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a more important topic fordiscussionas we close the first
timing a topic that provokeddiscussionbell robertson s version greig
completion of the topic suchdiscussioncan be used to develop
required in the topic thediscussioncan help develop the pupils
teacher which must move thediscussioninto a theme and topic
predatory cormorant the topic ofdiscussionwas pretty mrs simpson from
for choices text reconstruction withdiscussionof cohesive elements in texts
in texts genre jigsaws withdiscussionof identifying features of tense
of model genre texts anddiscussionof their features such as
texts the purpose of adiscussiontext is to present arguments
time recommendation summary and conclusiondiscussiontexts are usually written in
genre can relevantly be expresseddiscussiontexts the purpose of a
one point of view unlikediscussiontexts which consider both viewpoints
stay and listen to ourdiscussionabout what to do with
stay to listen to ourdiscussionabout what to do with
stay to listen to thediscussionabout what to do with
stay and listen to thediscussionamong committee members two alternative
stay and listen to ourdiscussionit is important that we
happy to listen to thediscussionthat has taken place but
in the tests chapter 4discussionconclusion recommendations 4 1 discussion
a positive contribution to thediscussioni want the discussion to
discussion conclusion recommendations 4 1discussionthe kin link analysis was
the discussion i want thediscussionto be continued with nurses
views on the matters underdiscussionwhat triggered discussion within the
matters under discussion what triggereddiscussionwithin the parliament was probably
a reassessment is attempted thediscussionbetween teacher and student will
roles the ensuing whole classdiscussioninvolved the teacher in giving
my teacher s class adiscussionof task based learning i
the children through teacher modellingdiscussionor joint construction two examples
other than through teacher pupildiscussionposition paper 5 how do
then to proceed into adiscussionwith the teacher which must
text or conversely move fromdiscussionof or involvement in text
and multiple choice with subsequentdiscussionof reasons for choices text
questioning that aim to encouragediscussionof the text in order
3 possible strategies for encouragingdiscussionof the text this exploration
you know allow room fordiscussionfor the reasoned presentation of
scotland which would allow fordiscussionof a number of critical
in private to allow fulldiscussionof conclusions and recommendations those
to allow cross questioning anddiscussionof the issues that would
not allow any further proceduraldiscussiontommy sheridan i am very
six months to allow properdiscussionwith local authorities and the
sense of reality to ourdiscussioni speak today as a
and there has been furtherdiscussionin the preceding debate today
the meat of the seriousdiscussionin today s stage 3
not going to have adiscussionon that today i am
the part of today sdiscussionthat is important most msps
been raised in today sdiscussionthe convener we will certainly
the background to today sdiscussionthe scottish health plan reaffirms
as a result of ourdiscussiontoday however members will obviously
not what is up fordiscussiontoday if we go down
the mechanism that is underdiscussiontoday is therefore of supreme
are becoming clearer after ourdiscussiontoday with the new deal
in group or whole classdiscussiona more reasoned or reflective
could continue in private adiscussionbegun on methodology in class
and the daily record webdiscussiongroups a class debate a
other was a conventional classdiscussionon building an ideal university
bear in mind our previousdiscussionabout scallop farmers who have
goes back to our earlierdiscussionabout whether we can say
know that following debate anddiscussionat our group meeting on
at the beginning of ourdiscussionbut i hope that we
young people cathy jamieson ourdiscussionfocused on the major building
of the paper reflect ourdiscussionin june the aim is
been- that was a bigdiscussionin our house f1023: aye
situation we are having thisdiscussionin our own areas whereas
put on the agenda fordiscussionin private at our meeting
that is for our nextdiscussionnot this one the convener
draft aims to reflect ourdiscussionof 10 november it is
those wider issues to ourdiscussionof the lifelong learning inquiry
would not be right ourdiscussionof the subject and any
to return to our previousdiscussionon the balance between capital
on our agenda is adiscussionon the treaty of amsterdam
bind our hands in thediscussionthat we need to have
