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drastic to end and insertdifficultiesbeing faced by the agriculture
any significant reduction to thedifficultiesfaced by fish farmers if
2000 tommy sheridan s1m 1281difficultiesfaced by paper makers in
2000 nora radcliffe s1m 1281difficultiesfaced by paper makers in
robison s1m 1281 nick johnstondifficultiesfaced by paper makers in
that the parliament acknowledges thedifficultiesfaced by paper makers in
strategy for dealing with economicdifficultiesfaced by rural communities s1o
a panacea for all thedifficultiesfaced by scotland s railways
a panacea for all thedifficultiesfaced by scotland s railways
a panacea for all thedifficultiesfaced by scotland s railways
it has received regarding anydifficultiesfaced by scottish coal producers
the parliament recognises the tremendousdifficultiesfaced by scottish tourism and
the procedures committee highlighting thedifficultiesfaced by the committee in
some effective lessons from thedifficultiesfaced last year by people
that we have perhaps faceddifficultiesin the past older people
is little recognition of thedifficultiesthat are faced by small
concerns that were expressed overdifficultiesthat might be faced by
experienced some were merely teethingdifficultiesand involved sorting out the
rural ones with dentists wheredifficultiesare experienced in attracting appropriate
taken to alleviate any financialdifficultiesbeing experienced by the network
of europe at heart thedifficultiesexperienced by certain member states
that ensures that the historicdifficultiesexperienced by the kintyre economy
whether it will examine anydifficultiesexperienced by voluntary organisations in
european funding it has experienceddifficultiesfor example because of the
ayrshire council to address anydifficultiesin educational management being experienced
authorities in regard to anydifficultiesthat are being experienced in
tae point oot a wheendifficultiesthat micht be experienced for
always work no matter whatdifficultieswere experienced it was therefore
is mentioned to highlight somedifficultieswhich may be experienced for
was always likely that somedifficultieswould be experienced some were
to return to it ifdifficultiesarise over the executive s
does the member agree thatdifficultiesarise when volunteers become involved
in this mismatch situation realdifficultiesmay arise because they gain
rather confused situation and thedifficultiesthat arise from it hector
eye on any on goingdifficultiesthat might arise concerns about
they have flagged up thedifficultiesthat will potentially arise from
come into force potential proceduraldifficultieswould arise if i did
to many of the practicaldifficultiesand we had to push
into serious crime face practicaldifficultiesbecause of the need to
express the hope that practicaldifficultiescan be overcome the opportunities
reasons it can cause practicaldifficultiesfor example prisoners are entitled
disputes there will be practicaldifficultiesin enforcing the bill some
reported however there are practicaldifficultiesin implementing the proposal the
not only to the practicaldifficultiesof being a woman in
that different there are practicaldifficultiesraised by the amendment every
members will realise the practicaldifficultiesthat are raised when we
principle we reported the practicaldifficultiesthat were involved there seemed
papers poses technical and practicaldifficultieswhen scripts are marked for
many people with a learningdifficultiesand b profound and complex
excelled at working through learningdifficultiesand given scotland reason to
such as those with communicationdifficultiesand learning disabilities to enable
blamed for the widespread learningdifficultiesencountered by children from disadvantaged
for adults with severe learningdifficultieshad to close its doors
such as blindness deafness learningdifficultiesor paralysis commends the positive
crime against people with learningdifficultiessuch as third party reporting
teaching and learning caused substantialdifficultieswhich must be addressed in
would not be aware ofdifficultiesa person who had been
became aware of any suchdifficultiesand what action it has
i was aware of thedifficultiescaused by the lack of
us will be aware ofdifficultiesthat friends or constituents have
was aware of some continuingdifficultieswith data processing but nothing
involved brought to light anydifficultiesin liaising with local authorities
of my premises or thedifficultiesinvolved in my conclusions 26
ms macdonald i understand thedifficultiesthat are involved but at
resource for those who facedifficultiesin respect of access or
in remote areas and anydifficultiesof access in intermediate areas
access people who have readingdifficultiesor disabilities might find some
us whether there are anydifficultieswith access to land for
that different people might havedifficultieswith particular means of access
the school who have particulardifficultiesi commend the staff for
get gridlock there are particulardifficultiesin aberdeen i am sure
visit to inverness the particulardifficultiesthat the voluntary sector faces
that if there are erdifficultieswith particular staff in particular
to address the current transportdifficultiesin aberdeen i suggest that
address marketing and supply chaindifficultiesin the scottish organic sector
will address the various logisticaldifficultiesthat the current rule poses
that could lead to operationaldifficultiesbecause only local authority staff
in social work caused bydifficultiesin recruiting and retaining staff
not exactly one of thedifficultieswas that the scotvec staff
weekend i thought about ourdifficultieswith the staff code of
for shared ownership nor havedifficultiesbeen raised through our members
communities were raised those includeddifficultieswith transport volunteer recruitment and
taking to alleviate recent transportdifficultiesin the city of aberdeen
