
See this word as a collocate cloud

eh a bass a basseha a bass was a
reading you eh really ermeha a mandate eh for
tuil box f1054: same m1010: eha bass a bass eh
mi fhèin an dèidh bhitheha cur eh càl a
just eh f- v- veryeha few examples from the
m1055: ce- certainly bùrach iseha very eh expressive word
dysart eh with all theseeha- all these distinguished experts
t there m642: eh rightehaboot eh eh ten thousand
a bit more eh laterehabout about some of the
the chaumer eh which wereehaccommodation right beside the farm
eh an ye had taeehadhere to these things an
look a gawpit kinda m999: ehaffa glaikit lookin quine eh
for wean certainly but ehehaga- it s something i
bruidhinn ri seonag a nochdehairson poille beag eh dìreach
houses yeah m845: they areehall over the place eh
old eh bullets and andehall that they were in
at we were at ehehan all day trainin session
horsbroch on the handout govrenedehan an leitratur eh you
an he was a fishermanehan eh for the first
eh ehm ehm ehm ehehan then there s a
leaflets that we had anehan to- eh what s
it it was always respectehan ye had tae eh
we must specialise they saidehand an- an- and eh
for three years eh butehand and some of them
ehm what do you thinkehand eh aye f1053: what
ll go to this chippyehand eh my dad s
unless you knew latin andehand eh my parents were
very gappy kind of approachehand eh ye know ye
and in in northern irelandehand i think eh that
met and eh th- thatehand i think my brother
eh and an- an- andehand i was very bad
trial an eh sheila [censored: surname]eh[?]and she, one of my mates, she died in new zealand there[/?] an she had the
get the bandages off andehantiseptic eh cleansed and i
scots and and gaelic ehehare eh in education f718:
your top good girl upehare you stuck f1114: eh
done be eh brian wilsonehas an act of the
eh ehm and erm speechehas as we re we
ower at eh st cyrusehat eh f606: [cough] m822:
eh became a scottish nationalistehat the age of fifteen
it mike was there ehehat the ahrb in london
was no eh scanning ehehaway back in 1932 and
s fine eh she sehaway home for mother s
was to the to theehaye eh m635: [inaudible] i
do you think eh andehaye f1053: what would ill
m608: mmhm m636: eh butehaye that s and and
say briks nae breeks ehehaye that s right aye
was doon yesterday we wereehbaggin up i i eh
rate o knots in tillehbay an in till eh
eh swell runnin in faeehbay noo though eh dry
years younger than me andehbecame a scottish nationalist eh
to read it to youehbecause eh eh this has
when i when i wasehbein brought up eh eh
landed in dublin eh sorryehbelfast f643: docked docked m608:
eh other places and beingehbilleted for the [inaudible] m608:
off faar wiz hes stickehbit that wiz eh last
had eh eh blairgowan whereehblairgowan blairgowan was a kind
kennedy and we had ehehblairgowan where eh blairgowan blairgowan
i do have eh looehbog john dunny ehm it
of eh john sinclair sehbook aboot scotticisms and aw
eh enchine disappeared straight throughehbottom o excaliber hid went
boats comin in and takinehboulders three inch but eh
minority languages was done beehbrian wilson eh as an
aal bin filled in wiehbuildin o eh new slip
schools had eh sort oehbuilt intae a wall eh
the hand grenades and oldehbullets and and eh all
the month for three yearsehbut eh and and some
minutes away m608: mmhm m636: ehbut eh aye that s
further on than nae weelehbut eh but that was
the street [laugh] ye knowehbut eh sayin that eh
of this bre- brechin folkehbut eh they they found
was shovelling your way ootehbut eh we used to
lord wavell m608: mm m636: ehbut eh whether they met
[audience chatter] m1182: em eh emehbut em how how to
the the queer gowk ehehbut i certainly hope that
[laugh] gied a bash ehehbut that s nae a
than nae weel eh butehbut that was aboot it
till easter and eh soehbut that we knew that
end eh if i mayehby by reading you eh
eh slack came on tillehcable he popped eh split
dèidh bhith eh a curehcàl a mun tuirt iad
no stimulants for me ehehcammy name s cammy stew
portstewart and port- and ehehcarrick ca-ca-ca portrush portstewart and
rainin heavily really raining f1005: ehcat and dogs f1006: eh
eh coimhead air tunnagan isehcearcan aig mo nàbaidh dòmhnall
m608: ah right m642: eheh[censored: forename] tae gie her a
surname an granny an grandadeh[censored: surname] eh which is our
bandages off and eh antisepticehcleansed and i missed a
ma weary way home doonehcliff an across eh river
i an sin a cumailehcluas eh ri claisneachd uh
heard eh laughter ower atehcoastgerd station chiels were weepin
efter a rejuvenatin dram inehcocktail bar fae eh owner
robh ann an seo achehcoimhead air tunnagan is eh
george eh the cleanin andehcome fae glasgow erm f1054:
eccentric eccentric yes eh m1008: ehcomic eccentric yes f1009: mmhm
school they used tae ehehcongregate there especially in drizzly
y- eh you know mmehcostume f746: oh the kind
a very eh expressive wordehcould you say onomatopoeic you
up at eh lads onehcrane as soon as eh
on till eh side oehcrane dan buoy stormed off
eh development i cannae mindehd d r s ehm
if eh if they wouldehdae the strip for the
wan o henderson s lorriesehday came fan eh enchine
then deafening eh i meanehdeafening eh you know is
wi culture and leisure anehdevelopment i cannae mind eh
wasn t something piously piouslyehdifferent or actually suspect eh
nochd eh airson poille beagehdìreach bha i s i
scots does make the systemehdiscrete distinct eh the forehannd
ran doon eh side oehdock man dan at s
waatch cos eh sides oehdock were stepped an ye
ehm eh for my ownehdoctoral studies had looked at
ir ye ay eh wirkinehdoon by like aye i
hello there she stood paulineehdream girl o eh entire
gethered at eh mooth oehdry dock efter tea time
eh bay an in tillehdry dock id dented dan
fae eh bay noo thoughehdry dock s aal bin
notice eh you have hereehearly days and teaching my
s eh his it sehed doll we feel more
f1009: for wean certainly buteheh aga- it s something
were at we were ateheh an all day trainin
spoot eh ehm ehm ehmeheh an then there s
is scots and and gaeliceheh are eh in education
raised it mike was thereeheh at the ahrb in
there was no eh scanningeheh away back in 1932
would say briks nae breekseheh aye that s right
castle kennedy and we hadeheh blairgowan where eh blairgowan
just the the queer gowkeheh but i certainly hope
bashed [laugh] gied a basheheh but that s nae
ed no stimulants for meeheh cammy name s cammy
portrush portstewart and port- andeheh carrick ca-ca-ca portrush portstewart