things on but our firstdiscussionwas why was one language
private in our pre meetingdiscussionwe agreed that we had
that have arisen in ourdiscussionwhich might be pertinent in
exploration of possible options fordiscussionwith our legal team however
are delivered our on goingdiscussionwith the department for work
process for that would bediscussionwith the executive our written
slight interruption to our ourdiscussionyeah you were telling me
in scotland a paper fordiscussionand consultation ceres 1999 bilingualism
in scotland a paper fordiscussionand consultation ceres 1999 bilingualism
of scotland a paper fordiscussionand consultation the scots office
of scotland a paper fordiscussionand consultation the scottish office
the consultation exercise and adiscussionof the provisions of the
tolerance there should be opendiscussionand a removal of inhibitions
by the meeting 8 opendiscussionmr [censored: surname] invited comments from
and calls for an opendiscussionof the implications of these
to open up a widerdiscussionon the definition of disability
exposition to open ended groupdiscussionon the whole they have
a more open wide rangingdiscussionso that people are not
national parks for scotland adiscussionpaper may 1997 3 snh
there has been quite rightlydiscussionabout business having the toolkit
for lunch and having adiscussionafterwards occasionally speakers are invited
for lunch and having adiscussionafterwards occasionally speakers are invited
having an alice in wonderlanddiscussionin which the tories are
normal practice to have thatdiscussionin private and we will
up to the report thatdiscussionmust be in private the
social protection committee for furtherdiscussion3 indicators sent to coreper
completed without there being furtherdiscussionby the committee instructing the
i was saved from furtherdiscussionby the sound of the
are points that need furtherdiscussionmodification or development it is
in an attempt to furtherdiscussionof a neglected area this
obviously there will be furtherdiscussionon that point i am
the president suggested leaving furtherdiscussionon the subject until after
become the occasion for furtherdiscussionor redrafting or publication such
must be scope for furtherdiscussionwith the minister s colleagues
by individual or small groupdiscussionas a background to all
scotland we have an internetdiscussiongroup which i hope citizens
and as i said anydiscussionon the group s points
parliament can initiate an inclusivediscussionwith a group that has
group that s been thediscussionwithin all of the groups
europe as a whole thatdiscussionof issues is needed the
event there has been healthydiscussionof the issues i hope
by hosting an online publicdiscussionon european issues including the
opportunities may arise for adiscussionon the issues that confront
i had a very interestingdiscussionabout that issue last week
to try to translate thatdiscussioninto a constitutional issue we
all interested parties and adiscussionof the issue in the
to this issue in thediscussionof the pint customary allowances
recess we had an interestingdiscussionon that issue fiona hyslop
subject or issue debate adiscussionthat takes place between msps
m608: do you remember anydiscussionabout a kind of language
we have already had adiscussionabout and made a decision
was here there was somediscussionabout backpackers hostels which we
been quite a bit ofdiscussionabout benchmark standards and the
so that there is nodiscussionabout disabled people without their
parliament to hold a rationaldiscussionabout how we create sustainable
committee to return to thediscussionabout jointly resourced and jointly
future we will have adiscussionabout registration but that is
this point is not adiscussionabout textual legal interpretation between
might have been appropriate fordiscussionabout the criminal justice bill
communities there has been muchdiscussionabout the effectiveness of a
we have had a constructivediscussionabout the future of europe
approved there will be considerablediscussionabout the matter and about
stage a pros and consdiscussionabout the risks of that
he s very amenable todiscussionabout this he actually asked
in the bureau there isdiscussionabout voting at lunchtime no
i had a 12 30amdiscussionabout whether i d said
operate we can have adiscussionafter questions about anything else
to broaden and deepen thisdiscussionand ask about the scope
that subject the convener thediscussionis about a long term
we are about to commencediscussionof the regulation of care
refer that committee to thediscussionthat we have had about
