
See this word as a collocate cloud

2000 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2003 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2000 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2003 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2000 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2001 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2003 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2003 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2000 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2000 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
2002 note dt signifies adecisiontaken at decision time the
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
signifies a decision taken atdecisiontime the meeting opened at
to the winding up speechesdecisiontime 17 00 the presiding
john farquhar munro euan robsondecisiontime 17 00 the presiding
expanding employment 5 00 pmdecisiontime business bulletin 24 1999
new businesses 5 00 pmdecisiontime business bulletin 24 1999
bureau motions 4 00 pmdecisiontime business bulletin no 52
section f 4 00 pmdecisiontime business bulletin no 58
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
for tomorrow 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
audit committee 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
2000 2001 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 6 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
15 pm 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
regulations 2002 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
october 2002 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
2003 21 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
cancer strategy 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
on housing 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
without debate 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
voluntary sector 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
on housing 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
on homelessness 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
followed by 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
cancer strategy 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
be approved 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
question time 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
2000 01 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
1999 65 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
carers strategy 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
on equalities 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
learning disabilities 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
order 1999 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
schools bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
carers strategy 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
regulations 2000 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 12 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
be passed 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
2003 49 6 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
3 15 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
secondary committees 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
disability review 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
schools bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
legislative proposals 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
2001 74 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
section f 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
section f 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
on tourism 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
executive business 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
scotland bill 5 00 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
without debate 5 00 pmdecisiontime s1m 35 mr tom
bureau motions 4 00 pmdecisiontime supported by euan robson
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 13 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 13 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 13 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 13 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 20 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 20 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 20 february 2003
bureau motions 7 00 pmdecisiontime thursday 30 january 2003
bureau motions 5 00 pmdecisiontime wednesday 7 june 2000
members allowances 5 00 pmdecisiontime wednesday 9 june 1999
parliamentary bureau motions followed bydecisiontime b that the rural
parliamentary bureau motions followed bydecisiontime followed by members business
the parliamentary bureau change ofdecisiontime that the parliament agrees
the parliamentary bureau change ofdecisiontime that the parliament agrees
motions motions moved euan robsondecisiontime europe day motion debated
motions motions moved euan robsondecisiontime osteoporosis motion debated fergus
august 1999 12 30 pmdecisiontime business bulletin 11 1999
without debate 12 30 pmdecisiontime followed by members business
business motion followed immediately bydecisionon the business motion followed
was agreed to dt 13decisiontime euan robson on behalf
was agreed to dt 7decisiontime euan robson on behalf
was agreed to dt 12decisiontime euan robson on behalf