such wealth one of thedifficultiesis that aberdeen s wealth
aberdeen that highlights serious staffingdifficultiesviolence and the lack of
plans to deal with thesedifficultiesand to improve efficiency in
had to deal with thedifficultiesof arranging and paying for
deal to commend it anydifficultiesof interpretation between scots and
should deal with the financialdifficultiesthat are highlighted in the
post offices face their owndifficultiesdefined as those being in
still hanging i recognise thedifficultiesthat face planners the annual
elderly constituents have and thedifficultiesthat they face with how
and community nurses recognises thedifficultiesthey often face in having
page to ensure that anydifficultiesa child might experience in
too rather than of anydifficultiesarising directly from the nonstandard
should not be any insurmountabledifficultiesbut the structure might be
service record any note ofdifficultiesencountered by visitors to sex
the scottish executive whether anydifficultiesexist between bear scotland ltd
the scottish executive whether anydifficultiesexist with the future provision
task force to consider anydifficultiesfacing the economies of peterhead
provide to british energy anydifficultiesidentified have been addressed with
not seem to be anydifficultiesin standing orders about videoconferencing
has to overcome any suchdifficultiess1w 32356 bruce crawford to
not expected to cause anydifficultieswith it systems muir russell
valid do members see anydifficultieswith them members no the
communities in view of currentdifficultiess1o 3185 11 scott barrie
parliamentary questions they highlight thedifficultiesthat the current 14 day
with it should present fewdifficultiesacknowledgements thanks are due to
as handwritten documents present certaindifficultiesfor the committee ms white
on the bone the presentdifficultiesin pig farming and the
for love one of thedifficultiesthe ballads present to modern
examples of where there weredifficultiesbecause aspects of the legislation
would have led to considerabledifficultiesbecause higher still is aimed
am going to get intodifficultiesbecause of the timing i
the solway firth pose administrativedifficultiesbecause they are all partly
tourism industries and because ofdifficultiesin other sectors yesterday s
fraught with all sorts ofdifficultiesnot just because of the
because they d passport visadifficultiesso he got to meet
in because of its enforcementdifficultiessome rspca statistics might help
back up or because ofdifficultieswith the time scale we
free recently because of technicaldifficultieswith their convictions i would
was because schools were experiencingdifficultieswith their software we were
understand but there might bedifficultiesin trying to establish who
we might find ourselves indifficultieswith this issue which has
opportunity exists although there aredifficultiesfor example with end of
of land area causes medifficultiesif for example you had
grammatical sociolinguistic discourse and performancedifficultiesalthough there is still a
act 1996 poses similar enforcementdifficultiesas this bill although we
we do not underestimate thedifficultiesunfortunately although we may be
that is where the fundingdifficultiescome from the issue must
the general funding issues anddifficultiesin the fe sector and
george lyon concentrated on thedifficultiesof core funding the three
about about some of thedifficultiesi think in in simply
initially there were some smalldifficultiesin getting the system under
so on there are somedifficultiesin that regard the range
like there are some legislativedifficultiesno insurance cases are ideal
henry clearly there are somedifficultiesnot least the fact that
to provide solutions to thesedifficultiessome believe that a report
throws up some of thedifficultiesthat the report seeks to
pest control i anticipate somedifficultiesthere particularly with farmers i
bovis lend lease of somedifficultieswithin flour city relating to
with [cough] speech and languagedifficultiesand we try to support
old age and its attendantdifficultiesare nothing to do with
made to both as unforeseendifficultiesarose with the running of
inquiries with which they encounterdifficultiesas a glasgow msp the
people and people with otherdifficultieschristine grahame that would be
children with more severe readingdifficultiesi e ra 1 2
with quite a lot ofdifficultiesiain smith i was referring
with one of the greatdifficultiesis finance they cannot work
council discussed with you thedifficultiesthat they encountered when trying
so busy with the immediatedifficultiesthat they were not able
of papers during the yeardifficultieswith candidate entries in the
maximisation of grants there aredifficultieswith involving owners is there
said that there were alwaysdifficultieswith local figures but did
being provided and all thedifficultieswith markers that we have
census there have clearly beendifficultieswith procedure it is important
bit bizarre there are alsodifficultieswith regulation 6 as it
good enough that there aredifficultieswith section 9 and section
this year there were supplydifficultieswith solvay duphar a dutch
three years ago there weredifficultieswith supply at the liverpool
not observed and there weredifficultieswith teachers shifting from one
i have one or twodifficultieswith the section on prohibition
february inability to confirm entriesdifficultieswith unit results which were
candidate entries in the autumndifficultieswith updating lists in january
authorities we have no substantivedifficultieswith what the isle of
were saying those are thedifficultiesand this is what we
locations we know that thosedifficultiescould be addressed largely by
had in getting broadband thosedifficultieshappen not only in rural
the seb there have beendifficultiesin bringing together those two
and disease treatments and thedifficultiesthat those measures can impose