cause us administrative difficulties thediscussionthat you are talking about
to me we had adiscussionwith bill about it michael
the stakeholders we had adiscussionwith the industry about two
end of the game somediscussioncan take place regarding the
to take place locally anydiscussionon the substance of service
the scottish executive when anydiscussionso far took place and
central to the dialogue anddiscussionthat has taken place within
appear the convener in thediscussionthat took place at the
do not contain all thediscussionthat took place but they
a great deal of informaldiscussiontook place as well the
the evidence for it adiscussiontook place earlier in the
of whatever may be underdiscussionand it flows off the
the ferries are currently underdiscussionand we hope to be
say that the subject underdiscussionhas been of great interest
conscious of the clustering underdiscussionlike the poet himself they
the policy that is underdiscussionthe convener does any member
knowledge of the matters underdiscussionthey have helped to ensure
cowgate and the poet underdiscussionwas a bumptious young clerk
of the budget is underdiscussionwith the treasury and we
a useful starting point fordiscussionbetween english and modern languages
it is a point fordiscussionwe can address it when
and at dis point dadiscussionwidens oot dis idea isna
and at this point thediscussionwidens out this idea is
becomes most noticeable as thediscussionbetween the student and interlocutor
the points made in adiscussionbetween two speakers and the
as part of a generaliseddiscussionand not to commit beyond
part in an on linediscussionforum stand as a candidate
important part of developing thediscussionin scotland and as helping
of how language works suchdiscussionis a crucial part of
round and as part ofdiscussionon how housing is financed
draw that part of thediscussionto a close as i
questions which might encourage suchdiscussionare a what was going
features which might arise indiscussionare the use of 1st
proceed with the matter adiscussionin the parliamentary bureau might
salmond i thought that thediscussionmight have been on education
valid there might be somediscussionof that at westminster the
screen has already had informaldiscussionto see how it might
been the subject of considerablediscussionlydia wilkie one of the
modifiers without any need fordiscussionof subject and predicate teams
19 and as a briefdiscussionat its meeting on 23
be invited to a sharingdiscussionmeeting with the local police
the meeting found that thediscussionon the agricultural strategy and
parliament the convener that concludesdiscussionof that item public guidance
convener thank you that concludesdiscussionof that item we will
pages 84 93 4 1discussion4 2 conclusion 4 3
a suitable forum for theologicaldiscussion4 some college memories 1886
the board had a gooddiscussionafter i made my report
done we had a harddiscussionand i believe that we
we had a wide rangingdiscussionas there was concern that
were controversial and needed morediscussionif the mcfadden commission had
this we had a similardiscussionin the transport and the
ask the scottish executive whatdiscussionit has had with dumfries
ask the scottish executive whatdiscussionit has had with representatives
we have had a gooddiscussionmargaret jamieson suggested that the
james cosmo after the initialdiscussionthat we had at the
the draft report reflects thediscussionthat we had i am
that the nature of thediscussionthat we have just had
we have had a usefuldiscussionthe speed at which we
we have had an informaldiscussionwe can start to divide
have all ransacked and thediscussionwe have had i go
by or caught up indiscussionof any of those kinds
fodder for livestock in anydiscussionof the ingredients of bread
as yet been any realdiscussionon it a lot of
publish any minutes taken duringdiscussionwith representatives of her majesty
the language of partnership anddiscussionand to nod to government
be focused on and subsequentdiscussioncan lead to beneficial language
a language and defining theirdiscussionin terms alien to and
a language and defining theirdiscussionin terms alien to and
i would rather have lessdiscussionin the language of victory
some concepts useful in everydaydiscussiondid not require definition again
parliament uk the website hostsdiscussionforums on some of the
of conducting some of thediscussionin public the past few
are some specific areas fordiscussionmembers asked for a fuller
sure that there was somediscussionof amending the rome statute
matters for some time indiscussionof the bill we have
22 some of the mediadiscussionof the recent announcement of
