
See this word as a collocate cloud

mary scanlon alex johnstone mrdaviddavidson alex fergusson david mundell
by david mundell alex fergussondaviddavidson ben wallace phil gallie
by david mundell alex fergussondaviddavidson ben wallace phil gallie
david mundell alex fergusson mrdaviddavidson david mcletchie mr brian
supported by alex johnstone mrdaviddavidson david mundell mr brian
sheridan mr keith harding mrdaviddavidson david mundell robin harper
tricia marwick tommy sheridan mrdaviddavidson david mundell s1m 1043
march 2001 richard lochhead mrdaviddavidson david mundell s1m 1737
on 9 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson david mundell s1m 1738
march 2001 richard lochhead mrdaviddavidson david mundell tricia marwick
alex johnstone david mundell mrdaviddavidson fergus ewing alex fergusson
david mundell david mcletchie mrdaviddavidson lord james douglas hamilton
mundell mr brian monteith mrdaviddavidson mr john scott mr
david mundell michael russell mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe andrew wilson
scott mr murray tosh mrdaviddavidson phil gallie david mundell
margaret mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidgordon south of scotland con
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con mundell david south
ingram david mundell tricia marwickdavidmcletchie brian adam s1m 1756
supported by mr murray toshdavidmcletchie david mundell nick johnston
david mundell mr brian monteithdavidmcletchie dorothy grace elder donald
by john scott david mundelldavidmcletchie mr david davidson lord
mr brian monteith david mundelldavidmcletchie mr murray tosh mrs
monteith phil gallie david mundelldavidmcletchie mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
mr murray tosh david mundelldavidmcletchie phil gallie s1m 70
mr murray tosh david mundelldavidmcletchie s1m 70 alex neil
supported by mr murray toshdavidmundell 38 in section 1
mr murray tosh supported bydavidmundell 40 in section 1
that that other person shoulddavidmundell 43 in section 1
that that other person shoulddavidmundell 45 in section 1
robson david mundell s1m 1123davidmundell abuse of older and
mary scanlon mr jamie mcgrigordavidmundell alex fergusson alex johnstone
19 may 1999 supported bydavidmundell alex fergusson david davidson
19 may 1999 supported bydavidmundell alex fergusson david davidson
the road network supported bydavidmundell alex fergusson mr david
term supported by richard lochheaddavidmundell alex fergussonr irene mcgugan
supported by mr murray toshdavidmundell alex johnstone alex fergusson
got to look at ssisdavidmundell amazingly i asked to
i make this pledge todavidmundell and all the members
apologies have been received fromdavidmundell and ken macintosh is
laurels we have already metdavidmundell and shirley bell only
get there eventually i congratulatedavidmundell and the other members
months supported by michael russelldavidmundell andrew wilson mr michael
that the parliament agrees thatdavidmundell be appointed to the
michael matheson mr duncan hamiltondavidmundell ben wallace john young
murray tosh mr lloyd quinandavidmundell ben wallace s1m 1107
murray tosh mrs lyndsay mcintoshdavidmundell bill aitken lord james
donald gorrie mr adam ingramdavidmundell bill aitken mrs lyndsay
michael russell mrs lyndsay mcintoshdavidmundell bill aitken nick johnston
mcletchie alex johnstone mary scanlondavidmundell brian monteith keith harding
mcletchie alex johnstone mary scanlondavidmundell brian monteith keith harding
lodged on 5 october 2000davidmundell business bulletin 190 2000
lodged on 9 february 2001davidmundell business bulletin 55 2001
ben wallace hugh henry convenerdavidmundell cathy jamieson deputy convener
fergusson linda fabiani michael russelldavidmundell colin campbell mr duncan
a hash symbol s1m 3238davidmundell congratulations to gretna football
is not a borders namedavidmundell correctly referred to the
leading supported by john scottdavidmundell david mcletchie mr david
supported by mr brian monteithdavidmundell david mcletchie mr murray
mr brian monteith phil galliedavidmundell david mcletchie mrs lyndsay
lyndsay mcintosh mr murray toshdavidmundell david mcletchie phil gallie
lyndsay mcintosh mr murray toshdavidmundell david mcletchie s1m 70
order robert burns motion debateddavidmundell david mundell south of
fiona hyslop mr kenny macaskilldavidmundell donald gorrie andrew wilson
s1w 6139 r supported bydavidmundell donald gorrie bill aitken
dorothy grace elder shona robisondavidmundell donald gorrie fiona hyslop
mr brian monteith bristow muldoondavidmundell donald gorrie linda fabiani
campbell mary scanlon alex neildavidmundell donald gorrie mr jamie
and islands convention supported bydavidmundell donald gorrie mr jamie
mr jamie stone allan wilsondavidmundell donald gorrie ms sandra
alex fergusson mr brian monteithdavidmundell dorothy grace elder donald
keith harding mr brian monteithdavidmundell dorothy grace elder donald
6 march 2002 christine grahamedavidmundell dorothy grace elder linda
wallace alex johnstone john scottdavidmundell dorothy grace elder mr
by bristow muldoon janis hughesdavidmundell dr elaine murray fiona
many individual crofters s1m 1442davidmundell dumfries and galloway standard
by phil gallie alex fergussondavidmundell euan robson ian jenkins
neil fiona mcleod s1m 1162davidmundell exam crisis that the
supported by mr brian monteithdavidmundell fergus ewing alex fergusson
murdo fraser mr keith hardingdavidmundell fergus ewing phil gallie
alex fergusson mr keith hardingdavidmundell fiona hyslop john scott
by bristow muldoon janis hughesdavidmundell fiona hyslop margaret jamieson
to the debate i thankdavidmundell for lodging the motion
scott ayr con i thankdavidmundell for securing this debate
resist doing so i thankdavidmundell for this opportunity to
beside shirley bell to whomdavidmundell has already referred and
mr kenneth macintosh hugh henrydavidmundell helen eadie mr kenneth
could look at as welldavidmundell i have the pleasure
or rail is not practicaldavidmundell i thank the minister
kenny macaskill convener bristow muldoondavidmundell ian welsh the meeting
timber traffic rhona brankin asdavidmundell is no doubt aware
to this committee members thanksdavidmundell it was two years
28 june 2000 supported bydavidmundell john young phil gallie
people with ms supported bydavidmundell karen whitefield ms jackie
00012 in the name ofdavidmundell leave out from including
12 in the name ofdavidmundell leave out predicted and
scotland supported by michael russelldavidmundell lord james douglas hamilton
alex johnstone mr murray toshdavidmundell lord james douglas hamilton
lloyd quinan dr richard simpsondavidmundell margaret jamieson cathy peattie
david davidson mrs nora radcliffedavidmundell margaret jamieson mr lloyd
mr duncan hamilton brian adamdavidmundell mary scanlon michael russell
tommy sheridan ms margo macdonalddavidmundell mary scanlon s1m 1115
by donald gorrie roseanna cunninghamdavidmundell maureen macmillan lord james
mcgrigor brian adam fiona hyslopdavidmundell maureen macmillan mrs margaret
to be writing a speechdavidmundell mentioned the website that
kenneth gibson mr murray toshdavidmundell michael matheson christine grahame
sheridan fiona mcleod christine grahamedavidmundell michael russell fiona hyslop
alex fergusson mr keith hardingdavidmundell michael russell mr david
andrew wilson ms sandra whitedavidmundell michael russell mr kenneth
lodged on 9 may 2000davidmundell mike watson karen whitefield
mr david davidson phil galliedavidmundell miss annabel goldie john
the cost of air traveldavidmundell moved amendment s1m 3154
purpose across the entire networkdavidmundell moved amendment s1m 3229
macaskill michael russell phil galliedavidmundell mr adam ingram s1m
alex johnstone mr david davidsondavidmundell mr brian monteith david
individuals and businesses supported bydavidmundell mr brian monteith mr
dorothy grace elder alex johnstonedavidmundell mr david davidson fergus
ms fiona mcleod des mcnultydavidmundell mr gil paterson mrs
standards supported by bill aitkendavidmundell mr jamie mcgrigor mr
by dennis canavan malcolm chisholmdavidmundell mr john mcallion robert
