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decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 3
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 3
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 3
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 3
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 3
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 3
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 4
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 5
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 5
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 6
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 6
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 2 7
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 4 5
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 and 2
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 1 and 6
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 2 3 4
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 2 3 and
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 2 5 7
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 3 4 5
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 3 6 7
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 3 7 8
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 3 and 5
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 4 6 8
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson items 7 and 9
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionsnote of decisions taken at
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionsnote of decisions taken at
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionsnote of decisions taken at
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionsnote of decisions taken at
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionsnote of decisions taken at
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionspb note 03 2001 note
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionspb note 08 2001 note
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
j parliamentary bureau note ofdecisionssection k progress of parliamentary
note of decisions note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
note 08 2001 note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
note of decisions note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
note 03 2001 note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
note of decisions note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
note of decisions note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
note of decisions note ofdecisionstaken at the meeting of
decisions we must influence thosedecisionshere and now we should
december will make the relevantdecisionswe must influence those decisions
scottish parliament makes laws anddecisionson many issues that affect
views of children in makingdecisionsor taking actions that affect
to be involved in thedecisionsthat affect them rhoda grant
have their say on eudecisionsthat affect them such as
the backrooms but the bigdecisionsthat affect us all and
expansive further definitions will thedecisionsof national courts be reported
a notable absence of reporteddecisionson the acts from 1892
for either national or iccdecisionsto be reported however the
be reported and the iccdecisionswill almost certainly go on
reports i think that thedecisionswill be reported and the
it should ensure that thosedecisionsare taken appropriately and locally
and running before any finaldecisionsare taken certainly so far
based on that bidding approachdecisionsare taken for the next
must ensure that the rightdecisionsare taken in december that
be done to ensure thatdecisionscan be taken quickly during
has met to date whatdecisionshave been taken further to
community i understand that nodecisionshave been taken in argyll
minister once final level iiidecisionshave been taken you will
voluntary sector groups surely strategicdecisionshave to be taken about
next meeting at which designationdecisionson sites will be taken
taken into account in forthcomingdecisionson the relocation of staff
new millennium we have takendecisionson which questions to include
always know best wherever practicaldecisionsshould be taken as close
principle of subsidiarity is thatdecisionsshould be taken at the
cfp reform and the otherdecisionstaken at the december fisheries
the reasons given for thedecisionstaken i do not believe
work which will shape thedecisionsthat are taken at the
individual tenants to participate indecisionsthat are taken by their
correct balance in the harddecisionsthat need to be taken
the two draft reports outliningdecisionsthat we have taken on
to account for the policydecisionsthey have taken iii where
on to results software suchdecisionswere being taken all the
effect that would mean thatdecisionswere being taken more centrally
run affair and the majordecisionswere taken by the two
puk decision making precisely whatdecisionsare you talking about having
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson item 3 as noted
decision time the parliament tookdecisionson item 4 and 6
the ability to influence strategicdecisionsand build skills confidence and
and how they should influencedecisionshas the executive given any
service users prior to finaldecisionsbeing reached on the contract
trade unions prior to finaldecisionsbeing reached on the contract
local consultation in reaching finaldecisionson whether to fluoridate water
responsible for taking the finaldecisionsshould ensure that these concerns
to ensure that any finaldecisionstake fully into account implications
able either to take finaldecisionsthemselves relating to the current
