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28 august 2002 the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
offences bill subordinate legislation birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
ssi 2003 88 the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
following negative instruments the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
2003 rural development the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
2003 rural development the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
20 december 2000 the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
2003 rural development the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
culture and sport the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
2003 rural development the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
s discussion subordinate legislation birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
superannuation act 1972 the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
2003 rural development the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
the first is the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
ssi 2000 444 the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
following negative instrument the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
ssi 2002 389 the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
2003 rural development the birthsdeathsmarriages and divorces fees scotland
a district registrar for birthsdeathsand marriages and a flying
328 the registration of birthsdeathsand marriages fees scotland order
sport the registration of birthsdeathsand marriages fees scotland order
offices registrar general of birthsdeathsand marriages for scotland keeper
on the registration of birthsdeathsand marriages in scotland outlined
of the registration of birthsdeathsand marriages scotland act 1965
of the registration of birthsdeathsand marriages scotland act 1965
that is inherent in birthsdeathsand marriages we in dumfries
register births still births anddeathsas well as marriages they
of records of births anddeathsheld by the general register
expertise in marriage births anddeathsonce a registrar goes into
almost 60 of premature maledeathsare from coronary heart disease
almost 60 of premature maledeathsare from coronary heart disease
accounts for 13 000 prematuredeathsin scotland each year every
part of the century prematuredeathswere far more prevalent as
confidential inquiry into methadone relateddeathsscotland 2000 s1w 24054 mary
confidential inquiry into methadone relateddeathsscotland 2000 s1w 24055 mrs
confidential inquiry into methadone relateddeathsscotland 2000 s1w 24109 brian
the second highest number ofdeathsfrom cancer among men in
by 16 per cent anddeathsfrom cancer fell by 4
figures are available how manydeathsfrom prostate cancer there were
of the pattern of cancerdeathsin the east ayrshire council
reduce the number of cancerdeathsin the glasgow springburn parliamentary
the number of lung cancerdeathsin the glasgow springburn parliamentary
perform the necessary formalities fordeathsmobile registration must come to
sentinel audit into epilepsy relateddeathsin england s1w 1096 christine
the number of smoking relateddeathsin scotland it is clear
the number of alcohol relateddeathsin women s1o 5444 11
number of female alcohol relateddeathss1o 5372 25 rhona brankin
increase in the number ofdeathsfor which alcohol is the
the highest rate of tobaccodeathsin the united kingdom and
parliament recognises that approximately 272deathsin scotland were as a
is responsible for 13 500deathsa year one in five
one in five of alldeathsand for some 33 500
human to human all thedeathsthat occurred in hong kong
projections in respect of futuredeathsfrom the disease and why
confident about the number ofdeathsfrom fires in hmos in
and a significant number ofdeathsit is clear that the
estimates of the number ofdeathsthroughout the world vary the
and haunted by the doubledeathsof matilde and his father
cent in that age groupdeathsfrom stroke fell by 16
encouraging between 1997 and 2001deathsper 100 000 for under
than one in every fivedeathsand is the single biggest
the scottish executive how manydeathsof children under five have
children father mair like thedeathso themselves ah should think
or ex partner two violentdeathsevery week we are all
the sharp sayings and tragicdeathsof great men i think
the country in terms ofdeathsillness and morbidity will be
aged 35 or under whosedeathscan be attributed to suicide
in two cold arms twodeathson the ward today and
with the so called suddendeathsof three youngsters all of

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