lodged on 11 november 1999davidmundell mr john mcallion s1m
mr kenny macaskill alex fergussondavidmundell mr keith harding bruce
tricia marwick mr brian monteithdavidmundell mr keith harding nick
ms margo macdonald mary scanlondavidmundell mr kenneth gibson s1m
macmillan robin harper rhoda grantdavidmundell mr murray tosh alex
goldie bruce crawford bill aitkendavidmundell mr murray tosh cathie
aitken mary scanlon alex fergussondavidmundell mr murray tosh mr
mr david davidson alex fergussondavidmundell mr murray tosh mr
irene mcgugan mrs lyndsay mcintoshdavidmundell mrs nora radcliffe shona
lodged on 6 march 2002davidmundell ms sandra white linda
lodged on 4 march 2002davidmundell ms sandra white linda
make progress with the projectdavidmundell name dropper allan wilson
douglas hamilton mrs margaret ewingdavidmundell nick johnston bill aitken
mr murray tosh david mcletchiedavidmundell nick johnston mr jamie
douglas hamilton mr jamie mcgrigordavidmundell nick johnston mrs lyndsay
adam ingram ms sandra whitedavidmundell nora radcliffe tavish scott
mr kenneth gibson robert browndavidmundell nora radcliffe tavish scott
the subject of s1m 3499davidmundell nuisance to communities caused
many a while i congratulatedavidmundell on lodging the motion
1506 in the name ofdavidmundell on robert burns motion
federation i have to correctdavidmundell on the visitscotland com
that at the next meetingdavidmundell one of the things
jamieson tricia marwick nick johnstondavidmundell patricia ferguson janis hughes
lodged on 15 september 1999davidmundell phil gallie donald gorrie
john scott mr murray toshdavidmundell phil gallie dorothy grace
munro donald gorrie s1m 3932davidmundell post office card accounts
the subject of s1m 3932davidmundell post office card accounts
entire network s1m 3229 1davidmundell railways in scotland as
allan wilson s1m 3229 1davidmundell railways in scotland as
the subject of s1m 1506davidmundell robert burns wednesday 31
keith harding mr david davidsondavidmundell robin harper donald gorrie
neil fiona mcleod s1m 361davidmundell rural sub post offices
tommy sheridan mr david davidsondavidmundell s1m 1043 dorothy grace
macdonald des mcnulty euan robsondavidmundell s1m 1123 david mundell
lodged on 5 october 2000davidmundell s1m 1247 youth hostels
lodged on 25 october 2000davidmundell s1m 1279 east coast
lodged on 31 october 2000davidmundell s1m 1290 gas safety
lodged on 9 november 2000davidmundell s1m 1328 young runaways
lodged on 9 november 2000davidmundell s1m 1331 library of
lodged on 15 november 2000davidmundell s1m 1350 rail link
november 2000 mr adam ingramdavidmundell s1m 1362 dangerous and
mr adam ingram trish godmandavidmundell s1m 1365 cosmetic shoeing
lodged on 20 november 2000davidmundell s1m 1368 drug assisted
lodged on 23 november 2000davidmundell s1m 1389 home and
lodged on 24 november 2000davidmundell s1m 1391 meals on
november 2000 mr gil patersondavidmundell s1m 1396 dispensing of
mr jamie stone nick johnstondavidmundell s1m 1478 2001 un
lodged on 12 february 2001davidmundell s1m 1643 media coverage
richard lochhead mr david davidsondavidmundell s1m 1737 rector of
march 2001 mr david davidsondavidmundell s1m 1738 the stigma
march 2001 mr adam ingramdavidmundell s1m 1763 specialist clinic
november 1999 mrs margaret ewingdavidmundell s1m 270 east coast
7 march 2002 michael russelldavidmundell s1m 2852 10th anniversary
7 march 2002 michael russelldavidmundell s1m 2856 don t
smith ian jenkins paul martindavidmundell s1m 3268 scottish traditional
lodged on 25 november 2002davidmundell s1m 3633 scottish executive
ms margo macdonald mary scanlondavidmundell s1m 981 fiona mcleod
and their families supported bydavidmundell shona robison christine grahame
sandra white mr alex fergussondavidmundell shona robison mrs kay
success in australia supported bydavidmundell shona robison pauline mcneill
brankin jackie baillie elaine thomsondavidmundell shona robison richard lochhead
brankin jackie baillie elaine thomsondavidmundell shona robison richard lochhead
talk about timber transportation 5davidmundell south of scotland con
colleagues in the liberal democratsdavidmundell south of scotland con
in europe day 17 29davidmundell south of scotland con
helen eadie dunfermline east labdavidmundell south of scotland con
and allocate the work accordinglydavidmundell south of scotland con
lab bristow muldoon livingston labdavidmundell south of scotland con
macmillan highlands and islands labdavidmundell south of scotland con
changes nicol stephen i willdavidmundell south of scotland con
mr kenneth macintosh eastwood labdavidmundell south of scotland con
lochhead north east scotland snpdavidmundell south of scotland con
burns global legacy 17 27davidmundell south of scotland con
burns motion debated david mundelldavidmundell south of scotland con
mrs mary mulligan linlithgow labdavidmundell south of scotland con
any nhs board would facedavidmundell south of scotland con
october 2001 mr murray toshdavidmundell stewart stevenson lord james
3171 in the name ofdavidmundell that the parliament notes
brown euan robson s1m 12davidmundell that the parliament notes
welsh bruce crawford s1m 12davidmundell that the parliament notes
a question from my colleaguedavidmundell the minister was unable
and islands snp i thankdavidmundell this has been one
financing schools s1f 2428 6davidmundell to ask the first
football grounds s1f 1593 5davidmundell to ask the first
galloway police force s1w 3622davidmundell to ask the presiding
the chamber office s1w 3431davidmundell to ask the presiding
8 september 1999 s1w 1421davidmundell to ask the presiding
to date r s1w 3623davidmundell to ask the presiding
imports to france s1w 3430davidmundell to ask the presiding
parliament buildings r s1w 3624davidmundell to ask the presiding
if so when s1w 15777davidmundell to ask the scottish
to an individual s1w 9226davidmundell to ask the scottish
taken to date s1w 9224davidmundell to ask the scottish
to an individual s1w 9225davidmundell to ask the scottish
videoconferencing facilities r s1w 3628davidmundell to ask the scottish
school examination results s1w 9221davidmundell to ask the scottish
prosecution schemes s1o 1769 21davidmundell to ask the scottish
applied retrospectively s1o 381 29davidmundell to ask the scottish
lothian and linlithgow s1w 9218davidmundell to ask the scottish
otherwise disposed of s1w 3621davidmundell to ask the scottish
an nhs dentist s1w 15771davidmundell to ask the scottish
loan sharks s1o 5433 8davidmundell to ask the scottish
the convictions were s1w 28482davidmundell to ask the scottish
the current year s1w 28481davidmundell to ask the scottish
ethical standards s1o 439 20davidmundell to ask the scottish
dumfries and galloway s1w 15774davidmundell to ask the scottish
5 april 2001 s1w 15021davidmundell to ask the scottish
will be distributed s1w 7130davidmundell to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 26354davidmundell to ask the scottish
guidelines are r s1w 3627davidmundell to ask the scottish
of caplefoot tundergarth s1w 17649davidmundell to ask the scottish
goats near moffat s1w 17648davidmundell to ask the scottish
parliament information centre s1w 17647davidmundell to ask the scottish
and skills s1o 5767 5davidmundell to ask the scottish
individual trunk road s1w 26356davidmundell to ask the scottish
trunk road routes s1w 26357davidmundell to ask the scottish
videoconferencing facilities r s1w 3625davidmundell to ask the scottish
to edinburgh airport s1w 6028davidmundell to ask the scottish
water charges s1o 1525 25davidmundell to ask the scottish
woodend farm johnstonebridge s1w 17650davidmundell to ask the scottish
the current year s1w 28483davidmundell to ask the scottish
reports to date s1w 6033davidmundell to ask the scottish
of dental health s1w 15775davidmundell to ask the scottish
public bodies s1o 3309 11davidmundell to ask the scottish
full planning controls s1w 14965davidmundell to ask the scottish
dentist may have s1w 15773davidmundell to ask the scottish
been the outcome s1w 6029davidmundell to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 26895davidmundell to ask the scottish
deer farmers s1o 327 12davidmundell to ask the scottish
