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extensive requirements for renewing localdemocracy3 organic farming targets scotland
extensive requirements for renewing localdemocracyafter debate the amendment was
1 report 7 renewing localdemocracyphase 2 inquiry the committee
stage 1 5 renewing localdemocracyphase 2 inquiry the committee
action team 3 renewing localdemocracyphase 2 inquiry the committee
in private 2 renewing localdemocracyphase 2 inquiry the committee
steering group 3 renewing localdemocracyphase 2 inquiry the committee
adviser for its renewing localdemocracyphase 2 inquiry was agreed
enlargement with more transparency accountabilitydemocracyand subsidiarity within the eu
and european governance on moredemocracytransparency and efficiency in the
point of departure 22 increasingdemocracytransparency and efficiency in the
the regions opinion on moredemocracytransparency and efficiency in the
breathing evidence of our newdemocracyacross all the communities of
breathing evidence of our newdemocracyacross all the communities of
herald an era of opennessdemocracyand accountability including freedom of
a new era of opendemocracybut our first vote is
be to promote and developdemocracyand accountability not only at
of a genuine and truthfuldemocracyand for the creation of
for the establishment of genuinedemocracywith freedom of speech and
o scotland 6 scottish pairlamentarydemocracyat wark the scottish pairlament
whit fowk thinks scottish pairlamentarydemocracyat wark the scottish pairlament
in europe and to spreaddemocracyand tolerance throughout the continent
to the spread of europeandemocracyi was fortunate enough to
berlin that spread of europeandemocracyis now leading to the
point of living in ademocracyit s your freedom it
it a showpiece of moderndemocracyit is no secret that
should behave like an opendemocracyrather than a secret society
yer voice heard contents scottishdemocracyin action whit for shud
your voice heard contents scottishdemocracyin action why should i
12 12 92 demonstration fordemocracyas part of the campaign
of her campaign to bringdemocracyto myanmar supported by roseanna
and to ensure respect fordemocracyand human rights in chechnya
and demands full restoration ofdemocracyhuman and political rights in
respect for human rights anddemocracyin east timor supported by
awful all the alternatives todemocracyand co operation can be
be overemphasised the alternatives todemocracyand co operation in europe
them of the benefits ofdemocracytolerance and respect which are
with that a commitment todemocracyand equality the scottish parliament
are our basic belief indemocracyour commitment to equality our
order in the interests ofdemocracyin the chamber the minister
the interests of society anddemocracyit is right to give
groupings in no way advancesdemocracyin europe the constitutional convention
wheen words explainit 12 scottishdemocracyin action whit for shud
some words explained 12 scottishdemocracyin action why should i
or healthy in a moderndemocracyi hope that for that
the healthiest manifestations of localdemocracyagainst that background why do
for it what about localdemocracyand decision making i thought
invigorate local councils and localdemocracymaking people s votes count
way in an effective liberaldemocracywe will transform local government
kiddin ye wi veneers odemocracyat least here in prague
way that is favourable todemocracywe welcome enlargement not least
executive will be sympathetic ourdemocracyis based on a parliamentary
part to play in ourdemocracyis concerned at continuing reductions
valid surely our new scottishdemocracymust recognise the culture and
ensure that in our newdemocracyno deaf or hearing person
direction of a north europeandemocracyto which i think our
the european parliament that isdemocracywhat do we read in
of scotland 6 scottish parliamentarydemocracyat work the scottish parliament
what people think scottish parliamentarydemocracyat work the scottish parliament
parliament and established a newdemocracyfor scotland scots is still
white s1m 1244 colin campbelldemocracyin azerbaijan that the parliament
146 michael russell support fordemocracyin myanmar that the parliament
seriously address the state ofdemocracyin the parliament 10 40
and secondly the issue ofdemocracywithin the parliament the relationship
in the context of scottishdemocracyrecognising the openness and all
is conscientiously pursuing in anydemocracythere must be some recognition
2000 fiona hyslop s1m 1244democracyin azerbaijan lodged on 4
suu kyi and the burmesedemocracymovement lodged on 18 january
considerable impact on the broadeningdemocracyagenda in scotland they are
scotland is a four buttondemocracytom mccabe not surprisingly asked
talk about the development ofdemocracyand the possibility of carrying
is a red herring ofdemocracyat the meeting of the
to introduce a breath ofdemocracyinto the running of the
video entitled let s dodemocracyand distributed it to schools
who introduced the island todemocracyto agricultural and commercial improvements
a complex interwoven multi layereddemocracyit has two or three

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