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activities and need to showduediligence and a duty of
or in the bill onduediligence and the process that
and magazines and over theduediligence defence that retailers could
to meet the test ofduediligence james lowman the bill
will have experience of otherduediligence offences and of the
worry of setting up aduediligence procedure because it would
are involved in setting upduediligence procedures james lowman our
adequate clarification of the exactduediligence procedures that retailers must
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
motions previously lodged that aredueto be debated that week
giving credit where it isdueand i congratulate the ministers
make no apology for givingduecredit to it in this
give credit where it wasdueif their inclusion had been
but credit where credit isdueit really was a well
gie credit faar credit sdueleave ma notebooks aleen an
and his next feed isdueat six in the morning
when s the next trainduefollowing van gogh s star
when s the next trainduepeep peep peep peep stride
of the work that isdueto be completed next spring
next meeting of the committeedueto be held at 2
when the next reports aredueto be made between now
payment of benefits and allowancesdueto come into effect next
executive what percentage of childrendueto enter primary school next
s- fifty four this yeardueto go up next year
the next poem coming isdueto stop at being a
when the next meeting isdueto take place audit 26
when the next meeting isdueto take place audit committee
when the next meeting isdueto take place audit committee
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place by each
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
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when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
when the next meeting isdueto take place on the
rail industry in scotland induecourse 6 water environment and
be able to create induecourse a database of venues
catch up with us induecourse and that it will
can then be advised induecourse angus mackay i am
with the second question induecourse as far as a
is taken into account induecourse as part of the
day will be made induecourse business bulletin no 154
1st day will follow induecourse business bulletin no 179
in the business bulletin induecourse business bulletin no 23
words will bear reveesitin iduecourse but this is buchan
issues of the franchise induecourse does the committee agree
well ye know e- induecourse everybody s going to
duplicates to neighbouring burghs induecourse four particular burghs were
quarter of projects will induecourse have the support of
in a written report induecourse however i ask that
parliament should make representations induecourse however that is an
there will be regulations induecourse i do not know
deal with that issue induecourse i felt that the
will make that decision induecourse i thought that i
on the understanding that induecourse i will provide a
to get a response induecourse in the interim it
language will also translate induecourse irene oldfather merci monsieur
a detailed implementation plan induecourse it is important that
its curator and close induecourse it is only a
many other sports events induecourse it was the stadium
back to the committee induecourse members indicated agreement the
resources available allows more induecourse our three spend to
a report to us induecourse perhaps the report could
consultation will be announced induecourse robin harper will the
to consider hospitality rules induecourse so that we can
as secretary and treasurer induecourse susie [censored: surname] nancy [censored: surname]
on to be secretary induecourse susie [censored: surname] will be
you describe but that induecourse that might be a
will consider the matter induecourse the convener i have
days will be announced induecourse the deadline for lodging
further degrees in addition induecourse to an si fellowship
to the new regulations induecourse to consider a wider
that said even if induecourse we introduce primary legislation
his native land when induecourse we visited him he
society the problem of misconceptionduepartly to bsl s lack
whose placement has been deferreddueto lack of funding broken
rejected offers from ballet westdueto lack of funding compared
had to be turned downdueto lack of funds supported
about increased levels of depressiondueto lack of sunlight a
its vocabulary and distinctive grammardueto lack of teaching i
107 concerns were raised thatdueto the lack of recognition
unable to help patients speedilydueto the lack of resources
s lives put at riskdueto the lack of safe
behind meeting them with allduerespect a number of other
itchy coo advisory board meetingdueto be held on the
last to be given itsdueplace in schools curricula in
taken place is that improvementdueto people beginning to manage
party working group that wasdueto take place on 12
document sometimes does not givedueattention or pay due heed