in engineering s1o 4657 8davidmundell to ask the scottish
of 14 s1o 111 19davidmundell to ask the scottish
the highlands s1o 5842 9davidmundell to ask the scottish
receive dental treatment s1w 15772davidmundell to ask the scottish
in 2001 02 s1w 32843davidmundell to ask the scottish
volumes of paper s1w 27537davidmundell to ask the scottish
have been discussed s1w 14963davidmundell to ask the scottish
against the authority s1w 28533davidmundell to ask the scottish
to date were s1w 15778davidmundell to ask the scottish
braidwood house lanarkshire s1w 28480davidmundell to ask the scottish
s1o 3805 8 withdrawn 9davidmundell to ask the scottish
is now available s1w 29251davidmundell to ask the scottish
health board area s1w 15770davidmundell to ask the scottish
and officials r s1w 3626davidmundell to ask the scottish
health board area s1w 15769davidmundell to ask the scottish
system for aberdeen s1w 33546davidmundell to ask the scottish
at heathrow airport s1w 33545davidmundell to ask the scottish
bodies in scotland s1w 9220davidmundell to ask the scottish
school education s1o 5362 21davidmundell to ask the scottish
in the nhs s1w 15768davidmundell to ask the scottish
stockholm farm beattock s1w 17651davidmundell to ask the scottish
social services departments s1w 9227davidmundell to ask the scottish
hospital cleaning s1o 6372 28davidmundell to ask the scottish
and mouth disease s1w 15020davidmundell to ask the scottish
october 2000 s1o 3270 27davidmundell to ask the scottish
dumfries and galloway s1w 15019davidmundell to ask the scottish
11 march 2003 s1w 34606davidmundell to ask the scottish
scottish qualifications authority s1w 15017davidmundell to ask the scottish
and d 2002 s1w 34607davidmundell to ask the scottish
of 14 s1o 111 19davidmundell to ask the scottish
dumfries and galloway s1w 15018davidmundell to ask the scottish
on farming s1o 6432 14davidmundell to ask the scottish
to local authorities s1w 14964davidmundell to ask the scottish
of elder abuse s1w 9228davidmundell to ask the scottish
since their introduction s1w 7138davidmundell to ask the scottish
scottish parliament elections s1w 28479davidmundell to ask the scottish
of tobacco marketing supported bydavidmundell tommy sheridan donald gorrie
during this period supported bydavidmundell tommy sheridan dorothy grace
mr gil paterson irene mcgugandavidmundell tricia marwick brian adam
richard lochhead mr adam ingramdavidmundell tricia marwick david mcletchie
david davidson mr adam ingramdavidmundell tricia marwick dr elaine
richard lochhead mr david davidsondavidmundell tricia marwick nora radcliffe
the subject of s1m 3171davidmundell visitscotland funding of dumfries
and works of robert burnsdavidmundell was right about the
adam ben wallace s1m 943davidmundell webcasts of parliament that
vacancy for the lead partdavidmundell will be welcome to
honour d much respected frienddavidmundell with his honest sonsie
you not look at ssisdavidmundell yes we look at
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con munro
mrs mary linlithgow lab mundelldavidsouth of scotland con murray
west of scotland snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con neil
and upper nithsdale snp mundelldavidsouth of scotland con paterson
scotland and fife con mundelldavidsouth of scotland con scanlon
scotland and fife con mundelldavidsouth of scotland con scanlon
mcletchie david lothians con mundelldavidsouth of scotland con scanlon
scotland and fife con mundelldavidsouth of scotland con scanlon
scotland and fife con mundelldavidsouth of scotland con scott
scotland and fife con mundelldavidsouth of scotland con scott
you re no getting indaviddavid mcletchie i can assure
david mcletchie bristow muldoon mrdaviddavidson cathy jamieson rhoda grant
mcletchie dennis canavan nick johnstondaviddavidson colin campbell murray tosh
mcintosh mr lloyd quinan mrdaviddavidson david mcletchie ben wallace
mcletchie mr keith raffan mrdaviddavidson michael matheson alex fergusson
lloyd quinan david mcletchie mrdaviddavidson tricia marwick ben wallace
henry central fife lab mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon michael hamilton
henry central fife lab mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon michael hamilton
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
henry central fife lab mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
henry central fife lab mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
henry central fife lab mcletchiedavidlothians con mcmahon mr michael
west of scotland snp mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
west of scotland snp mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
lyndsay central scotland con mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
west of scotland snp mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
west of scotland snp mcletchiedavidlothians con monteith mr brian
bill stage 2 section 1davidmcletchie 1 in section 1
to take in the matterdavidmcletchie 2 in section 1
insert or any other enactmentdavidmcletchie 3 in section 1
satisfied we will do thatdavidmcletchie after all this time
2 june 2000 christine grahamedavidmcletchie alex fergusson mr keith
aitken michael russell christine grahamedavidmcletchie alex fergusson mr keith
john scott mr murray toshdavidmcletchie alex fergusson mrs lyndsay
lloyd quinan mr keith hardingdavidmcletchie alex fergusson nick johnston
the school open supported bydavidmcletchie alex johnstone alex fergusson
poll was held supported bydavidmcletchie alex johnstone john scott
james douglas hamilton annabel goldiedavidmcletchie alex johnstone mary scanlon
james douglas hamilton annabel goldiedavidmcletchie alex johnstone mary scanlon
mcgrigor donald gorrie mary scanlondavidmcletchie alex neil s1m 248
april should that be necessarydavidmcletchie although people s thoughts
places such as arbroath whichdavidmcletchie and iain duncan smith
farewell from this place asdavidmcletchie and john swinney have
debate on long term caredavidmcletchie asked about the 7
lloyd quinan mr david davidsondavidmcletchie ben wallace alex johnstone
canavan nick johnston maureen macmillandavidmcletchie bristow muldoon mr david
for example the mugging ofdavidmcletchie by ian jenkins in
sheridan fiona mcleod linda fabianidavidmcletchie colin campbell lord james
jim wallace mr john swinneydavidmcletchie colin campbell mrs mary
gibson alex neil christine grahamedavidmcletchie colin campbell scott barrie
of scotland bill s1m 4055davidmcletchie council of the law
by brian monteith bill aitkendavidmcletchie dennis canavan nick johnston
phil gallie mr keith hardingdavidmcletchie donald gorrie christine grahame
harding bill aitken nick johnstondavidmcletchie donald gorrie fiona mcleod
tricia marwick mr kenny macaskilldavidmcletchie donald gorrie mr brian
at 3 30pm s1m 610davidmcletchie european convention on human
that have been raised bydavidmcletchie expectations should be high
together for discussion supported bydavidmcletchie fiona mcleod mr adam
mr jack mcconnell i thankdavidmcletchie for giving advance notice
uk government in doing sodavidmcletchie i accept what the
will the member give waydavidmcletchie i am sorry but
will the member give waydavidmcletchie i am sorry but
re no getting in daviddavidmcletchie i can assure mr
first minister henry mcleish likedavidmcletchie i extend warm greetings
march 2001 miss annabel goldiedavidmcletchie ian jenkins mr brian
improving patient care s1m 2207davidmcletchie improving patient care that
tommy sheridan mr jamie mcgrigordavidmcletchie irene mcgugan michael russell
the matter to one sidedavidmcletchie it is not a
lloyd quinan mrs margaret ewingdavidmcletchie john scott mike watson
mr jamie mcgrigor bill aitkendavidmcletchie john scott mr murray
2207 in the name ofdavidmcletchie leave out from built
2207 in the name ofdavidmcletchie leave out from built
2207 in the name ofdavidmcletchie leave out from welcomes
2207 in the name ofdavidmcletchie leave out from welcomes
marwick tommy sheridan s1m 1114davidmcletchie long term care that
lodged on 24 october 2001davidmcletchie lord james douglas hamilton
term financial problems supported bydavidmcletchie lord james douglas hamilton