some of the more generaldiscussionon how we tackle the
the simulation idea provoked somediscussionon thursday principally from tania
into four but after somediscussionwith adult interviewees this was
need an early and thoroughdiscussionwith some brainstorming to consider
medium of nineteenth century publicdiscussionand to name these highlights
that we would hold thisdiscussionin public and that we
decided earlier to have thediscussionin public and then to
dance company without prior publicdiscussiontakes account of the views
and i were in constantdiscussionbill must have arrived at
we write a report thediscussionof its contents must be
am sorry to keep thisdiscussiongoing for such a long
other cultures such cross culturaldiscussionof literature or of cultural
of content or style suchdiscussionthough it necessarily refers to
of such genres questions fordiscussionwhich of these games seems
level of maturity with subsequentdiscussionarising from its conflicts and
of teaching at mti 3discussionclasses with fifth year students
with enforcement a process ofdiscussionis to be embarked upon
writing with its emphasis ondiscussionleading to redrafting is that
that there has been muchdiscussionof it with other uk
to provide the focus fordiscussionof style and accuracy with
scheme to be examined indiscussionwith communities scotland which regulates
have an informal but usefuldiscussionwith mr bill campbell and
tourist boards visitscotland is indiscussionwith the boards on how
got involved in an animateddiscussionwith the customs officer in
learn the outcome of thediscussionwith the department of health
nominated and invites ministers indiscussionwith the other main political
be as the basis fordiscussionwith the students themselves so
take and b enter intodiscussionwith their counterparts in westminster
take and b enter intodiscussionwith their counterparts in westminster
we expect far more effectivediscussionand decision making to take
when we have a peeriediscussionin shetlandic m865: mmhm mm
that if we leave thediscussionof the letter that we
there was an extremely livelydiscussionof what we should do
we do not have adiscussionon industrial relations in the
moment we will defer thediscussionon resources to a later
required we will have anotherdiscussionon the process which is
then another couple of hoursdiscussionon what we think we
we may assume for thisdiscussionthat certain sequences of phonemes
to take it from thisdiscussionthat we agree the principle
s contribution i recall thediscussionthat we shared on a
would like to pull thediscussiontogether we take on board
going to get into anotherdiscussionthe matter has taken many
going to discuss as thatdiscussionwill be much wider the
eight local schools methodology anddiscussion3 1 introduction this particular
friendship or ability groups fordiscussionactivities during their 3 to
consider whether to take itsdiscussionon the draft consideration stage
should bring elizabeth into thediscussionas she was just sitting
although elements of persuasion anddiscussioncan come into personal writing
when i get into mydiscussionmany communities in my constituency
zeebrugge and baltic events thatdiscussionhas focused on the need
need to repeat that generaldiscussionhere as was observed in
and it will be adiscussionarea it will have cpd
march the main topics fordiscussionat recent meetings have been
will have a terribly helpfuldiscussionin the circumstances the member
impossible to have a futurediscussionon registration and regulation because
snp i have found thediscussionso far a bit frustrating
full record of the relevantdiscussionthere have been various occasions
which there has been muchdiscussionas a roman catholic myself
which should be explored indiscussionof the bill and the
the agenda which is adiscussionof the interim complaints procedure
was an attempt to stopdiscussionwhich is to be deeply
to describe the type ofdiscussionwhich may be appropriate at
raised at a committee fordiscussionand for the edification of
terminology as a result ofdiscussionas to how the english
groups dramatic readings of thediscussionas well as focusing upon
the new format of presentationdiscussionat higher level in french
could recall from that sensiblediscussionbefore the cauldron of confused
at the heart of thediscussionfor honesty on all sides
often valuable but this isdiscussionin terms of content or
out both sides of adiscussionincidentally bereiter and scardamalia in
or narrative or even featurediscussionmany of philip larkin s
in the light of thisdiscussionmr hamilton in that case