room m608: ah right m642: eheh [censored: forename] tae gie her
eh school they used taeeheh congregate there especially in
no no no mm [cough]eheh eh eh eh i
no no mm [cough] eheheh eh eh i want
work doesn t she f1104: eheh eh f1103: doesn t
s some kinda pen f1133: eheh eh f1134: maybe it
no mm [cough] eh eheheh eh i want the
shaky shaky shake oh f1126: eheh eh [laugh] here you
a beast a bonny beasteheh f1001: or a bonny
doesn t she f1104: eheheh f1103: doesn t she
of room f1112: look [inaudible]eheh f1111: oh yes f1112:
this one here look f1126: eheh f1125: this one ready
some kinda pen f1133: eheheh f1134: maybe it s
one round about here foreheh for a lack of
to kind of come backeheh for m608: uh huh
then he he landed ineheh he landed in india
t at nursery today m805: eheh i don t want
mm [cough] eh eh eheheh i want the ball
really eh unusual aboot thateheh i would just say
bha laudrup m979: laudrup aguseheh ian durrant s e
erm erm erm though thougheheh if we turn then
in the past mmhm m017: eheh in anything which f718:
scots f718: yeah yeah m017: eheh in my view er
was eh bein brought upeheh in the fishin community
mair in the in theeheh in the word you
we got a video cameraeheh [inaudible] f940: [laugh] m942:
had to explain real dataeheh intuition wasn t enough
bad somethin m999: cause folkeheh it s funny see
us foo fit fan fareheh it s it s
they said [inaudible] ye keneheh just the same words
understand what d you sayeheh ken f1054: whaur do
shaky shake oh f1126: eheheh [laugh] here you go
of my my my recenteheh little little academic corpus
ll probably agree wi useheh m1014: but i think
f1113: come on then f1114: eheh no [laugh] [squeal] f1113:
want to come [inaudible] f1126: eheh oh f1125: mm f1126:
sa tighinn f980: [tarraing anail] [leigeil anail]eheh oh tha agus m979:
built in there metathesis modreneheh patrins erm david had
much easier to understand thaneheh people either in england
when he was an apprenticeeheh plumber ye ken i
my mother came from thateheh presbyterian er protestant work
would say [inhale] jimmies oreheh probably say ma jimmies
was a quite a bigeheh quite a few planes
snavie snavie the day m999: eheh s- snavie that s
as bad f718: mmhm m017: eheh so er there s
audience but basically fu iseheh soo fu eh is
gaun tae be in m1098: eheh sorry sorry me sorry
the girls were the sameeheh sort of idea but
a daisy catch it f1126: eheh sprinkles coming off there
m642: eh right eh abooteheh ten thousand trees or
mmhm m636: and of courseeheh th- eh this dispensation
because eh f718: mm m017: eheh that is er can
addiction crime f718: mmhm m017: eheh that that is a
anderson drive used to beeheh the bypass in aiberdeen
to feed in ideas andeheh the editor and the
possibly as a result ofeheh the influence of people
drums [laugh] f606: [laugh] f1039: eheh the lassie that was
the derivative from it ermeheh there are lots as
education eh that that iseheh there is a sort
english exists in between buteheh there is the the
having twins till they arrivedeheh there was no m635:
it to you eh becauseeheh this has the covers
ye ye ye can caeheh trousers eh jeans as
writer by john cheney andeheh umpteen but but there
was a liverpudlian couple andeheh we were havin tae
didn t mean to emeheh what happend was morag
academy for bein the besteheh wha-wha- what did it
s called m964: right yeaheheh which is a very
we re working round clockwiseeheh which is f1009: mmhm
nae really a a localeheh word or whatever f1001:
this man s poem somehoweheh you achieve a kind
[audience laugh] and of course ermeheh you ll allow me
might be enough [laugh] ehmehehm and erm speech eh
spoot m999: up the spootehehm ehm ehm eh eh
not m1183: [audience chatter] m1182: emehem eh but em how
being an earlier scottish nationalistehem eh she went about
lorries eh day came fanehenchine arrived an a fair
a kinda crackin soond anehenchine disappeared straight through eh
at held eh sling roondehenchine fit happened next wiz
chiels at eh handal heavedehenchinney up swung er roond
bit eh scorries over atehend o eh pier then
pauline eh dream girl oehentire male population o eh
eh f718: mmhm m017: ereher many scots words were
m017: er though of courseeheven then of course eh
bùrach is eh a veryehexpressive word eh could you
i mean these re justehf- v- very eh a
beast a bonny beast ehehf1001: or a bonny beastie
wee an eh wee erehf1027: wee er than normal
t she f1104: eh ehehf1103: doesn t she f1104:
room f1112: look [inaudible] ehehf1111: oh yes f1112: eh
eh f1111: oh yes f1112: ehf1111: we ll need to
eh are you stuck f1114: ehf1113: that s it now
f1114: mm mmhm [inaudible] f1113: ehf1114: [inaudible] [inaudible] f1113: eh
yet f1125: thirteen cakes f1126: ehf1125: thirteen cakes f1126: eh
eh f1125: thirteen cakes f1126: ehf1125: thirteen f1126: no no
one here look f1126: ehehf1125: this one ready shake
kinda pen f1133: eh ehehf1134: maybe it s some
you wantin to speak f1136: ehf1135: [inaudible] f1136: eh speak
s boats coming out f1135: ehf1136: or watching eh the
eh st cyrus eh atehf606: [cough] m822: eh quarry-
subject m845: [laugh] eh mathsehf606: oh right yeah m845:
the jute ye know anehf606: yeah m691: but eh
of industry if you likeehf631: mmhm f634: eh where
tail eh top n m642: ehf643: tail ye sprayed it
it for official documents becauseehf718: mm m017: eh eh
huh m017: being somehow wrongehf718: mmhm m017: er eh
somewhere in the house andehf746: yes f978: eh there
eh s dòcha gun tèidehf982: [casad] tha e depeandadh
ken well fan i movedehfan i moved oot eh
eh fan i moved ootehfan i moved oot o
dunbar m1015: eh gordon [censored: surname]ehfifty seven eh in a
one we use eh staggerinehfleein fleein yeah f1005: mmhm
round about here for ehehfor a lack of money
kind of come back ehehfor m608: uh huh m078:
as you probably know ehmehfor my own eh doctoral
eh some are not quiteehfor the eh i was
was a fisherman eh anehfor the first fifteen years
eh for the uk governmentehfor the scottish executive that
erm eh a a mandateehfor the uk government eh
soo fu eh is oneehfu or ehm cannae just
provision eh in the curriculumehfur scots it s it
aye f1011: guid lookin m1010: ehgey plai- eh what did
eh affa glaikit lookin quineehglaikit is a bit o
dark and my father hadehgone back he had eh
i stay in dunbar m1015: ehgordon [censored: surname] eh fifty seven
eh baggin up i iehgrew first eh second generation
hands eh twa chiels atehhandal heaved eh enchinney up
the ardco neighbourhood wi meehhe daes eh rap an