lodged on 24 october 2001davidmcletchie lord james douglas hamilton
children and education supported bydavidmcletchie lord james douglas hamilton
state for scotland meetings 2davidmcletchie lothians con i congratulate
members quietly and with courtesydavidmcletchie lothians con i welcome
what must happen 12 10davidmcletchie lothians con it is
salmond banff and buchan snpdavidmcletchie lothians con mr jim
the parliament applause 15 41davidmcletchie lothians con on occasions
john swinney north tayside snpdavidmcletchie lothians con the deputy
lyon argyll and bute lddavidmcletchie lothians con the deputy
1 may cabinet meetings 2davidmcletchie lothians con to ask
evincing malice scottish cabinet 2davidmcletchie lothians con to ask
european council cabinet meetings 2davidmcletchie lothians con to ask
on 8 june supported bydavidmcletchie mary scanlon mr jamie
his many friends supported bydavidmcletchie mary scanlon s1m 1502
johnstone alex fergusson phil galliedavidmcletchie michael russell tommy sheridan
the subject of s1m 913davidmcletchie milestone house hospice 2
mackay be appointed as ministersdavidmcletchie moved amendment s1m 1297
30 against 83 abstentions 0davidmcletchie moved amendment s1m 1299
33 against 84 abstentions 3davidmcletchie moved amendment s1m 2012
of scotland bill stage 3davidmcletchie moved s1m 4055 that
russell lord james douglas hamiltondavidmcletchie mr adam ingram alex
mr keith harding murdo fraserdavidmcletchie mr adam ingram lord
neil lord james douglas hamiltondavidmcletchie mr adam ingram mr
mr jamie mcgrigor mary scanlondavidmcletchie mr alex neil nick
alex fergusson mr david davidsondavidmcletchie mr brian monteith mary
about the proposals supported bydavidmcletchie mr brian monteith mrs
phil gallie mr lloyd quinandavidmcletchie mr david davidson tricia
jim wallace mr john swinneydavidmcletchie mr duncan hamilton s1m
gorrie des mcnulty nora radcliffedavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor dorothy
johnston phil gallie alex fergussondavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor lord
tosh phil gallie alex fergussondavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor lord
hamilton nick johnston phil galliedavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor margaret
north east england supported bydavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor michael
john scott mr keith hardingdavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor phil
brian monteith mrs lyndsay mcintoshdavidmcletchie mr jamie mcgrigor tommy
supported by mr john swinneydavidmcletchie mr jim wallace s1m
linda fabiani mr michael mcmahondavidmcletchie mr keith harding dr
lodged on 2 june 2000davidmcletchie mr keith harding dr
mr john mcallion fergus ewingdavidmcletchie mr keith harding michael
mr john swinney linda fabianidavidmcletchie mr keith harding mr
in may 2000 supported bydavidmcletchie mr keith harding mr
annabel goldie mr jamie mcgrigordavidmcletchie mr keith harding mr
johnston bill aitken fergus ewingdavidmcletchie mr keith harding robin
roseanna cunningham mr jamie mcgrigordavidmcletchie mr keith raffan mr
douglas hamilton mr lloyd quinandavidmcletchie mrs lyndsay mcintosh dr
johnstone lord james douglas hamiltondavidmcletchie mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
nick johnston mr murray toshdavidmcletchie nicola sturgeon mr jamie
will the member give waydavidmcletchie no let us not
elder donald gorrie alex fergussondavidmcletchie phil gallie mr kenneth
stable family life supported bydavidmcletchie phil gallie nora radcliffe
peattie donald gorrie iain smithdavidmcletchie proposed council of the
the subject of s1m 1932davidmcletchie proposed cuts to the
him again in the futuredavidmcletchie thank you very much
and to meeting it successfullydavidmcletchie the big problem is
in the very near futuredavidmcletchie the new secretary of
s cabinet s1f 1742 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
main priorities s1f 163 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
for scotland s1f 1678 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
s cabinet s1f 2195 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
to raise s1f 2442 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
to raise s1f 954 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
for scotland s1f 1082 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
s cabinet s1f 1928 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
s cabinet s1f 1982 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
s cabinet s1f 2608 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
they discussed s1f 1 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
uk parliament s1f 335 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
to raise s1f 1483 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
s cabinet s1f 2421 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
they discussed s1f 1576 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
to raise s1f 2493 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
to discuss s1f 1243 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
to raise s1f 1186 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
be discussed s1f 260 2davidmcletchie to ask the first
strategy is called s1w 34856davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
and promotion bill s1w 28540davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 34187davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
education policy s1o 318 2davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
transport policy s1o 194 2davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 91 2davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
for similar authorisation s1w 8753davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
were discussed s1o 400 2davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
b east dunbartonshire s1w 23074davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
regional selective assistance s1w 31816davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
be tried anywhere s1w 14586davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
of concordats s1o 258 2davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
in scotland s1o 91 2davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
necessary medication free s1w 34337davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
bonnybridge railway station s1w 2581davidmcletchie to ask the scottish
mr keith harding nora radcliffedavidmcletchie tommy sheridan donald gorrie
alex fergusson mr keith hardingdavidmcletchie tommy sheridan s1m 351
even a cynic such asdavidmcletchie who sits and preaches
november 20 on 8 novemberdavidmcletchie wrote to the first
west of scotland snp mcletchiedavidwilliam lothians con mcmahon michael
and what were the reactionsdavideaglesham at both meetings we
scripts for the reasons thatdavideaglesham gave we use youngsters
ssta about the issues thatdavideaglesham has just described those
in the street john kellydavideaglesham has largely covered the
despite warnings from the unionsdavideaglesham i do not know
the experience of classroom practitionersdavideaglesham i know of no
dominate practice in those areasdavideaglesham i was referring to
and asked for your viewdavideaglesham in our evidence on
case that did not happendavideaglesham in our written evidence
to run smoothly this yeardavideaglesham in response to brian
of major knock on consequencesdavideaglesham in theory one could
member s inquiry mr macintoshdavideaglesham is saying that there
and issuing process this summerdavideaglesham it would be nice
will develop the point thatdavideaglesham made i emphasise again
sent to the scottish executivedavideaglesham my association was committed
relation to their predicted resultsdavideaglesham one of our great
it i would probably endorsedavideaglesham s views we must
benefit given that from whatdavideaglesham said there is a
not have wanted to heardavideaglesham scottish secondary teachers association
cairns headteachers association of scotlanddavideaglesham scottish secondary teachers association
