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things successful learners confident individualseffectivecontributors and responsible citizens and
make to developing successful learnerseffectivecontributors erm responsible citizens that
will become successful learners ereffectivecontributors responsible citizens and so
and evaluating and become moreeffectivelearners i think that ll
understand how they become moreeffectivelearners of language whether it
give us to become moreeffectivelearners so i ve highlighted
very much on becoming moreeffectivelearners the thrust of what
impact which the provision ofeffectivedrug treatment rehabilitation and aftercare
impact which the provision ofeffectivedrug treatment rehabilitation and aftercare
from offending cut reoffending witheffectiverehabilitation improve the rights of
courts in diverting users intoeffectiverehabilitation programmes acknowledges the dedication
to remove weapons from communitieseffectiverehabilitation to cut crime prisons
providing secure humane custody andeffectiverehabilitation to promote public safety
s streets and work foreffectiverehabilitation to reduce demand for
to progressively redirect resources towardseffectivetreatment rehabilitation and aftercare programmes
to progressively redirect resources towardseffectivetreatment rehabilitation and aftercare programmes
the eu more efficient andeffectiveabove all however the key
skills they need to beeffectiveand efficient help communities and
groups the role of aneffectiveand efficient management committee is
the scheme will provide aneffectiveand efficient means by which
system more efficient and moreeffectivearchitects support the distinction in
is to build efficient andeffectivedecision making that is responsive
the coalition s favourite wordseffectiveefficient democratic transparent and accountable
union needs to become moreeffectiveefficient easier to understand democratic
union needs to become moreeffectiveefficient easier to understand democratic
be monitored in the mosteffectivemanner possible should a monitoring
market lewis in a mosteffectivemanner that highlighted the importance
be treated in a costeffectivemanner through a comprehensive system
early and in a costeffectivemanner utilising private sector risk
early and in a costeffectivemanner utilising private sector risk
early and in a costeffectivemanner utilising private sector risk
a smart successful scotland andeffectiveinvestment in infrastructure and skills
in smart successful scotland andeffectiveinvestment in infrastructure and skills
in smart successful scotland andeffectiveinvestment in infrastructure and skills
be supported by modern andeffectivepublic infrastructure we propose a
in rail infrastructure into aneffectiveshareholding in railtrack the scottish
have little idea what aneffectivesustainable infrastructure for our arts
justice may be a moreeffectivelong term treatment for drug
addiction is more or lesseffectivethan methadone treatment s1w 32321
anna things got better followingeffectivetreatment and she has gone
choose any appropriate and costeffectivetreatment for their condition anywhere
society which shows that witheffectivetreatment people who suffer from
substance misusing prisoners into aneffectivetreatment process s1w 32323 mary
making dosage and prescribing moreeffectiveif they were more cost
if they were more costeffectiveresources would be freed up
being undertaken to produce costeffectivesolutions for the industry and
being undertaken to produce costeffectivesolutions for the industry and
because that is more costeffectivethe task force and puk
believe it is not costeffectiveto assess the impact on
view it was not costeffectiveto assess the impact on
demand to make it costeffectiveto do so market opening
parliament to the most costeffectivevenue available during the general
year dentistry is particularly costeffectivewhen regular visits allow pro
to introduce a firm andeffectiveban on advertising and to
ban is thought to beeffectivefor example in ireland where
for the ban to beeffectivei know that you said
of whether the ban waseffectiveonly in scotland or throughout
tobacco control strategy to beeffectivethere must be a ban
a ban is to beeffectivewe are not arguing against
and educational activities are mosteffectivein developing the skills that
focus on the development ofeffectivereading skills this also involves
skills and transfer these intoeffectivestrategies and decisions s1w 7168
boyack scott barrie s1m 3954effectivedeer management lodged on 25
understanding in the interests ofeffectivedeer management notes the necessity
barrie s1m 3954 murdo frasereffectivedeer management that the parliament
in order to ensure thateffectivefinancial management systems are put
there had not been anyeffectivemanagement during the years before
the scheme set against theeffectivemanagement of the scheme as
would be geared towards moreeffectivemanagement practice as you say
together with radical reform andeffectivemanagement will deliver improvements in
redundancy of university staff andeffectivepersonnel and staff management in
to ensure improve and maintaineffectivepersonnel and staff management what
and the uprating will becomeeffectiveand payable at the same
that they can indeed becomeeffectivecitizens of a multilingual world
do i become a moreeffectivelearner so therefore they need
parliament recognises the importance ofeffectiveassessment in schools as a
2236 2 mr brian monteitheffectiveassessment in schools as an
2236 2 mr brian monteitheffectiveassessment in schools as an
30 pm executive debate oneffectiveassessment in scotland s schools
s1m 2236 1 michael russelleffectiveassessment in scotland s schools
30 pm executive debate oneffectiveassessment in scotland s schools
