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secure a strong and competitiveeconomy2 scottish qualifications authority bill
secure a strong and competitiveeconomyafter debate the amendment was
competitive advantage for the scottisheconomyafter debate the amendment was
competitive advantage for the scottisheconomycalls on all parties to
competitive advantage for the scottisheconomycalls on all parties to
competitive advantage for the scottisheconomycalls on all parties to
competitive and dynamic knowledge basedeconomycapable of sustained economic growth
competitive advantage for the scottisheconomys1m 4057 2 miss annabel
competitive advantage for the scottisheconomys1m 4057 2 miss annabel
term sustainable growth in theeconomyand jobs as its focus
term sustainable growth in theeconomyand jobs as its focus
engine of growth in theeconomyand the labour market and
engine of growth in theeconomyand the labour market and
recent growth of the gaeliceconomyhas done little to change
sustainable growth of scotland seconomyover the long term as
sustainable growth of scotland seconomyover the long term as
the growth of the gaeliceconomyscottish affairs no 38 winter
massive contribution to the scottisheconomyand society in previous debates
economic impacts in the ruraleconomybut the economic contribution made
major contribution to the scottisheconomyin terms of jobs employing
have worked in the socialeconomyknow what contribution it makes
on low incomes the socialeconomymakes a direct contribution to
important contribution made to theeconomyof maryhill by partick thistle
the contribution to the localeconomyof such a relatively small
contribution to the fragile localeconomyof sutherland made by scottish
impact and contribution of socialeconomyorganisations what the study revealed
scotch whisky industry to theeconomythe contribution that the industry
scotch whisky industry to theeconomythe contribution that the industry
current contribution of the socialeconomyto service provision and economic
the contribution of the socialeconomyto service provision and economic
contribution to agriculture and theeconomywhile matching the needs of
contribution to agriculture and theeconomywhile matching the needs of
the social economy the socialeconomy1 plays an important role
associates limited 2002 the socialeconomya literature review edinburgh communities
unique features of the socialeconomyanalyses its extent in scotland
scullion 1997 valuing the socialeconomyand economic inclusion in lowland
its commitment to the socialeconomyand its growing role in
is made by the socialeconomyand we will consider that
space occupied by the socialeconomyare the third sector the
the review of the socialeconomyback on track or is
2 reveals that the socialeconomyconstitutes a sizeable component of
support infrastructure for the socialeconomyedinburgh communities scotland 1 other
figures 107 000 total socialeconomyemployees and the current total
review edinburgh communities scotland socialeconomygroups in scotland links http
attaining european funding the socialeconomyhas become an important element
of this briefing the socialeconomyhas drawn increased attention from
is carrying out the socialeconomyhas not been mentioned much
promised review of the socialeconomyhas not moved forward since
unique features of the socialeconomyhave been identified as its
any review of the socialeconomyimportant work should be done
the subject of the socialeconomyin determining what encompasses the
the role of the socialeconomyin public service delivery in
increasing emphasis on the socialeconomyin scotland on which alex
et al 1997 the socialeconomyin scotland the social economy
established to strengthen the socialeconomyin scotland this programme aims
5 calculated that the socialeconomyis a 1 1trillion us
social security pensions and theeconomyis a bit like whistling
economy in scotland the socialeconomyis a broad tent with
one study said the socialeconomyis essentially a small business
et al 1999 the socialeconomyis extremely diverse making it
evaluations about what the socialeconomyis worth to the scottish
loan fund for the socialeconomyit will provide loan finance
puts the number of socialeconomyjobs in scotland at around
professional part of our socialeconomylike colleagues i received the
is debate in the socialeconomyliterature about defining precisely what
definition of what the socialeconomymeans see simon clark associates
policies to promote the socialeconomyon monday 27 january 2003
mode of delivery a socialeconomyor third sector business will
precisely what constitutes a socialeconomyorganisation as a result there