whose advice was he followingdavideaglesham that question is difficult
summer might have been averteddavideaglesham the impact of the
on brian monteith s pointdavideaglesham the return of papers
the problem had been resolveddavideaglesham there is a problem
undue and possibly damaging hastedavideaglesham there was haste that
mr macintosh i will askdavideaglesham this question which is
summer were largely operational likedavideaglesham we could not and
told the results of examsdavideaglesham when the examination diet
reduced we have heard fromdavidelliot about videoconferencing in what
for dealing with the situationdavidelliot although it sounds awful
you that at any stagedavidelliot bill arundel and i
effect a continuing seb unitdavidelliot by and large that
other people in the organisationdavidelliot by that time yes
name of that unit againdavidelliot committee and appointments i
problem i am sure thatdavidelliot could inform you of
easton headteachers association of scotlanddavidelliot former director of awards
its meetings were minuted appropriatelydavidelliot former director of awards
in situ at the timedavidelliot given the number of
be notes of those meetingsdavidelliot i cannot recall they
or to their line managersdavidelliot i could not say
copied minutes of such meetingsdavidelliot i had access to
stage in june or julydavidelliot i had not spoken
miller gave us on mondaydavidelliot i have not michael
that you needed to waitdavidelliot i took over the
ahead at an earlier stagedavidelliot i was not involved
data management that is whatdavidelliot is saying too the
with what you think happeneddavidelliot it does not i
slipping even at the beginningdavidelliot it is true that
control of what was happeningdavidelliot it was my responsibility
during july was it earlierdavidelliot it was not earlier
shed any light on thatdavidelliot jack greig was responsible
responsible for appointing the markersdavidelliot my colleague don giles
were your reports made informallydavidelliot no i reported formally
raise that with you subsequentlydavidelliot no michael russell so
were the videoconferences digitally recordeddavidelliot no they were not
to become the operations unitdavidelliot not exactly one of
from the it section theredavidelliot not that i recall
been helpful in the situationdavidelliot of course the situation
what was said and donedavidelliot of the board meetings
from the information technology sectiondavidelliot philip banks was from
was using the new softwaredavidelliot responsibility for developing the
holidays furthermore he said thatdavidelliot s attitude to the
ron tuck i agree withdavidelliot s comment that the
i would support everything thatdavidelliot said about events leading
what was your contingency plandavidelliot that is a very
go out of the sqadavidelliot that is correct mr
no alternative is that correctdavidelliot that is the pressure
work in the operations unitdavidelliot the blueprint was for
management system did not deliverdavidelliot the fallback would have
we have not had themdavidelliot the meetings were to
suffered by members of staffdavidelliot the operations unit was
a back up paper systemdavidelliot the paper system is
for the entering of datadavidelliot the seb used the
the head of their unitdavidelliot the sense of alarm
people work for the sqadavidelliot the sqa has more
did the job change radicallydavidelliot the staff of the
have been doing something elsedavidelliot the staff were very
that came into the buildingdavidelliot the system for handling
to use it 12 30davidelliot the users the operations
being coped with and reduceddavidelliot the way in which
that the sqa was facingdavidelliot there was a failure
was there continuity of staffdavidelliot there was great continuity
have said something earlier ondavidelliot there was probably a
everything is fine 12 45davidelliot this is a very
unit to help it alongdavidelliot this is a very
would jeopardise the final programmedavidelliot those dates were not
that there should have beendavidelliot we accepted as a
used in october last yeardavidelliot we had a demanding
those who have sent itdavidelliot when a file containing
be slipping is that rightdavidelliot when i took over
arundel work in your divisiondavidelliot yes bill arundel was
what you are talking aboutdavidelliot yes michael russell you
00015 in the name ofdaviddavidson add at end the
2003 present brian adam mrdaviddavidson alasdair morgan tom mccabe
is addressed to my colleaguedaviddavidson and dated the end
spoke in the debate includingdaviddavidson and donald gorrie not
source of the misunderstanding thatdaviddavidson and i share mr
nicola sturgeon and we welcomedaviddavidson and jamie stone i
budget several members such asdaviddavidson and mike watson talked
scotland s1m 68 2 mrdaviddavidson as an amendment to
duncan hamilton also present wasdaviddavidson as reporter to the
that have been raised alreadydaviddavidson asked a question that
that the parliament agrees thatdaviddavidson be appointed to the
the emotive language but mightdaviddavidson be willing to concede
johnstone miss annabel goldie mrdaviddavidson ben wallace john scott
gallie dr winnie ewing mrdaviddavidson ben wallace mr brian
supported by mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson ben wallace mr jamie
duncan hamilton bill aitken mrdaviddavidson ben wallace pauline mcneill
mcleod mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson ben wallace s1m 941
lord james douglas hamilton mrdaviddavidson bill aitken alex johnstone
lord james douglas hamilton mrdaviddavidson bill aitken alex johnstone
lord james douglas hamilton mrdaviddavidson bill aitken ben wallace
lord james douglas hamilton mrdaviddavidson bill aitken miss annabel
mcintosh miss annabel goldie mrdaviddavidson bill aitken mr keith
wallace mr keith raffan mrdaviddavidson cathie craigie kate maclean
fiona mcleod mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson cathy jamieson mr kenneth
kenneth gibson brian adam mrdaviddavidson christine grahame fergus ewing
outside the chamber peter peacockdaviddavidson complained that there was
2002 present rhona brankin mrdaviddavidson deputy convener margaret jamieson
mary scanlon s1m 997 mrdaviddavidson diabetes uk that the
12 june 2001 present mrdaviddavidson donald gorrie adam ingram
fiona mcleod ben wallace mrdaviddavidson dorothy grace elder shona
scanlon ms elaine thomson mrdaviddavidson dr sylvia jackson tommy
shona robison karen whitefield mrdaviddavidson elaine smith mrs mary
donald gorrie maureen macmillan mrdaviddavidson elaine smith nora radcliffe
brian adam michael russell mrdaviddavidson elaine thomson cathie craigie
fiona mcleod michael matheson mrdaviddavidson fergus ewing robin harper
richard simpson s1m 184 mrdaviddavidson food standards agency location
is welcome in response todaviddavidson i say that i
health for society the convenerdaviddavidson intimated to me some
solution s1m 3228 1 mrdaviddavidson investment in public infrastructure
gray s1m 3228 1 mrdaviddavidson investment in public infrastructure
would be very welcome perhapsdaviddavidson is most likely to
matter that was asked bydaviddavidson lewis macdonald said the
lloyd quinan mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson linda fabiani ms sandra
aitken mr jamie mcgrigor mrdaviddavidson lodged on 01 may
johnstone mr jamie mcgrigor mrdaviddavidson lord james douglas hamilton
andrew wilson michael matheson mrdaviddavidson lord james douglas hamilton
scott barrie bruce crawford mrdaviddavidson lord james douglas hamilton
may supported by phil galliedaviddavidson lynsay mcintosh nick johnston
on the personal comparisons thatdaviddavidson made as a good
lord james douglas hamilton mrdaviddavidson mary scanlon mr keith
robin harper margaret smith mrdaviddavidson mary scanlon s1m 1219
jamieson mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson mary scanlon s1m 897
their constituency on the issuedaviddavidson mentioned pharmacies in estates
fiona mcleod nick johnston mrdaviddavidson miss annabel goldie dr
62 against 55 abstentions 1daviddavidson moved amendment s1m 3155
the best value solution mrdaviddavidson moved amendment s1m 3228
