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between the sector and executivedepartmentsagencies and non departmental public
has been spent on governmentdepartmentsagencies or non departmental public
provided any guidance to itsdepartmentsexecutive agencies and non departmental
the scottish executive as agenciesdepartmentsor non departmental public bodies
staff employed by the coredepartmentsagencies and associated departments of
upon all offshore related governmentdepartmentsand agencies to base the
of communication between local authoritydepartmentsand other agencies leads to
core departments agencies and associateddepartmentsof the scottish office was
studies may lie with otherdepartmentsor agencies we could also
jobs particularly in relation todepartmentsor agencies with rural responsibilities
of the scottish executive coredepartmentsresource accounts for the year
2002 57 scottish executive coredepartmentsresource accounts for the year
parliamentary procedure scottish executive coredepartmentsresource accounts for the year
departments and other local authoritydepartmentsand health boards as the
bodies such as social workdepartmentsand other local authority departments
authorities led to certain licensingdepartmentsbelieving that they should control
problems traditionally local authority licensingdepartmentshad a central role in
tensions were caused when licensingdepartmentssaid that they were going
the whole of scotland housingdepartmentswere minimally engaged with licensing
about our work with westminsterdepartmentsas we develop standards we
discussions have you had withdepartmentsin westminster about what you
the draft concordats with westminsterdepartmentsto undertake a meaningful consultation
the draft concordats with westminsterdepartmentsto undertake a meaningful consultation
fisheries policy london uk fisheriesdepartments1 i e nephrops norvegicus
consultation with the uk fisheriesdepartmentsabout what the isle of
the normal intermediary between fisheriesdepartmentsand the isle of man
recently completed a seafish fisheriesdepartmentsfunded input output multiplier study
434 million that the ukdepartmentshave spent on this exercise
spent across the executive sdepartmentson rural development ross finnie
how much each of itsdepartmentsspent in each year since
how much each of itsdepartmentsspent on postage in each
how much each of itsdepartmentsspent on stationery in each
mind that other uk ministersdepartmentsand bodies will have responsibilities
in all four uk healthdepartmentsand the department of trade
not only with uk governmentdepartmentsbut with the local authorities
revenue or other uk governmentdepartmentscould be running ppp schemes
the spending in some ukdepartmentscovers scottish infrastructure it is
impact on other uk healthdepartmentsi genuinely thought that it
line with other uk healthdepartmentsis handling the oft report
the scotland office or otherdepartmentsof the uk government staff
followed by other uk healthdepartmentswithin the 90 day time
department its division into specificdepartmentsand their titles as such
this consists of the followingdepartmentscorporate services secs development department
certain players or let certaindepartmentssuch as the housing department
department get compared with otherdepartmentswhat was the percentage increase
oft report from relevant governmentdepartmentsand for reporting the outcome
educate the staff of governmentdepartmentsand national companies access is
its commitment to decentralising governmentdepartmentsand what the timescale is
distributed to the relevant governmentdepartmentsfor consideration the new zealand
be expanded upon by governmentdepartmentshaving innovative ppp schemes that
government there are also governmentdepartmentsin scotland spending a lot
initiatives from well meaning governmentdepartmentsmoreover staff conditions in the
is not the case governmentdepartmentsmust talk to each other
the banking options from alldepartmentsof her majesty s government
the ability to interact withdepartmentsof her majesty s government
executive to press the relevantdepartmentsof her majesty s government
e civil servants of ministriesdepartmentsof the scottish government but
pensions and involved other governmentdepartmentsthe local authorities and a
joint multi agency response governmentdepartmentsworking jointly with local government
about the perspective of individualdepartmentsit is deeply ironic that
of care by social servicesdepartmentsto an individual s1w 9225
of care by social servicesdepartmentsto an individual s1w 9226
determined by individual teachers ordepartmentswhen higher english was revised
was recommended that the relevantdepartmentswith responsibility for allotments in
been seconded to ukrep whichdepartmentshave any such staff been
all young staff in thedepartmentsnow and boy do they
staff at accident and emergencydepartmentss1f 2454 5 andrew wilson
keep up if building controldepartmentshad the opportunity to contract
to challenge the building controldepartmentsin cases of dispute over
authorities with larger building controldepartmentsto provide the expertise does
and underfunding of local authoritydepartmentsit is essential that functional
to local authority social workdepartmentsregarding provision for a housebound
issued to local authority educationdepartmentsrelating to school policy for
children by different local authoritydepartmentsshould be fully co ordinated
