
See this word as a collocate cloud

west of scotland con gorriedonaldcameron easterbrook central scotland ld
gillon karen clydesdale lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
trish west renfrewshire lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
trish west renfrewshire lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
trish west renfrewshire lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
strathkelvin and bearsden lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
trish west renfrewshire lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
trish west renfrewshire lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
gillon karen clydesdale lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
trish west renfrewshire lab gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
west of scotland con gorriedonaldcentral scotland ld grant rhoda
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1150donaldgorrie 0345 phone number for
on 9 june s1m 48donaldgorrie academic pay that the
2001 present mr david davidsondonaldgorrie adam ingram dr richard
sandra white mr gil patersondonaldgorrie alasdair morgan tricia marwick
david mundell dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie alex fergusson david mcletchie
david mcletchie dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie alex fergusson mr keith
this traditional activity supported bydonaldgorrie alex johnstone mr murray
mr jamie stone andrew wilsondonaldgorrie alex neil adam ingram
by phil gallie christine grahamedonaldgorrie alex neil lord james
brown linda fabiani fergus ewingdonaldgorrie alex neil proposed public
quinan shona robison nora radcliffedonaldgorrie alex neil richard lochhead
john mcallion ms sandra whitedonaldgorrie alex neil robin harper
in lottery funding supported bydonaldgorrie alex neil shona robison
be given to that problemdonaldgorrie also highlighted that and
you left after lunch convenerdonaldgorrie and i the convener
to peterhead prison i invitedonaldgorrie and michael matheson to
it is nice to followdonaldgorrie and to hear that
shona robison mr lloyd quinandonaldgorrie andrew wilson alex neil
dorothy grace elder michael russelldonaldgorrie andrew wilson alex neil
england and wales supported bydonaldgorrie andrew wilson dorothy grace
mr kenny macaskill david mundelldonaldgorrie andrew wilson dorothy grace
mr kenneth gibson irene oldfatherdonaldgorrie andrew wilson elaine smith
dorothy grace elder fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
dorothy grace elder michael russelldonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
kenny macaskill mr mike rumblesdonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
irene mcgugan mr lloyd quinandonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
dorothy grace elder christine grahamedonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
margaret ewing mr mike rumblesdonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
michael russell mr mike rumblesdonaldgorrie andrew wilson linda fabiani
oldfather michael russell cathy jamiesondonaldgorrie andrew wilson mr kenneth
adam ingram mr mike rumblesdonaldgorrie andrew wilson ms sandra
michael russell mr lloyd quinandonaldgorrie andrew wilson tommy sheridan
to the point made bydonaldgorrie at the beginning of
r supported by david mundelldonaldgorrie bill aitken dr elaine
springfield in fife supported bydonaldgorrie bill aitken mr jamie
quinan fergus ewing shona robisondonaldgorrie brian adam cathie craigie
mcgugan tricia marwick alex neildonaldgorrie brian adam christine grahame
linda fabiani dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie brian adam fiona mcleod
mrs margaret ewing shona robisondonaldgorrie brian adam nicola sturgeon
scott fergus ewing alex neildonaldgorrie brian adam nora radcliffe
may 2000 mr john mcalliondonaldgorrie business bulletin 89 2000
mr keith harding john youngdonaldgorrie business bulletin no 29
keith raffan dr elaine murraydonaldgorrie cathy jamieson business bulletin
charity supported by tommy sheridandonaldgorrie cathy jamieson s1m 367
james douglas hamilton lothians condonaldgorrie central scotland ld angus
scanlon highlands and islands condonaldgorrie central scotland ld colin
james douglas hamilton lothians condonaldgorrie central scotland ld dr
edinburgh east and musselburgh labdonaldgorrie central scotland ld fiona
glasgow rutherglen lab committee membersdonaldgorrie central scotland ld gordon
herald tomorrow morning 16 23donaldgorrie central scotland ld i
of the local government committeedonaldgorrie central scotland ld i
not happen on another occasiondonaldgorrie central scotland ld i
will be brief 12 00donaldgorrie central scotland ld i
his closing speech 15 58donaldgorrie central scotland ld i
all over again 10 36donaldgorrie central scotland ld i
21 march 2001 tavish scottdonaldgorrie central scotland ld in
bill to parliament 16 02donaldgorrie central scotland ld in
alex neil central scotland snpdonaldgorrie central scotland ld janis
davidson north east scotland condonaldgorrie central scotland ld mike
ms sandra white glasgow snpdonaldgorrie central scotland ld ms
craigie cumbernauld and kilsyth labdonaldgorrie central scotland ld murdo
are getting worse 11 02donaldgorrie central scotland ld on
alex neil central scotland snpdonaldgorrie central scotland ld phil
gordon jackson glasgow govan labdonaldgorrie central scotland ld phil
finnie west of scotland lddonaldgorrie central scotland ld rhoda
amend only the english versiondonaldgorrie central scotland ld sometimes
sector in future 11 08donaldgorrie central scotland ld the
responsibilities in that regard seriouslydonaldgorrie central scotland ld will
paterson cathy peattie john mcalliondonaldgorrie christine grahame business bulletin
former stg employees supported bydonaldgorrie christine grahame cathie craigie
monteith cathy jamieson phil galliedonaldgorrie christine grahame fiona mcleod
mr kenneth gibson alex neildonaldgorrie christine grahame maureen macmillan
mr keith harding david mcletchiedonaldgorrie christine grahame nick johnston
robin harper mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie christine grahame rhoda grant
fergus ewing mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie christine grahame rhoda grant