of the 50 000 socialeconomyorganisations 2 by field of
stated good relationships between socialeconomyorganisations and the public and
support voluntary community and socialeconomyorganisations applying for or in
of organisations such as socialeconomyorganisations delivering services to target
support entrepreneurial innovation by socialeconomyorganisations figure 1 [note: figure here in original] source
promote the social economy socialeconomyorganisations have been successful in
wendy alexander stated that socialeconomyorganisations have great potential to
base and capability of socialeconomyorganisations improve staff training and
is the number of socialeconomyorganisations in scotland according to
around half of the socialeconomyorganisations in scotland are involved
at around 107 000 socialeconomyorganisations range from community voluntary
support the work of socialeconomyorganisations scvo also manages on
training and development within socialeconomyorganisations support entrepreneurial innovation by
sources of income to socialeconomyorganisations the chart highlights the
the increasing importance of socialeconomyorganisations to many economies throughout
value the input of socialeconomyorganisations to the management of
and technical assistance to socialeconomyorganisations with the aim of
public policy towards the socialeconomyparticularly in terms of european
is clear that the socialeconomyplays on important part in
to many of the socialeconomyprincipal clients is objective 3
was done on the socialeconomyreview and again we expect
the importance of the socialeconomyreview is reflected in our
minister said on the socialeconomyreview that stephen maxwell is
29 january 2003 the socialeconomyross burnside this briefing has
2 breaks down the socialeconomys share of total paid
organisations european funding the socialeconomys unique motivation ability to
opportunities to expand the socialeconomys work in the fields
the worth of the socialeconomyscvo research calculates there to
employees in the scottish socialeconomysector a mark up of
development of the scottish socialeconomysector on the same day
policies to promote the socialeconomysocial economy organisations have been
have real control over itseconomysocial or otherwise the key
the role of the socialeconomyspeaking in february 2000 as
with reference to the socialeconomystephen maxwell from the scvo
lifelong learning 3 the socialeconomythe committee will take evidence
world what is the socialeconomythe social economy 1 plays
work education adult learning socialeconomythings like credit unions housing
aims to strengthen the socialeconomythird sector in particular the
its hearing on the socialeconomythis briefing outlines some of
scvo use the phrase socialeconomyto describe the economic dimension
community enterprise importance of socialeconomyto other countries recent years
the worth of the socialeconomyto scotland regardless of which
a review of the socialeconomywith the aid of stephen
adjustments are necessary scottish borderseconomy10 christine grahame south of
the base of the borderseconomyand in expanding attractive job
5 million to the borderseconomyand supported more than 500
schools class sizes scottish borderseconomyfirst minister s question time
is making to the borderseconomynotes that signum circuits has
permanent place in the borderseconomysome key reports and documents
problems of the scottish borderseconomysome of the figures that
600 christine grahame scottish borderseconomythat the parliament notes with
climate change levy on borderseconomythat the parliament recognises that
real problems in the borderseconomythere are also real grounds
the regeneration of the borderseconomywill the minister explain why
edinburgh and elsewhere the borderseconomywould become more integrated with
can add to that knowledgeeconomy11 30 robert mooney i
are committed to the knowledgeeconomyand business to business opportunities
s place in the knowledgeeconomyand for ensuring that the
the transformation to the knowledgeeconomycouncil of the european union
a manufacturing economy to aneconomythat is based on knowledge
the creation of a knowledgeeconomyto put in place adequate
win within the developing globaleconomywhere knowledge and skills are
touch on the knowledge basedeconomywhich also relates to our
the scottish economy than englisheconomyin 1995 tourism receipts account
can you what about aneconomypet then economy pets have
about an economy pet theneconomypets have their positive side
proportionately more to the scottisheconomythan english economy in 1995
round from being a manufacturingeconomyto an economy that is
hughes s1m 907 east sutherlandeconomylodged on 24 may 2000