am 1 scottish tourism mrdaviddavidson moved s1m 1216 that
on 15 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson mr adam ingram david
jamie mcgrigor mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson mr brian monteith fergus
march 2001 michael russell mrdaviddavidson mr brian monteith s1m
harding mr brian monteith mrdaviddavidson mr george reid cathy
adam ingram alex neil mrdaviddavidson mr gil paterson ben
lyndsay mcintosh michael matheson mrdaviddavidson mr gil paterson ms
brian monteith nick johnston mrdaviddavidson mr jamie mcgrigor mr
elaine murray richard lochhead mrdaviddavidson mr kenneth gibson mr
brian adam robert brown mrdaviddavidson mr kenneth gibson robin
tommy sheridan mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson mr kenneth gibson s1m
tricia marwick tommy sheridan mrdaviddavidson mr kenneth gibson s1m
ben wallace christine grahame mrdaviddavidson mr kenneth gibson shona
march 2001 richard lochhead mrdaviddavidson mr kenny macaskill tricia
irene mcgugan fiona mcleod mrdaviddavidson mr kenny macaskill tricia
alasdair morgan fergus ewing mrdaviddavidson mr lloyd quinan mr
mcallion mr andrew welsh mrdaviddavidson mr lloyd quinan robin
lochhead mr kenneth gibson mrdaviddavidson mr murray tosh elaine
hamilton mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson mr murray tosh mr
phil gallie michael russell mrdaviddavidson mrs lyndsay mcintosh ian
in scotland supported by mrdaviddavidson mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
23 june supported by mrdaviddavidson mrs lyndsay mcintosh mr
keith harding linda fabiani mrdaviddavidson mrs margaret ewing mr
sheridan mrs kay ullrich mrdaviddavidson mrs nora radcliffe david
gorrie mr jamie mcgrigor mrdaviddavidson ms pauline mcneill mr
neil mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson ms sandra white mary
lochhead mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson ms sandra white mary
russell mr brian monteith mrdaviddavidson ms sandra white robin
christine grahame fiona mcleod mrdaviddavidson ms sandra white s1m
johnston phil gallie lynsay mcintoshdaviddavidson murray tosh alex fergusson
johnston phil gallie lynsay mcintoshdaviddavidson murray tosh alex fergusson
brian monteith mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson nick johnston ben wallace
fergusson mr keith harding mrdaviddavidson nick johnston john scott
may supported by phil galliedaviddavidson nick johnston lynsay mcintosh
macdonald mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson nick johnston mr brian
alex fergusson mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson nick johnston phil gallie
by mr jamie mcgrigor mrdaviddavidson nick johnston s1m 1045
paterson mrs margaret ewing mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe mary scanlon
brian monteith fiona hyslop mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe mr jamie
jamie mcgrigor phil gallie mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe ms margo
christine grahame shona robison mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe robin harper
keith harding christine grahame mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe tavish scott
kenneth gibson bruce crawford mrdaviddavidson nora radcliffe tricia marwick
should present to them mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
scotland and fife snp mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
north east scotland snp mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
scotland and for aberdeen mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
radical change in priorities mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
angus snp deputy convener mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
if they so wish mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
of scotland 11 13 mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
at present 15 50 mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
thank you very much mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
west of scotland snp mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
that effort 15 57 mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
douglas hamilton lothians con mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
north lab committee members mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
make of oral evidence mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
the following also attended mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
wilson central scotland snp mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
in a professional capacity mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
toryland debate 10 18 mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
tommy sheridan glasgow ssp mrdaviddavidson north east scotland con
58 in the name ofdaviddavidson on the fish processing
jamie mcgrigor donald gorrie mrdaviddavidson pauline mcneill s1m 233
2001 mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson phil gallie business bulletin
robert brown dennis canavan mrdaviddavidson phil gallie mr kenneth
available for charities however asdaviddavidson pointed out over the
maureen macmillan s1m 322 mrdaviddavidson prudence in scottish parliamentary
wilson george lyon also presentdaviddavidson rhoda grant john munro
donald gorrie fiona mcleod mrdaviddavidson richard lochhead s1m 256
robert brown margaret smith mrdaviddavidson roseanna cunningham mary scanlon
alasdair morgan margaret smith mrdaviddavidson roseanna cunningham mr duncan
use the projects andrew wilsondaviddavidson s point strikes me
the less we also hearddaviddavidson s speech he was
duncan hamilton bruce crawford mrdaviddavidson s1m 1101 mr brian
gorrie mr brian monteith mrdaviddavidson s1m 1210 donald gorrie
r mr kenneth gibson mrdaviddavidson s1m 1267 tommy sheridan
on 27 february 2001 mrdaviddavidson s1m 1692 show racism
on 6 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson s1m 1695 st andrews
on 5 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson s1m 1716 edinburgh zoo
on 6 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson s1m 1718 generic drugs
march 2001 richard lochhead mrdaviddavidson s1m 1722 effect of
on 7 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson s1m 1729 glasgow women
on 23 march 2001 mrdaviddavidson s1m 1787 community nurses
russell mr jamie mcgrigor mrdaviddavidson s1m 1790 definition of
fiona mcleod fergus ewing mrdaviddavidson s1m 290 mr nick
mcintosh mr jamie mcgrigor mrdaviddavidson s1m 337 linda fabiani
by dorothy grace elder mrdaviddavidson s1m 3969 angus mackay
kingdom supported by ben wallacedaviddavidson s1m 733 1 roseanna
johnston mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson s1m 934 irene mcgugan
neil mrs lyndsay mcintosh mrdaviddavidson s1m 936 mr keith
richard lochhead alasdair morgan mrdaviddavidson shona robison alex neil
adam mr brian monteith mrdaviddavidson shona robison mr andrew
fiona mcleod mary scanlon mrdaviddavidson shona robison s1m 259
want to rethink and letdaviddavidson speak first elaine thomson
none i was amazed thatdaviddavidson talked about the constraints
the possible risks to safetydaviddavidson talked about the minister
maureen macmillan shona robison mrdaviddavidson tavish scott ian jenkins
editorial adjustments s1m 15 mrdaviddavidson that the parliament agrees
may 1999 s1m 15 mrdaviddavidson that the parliament agrees
2 billion i cannot offerdaviddavidson the opportunity to respond
policy s1f 1934 6 mrdaviddavidson to ask the first
the parliament s1w 33952 mrdaviddavidson to ask the presiding
authority area s1w 33718 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
rural areas s1w 20853 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
the market s1w 9843 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
treaty provisions s1w 9844 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
rural areas s1w 20852 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
this matter s1w 20850 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
scottish ports s1w 1152 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
give notice s1w 9872 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