are now provided by thedepartmentsof english language at edinburgh
is provided by social workdepartmentsvaries according to where people
funding was allocated to audiologydepartmentsby each health board area
bureaucracy by each of itsdepartmentsin each of the last
been by each of itsdepartmentsin each year since 1999
executive how many dedicated audiologydepartmentsthere currently are in each
one of the issues housingdepartmentsplayed a negligible role with
to education to housing alldepartmentsthat deliver services to communities
is a need for housingdepartmentsto lead the effort the
given priority status across itsdepartmentsafter debate the amendment was
increases in expenditure across thedepartmentsand in particular to ask
at mainstreaming and working acrossdepartmentsit is too easy to
mainstreaming voluntary sector issues acrossdepartmentsthat process will be reinforced
local health boards and cardiologydepartmentsand calls upon the scottish
local health boards and cardiologydepartmentsand calls upon the scottish
with officials in the otherdepartmentsand we will have a
our public life when otherdepartmentsare framing policies or legislation
other instances in some secondarydepartmentsit has meant little more
meet officials from the otherdepartmentson thursday to map progress
increases received by other executivedepartmentsross finnie the percentages are
have been achieved by otherdepartmentswhich will be applied fairly
million includes things that otherdepartmentswould normally have done such
that take place in otherdepartmentsyou are surely not suggesting
stems from communication between differentdepartmentsand the whole organisation s
from close work among differentdepartmentsbut in others it appears
school colleagues in different subjectdepartmentshad already adopted different models
went through aw the differentdepartmentsin the mill an f606:
the executive about different councildepartmentssharing information and data among
dates of transfer of itsdepartmentsto different locations in scotland
and in coherently organised englishdepartmentsby the early 1970s a
curricular targets many secondary englishdepartmentsconsidered that the progress they
and large at university englishdepartmentsin england and the united
1987 members of the threedepartmentsof english language english literature
and schools and hence englishdepartmentsof written policies and target
used by colleagues in englishdepartmentsthe video of speaking performances
damaging for teachers in englishdepartmentsto be talking to no
the economic or business developmentdepartmentsof local authorities s1w 1074
authorities in particular with thedepartmentsthat attend the benchmark groups
than that perhaps through healthdepartmentscathy peattie you are talking
of the state whether councildepartmentsthe police or health organisations
the effort the environmental healthdepartmentswould be quite capable of
particular to ask what thedepartmentsintend to do for example
of care by social servicesdepartmentss1w 9227 david mundell to
voluntary sector providers and councildepartmentsin many instances voluntary sector
scottish executive which of itsdepartmentswas responsible for the awarding
it will ensure that itsdepartmentswhich receive regular reports from
potential fairly this year mostdepartmentssubmitted far in excess of
higher still courses although mostdepartmentswere doing it sequentially some
and equally there are gaelicdepartmentswithin secondary schools but most
exception of specified items alldepartmentswill have to work within
programmes in scotland the executivedepartmentsnot only allocate the money
one of the executive sdepartmentsof another issue that we
nae doot they ve manydepartmentsof eh ye know scottish
involve a full range ofdepartmentsbut they also involve the
also go to the variousdepartmentsin both district and regional
effectively convenes all the interesteddepartmentswe have close contacts with
principle of decentralisation by dispersingdepartmentsof the scottish administration and
principle of decentralisation by dispersingdepartmentsof the scottish administration and
times in accident and emergencydepartmentss1w 33709 mary scanlon to
to locate in glasgow thosedepartmentsof the scottish administration dealing
universities now have scottish literaturedepartmentsthey seem to be developing
that eventually wound through variousdepartmentsof the shop on the
already been issued to alldepartmentsi urge ministers to take
have been allocated to audiologydepartmentsto enable them to comply
engaged in advancing their owndepartmentsof scientific enquiry 13 taking
would do likewise for theirdepartmentsross finnie i think that
incentive to less highly rateddepartmentsto improve their rating assist
and writing is to aiddepartmentsto moderate their own marking
not good teachers and wholedepartmentshave stressed that candidates whom
the possible weaknesses in ourdepartmentsprocedure for equality proofing we
is a danger that thedepartmentscreate a superstructure of industry
reduction of accident and emergencydepartmentsthe viability of stand alone
in others it appears thatdepartmentsdo not talk to one
united kingdom passport agency thosedepartmentsmay choose sometime in the
it is understandable that indepartmentsso named scots is sometimes
build excellence in research supportingdepartmentsto achieve national and international
northern ireland and the whitehalldepartmentsto discuss the action plan

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