he he landed in ehehhe landed in india just
eh in in scotland andehhe published macdiarmid s em
like eh richard he sehhe s as broad as
and eh i- she dehhe wasnae mar- i think
who hed bin further roondehhead came on eh scene
eh new slip over atehherber she wiz made redundant
cammy so eh what sehhis it s eh ed
remember we hit that bigehhole on racecourse eh road
earliest recollection m608: aye m636: ehi can remember w-w- eh
take them some eh someehi canna mind where he
at nursery today m805: ehehi don t want to
eh gone back he hadehi had his bike for
word becomes and then deafeningehi mean eh deafening eh
m194: they were eh thingmiedehi mean i ve seen
of alopecia and eh itehi nev- i wasnae near
my name is peter [censored: surname]ehi stay beside eh i
[censored: surname] eh i stay besideehi stay in aquithie eh
readin session in there andehi suspect that eh the
bites at the cherry andehi thought we might eh
would say the children f1144: ehi ve got eh wean
[cough] eh eh eh ehehi want the ball again
for a story i rememberehi was eh visitin my
not quite eh for theehi was going tae say
eh unusual aboot that ehehi would just say i
called her grandfather [?]daid[/?] andehi- she d eh he
laudrup m979: laudrup agus ehehian durrant s e a
from the fact that ifehif eh someone were to
i d like to endehif i may eh by
m194: and and eh itehif the likes of one
did i asked them ifehif they would eh dae
erm erm though though ehehif we turn then to
it m999: an eh stuffehif ye re lookin dishevelled
gordon [censored: surname] eh fifty sevenehin a couple o months
the past mmhm m017: ehehin anything which f718: mmhm
and gaelic eh eh areehin education f718: mmhm m017:
an ye forget that inehin eh no f1001: it
he he d publish anybodyehin in scotland and eh
turn then to eh phonologyehin my little corpus erm
f718: yeah yeah m017: ehehin my view er you
there s nae explicit provisionehin the curriculum eh fur
eh bein brought up ehehin the fishin community we
in the in the ehehin the word you use
got a video camera eheh[inaudible] f940: [laugh] m942: yeah
either took to eh toeh[inaudible] which is aboot five
coo books have been excellentehinitiatives baith but eh we
to explain real data ehehintuition wasn t enough and
course eh the result isehis not eh is often
result is eh is notehis often quite different from
is eh eh soo fuehis one eh fu or
it s eh livin roomehis the main room in
was eh it was itehit arose as the er
a form of alopecia andehit eh i nev- i
oh right m194: and andehit eh if the likes
eh nineteen fifty six andehit had a variety of
and it eh it sehit is possible to er
worthwhile or not eh whetherehit might be possible but
just wait a second [laugh]ehit s almost only eh
to the jail and itehit s eh it is
somethin m999: cause folk ehehit s funny see in
foo fit fan far ehehit s it s like
eh like sewing classes orehit s tae get the
you who was being installedehit was before eh mountbatten
was it just m017: wellehit was eh it was
m017: well eh it wasehit was it eh it
can ca eh eh trousersehjeans as well ye see
hingin on them till soffanehjerk caused by eh swell
eh well eh well nawehjohn john john john was
ye read the likes ofehjohn sinclair s eh book
wi mother there gordon m1015: ehjust an abbreviation eh ma
said [inaudible] ye ken ehehjust the same words just
what d you say ehehken f1054: whaur do you
eh m1007: yeah m1008: butehkids in their own language
eh so so they areehkinda mixed up kids um
go dan yelled up atehlads on eh crane as
stick eh bit that wizehlast thought ah had he
to talk a bit moreehlater eh about about some
eh rather than sayin closeeh[laugh] aye that s right
shake oh f1126: eh eheh[laugh] here you go f1125:
the best university in scotlandeh[laugh] where eh where knowledge
in ye could hae heardehlaughter ower at eh coastgerd
a hand till get upehledder at ran doon eh
eh you know he hadehleft ireland on the way
[inaudible] f1053: fine right soehlet s start with eh
eh m818: [laugh] m819: andehlike gav er gav s
they have eh other classesehlike sewing classes or eh
my my my recent ehehlittle little academic corpus now
pub lounge no it sehlivin room eh is the
f1009: well i do haveehloo eh bog john dunny
eh but eh sayin thatehlookin back it was happy
there wiz music on inehlounge fan eh time hid
a rush order on ohehm well eh would you
use the expression truanting andehm1007: yeah m1008: but eh
m1055: mmhm eccentric eccentric yesehm1008: eh comic eccentric yes
probably agree wi us ehehm1014: but i think that
m636: but eh that sehm608: and what did you
back now eh m642: andehm608: aye m642: now that
the to the eh ayeehm635: [inaudible] i opted out
aw horses comin back nowehm642: and eh m608: aye
the ticket that s meehm818: [laugh] m819: and eh
m1015: eh just an abbreviationehma or mum m1017: ma
hid wiz eh measure oehman at herdly hid a
was your subject m845: [laugh]ehmaths eh f606: oh right
burns scott eh stevenson evenehmcdiarmid ye know when there
tut [inhale] bit hid wizehmeasure o eh man at
power eh tide wiz onehmend an dan realized he
in this [inhale] eh sameehminers essentially mining community and
crowd o fowk gethered atehmooth o eh dry dock
installed eh it was beforeehmountbatten was the last viceroy
dive off eh side intilehmurky depths bit they hed
to this chippy eh andehmy dad s from dundee
knew latin and eh andehmy parents were so keen
eh i stay in aquithieehnear kemnay and i m
in wi eh buildin oehnew slip over at eh
when i married which wasehnineteen eighty three eh our
book that came out inehnineteen fifty six and eh
forget that in eh inehno f1001: it s nae
come on then f1114: ehehno [laugh] [squeal] f1113: got
hed gone afore he gotehoars oot an soon eh
to come [inaudible] f1126: ehehoh f1125: mm f1126: cookies
tighinn f980: [tarraing anail] [leigeil anail] ehehoh tha agus m979: aidh
of eh ten pamphlets thateholiver brown wrote between nineteen
eh built intae a wallehon the boys playground i
be eh uneducatit ill educatitehor even perhaps tae be
m1000: mmhm f1001: mmhm m999: ehor fizzin eh you d
what m194: bullets eh rocketsehor hand grenades m608: god
the education an they haveehother classes eh like sewing
m608: uh huh m636: andehother places and being eh
much till be seen oehould dry dock eh place
was eh nineteen eighty threeehour first house was in
in eh cocktail bar faeehowner ah wended ma weary
in there metathesis modren ehehpatrins erm david had an
three inch eh stones b-ehpebbles and all that three
