once they
at the moment lice burdendataproduction data feed input data
from other tasks to inputdatato computer systems it would
of input and correction ofdatawhich were then not carried
were responsible for handling thedatafor that part of the
solution is to get thedatahandling and administrative procedures really
such as the problems withdatahandling and centres yet the
to say that all thedatahandling that had been done
elliot the system for handlingdatathat came in by paper
first and then plan thedataprocessing although an awful lot
the sqa to ensure thatdataprocessing and operational management systems
bill arundel was head ofdataprocessing and was promoted to
difference we are aware thatdataprocessing at the sqa was
of some continuing difficulties withdataprocessing but nothing more than
year with no background indataprocessing however as the 1999
linguistics collected a corpus ofdataand tried to work out
the way in which existingdataare collected i have raised
small geographical scale the requireddatacan often be collected more
community care malcolm chisholm prescriptiondatacollected centrally are not patient
than english and gaelic thedatacollected indicates that most widely
9 may 2002 why nodatais collected on literacy rates
of mind was the usefuldatathat were collected to inform
the census and the basicdatato be collected we have
designed to gather the followingdataawarding a score of one
designed to gather the followingdataby awarding a score of
was required to gather thedatadue to the size of
don herreros continued to gatherdatafor the mallorca volume of
99 was required to gatherdatafrom lumphanan one child was
appeal and access to scientificdata5 subordinate legislation the committee
laboratory will supply all requireddataand scientific evidence to the
to public health and scientificdatacan be produced to substantiate
30 october 2002 what scientificdatais available on the impact
permit industrial fishing what scientificdatais available regarding the effect
all such information and scientificdatawill be supplied to all
is a guestimate from surveydataand evans 1998 survey 17
quickly as possible no equivalentdataare available from survey information
survey provide information on smalldataareas at ward level http
than e g on surveydatait is based on 1998
inland revenue data new surveydatanew modelling techniques and private
sources such as inland revenuedatanew survey data new modelling
area income data inland revenuedatathe scottish household survey which
the scope for modelling incomedataand the development of other
address the issue of incomedataas tommy sheridan said we
no other source of incomedataat the small area level
availability of small area incomedatafrom the department of social
a reliable source of incomedatai ask the parliament to
order to gain essential incomedatai suggest that the question
the dss small area incomedatainland revenue data the scottish
non return rate distorting thedataon income as well as
is essential for gathering reasonabledataon income the convention of
it highlighted the uses thedataon income would be put
useful when considering the incomedataquestion in its letter stirling
the validity of the incomedatathat might be obtained from
no reliable sources of incomedatathat would allow the serious
and unreliable source of incomedatathe executive says that it
that the issue of incomedatawill be taken forward 16
area data rural poverty anddataon equality issues 9 preparations
exclusion this includes small areadatarural poverty and data on
that are based on censusdataare designed to help given
6 000 before the censusdataare taken according to current
objective of producing and disseminatingdataby the time the census
objective of producing and disseminatingdataby the time those census
and its future prospects censusdatacould also assist in planning
turnover affects the situation thedatago back years the census
the use of scots censusdatamight reveal the information that
if we accept that censusdatamust be updated regularly to
effective way of gathering thedatanationally is through the census
said we depend on censusdatato provide detailed social economic
make most use of censusdatawe have had to reject
that i believed that missingdataaffected 1 500 candidates i
is the issue of missingdataon 9 august i reported
had gone out with missingdataron tuck yes mr macintosh
were missing we tracked thedatathat were coming in and
on a cut of thedatathat were missing we tracked
appendix iii 21 for rawdatachildren were vague on matters
the course of collecting rawdatafrom the participating subjects 3
after setting out the rawdatain spread sheet form see
iii 17 iii 25 rawdataspreadsheets phoneme scores iii 26
12 amended booklet iii 13dataon aboyne academy feeder schools
systems to say that thedataare poor is misleading because
the generally poor state ofdatacollection and monitoring systems adopted
streamlining and improving systems anddataexchange will continue much work
to potential breach of thedataprotection act 1998 be excised
could be covered by thedataprotection act 1998 cathie craigie
in the united kingdom thedataprotection act 1998 is interpreted
issue to do with thedataprotection act 1998 my understanding
within the bounds of thedataprotection act 1998 there should
legislative provision should undermine thedataprotection act 1998 which allows
it is based on 1998datasome of the jobs will
a good deal of usefuldatacan be gathered but at
our purpose is to providedatauseful for the description of