mr lloyd quinan tricia marwickdonaldgorrie christine grahame shona robison
by allan wilson s1m 3620donaldgorrie council tax on second
the subject of s1m 3464donaldgorrie debt and lending for
the subject of s1m 3464donaldgorrie debt and lending wednesday
life of citizens s1m 3616donaldgorrie delays in security clearance
hamilton mary scanlon s1m 1172donaldgorrie democratic accountability of non
than my own irene mcgugandonaldgorrie dennis canavan and others
elder andrew wilson irene mcgugandonaldgorrie dennis canavan kay ullrich
rumbles alex neil kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie dennis canavan roseanna cunningham
sturgeon linda fabiani irene mcgugandonaldgorrie dennis canavan roseanna cunningham
scott lord james douglas hamiltondonaldgorrie des mcnulty nora radcliffe
phil gallie mrs lyndsay mcintoshdonaldgorrie dorothy grace elder brian
mr gil paterson andrew wilsondonaldgorrie dorothy grace elder christine
project supported by nora radcliffedonaldgorrie dorothy grace elder christine
kingdom shipbuilding industry supported bydonaldgorrie dorothy grace elder karen
this absurd anomaly supported bydonaldgorrie dorothy grace elder mr
hamilton nick johnston alex neildonaldgorrie dorothy grace elder robert
4 july 2001 supported bydonaldgorrie dr richard simpson dennis
mr kenneth gibson pauline mcneilldonaldgorrie dr richard simpson des
kenneth gibson trish godman convenerdonaldgorrie dr sylvia jackson johann
nora radcliffe ms sandra whitedonaldgorrie dr winnie ewing mr
dorothy grace elder andrew wilsondonaldgorrie dr winnie ewing nick
lg 00 1 3 reporterdonaldgorrie east renfrewshire lg 00
intend to do that indonaldgorrie fashion i will dispose
ingram tommy sheridan cathy jamiesondonaldgorrie fergus ewing alex neil
mcgugan brian adam robert browndonaldgorrie fergus ewing cathy peattie
customers supported by nora radcliffedonaldgorrie fergus ewing john scott
radcliffe kay ullrich michael mathesondonaldgorrie fergus ewing kate maclean
tommy sheridan dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie fergus ewing mr kenneth
ewing ian jenkins christine grahamedonaldgorrie fergus ewing ms sandra
quinan andrew wilson linda fabianidonaldgorrie fiona hyslop fiona mcleod
monteith michael russell scott barriedonaldgorrie fiona hyslop linda fabiani
pauline mcneill mr andrew wilsondonaldgorrie fiona hyslop ms fiona
elder shona robison david mundelldonaldgorrie fiona hyslop ms sandra
mr brian monteith fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie fiona hyslop s1m 568
lloyd quinan mr duncan hamiltondonaldgorrie fiona mcleod bruce crawford
godman karen whitefield mike watsondonaldgorrie fiona mcleod cathie craigie
aitken nick johnston david mcletchiedonaldgorrie fiona mcleod fergus ewing
michael matheson mr jamie mcgrigordonaldgorrie fiona mcleod mary scanlon
tommy sheridan mrs margaret smithdonaldgorrie fiona mcleod mr david
sheridan alasdair morgan michael mathesondonaldgorrie fiona mcleod s1m 272
davidson david mundell robin harperdonaldgorrie fiona mcleod s1m 280
ewing tommy sheridan alex neildonaldgorrie fiona mcleod s1m 362
contributions today and i thankdonaldgorrie for his kind remarks
dorothy grace elder lloyd quinandonaldgorrie gil paterson margo macdonald
dorothy grace elder lloyd quinandonaldgorrie gil paterson margo macdonald
gil paterson janis hughes mrdonaldgorrie gordon jackson also present
fallible human beings and asdonaldgorrie has pointed out the
to discuss the issue thatdonaldgorrie has raised fiona hyslop
doing in echoing something thatdonaldgorrie highlighted in his speech
which they submitted the petitiondonaldgorrie i accept the implication
best body to initiate thatdonaldgorrie i accept your polite
was a very powerful sessiondonaldgorrie i agree with michael
that is a general principledonaldgorrie i agree with much
content to commission a reportdonaldgorrie i do not know
other members have to saydonaldgorrie i support the clerks
wish to say about itdonaldgorrie i think that we
matheson central scotland snp likedonaldgorrie i was extremely impressed
dr winnie ewing cathy peattiedonaldgorrie iain smith david mcletchie
elder christine grahame alex neildonaldgorrie ian jenkins mr michael
lodged on 19 march 2003donaldgorrie ian jenkins s1m 4044
smith tavish scott nora radcliffedonaldgorrie ian jenkins scott barrie
petitioner to follow the processdonaldgorrie if an activist from
convener it would be heresydonaldgorrie if members vote the
fergus ewing mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie irene mcgugan christine grahame
fergus ewing dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie irene mcgugan christine grahame
supported by dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie irene mcgugan fiona mcleod
bruce crawford mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie irene mcgugan mrs margaret
mrs mary mulligan scott barriedonaldgorrie irene mcgugan ms sandra
supported by dr sylvia jacksondonaldgorrie irene oldfather cathie craigie
simpson trish godman irene mcgugandonaldgorrie irene oldfather mrs kay
views the matter is complicateddonaldgorrie is not it possible
the instrument should not proceeddonaldgorrie is that sensible miss
produce such a standing orderdonaldgorrie it is to do
robert brown mr michael mcmahondonaldgorrie johann lamont tommy sheridan
russell duncan hamilton nicola sturgeondonaldgorrie john mcallion ben wallace
david mundell dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie john scott mr keith
to comment on the matterdonaldgorrie junior ministers already answer
of the competition supported bydonaldgorrie karen whitefield mike watson
quinan robin harper michael mathesondonaldgorrie kate maclean s1m 269
crawford lord james douglas hamiltondonaldgorrie kenny macaskill kenneth macintosh
escaped members attention that asdonaldgorrie kindly pointed out we
racial background nicol stephen asdonaldgorrie knows we seek to
fox ssp rob gibson snpdonaldgorrie liberal democrat alex johnstone
mr kenneth gibson shona robisondonaldgorrie linda fabiani andrew wilson
and safety legislation supported bydonaldgorrie linda fabiani andrew wilson
bi popular deman supported bydonaldgorrie linda fabiani christine grahame
mr kenneth gibson tommy sheridandonaldgorrie linda fabiani mr gil