problems faced in the localeconomyof sutherland and asks the
problems faced in the localeconomyof sutherland and asks the
mr jamie stone east sutherlandeconomythat the parliament notes with
mr jamie stone east sutherlandeconomythat the parliament notes with
the benefits of the neweconomyare in the improvements to
employment overall and benefits theeconomyas a whole we should
notes the benefits to theeconomyof clackmannanshire that will result
notes the benefits to theeconomyof clackmannanshire that will result
potential benefits to the scottisheconomyof the planned energy research
potential benefits to the scottisheconomyof the planned energy research
potential benefits to the scottisheconomyof the planned energy research
they aim to move theeconomyforward and employees or potential
potential impact on the localeconomyshould the base be closed
positive impact on the scottisheconomyand we are glad to
the impact of the neweconomycommittee members are to update
conclusion was that the neweconomyhas perhaps had more impact
6 impact of the neweconomyinquiry in private the committee
1 impact of the neweconomyinquiry the committee will take
low paid jobs the neweconomyis having a huge impact
3 impact on the scottisheconomyof a reduction in the
of the impact on theeconomyof bundle services s1w 12192
the impact on the scottisheconomyof sterling remaining outside the
the impact of the neweconomyon the community in which
quantify the risk to theeconomyand jobs in scotland of
promote a low tax marketeconomywhich creates jobs and allows
economic consequences for the kintyreeconomyif this route is not
all time low the scottisheconomylags behind the rest of
believe in a low taxeconomythat puts the needs of
a fair point the neweconomyinquiry has been going on
give evidence to the neweconomyinquiry in the new year
and agreed that its neweconomyinquiry report and a proposed
has been received 5 neweconomyinquiry the committee agreed not
its inquiry into the neweconomythe committee members also produced
to scotland s society andeconomyand the wide range of
to scotland s society andeconomyand the wide range of
to scotland s society andeconomyand the wide range of
very obvious that the neweconomyhas created a range of
role in both the inverclydeeconomyand the united kingdom shipbuilding
no role in the widereconomywe have to wonder why
they get it right oureconomyand society will be stronger
scottish society and the scottisheconomyas well as at a
success of its society andeconomyit is not a zero
the threats of the neweconomyand e commerce and the
the challenge of the neweconomyand e commerce the oil
january to consider the neweconomyand european issues secondly it
our report on the neweconomyand infrastructure is likely to
that they saw the neweconomyas a threat rather than
beginning to see the neweconomyas an opportunity because of
the exploitation of the neweconomyby smes it seems that
the emergence of this neweconomydoes not compound the existing
2000 session 1 the neweconomyeuropean issues research support europe
its report on the neweconomyfollowed by business motion 2
area to cover the neweconomyhas driven wage levels up
final report on the neweconomyinfrastructure also affects competitiveness and
room 2 1 the neweconomythe committee will take evidence
director scotlandis 2 the neweconomythe committee will take evidence
thank you nick the neweconomythe convener the next item
be involved in the neweconomythe difference between the two
take to protect the ruraleconomyagainst the effect of any
2260 miss annabel goldie ruraleconomyand b that stage 1
rural life and the ruraleconomycommends the steps already taken
ago since then the ruraleconomyhas been revolutionised and slow
livelihood depends upon the ruraleconomyincluding representatives of the scottish
industry makes to the ruraleconomys1w 34373 ms sandra white
move to a sustainable ruraleconomythat has farming at its
acknowledge that scotland s ruraleconomywas in the past and
acknowledge that scotland s ruraleconomywas in the past and
the direction of the europeaneconomya few days ago the
services and a vibrant europeaneconomybut the eu is much
the fact that the europeaneconomyis as self sufficient as
per cent of the europeaneconomyis trade with the rest
towards that but the europeaneconomyis undoubtedly a strength not
necessary for a successful europeaneconomythat is why it is
creation of a single europeaneconomywe do not yet have
self sufficiency of the europeaneconomywith barriers to the rest
miss annabel goldie the scottisheconomyas an amendment to motion
3 tommy sheridan the scottisheconomyas an amendment to motion
