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confess that sometimes i havedifficultyin knowing exactly what is
i sti- i still havedifficultyknowing what the message of
something to see the onlydifficultywas knowing which ones to
the city we had somedifficultyfinding the place renovations and
some of us will havedifficultyin finding enough staff to
interested that smes were havingdifficultyin finding time for development
have agreed to examine thedifficultycaused by that it was
got the feeling that thedifficultyin doing that is caused
course would have caused considerabledifficultyin my school colleagues in
that have not caused anydifficultyin the past two years
fish that is the greatdifficultyin my view external surveillance
impinge on pest control thedifficultyis that directed surveillance would
to mount directed surveillance thedifficultywould lie in judging whether
techniques a much more seriousdifficultyarises with the use of
21 may 20 serious financialdifficultybeware of wednesday morning and
we will be in seriousdifficultyhowever at least the european
interception commissioner ever found anydifficultywith the definition of serious
lounges crew members having greatdifficultygetting some passengers up from
at the back are havingdifficultyhearing what is being said
might not be having thisdifficultyi do not know whether
us that they are havingdifficultyin accessing the information that
when the network is havingdifficultyin sustaining such levels and
difficult to imagine having thatdifficultypermanently the key issues and
less value geneva is havingdifficultyworking in the new word
such figures there is nodifficultyabout doing so in a
be exposing yourself to somedifficultythe other figures that were
12 thomson has recognised somedifficultywith the figures for the
that is for me mydifficultywith this definition is how
recourse for members who havedifficultygetting items on the agenda
the pre discharge stage havedifficultygetting placements in open prisons
russell some members may havedifficultygetting to hamilton for 9
to meps who bemoaned thedifficultyof getting a story about
have also heard about thedifficultyof getting information when grant
me to say with greatdifficultybut but i said it
hospitals facing closure have greatdifficultyin attracting staff in the
when they do have greatdifficultyin turning round or even
in scotland already have greatdifficultyinvestigating wildlife crime in general
change yes but wi greatdifficultym865: yeah but you can
25 million without any greatdifficultymalcolm chisholm at the beginning
to identify any points ofdifficultyand restore credibility the convener
number of points on thedifficultyof attaching long term spending
all do you have anydifficultywith the first two points
richard lochhead mean the wastedifficultyfor fish processors in particular
a particular site and hasdifficultyin implementing extended fallowing periods
lab i have no particulardifficultywith that final point because
stevenson i have no particulardifficultywith the regulations however in
been completed but not withoutdifficultyfrom drummuckloch road end to
much we can envisage withoutdifficultysome states in the world
bank it was not withoutdifficultythe same problem had been
colleges were in severe financialdifficultythere was a big debate
is in is in financialdifficultyye know it requires massive
their main or a subsidiarydifficultyin learning in each local
children from monolingual backgrounds havedifficultyin learning to cope with
does not constitute a learningdifficultyyet in the uk monolingualism
to drive off but haddifficultywith the key only to
modern mind makes with increasingdifficultyand weakened effect there have
that causes no one anydifficultyas it is used with
and with some minor linguisticdifficultybought 6 eggs a watermelon
the regime is fine thedifficultycomes with implementing it and
okay with them m608: nodifficultycommunicatin with them mm m194:
temples haigil v carry withdifficultyhaill a whole hain v
children with a slight readingdifficultyi e ra 6 months
that presented us with somedifficultyin deciding the cut off
that presents parliament with adifficultyin scrutinising and influencing legislation
seeks to address the maindifficultyis with the language of
progress that policy the simpledifficultylies with what people will
well i had i haddifficultyreally with with unattractive because
and it was only withdifficultythat i could persuade him
another there was also thedifficultythat if the teacher with
which one it is thedifficultythat we have with a
she gets up with somedifficultytickles toots and replaces her
moula writes something down withdifficultywhile the knicht supports her
voluntary sector i have nodifficultywith a trained and resourced
but whole families who havedifficultywith anti social hours sometimes
controls and consumer protection thedifficultywith asking those questions at
have a wee bit ofdifficultywith being elderly because i
what it might cost thedifficultywith being highly prescriptive is
muir russell there is adifficultywith classification in issues such
smith should i have nodifficultywith competitive tendering or with
or public holidays and anydifficultywith establishing the suspected offender
assistant chief constable gordon thedifficultywith licensing is that the
and improvement task force thedifficultywith properly regenerating many estates
languages i would have somedifficultywith saying that in essence
nonstandard users may meet occasionaldifficultywith standard english vocabulary or
length is not there adifficultywith such a body criticising
room the council has nodifficultywith that i think that
of our basic programmes adifficultywith the bill and its
start in my view thedifficultywith the bill is that
the position that is thedifficultywith the case to which
liberal democrat summing up mydifficultywith the idea of accepting