monteith bristow muldoon david mundelldonaldgorrie linda fabiani mr michael
nora radcliffe dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie linda fabiani robert brown
macmillan fiona hyslop nicola sturgeondonaldgorrie linda fabiani robin harper
lodged on 30 july 2001donaldgorrie linda fabiani s1m 2081
tommy sheridan mr lloyd quinandonaldgorrie linda fabiani shona robison
up to standard supported bydonaldgorrie linda fabiani shona robison
mcgugan colin campbell alex neildonaldgorrie linda fabiani shona robison
sheridan colin campbell alex neildonaldgorrie linda fabiani shona robison
james douglas hamilton helen eadiedonaldgorrie linda fabiani shona robison
fatality has occurred supported bydonaldgorrie linda fabiani shona robison
26 june r supported bydonaldgorrie linda fabiani tavish scott
bruce crawford mr duncan hamiltondonaldgorrie linda fabiani tommy sheridan
karen gillon mr keith raffandonaldgorrie lodged on 09 april
karen gillon mr robin harperdonaldgorrie lodged on 10 april
gorrie has raised fiona hyslopdonaldgorrie makes a very interesting
assembly supported by alex neildonaldgorrie margaret jamieson nora radcliffe
tommy sheridan dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie margo macdonald robin harper
peattie tommy sheridan trish godmandonaldgorrie marilyn livingstone margaret jamieson
gibson jamie mcgrigor margo macdonalddonaldgorrie mary mulligan sylvia jackson
elaine thomson mr jamie mcgrigordonaldgorrie mary scanlon david mcletchie
lodged on 6 february 2002donaldgorrie mary scanlon kay ullrich
lodged on 5 february 2002donaldgorrie mary scanlon mr brian
lodged on 7 february 2002donaldgorrie mary scanlon mrs margaret
lodged on 7 february 2002donaldgorrie mary scanlon nora radcliffe
the long term supported bydonaldgorrie maureen macmillan ben wallace
lodged on 5 february 2002donaldgorrie maureen macmillan kay ullrich
by phil gallie irene mcgugandonaldgorrie maureen macmillan mr brian
mr keith harding bruce crawforddonaldgorrie maureen macmillan mr david
lodged on 7 february 2002donaldgorrie maureen macmillan mr kenneth
lodged on 4 february 2002donaldgorrie maureen macmillan nora radcliffe
lodged on 6 february 2002donaldgorrie maureen macmillan nora radcliffe
north of helmsdale supported bydonaldgorrie maureen macmillan rhoda grant
lodged on 7 february 2002donaldgorrie maureen macmillan s1m 2718
supported by mr kenneth macintoshdonaldgorrie maureen macmillan tommy sheridan
implemented sooner at one pointdonaldgorrie mentioned a three year
draw members attention to itdonaldgorrie mentioned competition between local
on career and role developmentdonaldgorrie mentioned the nurses who
adam shona robison fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie michael matheson mr adam
wilson robin harper nora radcliffedonaldgorrie michael russell brian adam
marwick alex neil shona robisondonaldgorrie michael russell brian adam
robin harper ms sandra whitedonaldgorrie michael russell brian adam
mcgugan tricia marwick alex neildonaldgorrie michael russell brian adam
elder shona robison irene mcgugandonaldgorrie michael russell cathy peattie
mr lloyd quinan alex neildonaldgorrie michael russell christine grahame
by christine grahame nora radcliffedonaldgorrie michael russell fiona mcleod
robin harper dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie michael russell fiona mcleod
mr lloyd quinan andrew wilsondonaldgorrie michael russell fiona mcleod
quinan andrew wilson shona robisondonaldgorrie michael russell irene mcgugan
grace elder ms sandra whitedonaldgorrie michael russell irene mcgugan
nora radcliffe dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie michael russell mr duncan
lodged on 4 february 2002donaldgorrie michael russell mr duncan
ms pauline mcneill trish godmandonaldgorrie michael russell ms linda
r nora radcliffe maureen macmillandonaldgorrie michael russell rhoda grant
ewing tommy sheridan robin harperdonaldgorrie michael russell richard lochhead
the more radical options thatdonaldgorrie might have in mind
on 2 june supported bydonaldgorrie mike rumbles tavish scott
prisoners into recovery supported bydonaldgorrie mike rumbles tavish scott
jamieson janis hughes margaret jamiesondonaldgorrie mike watson mr jamie
the subject of s1m 1210donaldgorrie misuse of alcohol for
mr david davidson s1m 1210donaldgorrie misuse of alcohol that
lodged on 23 march 2001donaldgorrie mr adam ingram david
26 march 2001 margaret jamiesondonaldgorrie mr adam ingram dr
lodged on 22 march 2001donaldgorrie mr adam ingram dr
scotland supported by shona robisondonaldgorrie mr adam ingram michael
alex neil dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie mr adam ingram mr
irreplaceable supported by michael mathesondonaldgorrie mr adam ingram mr
dennis canavan dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie mr brian monteith mr
mr kenny macaskill david mcletchiedonaldgorrie mr brian monteith mrs
mr jamie stone tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr brian monteith proposed
lodged on 28 june 2001donaldgorrie mr brian monteith tommy
lloyd quinan mr jamie mcgrigordonaldgorrie mr david davidson pauline
russell shona robison irene mcgugandonaldgorrie mr duncan hamilton ms
radcliffe robert brown alex neildonaldgorrie mr gil paterson brian
elaine smith mr michael mcmahondonaldgorrie mr gil paterson michael
ms sandra white tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr gil paterson mr
ms sandra white tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr gil paterson mr
white tommy sheridan irene mcgugandonaldgorrie mr gil paterson mr
ms sandra white tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr gil paterson mr
ingram phil gallie alex neildonaldgorrie mr gil paterson shona
murray tosh ms elaine thomsondonaldgorrie mr jamie mcgrigor mary
cathy peattie mr lloyd quinandonaldgorrie mr jamie mcgrigor mr
convention supported by david mundelldonaldgorrie mr jamie mcgrigor mr
scanlon alex neil david mundelldonaldgorrie mr jamie mcgrigor mrs
gibson michael russell irene mcgugandonaldgorrie mr jamie mcgrigor s1m
paper is published supported bydonaldgorrie mr jamie stone cathie
by tommy sheridan christine grahamedonaldgorrie mr jamie stone john
duncan hamilton ms nicola sturgeondonaldgorrie mr john mcallion ben