s1m 2236 1 michael russelleffectiveassessment in scotland s schools
s1m 2236 mr jack mcconnelleffectiveassessment in scotland s schools
smoking and pursue the mosteffectiveapproaches continue to back campaigns
you think that the mosteffectivearrangements were adopted you can
seem to be the mosteffectivefinally in the case of
times thought to be mosteffectivefor fox control mounted fox
not its use is mosteffectivefor teenagers particularly teenage girls
a view on the mosteffectivelevel of government should not
may not provide the mosteffectivemeans of achieving a balance
permanent structures are the mosteffectivemethod of establishing young people
whole was a good andeffectivepartnership most of the national
counted one of the mosteffectivepeople standing here tonight voices
those powers to be mosteffectiveproperty owners and lessees should
and recognises that the mosteffectiverepresentation in the eu for
as a most unusual andeffectivesound can be produced by
be extremely worth while andeffectivethe staff were most impressive
he agree that the mosteffectiveway in which to pursue
can that is the mosteffectiveway of allowing the voluntary
believe would be the mosteffectiveway of controlling tobacco advertising
problems in scotland the mosteffectiveway of dealing with scotland
be the best and mosteffectiveway of doing that is
in this parliament are mosteffectivewhen we are united in
tobacco advertising bans are moreeffectiveif introduced as part of
of ash is to seeeffectivetobacco control policies put in
the tobacco industry we wanteffectivetobacco control policies to be
european union more open coherenteffectiveaccountable and relevant to the
consider properly cheaper and moreeffectivealternatives such as breakfast clubs
an eu that is moreeffectiveand able to respond quickly
promote tourism in a moreeffectiveand co ordinated way to
more streamlined approach which iseffectiveand easier for teachers parents
need to be even moreeffectiveand have a bigger impact
rolled out and made moreeffectiveand how the number of
view to establishing a moreeffectiveand inexpensive system for individual
provide research that is aseffectiveas possible the more that
offenders that have proved moreeffectiveat reducing reoffending than traditional
we will develop a moreeffectivedischarge planning system through the
that we expect far moreeffectivediscussion and decision making to
we should have a moreeffectiveengagement with the public the
uk legislation would be moreeffectivefrom the point of view
smoking and to target moreeffectivehealth campaigns at 25 35
and commercialising science were moreeffectiveif a business partner could
animal actors it is moreeffectiveif the animals and hen
which proved to be moreeffectivein gathering data and less
whole market would be moreeffectivein our view in terms
the need to be moreeffectivein work force planning than
which aims to find moreeffectivelocal ways of helping people
use of newer safer moreeffectivemedicines rather than older less
speeding up and making moreeffectivemutual co operation as far
that we have far moreeffectivepublic involvement thirdly part of
and provide for a moreeffectiveresponse to homelessness there are
offer an opportunity for moreeffectivesentencing provided that the probation
particularly by introducing a moreeffectivesystem for improving conservation and
to come up with moreeffectiveteaching programmes the whole idea
that participatory structures are moreeffectivethan other methods in giving
and sleds are proving moreeffectivethan porsches for manoeuvring the
and is sometimes even moreeffectivethan the nonchalent expression although
word that might be moreeffectivew- while you re speaking
broadband might be a moreeffectiveway of levering in private
arrest warrant will be moreeffectivewhen they apply to 27
example how can we provideeffectiveand reasonable staff cover for
any action taken is noteffectivec provide support and assistance
and private business to provideeffectivechoices to people promoting equality
clinical leadership who can provideeffectiveleadership in clinical teams our
police service which would provideeffectiveneighbourhood policing and give crime
homelessness act 2003 to provideeffectivesupport for homeless people eradicate
common sense will provide aneffectivesystem cathie craigie i have
future provided that adequate andeffectiveresources are applied to the
is likely to constitute aneffectiveuse of public resources and
developing public confidence in theeffectiveuse of public resources for
areas would not represent aneffectiveuse of resources because of
executive to build a sustainableeffectiveand integrated transport system which
executive to build a sustainableeffectiveand integrated transport system which
mcgugan is looking for aneffectivehealth care system must operate
and se scotland with aneffectiveintegrated transport system business bulletin
together we can develop aneffectivesystem of language education for
glasgow the scheme has beeneffectiveand has engaged with respectable
the scheme to be aseffectiveas possible and because it
whether the scheme has beeneffectivei expect that as a
support scheme is not deliveringeffectivesupport will the minister consider
that the scheme was oneeffectiveway to achieve it remember
also help to deliver practicaleffectiveaction against those who are
but is replicated across scotlandeffectiveaction must be taken 11
uk government ministers for aneffectiveaction plan otherwise there may
scotland that is to enableeffectiveaction to be taken quickly
and help victims that meanseffectiveaction to reduce crime jim
things that count are securityeffectivecommunity action and networking and
the eu has been particularlyeffectivein driving forward action on
action plan for prevention andeffectiveresponse mr kenneth gibson moved