s a major influence andehpeople eh you know use
easier to understand than ehehpeople either in england or
if we turn then toehphonology eh in my little
over at eh end oehpier then hid broke nobody
o eh ould dry dockehplace far ah used till
he was an apprentice ehehplumber ye ken i had
mother came from that ehehpresbyterian er protestant work ethic
say [inhale] jimmies or ehehprobably say ma jimmies like
at eh f606: [cough] m822: ehquarry- ken faur bert mason
a quite a big ehehquite a few planes there
wi me eh he daesehrap an he was absolutely
a vennel s probably enclosedehrather than eh the close
m1000: aye m999: an stuffehrather than sayin close eh
eh by by reading youehreally erm eh a a
and it s eh thatehred an white check that
sin a cumail eh cluasehri claisneachd uh huh f982:
two cousins if ye likeehrichard he s eh he
them wasn t there m642: ehright eh aboot eh eh
doon eh cliff an acrossehriver whit a state ah
big eh hole on racecourseehroad f643: [inaudible] oh we
bullets or what m194: bulletsehrockets eh or hand grenades
rattled but eh roosed isehroosed is another roosed rattled
annoyed ye get rattled butehroosed is eh roosed is
mise car mun aon rudehs dòcha gun tèid eh
snavie the day m999: ehehs- snavie that s a
was still in this [inhale]ehsame eh miners essentially mining
[laugh] ye know eh butehsayin that eh lookin back
and and there was noehscanning eh eh away back
roond eh head came onehscene he threw him ower
tae at playtime and beforeehschool they used tae eh
writer eh very interesting experimentalehscience fiction in a sort
ye could hear nothin bitehscorries over at eh end
very typical mixture eh withinehscotland the west of scotland
the national comatee of theehscots language society eh ye
eh even then of courseehscots was er er suffering
i i eh grew firstehsecond generation seed last year
again for helping my brotherehself assurance o eh thing
eh split pin oot oehshackle at held eh sling
m1183: well done m1182: emehshe eh she grew up
done m1182: em eh sheehshe grew up in dumbarton
wife s idea morag mcalpineehshe has [laugh] erm eh
f809: oh she s fineehshe s eh away home
eh she has [laugh] ermehshe s fifteen years younger
earlier scottish nationalist eh emehshe went about collecting em
to the midlands trial anehsheila [censored: surname] eh [?]and she, one of my mates, she died in new zealand there[/?] an
really darin wid dive offehside intil eh murky depths
who wiz hingin on tillehside o eh crane dan
eh ledder at ran doonehside o eh dock man
they hed till waatch cosehsides o eh dock were
eh crane as soon asehslack came on till eh
o eh shackle at heldehsling roond eh enchine fit
home again till easter andehso eh but that we
hooses m999: eh well [throat]ehso eh the cotter hooses
bad f718: mmhm m017: ehehso er there s a
angus now f606: yeah m845: ehso so they are eh
fu but there is variationsehsome are not quite eh
father to take them someehsome eh i canna mind
fact that if eh ifehsomeone were to blooter somebody
stirk eh well it sehsomething between calfie an a
but basically fu is ehehsoo fu eh is one
when we landed in dublinehsorry eh belfast f643: docked
school of thought eh vanzittartismehsorry eh vanzittart was er
the the the schools hadehsort o eh built intae
girls were the same ehehsort of idea but they
f1136: eh f1135: [inaudible] f1136: ehspeak [?]high by[/?] today f1135: mm
at another er eh stageehspecific things for english grammar
till eh cable he poppedehsplit pin oot o eh
daisy catch it f1126: ehehsprinkles coming off there isn
mm m822: quarry ower atehst cyrus eh at eh
be taught at another erehstage eh specific things for
a common one we useehstaggerin eh fleein fleein yeah
floorboard at eh top oehstairs an just what do
[inaudible] figures like burns scottehstevenson even eh mcdiarmid ye
ye call the three inchehstones b- eh pebbles and
eh cat and dogs f1006: ehstottin could be used again
tae hear it m999: anehstuff eh if ye re
eh oars oot an soonehsweat wiz lashin off his
soffan eh jerk caused byehswell runnin in fae eh
away in in reciting thateht- too eh well there
this has the covers ofehten pamphlets that eh oliver
eh right eh aboot ehehten thousand trees or somethin
m636: and of course ehehth- eh this dispensation lasted
meet and they met andehth- that eh and i
[inaudible] m1015: and it sehthat eh red an white
then er i believe thatehthat eh that it s
eh f718: mm m017: ehehthat is er can t
i believe that eh thatehthat it s there s
m635: oh aye m636: butehthat s eh m608: and
publishin in scots tae andehthat s pairtly been eh
crime f718: mmhm m017: ehehthat that is a it
m017: with respect in educationehthat that is eh eh
ireland eh and i thinkehthat the six papers in
that m999: eh we didehthat was tired m1002: that
f1135: eh f1136: or watchingehthe boats f1135: watchin boats
drive used to be ehehthe bypass in aiberdeen f823:
eh they got up toehthe circle round about where
[censored: surname] i work for georgeehthe cleanin and eh come
probably enclosed eh rather thanehthe close could be open
eh well [throat] eh soehthe cotter hooses are attached
feed in ideas and ehehthe editor and the editorial
and eh i suspect thatehthe folk ll batter their
the system eh discrete distinctehthe forehannd pynt a wis
as a result of ehehthe influence of people like
oniewey and eh ye knowehthe language is likely to
[laugh] f606: [laugh] f1039: ehehthe lassie that was daein
tae be polite and useehthe polite eh you know
eh that s pairtly beenehthe product of an enlichtened
f718: right m017: of courseehthe result is eh is
eh used for the lavvyehthe the lads at mossheid
to er eh to shareehthe the vision er of
m636: because eh you knowehthe van was there m608:
eh i can remember w-w-ehthe war was declared on
derivative from it erm ehehthere are lots as i
eh that that is ehehthere is a sort of
exists in between but ehehthere is the the the
being launched eh ye knowehthere might ve been a
and eh f746: yes f978: ehthere s always been a
twins till they arrived ehehthere was no m635: [laugh]
she really was uncomfortable anywayehthey got up to eh
bre- brechin folk eh butehthey they found oot aboot
brother eh self assurance oehthing she d known ah
m608: right m194: they wereehthingmied eh i mean i
of course eh eh th-ehthis dispensation lasted till he
to you eh because ehehthis has the covers of
exhaust pipe an no powerehtide wiz on eh mend
on in eh lounge fanehtime hid come till go
they were either took toehto eh [inaudible] which is