was agreed to dt 8decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 6decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 12decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 12decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 9decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 8decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 10decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 8decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 6decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 10decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 11decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 8decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 7decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 9decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 10decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 9decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 5decisiontime the parliament took decisions
then agreed to dt 9decisiontime the parliament took decisions
was agreed to dt 9decisiontime the parliament took decisions
rule 11 2 4 thatdecisiontime be taken at 5
rule 11 2 4 thatdecisiontime on wednesday 5 july
2 4 of standing ordersdecisiontime on wednesday 5 march
the parliament has agreed thatdecisiontime should be at 5
will consider a paper 5decisiontime the committee will consider
against 29 abstentions 19 5decisiontime the parliament took a
during the periods allocated afterdecisiontime for members business if
have a say in pukdecisionmaking precisely what decisions are
against 0 abstentions 49 8decisiontime the parliament took decisions
motion was agreed to 10decisiontime the parliament took decisions
motion was agreed to 11decisiontime the parliament took decisions
motion was agreed to 13decisiontime the parliament took decisions
motion was agreed to 9decisiontime the parliament took decisions
motion was agreed to 14decisiontime the parliament took decisions
demands placed on them 4decisiontime the parliament took decisions
of members without having adecisionattached to it so that
members to make the rightdecisionif they do not local
taking to ensure that keydecisionmakers including elected members and
the committee for discussion anddecisionmembers indicated agreement common fisheries
members of the committee thedecisionmust be made on the
for members to take adecisionon those two issues which
members yes motion moved thatdecisiontime be moved to 16
members should be aware thatdecisiontime may take place a
we will now move todecisiontime members oh mr raffan
a motion to bring forwarddecisiontime members should be aware
to members today a provisionaldecisionwas made at the meeting
this chamber to take adecisionwhich implements those proposals members
than the making of adecisionabout medical treatment in relation
clearly remember making a consciousdecisionagainst it what i did
and ii in making adecisionas to the discharge by
perfectly capable of making thatdecisionfor themselves they do not
generating greater transparency in europeandecisionmaking and introducing financial impact
generating greater transparency in europeandecisionmaking and introducing financial impact
of salmon stocks to aiddecisionmaking as david dunkley inspector
public and community participation indecisionmaking at local and national
the time you talked aboutdecisionmaking being brought closer to
council of europe s keydecisionmaking body is the committee
without taking any part indecisionmaking castrated by his knowledge
provide a timetable so thatdecisionmaking could be delegated after
the heart of planning anddecisionmaking for the nhs i
inclusion of young people indecisionmaking how many young disabled
of devolved governance in eudecisionmaking however the praesidium has
significant role in shaping itsdecisionmaking i am grateful if
level of the union sdecisionmaking i regret that richard
what about local democracy anddecisionmaking i thought that prescriptive
term review of management anddecisionmaking in nhs scotland is
well informed responsive and effectivedecisionmaking in policy and practices
highlighted the importance of frameworkdecisionmaking in respect of smsas
new political system would allowdecisionmaking in scotland to be
of an inquiry into crowndecisionmaking in the case of
of an inquiry into crowndecisionmaking in the case of
is important therefore that theirdecisionmaking is transparent and can
instability lack of involvement indecisionmaking leads to feelings of
also brought in some innovativedecisionmaking methods allowing for the
should be involved in thedecisionmaking on it mr paterson
given to local authorities regardingdecisionmaking on placing requests s1w
management committees should have formaldecisionmaking power s1w 17701 colin
which will give much greaterdecisionmaking power to those with
parliament notes the exodus ofdecisionmaking power with regard to
umbilical cord is released anddecisionmaking powers are granted it
on the issue of formaldecisionmaking powers being made available
its utmost to secure formaldecisionmaking powers for any zonal
on the matter of formaldecisionmaking powers for fisheries regional
scottish executive what reductions indecisionmaking powers it would experience
system type tools and thedecisionmaking process can be embedded
and the nature of thedecisionmaking process during july michael
involvement of communities in thedecisionmaking process i therefore think
