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scotland and what issues theydiscusseds1f 1 2 david mcletchie
and what issues will bediscusseds1f 1085 3 mr john
scotland and what issues theydiscusseds1f 1576 2 david mcletchie
minister and what issues werediscusseds1f 160 3 mr kenneth
scotland and what issues theydiscusseds1f 257 3 maureen macmillan
issues are likely to bediscusseds1f 260 2 david mcletchie
scotland and what issues theydiscusseds1f 5 3 kay ullrich
important vehicle for getting issuesdiscussedand action brought forward they
classification such issues will bediscussedand illustrated from thesaurus sections
first minister what issues werediscussedat the last meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
minister what issues will bediscussedat the next meeting of
area unless certain issues arediscussedfairly quickly it is not
unless otherwise noted the issuesdiscussedin the present article are
petitions the following issues werediscussedpe420 petition by councillor sam
a subsequent meeting 2 committeediscussedpr 99 7 2 issues
transport and what issues werediscusseds1o 2740 26 patricia ferguson
board and what issues werediscusseds1o 2814 the minister for
macbrayne and what issues werediscusseds1o 2849 the minister for
council and what issues werediscusseds1o 3184 18 mr frank
cosla and what issues werediscusseds1o 3299 5 shona robison
council and what issues werediscusseds1o 4671 10 rhona brankin
visitscotland and what issues werediscusseds1o 5163 the minister for
and what issues will bediscusseds1o 6310 17 janis hughes
authority and what issues werediscusseds1o 6381 22 mr andrew
macbrayne and what issues werediscusseds1o 6407 12 mr john
industry and what issues werediscusseds1o 6711 the minister for
and what issues have beendiscusseds1w 14963 david mundell to
been and what issues werediscusseds1w 27467 irene mcgugan to
timber transport group met anddiscussedseveral issues we welcome the
which such issues can bediscussedthat will be a major
many issues that we havediscussedtoday dr shelton i associate
issues that we have alreadydiscussedtoday for example how can
exchequer and what subjects werediscusseds1o 400 2 david mcletchie
his wife with whom hediscussedall matters that were not
matters of concern that werediscussedby the board in all
of the issue i havediscussedmatters with the telecommunications companies
federation and what matters werediscusseds1o 5794 11 shona robison
authority and what matters werediscusseds1o 6312 14 mr mike
industry and what matters werediscusseds1o 6428 11 mr duncan
industry and what matters werediscusseds1o 6468 4 john farquhar
and what matters will bediscusseds1w 31081 michael matheson to
never been away the cabinetdiscussedseveral matters of significance to
papers that we have thoroughlydiscussedthese matters before but this
and industry and what wasdiscusseds1o 1521 27 dr elaine
p o scottish ferries wasdiscusseds1o 3252 10 paul martin
each of these areas arediscussedin more detail below the
1992 93 and this isdiscussedin more detail later in
proposals for exemptions have beendiscussedin some detail more broadly
boards is raised and isdiscussedin some more detail below
the meeting before last wediscusseda major piece of external
prices and arrangements would bediscussedagain at the next meeting
the revised work programme bediscussedand agreed at that meeting
meantime the school prize wasdiscussedat a later meeting and
sectarianism in scotland will bediscussedat any future meeting of
raised by the children werediscussedat the 8th meeting of
the borders railway line wasdiscussedat the meeting with the
the service this will bediscussedat the next meeting the
that issue is to bediscussedlater in the meeting the
a previous meeting the committeediscussedthe fact that the standing
would be present was againdiscussedthe next meeting will be
next intergovernmental conference liz hasdiscussedthe increased rights for the
will be next year wediscussedthe situation at the daily
that the matter should bediscussedby the housing improvement task
when the matter was previouslydiscusseddoes stephen hutchinson want to
endorsing the local government committeediscussedthe matter in january if
families peter wood when wediscussedthe matter in may i
sizes of house when wediscussedthe matter in the working
if appropriate the petitions committeediscussedthe matter on 8 october
strategic development committee and wediscussedthe matter on a number
level when the committee firstdiscussedthe matter we were concerned
dogs was mentioned i havediscussedthe matter with anne mclean
promote the facility have youdiscussedthe matter with the owners
rights when the matter wasdiscussedthere that there could be
about the topics this groupdiscussedat their meetings appears in
timing of meetings should bediscussedin a different forum that
justice bill have never beendiscussedin the four meetings that
number of meetings we havediscussedthe need to begin the