leading to accurate paraphrase withdueattention to the appropriate use
scots law without having paiddueattention to the consequences further
and spirituality and to givedueattention to those not perhaps
give due attention or paydueheed to an area s
revelling in all the attentiondueto him in his new
the cover thanks are alsodueto gordon booth for editing
successful thanks and congratulations aredueto junior president lesley [censored: surname]
few difficulties acknowledgements thanks aredueto professor a j aitken
edinburgh and thanks are alsodueto the editors of these
income caused by voluntary closuredueto foot and mouth disease
whereby trout fishers are banneddueto foot and mouth disease
galloway who have no incomedueto the foot and mouth
the countryside which are cancelleddueto the foot and mouth
smoke from animals being burneddueto the outbreak of foot
a percentage of council taxduein each local authority in
much it is estimated isdueto each of the consultants
babies were given intrauterine transfusionsdueto rhesus incompatibility in each
my comparative literature essay sduein the same week f806:
positive note volunteers week isdueto start in less than
me when the bus wasdueand she she visibly backed
incidentally we always blew withdueceremony unless exceptionally when my
[laugh] f1054: when s itduef1025: [laugh] f1026: no till
fixed penalties when the sumduehas not been paid and
around february when he sduehome winter advances but the
to whom is that debtduehow did it accrue when
month when her brother wasdueto be born her father
it accrue when is itdueto be repaid will the
scottish executive when markers aredueto return the examination scripts
you know when this isdueto start and we hope
say when oor holiday sduewhit wey dae ye no
did och give him hisdueat his age he you
that the department will givedueconsideration to the representations that
that are licensed to giveduedignity to a solemn service
but we will give residentsduenotice if this is possible
that is to give applicantsduenotice of the change in
and it does not giveduerecognition to the role and
the report now and aredueto give us some information
the following day we weredueto meet at 9 30am
step outside till i wasdueto meet [censored: forename] at oktoberskaya
bill scott and i aredueto meet officials from the
that same day i wasdueto meet representatives of the
the sustainable development forum isdueto meet s1w 27387 robin
been raised and we aredueto consider that matter perhaps
silent but perhaps this isdueto living alone an ardent
very often which was perhapsdueto the medication if you
on all matters affecting themdueallowance being made for age
cases being marked no proceedingsdueto delay in the strathclyde
cases being marked no proceedingsdueto delay in the strathclyde
cases being marked no proceedingsdueto delays in the strathclyde
that this is in partdueto fireworks being sold illegally
material that will be unavailabledueto repair work being carried
arbuthnott books survived this perioddueto them being removed from
where figures have been suppresseddueto there being less than
our english literature essay isdueafter easter isn t it
us and hae received oordueconsideration it is therefore unnecessary
tain and district museum isduefor closure i have to
harry cohen mp is alsoduefor its second reading in
plan the action plan isduefor review at the end
a fine salmon river isduein large measure to their
tyme but ir they nodueis man a stane he
and that her loss isdueless to unseaworthiness than to
the executive where it isduelike other members i am
ye is this ye areduemair frae me nor a
the homage which is herduemen like gower barbour spenser
be deferred until and becomedueon whichever is the earlier
other fora donald gorrie withduerespect that is not an
the power is with allduerespect to the european parliament
stiff price and some withduereverence it is still broad
is oot her calf isdueso ye winna hae lang
howe er this is doubtfulduetae the firm hauld standard
a station if one isduethe tracks begin to tremble
georgia and turkey which isdueto be constructed by a
block of 22 flats isdueto be constructed with ground
climate change levy ccl isdueto be imposed on 1
plans on social inclusion isdueto be submitted by july
plans on social inclusion isdueto be submitted in july
three months before they aredueto begin the system is
the work in progress isdueto come to a conclusion
bucked the world trend isdueto considerable efforts by various
success believes that this isdueto continued underfunding of sport
16 december the parliament isdueto debate as business initiated
of settlement the parliament isdueto debate the act of
building project the parliament isdueto debate the future of
of official adulthood she isdueto depart for service in
parts is or would bedueto expire 1b where in
parts is or would bedueto expire 7b where it
sentence is or would bedueto expire or b if
sentence is or would bedueto expire or b if