by robin harper alex neildonaldgorrie mr john mcallion bill
mr kenneth gibson tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr john mcallion ms
jamieson tommy sheridan robin harperdonaldgorrie mr john munro dr
macaskill marilyn livingstone robin harperdonaldgorrie mr john munro mr
mr lloyd quinan robin harperdonaldgorrie mr keith harding john
workers supported by tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr kenneth gibson colin
christine grahame dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie mr kenneth gibson michael
fabiani cathy jamieson margaret jamiesondonaldgorrie mr kenneth gibson mike
ewing shona robison ian jenkinsdonaldgorrie mr kenneth gibson richard
by david mundell tommy sheridandonaldgorrie mr kenneth gibson robert
andrew wilson mr kenny macaskilldonaldgorrie mr kenneth gibson s1m
morgan tommy sheridan alex neildonaldgorrie mr kenny macaskill fiona
2001 linda fabiani richard lochheaddonaldgorrie mr kenny macaskill tricia
22 march 2001 richard lochheaddonaldgorrie mr kenny macaskill tricia
ms sandra white michael russelldonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan alex
hyslop shona robison robin harperdonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan alex
cannabis in scotland supported bydonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan christine
ewing cathy jamieson fiona hyslopdonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan mr
ewing colin campbell cathy jamiesondonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan mr
mr kenneth gibson robert browndonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan nora
mr kenny macaskill cathy peattiedonaldgorrie mr lloyd quinan robin
supported by ms margo macdonalddonaldgorrie mr michael mcmahon des
lodged on 7 february 2002donaldgorrie mr michael mcmahon des
mrs mary mulligan nora radcliffedonaldgorrie mr michael mcmahon elaine
radcliffe robert brown alex fergussondonaldgorrie mr michael mcmahon mr
davidson cathy jamieson rhoda grantdonaldgorrie mr murray tosh malcolm
lodged on 6 february 2002donaldgorrie mrs margaret ewing kay
sydney olympic games supported bydonaldgorrie mrs mary mulligan mr
treasury and entrust supported bydonaldgorrie mrs nora radcliffe mr
tosh karen whitefield mike watsondonaldgorrie ms fiona mcleod cathie
ms pauline mcneill trish godmandonaldgorrie ms fiona mcleod lodged
mr gil paterson tommy sheridandonaldgorrie ms fiona mcleod michael
mr adam ingram tommy sheridandonaldgorrie ms fiona mcleod mrs
supported by ms pauline mcneilldonaldgorrie ms fiona mcleod mrs
scott barrie dr winnie ewingdonaldgorrie ms margo macdonald christine
stone allan wilson david mundelldonaldgorrie ms sandra white andrew
mrs margaret ewing irene mcgugandonaldgorrie ms sandra white bruce
will consider a paper fromdonaldgorrie msp 3 parliamentary questions
hance is draftin questions fordonaldgorrie msp aboot the ecrml
notit the recent letter bidonaldgorrie msp an gree d
john munro mr jamie stonedonaldgorrie nick johnston mr jamie
mr lloyd quinan linda fabianidonaldgorrie nicola sturgeon mr duncan
mr jamie mcgrigor tommy sheridandonaldgorrie nora radcliffe cathy jamieson
fishermen s federation supported bydonaldgorrie nora radcliffe euan robson
committee supported by margaret smithdonaldgorrie nora radcliffe iain smith
lodged on 7 february 2002donaldgorrie nora radcliffe michael russell
lodged on 4 february 2002donaldgorrie nora radcliffe michael russell
lloyd quinan mr john munrodonaldgorrie nora radcliffe mr jamie
sturgeon colin campbell irene mcgugandonaldgorrie nora radcliffe robin harper
jamie stone john farquhar munrodonaldgorrie nora radcliffe s1m 3340
to the process supported bydonaldgorrie nora radcliffe s1m 371
debate including david davidson anddonaldgorrie not to mention mike
an amplification of your pointdonaldgorrie okay convener what is
that they will be disappointeddonaldgorrie on a point of
i think was very interestingdonaldgorrie on all visits we
membership jamie stone to replacedonaldgorrie on the finance committee
membership jamie stone to replacedonaldgorrie on the finance committee
under the heading operational aspectsdonaldgorrie paragraph 22 of the
murray tosh convener brian adamdonaldgorrie patricia ferguson frank mcaveety
alex johnstone mr murray toshdonaldgorrie phil gallie margaret smith
ms sandra white s1m 909donaldgorrie post office pension fund
on the issue s1m 909donaldgorrie post office pension fund
40 day period the convenerdonaldgorrie probably raises wider issues
crawford nicola sturgeon s1m 281donaldgorrie proposed accommodation at holyrood
proposal under rule 9 14donaldgorrie proposed protection from sectarianism
proposal under rule 9 14donaldgorrie proposed protection from sectarianism
glasgow snp and everybody diesdonaldgorrie quite a few do
he made about shabby dealsdonaldgorrie raised an important point
robert brown karen whitefield anddonaldgorrie referred to problems with
services in scotland supported bydonaldgorrie rhoda grant mr brian
adam shona robison robin harperdonaldgorrie richard lochhead elaine smith
mr adam ingram robin harperdonaldgorrie richard lochhead roseanna cunningham
2001 johann lamont margaret jamiesondonaldgorrie robert brown dr winnie
john munro mr jamie stonedonaldgorrie robert brown linda fabiani
mr kenneth macintosh alex neildonaldgorrie robert brown nora radcliffe
robison andrew wilson alex neildonaldgorrie robert brown richard lochhead
karen gillon mr kenneth macintoshdonaldgorrie robert brown s1m 343
religion supported by dennis canavandonaldgorrie robin harper pauline mcneill
mrs lyndsay mcintosh fiona hyslopdonaldgorrie roseanna cunningham alasdair morgan
may 2002 r supported bydonaldgorrie roseanna cunningham david mundell
i did not have itdonaldgorrie s point however is
proposal fiona hyslop i supportdonaldgorrie s suggestion the convener
political pressure the convener doesdonaldgorrie s whip have any
margaret smith mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie s1m 1268 nicola sturgeon
1999 david mundell phil galliedonaldgorrie s1m 148 repossession lodged
14 march 2001 richard lochheaddonaldgorrie s1m 1752 keep scotland
19 march 2001 richard lochheaddonaldgorrie s1m 1764 flood prevention