by political elites in thedecisionmaking process most of us
the group contributed to thedecisionmaking process nicola sturgeon although
to be involved in thedecisionmaking process of health boards
involve local communities in thedecisionmaking process of health boards
is embarked upon an irreversibledecisionmaking process that is unfair
of the european union sdecisionmaking process the challenge for
fed into the executive sdecisionmaking process the package was
to become involved in thedecisionmaking process to participate as
invited to contribute to thedecisionmaking process which set the
take place regarding the teamsdecisionmaking processes based on their
adopters post adoption support anddecisionmaking processes phase 2 of
and left out of thedecisionmaking processes who can forget
times should mean that europeandecisionmaking reaches right down to
to the guide to collectivedecisionmaking refers to the partnership
autonomy in local health boarddecisionmaking s1w 12218 mary scanlon
availability is likely to influencedecisionmaking s1w 33033 stewart stevenson
executive a guide to collectivedecisionmaking scottish executive ministerial committees
scientists better involving stakeholders indecisionmaking strengthening enforcement of the
issues will move into thedecisionmaking structure of the main
and young people into thedecisionmaking structures and ensure that
they are linked to formaldecisionmaking structures they show differences
to build efficient and effectivedecisionmaking that is responsive to
to which they participated indecisionmaking the extent to which
minority ethnic communities in parliamentarydecisionmaking the political parties need
midwives a greater say indecisionmaking through an increase in
eu at all levels ofdecisionmaking through the uk parliament
there is a return ofdecisionmaking to scotland the problem
far more effective discussion anddecisionmaking to take place locally
considers that greater devolution ofdecisionmaking to teachers and parents
importance of early access todecisionmaking to which i also
work i hope that ultimatelydecisionmaking will be delegated but
how its guidelines on collectivedecisionmaking will improve the governance
that we need more frameworkdecisionmaking within which we can
anybody who is making adecisionon whether to stay in
feasibility study before making adecisionregarding the preferred road route
executive and in making thedecisionto include the questions on
and ii in making theirdecisionunder subsection 1 b of
would be making a snapdecisionwe have received letters from
a prior to making anydecisionwhether to undertake any significant
person would be making thedecisionwhy did he not discuss
recognises the insensitivity of thisdecisionat a time when the
in five years time adecisioncan be made to move
new year notes that thisdecisioncomes at a time when
it will make its owndecisioni suspect that time as
time the parliament took adecisionon item 4 as noted
moving time scales for adecisionon the matter some people
take his time about thedecisionthose safeguards are built in
chair to sir david steeldecisiontime 16 04 the presiding
mr mccabe motion agreed todecisiontime 16 10 the deputy
be secondary committees euan robsondecisiontime 17 01 the presiding
ssi 2001 310 euan robsondecisiontime 17 05 the presiding
point of order mrs smithdecisiontime 17 18 the deputy
presiding officer sir david steeldecisiontime 27 march 2003 scottish
8 june 1999 immediately afterdecisiontime a debate on the
past the scheduled time fordecisiontime and that we need
statement to be made beforedecisiontime as is required by
minister for communities jackie bailliedecisiontime british sign language motion
motion will be put atdecisiontime criminal justice bill the
against 53 abstentions 0 10decisiontime decision were taken on
motion was agreed to 8decisiontime euan robson on behalf
motion motion moved euan robsondecisiontime european day of languages
for over an hour afterdecisiontime had taken place on
take the ministerial statement beforedecisiontime i am now going
mr russell we move todecisiontime i am sorry i
the presiding officer that concludesdecisiontime i now close the
steel before we come todecisiontime i wish to make
be put to chamber atdecisiontime interruption order last week
the parliament agreed to 9decisiontime mr tom mccabe on
motion was agreed to 4decisiontime mr tom mccabe on
we have to move todecisiontime mrs margaret smith edinburgh
we will then proceed todecisiontime ms margo macdonald lothians
4 of the standing ordersdecisiontime of the meeting of
4 of the standing ordersdecisiontime of the meeting of
the herald 10 june 1999decisiontime on price of parliament
of the standing orders thatdecisiontime on thursday 2 may
of the standing orders thatdecisiontime on thursday 24 may
2 4 of standing ordersdecisiontime on wednesday 26 march
of the standing orders thatdecisiontime on wednesday 29 january
the presiding officer that concludesdecisiontime osteoporosis the deputy presiding
for parliament mr tom mccabedecisiontime points of order robert
minister for justice angus mackaydecisiontime scots and gaelic motion
that we need to concludedecisiontime shortly i intend to
made before rather than afterdecisiontime the deputy presiding officer
to supporting the bill atdecisiontime the deputy presiding officer
george reid we move todecisiontime there is only one
abstentions 0 10 decision timedecisionwere taken on items 1