the european union is notdueto implement anti ageism legislation
language language is not decayingdueto neglect it is just
for this school which isdueto open in august two
to operate better but isdueto publish in december a
part of the decline isdueto reductions in effort either
for work and enterprise isdueto report fairly soon there
review on which sportscotland isdueto report to ministers shortly
initiating this laudable project isdueto robbie robertson assistant director
for coughing it is notdueto smoking i have never
is in no small measuredueto the commitment of the
is any of that debtdueto the discount that was
success of the campaign isdueto the enthusiasm of the
chinese poetry is no doubtdueto the fact that this
that that figure is changingdueto the influx of smuggled
proportion of the debt isdueto the sale of scottish
word of praise inevitably isdueto you convener for the
reliability but it is alsodueto young scottish actors like
for paying invoices after theduedate to a all firms
to a line of latitudedueeast of the termination point
god my monthly report sduein to the board you
a duty to make alldueinquiries about crime that could
the bath and that wasduenot simply to the infrequency
increase in tayside has beendueprimarily to the effect of
grade and higher history givesdueprominence to scottish figures and
on the spcb to havedueregard to the need to
resigns the parliament requests itdueto a breach in terms
prosecution that was carried outdueto a breach of the
over the continued strike actiondueto a dispute over pay
clear whether the problem wasdueto a failure of systems
homes are having to closedueto a funding crisis waiting
a convent a tragic accidentdueto a message going astray
westminster abbey mislaid a chapterdueto a missing quill sir
wasn t original it wasdueto a refacing process done
the scottish prison service annuallydueto a retirements through age
living with hiv and aidsdueto advances in combination therapy
also suffer from multiple problemsdueto age and disability indeed
of mine from barcelona aredueto arrive on new year
in january it was cancelleddueto bad weather it was
dept on my phd topicdueto be delivered on the
strategy document for the ukdueto be launched soon 1
the service provided currently anddueto be provided in the
report on district courts wasdueto be published in november
women s enterprise strategic frameworkdueto be published shortly and
relating to the following motiondueto be subject of a
the worst in scotland wasdueto broken down equipment supported
water electricity gas heating requirementsdueto climate and any other
day that the results weredueto come out we were
footwear sectors have been combineddueto confidentiality [note: table in original] source annual
by the scottish gliding uniondueto creeping developments affecting the
of landlord has become straineddueto current legislation why do
home care hours since 1998dueto cutbacks in local government
cases were marked no proceedingsdueto delay in reporting to
not to compensate for lossesdueto disease or other natural
think that that will bedueto expansion in the economy
health professionals who have leftdueto family commitments or are
do sol we were alldueto gather in the hotel
date on which certificates weredueto go out ron tuck
over to [censored: forename] who wasdueto go out to the
1 500 newly qualified nursesdueto graduate across scotland by
disposed of given the wagesdueto her to the end
victoria was held to bedueto her unseaworthy condition arising
with long periods of absencedueto his delicate health smith
division in memoriam hamish hendersondueto his magnificent work of
part in agenda item 4dueto his membership of the
m1174: but erm then obviouslydueto i don t know
record some of them [note: photo: 'lord arbuthnott.']dueto inefficiency and to legal
the mccrone agreement and agreeddueto insufficient time to conduct
project proposals for which aredueto land on my desk
flight was delayed 45 minsdueto luggage delays at that
certain year might be difficultdueto new it systems and
persons served periods of custodydueto non payment of fines
provisions of the bill howeverdueto other restrictions such as
costs that may be incurreddueto particular local circumstances encourage
aged from 50 to 90dueto persistent under funding by
bridge of weir and erskinedueto recent redefinition of routes
probably arise quite a lotdueto resource constraints that are
the prisoners pictures i amdueto retire in the not
change of attitude in chicagodueto rising costs and the
iraq has deteriorated by 160dueto sanctions that a cut
direction made under the rulesdueto security considerations that has
in the central heating initiativedueto start on 1 april
in recruiting and retaining staffdueto stress levels within the
of the absence of headteachersdueto stress related illnesses s1w
are now anticipated to opendueto the ability to sell
crises many of which weredueto the abolition of regional
you have already said thatdueto the change in the
