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annulment the protection of wrecksdesignationno 2 scotland order 2001
2001 the protection of wrecksdesignationno 2 scotland order 2001
government the protection of wrecksdesignationscotland order 2000 ssi 2000
2001 the protection of wrecksdesignationscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
2001 the protection of wrecksdesignationscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
238 the protection of wrecksdesignationscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
2001 the protection of wrecksdesignationscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
2001 the protection of wrecksdesignationscotland order 2001 ssi 2001
sensitive areas central southern uplandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
sensitive areas western southern uplandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
sensitive areas central southern uplandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
sensitive areas western southern uplandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
further be done under thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
by 31 january 2003 thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
transport and the environment thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
health and community care thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
health and community care thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
health and community care thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
by 31 january 2003 thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
by 31 january 2003 thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
health and community care thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
the following negative instruments thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
will take evidence on thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
by 31 january 2003 thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
95 31 march 2000 thedesignationof nitrate vulnerable zones scotland
environmentally sensitive areas loch lomonddesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas shetland islandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
the environmentally sensitive areas breadalbanedesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
the environmentally sensitive areas stewartrydesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas central bordersdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas cairngorms strathsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas argyll islandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
the environmentally sensitive areas stewartrydesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas argyll islandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
the environmentally sensitive areas breadalbanedesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas cairngorms strathsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas loch lomonddesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas central bordersdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
environmentally sensitive areas shetland islandsdesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
the draft cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions order
of the cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions order
development the cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions order
finnie the cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions order
of the cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions order
finnie the cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions order
on the cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions scotland
and the trossachs national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions scotland
and the trossachs national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions scotland
the draft cairngorms national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions scotland
and the trossachs national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions scotland
and the trossachs national parkdesignationtransitional and consequential provisions scotland
consultation document on the draftdesignationorder for the cairngorms national
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2001 ssi
the sports and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2001 ssi
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2001 ssi
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2001 ssi
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
sports grounds and sporting eventsdesignationscotland amendment order 2002 ssi
of patricia ferguson on thedesignationof a lead committee be
membership and one on thedesignationof a lead committee to
was agreed to dt 4designationof lead committee euan robson
was agreed to dt 6designationof lead committee euan robson
summit on sustainable development 6designationof lead committee euan robson
was agreed to dt 10designationof lead committee euan robson
on building better transport 5designationof lead committee euan robson
was agreed to dt 5designationof lead committee euan robson
was agreed to dt 6designationof lead committee euan robson
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee justice 1
motion was agreed to 5designationof lead committee mr tavish
against 16 abstentions 3 9designationof lead committee mr tavish
was agreed to dt 9designationof lead committee mr tom
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committee that the
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee the education
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee the finance
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee the justice
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee the justice
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee the justice
the parliament agrees the followingdesignationof lead committee the transport
of tom mccabe on thedesignationof lead committees be agreed
followed by motion on thedesignationof lead committees for ssis
motion s1m 2255 on thedesignationof lead committees motion moved
trials has been completed 5designationof lead committees patricia ferguson