before christmas on how thediscussionof a small business rates
may be sensible to deferdiscussionof funding and resources until
this can lead on todiscussionof proper nouns diminutives and
the next item is thediscussionof proposals for the launch
for complaints but precious littlediscussionof redress if at all
and writing in barnes wordsdiscussionof the audience s needs
quantitative detail in a recentdiscussionof the development of editorial
hunting and hare coursing thisdiscussionof the economic consequences of
to the majority there wasdiscussionof the fact that the
related research methodology and adiscussionof the findings early dialect
both jurisdictions there was extensivediscussionof the general use of
questions leading to the pupilsdiscussionof the impressions or effects
burns p 59 in hisdiscussionof the kilmarnock poems he
and 1980s there was considerablediscussionof the methodology of teaching
author and speaker in herdiscussionof the poems irony is
is given over to adiscussionof the questions facing translators
said was relevant to adiscussionof the regulation of lobbyists
rhyme and metre to adiscussionof the vocabulary suitable for
expect a full and properdiscussionof their merits is like
face value was there vigorousdiscussionof those matters at board
responses to burns and itsdiscussionof twentieth century analyses of
asked to contribute to adiscussionof where scottish lexicography should
an opportunity for a widerdiscussionon the definition of disability
and protects the time fordiscussionon the sections of the
there will be a shortdiscussionon the situational use of
of the student for adiscussionon topics of common interest
process it will help thediscussionrule 6 8 1 of
it s an area ofdiscussionso i think this ll
terminology sharpens this process ofdiscussionteachers can use examples of
that came out of thediscussionthat is the fundamental reason
general political parliamentary and mediadiscussionthe assistance of scottish executive
for the purposes of thisdiscussionthe committee is perfectly entitled
sporadically rehearsing and continuing thediscussionthe crux of the argument
parties and a lot ofdiscussionwas generated on what difficulties
mcallion i come to thediscussionlate on but i am
great potential to develop thediscussionand raise awareness 7 through
sit through the previous lengthydiscussionbristow muldoon is here as
her directions the children throughdiscussioncame to realise that these
board was appointed from thisdiscussionit is apparent that no
participating in this morning sdiscussionsubordinate legislation births deaths marriages
september this year for thatdiscussionto arise in the european
each category e g speakingdiscussionvery good 15 and this
returned to the committee fordiscussionand decision members indicated agreement
are also joined for thediscussionby andrew mcnaughton from the
used as a basis fordiscussionfor speaking in modern languages
presented for translators in hisdiscussionhe applies to burns monica
scott the second area fordiscussionis freedom justice and security
journalists and others together fordiscussionsupported by david mcletchie fiona
scottish civil society to stimulatediscussionand to seek views on
scottish civil society to stimulatediscussionand to seek views on
the european committee an initialdiscussionon eu tobacco subsidies amnesic
pamphlet on noise abatement adiscussionon noisy neighbours ensued j
done in isolation from thediscussionon the funding that would
preparing future lessons the videoeddiscussionon the media tomorrow s
can engage the pupils indiscussionas to the differences and
perhaps they should enter thediscussionnow there is no one
rugby internationals there was adiscussionregarding the venue and it
in listening to us thediscussionwas very enjoyable 15 11
narrative but end as reflectivediscussionpeter porter s your attention
chance to contribute to thediscussionaround it even when the
one that tends to shiftdiscussionaway from the dirty business
scotland s care arrangements thediscussionconcerns payments to individuals and
think sometimes msps use thediscussionforum to find out what
school system in france thediscussionis likely to be in
are soon at loggerheads ifdiscussionturns to the possible appropriateness
lastly thare wull be adiscussiono thi theoretical aspects underpinnin
thare wull then be adiscussiono thi twa main areas
scottish social inclusion network adiscussionwas held by the various
were arrived at following prolongeddiscussionand compromise so that all
fleas crashed from the subsequentdiscussionit was established that verb

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