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23 may 2000 the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulation 2000
and community care the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2001
and community care the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2001
2002 local government the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2002
2002 local government the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2002
ssi 2003 158 the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2003
25 may 2003 the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2003
subject to annulment the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2003
25 may 2003 the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2003
25 may 2003 the nondomesticrates levying scotland regulations 2003
and central services department nondomesticrating account 2001 02 se
24 january 1999 the nondomesticrating and contributions scotland amendment
24 january 2000 the nondomesticrating and contributions scotland amendment
no points arose the nondomesticrating contributions scotland amendment regulations
2003 local government the nondomesticrating former agricultural premises scotland
2003 local government the nondomesticrating former agricultural premises scotland
2003 local government the nondomesticrating former agricultural premises scotland
ssi 2003 141 the nondomesticrating former agricultural premises scotland
2003 finance the draft nondomesticrating petrol filling stations public
2003 finance the draft nondomesticrating petrol filling stations public
2003 finance the draft nondomesticrating petrol filling stations public
2003 finance the draft nondomesticrating petrol filling stations public
consideration of the draft nondomesticrating petrol filling stations public
ssi 2003 140 the nondomesticrating rural areas and rateable
2003 social justice the nondomesticrating rural areas and rateable
7 march 2003 the nondomesticrating rural areas and rateable
2003 social justice the nondomesticrating rural areas and rateable
2000 local government the nondomesticrating rural areas and rateable
and community care the nondomesticrating unoccupied property scotland amendment
industry is through charges ondomesticand non domestic customers utilising
industry is through charges ondomesticand non domestic customers utilising
charges on domestic and nondomesticcustomers utilising the services provided
charges on domestic and nondomesticcustomers utilising the services provided
and sewerage service charges todomesticcustomers should be paid for
until 10 may 2001 thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
health and community care thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
guidance for local authorities thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
the following negative instruments thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
guidance for local authorities thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
health and community care thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
the following negative instruments thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
health and community care thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
until 24 march 2002 thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
health and community care thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
until 10 may 2001 thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
until 24 march 2002 thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
guidance for local authorities thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
health and community care thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
guidance for local authorities thedomesticwater and sewerage charges reduction
per cent of our grossdomesticproduct and that income is
democrat convener green action grossdomesticproduct as a measure on
of the union s grossdomesticproduct comes from trade between
the european community s grossdomesticproduct comes from within its
per cent increase in grossdomesticproduct in scotland that has
5 per cent of grossdomesticproduct it employs more than
the united kingdom s grossdomesticproduct might be boosted by
cent of the average grossdomesticproduct per head we had
per cent of the grossdomesticproduct whereas in the uk
alia powers to deal withdomesticviolence after debate the amendment
on an executive motion ondomesticviolence followed by parliamentary bureau
women and their children fleeingdomesticviolence in scotland s1o 310
funding of services dealing withdomesticviolence is equalised across scotland
propose that we remit thedomesticviolence item to next week
today s agenda item ondomesticviolence maureen has met the
2000 ss 2000 187 6domesticviolence maureen macmillan to report
to address the issue ofdomesticviolence s1o 98 21 mr
to address the issue ofdomesticviolence s1o 98 21 mr
example if parliament is debatingdomesticviolence scottish women s aid
june s1m 49 maureen macmillandomesticviolence that the parliament considers
by the scottish partnership ondomesticviolence this work plan is
needs of children affected bydomesticviolence to address as a
scottish executive how many adomesticand b commercial customers each
the current system for chargingdomesticcustomers already provides a degree
the current system for chargingdomesticcustomers already provides a degree
scotland water authority charges todomesticcustomers by 35 in 2000
unfair water rate system fordomesticcustomers with a new individual
respect of business rates nondomesticrates and replace it with
whether it envisages paying nondomesticrates for the new private
expected to raise in nondomesticrates in 2000 01 s1w
respect of payment of nondomesticrates is expected to have
respect of payment of nondomesticrates is expected to have
respect of payment of nondomesticrates is expected to have
that the income from nondomesticrates is projected to rise
business can have 50 nondomesticrates relief 100 at local
the impact of the nondomesticrates revaluation to take effect
the impact of the nondomesticrates revaluation to take effect
mcmillan the income from nondomesticrates should rise cumulatively through
to 35 recycling rates fordomesticwaste by 2010 is concerned
impact the collection centrally ofdomesticwater rates by the proposed
2002 03 broken down betweendomesticand non domestic payers s1w
raise for the disposal ofdomesticand non domestic waste s1o
likely to tap into thedomesticand non standard language that
down between domestic and nondomesticpayers s1w 12198 fergus ewing
1 may 2000 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2000 ssi
4 april 2001 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2001 ssi
30 april 2002 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2002 ssi
30 april 2002 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2002 ssi
18 may 2003 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2003 ssi