in the area secondly thedatawould be useful for informing
progress in the preparation ofdataby the scottish environment protection
any problems arising from thedataprotection acts with regard to
relating to police co operationdataprotection and the schengen convention
support scotland following changes indataprotection arrangements s1o 5407 12
police co operation extradition anddataprotection as lord james douglas
eu in line with thedataprotection provisions in section 57
was shared in respect ofdataprotection those were more innocent
co ordinators to assist withdatamanagement and secondly to have
the whole year thinking aboutdatamanagement however we did not
that the key problem wasdatamanagement mr elliot said earlier
problem turned out to bedatamanagement rather than the software
and disruptive factor in thedatamanagement ron tuck in my
as we now know thedatamanagement system did not deliver
where if the software ordatamanagement system failed there was
added to the pressures ondatamanagement that is what david
the recent fisheries management positiondataon the value of scallop
special value lies in producingdatafor small areas that helps
detailed social economic and demographicdatafor small areas which is
who told you that thedatagap was small enough ron
dreadful your advice that thedatagap was small enough turned
referred was that if thedatagap was small enough you
executive was that if thedatagaps were small enough and
made the information about thedatagap was based on the
the results were based ondatagathered from a total of
improve public access to pollutiondatathrough a web based pollution
issue of access to otherdatafiles that could be covered
received agreement to access thedataothers said that they got
they could not access thedatathat they were not privileged
the late access to marksdatawas causing operations particularly grave
because of the amount ofdatacoming in but that because
dialogue with schools about thedatathat were coming in and
and that some of thedatathat were coming in were
it be that while thosedatawere coming in and you
what had happened before electronicdatawere coming in using new
study 119 primary seven pupilsdataon the feeder schools for
is being made schools submitteddatatimeously last year but the
december before standard grade appealdataare available cathy peattie will
registers of scotland has comprehensivedataavailable in relation to house
last three years for whichdatais available and how many
ask the scottish executive whatdatais available on the re
2002 whether information from prescriptiondatais now available through the
we want to improve thedatathat are available on the
council departments sharing information anddataamong themselves for example if
of some of the otherdataand information gathered in the
the latest information on outstandingdataas we saw it 13
landings and other more generaldataon the shellfishing sector information
problems are identified with thedatathat have been submitted mr
of the tools to managedatafurthermore the system was sometimes
first step towards a properdatasystem for integrated coastal zone
will investigate the school sdatasystem with a view to
long enough to yield sufficientdatafor analysis the question how
the scottish prison service sourceddataas referred to in its
atlantic salmon fisheries research servicedataon salmon catches 11 windsor
scotland 2 fisheries research servicedataon salmon catches 3 rac
adjustments were made to thedataprovided by hm prison service
macintosh is there an electronicdatatransmission service as well as
a question to get meaningfuldatabut it is not impossible
the most reliable piece ofdatathat includes a question on
the question or getting thedatavia some other measure would
that point poor entering ofdataand so on were continuing
were in athens salvador collectingdatafor a book about the
mr macintosh how were thedatahandled was there a brand
for the first time thedatathat were provided on ethnic
and a failure to managedatawere at the root of
timeously last year but thedatawere lost and not processed
changes to the way thatdatawere sent to sqa the
undertake detailed analysis of thosedataand incorporate them into the
where we stood on thedataand they brought those insights
with baseline expenditure because thosedataare provided i was commenting
became the extent of thosedatagaps the position that we
word lists he elicited sufficientdatato prove that those who
identification of cattle and electronicdatatransfer might be introduced s1w
which the executive is collatingdataon other aspects of poverty
educational and other provision withoutdataon the language the only
with vyborni and artists collectingdatawatercolours and other illustrations for
going for 50 years thedatathat are being produced suggest
on with reducing the outstandingdatathat was being done by
not being made to incorrectdatathat was extremely time consuming
older people last year sdataclearly show that we are
over the past year thedatacontained within table 3 are
said a consequence of thedatafailure and could not be
said that they got thedatainformally they said we just
linguistics could only deal withdatathat could be observed objectively
ten years further notes thatdatarelating to this condition is
as we can determine thedataare in good order a
authority wards for example indeeddataare often produced for smaller
been interested in having geographicaldataif we are serious about
back up there are certaindatathat are by and large
such as ensuring that thedatathat are held by the