in the class who havedifficultywith the language and especially
commits an offence i havedifficultywith the phrase intending any
the convener i have nodifficultywith the principle that our
christine grahame there is adifficultywith the section on licensing
to review the parliament sdifficultywith the ssi and consider
the house we have nodifficultywith them and we believe
blunt instrument i have genuinedifficultywith this point and i
decided although i have slightdifficultywith using children who happen
mr monteith i have nodifficultywith what mrs ewing says
that might exist the otherdifficultylies in the grey area
for its capital value adifficultymight arise if the organisation
context it s like thedifficultymight be part of the
an appointment here is adifficultythat members might want to
one might be in terminaldifficultythe convener i agree that
and some of them havedifficultyadjusting there needs to be
on television and will havedifficultyfollowing us some of us
parliament there may be somedifficultyin obtaining evidence on some
there would initially be somedifficultyin procuring the necessary evidence
thomas carlyle who had somedifficultyin reconciling burns s humble
for a minute underestimate thedifficultyof doing so in an
minister s face a genuinedifficultymy colleague came across plausibly
within a reasonable distance thedifficultythat we face is that
what we would do thedifficultythat we face is that
see the conflict being adifficultyfor us the convener would
convener i believe that thedifficultyis in moving from the
the convener i understand thatdifficultyperhaps we should change the
suggesting that all people havedifficultyfilling in responses to these
am not aware of anydifficultyfor shared ownership nor have
proposed ppp projects have haddifficultyin accessing the required finance
ross finnie i have nodifficultyin assuring the member that
disabled persons who would havedifficultyin clearing up after a
and where the farms havedifficultyin controlling sea lice the
fact that such speakers havedifficultyin gaining full access to
to home owners who havedifficultyin selling their home as
will have been met thedifficultyis that to an extent
residents in those circumstances havedifficultypersuading appropriate public agencies that
should not cause any immediatedifficultyit remains the case that
issues that added to thedifficultyian jenkins i am surprised
us forcibly was that thedifficultylay in bringing together the
do hah hah billy haddifficultycomposing himself jist a smidgeon
flowers i understand they haddifficultyin delivering the latter and
on friday therefore i haddifficultyin dragging myself out of
young legal aspirant who haddifficultykeeping her hair out of
all of it i haddifficultyreading the writing helen eadie
day they ve had nodifficultyselling big time ye know
tiredness she too had haddifficultysleeping still we photographed our
ve they ve had nodifficultywelsh is an example in
new opportunities fund however thedifficultyfor an organisation such as
attempts to address such adifficultyit does not meet it
there s a lot odifficultyfor fowk that does speak
a problem in terms ofdifficultythe income question does not
point is self evident thedifficultythat jamie mcgrigor has is
year through death alone hasdifficultyarguing that it is prepared
which is not a majordifficultyas it is often acting
is reasonable i appreciate thedifficultybut we cannot say precisely
is an area of potentialdifficultydid everyone receive a copy
wrong certainly there is adifficultyin that that forms of
down is a practical humandifficultyinvolved len higson the crown
it could be tighter thedifficultyis that it will always
that suggestion is sensible thedifficultyis that most of the
to sell binny house thedifficultyis that nobody knows what
taken place bristow muldoon thedifficultyis that only one side
owner occupiers part of thedifficultyis that there is a
the time this finishes thedifficultyis this while we struggle
of words is also adifficultymy trade union is unhappy
introduced finally there is thedifficultyof keeping the it provision
i do not underestimate thedifficultythat is involved in that
in briefing our officers ourdifficultywould be in saying where
that there was a conceptualdifficultybecause that body was not
scotland there would be nodifficultyhugh henry we are proposing
so there should be nodifficultyin providing a similar arrangement
course there s a logisticdifficultyin that fewer and fewer
m816: so [?]they're[/?] in realdifficultythere they re sort of
the association said that thedifficultywould lie in making guidelines
novels graded in terms ofdifficultybut clustered round common themes
the ministerial promise remains thedifficultyhas been in finalising interruption
roles in the community thedifficultyin relation to top end
mentioned in previous debates thedifficultyin replacing nhs consultants at
in scotland or wales thedifficultyof continuing to promote and
ppps could puk help thatdifficultyby enabling the highlands and
could see he was havindifficultygettin intae his room an
be able to tackle thatdifficultyif the executive provided a
other way to overcome thedifficultythat it has created mr
half even now she hasdifficultythinkin pickin up what i
little er a little semanticdifficultyf718: mm m017: here when
obviously led to confusion anddifficultywhen it came to balancing
clear procedural answer to thisdifficultyso we will need to
will convince her of thedifficultyof the task ahead of
a different category from thedifficultyof transmission of data which
for these effects given thedifficultyof estimating the significance of
since she must consider thedifficultyof ironing iv grade are
on this issue the seconddifficultywas rather disconcerting and emerged
puzzles at increasin levels odifficultyand develops skills at readin

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