eh different or actually suspectehto for those reasons those
it is possible to erehto share eh the the
eh entire male population oehtoon from eight up a
ye call tip n tailehtop n m642: eh f643:
creak o at floorboard atehtop o eh stairs an
eh waater scooshin oot oehtops o his wellies wi
used to he- bring inehtroops intae eh wounded troops
ye ye can ca ehehtrousers eh jeans as well
lines for till tell yeehtruth she sat in eh
wiz poor wi his handsehtwa chiels at eh handal
by john cheney and ehehumpteen but but there was
maybe be seen to beehuneducatit ill educatit eh or
eh very happy days andehunlike these days it was
s there s nothing reallyehunusual aboot that eh eh
eh it s almost onlyehused for private conversation in
was a name that wasehused for the lavvy eh
thought eh vanzittartism eh sorryehvanzittart was er an english
germany pay school of thoughtehvanzittartism eh sorry eh vanzittart
probably my earliest memory butehvery happy days and eh
is a very literary writerehvery interesting experimental eh science
i remember eh i wasehvisitin my my brother in
eh f606: yeah m691: butehw- the only wey we
crane dan buoy stormed offehwaater scooshin oot o eh
eh truth she sat inehwaater weel bit cos she
eh i thought we mightehwant to see just ye
annoyed what was that m999: ehwe did eh that was
well known of [?]starts[/?] steerersehwe get eh we get
[?]starts[/?] steerers eh we getehwe get lots of words
your way oot eh butehwe used to get ma
excellent eh initiatives baith butehwe ve been ower dependent
eh let s start withehwe were gonna start with
a liverpudlian couple and ehehwe were havin tae speak
f1144: eh i ve gotehwean baby just use baby
sprog in like wee anehwee er eh f1027: wee
at that time mmhm m636: ehwell eh well naw eh
sitootery which is the modernehwell eh ye know where
the definition o a stirkehwell it s eh something
time mmhm m636: eh wellehwell naw eh john john
reciting that eh t- tooehwell there are exciting prospects
what are cotter hooses m999: ehwell [throat] eh so eh
lookin m1010: eh gey plai-ehwhat did ye say it
eh boulders three inch butehwhat do ye call the
t mean to em ehehwhat happend was morag my
name dimps dummy cammy soehwhat s eh his it
had an eh an to-ehwhat s that book an
for bein the best ehehwha-wha- what did it say
in scotland eh [laugh] whereehwhere knowledge of scots has
like eh f631: mmhm f634: ehwhere you could come across
it was worthwhile or notehwhether eh it might be
m608: mm m636: eh butehwhether they met mountbatten or
by the scots language societyehwhich appints an editor eh
called m964: right yeah ehehwhich is a very clever
re working round clockwise ehehwhich is f1009: mmhm m1055:
granny an grandad eh [censored: surname]ehwhich is our name so
the bothy or the chaumerehwhich were eh accommodation right
eh which appints an editorehwho is a [inaudible] [?]editorial[/?]
eh f1114: [inaudible] [inaudible] f1113: ehwho s that who s
d speer ir ye ayehwirkin eh doon by like
m cairryin saut tae dysartehwith all these eh a-
s a very typical mixtureehwithin eh scotland the west
eh all over the placeehwithin laurencekirk they are and
really a a local ehehword or whatever f1001: no
aye [laugh] m1013: [laugh] m1012: ehwords that conjure up eh
on oh eh m wellehwould you like to come
bring in eh troops intaeehwounded troops in by plane
eh ye were talkin abootehye feel it it ages
it in public oniewey andehye know eh the language
project that s being launchedehye know eh there might
eh words that conjure upehye know high praise they
the eh scots language societyehye know we have a
is the modern eh wellehye know where ye can
kind of approach eh andehye know ye feel if
[inaudible] m1015: that s okayehye were talkin aboot eh
man s poem somehow ehehyou achieve a kind of
mmhm m999: eh or fizzinehyou d hear a lot
m845: i mean i noticeehyou have here eh early
[laugh] m635: [laugh] m636: becauseehyou know eh the van
of the places where heehyou know he had eh
eh i mean eh deafeningehyou know is s-s- somehow
rigged up in that y-ehyou know mm eh costume
and use eh the politeehyou know the the sanitised
major influence and eh peopleehyou know use things that
and of course erm ehehyou ll allow me to
govrened eh an an leitraturehyou ve got metathesis coming
re eating them aa upehare they m1128: mm f1127:
pumpkin m1128: fitt that f1127: ehaye that shows ye how
sticking on the stickers f1127: ehaye we ll have to
bats come oot m1128: yeahehf1127: here s tommy m1128:
in her bedroom m1128: ayeehf1127: now go and tell
on incredible hulk hands f1127: ehincredible hulk hands m1128: five
m1128: mm mm [?]i'm trying to pit it[/?] f1127: ehlook at the mess you
is on the spider f1127: ehm1128: [?]and this is on the green goblin[/?] er f1127: you
way hame m1128: aye f1127: ehm1128: aye i m gaun
s another teddy bear f1127: ehm1128: aye oh look f1127:
the dentist m1128: aye f1127: ehm1128: [censored: forename] f1127: that s
mannie comed in here f1127: ehm1128: [child noise] f1127: hey [ripping noise]
m1128: whe- what do f1127: ehm1128: [child noise] what do one
m1128: aye enough toys f1127: ehm1128: enough toys f1127: fa
where do i go f1127: ehm1128: [exhale] f1127: let me
have you seen this f1127: ehm1128: have seen this f1127:
was that dressed up f1127: ehm1128: her dressed up f1127:
here s him there f1127: ehm1128: here s him there
better clean myself up f1127: ehm1128: i better clean myself
is this the icing f1127: ehm1128: i can t find
[?]daddy'll hae a bit, a little piecie[/?] mammy f1127: will dadehm1128: mam i was saying
ye m1128: no [?]my only one picture[/?] f1127: ehm1128: mam you cannae colour
it to me again f1127: ehm1128: me again [child noise] f1127:
one day m1128: no f1127: ehm1128: na f1127: how nae
nae put him on f1127: ehm1128: nae put him on
to put it on f1127: ehm1128: nae put it on
will it m1128: no f1127: ehm1128: no f1127: nae smell
up as him next yearehm1128: no f1127: why why
[child noise] what do one f1127: ehm1128: one one f1127: aye
aye m1128: [?]you put[/?] there f1127: ehm1128: put there fitt ain
s butter [?]see, i got the[/?] butter f1127: ehm1128: [?]see, i've got the [/?] butter there f1127:
some stick it up f1127: ehm1128: some stickers f1127: stick
spreading them like that f1127: ehm1128: spreading f1127: ye re
mars bar crispies [inaudible] f1127: ehm1128: [squeal] f1127: they good
m1128: that ain there f1127: ehm1128: that ain there i
that s a clown f1127: ehm1128: that s a clown
three i got [?]the lolly[/?] f1127: ehm1128: that s a [?]lolly[/?]