there are no scotland widedatathat set out which languages
countries are happy for theirdatato be included in the
details of the changes indatacollection and presentation procedures which
currently there is no reliabledataon which to base effective
on the basis of thedatawhich it holds that action
with a separate set ofdatawhich show the numbers of
the difficulty of transmission ofdatawhich was rightly seen as
comparable and upto date statisticaldataabout progress on the ground
d thocht o ettlin thedatabanks on the computer bit
war on terror and collectdatafrom a range of spoken
of nephrops and what economicdatait has on the impact
the general situation on thedatait was certainly not me
addresses the historic lack ofdataon ethnic minority communities and
increase in effort though withoutdataon fishing effort in the
henry mcleish 8 september 2000dataon the gross output of
in salmon stocks since 1952dataon the number and weight
has a continuing need fordataon the size and characteristics
identified that a lot ofdatathat should have been on
a ways to check theirdatathis halfway house on the
written and spoken materials withdatafrom initially scottish english and
5 1999 to collect thedatafrom the five primary 7
was the additional volume ofdatathat arose from internal assessment
from the lower classes thedatathus generated led him to
moving from the analysis ofdatato a combination of introspection
done the problem was withdataentry and the matching of
with the need for improveddatafor social inclusion purposes but
the same lack of statisticaldatawith regard to community languages
operations unit who handled thedatawork with the it people
so you had to collectdataand explain it and hence
linguists had to explain realdataeh eh intuition wasn t
had called for that thedatahad been entered mr monteith
once he had accumulated hisdatahe analysed it according to
had to tell it whatdataprocesses they wished to be
the exact status of thedata10 45 there was considerable
difference was the volume ofdatai pressed the same buttons
chomsky was not interested indatanor in the minutiae of
not handle the volume ofdatathat was generated by internal
was involved in bringing thedatatogether mr monteith i am
as political movements shifted surveillancedatawas sifted leaders loaded words
be more effective in gatheringdataand less time consuming to
that balfour modified some numericaldatato bring the text more
took a cut of thedataalmost nightly to see how
how he may collect thedatai would like to be
you fiona how s thedatayou asked giving me another
committee is awaiting some researchdatabefore it disposes of the
made largely by employing adataentry agency to key the
who saw the collection ofdataas er as as as
the same want o statisticaldataexists for community leids as
and food safety as baselinedatafor future research and action
there is a risk ofdatagaps as july progressed the
later that the flow ofdatacaused us very great concern
the possibility of integrating thedatacontained in dost and snd
computer for the entering ofdatadavid elliot the seb used
of their savings moreover benefitdatadoes not allow the cross
topics two folders full ofdatafor my phd and a
his report the quality ofdatahas improved significantly mrs mcintosh
examples of good practice scottishdatahas to be ready by
not lose track of thesedatai know that jim wallace
100 words of translation thisdatais presented in the table
and the design of thedatastructures stella is also involved
of the world shapes thedatathat they seek often they
stressed the importance of compilingdatathat will improve services the
about the quality of thedatathat would be obtained tests
of ssta members concerns aboutdatatransmission we met the sqa
matching of two bits ofdatawe cannot follow the audit
end an enormous amount ofdatawill arrive late in the
is is not just thedataitself but ideology surrounding the
i want to talk aboutdatacollecting and monitoring the report
that and showed that thedatawe would get would be
to capture properly the originaldataentries the reason for that
we have managed to obtaindatafor the next six months
the error in the sampledatafor the study public attitudes
a to provide the originaldatasheets for all alleged hen
the request for the initialdatathe fact is that that
spanish have requested that theirdatabe kept confidential in the
it intends to review recentdataindicating that internet websites encouraging
the operations unit handle thedatathat come into and go
modelling techniques and private sectordatawe intend to pursue that
will be able to inspectdatasecurity at any point and
blind spots in the currentdata15 43 alex johnstone north
itself but ideology surrounding thedataand eh effectively an i
and familial networks kin linkdatadoric speakers known to the
each individual topic analyses thedatain a different way one
there wis nae mistakkin thedataneil duguid s kidneys war
failure to capture and implementdataproperly the seb and scotvec
at any time transferred personaldatato any country outwith the
suitable program to manipulate thedatawhen we first started doing
to go back and checkdataand figures mr macintosh you
began to break down anddataentry began to break down
brilliance and desperation i needdatato help me make up
evening erm i have naedatanothing er to analyse er
has stored them in itsdatabank already i hope it
a video conferencin suite andatabank centre forbye a kinno
ben his computers an dnadatabanks sikkin a match fur
o pouer an inflood odatafrae a virus say cud

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