long way to tackling thosedifficultiesthis morning i asked scottish
clear that there are specificdifficultiesin rural areas in sustaining
the war another plane indifficultieswas being directed to fordoun
such orders however there aredifficultiesabout the timing the convener
within sqa that caused thedifficultiesbut there is no doubt
of school lead to educationaldifficultiesc that there is a
news however there were twodifficultiesfirst older people were perhaps
private owners where there aredifficultiesin ensuring adequate maintenance s1w
in europe there may bedifficultiesin formulating a question to
and elsewhere are experiencing cleardifficultiesso there is a good
there is reference to thedifficultiesthat there had been in
the introductory promotion had itsdifficultiesthere is no point in
the concerns there are realdifficultiesthis is what we are
have found that there aredifficultieswhich the minister has not
realised that there would bedifficultiesyou gave in to pressure
discussion was generated on whatdifficultieswere found and how these
fears about a range ofdifficultieswere not addressed given that
to get ourselves out ofdifficultieswere so out of date
the lack of prosecutions anddifficultiessuch as the slowness of
first provided information of suchdifficultiesto whom this information was
guarantee the most noticeable recruitmentdifficultiesfor nursing and midwifery are
by sportscotland are having similardifficultiesin accessing the nof money
help here one of thedifficultiesis that we are dealing
an equitable solution to thedifficultiesthat are affecting all of
it would cause us administrativedifficultiesthe discussion that you are
standard english but these partialdifficultiescan hardly be blamed for
on the grounds of staffingdifficultiesfor these mornings and people
earlier educational policy despite thesedifficultiesthe scottish language project marks
and expressions which cause comprehensiondifficultiesfor beginners yet this is
of the year can causedifficultiesgeorge macbride substantial changes in
that members will appreciate thedifficultiesand the burden that places
to members to raise specificdifficultiesthat have arisen in the
committee members and clerks realdifficultieswe have to establish a
education system may mask theirdifficultiesin developing calp teachers therefore
its own boundaries and thedifficultiesthat that may lead to
this undertaking is threatened bydifficultieslargely the work of narrow
about the deaf community sdifficultiesand problems i went to
already expressed concerns about thedifficultiesof support services when translation
have told me about thedifficultiesthat exist in relation to
lots of discussions about thedifficultiesthat the sqa was experiencing
want to ask about thedifficultiesyou highlighted which followed the
would have been in considerabledifficultiesand i hope that mr
europe they have survived thedifficultiesof war and oppression simply
a view to eradicating thedifficultiesthat have been identified business
would not have created thedifficultiesthat it did for the
be no repeat of thedifficultiesthat we have seen in
waiting times seem to havedifficultieswhen we put in place
in preventing this year sdifficultiesmr kenneth macintosh eastwood lab
aboot the leid an itsdifficultiesin contemporary scotlan in hieroglyphics
re witnessing has its owndifficultiesof recording and and transcription
of their education where readingdifficultiesexisted amongst the subjects teachers
summarised the standards committee sdifficultiesand the need for other
accommodate child care or otherdifficultiesshould be encouraged in a
that that would create otherdifficultiesthe problem at the moment
of aup added renewed publicationdifficultiesto the organisation s other
ingaithered has pointit oot sindrydifficultiesan has proponed sindry solutions
partially sighted or has sightdifficultiesshould be able to nominate
dose it would reduce productiondifficultiesthe executive has rejected my
2002 it will lead todifficultiesfor a smooth transition not
enlarge further will create greaterdifficultiesfor our influence not just
different judgment one of thedifficultiescould lie in asking the
says that one of thedifficultiesfor pupils was that they
the authorities one of thedifficultiesin managing local authority services
parents that one of thedifficultiesis the length of time
ignored culminating in the examsdifficultiesat the expense of thousands
them do you expect similardifficultieshere tony gallagher in england
handicapé that leads to greatdifficultiesin european translation consider the
nearly left behind couple haddifficultiesin getting a taxi to
as a reaction to thedifficultiesin hill farming and it
in principle we saw nodifficultiesin moving in the direction
8 but that illustrates thedifficultiesin seeking to prescribe in
know the detail of thedifficultiesthat finally arose at the
to pick up the administrativedifficultiesto that extent we certainly
together to iron out thedifficultieswho is currently responsible for
also probably charts the increasingdifficultiesdanger and spread of the
ways of addressing the paydifficultiesdonald gorrie was totally wrong
do give glimpses of thedifficultiesfacing an unsupported uneducated and
of their period including thedifficultiesof an intelligent imaginative woman
a general parking ban thedifficultiesof turning right or left
the sources of support fordifficultiesthe bill attempts to bring
from land she ran intodifficultiesfour miles off the scottish
time as they tackled thedifficultiesat home jack became lord
question my head hears thedifficultiesbut my heart responded to
gone wrong the following showdifficultiesrelating to headwords modifiers and
accountable officers the report highlightsdifficultiesat college level certainly the
yeah oh i m findingdifficultiesbreathing out my nose f807:

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