18 may 2003 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2003 ssi
18 may 2003 the nondomesticrate scotland order 2003 ssi
disposal of domestic and nondomesticwaste s1o 286 7 karen
the collection rate for nondomesticwater charges as a percentage
pe496 the scottish executive sdomesticabuse advertising strategy pe501 request
s handling of its recentdomesticabuse advertising strategy the committee
on the proposed research intodomesticabuse against males pe501 petition
types of crime such asdomesticabuse and reflect the differing
serious form of child anddomesticabuse and to develop intervention
30 pm executive debate ondomesticabuse followed by parliamentary bureau
children and young people experiencingdomesticabuse further approves work aimed
the intolerably high incidence ofdomesticabuse in scotland and welcomes
the national group to addressdomesticabuse in scotland in tackling
the working group to addressdomesticabuse protect public service workers
plans to take to tackledomesticabuse s1o 4876 11 mr
the national strategy to addressdomesticabuse s1w 31840 mr gil
the monies allocated from thedomesticabuse service development fund will
and junior scottish ministers 6domesticabuse the minister for social
when the national group ondomesticabuse will publish its report
to domestic prisoners except thatdomesticlaw on the determination of
treated in like fashion todomesticprisoners except that domestic law
if someone moves from adomesticpremises out of doors the
of icc statute crimes intodomesticlaw and co operation with
incorporating the icc offences intodomesticlaw proceedings against a uk
incorporation of icc offences intodomesticlaw that is the extent
the icc statute into scotsdomesticlaw the statute does not
use of lead solder withindomesticdrinking water is s1w 1967
wish to replace or repairdomesticdrinking water systems contaminated by
solder is not used fordomesticdrinking water systems s1w 1966
who wish to test theirdomesticdrinking water systems to ensure
the ongoing pollution of thedomesticwater supply in parts of
matheson pollution of bo nessdomesticwater supply see text of
matheson pollution of bo nessdomesticwater supply that the parliament
the approximate percentage of thedomesticwater supply to be provided
scottish water infrastructure and manydomesticand business water supplies notes
water is supplied only fordomesticpurposes within the meaning of
scottish executive what percentage ofdomesticwaste is estimated to be
place to reduce growth indomesticwaste s1o 3305 29 hugh
increase in energy efficiency acrossdomesticand industrial sectors including the
availability of materials in thedomesticmarket how energy efficiency in
of energy saving materials excludesdomesticwind turbines and calls upon
s1m 995 renewable energy anddomesticwind turbines lodged on 9
sylvia jackson renewable energy anddomesticwind turbines that the parliament
equivalent to provision in scotsdomesticlaw for instance where a
creating the offences in scotsdomesticlaw the bill provides for
market even in a decliningdomesticmarket the uk tobacco industry
market when scottish editions anddomesticscottish newspapers ostensibly selling in
impact of mink on eitherdomesticstock or native prey is
provide a massive boost todomesticfootball the tourism industry and
part or break with thedomesticand political community to which
bed system to deal withdomesticsewage in a private dwelling
1 may i return todomesticconcerns for my question to
poles stretchers abandoned items ofdomesticequipment the area may be
increasing number of complaints ofdomesticindustrial and street noise notes
notes that the privatisation ofdomesticservices in hospitals presided over
notes that the privatisation ofdomesticservices in hospitals presided over
uk between 1990 and 1997domesticvisitor expenditure rose in real
government has reduced vat ondomesticfuel and we have made
person at greatest risk fromdomesticfires lodged 20 march 2001
person at greatest risk fromdomesticfires lodged 20 march 2001
and lochs for international anddomesticvisitors to enjoy scotland s
divulge intimate details of theirdomesticand business affairs to their
regarding the flood damage todomesticand business properties in moray
as fresh fish into thedomesticor export markets or to
protected where the protection fordomesticand captive animals leaves off
both poems are female centreddomesticand humane as opposed to
the records since they weredomesticand not subject to sales
identifying our future markets bothdomesticand overseas addressing the decline
fifg grant scheme and thedomesticback up grant scheme will
sources 43 of supplies fromdomesticcatchers and the remainder from
hitherto that is because ofdomesticcommitments partners and jobs that
retrained and rehoused in adomesticenvironment that is the best
a collection of handicrafts anddomesticfurniture designed to given an
which extends to captive anddomesticmammals that is designed to
england to be met bydomesticproduction setting a target and
by europe and partly fromdomesticresources so those schemes are
the granting of rocs fordomesticscale renewables and auto generation
one year what was calleddomesticscience and we learned to
fields and they took awaydomesticscience basically so a generation
bound and gagged in somedomesticsuburban hell i don t
drink and other trade anddomesticuses did not change or
their ability to make alternativedomesticarrangements on their days of
not be felt by thedomesticeconomy if the extra demand
man is mourned in hisdomesticcapacity of husband father son
not just in cases ofdomesticcruelty to animals but under
use perhaps rubbish bins abandoneddomesticequipment not too much of
up oor close memories ofdomesticlife in glasgow tenements 1910
path of a morally seriousdomesticrealism a ghost in the
a great pity that erdomesticscience was taken out of
farm building now converted todomesticuse it consists of two
as an excuse for adomesticdebate on whether we should
done a sure recipe fordomestictension if you used a
on oblivious to this rawdomesticdisaster time froze or i
act 1912 applies only todomesticor captive animals wild mammals
trauchled wife tae keep awadomesticstrife or tak weans tae
some o the tippies ondomesticeconomy that mabel smith hid
that we consult on ourdomesticlegislation on the subject interruption
easy to rehome in adomesticsetting however we have made
other point is a moredomesticone about what the minister
assumes if a fall indomesticlandings occurs processors do not
mouse was caught in thisdomesticdeadfall trap in the morning
scott o the ludge sdomesticneeds efter his wife deyd
thar wuid hev been saipretdomesticpairliaments i the fower saipret
the trip resumes past sheepdomesticthistle the bus reclaims it
he cud dae spreidsheets indomesticaccoonts an he kent aa
a dirty plate sic smadomestictriggers detonate in hoose hate
elemental archetypes against small scaledomesticdetails willie s boots full
hames an wars checked ootdomesticminefields battle scars skeletons hing

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