s turned into spiderman f1127: ehm1128: the clown s turned
only one page here f1127: ehm1128: there s only one
f1127: aye it s bonnyehm1128: this is the wifie
mannie f1127: what s wrongehm1128: waiting to do your
got a picture oniewey f1127: ehm1128: we nae got a
the green goblin at f1127: ehm1128: where s the green
who put that on f1127: ehm1128: who put that on
doned it a lady f1127: ehoh aye you ve made
on the incredible hulk f1127: ehoh spiderman s on the
it dear santa there f1127: ehthat says santa there m1128:
meltit [phone rings] m1128: hello f1127: ehyer heidie okay ye keep
m1128: no nae yet f1127: ehyou got him m1128: that
like a new page f1127: ehyou like getting a new
m1128: i rip it f1127: ehyou ve ripped it m1128:
oh well that s fineehand the clown m1128: where
that s fruit shoots m1128: ehi goes that goes on
list ain of these daysehm1128: i hae to mammy
this ains ll be goodehm1128: i need some stick
santa take you instead listenehm1128: just a wee chair
withoot ye to help meehwhat would i dae m1128:
diggin m642: an ootside toiletehan ootside toilet f643: and
f643: mmhm m642: seventy [inaudible]ehand every time it used
job i had that f643: ehand the lawyer went m642:
for that bit o grundehaye aye f643: three and
car park f643: mmhm m642: ehaye no that was a
yeah yeah f643: and andeh[censored: forename] s sister s laddie
just the two o useh[censored: forename] that s how f643:
john aboot yer wee dugehcrossed the railway f643: oh
f643: got a degree andehdid actually work as a
start with was more likeehedinburgh m608: mmhm f643: i
six miles m642: yeah andeher kenny f643: no wonder
f643: [laugh] f641: [laugh] m642: ehf- god i ve had
thousand a year [laugh] f643: ehf641: quite a lot quite
that gien us a toiletehf643: and a bathroom and
bother because it was gettinehf643: and he was no
he wouldnae gie us themehf643: and if we hadnae
the run o the prefabsehf643: and the fire it
rollin oot the door andehf643: and then they used
the prefabs an all hingehf643: and we were accused
tae put the light onehf643: aye m642: the electric
ken m608: aye m642: andehf643: aye that s right
good at maintaining [inaudible] m642: ehf643: aye they are they
it m608: mmhm m642: andehf643: but i wish ye
like a roar mmhm m642: ehf643: cause i d never
gled o that oh [?]by gee[/?]ehf643: chargin that money for
that money for rent m642: ehf643: he was gonnae take
didn t it was nineteenehf643: how much did we
uh huh m642: it wasehf643: [inaudible - name of horse] m642: twenty one
still had the flat roofehf643: mind they were braw
i rewired it aw myselehf643: mm rewired it all
lovely m642: [?]ken a back door.[/?] into theehf643: mmhm and that bit
was [?]they wi[/?] the wood m642: ehf643: mmhm m608: [inaudible] m642:
when we was twenty fiveehf643: mmhm m608: mmhm m642:
they would say tae yeehf643: mmhm m608: yeah no
that was just an m642: ehf643: old red road an
tons went away doon thereehf643: that s right mmhm
christmas and new year weekehf643: that s right mmhm
indians and we were justehf643: there s still a
the windaes were blocked upehf643: this used tae m608:
along wi the barrae [censored: forename]ehf643: throw it in the
thyroid that did that m642: ehf643: thyroid that did that
tae buy a caravan ayeehf643: two caravans he took
mmhm and that bit m642: ehf643: where my kitchen is
seven m608: yeah f643: andehgraduated in eighty one m608:
a hundred and twenty andehhe s f643: not that
was all blue blue f643: ehi phoned up my doctor
m642: louise is from ayreh[inaudible] f643: [laugh] f641: [laugh]
that was his only weaknessehit ran ran awa f643:
just startin tae build itehit wisnae even workin f643:
f643: [cough] m642: bugatis butehlast year when i went
m608: uh huh f643: andehlots of people are attuned
your hoose your hoose wasehm608: aye f643: the forester
and in the gate m642: ehm608: aye f643: used tae
sex the second time f643: ehm608: can t be that
[inaudible] f643: railway john m642: ehm608: mm f643: many a
a mortgage ye see m642: ehm608: mm f643: we didnae
seen that f643: aye m642: ehm608: mm i ve seen
that f643: mmhm m642: couldehm608: mm m642: erm prevail
to [laugh] aberdeen [laugh] andehm608: oh right f643: and
f643: ain t that cruelehm642: here the door swung
that f643: it was flyehm642: right if its feet
room m608: mmhm f643: andehnaming them and i was
so f643: mmhm m642: butehno that was the marathon
was for apollo blinds f643: ehoh no i had i
f643: ye cannae claim m642: ehoh well it s their
your kind of normal bodyehreserves f643: uh huh m642:
did you do a f643: ehrobert gordon s institute at
that m608: hm f643: andehshe came back and told
m608: mm f643: so andehshe had three other lovely
alright m608: [laugh] m642: andehso i f643: [?]so it it in[/?] m642:
mmhm f643: it was beforeehstv took over and it
[laugh] f643: but i meanehthat mr fabian m642: but
haul oot f643: mmhm m642: ehthat signal m608: aye f643:
d have kept that pumpehthe big pump f643: aye
scotts porage oats were theehthe big sponsors f643: [laugh]
f643: do the designs andehthe guy bought in fabrics
bridge m642: and there wasehthere was ane there f643:
f643: uh huh m608: theehthey have the special seats
us m642: aye f643: inehthornton and m642: [inaudible] f643:
created f641: mm f643: [clicks fingers]ehtrends and one of the
call them f643: kelvingrove m642: ehwhat do you call the
tinks aye f643: that wasehwhen [censored: forename] ma- [censored: forename] would
m642: aye the big pumpehwished f643: we should have
lot of friends through rugbyehyeah f643: you ve got
m642: aw in one bedehand we had a bi-
right aye m642: tae herselehand we slept in the
him [indicates photo of horse] m642: i gotehaye there s the horse
m608: uh huh m642: tressesehaye they were workin wi
[laugh] m642: there was thicknesseh[censored: forename] aboot half an inch
m642: so he was onehducatis this year for m608:
mmhm when was this m642: eh[exhale] twelve thirteen years ago
bikes m608: mmhm m642: andehhe arrived at the door
[laugh] f641: [laugh] m642: andehhe used to have minders
aye m642: so we doneehi done ten ton a
much did you drink m642: ehi got there a wee
mm m642: because your metabolismehis taking on your kind
aye m642: but i iehjohn [censored: surname] and i my
aye m642: prefabs are johnehm608: aye m642: i bought
there s nae robberies thenehm608: [laugh] m642: just a
quite interestin ye know andehm642: oh aye we aye
a door goin through themehm642: ye know the bolt