1 andrew wilson the scottisheconomyas an amendment to motion
miss annabel goldie the scottisheconomyas an amendment to motion
1 andrew wilson the scottisheconomyas an amendment to motion
party debate on the scottisheconomyfollowed by business motion 2
the modernisation of the scottisheconomyfollowed by business motion followed
the modernisation of the scottisheconomyfor text of motion see
motion by mr henry mcleisheconomyof scotland s1m 68 henry
by motion by henry mcleisheconomyof scotland s1m 68 henry
the detriment of the localeconomyand employment notes that ballet
the state of the localeconomya member may refer the
be valuable to the localeconomyand benefit the area in
be beneficial to the localeconomyand could help in the
6 million to the localeconomyand hopes that the competitors
community level in the localeconomyand in developing local exchange
that will benefit both theeconomyand local and global environments
in damage to the localeconomyand tourism and create hardship
in damage to the localeconomyand tourism and create hardship
can have on the localeconomyand urges the scottish executive
induced employment in the localeconomycalculating indirect and induced consequences
local businesses and the localeconomycongratulates the yard on its
to multipliers in the localeconomyestimates by crc suggest that
places in which the localeconomyhas created housing hotspots if
responsibilities for any community localeconomyhealth care education transport i
6 million from the localeconomyin an area which suffers
6 million from the localeconomyin an area which suffers
will have on the localeconomys1o 1785 19 mrs margaret
could have on the localeconomyunderstands that whilst this is
transport is slowing the scottisheconomyand causing frustration to passengers
the implications for the scottisheconomyare of the large combustion
is worth to the scottisheconomyas a whole depending on
of globalisation for the aeconomyb promotion of scottish culture
a year to the scottisheconomybut we must gear up
secure the highlands and islandseconomydemands that the scottish executive
way makes to the scottisheconomyeach year and the cost
particularly difficult for the scottisheconomyespecially in relation to agriculture
made to prepare the scottisheconomyfor the next century but
eadie said to the scottisheconomyi am pleased to publish
that will power the scottisheconomyin the 21st century the
for scotland because the scottisheconomyis traditionally seen as strong
are positives in the scottisheconomylet us talk them up
scottish people and the scottisheconomyneed fast efficient transport scottish
development than the entire scottisheconomypublic and private when does
are best for the scottisheconomyrecognises that passenger numbers through
are best for the scottisheconomyrecognises that passenger numbers through
by debate on the scottisheconomys1m 4057 iain gray the
future development of the scottisheconomys1w 16779 tavish scott to
key driver in the scottisheconomys1w 16788 robin harper to
the underperformance of the scottisheconomyshould be the top priority
the underperformance of the scottisheconomyshould be the top priority
the underperformance of the scottisheconomyshould be the top priority
generates expenditure in the scottisheconomysuch expenditure as with formal
scottish environment and the scottisheconomysupported by elaine thomson linda
mcleish modernisation of the scottisheconomythat the parliament acknowledges the
4057 iain gray the scottisheconomythat the parliament endorses the
the future of the scottisheconomythe first minister for months
for reflection 2 the scottisheconomythe minister for enterprise transport
5 billion to the scottisheconomywe make special efforts to
every sector of the scottisheconomywill need to be accelerated
a significant player in theeconomyof britain the sector is
is important to scotland seconomythe convener i think that
help to regulate the worldeconomyin such a way that
would be the eighth largesteconomyin the world ahead of
create balance in the worldeconomyit has been the big
other parts of the worldeconomymaybe that is a bit
aberdeen area so that theeconomyin the north east could
on regenerating and diversifying theeconomyof the falkirk area and
enterprise 2 science and theeconomythe committee will take evidence
executive debate on the creativeeconomyfollowed by parliamentary bureau motions
yesterday s debate on theeconomythat i read the toothill
and accountability scotland act 2000economyefficiency and effectiveness examinations specified
and accountability scotland act 2000economyefficiency and effectiveness examinations specified
aims to transform scotland seconomyensure that scotland has a