would be inconsistent with adecisionalready taken at the same
the executive has taken adecisionbefore committees of the parliament
directive lydia wilkie a commissiondecisioncould be taken by the
that you ve taken thisdecisiondeana i maun win awa
ask the scottish executive whatdecisionhas been taken in relation
only issue on which adecisionhas been taken is that
know the verdict because thedecisionis i believe being taken
the parliament has taken adecisionis not sooner rather than
in full before any ultimatedecisionis taken i asked him
it will ensure that nodecisionis taken on closing child
say on what ground adecisionis taken thereafter there is
easton obviously if a strategicdecisionis taken to carry out
a committee has taken adecisionon an instrument and reported
field scale trials with nodecisionon commercialisation to be taken
field scale trials with nodecisionon commercialisation to be taken
give a commitment that adecisionon that will be taken
not want an over hastydecisionphil gallie it has taken
be pooled and then adecisionshould be taken on the
the scottish parliament to thedecisionthat can be taken in
cannot marry that with thedecisionthat has been taken on
andy kerr i find thedecisionthat has been taken unbelievable
the committee to reconsider thedecisionthat it has already taken
we cannot renege on adecisionthat we have already taken
not taken into account thedecisionwas not made by the
the consultation process until thedecisionwas taken bruce crawford i
farmers were consulted before thedecisionwas taken to designate the
in a planned way thedecisionwas taken to return exam
by the radio stations thedecisionwas taken to switch the
b p not surprisingly thedecisionwas taken to terminate the
back into its programme thedecisionwas then taken that all
speak to the motion thedecisionwould be taken by the
committee to revisit its originaldecisionin my view the decision
decision in my view thedecisionto have a registration scheme
process took account of thatdecisionalthough we have had a
took the view that thedecisionhad been made to designate
glasgow health board took adecisionin advance of reporting to
when the executive took itsdecisionit was against the wishes
group when it took adecisionthat effectively allowed unit assessments
early on we took thedecisionthat we wanted to develop
scottish ministers took the originaldecisionthe process will reflect careful
sue ryder care took thedecisionto close binny house when
sighted when it took thedecisionto do what it did
council took an all partydecisionto oppose it it is
it so they took thedecisionto run the line in
being involved in the finaldecisioni take it that you
for that before a finaldecisionis confirmed two issues arise
fully considered before any finaldecisionis made regarding the future
meeting at which a finaldecisionis scheduled for this item
options so that a finaldecisionmight be reached in the
panel s report a finaldecisionon an application is a
will not make a finaldecisionon the amount of our
did not reach a finaldecisionon the commission s proposal
place and when a finaldecisionon the service s future
ministers will make the finaldecisionon what action to take
and believes that the finaldecisionover consent for nuclear power
and believes that the finaldecisionover consent under the electricity
and believes that the finaldecisionover consent under the electricity
our scrutiny when the finaldecisionrests with the lead committee
not really get a finaldecisiontill the end of may
are happy for the finaldecisionto be the scottish executive
will not reach a finaldecisiontoday but the view has
option of deferring any finaldecisionuntil the parliament has been
to petitioner informing him ofdecisioncommittee also agreed to pass
the summer months and adecisionbeing made by scottish ministers
the parliament regrets the recentdecisionby aberdeen city council to
been informed of the planningdecisionby angus council which will
and insert further welcomes thedecisionby forth valley nhs board
resolves that failing a favourabledecisionby her majesty s government
that the parliament notes thedecisionby hm chief inspector of
in the light of thedecisionby judicial factors to close
parliament notes with concern thedecisionby lanarkshire primary care nhs
that the parliament condemns thedecisionby nick brown minister for
premier league clubs following thedecisionby rangers and celtic to
that the parliament welcomes thedecisionby scottish enterprise to work
that the parliament welcomes thedecisionby scottish enterprise to work
that the parliament welcomes thedecisionby scottish enterprise to work
its response is to thedecisionby strathclyde passenger transport not
condemns the unilateral and disgracefuldecisionby sue ryder care to
parliament notes with dismay thedecisionby the argyll and antrim
that the parliament welcomes thedecisionby the bank of scotland
it has held concerning thedecisionby the church of scotland
august 2000 recognises that thedecisionby the council will deny
me it was genuinely adecisionby the english minister it
the light of the recentdecisionby the environment agency to
proteins and minerals welcomes thedecisionby the eu to fund
the scottish executive whether thedecisionby the health board for
that the parliament notes thedecisionby the labour administration running
certain areas condemns the disgracefuldecisionby the liberal democrat independent