lodged on 26 march 2001donaldgorrie s1m 1791 the work
yet been completed supported bydonaldgorrie s1m 180 tommy sheridan
lodged on 9 august 2001donaldgorrie s1m 2105 greenock morton
mr brian monteith fergus ewingdonaldgorrie s1m 306 tommy sheridan
robison alex neil margaret jamiesondonaldgorrie s1m 309 phil gallie
davidson shona robison alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 323 brian adam
gillon alex neil trish godmandonaldgorrie s1m 324 brian adam
wilson tommy sheridan alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 326 scott barrie
mr kenneth macintosh trish godmandonaldgorrie s1m 328 lord james
wilson alasdair morgan alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 330 mr brian
wilson michael matheson alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 331 tommy sheridan
neil trish godman robert browndonaldgorrie s1m 332 tommy sheridan
mr andrew welsh shona robisondonaldgorrie s1m 341 mr brian
lodged on 8 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3459 aberdeen renewable
lodged on 8 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3472 use of
9 october 2002 marilyn livingstonedonaldgorrie s1m 3474 european health
lodged on 10 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3478 listen louder
lodged on 10 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3481 timetable for
lodged on 10 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3482 in house
lodged on 10 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3484 angus youth
lodged on 11 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3485 breast cancer
14 october 2002 trish godmandonaldgorrie s1m 3486 mis selling
lodged on 16 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3489 increased workload
lodged on 22 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3490 alain baxter
october 2002 mr brian monteithdonaldgorrie s1m 3495 shetland in
lodged on 24 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3499 nuisance to
24 october 2002 phil galliedonaldgorrie s1m 3501 asylum seekers
lodged on 25 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3503 60th anniversary
october 2002 dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie s1m 3504 provision of
michael russell mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie s1m 3507 1 mike
mr kenneth gibson helen eadiedonaldgorrie s1m 3508 osteoporosis lodged
lodged on 29 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3511 1 mr
lodged on 29 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3512 leukaemia research
lodged on 29 october 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3513 edinburgh hogmanay
a devolved scotland supported bydonaldgorrie s1m 3520 janis hughes
radcliffe david mcletchie tommy sheridandonaldgorrie s1m 353 mr kenneth
sheridan karen gillon alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 357 linda fabiani
19 november 2002 fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 3596 don t
mcmahon allan wilson trish godmandonaldgorrie s1m 370 brian adam
lodged on 16 december 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3710 digital hearing
lodged on 17 december 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3715 theatre in
lodged on 18 december 2002donaldgorrie s1m 3717 dialogues project
december 2002 dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie s1m 3723 ethical investment
18 december 2002 dennis canavandonaldgorrie s1m 3725 war with
jamie stone john farquhar munrodonaldgorrie s1m 3932 david mundell
lodged on 10 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4001 greencity wholefoods
lodged on 11 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4005 william symington
lodged on 12 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4013 emergency debate
lodged on 14 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4015 welcome overhaul
lodged on 13 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4020 great northern
and other sites supported bydonaldgorrie s1m 4025 glasgow centre
lodged on 19 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4031 support for
lodged on 19 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4045 united kingdom
lodged on 20 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4048 cairngorms national
lodged on 24 march 2003donaldgorrie s1m 4051 hampden national
3 february 2000 fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 502 skye bridge
february 2000 mr brian monteithdonaldgorrie s1m 506 austria lodged
9 february 2000 alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 518 inverness caledonian
lodged on 9 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 520 racing pigeons
9 february 2000 alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 521 excell call
lodged on 9 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 524 ninewells hospital
lodged on 9 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 526 equal access
10 february 2000 alex neildonaldgorrie s1m 528 lorn and
lodged on 11 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 530 dispersal of
february 2000 mr brian monteithdonaldgorrie s1m 540 arms sales
15 february 2000 michael russelldonaldgorrie s1m 545 royal bank
monteith michael russell fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 546 chinook lodged
lodged on 15 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 547 children in
17 february 2000 michael russelldonaldgorrie s1m 549 agrimoney compensation
neil michael russell fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 556 scottish cheese
brown george lyon mike rumblesdonaldgorrie s1m 56 1 irene
17 february 2000 fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 563 drugs strategy
2000 michael russell fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 567 hosting the
21 february 2000 fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 570 milk in
2000 alex neil michael russelldonaldgorrie s1m 573 investigation into
22 february 2000 michael russelldonaldgorrie s1m 576 st ninians
lodged on 22 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 578 breast screening
22 february 2000 michael russelldonaldgorrie s1m 581 british irish
22 february 2000 fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie s1m 582 introduction of