that important item to bediscussedi have made it clear
agenda item is to bediscussedin private i ask members
private session as we havediscussedthis item before i will
deals with voting arrangements wediscussedthis item in january and
scottish aquaculture industry the committeediscussedthe draft report prepared by
industry and we have alreadydiscussedwith industry representatives in a
merchant handbook of c 1400discussedearlier although to interpret it
and dignified that phrase wasdiscussedearlier i agree that it
effort many of these werediscussedearlier in this paper and
for the committee bill werediscussedearlier this year members have
language which my colleagues havediscussedalready of course scots should
no less has already beendiscussedby the coalition cabinet it
the party he s alreadydiscussedwith peggy of course peggy
govan lab i have alreadydiscussedwith some of the witnesses
nap inclusion for 2001 isdiscussedlater b the adoption of
those items have to bediscussedlater but it is not
social fund in particular asdiscussedlater in december 2000 the
particular relevance to scotland arediscussedlater the uk nap inclusion
in this period wull bediscussedan comparit wi thi middle
be ser and estar isdiscussedand compared middle primary classes
the middle group of writersdiscussedbut whose poems in shetland
minister attended and what wasdiscusseds1w 31079 fiona hyslop to
has the minister for transportdiscussedwith the deputy minister for
whether the proposal has beendiscussedby the advisory group and
will i am sure bediscussedby the working group that
group s recommendations have beendiscussedendlessly we should not spend
he said the working groupdiscussedthe extension that you mentioned
us off the working groupdiscussedwhether housing associations should be
the board papers what wasdiscussedsometimes the discussions were based
the board yet all itdiscussedwas fellowships which although interesting
for education and young peoplediscussedwith staff and board members
of the things that wediscussedtoday at the subordinate legislation
questions that we have hearddiscussedtoday included in the census
the one that we havediscussedtoday including all the stakeholders
that it will always bediscussedin private the convener when
in private after we havediscussedthe other items on our
service in private the committeediscussedthe proposed conduct of the
implications of what was beingdiscussedalthough the background of our
held what subjects have beendiscussedand what action has resulted
silly sentences can then bediscussedas to what makes them
encompasses much of what wasdiscussedat liege and flanders fiona
the scottish executive what wasdiscussedat the joint ministerial committee
like that is still beingdiscussedbut that s certainly what
reasonable summary of what wasdiscussedi cannot speak for the
when lobbying the parliament wasdiscussedwhat action was decided on
were recorded these will bediscussedaccording to the type of
selections were then compared anddiscussedby the whole class and
of belmont st were againdiscussedj [censored: surname] told us that
these were unsuitable the committeediscussedproposals for the other prize
and many other topics werediscussedthe bank balance was found
over cashmere and which werediscussedthrough the world trade organisation
the forestry ssi would bediscussedin the transport and the
fur male survivors cammy widiscussedaw this it the last
models of investigation report wasdiscussedlast november the second time
the last time that wediscussedthe issue at question time
watkins the last time wediscussedthis members suggested that the
be made last time wediscussedwhether the government had the
report october step 6 reportdiscussedat the social protection committee
that committee s inquiry asdiscussedby parliament the snp will
that the committee has justdiscussedhitherto the committee has been
that the details can bediscussedi cannot give the committee
occasions when the committee hasdiscussedin general terms initiatives to
that have arisen this committeediscussedour work load and agreed
and wales the committee alsodiscussedthe financial implications of such
that the local government committeediscussedthe time scale for implementation
the proposal that the committeediscussedwe hope to hear from
for exaimple the education committeediscussedwi young fowk youth warkers
that came up would bediscussedwith any committee that was
otherwise for these cards wasdiscussedand it was suggested that
etc these approaches have beendiscussedin various recently published materials
that we have not yetdiscussedat all on 14 december
standing orders which we havediscussedbefore i invite members approval
have been tried we havediscussedbroadcasting and tomorrow we will
through and have not beendiscussedformally however i would like
only this week we havediscussedhow we might work together
26 which we have justdiscussedin view of the pivotal