aberdeenshire in response to thedecisionby the liberal democrat independent
the parliament deplores the recentdecisionby the national library of
msp for consideration debate andecisionby the pairlament or a
member for consideration debate anddecisionby the parliament or a
deep concern at the recentdecisionby the scottish football association
damaged irreparably by the wrongdecisionin these matters the figures
has any concerns about thedecisionmade by greater glasgow and
as required by the frameworkdecisionon non cash means of
when it will reach adecisionon the application by dumfries
when it will announce thedecisionon the application submitted by
when it will announce adecisionon the current proposals by
to petitioner informing him ofdecisionpe109 petition by mr frank
to petitioner informing him ofdecisionpe110 petition by greater easterhouse
to petitioner informing him ofdecisionpe114 petition by julia clarke
to petitioner informing him ofdecisionpe121 petition by mr frank
inform the member of hisdecisionprovision of text by member
regulation which has forced thedecisionratified by the general assembly
where by virtue of adecisionreferred to in paragraph a
to reverse this ill conceiveddecisionsupported by kay ullrich richard
to seek reconsideration of thisdecisionsupported by richard lochhead mr
personal and nursing care adecisionthat was welcomed by help
group as represented by itsdecisionto celebrate and congratulate itself
may be compromised by adecisionto divulge the value of
we were pleased by thedecisionto phase in the programme
open and accountable way adecisionto revoke should be by
comment which was that thedecisionwill be made by scottish
notes however that the recentdecisionfor the favoured site of
notes however that the recentdecisionfor the favoured site of
defence orders welcomes the recentdecisionof bae management to share
robertson msp regarding the recentdecisionof the ec standing veterinary
meeting to take forward thedecisionof the recent göteborg european
executive whether the recent courtdecisionrelating to temporary sheriffs applies
example gordon brown s recentdecisionto increase national insurance contributions
of thailand on which adecisionis expected shortly notes that
parliament notes with concern thedecisionnot to reinstate arbroath to
that the parliament notes thedecisionof sheriff gimblett in october
that the parliament notes thedecisionof the department for education
a whole further notes thedecisionof the justice 2 committee
a whole further notes thedecisionof the justice 2 committee
that the parliament notes thedecisionof the minister for health
that the parliament notes thedecisionof the scottish media group
the parliament notes that adecisionon the award of the
parliament notes with concern thedecisionto announce a one year
parliament notes with concern thedecisionto announce a one year
parliament notes with concern thedecisionto award a public service
there be between a commissiondecisionand a change to the
do not expect a commissiondecisionbefore february as i said
do not expect a commissiondecisionbefore february in my comments
in anticipation of the commissiondecisionbeing adopted the fsa are
we could expect a commissiondecisionearly next year that would
and which requires a commissiondecisionfor clarification the wording of
on a commission proposal thedecisionis referred upwards to the
commission 2000 proposal for adecisionof the european parliament and
2 commission proposals and councildecisionon tacs for 2003 in
right to request review ofdecisionfor subsection 4 substitute 4
right to request review ofdecisionfor subsection 4 substitute 4
right to request review ofdecisionin section 35a of the
right to request review ofdecisionin subsection 2 before paragraph
welcomes the scottish executive sdecisionin the spending review 2000
welcomes the scottish executive sdecisionin the spending review 2000
subsection 4 substitute 4 adecisionreached on review may be
subsection 4 substitute 4 adecisionreached on review may be
executive to review urgently itsdecisionto exclude the hardy aberdeen
executive to review urgently itsdecisionto exclude the hardy aberdeen
review of jack straw sdecisionto make an exception to
whether it will review thedecisionto refuse compensation to patients
rape crisis centre in itsdecisionto seek a judicial review
aberdeenshire council to review thisdecisionurgently in order that services
the process is flawed thedecisionif it is allowed to
motion the presiding officer thedecisionon that motion will be
presiding officers to reconsider theirdecisionunfortunately we are not party
committee had made a differentdecisionon lloyd quinan s motion
agrees that further to thedecisionon motion s1m 1 on
submitted a motion for adecisionon the preparation of a
the council as the maindecisionmaker with the european parliament
that the parliament commends thedecisionof historic scotland to apply
that the parliament regrets thedecisionof marks and spencer plc
that the parliament regrets thedecisionof marks and spencer plc
that the parliament applauds thedecisionof the chancellor of the
plans to take following thedecisionof the european parliament s
that the parliament deplores thedecisionof the video appeal committee
the european parliament has codecisionrights has increased from 15
parliament should be given codecisionrights or on how far
parliament was rewarded with codecisionthe equal right with the
parliament to make that importantdecisionthis evening yesterday in the