lodged on 24 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 587 fuel poverty
lodged on 24 february 2000donaldgorrie s1m 591 public participation
1999 cathy jamieson andrew wilsondonaldgorrie s1m 75 glasgow new
watson karen whitefield bristow muldoondonaldgorrie s1m 820 working together
lodged on 9 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 821 national volunteer
lodged on 10 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 824 breast cancer
lodged on 10 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 830 racing pigeons
lodged on 10 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 831 allotments lodged
lodged on 10 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 835 irvine pensioners
lodged on 10 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 836 all party
may 2000 mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie s1m 838 patenting of
may 2000 mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie s1m 839 museums and
may 2000 mr kenneth gibsondonaldgorrie s1m 843 scottish aid
may 2000 dr elaine murraydonaldgorrie s1m 846 additional resources
lodged on 15 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 853 marymass festival
lodged on 16 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 859 scottish highlands
16 may 2000 fergus ewingdonaldgorrie s1m 862 ilisu dam
lodged on 17 may 2000donaldgorrie s1m 863 glasgow the
mr kenneth gibson fergus ewingdonaldgorrie s1m 870 expedition to
17 may 2000 nora radcliffedonaldgorrie s1m 873 aids and
mr kenneth gibson nora radcliffedonaldgorrie s1m 880 hampden and
gibson fergus ewing nora radcliffedonaldgorrie s1m 881 carers week
such an experiment supported bydonaldgorrie s1m 982 christine grahame
mr duncan hamilton alex fergussondonaldgorrie s1m 991 christine grahame
the job that is whatdonaldgorrie said and i agree
necessarily always effective and whatdonaldgorrie said had wisdom in
tackle that waste of resourcesdonaldgorrie said that funding was
treat the sector seriously asdonaldgorrie said that means having
on second homes s1m 3619donaldgorrie security measures for holyrood
glasgow royal infirmary supported bydonaldgorrie shona robison andrew wilson
mundell michael russell fiona hyslopdonaldgorrie shona robison fergus ewing
2000 alex neil fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie shona robison fiona hyslop
dorothy grace elder fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie shona robison fiona hyslop
mrs mary mulligan scott barriedonaldgorrie shona robison malcolm chisholm
robert brown mr lloyd quinandonaldgorrie shona robison michael russell
michael matheson mr adam ingramdonaldgorrie shona robison mr duncan
21 february 2000 alex neildonaldgorrie shona robison s1m 572
white mary scanlon s1m 910donaldgorrie social exclusion research that
a hash symbol s1m 910donaldgorrie social exclusion research that
second principle is that whichdonaldgorrie spoke about there is
lochhead linda fabiani s1m 390donaldgorrie statements to media that
time to examine the issuesdonaldgorrie suggested that we should
mr duncan hamilton s1m 54donaldgorrie sunday rugby international that
raffan euan robson nora radcliffedonaldgorrie tavish scott john farquhar
raffan euan robson nora radcliffedonaldgorrie tavish scott john farquhar
come are there any commentsdonaldgorrie that is very welcome
1959 in the name ofdonaldgorrie that the parliament congratulates
3464 in the name ofdonaldgorrie that the parliament is
3 june 1999 s1m 11donaldgorrie that the parliament should
tosh phil gailie s1m 11donaldgorrie that the parliament should
the opportunity so to dodonaldgorrie the draft report reflects
used to any great extentdonaldgorrie the option of having
parliament are exactly the samedonaldgorrie this is broadening the
robert burns s1f 1574 6donaldgorrie to ask the first
corporate body uses s1w 12175donaldgorrie to ask the presiding
to these representations s1w 2595donaldgorrie to ask the presiding
in such decisions s1w 12174donaldgorrie to ask the presiding
past ten years s1w 1114donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
character building activities s1w 29302donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
officer for scotland s1w 1113donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
to such organisations s1w 29299donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
for local authorities s1w 29301donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
community sports programme s1w 28603donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
had child dependants s1w 1102donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
implications for scotland s1w 8donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
and reducing paperwork s1w 29300donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
or local sources s1w 29298donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
last five years s1w 7176donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
part in sport s1w 28605donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
ten academic years s1w 1105donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
local authority area s1w 29297donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
the scottish executive s1w 27370donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
past ten years s1w 1100donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
hospitals are safe s1w 28599donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
with what duties s1w 5donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
or other accidents s1w 28602donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
19 september 2001 s1w 18247donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
agencies it uses s1w 12173donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
regarding high hedges s1w 12172donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
adjusted for inflation s1w 1101donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
last ten years s1w 1103donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
by lead solder s1w 1969donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
came into force s1w 1099donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
fund for scotland s1w 29296donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