and be incapable of takingdecisionsa declaration on the future
department ministers had to makedecisionsabout that in taking a
requested the executive is takingdecisionsin such a way and
publicity on the activities anddecisionsof the european union taking
i sat in edinburgh takingdecisionson this matter without any
to be consulted collectively aboutdecisionsthat a landlord was taking
of ministers in taking suchdecisionswe have not been able
state could make its owndecisionsabout how we treat the
so doing make more rationaldecisionsabout its support for agriculture
public and then to makedecisionsabout the report in private
schools had to make difficultdecisionsabout whether to present in
new flexibilities to make carefuldecisionsabout which courses and units
governments govern and governments makedecisionsafter all this time all
it to make its owndecisionsand follow its own agenda
heard when the committees makedecisionsand that things are being
for local folk to makedecisionsand the ability to challenge
the ability to make fundingdecisionsat a local level there
to make the right prioritydecisionsat local level furthermore we
to allow us to makedecisionsat our next meeting it
bodies to make their owndecisionsbased on what was best
the people who make thedecisionsben wallace north east scotland
allocate our budgets and makedecisionsdaily weekly monthly and annually
today we will make thedecisionsin a normal rational way
partnership boards make funding allocationdecisionsin the public interest and
who fail to make suchdecisionsin the public interest s1w
to know not just whatdecisionslocal authorities make particularly regarding
together they make laws anddecisionson devolved matters elections to
registrars could make their owndecisionson the appropriate period tony
with their priorities make yearlydecisionson the level of funding
for the board to makedecisionson the provision of its
well we cannot make snapdecisionssimply because doing so suits
be better able to makedecisionsthat are appropriate to the
ask judges to make suchdecisionsthat is not their area
be one of the worstdecisionsthat we could possibly make
enough for us to makedecisionsthe minister s visit to
to make their own commercialdecisionswith the minimum possible interference
to make their own commercialdecisionswith the minimum possible interference
til local bodies this latsdecisionsbe made at a level
any financial interest in fundingdecisionsby these bodies and if
especially as it will enforcedecisionson elected bodies such as
to local bodies this enablesdecisionsto be made at a
level of responsibility at whichdecisionsare made that is an
are democratically elected to takedecisionsat a local level if
arrived at these level iidecisionsincreased or better targeted expenditure
on artistic grounds that hisdecisionsabout language were made a
strategy has been revealed piecemealdecisionsare being made without any
the eu institutions work howdecisionsare made and how young
transparent the way in whichdecisionsare made irene oldfather mentioned
we should do so beforedecisionsare made there is strong
a top down model wheredecisionsare made without involving teachers
talked about how should suchdecisionsbe made and how should
the average citizen and aboutdecisionsbeing made at the lowest
offset the impact of thedecisionsmade at the fisheries council
a result of deeply flaweddecisionsmade by westminster politicians prior
order that they may explaindecisionsmade during the course of
of things scots find thatdecisionsmade in london are not
a right of appeal againstdecisionsmade in planning applications under
a right of appeal againstdecisionsmade in planning applications under
is elaborated in the treatydecisionsmade to improve the european
to the localities where thedecisionsmade will have an effect
staff training and whether thedecisionson this were made within
the principle that european uniondecisionsshould always be made at
spending of that money anddecisionsthat are made about that
for nations to ensure thatdecisionsthat are made at a
are well aware of thedecisionsthat are made by our
us more confidence in thedecisionsthat are made however i
charges reflect the consequences ofdecisionsthat have been made about
has been highlighted by otherdecisionsthat have been made by
sometimes in deciphering all thedecisionsthat we have made i
times is to allow significantdecisionsto be made known to
returns clearly there are harddecisionsto be made last time
dalry for example however suchdecisionswill be made as part
situation which is that thedecisionswill be made at a
on 24 august 2001 whendecisionswill be made on the
explicit recognition of subsidiarity sodecisionswill continue to be made
such measures 3c persons makingdecisionsand exercising functions under this
postcode prescribing by making thedecisionsof nhs quality improvement scotland
we are committed to makingdecisionson grants three months before
are applied when making suchdecisionss1w 24694 michael russell to
at every point because itsdecisionsand actions impact on the
best used to inform ourdecisionsand how we ensure that
westminster to ensure that whateverdecisionsare reached at westminster as
of the impact of investmentdecisionsby the west of scotland
all individuals and organisations whosedecisionsimpact on the national park
his own artistry and artisticdecisionsfor especially in relation to
of the parliament s worstdecisionsin its short life it
the parliament of any suchdecisionss1w 31097 roseanna cunningham to
may be relevant to suchdecisionsand functions a subject only
local authorities believe that suchdecisionsare best left to them
only becomes involved in suchdecisionsin limited circumstances such as
of macro issues and microdecisionsmy advice such as it