the succession arising in partdueto the circumstances of members
materials from outwith local areasdueto the closure of small
deeside children in depth howeverdueto the conflicting nature of
friendship was in large measuredueto the distancing effected by
as much as 21 milliondueto the distortions in the
a campaign on their owndueto the economic climate the
and kind of par- partiallydueto the elements of the
his application for asylum wasdueto the fact that he
his application for asylum wasdueto the fact that he
with a directness of appreciationdueto the fact that we
in the scottish tomato industrydueto the failure of leading
one little thing which saysdueto the influx of irish
officer it may just bedueto the late receipt of
remploy factory sites in scotlanddueto the long term proposal
the reduction in charitable givingdueto the national lottery i
late night licence around octoberdueto the non stop trouble
often ignored by central governmentdueto the perception of the
their cell temporarily if desirabledueto the prisoner s emotional
required to gather the datadueto the size of the
conduct research at logie coldstonedueto the small sample of
in other parts of scotlanddueto the state of the
of the payments in kinddueto the superintendent of angus
erm i think this wasdueto the the licensing board
been repaired this was possibledueto the tireless work of
outside the parish were discontinueddueto the war and instead
in some areas of scotlanddueto the way in which
unlikely to apply to manydueto the way in which
payments totalling some 300 000dueto them under the terms
of this benny hill chasedueto timetable constraints looking on
a large amount of moneydueto us from the sales
level of the european uniondueto various geopolitical factors such
the community they re alldueto you jack well i
committees were to have theirdueweight in relation to the
p h addl ½d postageduemarkings [censored: forename] [censored: surname] the p
traivellin mullie in in seasonduebe e time o thackin
intimations competition entries would bedueon 8th feb notes on
pot wid be on aifterdueplottin an pluckin o fedders
filie afore e wark wisduetae be deen e fairmer
bi a preenin caimb veesitorsduethe nicht aa maun be
as ey nott tae beduetill e translations intae german
those views should be givendueweight in accordance with the
materials even though those wereduein august 2000 we are
patients the sign guidelines areduein spring 2003 and will
the new nurse numbers aredueout tomorrow as the minister
under section 11 the sumdueby way of fixed penalty
jack for dunkeys they wereduea good natter over a
parents were out and notdueback till late she d
over what the women wereduefor their labours it was
wife and family they wereduehome for hogmanay he put
an tae gie them theirduewere still willin tae crew
remarked i believe you redueat work for nine o
pittin throwe e winnister induecoorse at e same time
them at waits an induecoorse we wis aboord e
ay e ither calfie induetime e riv ran roon
bonny yalla floorish an induetime ye cd hear e
they will have made afterdueconsideration mr raffan you have
that it likes without anydueprocess mr mcconnell i will
drive entrance oor minder induecoorse got a wee mindin
back tonight because it sdueer sometime in the middle
what amount of tuition feesduein academic year 1998 99
an there s another oneduein six weeks f606: kiddin
and black crackling pods indueseason and a haven for
a as seen as theirduean i never hae ony
an bogles had their homagedueas ony witch that iver
gie the greenock folk theirduebecause they couldny parley vous
scheme onshore businesses receive theirduepayments the needs of the
extension erm so it sdueon the third of september
let them go through thedueprocess on the basis that
for the social evening wasdueand a request for silent
her machine fae the hospitaldueback we ken we re
mum you know the herduedate was a few weeks
monie the thenks we reduehim for it he trystit
the fixed penalty would becomeduei move amendment 9 peter
northies the ferm wife sduetae bairn bit she s
nicht that a ship wisduethe lugger crookit mary wad
man the respek that wesduetil the lest o the
brukken doon the lecky wisduetwis his birthday or it
our outlying members was notduefor half an hour so
noted that a line drawnduenorth from buddon ness marks
no f1121: okay you redueme one pound fifty please
said without malice and withduerespect ye re a harder
heard but gie badger hisduehe went back tae see
s it f1025: [laugh] f1023: duef1026: i ve been through
night 13 wednesday [note: first line scored out] furnitureduesorting out 18 monday 19
define scots as a hailduetae its complicatit history scots
second i think i mduea snog instead he whispers
daith nae ken he wisdueat ten fur gowf wi
much do i am iduef1122: pay f1121: how much
s school bus wasn tduefor an hour he brought
it as nae mair thanduetae wauken tae a heavenly
oot inch a hunner mileduewest o papa westray he

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