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recount imaginative recount narrative personaldescriptionimaginative description the remaining genres
format for very different purposesdescriptionrecount persuasion even instruction if
recount narrative personal description imaginativedescriptionthe remaining genres factual recounts
narrative advertisements too are oftendescriptionfollowed by persuasion or a
mixed genres stories frequently combinedescriptionand narrative advertisements too are
story of a pet withdescriptionand past tense narrative features
larkin s poems begin asdescriptionor narrative but end as
narrative features into an informativedescriptionreport suitable for an entry
passion the first deserved thedescriptionof murder a term then
be interrupted in one sdescriptionof the final passion laden
water moreover the need fordescriptionin fiction and non fiction
same scene shakespeare embellishes hisdescriptionin a manner befitting such
white skin shakespeare s detaileddescriptionof the lady asleep in
adjacent wharfs in this detaileddescriptionall of the senses are
the bill for a detaileddescriptionof each section the explanatory
their visit in his detaileddescriptionof the town he described
see note for completion 1descriptionof development see note for
see note for completion 1descriptionof land which is to
man an establishment of suchdescriptionas may be specified in
who is of a specifieddescriptionbeing a person in need
who is of a specifieddescriptionbeing a person in need
not include accommodation of suchdescriptionas the scottish ministers may
that accommodation of a particulardescriptionbecomes available for the applicant
order may a specify anydescriptionof accommodation subject to conditions
his pairt native an hisdescriptionaabodie wis dischairged efter the
isnae pairt o the jobdescriptionfit kinno a spikk s
scotland symson andrew a largedescriptionof galloway 1684 scot wm
little hamlet symson a largedescriptionof galloway unlike the semmerwater
second question is on thedescriptionand understanding of the national
receive understanding as in thisdescriptionof their first meeting nothing
d conditions as to thedescriptionof body with which arrangements
a conditions as to thedescriptionof individual who may enter
a group into a genericdescriptionof that animal for an
loathsome davidson drags out hisdescriptionof the animal s suffering
me fairly jimpin wis dadescriptionlaekely sadly owre true o
james follows this fairly routinedescriptionwith the interesting rule that
is part of a personaldescriptionand the second is part
which would include our previousdescriptionwhat about preferential access or
when jimmy launched into adescriptionof his ship s visit
by contrast smith s subsequentdescriptionof hebrew sacrificial practice as
provide data useful for thedescriptionof market practice in fact
area of southern vegetation thedescriptionis true today all the
i informed her our jobdescriptiondoes not yet embrace plumbing
it looks like rain jobdescriptionfit wye div ye nae
in the land register thedescriptionshould refer to the title
passage in booklet a anddescriptioncan be found in past
6 to use stevenson sdescriptionof himself both were intelligent
of both psychological and naturedescriptionthere are words and phrases
above may a specify thedescriptionor b allow the scottish
compounds inaccuracies such as thedescriptionof staff of the parliament
to bring sex into thedescriptionof the animals anguish showing
d cs and the tradesdescriptionact [censored: forename] [censored: surname] zanzibar 1964
that s breachin the tradedescriptionact is it no or
separate elements or paragraphs ofdescriptiondescriptions tend to use statements
degree of licence in hisdescriptionof ewan tavendale s degeneration
to be from the firstdescriptionof his scarlet cloak it
adhered to and that hisdescriptionof the sparkle from scottish
s kind of a moderndescriptionf1026: i d say that
word at all of anydescriptionf1054: it doesnae have to
and charismatic chancers of everydescriptionin the early days of
watsoun and jhone barbour thedescriptionof a contest allegedly staged
did not conform to thedescriptionof a period of english
is a long very involveddescriptionof a royal scramble one
has to do with adescriptionof an object that you
might not come under thedescriptionof covert offered by the
is underlined by the jasonicdescriptionof her and her sunny
verse seems a particularly aptdescriptionof medieval innermessan which was
an offence you gave adescriptionof preparations for hare coursing
by the children of adescriptionof seahorses following the experience
describe the sky and thedescriptionof the birds singing as
out i would like adescriptionof the change not just
gives a whimsical but revealingdescriptionof the club here gather
juliet we get no realdescriptionof the heroine but the
members should give a briefdescriptionof the interest in the
of cultural identity a fulldescriptionof the methods and findings
provided more than a cursorydescriptionof the two manuscript sources
officers whether they accept thatdescriptionof their approach and whether
go on to write adescriptionof their setting using as
her grannie i got nodescriptionof what she looked like
smoking a cigarette of somedescriptionsmoke makes me nervous it
however stevenson repeats the anomalousdescriptionas 41 trois ounces from
that we should leave thedescriptionas professional lobbyists the next
is a as good adescriptiono that as i think
or we would gie adescriptiono wha we were say
the way would be anotherdescriptionthat s the one i
ye ye get the richtdescriptiono hellwater just athin comin
7 ounces in huntar sdescriptiontaken from the 1618 assize
island dire is the appropriatedescriptioni m going to send
the sccc the project sdescriptionstated that the kist will

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