cost are considered in suchdecisionss1w 12174 donald gorrie to
cost are considered in suchdecisionss1w 12176 mr gil paterson
sentence for subject obviously suchdecisionsshould depend upon the teacher
state to abstain on certaindecisionswithout preventing the other member
year allocations and delays indecisionson funding simply will not
some appeal mechanism against theirdecisionsangus mackay i reiterate that
wishing to appeal against planningdecisionsbusiness bulletin no 153 2001
to section 12 appeals againstdecisionsby surveillance commissioners amendments 55
question mark over whether thedecisionsfollowed best environmental practice another
on 23 october 2002 whendecisionson future spending on external
allocated to the wrong institutiondecisionson the future of europe
relation to any future policydecisionsregarding travelling people s1w 14943
aware of its work anddecisions2 scottish office ministers retained
august 26 2002 1 abstractsdecisionson the abstracts have been
warrington politicians take many difficultdecisionsevery day on many different
within which to take localdecisionsmr lloyd quinan west of
to take part in anydecisionsmr mcconnell i would have
with the council to takedecisionson a limited number of
they would have to takedecisionson increasing prices or on
they who take the importantdecisionsrather than others on their
which will take the ultimatedecisionssome convention members have also
boards and trusts to takedecisionsthat will meet local need
on increased public involvement indecisionsabout local health services we
pairlament they mak laws andecisionson devolvit maitters ivery 4
however in reality very fewdecisionsas any excluded group would
from acting the most importantdecisionshowever are put to the
and the mearns that anydecisionsfollowing the review of maternity
motion is considered clearly anydecisionson the budget of the
preclude the possibility of thosedecisionsbeing influenced by a committee
i think the executive sdecisionson 5 october were based
are concerned simply about aestheticsdecisionsabout spending should be driven
way of implementing a directivedecisionsabout the subject matter rest
children by involving them indecisionsabout their personal curriculum while
is certainly the case thatdecisionsabout which motions that are
about the implications of herdecisionsbeyond the narrow boundaries of
minister to explain why thedecisionson section 9 and section
an executive dependent on thedecisionsand goodwill of westminster after
is not entirely correct frameworkdecisionsare binding on member states
colleague michael matheson said frameworkdecisionsare binding on member states
distribute funds and if nodecisionson administration of the revenue
committee as elsewhere is thatdecisionson budget allocations in scotland
to voluntary organisations awaiting registrationdecisionson childcare workers under part
base our policy and investmentdecisionson facts not rhetoric if
in particular with regard todecisionson housing developments in rural
scottish pairlament maks laws andecisionson monie issues that affecks
to occur or for thedecisionson the forthcoming financial year
consideration in the light ofdecisionson the prosecution of companies
a much smaller population thedecisionson the size of the
of carcases of animals secondlydecisionson which of the sites
on which to base theirdecisionsthey need to understand the
opportunity to decide how europeandecisionsare implemented in scotland i
to give reasons for itsdecisionsit will give fully reasoned
and patient groups regarding itsdecisionss1w 13146 mr andrew welsh
habit review most of theirdecisionsso i am sure that
these into effective strategies anddecisionss1w 7168 mr kenneth gibson
operates will the icc sdecisionsbe merely persuasive in relation
in place or the financialdecisionsthat will lead to our
that attempt to put offdecisionsuntil another day will not
extent which aspects of thedecisionswill be reviewed and what
the web the icc sdecisionswill be very persuasive the
of the national services frameworkdecisionswill still have to be
before we discuss our substantivedecisionswe have highlighted three or
account so far for thedecisionsto dump at garlaff and
notwithstanding the importance of thedecisionswhich lie ahead jonathan glancey
for dealing with legislation ordecisionsbecause we would not have
have lost rates relief followingdecisionsby the water authorities to
who thinks dragoness thatcher sdecisionshave been vindicated the labour
not be able to overturndecisionseven if it wanted to
crop trials in light ofdecisionsby insurance companies not to
with incapacity non compliance withdecisionsof welfare guardians scotland regulations
with incapacity non compliance withdecisionsof welfare guardians scotland regulations
with incapacity non compliance withdecisionsof welfare guardians scotland regulations
of europe debate and thedecisionsthat flow from the subsequent
to the sheriff from homelessnessdecisionsand c imposing a duty
to the sheriff from homelessnessdecisionsand c imposing a duty
advanced higher although the maindecisionsas to format and changes
the people is to returndecisionsback to the member states
is to devolve power anddecisionsback to them that is
done by previous short sighteddecisionsto cut student nurse intakes
there a need for moredecisionsby a qualified majority 41
believed were unpopular but justifieddecisionsgiven the fact that the
devolving responsibility for health caredecisionswith the result that there
inform the executive s expendituredecisionsfor 2002 03 and beyond
inform the executive s expendituredecisionsfor 2002 03 and beyond
the lord advocate for prosecutiondecisionsin his or her jurisdiction

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