of referral s1w 33717 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
five years s1w 33720 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
by flooding s1w 33731 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
s area s1w 33732 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
maintenance contracts s1w 31107 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
research laboratory s1w 9879 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
industry s1o 6304 26 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
housing associations s1w 31111 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
lighting installed s1w 33729 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
three years s1w 33730 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
eating disorder s1w 33719 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
they live s1w 33736 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
registration dentists s1w 33733 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
eating disorder s1w 33723 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
village halls s1w 31109 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
their services s1w 20854 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
indicators set s1w 31108 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
board area s1w 33721 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
further payment s1w 33741 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
training courses s1w 20849 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
roads maintenance s1w 33724 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
scotland s1o 395 16 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
provisions s1o 6454 9 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
re specified s1w 33725 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
be applied s1w 33727 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
eating disorder s1w 33722 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
on demand s1w 33742 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
how much s1w 33716 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
the uk s1w 33735 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
housing associations s1w 31110 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
to 2002 s1w 31106 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
service delivery s1w 20851 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
their graduation s1w 7672 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
latheron cemetery s1w 33740 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
and macduff s1w 33728 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
peripheral route s1w 33726 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
pharmacy services s1w 33734 mrdaviddavidson to ask the scottish
was coming up the roaddaviddavidson told me that he
valley s1m 3818 1 mrdaviddavidson transforming public finance for
amendment s1m 3818 1 mrdaviddavidson transforming public finance for
scott mr brian monteith mrdaviddavidson tricia marwick mary scanlon
irene mcgugan karen whitefield mrdaviddavidson tricia marwick mr jamie
ullrich mr duncan hamilton mrdaviddavidson tricia marwick richard lochhead
march 2001 richard lochhead mrdaviddavidson tricia marwick s1m 1740
fees are being funded alreadydaviddavidson wanted to know where
is nothing to do withdaviddavidson wants to stay with
the public and the taxpayerdaviddavidson was absolutely right the
trend i will quote todaviddavidson what his mentor michael
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab d davidsondavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
glasgow baillieston lab davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con deacon
of scotland snp davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
roseanna perth snp davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
roseanna perth snp davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
bill glasgow con davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
roseanna perth snp davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
roseanna perth snp davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
bill glasgow con davidson mrdavidnorth east scotland con douglas
edinburgh west ld steel sirdavidmartin scott lothians ld stephen
officer sir david steel sirdavids experience commitment and the
mr w steel john allandavidservice wm cully hugh howie
mr george reid 44 sirdavidsteel 82 abstentions 3 applause
that the convener received fromdavidsteel about his speaking to
in the scottish constitutional conventiondavidsteel and harry ewing became
two previous years had beendavidsteel and hugh macdiarmid i
resuming the presiding officer sirdavidsteel before we begin question
30 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel before we begin this
resuming the presiding officer sirdavidsteel before we begin this
order the presiding officer sirdavidsteel before we come to
back the chair to sirdavidsteel decision time 16 04
ferguson the presiding officer sirdavidsteel decision time 27 march
election that i am gladdavidsteel did not win in
interruption the presiding officer sirdavidsteel far too many conversations
expresses its gratitude to sirdavidsteel for his service to
expresses its gratitude to sirdavidsteel for his service to
expresses its gratitude to sirdavidsteel for his service to
add the word interim sirdavidsteel has agreed to be
spcb in this tribute todavidsteel he has been a
staffing the presiding officer sirdavidsteel i am concerned that
35 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel i am minded to
committee the presiding officer sirdavidsteel i am perfectly happy
58 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel i see that i
scotland the presiding officer sirdavidsteel i thank members for
correctly the presiding officer sirdavidsteel if you will be
no better summary of sirdavidsteel in his role in
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
pm members presiding officer sirdavidsteel in the chair deputy
and margaret smith for sirdavidsteel in the election for
of the members voted sirdavidsteel is elected as the
interpreters the presiding officer sirdavidsteel it is appropriate that
made the presiding officer sirdavidsteel it was karen whitefield
warmth and particular personal pleasuredavidsteel led my party in
paterson central scotland snp sirdavidsteel lothians ld mr jamie
and fife snp stood sirdavidsteel lothians ld stood dr
question s1w 3275 by sirdavidsteel on 27 december 1999
question s1w 3268 by sirdavidsteel on 27 december 1999
our meetings and will pressdavidsteel on the matter again
partnership the presiding officer sirdavidsteel our final item of
do the presiding officer sirdavidsteel question 2 has been
3 applause accordingly as sirdavidsteel received more votes than
jumping up and down anddavidsteel replied that s no
you gave earlier and sirdavidsteel s advice on the
anyone who was at sirdavidsteel s dinner for retiring
indicated by the information indavidsteel s letter mr john
paragraph in particular of sirdavidsteel s letter to dennis
been some key themes todavidsteel s political career during
that is a perspective thatdavidsteel shares and has demonstrated
our first presiding officer sirdavidsteel sir david s experience
day the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the final item of
languages the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the final item today
convention the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the main debate this
all the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the member did everything
nurses the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
motions the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
elderly the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
00 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
sector the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
11 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
motion the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