i welcome the executive sdecisionto give way to parliament
scottish parliament to reverse thedecisionto increase north of scotland
denmark has submitted a draftdecisionto the annual meeting of
for scotland prior to adecisionbeing made on the replacement
would be made after adecisionhad been made and the
had been ill when thedecisionhad been made to reject
revisit the matter when adecisionhas already been made the
or other media until adecisionhas been made as to
management in scotland although nodecisionhas been made as yet
when i come to adecisionhas been made at some
to the scottish executive adecisionhas to be made about
that have already made thatdecisionhave done so on the
thinkin ah made the wrangdecisioni know you he said
reports to the acdap adecisionis made acdap advise education
and staff so that thedecisionis made in the knowledge
vouchers for food until adecisionis made on their cases
authorisation is cancelled when thedecisionis made or when the
o clock to see whatdecisionis made that makes sense
that is considered when thedecisionis made whether to grant
paragraph a insert za anydecisionmade as a result of
it stew pause a groupdecisionmade back then ti come
back female problem faced femaledecisionmade i know it i
re told we ve surrendereddecisionmade way up the ranks
progress our initial inquiry adecisionmust be made i asked
i had made the rightdecisionnot to go back to
the european committee made adecisionon 19 june the reason
public petitions committee made adecisionon 27 march and the
discussion about and made adecisionon chronic pain is the
their children ron tuck thedecisionthat we made was to
essentially rural origin made thedecisionto use scots a natural
the criteria on which thisdecisionwas made and invites the
ewing will recall when thedecisionwas made john farquhar munro
treasurer s return before adecisionwas made mrs a [censored: surname]
of how and why thedecisionwas made which might be
doubt we made the rightdecisionwe have made the difference
cannot make that assumption thatdecisionwill be made and reported
pharmacy strategy for scotland thedecisionwill be made in scotland
no one knows when thatdecisionwill be made john henderson
the scottish executive when adecisionwill be made on the
the scottish executive when adecisionwill be made on the
in the expectation that adecisionwould be made prior to
scottish executive to reconsider thisdecisionand agree to make up
will have to make thedecisionand create the drive to
make a statement of theirdecisionand they would have to
will listen and make herdecisionbased on it if we
trial and to make adecisioncan an international court intervene
challenge it and make anotherdecisiondr brown yes the convener
we come to make adecisioni am sure that mr
the executive will make thatdecisionin due course i thought
he not make a cleardecisionin principle now and allow
that we make the correctdecisionmr duncan hamilton highlands and
when it will make adecisionon the future of cardiac
it expects to make adecisionon the proposed gm crop
this committee to make adecisionother than to send someone
scotland we will make adecisionover the coming weeks and
make the f641: mmhm f639: decisionrather than as you say
executive should make such adecisionrationally and then follow the
when it will make adecisionregarding any bellwin funding for
but the impact on thedecisionthat our employers may make
we must make one moredecisionthe committee now needs to
we will now make adecisionthere are no standing orders
least it should make thedecisionto hand it back to
learned of scottish amicable sdecisionto make 430 compulsory and
examinations diet prior to thedecisionto make ex gratia payments
the committee said clearly thedecisionto make personal care available
european arrest warrant before frameworkdecision2002 584 jha came into
the european union council frameworkdecision2002 584 jha on the
the european union council frameworkdecision2002 584 jha on the
the european union council frameworkdecision2002 584 jha on the
the european union council frameworkdecision2002 584 jha on the
the european union 2000b councildecisionof 29 june 2000 setting
european document 291 draft councildecisionon the integration of refugees
her majesty s government sdecisionto directly incorporate the european
consent in line with thedecisionof south ayrshire council on
41 how is the codecisionprocedure between the council and
any further elements for adecisionwhich the council will take
scottish titles competing for ukdecisionbased advertising spend against uk
gone against an ombudsman sdecisionin the past six years
against the vac over itsdecisionis appalled at the high
shall be competent against adecisionof a sheriff or a
i helped campaign against thatdecisionsome battles though already lost
that in this instance thedecisionwent against the maister on
hearing system and before adecisionon a prisoners parole application
will require before reaching adecisionthat would enable us to
require before it reaches anydecisionthose matters are best described
been extremely difficult before adecisionwas reached and until the
beef industry of any prematuredecisionlodged on 27 may 1999
1999 in stornaway that thedecisionwould be reached in a
therefore we must take adecisiondo we agree to recommend
across glasgow believes that thisdecisionfails to take account of
we need to take adecisionin 2005 it would be
not like to take adecisionon a document until it