other way round m642: noehnext door tae you was
hislop is he local m642: ehnot dumfries erm m608: [inaudible]
m608: aye m642: aye thatehthat was in the deed
up m608: mm m642: andehthe trouble is there are
stuff m608: mmhm m642: andehthere s me and jimmy
m642: no i tell youehthis is how bad i
breather the br- wee breatherehtube m608: mmhm m642: is
aye m642: so that wasehwait fifteen pound a week
or m642: well aye aboutehwell twenty two twenty three
aye [laugh] m642: we wereehwhat were we i don-
or thirteen years ago m642: ehwhen [censored: forename] just afore [censored: forename]
kids f606: mmhm f1039: buteha friend o mine he
were oot f606: mmhm f1039: ehaboot every night o the
f606: yeah m845: ye sawehall of life there that
it f606: mmhm m954: andehand i mean i i
anybody f606: [audience laugh] [cough] m954: ehand number two certainly not
f606: uh huh f1039: butehaw the rest o them
he f606: uh huh f889: ehaye he s really good
were we were baggin upehbarley for him [inaudible] f606:
ken f606: mm m903: likeehbreid an that as you
they did a c- thisehcaesarean f606: mmhm f889: uh
f606: yeah f889: true thoughehcause i would i d
ye f606: mmhm m691: butehdidnae have too much bother
them anymore f606: yeah m845: ehdoon the water was a
wee boy in govan justehdurin the war f606: mmhm
glasgow f606: mmhm m845: andehearliest memories [inaudible] i was
now two months old andeheight pounds f606: uh huh
tae f606: mmhm m824: [tut]ehevery day f606: mmhm m824:
pictures they re good thoughehf606: aye f890: yeah they
even went intae it butehf606: for the football ah
time goes in that quickehf606: i know yeah f890:
the high street [laugh] butehf606: [laugh] f1039: it- it
m822: sittin ready to pounceehf606: [laugh] yes [laugh] f823:
dae an there were abootehf606: mm f1039: fifty o
games wi shoe boxes anehf606: mm f1039: the stones
robbers wi sledges as wellehf606: mm f1039: you- yin
doin any harm but butehf606: mm f823: it s
meanin freends it it sehf606: mm m830: wi wi
enjoyed my time there andehf606: mm m845: kids were
that the wee boy doneehf606: mmhm f1039: the kids
see christian right past itehf606: mmhm f890: yeah yes
certainly has changed i knowehf606: mmhm m845: but at
crieff and finally up hereehf606: mmhm m845: five six
within laurencekirk they are andehf606: mmhm m845: ye know
up one or two phrasesehf606: mmhm m845: ye know
as bad as they wereehf606: no it could go
huh m824: aye m822: anehf606: so have they gotta
in law s auld hooseehf606: uh huh f1039: just
you just copy her anehf606: uh huh f1039: then
know i take the studentsehf606: uh huh f889: aye
case something happens to herehf606: uh huh f890: because
have been april or somethingehf606: yeah it was the
m845: three times a weekehf606: yes [laugh] m845: repairing
this stone f606: mmhm m824: ehf823: stonehaven m824: doon the
s a north word butehf826: aye f606: mmhm f902:
looking at me [laugh] f606: ehf889: [laugh] ah dear aye
re wantin a wee changeehf890: yes f606: you would
f606: yeah f1039: tae makeehgames wi shoe boxes an
f606: mm m822: he llehhe s aye access tae
rooms an f606: mmhm m845: ehhome economics that we really
fifty three f606: mmhm f1039: ehhooses were hard tae come
glaswegian f606: yeah [laugh] m845: ehhowever when i m out
now f606: right yeah m845: ehi mean in terms of
coast lilt f606: mmhm m845: ehi never seemed to um
f606: aye [laugh] m691: butehi remember the the horses
provided anymore f606: no m845: ehin fact there s a
[laugh] f606: [laugh] f1039: anehit it was good an
f831: [laugh] [laugh] m842: butehit s f606: [laugh] m842:
super f606: [inhale] f209: andehit s quite nice to
but at least it sehlife aye f606: mm f889:
place f606: yeah m845: andehlots of people coming in
never you know erm f606: ehm954: as they say in
f606: oh yeah [laugh] m845: ehmedicine on a sugar cube
s full o nonsense himehmm f606: mm f890: yes
what it used to beehno f606: no f1039: they
f606: mmhm m845: to easterhouseehone down to edinburgh road
s a lot o workehputtin it back again f606:
them f606: uh huh m845: ehschool uniform very smartly turned
yeah f889: which is annoyinehso i dinnae have f606:
f606: uh huh f1039: anehth- the children an family
us f606: mmhm m845: andehthe whole family unit was
particular area f606: mm m845: ehthe- their births are registered
births are registered in argyllehtheir f606: yeah m845: fondest
mill an f606: mm f1039: ehthen that but ehm now
yell f606: mmhm f828: anehthere was seven bairns in
at that time there wasehthree picture hooses f606: mmhm
in norfolk f606: ah f828: ehtwo older sisters stay in
got family there i veehtwo s- f606: yeah f1039:
in a cul de sacehuh huh f606: mmhm f890:
it an f606: mm f1039: ehwe took it in an
the foond m824: aye m822: ehwell f606: [cough] m822: that
the mainland robert rendall sehwestray f606: uh huh f829:
ootside f606: [laugh] m691: butehwhat he would dae he
ve never lost my dialectehwhile a lot o f606:
of them f606: yeah m845: ehwords like ben ben the
quality f606: mmhm m691: anehye had tae ye had
beyond f606: uh huh m845: ehye know people are attracted
system f606: mmhm m845: soehyeah building all over the
aye aye yeah f902: buteh[?]you think?[/?] m903: mmhm f606: so
word like ehm water andeha glaswegian would probably say
m1008: burn yes m1055: ehmeha long the long soft
ehm the south of franceeha place called coulli- coulliore
given to the people byeha surgeon ehm somebody lister
them i wouldnae ehm moodyehagain the the very word
played marbles f637: bools f638: ehand then ye played ehm
north east aberdeenshire ehm dialectehand they would use an
it down to that andehanother one ehm every year
ehm aberdeen en- enterprise trustehas a business councillor cum
so so ehm [censored: forename] wasehasked ye know his word
a multi media multi ehmehaudience but basically fu is
and ehm an i thinkehbecause of a connection during
there and ehm she wouldehboil a tongue an ox
comin tae some o themehbreeks troosers ehm jumpers jerseys
ehm generally pretty good buildinehbut but standing by itsel
actually to be honest ehmehbut ehm i was certainly
mmhm that s right m865: ehbut ehm okay ehm what
a surgeon ehm somebody listerehcan t [?]remember[/?] the name
questionnaire ehmwith ehm personal backgroundehcan you give me the
tv aboot aw these ehmehcars that get clamped an
ehm just by going aroundehclockwise and asking who you
m999: semmits m1002: semmits m999: ehehm fit else is there