intentionality provisions which we havediscussedless this morning intentionality relates
the parliament we have alsodiscussedsuch things as the timing
with markers that we havediscussedthat is a range of
year however as we havediscussedthat led to the opinion
partially regulated and we havediscussedthat with the sfha all
our main concerns i havediscussedthe bill s proposals with
the elements that we havediscussedthis morning if we had
october the convener i havediscussedwith stephen the possibility of
seems unduly restrictive i havediscussedyour request briefly with the
to amendment 7 which wasdiscussedat stage 2 when the
touched on that when wediscussedcarrying capacity and gave considerable
grew seriously serious when shediscussedcooking with jimmy she did
work maureen macmillan when idiscussedrelocation of fish farms with
it gathered when reported anddiscussedsuggested that considerable divisions are
white glasgow snp when wediscussedthe bill a couple of
was not here when youdiscussedthe line of questioning the
on adoption when we firstdiscussedthe subjects that we wanted
of the debate which wediscussedwhen i was a member
backpackers hostels which we subsequentlydiscussedwith city of edinburgh council
the city of edinburgh councildiscussedwith you the difficulties that
to say that after wediscusseda similar amendment at stage
a wee mention i vediscussedit wi sanderson we thoucht
for a morning and wediscussedsome factual material about the
that to take place wediscussedthe funding of sports clubs
couple o weeks we vediscussedthe possibility o a new
petition went too far wediscussedthe possibility of methods that
interests and fish farmers wediscussedthe way forward in controlling
interested in reading it wediscussedwhether the designation of pressured
the kind of circumstances wediscussedwith ben wallace the cancellation
the genre first the teacherdiscussedwith the pupils why we
position that we adopted anddiscussedwith the scottish executive was
taken the plan has beendiscussedand agreed with the british
traditional hunting which has beendiscussedand where it is accepted
buy which has been widelydiscussedit sets out the arrangements
than others as has beendiscussedthe region of upper deeside
margaret jamieson nothing has beendiscussedwith the health ministers mr
so well can still bediscussedas to their validity even
more complex than can bediscussedhere she has a deservedly
the information available to bediscussedopenly and frankly s1m 2903
subject and needs to bediscussedsoon there is a proposal
be clearly exemplified and explicitlydiscussedthe use of critical and
all doing words can bediscussedwith the class they can
points would be encountered anddiscussedwould include language for use
dinner at the school wasdiscussedthe secretary will ask compass
together with the work previouslydiscussedby scholars such as hecht
who read the manuscript anddiscussedit fully with me however
fine at the moment idiscussedmy thesis topic with dr
s arguments and he neverdiscussedthat with me the amendment
roman catholics with whom idiscussedthe speech disagreed with the
in the john anderson stanzadiscussedabove the youthful vitality of
draft report was prepared anddiscussedby the four members who
of the falkirk area anddiscussedon 7 march 2002 at
of such programmes are beingdiscussedas far away as jordan
to that consciously formed naivetydiscussedby monica jaeger which he
millar in a paper whichdiscussedgaelic influenced scots of garioch
writing process in english arediscussedin booklet b section 3
was laid the measure wasdiscussedas something desirable and a
outside her home security wasdiscussedburglary and theft of and
many times and was indeeddiscussedby lawrence burrell a former
wilton st through traffic wasdiscussedj [censored: surname] pointed out that
the stracathro petition was firstdiscussedon 21 september christine grahame
the kinds of language conceptsdiscussedabove but also to embrace
for rural economies are alsodiscussedlibrary research papers are compiled
viewing figures are more commonlydiscussedseeing the moors murderers on
clyde on 14 december idiscussedthe scottish health plan our
can understand that different groupsdiscussedit and received reassurances but
all the practices and assumptionsdiscussedabove while scholarly and no
class favourites reasons for choicesdiscussedand most frequent initial letters
large sheet of card shediscussedand noted the structural and
and st andrews pints arediscussedin connor and simpson 2004
had to do they haddiscussedit often and she would
while ballads and songs arediscussedprimarily as printed word texts
and uses of concordances arediscussedthis is followed up by
relevant to its attitude asdiscussedin the previous section of
of the three sections isdiscussedin turn it is important
your back diack 1944 havingdiscussedthe history of the speech
into the languages that itdiscussedthe summary that jackie baillie

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