before its abolition s1w 1104donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
b other bodies s1w 10699donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
ten academic years s1w 1106donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
nhs tayside s1o 4656 30donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
glasgow r s1o 5853 29donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
to voluntary organisations s1w 28606donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
and where s1o 216 24donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
in processing applications s1w 31124donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
currently exist s1o 303 27donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
and local activities s1w 31119donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
in each case s1w 18250donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
and helensburgh s1o 5799 16donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
retain adult volunteers s1w 31122donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
before the parliament s1w 31116donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
private partnership projects s1w 18251donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
monitoring and evaluation s1w 31123donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
b 2002 03 s1w 31117donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
has been successful s1w 29295donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
find alternative accommodation s1w 18252donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
next 15 years s1w 18249donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
its policy proposals s1w 4donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
this year s1o 1765 20donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
on recycling s1o 6421 4donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
last three years s1w 17713donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
in april 2002 s1w 17712donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
scottish borders s1o 6459 29donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
information in scotland s1w 3donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
to the parliament s1w 34589donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
since may 1999 s1w 18248donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
flexibility by department s1w 18254donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
voluntary youth workers s1w 28600donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
food chain s1o 3785 22donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
hearing aids s1o 3217 9donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
civil service code s1w 27371donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
for money s1o 3233 11donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
technology assessments s1o 5350 27donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
voluntary organisations concerned s1w 31120donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
current scotrail franchise s1w 27369donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
to voluntary organisations s1w 31118donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
water supply s1o 4923 5donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
world champion s1o 384 23donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
the educational process s1w 28604donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
last three years s1w 31112donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
programmes in england s1w 31121donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
of waste recycling s1w 24872donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
to individual msps s1w 27372donaldgorrie to ask the scottish
members be appointed to committeesdonaldgorrie to replace nora radcliffe
justice and home affairs committeedonaldgorrie to the transport and
robert brown mr john munrodonaldgorrie tommy sheridan andrew wilson
by tavish scott irene mcgugandonaldgorrie tommy sheridan dennis canavan
mr jamie mcgrigor alex neildonaldgorrie tommy sheridan michael matheson
mr kenneth macintosh robert browndonaldgorrie tommy sheridan ms sandra
white nora radcliffe margaret smithdonaldgorrie tommy sheridan proposed poindings
mr gil paterson robin harperdonaldgorrie tommy sheridan s1m 1048
grahame robert brown fiona hyslopdonaldgorrie tricia marwick alasdair morgan
ewing bruce crawford bristow muldoondonaldgorrie tricia marwick brian adam
karen gillon mr keith raffandonaldgorrie tricia marwick lodged on
christine grahame mr kenny macaskilldonaldgorrie tricia marwick lodged on
mr john mcallion nora radcliffedonaldgorrie tricia marwick mr adam
bristow muldoon mr keith raffandonaldgorrie tricia marwick tavish scott
ingram alex fergusson trish godmandonaldgorrie tricia marwick tommy sheridan
white pauline mcneill robert browndonaldgorrie trish godman des mcnulty
22 february 2000 alex neildonaldgorrie trish godman michael russell
tommy sheridan dorothy grace elderdonaldgorrie trish godman mr kenneth
mundell shona robison pauline mcneilldonaldgorrie trish godman mr kenneth
ewing shona robison mary scanlondonaldgorrie trish godman mrs mary
17 february 2000 fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie trish godman s1m 557
18 february 2000 michael russelldonaldgorrie trish godman s1m 564
dorothy grace elder fiona mcleoddonaldgorrie trish godman s1m 596
a moment i thought thatdonaldgorrie was about to cross
of addressing the pay difficultiesdonaldgorrie was totally wrong to
promise to be right besidedonaldgorrie when he does his
bill butler mary scanlon anddonaldgorrie when ian jenkins mentioned
negative procedure in other foradonaldgorrie with due respect that
more demanding for executive amendmentsdonaldgorrie with that explanation i
that fact exacerbated the situationdonaldgorrie would not it be
the minister before the debatedonaldgorrie you could argue that
east and musselburgh lab dewardonaldcampbell glasgow anniesland lab douglas
a selection panel chaired bydonalddewar 10 received seventy applications
mps or peers some likedonalddewar and henry mcleish will