but we will take adecisionon the level of that
the icc would take thedecisionon whether what was going
disgraceful let us take thedecisionto suspend the awarding of
that other factors influence thedecisionto take up smoking in
we have to take adecisionwhich is the last week
and in particular whether thisdecisionis a result of any
whether it will reconsider thedecisionnot to allow area aid
the scottish executive whether thedecisionof the minister for health
end insert and of theirdecisionon the question whether he
known as wrecking amendments thedecisionon whether an amendment is
said is that the ultimatedecisionon whether to act on
the scottish executive when thedecisionon whether to contract out
it intends to announce itsdecisionon whether to extend its
on which to base adecisionon whether to go ahead
davidson lewis macdonald said thedecisionon whether to offer this
whether it will reconsider itsdecisionto give all the 95
revoked we consider that thedecisionwhether to approve should be
to ensure that every projectdecisionwhether to involve partnerships uk
rule 11 8 3 anydecisionat stage 2 of the
not the result of anydecisioni can recall go away
beef industry of any prematuredecisionlodged on 27 may supported
appeal mechanism to challenge anydecisionof a chief surveillance commissioner
in law has based adecisionon any incorrect material fact
however like any other governmentdecisionor venture that seeks to
reasons are for any suchdecisions1w 10895 mrs margaret ewing
to peter peacock about anydecisionthat the committee makes we
community and recognises that anydecisionto merge the cardiac units
basis i expect that anydecisionto pursue that option will
the executive to reconsider itsdecisionand ensure that victims of
cost involved be was thatdecisionbased on its not agreeing
its protocol and the frameworkdecisionon the freezing of evidence
be inhibited from recording itsdecisionthat blinds should go that
the face to clarify itsdecisionthe government is driven less
scottish executive to reconsider itsdecisionto approve the plans of
rescind its earlier and unwisedecisionto close the plant and
scottish executive what prompted itsdecisionto launch a ministerial led
be able to justify itsdecisionto say yes or no
urges jaeger to reconsider itsdecisionurgently and believes that the
continue with the case itsdecisionwill be amenable to appeal
about its proceedings and thatdecisionwill be subject to appeal
to the manx government sdecisionderek feeley there was some
and insert endorses the unanimousdecisionof the local government committee
her majesty s government sdecisionon mixed oxide fuel plant
her majesty s government sdecisionon mixed oxide fuel plant
the german government on theirdecisionto close their nuclear power
her majesty s government sdecisionto give official recognition to
her majesty s government sdecisionto provide funding to compensate
it relates to a planningdecisionat sheephill quarry in milton
know some- somebody makes adecisionat some point erm f963:
of the switch his owndecisiondarkness at his command i
like to arrive at adecisionearlier than was perhaps first
needed than is available todecisionmakers at present 32 70
are the implications of thatdecisionshould polyculture be encouraged at
it would be an onerousdecisionto decide at short notice
the committee experienced an executivedecisionto do something at the
and merits of reviewing thedecisionto locate the stone at
pleasure he communicates at herdecisionto marry donald carswell and
s vote will vindicate thedecisionto put the issue at
we await the executive sdecisionabout where we are going
to the scottish executive fordecisioninstead of the local authority
imply that the executive sdecisionon the composition of the
that the executive makes thedecisionon the recommendation of access
we could not reach adecisionthe executive which was presumably
with concern the executive sdecisionto accept the task force
regrets the scottish executive sdecisionto proceed with the gm
to be in the importantdecisionabout when the sqa should
projects when in fact thedecisioncomes down to the judgment
when ye come tae hisdecisioni was jist coming tae
regime if and when adecisionon the testing regime comes
the scotland act 1998 thedecisionon when to hold a
minutes the correctness of thedecisionwas proved when the victoria
july 2000 ojl l232 1decisionno 1934 2000 ec the
other factors that is adecisionfor them which they will
but that will be yourdecisionif that is the general
results will ensure that ourdecisionmakers and service providers have
commitment to ensuring that thedecisionon the matter will be
the chamber desk of ourdecisionor will the chamber desk
not about having a policydecisionthat the convention will be
stated that it wants adecisionthat will clarify the matter
findings will not alter herdecisionthe issue is about jobs
will have many points thedecisionto proceed to tender for
stress that this week sdecisionwill give the support of
of the rightness of thatdecisionwill the minister ensure that
light of the minister sdecisionas i do not think
right youth scotland finds thatdecisioninexplicable i invite the minister
to them i welcome thedecisionof the minister and the
minister of labour about thedecisionof the war office to
because of the minister sdecisionsignificant questions about future provision
first minister aware that hisdecisionto create an enterprise transport
