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i i honestly i wasdoina i was doin an
was doin a i wasdoinan immortal memory an ye
he says how ye doindoinawright hoo s yersel i
they doin what are theydoin[censored: forename] what s he doin
doaky he says how yedoindoin awright hoo s yersel
you doin what re youdoinon the end of the
doin [censored: forename] what s hedointhere f1114: [inhale] [exhale] playing
stick f1113: what are theydoinwhat are they doin [censored: forename]
goes up what re youdoinwhat re you doin on
girl oh wow you redoina good job look you
f1121: wow f1122: i mdoina lot of baking am
look m1092: okay f1091: youdoinit wow right that s
oh wow cool who wasdointhat m605: which is ehm
t s- f832: subjects aredoin[censored: forename] f834: well ehm i
oh well england ll bedoineverything right f833: yeah f832:
t know what i mdoinf835: are you f832: what
you f832: what are youdoinf835: what this weekend f832:
mess f1117: oh you redoina good job f1118: put
the bottom oh you redoina good job f1118: there
[child noises] [child noises] f1117: fitt youdoinf1118: i drawed that there
look f1117: [laugh] fitt youdoinf1118: [inaudible] he s got
what [censored: forename] and [censored: forename] wasdoinf1118: yes chocolate crispies [inaudible]
f1118: [inaudible] f1117: what aboutdoinher blue bike then f1118:
all ready f1118: he sdoin[inaudible] f1117: and then we
only one who is notdoinanything in in glaswegian m605:
you m605: i ve beendoinit i ve got i
motive behind what i mdoinm741: yeah m605: it s
m605: ehm and i mdoinone b which means that
m741: yeah m605: i wasdoinsome work in one of
uh huh m605: people aredointhis kind of stuff all
through the book i mdoineconomic m815: yeah m816: and
aw that m816: yeah youdoinenglish literature m815: eh no
clock there how re youdoinm815: a rude awakening [cough]
so what other classes youdoinm815: er i do level
what the hell are youdoinm815: i ve h- i
m816: mm mm [sniff] m815: dointhe sort of light thing
sink though f1122: i mdoina f1121: another wee bittie
mm f1121: oh you redoina good job aren t
mmhm f1121: oh you redoina good job [laugh] f1122:
f1121: okay how re wedoinf1122: are we gonna take
the little one we redoinf1122: erm big one f1121:
f1121: [censored: forename] what are youdoinf1122: sookin my f1121: right
do f1121: what are youdoinf1122: washing up i m
bit more f1121: are youdoinit on the outside as
fine like that am idoinit right f1122: mmhm f1121:
mm f1121: what are youdoinnow [censored: forename] f1122: [laugh] i
what [censored: forename] what are youdoinnow f1122: [inaudible] f1121: that
ain f1121: do you likedoinpuzzles eh do you enjoy
f1122: umph f1121: [censored: forename] sdointhe cooking today [censored: forename] [baby in background cries]
you doing f1122: i mdointhe dish- f1121: you re
[laugh] cause i m busydointhese f1121: oh that s
f1121: hey what was youdointoday at sunday school f1122:
it f1121: oh you redoinwell and [censored: forename] s watching
f1121: very good you redoinwell that s upside down
s actually what we redoinin philosophy just now m816:
t think i could bedoinwi that really m816: aye
puzzles eh do you enjoydoinpuzzles f1122: this ain this
s lovely f1122: i mdointhe cooking the day am
be careful f1122: i mdointhe washing up what is
[censored: forename] [note: addressing baby] fitt are youdointhere f1122: erm i think
think you re good atdointhis one f1122: we do
m741: yeah yeah they redoina i think it s
academy views what you redoinm741: mmhm yeah sociolinguistics seems
what about [censored: forename] is [censored: forename]doinsomethin sociolinguistic or m741: [censored: forename]
is though but they redoina a scots grammar eh
yeah f806: y- you redoinall that cleaning anyway f807:
i mean they re naedoinany harm but but eh
er we re not reallydoinanythin else like all ma
mm mm how re wedoinare we alright f1054: excellent
bad and what are youdoinat half si- you re
of stuff is you redoinin one b with them
aye f1006: all you redoinis play a game f1054:
what th- what they redoinis puttin a pressure on
concern and what they redoinis they re actually usin
it is they re notdoinit after the holidays f835:
no aware that we redoinit it just like people
to tell them you redoinit you ve got to
do you when you redoinjigsaws f1071: nup i don
turn over what re youdoinm1092: erm [inaudible] [inaudible] sauce
man right okay you redoinreally well [baby gurgles] mm [censored: forename]
work that we re alldoins all on glaswegian er
you are aye you redointhat really quick now aren
[sob] no cause you redointhe kisses f1139: [inaudible] sorry
the mornin an they redointhe weather forecast they they
s it gee you redointhis fast there s that
interestin erm thing we redointhis year we re trying
f1091: they re you redoinwell fitt are they m1092:
er the appreciation of someonedoinwell you re gaun yer
opposite to what they redoinyou know er instead of
and what have you beendoinyou re soakin been in
be on more she sdoina much more pivotal job
you deserve a sweetie fordoinaa that work fitt dae
my quilt f1111: fitt youdoinf1112: washing off my quilt
[inaudible] fitt s the girldoinm1094: where where f1093: it
[sob] [sob] f1141: fitt youdoinnow f1142: [sob] ma ma
fitt else have you beendointhe day when i ve
story about [censored: forename] we weredointhe scots dictionary ehm the
build it f1091: are youdoinit yourself m1092: no me
[inaudible] f1091: what s daddoinm1092: [inaudible] f1091: dad tidying
f1091: what are the trucksdoinm1092: they push him f1091:
he doing f1114: he sdoinf1113: is he singing look
f1113: and what s hedoinf1114: he s hidin in
jake f1113: what s hedoinf1114: he s playing playing
my phone f1113: what youdoinf1114: [?]i'm walking[/?] the phone [inaudible]
bells aw what are theydoinf1114: [laugh] [inaudible] f1113: they
off f1113: what are youdoinf1114: right i need the
f1113: and what are theydoinf1114: they [inaudible] big [?]clock[/?]