scotland on 16 june 1999donalddewar announced the intention to
favour of the miralles teamdonalddewar cited their appreciation of
summer of 2000 the latedonalddewar endorsed a document called
following member took the oathdonalddewar glasgow anniesland lab mr
would be around 50m 19donalddewar had in fact previously
question time the first ministerdonalddewar i thank margaret curran
around 50m the scottish secretarydonalddewar identified three reasons behind
today about the first ministerdonalddewar if members look at
comparisons to be checked neverthelessdonalddewar is quoted as comparing
s1f 504 the first ministerdonalddewar it is as though
127 in the name ofdonalddewar leave out all from
s1f 498 the first ministerdonalddewar local authority pay is
first minister the rt hondonalddewar mp msp offers its
tributes to the right honourabledonalddewar mp msp the deputy
the following 4 rt hondonalddewar msp first minister jim
the following 11 rt hondonalddewar msp first minister jim
s1f 500 the first ministerdonalddewar no the deputy minister
to question s1w 28 bydonalddewar on 2 july whether
to question s1w 886 bydonalddewar on 24 august 1999
alex salmond s speech congratulatingdonalddewar on his nomination as
by donald dewar s1m 127donalddewar programme for government that
that matter the first ministerdonalddewar really michael russell south
9 30 am motion bydonalddewar s1m 127 donald dewar
finnie nicol stephen rt hondonalddewar s1m 2 1 dennis
finnie nicol stephen rt hondonalddewar s1m 2 1 dennis
finnie nicol stephen rt hondonalddewar s1m 3 rt hon
interest the statement made bydonalddewar s1w 1558 recommends that
the borders announcing the studydonalddewar said this study will
first minister ministers rt hondonalddewar that this parliament agrees
may s1m 5 rt hondonalddewar that this parliament agrees
junior scottish ministers rt hondonalddewar that this parliament agrees
minister law officers rt hondonalddewar that this parliament agrees
may s1m 4 rt hondonalddewar that this parliament agrees
dewar s1m 3 rt hondonalddewar that this parliament agrees
s1f 513 the first ministerdonalddewar the immediate priority is
the executive as it namesdonalddewar this is a question
comprises sheets and sheets whatdonalddewar thought would be a
aim to do tomorrow afternoondonalddewar will be present at
east and musselburgh lab dewardonaldglasgow anniesland lab douglas hamilton
east and musselburgh lab dewardonaldglasgow anniesland lab douglas hamilton
east scotland snp macintosh kennethdonaldeastwood lab mcintosh lyndsay june
might be easier to heardonaldmeek and dr kenneth mackinnon
learning department officials mr graemedonaldassistant director mr david mallen
pe117 petition by mr alexanderdonaldcalling for the scottish parliament
executive scottish media group mrdonaldemslie managing director of television
executive scottish media group mrdonaldemslie managing director of television
old cake with mr mrsdonaldjeans some also came to
townhead mr stewart millplough mrdonaldmains of allardyce mr eddie
executive comunn na gaidhlig mrdonaldmartin director of community development
hooton colin mclaren and drdonaldreid scottish executive drinking water
council richard barron access officerdonaldbalsillie countryside service manager west
know you have to askdonaldall these technical details [laugh]
by d b smith johndonald___ shirras sheriffs raip an
the presbyterian cavalier pimlico mackenziedonald1996 john buchan man of
of a language edinburgh johndonaldappendices iii 1 introductory letter
eds the polar twins johndonaldpp 215 253 endnote 29
rutherglen lab i disagree withdonaldthere is nothing in the
corroboration pe463 petition by councillordonaldmanford calling for the scottish
petitions pe129 petition by councillordonaldmcintosh calling for the scottish
federation of housing associations annadonaldscottish executive development department isabel
goave frae caulder lifts fordonaldstreet gorebrig craigleith whitever scotland
theological that story told bydonaldcarswell 3 amongst others but
currie pe 463 by councillordonaldmanford and pe 464 by
member s bill introduced bydonaldstewart in 1981 comunn na
memmer s bill introduced bydonaldstewart in 1981 comunn na
roderic maccodrum o the clandonaldat leived his lane on
offenders institution on friday likedonaldi found that the team
advisory group on gaelic professordonaldmeek ministerial advisory group on
in cahoots ding doon bigdonaldah hae ma doots rubbish
the east side of airddonaldcaravan park the owner bert
the eastern boundary of airddonaldcaravan park this enabled the
early in 1915 catherine marrieddonaldcarswell a friend from her
at her decision to marrydonaldcarswell and his continual nagging
job during her marriage todonaldcarswell she was the main
an licht o the meendonaldchalmers an sanny cruikshank proddit
war fair the billies noodonaldchalmers frae dunracht telt digger
the meenlicht the horse wisdonaldchalmers frae dunracht wi sanny
an cunts wi curly oodonaldchalmers telt the halflins foo
influenza virus an edinburgh mandonaldchisholm habitually wore a suit
centre susan matheson chief executivedonalddickie senior manager policy and
a carnivore thing when macdonaldduck comes quacking beak eyes
m1092: you tell me f1091: donaldduck m1092: who that f1091:
there was a horse calleddonaldf606: [snort] f122: aw f010:
district lumphanan the rev francisdonaldgives a sample of the
have drawn attention to itdonaldi appreciate your point and
root as paible and ehdonaldknew all these you know
pairt an paircel o whitdonaldmackenzie cries the early afternoon
and control bp amoco plcdonaldmcgougan director of finance city
a cornerstone a group underdonaldmeek are looking more widely
am time for reflection reverenddonaldreid of the diocese of
chambers extn 85051 and euandonaldroom 3 5 extn 86227
chambers extn 85051 and euandonaldroom 3 5 extn 86227
did you stay f010: welldonaldstayed in the north of
a knight um hell saysdonaldthat s er not right
too long he sent medonaldthis m1048: oh aye f1049:
isabel drummond murray and annadonaldwho are team policy officers
callum wi her adenoids jockdonaldwho confused miss esk that
i see would that bedonaldyes it s a biggie

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