m1008: yes mmhm m1055: andehehm he and also some
girls and seven boys twinsehehm joseph and james they
of the documents m055: theehehm the snp used to
as lang as it sehehm there s also a
s gran or granny butehehm we were always granny
you thought of dave m1010: ehehm well fair tain on
is is mair mischievous butehehm what do you think
[laugh] it sounds like thatehehm yeah that s about
in a a big buildingehehma big edifice ehm and
it ehm he didn tehexpress any views about anything
to emily m1090: ehm emilyehf1089: no is it nae
sang for the ropes f638: ehf637: aye ehm f638: [exhale]
lot of the russian boa-ehfishing boats and ehm come
taken out of the bedehfor walking and ehm my
or anything m1015: a napehforty winks ehm that s
moving away f978: ehm aboutehfourteen thirteen fourteen two of
to hear ehm in theehfurther west was a bramair
ehm who would like toehgive scots greater prominence in
aboot ehm grandmother m1016: [tut]ehgranny nothing strange aboot that
not f809: okay f810: butehhey ehm that s it
m608: mmhm m635: but ehmehi can recollect another recollection
an athing don t theyehi cannae mind fit ehm
and ehm och the usualehi i think we had
ehm i was never aehi never wore cheap trendy
ve got ugly ehm butehi think a-a- another polite
so i i would haveehi think ehm i would
ehm what aboot words forehi think we ve done
ehm all different kinds butehif ye just talk aboot
eighteen seventies to work inehindustrial lanarkshire at ehm in
on a holiday ehm butehinteresting enough highland people who
ehm well all the onesehiona used right enough plus
[laugh] aye f947: ehm soehit ll be f1159: [laugh]
of of 1798 ehm [click]ehjames hi- quigley was was
ehm to hit hard m1042: ehjust as well we did
an awful lot of informationehjust [inhale] ehm m1007: too
boiling which should be ehmehjust onything but i would
ehm the school was wasehjust over the road from
person s character ava althougheh[laugh] ehm somebody seein me
[laugh] f1009: [laugh] m1008: ehmeh[laugh] m1007: i hope this
he is well spoken andeh[laugh] so so ehm [censored: forename]
hilarious f746: oh right f978: ehlet me see like ehm
none o the serious thingsehlike road signs ehm well
what about ehm insane f1005: ehmad aff yer heid [laugh]
or no ehm me sonehme oldest son lives oot
given you two examples ofehmodern usage of scots ehm
in hawick m939: no galaehmy sister threw ehm f940:
[laugh] m1055: ehm n- notehnot a phenone- a phenomenon
you had ehm fruit loafehnot f641: mmhm f640: fruit
ehm have you ever heardehof a language called scots
edinburgh road in different directionsehone out towards ehm oh
s he died ehm andehone sister lives up in
yeah uh huh yeah m865: ehor modern scots usage ehm
what time f810: supposedly ehmehour our third flatmate who
ehm m865: um for exampleehpeople could produce more writings
dyin oot it s likeehprobably how the the ehm
ehm a magazine in shetlandehproduced i think it s
come back this to thisehquestion here ehm m952: yeah
in in ehm summertime wasehregattas an awful lot of
never allowed tae call ehmehrelatives by their first name
ehm jumpers jerseys shoes baffiesehright right through tae the
the cotter hooses ehm andehroond aboot the countryside there
ehm rubberized m1014: mmhm m1015: ehsandshoes ye know for for
yeah what aboot unwell f1025: ehsick or ehm nae weel
ehm we ll just checkehsince iona s probably the
as simple as that ehmehso that s as far
the thing was ehm ifehsomeone brought a a young
ve got weel off ehmehsometimes round aboot here we
the reasons that that alastairehstated that ehm tsk er
language ehm what is taughtehth- in in language in
and ehm the other thingehthat ehm i that i
m1055: [laugh] ehm but thatehthat that would only be
batted an eyelid ehm andehthat was that was a
know the programmes like theehthe car boot sale ehm
other problem is that theehthe department is facing ehm
ever find yourse- f978: ehmehthe islands were more ehm
talk to the kids aboutehtheir words an [censored: forename] ehm
i really liked was theehthere s a gentleman ehm
probably met her actually m741: ehthere s [censored: forename] [censored: surname] ehm
an the lilies and ehmehthere was a you know
ehm they use to s-ehthey would wa- if they
ae the ehm these triang-ehthree islands like yell unst
f1054: ehm to sleep m1010: ehto sleep is tae dover
ehm we had sheets ofehto you know to f-
the opposite of attractive f1005: ehugly f1006: ugly ugly ehm
f1024: [tut] ehm sort ofehwe d be speaking maybe
ehm what aboot rich m1015: ehwell i ve got weel
of their ehm boats wasehwent on the rocks in
okay ehm what about teachersehwhat language or dialect or
know everybody f950: idea m865,: ehwhat people think about ehm
f834: [laugh] and ehm ehmehwhat s the other one
f640: [laugh] f637: and thenehwhat was the other ehm
generation we were asked ehmehwhat we would like to
i think it s ehmehwhen you re talkin about
ehm what about the teachersehwhich accent i should say
reference there because ehm scotlandehwithin the dominican order is
huh f1054: ehm what abootehwords for granny f1041: oh
m1004: yes yeah yeah butehyeah f1054: okay ehm [tut]
you do have the choiceehyou can click here ehm
m1055: mmhm m1008: ehm butehyou then go into the
ve actually used ehm tutehyou want to describe your
f1054: okay ehm what aboutehyoung person in cheap trendy
a a great part inehyour vocabulary as well ehm
scots fusiliers m608: mmhm m636: ehand then he he landed
kennedy [inaudible] castle kennedy toehbelfast m608: mmhm m194: and
private company m608: mmhm m636: ehbut he never liked it
period m608: mmhm m636: andehcertain alphabet was drawn up
office and learnt the comput-ehcomptometer m608: comptometer f637: ye
china people m608: mmhm m194: ehcrews and they m608: mm
m608: mm m078: to g-ehget the votes and trade
up and m608: mmhm m078: ehgoing on it till i
wha-wha- what did it sayehit s here m608: [?]you turned up?[/?]
m608: i know it sehit s it s dangerous
when i left there inehjune m608: oh that s
up t- even up taeehloch [inaudible] m608: mmhm [click]
there m608: mmhm m078: emehm608: i can tell you
tae play kick the canehm608: [inaudible] f637: an aleevo
there were quite a fewehm608: mm were they treated
or shine m608: mmhm m636: ehm635: one of us m636:
and coming down through auchinleckehstation and m608: mmhm m635:
hour m636: there were noeh[tut] [cough] m608: [inaudible] the
it m608: aye m194: andehtwice durin the war once

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