action plan for prevention andeffectiveresponse regrets that five years
action plan for prevention andeffectiveresponse two and a half
that it would be lesseffectivebut it would not be
because if the regulations wereeffectivenetsmen would catch less fish
allow for the development ofeffectiveaffordable solutions enabling the industry
allow for the development ofeffectiveaffordable solutions enabling the industry
flows across the industry theeffectiveuse of information and communication
of making those relationships aseffectiveas possible fergus ewing also
promoting well informed responsive andeffectivedecision making in policy and
to support staff in theeffectivedelivery of anti racism education
ensure that it is aseffectiveas possible in the years
and 4 year old childeffectiveearly intervention to ensure a
and 4 year old childeffectiveearly intervention to ensure a
to ensure that it iseffectivein delivering support across the
service workers from attack ensureeffectiveresponses to problems through co
futures fund to ensure theeffectivetransition to mainstream or any
scotland transport partnerships to assisteffectiveintegration of public transport across
been made in developing aneffectivemodern 21st century public transport
believes that the development ofeffectivefunding of such family support
believes that the development ofeffectivefunding of such family support
tackles growing congestion including theeffectivedevelopment of park and ride
development for scotland will addresseffectiveprotection of the environment s1w
terms as well as aneffectivecessation service multimedia information on
specific problems of providing aneffectivenhs dental service to rural
nurses are fundamental to theeffectiverunning of the health service
scottish executive helping to produceeffectiveservice delivery having said that
the minimum levels commensurate witheffectiveservice provision and the technical
brand one s way intoeffectivegovernment without substance i will
points the way ahead toeffectiveinternational communication as winnie ewing
in this way in aneffectiveliberal democracy we will transform
on the language the onlyeffectiveway of gathering the data
for monitoring the proper andeffectiveuse of funds s1w 34381
high standards excellent market intelligenceeffectiveuse of information technology for
and richard simpson about theeffectiveuse of money and previously
how it intends to encourageeffectiveand genuine public and community
must have freedom to enjoyeffectiveexchange of information europol is
up to make sure thateffectiveinformation is given out we
commission must be brought undereffectivecontrol and scrutiny the european
issue of regulation to beeffectiveregulation must be transparent consistent
for the bill to beeffectivethere must be a realistic
this and to make iteffectiveand to make it you
effect thirds and fourths makeeffectivechords the player should sustain
measures that will make aneffectivedifference if there are measures
education authorities make speedy andeffectiveeducational provision for excluded children
the insulation to make iteffectivethe minister has made it
nature of language and ofeffectivecommunication english is best learned
pupils develop as we hopeeffectivereaders in their own language
that the second strand toeffectiveteaching of a second language
forth clear principles on whicheffectiveteaching of both language and
english [inhale] probably not aseffectiveas it should be m1055:
they are proven to beeffectiveat changing behaviour increase the
what is likely to beeffectivebased on that survey will
it will be a veryeffectivebody indeed once it is
curriculum and to be confidenteffectivecontributors the one in modern
challenge and is capable ofeffectiveenforcement any inconsistencies could be
national screening programme would beeffectivefergus ewing i do not
the glp is to beeffectivefor five years from the
that they will not beeffectiveif authorities cannot afford to
association such membership to beeffectiveimmediately on approval of the
association such membership to beeffectiveimmediately on approval of the
s amendment were accepted theeffectiveimplementation date would be 1
foot packs to be highlyeffectivein controlling foxes the protection
scottish executive to be fullyeffectivein dealing with the affairs
scottish executive to be fullyeffectivein dealing with the affairs
understand and would be aneffectiveinstrument targets need to be
been shown to be aneffectivemethod for controlling fox cubs
dose of 10 microgrammes iseffectivethat would be of particular
be a barrier to theeffectiveuptake of services including education
if it is to beeffectivewe need a consistent approach
that has proven to beeffectivewe should take seriously what
m1007: and it s veryeffectivein english too and in
conferences on the hmi seffectivelearning and teaching in english
and exploration are crucial toeffectivelearning here but english teachers
government committee concluded that aneffectiveand specific time scale should
allow pro active intervention andeffectiveeducation everyone in scotland should
however it is nonsense thateffectiveorganisations should have to recreate
youth scotland was a veryeffectiveorganisation that had purpose and
anything scorn was a veryeffectiverage stopper it was like
1994 review had been veryeffectivethey were impressed by the
the ministers on some veryeffectivework a comprehensive network of
difficult to say exactly howeffectivealleviating any one factor might
a true measure of howeffectivean organisation is standardised audit
their procedures i wonder howeffectivethat is i think that
we do not know howeffectivethe first year has been
the pupils as to howeffectivethe learning and teaching has
to highlight how crucial andeffectivethe working relationship between the
