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me up a hungry hosteagerfor human visitation eager to
host eager for human visitationeagerto hear a voice that
meal storage box glammach aneagergrasp goosers gooseberries gorblet of
a glammach can mean aneagergrasp or a mouthful ye
fidgin is get restless oreagerdauner is stroll bide is
of ground fidgin is excitedeagerhyne awa is far away
ribs eager to tumble outeagerto shine once more before
they tap against my ribseagerto tumble out eager to
young aspiring writers and scholarseagerto make their mark in
gave it brilliancy like aneagerboy s pp 116 7
in northern ireland are veryeagerto have scots in northern
important reasons each of useagerfor the maintenance of the
the rate of decline andeagerto understand better the reasons
milk myang to be veryeagernaiter girs grass growing wild
thick his hands were richteageran quick tae help oot
adorable or e en aneagerboy mair on that anon
north to the french bordereagerto resist spain itself france
of a modern language iseagerto develop the student s
even over there he waseagerto stand on his own
3 given that they wereeagerto advance their own particular
particular the development team waseagerto make changes which would
drunk he was and greweagerto get home maclaurin started
saved a hundred s losteagerto reach the orphanage we
wi me betty i meagertae hear whit life is
had given me like aneagerschoolgirl invited to a dance
read mony a nobleman wiseagertae coort the bonnie young
voe head nyggin tugging aabereagerwhalps puppies wirna were not
i am always more thaneagerfor organisations to answer to
the store where queues ofeagerboys and girls waited their
many years i have beeneagerto witness such engagement ben
harvest his almonds under myeagerapprentice eyes i watched him
haun expectin wi aa theeageranticipation o poachers themsels tae
mahones por favor i waseagerto eat lots of this

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