tom mccabe hamilton south labdesignationof lead committees that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committees that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committees that the
behalf of the parliamentary bureaudesignationof lead committees that the
by motion to approve thedesignationof the lead committee for
parking area city of glasgowdesignationorder 1999 ssi 1999 59
parking area city of glasgowdesignationorder 1999 ssi 1999 59
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
parking area aberdeen city councildesignationorder 2003 ssi 2003 70
grounds for objecting to thedesignationof a site of special
the next meeting at whichdesignationdecisions on sites will be
designate world heritage sites thedesignationis awarded for sites of
the significant increase in proposeddesignationof sites of special scientific
heritage sites 2 process ofdesignationthe concordat between the department
particular benefits of national parkdesignationalthough none of the responses
not consider the national parkdesignationas proposed to create a
special need which might justifydesignationof a national park they
might benefit from national parkdesignationtailored to suit particular circumstances
that of the national parkdesignationthe rspb also express concern
would like the national parkdesignationto assist with a rationalisation
and benbecula barra and vatersaydesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
and benbecula barra and vatersaydesignationamendment order 2001 ssi 2001
the pollution prevention and controldesignationof landfill directive scotland order
the lochaber salmon fishery districtdesignationorder 1999 42 scottish executive
and west salmon fishery districtdesignationorder 1999 and statutory instrument
for local administration in scotlanddesignationorder 2000 ssi 2000 51
area perth and kinross councildesignationorder 2002 ssi 2002 398
area perth and kinross councildesignationorder 2002 ssi 2002 398
issues that emerge from adesignationorder and take them through
as part of the draftdesignationorder pe483 petition by mr
then agreed to dt 8designationof committee mr tavish scott
increasingly blurred with the redesignationof bell college and the
until 8 september 2001 thedesignationof bell college of technology
until 8 september 2001 thedesignationof bell college of technology
until 8 september 2001 thedesignationof bell college of technology
had to proceed with furtherdesignationincluding designation of that area
proceed with further designation includingdesignationof that area is that
and national support for thedesignationof the area designation would
the designation of the areadesignationwould satisfy the special needs
the lack of such adesignationhas resulted in the beach
the lack of such adesignationhas resulted in the beach
on 6 august 2002 anydesignationof the beach as a
broughty ferry beach and thedesignationprocess under the ec bathing
those areas currently under esadesignationand to allow members to
to implement and whether seekingdesignationfor pressured areas will be
it we discussed whether thedesignationof pressured areas should be
internationally recognised model for thedesignationof protected areas this and
special protection areas spas thedesignationof spas in scotland for
interest whose conservation requires thedesignationof special areas of conservation
that the parliament welcomes thedesignationof 2001 as european year
that the parliament welcomes thedesignationof 2001 as european year
until 1 april 2001 thedesignationof uhi millennium institute scotland
of the countryside because thedesignationof an area for opencast
be described as an interimdesignationof pressured area that is
when snh was proceeding withdesignationof the area that letter
of the national scenic areadesignationsent to it in 1999
a biosphere reserve another unescodesignationand as a national scenic
national parks within the overalldesignationframework a number of organisations
national parks within the overalldesignationframework the selection criteria for
make definite proposals for thedesignationof further national parks these
rationalisation of the complex conservationdesignationframework operating in scotland other
therefore regrets the relatively smalldesignationrate in scotland given our
as to the prospect ofdesignationa large number of respondents
additional statutory controls result fromdesignationbut a combination of a
no tiers of world heritagedesignationcriteria for the different types
chosen to proceed with thedesignationin advance of any views
nor any additional resources thedesignationis rather more of an
purposes of this note thedesignationmp for those ministers who
and excluded groups through thedesignationof 48 social inclusion partnerships
powers and university status thedesignationof institutions as eligible for
same directive and therefore thedesignationof sacs may also affect
be carried out in thedesignationof specific types of housing
state hospital pe462 pe463 pe464designationof sssis spas and sacs
and dated and that thedesignationof the person who is
necessary evidence to support adesignationof the sort that you
separate from the application processdesignationunder section 44 gives the
issue is no longer thedesignationitself but whether we have
whether to ask for adesignationkaren whitefield can you explain
that the criteria for suchdesignationare not too complicated gavin
the procedures if such adesignationwere applied straight away the
also be caught by thedesignationit is difficult to imagine
any consultations undertaken prior todesignationand believes that this issue
the underlying rationale for theirdesignationcould be publicly available i
a top tier in thedesignationhierarchy but rather to provide
if the need arises thedesignationreferred to in pe246 has
wished to apply for adesignationthe bill would require them
on the fact that thedesignationtook place irene oldfather the
not conform to the properdesignationwould be ruled inadmissible the
been done previously and thatdesignationis now required again it
tentative lists including for emergencydesignationas well as for site
a chaumer was generally mydesignationit was a bit that
eh it it was adesignationright enough but that was

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