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was conducted by six maledoctorsand nine male observers with
nine male observers with womendoctorspatients groups and nurses excluded
fowk or heicher diplomats lawyersdoctorsan scientists fyles he enterteened
teachers and lawyers for ourdoctorsand nurses for our social
could haud his ane widoctorslawyers an the like speecially
to a gps b hospitaldoctorsc pharmacists c dentists d
ask the scottish executive whetherdoctorsor pharmacists could be charged
payments scheme instituted by thedoctorsand dentists review body s1w
to resolve the junior hospitaldoctorsgrievances over long hours working
of 56 hours for juniordoctorsin scotland s1o 87 30
of 56 hours for juniordoctorsin scotland s1o 87 30
directive to cover junior hospitaldoctorsregrets that scottish labour meps
and improve the retention ofdoctorsin practice in remote areas
25 april when the stromnessdoctorssaid the staff retention recruitment
democrats promised to employ moredoctorsand more nurses we now
has he not given ourdoctorsand nurses far more say
nurses are much better thandoctorsat performing many duties and
should be not only fordoctorsbut for nurses if we
2003 health more nurses anddoctorsfree eye and dental checks
that is carried out bydoctorsnurses carers and fundraisers across
grampian general practitioners and hospitaldoctorscan refer patients at risk
increase the length of timedoctorscan spend with their patients
to liaise between patients anddoctorsjuanita introduced herself made notes
to introduce legislation to allowdoctorsto perform lobotomies on patients
anywhere else in scotland grampiandoctorson call service offers an
awbodie help thairsells aw thedoctorsin scotland wad hae ti
immediately shorter hours for scottishdoctorssupported by linda fabiani roseanna
as with other hospital servicesdoctorshave discretion to prioritise the
silicone despite pleas from americandoctorsnot to take risks america
and finally notes that americandoctorswere so concerned at her
spend more time with theirdoctorsthis will help them get
honey sweet thing eye candydoctorsher doubts with gin swallows
weak and tired friday 25doctors11 a m carry on
but about post mortems thatdoctorscarry out in general the
ey took him tae thedoctorsjonsar eck sayin ere wis
eck wis sittin in thedoctorssurgery he wis aye on
doon in some wye bookiesdoctorsbus drivers teachers i dinna
into the abyssal sea teachersdoctorsshopkeepers parents grandparents people living
executive which health boards allowdoctorsto prescribe a temozolomide for
squad she felt that thedoctorstreated her as an equal
nurse could call on thedoctorsin bervie for help and
health care and associated professionsdoctorsthe general and special medical
end ilkane o the wycedoctorsshuik his heid an gaed
place dimps shrink talk heiddoctorswi thur big fuckin hooters
you feel better when thedoctorscanna they should be chosen
beginning to feel confidentiality stoppeddoctorsfrom commenting on that one
been exemined bi fowr differentdoctorsan ah m no a
hid bin telt bi thedoctorsthat efter the operation brian
we now have 500 extradoctorsand more than 1 600
some 75 per cent ofdoctorswho qualify and some two
battle wi the flu thedoctorssay they re maist desirous
period i have spoken todoctorswho say that they expect
the scottish executive how manydoctorswere employed in the north
have been made to makedoctorsand paramedics aware of these
insane he got his aindoctorsto him but they said
shortage of qualified and availabledoctorss1w 7174 des mcnulty to
taking my children to thedoctorsfor their injections mam apologised
the work in the housedoctorsverdict rest with pills ointment
i d been a catdoctorsare so scared o folk
uh huh f890: an thedoctorswere worried about the eh
een o the first wummindoctorsin the toon on this
relation to the use ofdoctorsreports in court actions pe535

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