he doing f1114: he sdoinhe f1113: what s he
look what th- what theydoinhere f1114: all mak a
pagie right what s patdoinnow f1114: [exhale] f1113: oh
right and what s hedoinover here f1114: look he
what s what s hedointhere f1114: teletubbies f1113: and
s- mum what are wedoinnext f1113: what s that
police car standin what youdoinhere i says i m
that s what ruth sdoinis findin exactly how many
obviously knows what he sdoinknows how tae make folk
but f1049: what s shedoinm1048: i i don t
t know what i mdoinm1048: right if you want
mostly what i would bedoinmost of the time carryin
that darling what are wedoinnext well i was going
du kens what du sdoinor dey ll weemen be
wean what are the weansdoinor kids which is quite
i was what i wasdoinor nothing nuh but that
she s [inaudible] she sdointhe lambin f809: what the
rain lightly what it sdointoday f1005: to drizzle f1006:
her erm what are youdointomorrow f1049: ehm stayin at
just one f1111: what youdoinwi the cloth f1112: squeezing
not what we should bedoinyou know we should be
road saying i m notdointhat i m not doing
m not sure a- aredoina a a reader of
this research that i mdoinis that why is immigration
an i m gonna startdoinmore is ehm recording myself
ye know a m urnaedoinsomethin [laugh] just terrific it
thought she was to bedointhat i m patsy cam
dog green [scribbling noise] i mdointhe dog green i want
no i m i mdointhe lambin she s [inaudible]
sayin when ehm everyone wasdointhat newspaper interview as well
[laugh] f1049: cause donald wasdoincheese [inaudible] m1048: oh right
ulysses tour as well [inaudible]doinulysses you see you do
nearly died cause she wasdoinher brasses on her door
us have a chance odoinit for ourselves er cause
tabling stuff counting things anddoinit like that cause that
set up we ll finishdointhis ain cause this is
where cammy do gooder sdoingood coverin up the wrong
good morning fishies how youdointhe day eh f1131: okay
s good how are wedoinwi that one yes left-ha-
the wan that got adoinaff davie murdoch noo you
never has been you weredoingaelic f826: mmhm yeah dave
a young lassie you knowdoinherself up you know an
must have realised they weredoinsomethin extremely silly you know
i said why are youdointhat and she goes well
you be when ye weredointhat f637: oh it was
f1131: okay m1132: how youdointhe day i saw a
that s done m1094: youdointhis and that f1093: rinse
goin hey how are youdoinyou know everythin alright so
rhymes chewin is whit yirdoinyou ve taken some of
[laugh] only when they weredoincoconut creams oh the smell
tut oh dear m842: ehdoindrama last week so that
was a fine day fordoinit f606: [cough] m822: oh
yeah they might quite enjoydointhat f1039: oh it was
[laugh] f810: just i wasdoinokay i was lookin i
m642: er f641: [laugh] m642: dointhis run well we came
go well why s hedointhis when he could be
next morning we weren tdointoo well either tryin to
it a gold medal fordoinit erm the first fourteen
uh huh yeah f1049: ermdoinone o them for civic
people that are that aredoinit the kind o [tut]
words there s a girldoina some work just now
now she ll be gettingdoinher reading her homework f1112:
the piss now yer jistdointhis tae get on ma
loads of p- eh postgradsdoinwork on different bits of
side and they ve beendoinit already i was in
so i mean they weredoinit then it was m608:
on the blackboard they weredoinjoined up writing joined up
more they were just totallydoinma feet in f631: mmhm
this when he could bedoinshakespeare they always f606: yeah
i mind when i wasdoinbed and breakfast i said
was ta- when i wasdoinit f943: uh huh m944:
realises it when he sdoinit it s just totally
i definitely when i wasdoinlike scot lit and poetry
that s when we weredointhe accurist time bit m944:
came a- when we weredointhe flittin we came across
f640: that s right f639: doinwe need to make our
m865: mmhm f951: ye weredoina speech at a weddin
the music playing we weredoingreat and this knock come
or moody whit were wedointhere was that ins- m999:
continued so we just weredoinwords for throw throw something
was in an was justdoinit au- automatically and then
then go about your daydoinwhatever it s day an
like this and he sdoinabout a hundred and forty
junior honours year he sdoinearth sciences and geology and
liftin his creels he wisnadointoo weel so he made
o fit ah d bindoinpulled ma clothes egither an
[laugh] f010: [laugh] [laugh] f122: doinwords backwards [laugh] f010: comes
working in the summer anddoinall that so there was
kenny collins that got thedoinhis mooth was aye writin
wi me but she wasdoinit jokingly and it took
it was a few weeksdoinit wi left hand an
piss every cunt got adoinaff davie murdoch i hink
and i can remember oncedoinit and it wasn t
i think i ll bedoinlike some judgin but not
don t want to bedointhat f643: i mean see
it s horrible dad hatesdoinit but jack always insists
jist to empty oot yourdoins she looks at the
this video of joey dunlopdointhe isle o man circuit
an especially thanks duncan fordoinit at such short notice
another per- f643: had starteddoinit up m642: ah no
is especially pertinent tae onybodydoina coorse in literary theory
the subject 11 noo onybodydoind exam will hae a

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