and were no longer fullyeffective31 a review was therefore
is the potential for aneffectiveaccessible and adequate national advice
makes bethany so attractive andeffectivealso acts as a barrier
still tell the difference betweeneffectiveand authentic scots and haivers
union by moving towards aneffectiveand coherent external policy as
own institutions to keep themeffectiveand democratic i have elected
agencies in creating and maintainingeffectiveand flexible mechanisms for identifying
right to aim for meaningfuleffectiveand helpful co operation our
peel the bananas comparison ofeffectiveand ineffective instructions to consolidate
board s performance is generallyeffectiveand its activities are of
we put in place areeffectiveand practical and we will
notes the importance of aneffectiveand responsive local authority internal
works contracts are fair openeffectiveand straightforward to administer and
at risk any plans foreffectiveand sustainable diversification and therefore
involved believes is enforceable andeffectiveand that it does exactly
law enforcement depends on aneffectiveand well resourced police force
innovative is not necessarily alwayseffectiveand what donald gorrie said
compatible with the safe andeffectivecare of the patient mr
competitive does she agree thateffectiveco operation between unions and
we have been an extremelyeffectivecommittee and i am sure
there has been adequate andeffectivecommunication with the communities served
and asylum seekers and thateffectivecontrols on international criminals are
of scotland and having aneffectivedialogue and partnership with our
an alternative modern humane andeffectivediligence against movable property the
on interpreting and translating noeffectiveequivalent is available from survey
users of the dictionary waseffectivein 1981 and meeting the
and ensuring that they areeffectiveis only appropriate iain mcmillan
deploy additional officers to promoteeffectivelaw and order policies in
to languages and requires thateffectivelearning strategies developed in first
stock transfers and investing ineffectivelong term improvement of social
to offer strategic direction andeffectivemonitoring of progress by defining
family ideas for music aneffectivemusical accompaniment and link music
diversity and strengthen communities buildeffectiveopportunities for individual and community
security in core funding preventseffectiveplanning and distracts those who
but local crime rates andeffectivepolicing with regard to matters
the country we all saweffectiveprogrammes and projects local people
data on which to baseeffectiveprovision of translation interpretation and
deliver integrated work force planningeffectiverecruitment activity and better collaboration
to devise a real andeffectiverural strategy which could command
that the scottish parliament developseffectivescrutiny of the budget and
kind of initiative is aneffectivetool in awareness campaigning and
and attach innovative approaches toeffectivework to secure new funding
ensuring the delivery of consistentlyeffectivecommunity disposals which have the
that this is a potentiallyeffectivepiece of legislation which is
exactly when a cancellation iseffectiveangus mackay i have some
single measles vaccine is aseffectiveas the measles component of
to see that it iseffectivebut it is a bit
acceptable that there is aneffectivecurfew on older people in
give a specific example theeffectivedose is currently thought to
submissions it is recognised thateffectiveenforcement of the prohibitions would
cases there are concerns theeffectiveenforcement route is different hugh
national theatre there is noeffectivegeneral commitment in the theatre
smoking in the workplace iseffectivein motivating smokers to quit
legislation alone is not especiallyeffectivein tackling fuel poverty it
that the existing law iseffectiveis he aware that in
the strategy has proved extremelyeffectiveit is already producing results
the problem self monitoring iseffectiveonly to a certain level
significant consideration for instance ineffectivepolice surveillance operations it is
child an octave is quiteeffectivewith the tallest child coming
we will continue to driveeffectivechange in services as we
as an exemplar in discussingeffectivecohesion with other pupils particularly
recognised as having been aneffectiveconvener who guided the committee
cannot see it as aneffectiveor credible subsidiarity watchdog the
tremendous examples throughout scotland ofeffectivejoint working the effect of
to show that committees areeffectivegiven the civil liberties issues
the scottish executive what proveneffectivetreatments are available to treat
belt our visits were highlyeffectivebecause they allowed people to
scottish power has learned someeffectivelessons from the difficulties faced
who scores 0 has noeffectivesocial links with the community
longer distance journeys to alloweffectivecompetition with cars we will
will take steps to installeffectivecooling equipment in the parliament
flu programme will have beeneffectivethat returns me to the
to assist them in ensuringeffectiveaccess to school buildings for
in place to assess theeffectiveimplementation of the free concessionary
had failed to offer aneffectivemeans of measuring ability in
ministers to a bring forwardeffectivemeasures to address the crisis
emphasise the importance of maximisingeffectiveconsultation with outside groups equality
reduce reoffending this may proveeffectivewith young offenders who consider
ĂȘtre an example of fairlyeffectivecohesion in the writing of
piece of writing seems quiteeffectiveit demonstrates an understanding of
benefit from it recognising thateffectivelaw enforcement depends on an

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