should the right of codecisionbe extended or not 28
missing is the ultimate parentaldecisionthat a child should not
action that results in adecisionthat expenses as taxed should
it was consequently a kennedydecisionthat stranraer should expand and
and to come to adecisionabout it on the basis
on the verge of adecisionand i hope that the
scotland environment link on thedecisionnot to appoint a dedicated
factual position tricia marwick thedecisionon a no smoking policy
i received was that thedecisionon how to use gaelic
just is just the joyousdecisionon how to you know
accommodation while awaiting a nassdecisionon support in the light
rented accommodation des mcnulty thedecisionon that has not yet
it the case that thedecisionon the amount of their
simply the case that thedecisionon the appeal is not
tourism on 27 march nodecisionon the scottish women s
their stall to impose thedecisionon the unwilling public of
not necessarily base such adecisionon this document ross finnie
we expect to hear adecisionon this important matter sarah
given the fact that thedecisionon what we want to
arena on trial for theirdecisionony mair than the sheriff
we please come to adecisionsoon on where this is
an impact on the oftdecisionthe submission from lloyds pharmacy
we move on from ourdecisionto have a registration scheme
so on it implements thedecisionto regulate the homelessness functions
national courses ron tuck ourdecisionwas to carry on with
veto over a local authoritydecisionbut it is absolutely unacceptable
community care retains the ultimatedecisionover the location of the
the delay in reaching adecisionover the outstanding planning application
was a factor in thedecisionto choose galashiels over irvine
veto over a local authoritydecisionwhich is an outrageous proposal
advocates to account for thisdecisionand believes that the relationship
all her old powers ofdecisionand command struggling to her
a committee came to adecisionand lodged an amendment and
travel dundee to reconsider thisdecisionas a matter of urgency
travel dundee to reconsider thisdecisionas a matter of urgency
to a short term budgetdecisionas that would be quite
to be ruled inadmissible mydecisiondoes not prevent mr gallie
be able to postpone thedecisionfor a six month deferment
go to the ministers thedecisionis not for sportscotland to
easier for a london baseddecisionmaker to say i can
put forward their opinions todecisionmakers education based parliaments educative
prerogatives greater accountability of thedecisionmakers to their national and
to defer or postpone adecisionmr john munro ross skye
was it the sqa sdecisionnot to carry out concordancy
for that and that hisdecisionnot to include it was
someone seeks to challenge thedecisionof a chief surveillance commissioner
are faced with the difficultdecisionof how to balance the
honour her 90th birthday thedecisionof the committee to publicise
for people to influence thedecisionor to put alternative quality
sure that we get thisdecisionright it is important to
matters are awaiting a ministerialdecisions1w 10694 margaret jamieson to
in fact to change adecisionthe bill contains a tremendous
behind the request for morningdecisiontimes is to allow significant
3 following edward viii sdecisionto abdicate in 1936 s1
seen most clearly in thedecisionto allow candidates the use
said that they regretted yourdecisionto allow centres to amend
also mentions with regret thedecisionto allow centres to amend
say that the sqa sdecisionto allow centres to amend
were the factors behind thedecisionto approve his request for
1426 was simply an administrativedecisionto base the dry series
both for a short termdecisionto be reached and for
partners to enable the rightdecisionto be secured in december
greater glasgow health board sdecisionto continue examination of the
been some criticism of thedecisionto define the relative eu
two minds about itv sdecisionto dramatise a story so
commercial lobbyists the committee sdecisionto examine that issue was
only supported tony blair sdecisionto go to war because
radcliffe s1m 879 mike tysondecisionto grant entry for proposed
end of the day thedecisionto grant or refuse a
elder resigned because of thedecisionto have music the organist
mr neil is that thedecisionto hear the statement was
baseline evidence to underpin thedecisionto implement the retox programme
to reverse gordon brown sdecisionto increase employers national insurance
transport and the environment sdecisionto instruct that a public
one such initiative was thedecisionto introduce free local off
willie the error of hisdecisionto invest heavily in artificial
went off to explain mydecisionto juanita and the doctor
e the reasoning behind thedecisionto locate the new school
be 6 years and thedecisionto move maybe wouldn t
in an interview about hisdecisionto play hitler ken reckoned
the pregnancy the marriage thedecisionto quit studies the move
2 november 2001 for thedecisionto relocate jobs from the
the hair s breadth mydecisionto stay in mallorca rather
one year after taking thedecisionto support it that is
europe a member state sdecisionto try to withdraw from
bald truth is that thedecisionto turn the bloodlust of
star maxine peake defended thedecisionto turn the moors murders
galashiels i understand that thedecisionto which she refers is
subsection 2 or ii adecisionunder subsection 1 is to
led to believe that thedecisionwas a done deal why

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