motion the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
04 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
04 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel the next item of
05 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel there are five questions
00 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel there are nine questions
01 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel there are seven questions
04 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel there are three questions
officers the presiding officer sirdavidsteel this time members should
reflection the presiding officer sirdavidsteel to lead our time
reflection the presiding officer sirdavidsteel to lead our time
instance from the time thatdavidsteel was last elected when
qualifications the presiding officer sirdavidsteel we come now slightly
language the presiding officer sirdavidsteel we move to the
00 the presiding officer sirdavidsteel we now come to
bill the presiding officer sirdavidsteel we now move to
wallace the presiding officer sirdavidsteel we now proceed to
justice mr jim wallace sirdavidsteel will be pleased and
am not confident that sirdavidsteel will be retiring i
received mr george reid sirdavidsteel will each of the
years of the parliament sirdavidand all of us wish
dignity in his work sirdavidand i share a specific
engaged with us and sirdavidand other members have represented
however the stance that sirdavidand others took undoubtedly helped
unstinting we thank you sirdavidas well as george reid
range that means that sirdavidbecame a member of parliament
division scottish ambulance service sirdavidcarter chief medicial officer scottish
1707 knowing how much sirdavidcherishes this hard fought for
decided to stand against sirdaviddespite the fact if memory
office as presiding officer sirdaviddonned the mantle of political
indeed i think that sirdaviddrafted the scottish liberal party
that as colleagues know sirdavidfor the first couple of
to john reid has sirdavidgiven any indication of john
in the scottish parliament sirdavidhad also been one of
may be more familiar sirdavidhas been instrumental in defending
the past four years sirdavidhas defended and promoted the
long political career that sirdavidhas had in scotland he
served scotland well and sirdavidhas served scotland well he
dignified way in which sirdavidhas undertaken his responsibilities he
fife snp i congratulate sirdavidi have known him personally
burgeoning collection and so sirdavidi say to you go
jewish communities thank you sirdavidit is an immense privilege
and the works of sirdavidlyndsay today while a performance
in middle scots by sirdavidlyndsay was also performed in
essay on his scottishness sirdavidquotes john buchan describing his
and indeed he has sirdavidrepresented his constituents in roxburgh
is a measure of sirdavids authority that after four
the final theme of sirdavids career that i will
i have sympathised with sirdavids challenge when he has
much time and commitment sirdavids commitment to fighting racism
the liberal movement worldwide sirdavids experience which is not
in the early 1990s sirdavids political philosophy has not
has changed around him sirdavids presence has given us
is with real pleasure sirdavidthat i ask you to
parliament before i invite sirdavidto take the chair mr
i am sure that sirdavidwill ensure that the parliament
language our tongue and laterdavidlyndsay of the mount also
monteith in that case whatdavidmiller was explaining to us
voddie soon in january 1834daviddouglas climbed mauna kea returning
earl of douglas and ofdavidhis brother who were both
get on without worrying aboutdavidmurray i was going to
south west scotland newton abbotdavidcharles 1969 smith david l
south west railway newton abbotdavidcharles 1980 smith david l
abbot david charles 1969 smithdavidl rusting rails by lochryan
abbot david charles 1980 smithdavidl the little railways of
that i deliberately made todavidmiller in context david miller
to david miller in contextdavidmiller knew perfectly well and
abandoned private sector properties mrdavidcleghorn dedridge community council will
committee heard evidence from councillordavidgreen convenor mr arthur mccourt
the topic was 20 mrdavidkidney stafford will the leicestershire
graeme donald assistant director mrdavidmallen assistant director mr kenneth
and poison put down mrdavidmclean tommy carson the schoolteacher
and rural affairs department mrdavidrogers head of sepa sponsorship
federation of supporters clubs mrdavidthomson assistant secretary scottish football
federation of supporters clubs mrdavidthomson assistant secretary scottish football
federation of housing associations anddavidbookbinder the policy officer for
green road while radio officerdavidbroadfoot resided round the corner
scottish estates the crown estatedavidhowell national strategy officer scottish
public access controllers elizabeth blackdavidfrazer brian wales shift managers
take evidence from executive officialsdaviddickson mary bradley leslie gardiner
divers robert duncan mary dudgeondavidevans charles forsyth jean hex
tango ing man i wasdavidattenburgh man i was michael
east the soil that nurtureddavidwas a rich loam of
praesidium and the conservative mpdavidheathcoat amory lord maclennan of
cranmer byng kenneth rexroth anddavidcobb the english neo classical
seen s been on tellydavidniven john wayne kenneth more
walker john wilkie thomas wooddavidyoung james young facilities management
ask cosla the same questionsdavidorr said that it was
going to ask our frienddavidwhat he thinks not tonight
tea and tamils two brothersdavidand john middleton travelled to
fairclough project officers john patersondavidgilmour audit office audit adviser
i would say john ordavidor william use their names
1872 john jackson boghall 1877davidreid boghall 1877 alexander adams
jannetta director of finance councillordavidalexander scottish executive angus mckay
witnesses pat bagot communities scotlanddavidbookbinder scottish federation of housing
measures that might benefit tenantsdavidbookbinder scottish federation of housing
brown dr ron stagg anddavidcassidy from the scottish executive
in modern english poetry whiledavidcraig in scottish literature and
deputy minister for rural developmentdaviddalgetty scottish executive rural affairs
annually managed expenditure 15 45daviddalgetty scottish executive rural affairs
scottish law commission robert williamsondaviddunkley scottish executive environment and
meetings from the scottish executivedavideliot it was not always
the following scottish executive officialsdavidford branch head fisheries strategy
scottish letters the century fromdavidhume s treatise of human
history of scottish poetry drdavidirving lecture notes on ubi
aal freen an former bossdavidmurison editor o the scottish
when i got to knowdavidmurison editor of the scottish
to make on that subjectdavidorr scottish federation of housing
authorities iain mcmillan cbi scotlanddavidorr scottish federation of housing
clerk eugene windsor assistant clerkdavidsimpson 14 september 1999 scottish
will take evidence from councillordavidsuckling scottish borders council 4
willie dunn economic development spokespersondavidvalentine chairman of the scottish
the languages of scotland murisondavid1977 the guid scots tongue
scotland stephen dunmore chief executivedavidcampbell nof board member for
gas and electricity markets authoritydavidhalldearn ofgem director scotland and
century imported into scotland bydavidi and his largely anglo
of prisons for scotland anddavidmcallister assistant chief inspector of
of prisons for scotland anddavidmcallister assistant chief inspector of
scotland clerk to the committeedavidmcgill senior assistant clerk anne
practice manager for communities scotlanddavidorr the chief executive of
committee stephen imrie assistant clerkdavidsimpson location committee room 2
first minister s men bydavidblack is not currently stocked
for its deep water facilitydavidl smith the first writer
able to predict their scaledavidorr in the first instance
him the first minister covereddavids political career in some

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