to maximise benefit to theeconomyfrom scotland s renewable energy
fragile state of scotland seconomygiven that since publication of
scotland has said the ukeconomyhas continued to perform well
to the success of theeconomyin ayrshire and throughout scotland
very clear if scotland seconomyis to grow if we
agency dda has on theeconomyof scotland or of any
recently which is the hiddeneconomyof voluntarism in scotland child
we are turning scotland seconomyround from being a manufacturing
would have on scotland seconomys1o 2734 29 alex johnstone
activity sitting alongside the formaleconomyoperating in areas of service
activity sitting alongside the formaleconomyoperating in areas of service
in respect of developing theeconomys1f 1489 business bulletin no
of a ban on oureconomycould be quite positive tanith
would wreck our budget andeconomyi appeal to our liberal
determine the sustainability of oureconomyjames o rourke i agree
heritage but to our contemporaryeconomyso watch this space for
shores and so boost oureconomythroughout that meal i sat
that tobacco has on theeconomyin various ways the report
galashiels inverness has a boomingeconomythis week only 48 houses
executive s policy on theeconomywhich has led to the
261 george lyon the kintyreeconomywednesday 1 december 1999 2
neil s1m 261 the kintyreeconomylodged on 9 november 1999
murray fergus ewing s1m 1437economyof highlands and islands lodged
work place and in theeconomyaccording to wilson mcleod gaelic
devastating blow for the kintyreeconomyalready suffering from an unemployment
excellent stewardship of the ukeconomyand prudent handling of public
the opportunities in the eeconomyanother issue that was raised
difficulties experienced by the kintyreeconomyare reversed supported by mr
operational targets will transform theeconomyare they really challenging and
grow significantly faster than theeconomyas a whole does the
to bolster the sri lankaneconomyas are the thais who
does not disappear from theeconomybut is spent on other
of activity generated throughout theeconomyby each fte associated with
over and above what theeconomycan afford in his opinion
thereby contributing to the ayrshireeconomycathy jamieson i very much
are found in the creativeeconomydental services 3 lewis macdonald
real challenge in the eeconomyfrom the bigger concerns that
the supply side of theeconomyi will not go through
be felt by the domesticeconomyif the extra demand created
be good for the latvianeconomyif they could start up
companies that is because theeconomyin aberdeen generally is buoyant
to deny farmers and theeconomyin kenya to use your
a strong and more diversifiedeconomyin the highlands and islands
my constituents the island seconomyis very fragile and could
these countries were a separateeconomyit would be the eighth
them on into the mainstreameconomymcgregor et al 1997 the
outbreak will be on theeconomyof dumfries and galloway s1w
the airport plays in theeconomyof glasgow the west of
would sustain and develop theeconomyof kenya and other third
what the value to theeconomyof people taking a sailing
and islands enterprise cost theeconomyof the highlands and islands
by promoting the profile andeconomyof the north east further
the nineteenth century when theeconomyof the region declined the
a major blow to theeconomyof the western isles further
the revival of the highlandeconomyover recent years is sustained
of the ever increasing nighteconomyparticularly of young people attracted
be enough to change theeconomys performance there are questions
on the regeneration of theeconomys1w 15064 pauline mcneill to
government we believe in aneconomythat helps businesses the deputy
o the tippies on domesticeconomythat mabel smith hid heard
argue that this is falseeconomythat the wear and tear
s future prosperity requires theeconomyto achieve greater productivity levels
the nineteenth century from politicaleconomyto national epic and historical
due to expansion in theeconomyunless something substantial is about
in other areas of theeconomywe cannot necessarily say that
800m per annum to theeconomywe will expand the use
of languages in the globaleconomywhich was hosted by glenrothes
the other hand increasingly theeconomywill need those individuals in
specialised especially in the moderneconomyyou be- you tend to
anything a stable policy andeconomythat will allow them to
continue to have a soundeconomyand be able to compete
micht describe as an exchangeeconomyit wis up tae him
be successful a high investmenteconomywith an international outlook is
erm were actually f1149: likeeconomyf1148: they were actually given

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